Paid extras for June 26th. Shooting as an extra: how to get there and how much they pay for it. Having acting abilities

When filming a movie or television program, you need a “background” against which all the events take place. These are people depicting crowds in markets, stadiums or spectators in a talk show studio. Whatever you may think, they also receive a salary, in some cases it becomes their permanent or additional income.

An original way to generate income

Participation in crowd scenes of films is mainly available only to residents of the capital. If it happens away filming, then provincials or villagers can also get into the frame.

Many people are eager to take part in filming, especially since they also pay for it.

The main motivation lies in the interesting possibilities:

  • see your favorite stars in close proximity;
  • find out how filming takes place from the inside;
  • see what is left behind the scenes;
  • earn a little money.

The table shows the income of extras in various television projects:

Their profits depend on the channel they operate on:

Earnings of extras on set feature films and television series:

Name Role played RUR USD
"History of War" soldiers, orderlies, civilians 700 10,93
"Sklif" patients and clinic visitors 790 12,33
"Jumble" teachers, physical teacher, parents 600 9,37
"Crew" people in the waiting room 600
"Unjured" gay guy 2000 31,72
— / — walrus for christening 2000
"City" visitor shopping center 700 10,93
"Molodezhka" cafe visitor 800 12,19
"Fighter" police officer, secretary 800
"Hotel "Eleon" waiter 1000 15,61

Such amounts are earned in 1 day (8 hours). If a film requires filming a funeral procession, then each extra playing the role of a dejected walker receives 800 rub. ($12.49) per 8 hour shift.

They pay for the image of a corpse in the frame from 4000 to 6000 rubles. ($62 -94). For filming a commercial, an extra receives from 1000 rub.

In Ukraine, people pay from 50 to 300 UAH($1.89 – 11.35). Very active earn up to 1500 UAH($56.73) per day. These are mainly pensioners, students and schoolchildren who have time but no money.

How to join the world of cinema?

In order to appear in the background in a movie or TV show, you need to register and leave your application on special sites that offer such vacancies. For example, The recruitment of extras is carried out by foremen, selecting them based on their photos.

They have a number of criteria that the candidate must meet.

Each program or series has its own requirements.

If the candidacy is approved, an invitation is sent by email indicating the time of the shooting. You need to arrive early. At the entrance to the studio, the foremen hand out to the participants tokens. After the shooting they will be exchanged for your salary.

Then everyone is invited to the studio, where they must strictly fulfill the directors’ requirements - clap when told, laugh when signaled, etc. Filming continues 12 o'clock and more, people stay until late at night. The task of extras in a political show is not to laugh and not to sleep.

Sometimes members of the extras are fed during breaks between filming, and sometimes they are asked to take food and water with them from home.

Minor troubles can await you in the studio:

  • at the last moment they will be refused due to unsuitable appearance;
  • Due to late filming, you may miss the metro;
  • you cannot leave the studio before other extras;
  • payment is made on a blank statement.

In addition to extras, there is also individuals who are shown close up.

They are allowed to say a few words or make a certain movement.

They pay several times more for this.

One extra is allocated 1200 – 2500 rub.. ($18.7 – 39). Everything that the extras were underpaid ends up in the pockets of the foremen and their patrons.

Revenue in other countries

Regular extras in America have their own guild - S.A.G.. They are taken to filming first of all. According to the law, you can't take strangers, are not yet provided with work at least 510 people from the guild.

- Extras for patient and diligent people who want to see filming from the other side of the screen

Advantages: the opportunity to earn a little money, you can appear on TV, get a closer look at your idols

Disadvantages: Long shoots, not always good pay, you need to sit in one place for a long time

Sometimes, while watching a particular program on television, we wonder who all these people are who are sitting in the audience and actively clapping. in the right places. Once upon a time, as a child, I thought that viewers of such programs as “Field of Miracles” or “Let Them Talk” were the lucky ones who managed to get on the set and most likely they were friends of the directors and cameramen. It turned out that I was very wrong! The people sitting in the hall are extras, people who came specially and receive money for filming.

One friend from Moscow told me about her experience of participating in some programs and even films.

To us, sitting on this side of the screen, participation in the crowd seems something simple and not forced, and sometimes even very interesting. See, sitting on a chair in the “Let Them Talk” program, you can see filming from the inside, see show business stars right in front of you, and maybe even chat with them. In reality, everything is much more complicated.

Living in Moscow and having a lot of free time, you can try yourself as an extra. The easiest way to find out about upcoming shoots that require additional people is to go to the website There are many sections about upcoming programs, films, clips... which require people on a paid and free basis. Yes yes! They also pay for it! Of course the money is not huge. There is free participation, but there are shootings for which you can pay from 300 rubles and more. The most I've seen is 1,500 rubles per shift.

Just don’t forget that being an extra is a kind of work too. This may seem like a simple and easy task to some, but I hasten to inform you that this is far from the case. This is not an easy task. Filming sometimes lasts from morning until late evening, with two short breaks for snacks. All this time you need to sit humbly on a chair that is not always comfortable. You can't sleep, talk, or tinker with your phone. You just need to look at the price or the presenter and applaud at the right moments. It's not a fun activity at all.

We, the audience, are accustomed to seeing an hour-long episode of some program, thinking that all this is filmed in the same period of time. And we don’t even realize that there are sometimes dozens of takes per frame and that the program is edited from many hours of footage, from which they will then cut out everything unnecessary and leave only the most interesting things that we will eventually see on our blue screens. So crowd acting is an activity for very patient people.

But when participating in such programs or films, people often have thoughts that a director might notice him, who will then invite him to play some role in the film. And in general, it’s very interesting to see this whole “kitchen” from the inside. See how filming actually happens, how celebrities behave in reality. And of course, paid extras are, although not big, but still a way to earn extra money in your free time.

Video review

Filming or life as an extra Part-time work in Moscow. Let's go to the crowd. How to move to live in Moscow | Part 13 | Extras How to get on TV. Extras. Unusual facts about Moscow First day of filming and casting for the film DUH

Extras spectator paid 2019 Moscow - filming for money with daily payment, schedule and contacts of available programs. Where can you make money in Ostankino, is it worth going there and what to take with you, which TV shows are the highest paying?

If you have a lot of free time and a desire to enter the world of television, then working as an extra is ideal. In Moscow, about 500-700 people are required for filming every day on TV, and up to several thousand during major events.

What is working in a crowd/group?

Extras or grouping are an integral part of the filming of talk shows, television shows, and films. The first is characterized by free typing and the absence of complex creative tasks. That is, people in the crowd sit or stand, clap on command, shout disapprovingly “Oooh” or laugh. The tasks are simple, the payment is also small - up to 1000 rubles per shoot.

In a group, it is possible to assign roles; a specific emotion is required as precisely as possible; the director spends much longer working with them. The group's performance is sometimes rehearsed for several days. Usually, the group recruits students from theater universities and aspiring actors. Payment in a group starts from 1000 rubles per day, sometimes much more.

The work is sometimes interesting, sometimes not so much. Often the audience doesn’t even really hear what is being said talk show participants. Physical strength often it takes a lot - sometimes you need to sit in one place for 7-8 hours, it is not always possible to go to the toilet. Experienced people bring chocolates and even thermoses of tea with them.

But it’s really interesting to participate in some programs; you can take a photo or chat with the presenter, see famous people in an informal setting.

Extras schedule with prices

Schedule of extras with prices popular programs for adults with contacts and venue.

January 2019:

Date Broadcast Fee, rubles Venue
05.01.2019 Russian lotto 400 Make an appointment by phone +74956652223, collection 15:00, Aviamotornaya metro station.
04.01.2019 Tolstoy Resurrection. 300 Ostankino, 12:30, entrance 17, "Elena-TV".
02.01.2019 Time will show 600 Make an appointment via SMS +79652284353. Ostankino, entrance 17, from 10:30 to 10:20, sign “Elena TV”.
02.01.2019 Maltseva 800 8:30 Aviamotornaya metro station, middle of the hall.
02.01.2019 Let's get married 700 Make an appointment by phone, SMS, WhatsApp: +79772782869. Meeting 10:30 in Ostankino, entrance 17.
01.01.2019 Fetisov 400 17:15, Kochnovsky proezd, 5, at the checkpoint. Sign up via WhatsApp +7-9151842536.
01.01.2019 Big game 300 Ostankino, 16:30, entrance 17.
8.01.2019 Paternity test 700 Mail for registration:
[email protected]. Collection: Airport metro station, st. Liza Chaikina, house No. 1.
6.01.2019 Man's destiny 800 10:30, Akademicheskaya metro station, foreman with a sign “Nikita TV”.
15.01.2019 Fashionable verdict 750 WhatsApp (record): +79773749164 or by mail [email protected]. Meeting at 9:30, metro station Sviblovo, Umnyashka TV. Full day shooting.
16.01.2019 Natural selection 700 Make an appointment at 8-4956652223. 10:30, Mosfilm entrance.
20.01.2019 Let them talk 400 Make an appointment at 8-4956652223. 15:30, Airport metro station, center of the hall.
21.01.2019 Live healthy 600 St. Academician Koroleva, building 12, Ostankino, at the barrier, 9:00. Make an appointment via SMS or WhatsApp: +79165743840.
Saturday evening with N. Baskov. 1000 10:00, Aviamotornaya metro station, blank wall. Registration: +79035717302.

It is worth remembering that even a recording does not guarantee admission to the TV show. Usually the set is “brute force”, since part does not meet the requirements for appearance, does not have valid documents with him, or does not show up at all. However, if everything is in order, then the chance of getting paid for filming is close to 99%.

For children and teenagers

Extras and castings for children and teenagers in the near future. For filming in TV series, TV shows, films, reconstructions, advertising.

Date Show/film Age Paid in rubles. Venue
05.01.2019 Club Pravda, for backup dancers 5-11 Certificates, photography, memorable photos. [email protected]
12.01.2019 Advertising 6-11 4000 [email protected]
15.01.2019 Fetisov 16-18 400 17:15, Kochnovsky proezd, 5, at the checkpoint.
16.01.2019 Show Idealist Children 4-7 years old 1000 +7-9689352443

For children and teenagers 14-16 years old, the presence of parents on the set is required. Castings and pre-selection usually take place in advance. During self-tests, you need to shoot a short video and read out the sent text to the camera.

In your portfolio, you need to send photos, clothing and shoe sizes, creative experience and interests of the child by email.

Clothing requirements and what to take with you

In most television programs, the extras should be a gray mass against which the TV presenters and guests should stand out. Therefore, ladies are recommended to wear a discreet suit or dress, a blouse of a dull color, and men - trousers, a suit, a shirt in gray or blue.

The fewer tones, the better.

Bright cosmetics, lip gloss, shiny items such as glasses or cufflinks are prohibited.

However, there are youth or children's programs where you need to dress brightly. Professional actors extras usually use only 2-3 types of costumes, portraying what is required, that is, average aunts and uncles.

What you need to take to the shoot:

  • Passport of Russia or the Republic of Belarus with registration in Moscow or a ticket (up to 3 months);
  • A bottle of water and chocolate;
  • Change from 1000 rubles;

Sometimes the pavilion may require replacement shoes. Don’t be fooled by the fact that the audience is paid for extras 2018 in Moscow - in television buffets the fee won’t even be enough for a pie.

Be sure to take something light underneath (an undershirt, a T-shirt), since you may be seated in a draft or under air conditioning. Do not dress too warmly - you may be seated next to lighting fixtures and you will mate there. You also need comfortable shoes - climbing the stands is not very comfortable, and your feet can get hot.

It should be noted that leaving filming can be very difficult - people are kept almost in slavery. There is also such a thing that the first day of filming is “free”, they don’t write about it, but they pay only on the second and third days of filming. They cheat in this regard terribly, since the organizers need to collect slaves for the background for pennies and somehow keep them.

Where do they pay the most?

Where do extras pay the most? In political programs. Sometimes you can earn extra money if the director offers to insert a line, or talk on behalf of a witness about some atrocities, for example, how Bandera’s men raped a pregnant old woman, and even a cow was crying nearby.

Politics is the most profitable topic in the crowd; in addition to filming, you can earn money at a rally, procession, and all sorts of games, competitions and events.

At the same time, up to 1,000 rubles and more can be earned in top-rated entertainment projects, but with the condition of being a VIP viewer. This means looking perfect, sitting in the front row, sometimes even next to someone famous person. VIPs are often required for state recording concerts and New Year's lights, where the halls are not filled, and filming takes several days and is very tiring.

The pinnacle of an extra's career is participating in a program as a guest. Here the fees are already comparable to a good salary, and can amount to several tens of thousands of rubles per shoot. But you need to be an interesting person, to represent something of yourself.

Extras spectator paid 2019 will be updated as new offers arrive, bookmark and stay updated!

I have been filming extras in films and TV shows for more than 5 years. I’ll share tips on how to get into the cinema) and how much you can earn.

Extras ru the most popular resource for booking filming in Moscow. There are recordings in other cities, but much less.

Filming in Moscow, sometimes trips to the Moscow region and other events. The organizers are bringing it.

So. The site looks like a forum. Let's figure out where to look and what to do to get into the crowd.

First register. Simple and clear. Add an avatar.

Let's look carefully at the sections of the site.

Questionnaires- there’s no need to even waste time filling it out. Millions of profiles, hundreds of new profiles every day.

Now to the earnings.

Types of earnings in the crowd.

This is the second section. MOSCOW. INVITATION TO SHOOTING

  • filming by viewers in broadcasts.

The task is simple: sit in the hall during filming. Always filming in Moscow. Most often in Ostankino there are sometimes other locations around the city.

How to get there:

  • Read the age and appearance requirements carefully.
  • appropriate clothing. If the requirements say dark colors, then if you come in pink, they won’t let you in. Also, the foreman will blacklist you and you won’t get to him.
  • take a passport with registration or registration, if not, then a return ticket.
  • During the filming of programs, viewers are not fed. Take food and water. Most often there is nowhere to buy.

Example of an ad.


  • Arrive half an hour early, you need to check in with the foreman.
  • Replacement shoes are a must. It is more comfortable to sit in pumps and sneakers than in tight shoes.
  • The clothes are comfortable, sitting with your legs clenched for 5 hours in a short skirt is a pleasure.
  • If the program is about health, then it is better not to go on stage. We all know Elena Malysheva and her program has a great life. Yes, they are sure to pay extra for this, but there is no shame)

I also sometimes go to Live Healthy. Several programs are filmed from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Paid 500r.

The cost varies and depends on the number of programs. But of course, you won’t earn much money here. Up to 1000 rubles.

Interesting projects

  • - filming in New Year's issues. Blue light, etc. Just a great atmosphere. Interesting. Not boring. But it takes a long time and they pay little.

  • Politics, depending on who you are. I go to Solovyov’s show - one show costs 200 rubles.
  • Live broadcast. - usually there are more requirements for clothing. And as in any filming, do not yawn, do not make noise, do not itch, do not sleep, etc.))

    • Shooting as an extra in movies and TV series.

    This is very interesting.

    The projects are different. Filming is ongoing. I can talk about this for hours. Each shoot is unique. There are a lot of locations and images. Most often, filming takes all day and is often delayed.

    Payment immediately after the end of the working day.

    Common roles: passers-by, medical staff, visitors, etc.

    Here I am in the Pyatnitsky series. The role of the journalist.