Area of ​​the USSR in sq km before its collapse. USSR is a union of Soviet socialist republics. Geographical location and natural conditions

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Soviet Union, USSR)- one of the first socialist states in human history, which existed from December 30, 1922 to December 26, 1991.

The Soviet Union occupied 1/6 of the inhabited landmass and was the largest state in the world by area (22.4 million km²). After World War II, the Soviet Union had land borders with Norway, Finland, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Romania in the west, with Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan in the south, with, and in the southeast.

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was formed by the decision of the First All-Union Congress of Soviets on December 30, 1922, when the fraternal Soviet republics, the Transcaucasian SFSR, the Byelorussian SSR and the Ukrainian SSR united into a single state - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Consisted of union republics (from 4 to 16 in different years), which according to the Constitution were sovereign states; Each union republic retained the right to freely secede from the Union. The Union Republic had the right to enter into relations with foreign states, conclude treaties with them and exchange diplomatic and consular representatives, and participate in the activities of international organizations. Each Union Republic had its own state emblem and flag.

Geographical location and natural conditions

The geographical position of the USSR determined the extreme diversity of natural conditions. Most of the European Union territory was occupied by the East European (Russian) Plain. The northern part of Asia rises in steps - the West Siberian Plain, the Central Siberian Plateau, the Verkhoyansk Range, the Chersky Range and the mountains of the Far East - towards the Pacific Ocean; The western part of Central Asia is occupied by the Turanian Plain. In the southwest and south of the country there were large mountain systems, the most significant of which were the Carpathians, the Caucasus, the Pamirs, the Tien Shan and the mountains of Southern Siberia. The bottom topography of the oceans and seas is no less complex, especially in the east, where deep-sea basins, trenches and ridges, often forming island arcs, adjoined the shores of the USSR.

The general features of the climate are determined by the predominant position of the country in the temperate zone, with climate change from cold arctic in the north to subtropical and desert in the south, and from west to east - from maritime (in the northwest) to sharply continental (Siberia) and monsoon (in Pacific coast).

The significant size of the territory, the complexity of its relief, the diversity of climate and soil and vegetation cover are expressed in natural zoning. Most of the country was occupied by zones: forest, forest-steppe, steppe, semi-deserts and deserts; The northern regions were part of the Arctic and subarctic zones (tundra and forest-tundra zones), and part of the southern regions were part of the subtropical zone.

Geological structure

The largest elements of the structure of the earth's crust on the territory of the USSR: the East European and Siberian platforms and the folded geosynclinal belts separating them - the Ural-Mongolian, separating the East European platform from the Siberian and bending around the latter from the south; Mediterranean, bordering the East European Platform from the south and southwest; Pacific, forming the edge of the Asian continent; part of the Arctic, located within the northern coast of the Chukotka Peninsula. Within the folded geosynclinal belts there are: young areas that have not yet completed geosynclinal development, which are active modern geosynclines (the peripheral part of the Pacific belt); areas that completed geosynclinal development in the Cenozoic (the south of the USSR, belonging to the Alpine geosynclinal folded region), and more ancient areas that form the foundation of young platforms. The latter, depending on the time of completion of the processes of geosynclinal development, folding and metamorphism of sedimentary strata, are divided into folded regions of different ages: Late Proterozoic (Baikal), Middle Paleozoic (Caledonian), Late Paleozoic (Hercynian, or Variscan) and Mesozoic (Cimmerian). The geosynclinal type of structure of the earth's crust appears at earlier stages of development. Subsequently, geosynclinal areas turn into platform foundations, which are then covered in subsided areas by a cover of platform sediments (platform slabs). Thus, in the process of development of the earth's crust, the geosynclinal stage is replaced by a platform stage with a two-story structure typical of platforms. During the formation of platform foundations, the oceanic crust of geosynclinal belts is transformed into continental crust with a thick granite-metamorphic layer. In accordance with the age of the foundation, the age of the platforms is determined. The foundation of ancient (Precambrian) platforms was formed mainly by the beginning of the Riphean (Late Proterozoic). Among the young platforms, they are distinguished: epi-Baikal (the Upper Proterozoic is involved in the structure of the basement, and Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks are developed in the cover), epi-Paleozoic (the basement was formed in the Paleozoic, and the cover - in the Mesozoic - Cenozoic) and epi-Mesozoic (Mesozoic rocks are involved in the structure of the basement ).

Some areas of ancient platforms and geosynclinal belts, which turned into young platforms, in the course of further evolution turned out to be covered by repeated processes of orogenesis (epiplatform orogenesis), which manifested itself many times in Siberia (Stanovoy Range, Western Transbaikalia, Sayan Mountains, Altai, Gissar-Alai, Tien Shan and etc.).

The structural areas of land directly continue at the bottom of the shelf seas bordering the territory of the USSR from the north, east and partly northwest.

Mineral Resources

The USSR ranked first in the world in explored reserves and production of iron and manganese ores, asbestos, in the production of oil, coal, potassium salts, first in reserves and second in natural production; gas, a leading place in reserves and production of a number of non-ferrous metals, phosphate fertilizers, chromite and other minerals.

Land relief

According to the predominant nature of the relief, the land surface of the USSR was divided into a large area (66%), a relatively low area, open to the north, with a predominance of plains, plateaus, plateaus and a belt of mountains framing this area from the south and east. The European part of the USSR is occupied primarily by the East European Plain (average height 142 m). The low mountains of the Urals separate it from the generally somewhat lower (average height of about 120 m) West Siberian Plain. To the south of the latter are the flat spaces of Kazakhstan and the Turan Lowland with individual low mountain ranges and massifs (Kazakh small hills), plateaus and ridges. Between the Yenisei and Lena there is the Central Siberian plateau (plateau), the average height is 480 m. Along the northern outskirts of the country there was a strip of low-lying plains - Pechora, North Siberian, Yana-Indigirsk, Kolyma, the direct continuation of which to the north was the underwater plains of the shelf of the Arctic seas. The low mountains of the Kola Peninsula, Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, the New Siberian Islands, the Taimyr Peninsula, etc. somewhat disturbed the general flatness of the North.

The mountain frame in the south and east of the Soviet Union was formed by mountain systems of different heights and extents. To the southwest and south of the East European Plain are the Ukrainian Carpathians, the Crimean Mountains and the Caucasus Mountains. The Kopetdag, Pamir, Gissaro-Alai and Tien Shan stretch along the state border in Central Asia. The Dzungarian Alatau and Tarbagatai, separated by the Sasykkol-Alakol depression, as well as the Zaisan depression separate the belt of mountains of Southern Siberia from the mountains of Central Asia - Altai, Kuznetsk Alatau, Western and Eastern Sayan Mountains, the mountains of Tuva, the Baikal region and Transbaikalia.

In the northeast of the USSR, the vast Verkhoyansk-Chukchi mountain region stood out - the Verkhoyansk ridge, the Chersky ridge, the Kolyma and Chukotka highlands, the Yukaghir plateau. In the south of the Far East there are systems of the Tukuringra - Dzhagdy, Bureinsky and Sikhote-Alin ridges. The extreme eastern parts of the USSR mountain belt consisted of the mountains of the Koryak Highlands, the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin Island. In this area, the relief of the USSR was as contrasting as possible: fluctuations in heights reached almost 15 km (the depth of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench is up to 9717 m, the height of Klyuchevskaya Sopka on the Kamchatka Peninsula is 4750 m). The height amplitudes within the ancient mountain systems of the marginal belt reached 5-7 km; in the lower, predominantly flat, part of the territory of the USSR they were measured in tens, less often hundreds of meters. The highest point of the Soviet Union is in the Pamirs (7495 m), the lowest is in the Karagiye depression on the Mangyshlak Peninsula (-132 m). The average hypsometric level of the country is 430 m; the part of the territory located east of the Yenisei generally exceeded this level, the western part lay below it.


The far north of the USSR and the islands of the Arctic Ocean belonged to the Arctic and subarctic climatic zones, most of the country was located within the temperate zone, the southern regions of Crimea, the Caucasus and Central Asia were in the subtropical zone. Within the belts, climatic regions are distinguished based on genetic characteristics (mainly the characteristics of atmospheric circulation).

Depending on the geographic latitude, the amount of solar radiation received per year by the earth's surface on the territory of the USSR varied from 251 MJ/m², or 60 kcal/cm², in some places - less (on the islands of the Arctic Ocean), to 670 MJ/m², or 160 kcal/cm², and more (in the south of Central Asia). In the cold season, in most of the country, scattered radiation was slightly higher than direct radiation or approximately equal to it. In the warm season, direct radiation significantly predominated. The exception was the Arctic, where scattered radiation predominated in the summer. The annual radiation balance is positive throughout the entire territory of the USSR, varying from 210 MJ/m² or 50 kcal/cm² (in some places more in the extreme south of the country) to values ​​close to zero in the center of the Arctic. In January, the radiation balance is negative everywhere. In the European part of the USSR, due to significant cloudiness and shorter duration of snow cover, it was greater than in the Asian part at the same latitudes. In temperate latitudes, radiation heat was spent mainly on the evaporation of water from the earth's surface and on direct heating of the soil, and from it the air. However, the ratio of energy costs for these processes in different regions of the country is very different. For example, in Belarus and the Baltic states, a significant part of the radiation heat was spent on evaporation from the surface, and in the deserts of Central Asia - on heating the air.

The most important circulation factors of climate are the predominance of air transfer from west to east throughout the troposphere and cyclonic activity, which promotes the meridional exchange of warm and cold air masses and precipitation. The climates of the USSR were mainly formed under the influence of continental air of temperate latitudes, especially in the Asian part of the country. But the climatic features of the western regions were formed under the predominant influence of marine air masses coming from the Atlantic Ocean. In the south, intrusions of dry tropical air were of great importance, and in the north, arctic air. Cyclonic activity is most intense in the north and west of the European part of the USSR and in the north of Western Siberia, as well as in the Far East. Over most of the Asian territory of the country in winter, areas of high pressure (Asian, or Siberian, anticyclone) prevailed.

The following climatic zones and regions were allocated to the territory of the Soviet Union:

  • Arctic and subarctic zones - in which the seas of the Arctic Ocean, Arctic islands and the northern continental edge of the country were located.
  • Temperate zone - most of the USSR was located in it.
  • Subtropical zone - it included the southwest of Central Asia, Transcaucasia, and the southern coast of Crimea.
  • Mountain regions of the South of the USSR.

Inland waters

The distribution of water from rivers, lakes, swamps, reservoirs, glaciers, as well as groundwater throughout the territory and the characteristics of their regime are determined primarily by climatic factors, the balance of heat and moisture. On the territory of the USSR, an average of 530 mm of precipitation fell per year, which amounted to 11,690 km³ of water (63% was spent on evaporation and spent on transpiration, 37% formed river runoff).

More than 80% of the river flow was formed in the northern and eastern parts of the Soviet Union, in the basins of the Arctic and Pacific oceans. 7.5% of the runoff was discharged in the west and southwest - into the Atlantic Ocean basin (Baltic, Black and Azov seas). 9% of the runoff did not reach the World Ocean. Getting into internal drainage reservoirs - the Caspian and Aral seas, lakes Balkhash, Issyk-Kul, Tengiz, etc., this part of the runoff was spent on evaporation.

Plant resources

The flora of the USSR was very diverse and rich in plant species, especially in its southern mountainous parts. The entire territory of the USSR belonged to the Holarctic floristic region (kingdom), which occupies the most northern position among other floristic regions of the Earth. The main patterns in the distribution of vegetation cover were associated with many factors, but mainly with the distribution of heat and moisture. In accordance with this, botanical-geographical regions (or zones in the broad sense of the word) developed.

Continental (cover) and extensive mountain glaciations, which were repeated several times during the Anthropocene, played a huge role in the formation of the vegetation cover of the USSR. At the same time, there was a complete destruction of vegetation under the cover of ice, and in the periglacial zone, vast territories with permafrost were formed, where tundras, peculiar cryoxerophytic periglacial steppes, and in some places - open forests with the participation of birch, larch, and pine developed. More ancient vegetation of various types, including forests, could have been preserved during glaciations, mainly in the south of the USSR; the most thermophilic - under the protection of mountains in Central Asia and Transcaucasia.

Plant resources constituted an important part of the natural resources of the USSR. This is flora and a variety of lowland and mountain (zonal and intrazonal) vegetation. The role of food and fodder plants was great; they serve as raw materials for industry and medicines. In the USSR, 20 thousand species of higher plants grew - flowering plants, horsetails, mosses, ferns, and, in addition, 15-20 thousand species of mosses, widespread throughout the territory (in forests, swamps and tundras). The richest plant species were Central Asia (7 thousand), the Caucasus (6 thousand), Crimea (2 thousand) and the Far East (1.9-2 thousand). The flora of the Arctic islands of Siberia is the poorest (no more than 100-150 species). On the territory of the USSR, there were at least 50 thousand species of lower plants - 10 thousand algae, 5 thousand lichens and about 35 thousand fungi. Thus, the total potential of the USSR flora was 90-100 thousand plant species (excluding bacteria and actinomycetes).

Animal world

Territorial division of the USSR

Initially, according to the Treaty on the Formation of the USSR, the Union State consisted of four republics:

  • Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
  • Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic
  • Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
  • Transcaucasian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

Soon the number of union republics grew to 15. By the end of its existence, the USSR consisted of the following union republics:

Political structure

According to the Constitution of the USSR (Article 3) “All power in the USSR belongs to the working people of the city and village in the person of the Soviets of Working People's Deputies.” Soviets in the USSR were elected representative bodies of state power.

The Soviet system was first enshrined in the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918, adopted by the Fifth All-Russian Congress of Soviets. This system included the All-Russian Congress of Soviets, regional, provincial, district and volost congresses of Soviets and Councils of cities, towns, villages, villages, and in the period between congresses - the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR - executive committees of the Soviets. The right to vote and be elected was enjoyed by all citizens of the RSFSR who had reached the age of 18 and engaged in socially useful work, soldiers, and sailors, regardless of religion, nationality, or residence. The deprivation of voting rights was caused by the persistent struggle of the enemies of Soviet power. Persons who used hired labor for the purpose of making a profit, who lived on unearned income, private traders, monks, clergy, employees and agents of the former police, gendarmerie and security departments, members of the reigning house in Russia, as well as the insane, mentally ill, who were under guardianship, and those convicted of selfish and other disgraceful crimes.

After the formation of the USSR, changes occurred in the Soviet system that reflected the structure of the multinational union state and were enshrined in the Constitution of the USSR of 1924 and the constitutions of the union republics. The All-Union Congress of Soviets became the supreme body of state power; in the period between congresses, the supreme body of power was the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. The supreme bodies of power in the union and autonomous republics were the congresses of Soviets (in the period between congresses - the Central Executive Committees elected by them), local authorities - the regional, regional, provincial, district, district, district and volost congresses of the Soviets (in the period between them - their executive committees) . The peoples of the USSR (the majority - for the first time in history) created their national statehood on the basis of the Soviets. In connection with the change in the administrative-territorial division, a restructuring of Soviet bodies was carried out.

Economy of the USSR

One of the greatest achievements of the Soviet Union was demonstrating to the world the power and efficiency of a planned economy compared to a market economy. In the Soviet Union, as a socialist state, private property was abolished for the first time, as well as the exploitation of man by man. All property in the USSR was public and controlled by the entire society. Thus, in the USSR, the contradiction known to capitalist countries between the social nature of production and the private nature of consumption was eliminated.

Thanks to powerful accelerated development in the form of industrialization and collectivization, the Soviet Union built socialism by 1939, which was noted at the Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks).

Thanks to an effective system of state planning and economic construction in general, especially after the Great Patriotic War, the standard of living in the USSR steadily increased, and an annual decrease in prices for consumer products was observed. It was impossible not to notice a serious increase in industrial production. By the middle of the 20th century, the advantage of the socialist system over the capitalist system, the planned economy over the market economy, had already become obvious to everyone.

Russians take a long time to harness, but travel quickly

Winston Churchill

USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), this form of statehood replaced the Russian Empire. The country began to be ruled by the proletariat, which achieved this right by carrying out the October Revolution, which was nothing more than an armed coup within the country, bogged down in its internal and external problems. Nicholas 2 played an important role in this state of affairs, who actually drove the country into a state of collapse.

Education of the country

The formation of the USSR took place on November 7, 1917 according to the new style. It was on this day that the October Revolution occurred, which overthrew the Provisional Government and the fruits of the February Revolution, proclaiming the slogan that power should belong to the workers. This is how the USSR, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was formed. It is extremely difficult to unambiguously assess the Soviet period of Russian history, since it was very controversial. Without a doubt, we can say that at this time there were both positive and negative aspects.


Initially, the capital of the USSR was Petrograd, where the revolution actually took place, bringing the Bolsheviks to power. At first there was no talk of moving the capital, since the new government was too weak, but later this decision was made. As a result, the capital of the union of Soviet socialist republics was moved to Moscow. This is quite symbolic, since the creation of the Empire was conditioned by the transfer of the capital to Petrograd from Moscow.

The fact of moving the capital to Moscow today is associated with economics, politics, symbolism and much more. In fact, everything is much simpler. By moving the capital, the Bolsheviks saved themselves from other contenders for power in the conditions of the civil war.

Leaders of the country

The foundations of the power and prosperity of the USSR are connected with the fact that the country had relative stability in leadership. There was a clear, unified party line, and leaders who had been at the head of the state for a long time. It is interesting that the closer the country came to collapse, the more often the General Secretaries changed. In the early 80s, leapfrog began: Andropov, Ustinov, Chernenko, Gorbachev - the country did not have time to get used to one leader before another appeared in his place.

The general list of leaders is as follows:

  • Lenin. Leader of the world proletariat. One of the ideological inspirers and implementers of the October Revolution. Laid the foundations of the state.
  • Stalin. One of the most controversial historical figures. With all the negativity that the liberal press pours into this man, the fact is that Stalin raised industry from its knees, Stalin prepared the USSR for war, Stalin began to actively develop the socialist state.
  • Khrushchev. He gained power after the assassination of Stalin, developed the country and managed to adequately resist the United States in the Cold War.
  • Brezhnev. The era of his reign is called the era of stagnation. Many people mistakenly associate this with the economy, but there was no stagnation there - all indicators were growing. There was stagnation in the party, which was disintegrating.
  • Andropov, Chernenko. They didn’t really do anything, they pushed the country towards collapse.
  • Gorbachev. The first and last president of the USSR. Today everyone blames him for the collapse of the Soviet Union, but his main fault was that he was afraid to take active action against Yeltsin and his supporters, who actually staged a conspiracy and a coup.

Another interesting fact is that the best rulers were those who lived through the times of revolution and war. The same applies to party leaders. These people understood the price of a socialist state, the significance and complexity of its existence. As soon as people came to power who had never seen a war, much less a revolution, everything went to pieces.

Formation and achievements

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics began its formation with the Red Terror. This is a sad page in Russian history, a huge number of people were killed by the Bolsheviks who sought to strengthen their power. The leaders of the Bolshevik Party, realizing that they could only retain power by force, killed everyone who could somehow interfere with the formation of the new regime. It is outrageous that the Bolsheviks, as the first people's commissars and people's police, i.e. those people who were supposed to keep order were recruited from thieves, murderers, homeless people, etc. In a word, all those who were disliked in the Russian Empire and tried in every possible way to take revenge on everyone who was somehow connected with it. The apogee of these atrocities was the murder of the royal family.

After the formation of the new system, the USSR, headed until 1924 Lenin V.I., got a new leader. He became Joseph Stalin. His control became possible after he won the power struggle with Trotsky. During Stalin's reign, industry and agriculture began to develop at a tremendous pace. Knowing about the growing power of Hitler's Germany, Stalin paid great attention to the development of the country's defense complex. In the period from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was involved in a bloody war with Germany, from which it emerged victorious. The Great Patriotic War cost the Soviet state millions of lives, but this was the only way to preserve the freedom and independence of the country. The post-war years were difficult for the country: hunger, poverty and rampant banditry. Stalin brought order to the country with a harsh hand.

International situation

After Stalin's death and until the collapse of the USSR, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics developed dynamically, overcoming a huge number of difficulties and obstacles. The USSR was involved by the United States in an arms race that continues to this day. It was this race that could become fatal for all humanity, since both countries were in constant confrontation as a result. This period of history was called the Cold War. Only the prudence of the leadership of both countries managed to keep the planet from a new war. And this war, taking into account the fact that both nations were already nuclear at that time, could have become fatal for the whole world.

The country's space program stands apart from the entire development of the USSR. It was a Soviet citizen who was the first to fly into space. He was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. The United States responded to this manned space flight with its first manned flight to the Moon. But the Soviet flight into space, unlike the American flight to the moon, does not raise so many questions, and experts do not have a shadow of doubt that this flight really took place.

Population of the country

Every decade the Soviet country showed population growth. And this despite the multimillion-dollar casualties of the Second World War. The key to increasing the birth rate was the social guarantees of the state. The diagram below shows data on the population of the USSR in general and the RSFSR in particular.

You should also pay attention to the dynamics of urban development. The Soviet Union was becoming an industrialized country, whose population gradually moved from villages to cities.

By the time the USSR was formed, Russia had 2 cities with a population of over a million (Moscow and St. Petersburg). By the time the country collapsed, there were already 12 such cities: Moscow, Leningrad Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Omsk, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa and Perm. The union republics also had cities with a population of one million: Kyiv, Tashkent, Baku, Kharkov, Tbilisi, Yerevan, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Donetsk.

USSR map

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed in 1991, when in White Forest the leaders of the Soviet republics announced their secession from the USSR. This is how all the Republics gained independence and independence. The opinion of the Soviet people was not taken into account. A referendum held just before the collapse of the USSR showed that the overwhelming majority of people declared that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics should be preserved. A handful of people, led by the Chairman of the CPSU Central Committee M.S. Gorbachev, decided the fate of the country and the people. It was this decision that plunged Russia into the harsh reality of the “nineties.” This is how the Russian Federation was born. Below is a map of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.


The economy of the USSR was unique. For the first time, the world was shown a system in which the focus was not on profit, but on public benefits and employee incentives. In general, the economy of the Soviet Union can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Before Stalin. We are not talking about any kind of economics here - the revolution has just died down in the country, there is a war going on. Nobody seriously thought about economic development; the Bolsheviks held power.
  2. Stalin's economic model. Stalin implemented a unique idea of ​​economics, which made it possible to raise the USSR to the level of the leading countries of the world. The essence of his approach is total labor and the correct “pyramid of distribution of funds.” The correct distribution of funds is when workers receive no less than managers. Moreover, the basis of the salary was bonuses for achieving results and bonuses for innovations. The essence of such bonuses is as follows: 90% was received by the employee himself, and 10% was divided between the team, workshop, and supervisors. But the worker himself received the main money. That's why there was a desire to work.
  3. After Stalin. After Stalin's death, Khrushchev overturned the economic pyramid, after which a recession and a gradual decline in growth rates began. Under Khrushchev and after him, an almost capitalist model was formed, when managers received much more workers, especially in the form of bonuses. Bonuses were now divided differently: 90% to the boss and 10% to everyone else.

The Soviet economy is unique because before the war it was able to actually rise from the ashes after the civil war and revolution, and this happened in just 10-12 years. Therefore, when today economists from different countries and journalists insist that it is impossible to change the economy in one election term (5 years), they simply do not know history. Stalin's two five-year plans turned the USSR into a modern power that had a foundation for development. Moreover, the basis for all this was laid in 2-3 years of the first five-year plan.

I also suggest looking at the diagram below, which presents data on the average annual growth of the economy as a percentage. Everything we talked about above is reflected in this diagram.

Union republics

The new period of the country's development was due to the fact that several republics existed within the framework of the single state of the USSR. Thus, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics had the following composition: Russian SSR, Ukrainian SSR, Belorussian SSR, Moldavian SSR, Uzbek SSR, Kazakh SSR, Georgian SSR, Azerbaijan SSR, Lithuanian SSR, Latvian SSR, Kirghiz SSR, Tajik SSR, Armenian SSR, Turkmen SSR SSR, Estonian SSR.