Why a sounding tuning fork. Types of musical structures. Fork. Dictionary of medical terms

A tuning fork is a device that plays a reference note, from which all other sounds on the instrument are tuned. There are the following common types of tuning fork: metal, brass and electronic.

1.1. Metal tuning fork

The metal tuning fork came to us from time immemorial. It is reliable, accurate, durable, and just looks beautiful.

Most of these tuning forks give the note "La" of the first octave, which corresponds to the sound of the 1st string (the strings are counted from the bottom up, the first string is the thinnest), pressed at the 5th fret. The tuning fork is used in two modes: quiet and loud. Quiet mode is when you hold a vibrating tuning fork to your ear. And loud - when you touch it, say, to the piano or to the guitar deck. At the same time, the volume of the sound increases noticeably.

So, let's start tuning the guitar.

  1. Take the tuning fork from the side where it has one tip, and hit it.
  2. Listen to the note.
  3. It is necessary to tune the first string so that, being pressed at the 5th fret, it gives the same sound as the tuning fork gives - the note "la". Turn the peg carefully so as not to overtighten or break the string.
  4. Set up? Now let's listen to the open (not pressed) 1st string. This is the note "mi". We need the 2nd string, pressed at the 5th fret, to sound the same way - to the note "mi". Set it up. Please note that the note "mi" on the 1st and 2nd strings does not sound exactly the same - there is a difference in timbre (sound color).
  5. Now by analogy. Tune the 3rd string so that it sounds like an open 2nd at the 4th fret. This is the note "C".
  6. 4th string at the 5th fret - as the 3rd open (note "sol").
  7. 5th string at the 5th fret - like the 4th open (note "re").
  8. 6th string at the 5th fret - like the 5th open (note "la").

Unlike metal, wind tuning fork gives 6 sounds open strings. This is convenient, but there are significant drawbacks. Such tuning forks are short-lived and gradually lose accuracy due to oxidation of the reeds.

  1. Blow into the hole corresponding to any string;
  2. Tune this string.

Although the error does not accumulate, checking by intervals and chords will still allow you to tune the guitar more accurately.

1.3 Electronic tuning fork

Can give a lot various sounds, the set of which differs depending on the model. The photo shows a device from Korg, which successfully combines a tuning fork and a metronome in one case.

On most of these tuning forks, you can calibrate the pitch of the reference note “la” of the first octave, relative to which the device tunes the rest of the sounds. This is useful if you play, say, with a piano tuned to 442 Hz (remember that the reference frequency is 440 Hz). Here's how the guitar is tuned:

String Name of note and octave Designation on the display (depending on the instrument model)
The device indicates octaves according to the Helmholtz system The instrument denotes octaves in scientific notation The device indicates the note and number of the guitar string
1 "Mi" of the first octave e1 E4 E1
2 "Si" small octave b (possibly "h"*) B3 (possibly "H3"*) B2 (possibly "H2"*)
3 "Sol" of a small octave g G3 G3
4 "Re" small octave d D3 D4
5 "La" of the big octave A (capital "A") A2 A5
6 "Mi" of a large octave E (capital "E") E2 E6

* - there is confusion associated with the designation of the note "si". Part music world designates it with the letter "B", and part - "H". Moreover, in the case of "H", the B-flat note is designated as "B". Most likely, your tuning fork will use the first notation, where "si" is "B".

Keep this in mind not only when tuning your guitar, but also when reading alphanumeric chords.

Another interesting point concerns where which octave is on the guitar neck. You can often find information that the first open string is “Mi” of the second octave, and all the rest, respectively, refer to the first and small ones. This is an erroneous statement. It came from the fact that notes for the guitar are written an octave above the piano. I will dispel this assertion. The first open string is "Mi" of the first octave, as it is written in the table.

1.4. Other tuning fork options

The role of a tuning fork can be performed by a beep on a landline phone, the first note of a ringtone on a cell phone, or something else. Just use your imagination.

2. Piano tuning

Here everything is simple. The piano is the same tuning fork, you just need to know which key to press. The diagram shows which key corresponds to which open string.

Another thing is how well the piano itself is tuned. Practice shows that usually not very. In this case, you can take only one of the piano notes as a standard, and build up all the others from it, as in the case of a metal tuning fork. It is important that the strings of the guitar are first built with each other, and only then with the piano. If you tune your guitar to a synthesizer, then there is no tuning problem (as long as the synthesizer is in good technical condition).

3. Tuning the guitar by the tuner

A tuner is a device that responds to the sound of your instrument and helps you tune it. The display shows various useful information, for example:

  • Note name and octave;
  • string name;
  • Note vibration frequency;
  • Recommendations for stretching or loosening the string;
  • The frequency of the reference note "La" of the first octave.

The most important characteristics for a tuner are how quickly the indicator responds to the sound played and the step size of the indicator (the smaller the step, the more accurately you can tune the guitar). Tuners are different in terms of design and purpose. The following table lists the main varieties:

Tuner type Purpose pros Minuses
Clip-on tuner attached to the fretboard Acoustic concerts Aesthetically pleasing, lightweight, set and forget Has moving parts that fail over time
Effects Pedal High Volume Electric Concerts Reacts only to the useful signal of the guitar, the noise in the hall does not interfere with it Bulky, only works via cord connection
Small rectangular device powered by AA or AAA batteries homework These tuners often have a built-in metronome, which is convenient for home practice. Not suitable for concert use
Tuner mobile application homework Free Not suitable for use at concerts, may ring

Now let's look at how to tune a guitar using the example of two tuners - mobile applications. The first of them is the most popular GuitarTuna. This tuner is designed specifically for guitarists, as indicated by its "guitar" style interface.

The application is able to automatically detect which string you are playing if the "auto" mode is on. It is enabled by default, but check it out anyway.

  1. Play the first string.
  2. Look at the display. Make sure that the tuner recognizes exactly the first string (the pin of the first string is highlighted). You will also see an indicator arrow sliding across the top of the screen and a green line extending from it. If the arrow and the line are to the left of the center line, then the string needs to be pulled slightly. If on the right - loosen. It is necessary to ensure that the green line covers the central one*. To figure out which way to turn the peg, you can experimentally.
  3. Tune the first string and do the same with the 2nd, 3rd, etc.

* - The string does not sound mathematically even, so the arrow dangles a little to the right and left and it may not be possible to completely close the middle strip. Just try to close it as much as possible. The 5th and 6th strings are especially capricious in this regard. When setting them up, you need to wait until the green bar becomes more or less stable. You may have to wait a second or two. At first, you will see a curve, as if drawing a mountain across the entire screen, but then the indicator will find a conditionally stable position (“conditionally stable” it is because the arrow still dangles back and forth, but already in a small amplitude). On this conditionally stable position and be guided.

The most common mistakes beginner guitarists make when tuning their guitars are:

  • Spins the wrong peg
  • Plays the wrong string
  • Sets up in a noisy environment
  • Disabled "auto" mode and forgot about it
  • It plays a note, immediately muffles it, and only then rotates the peg (the peg must be rotated when the note is sounding, observing the behavior of the indicator arrow in real time).

In "auto" mode, the tuner determines the string by its pitch. That is, he hears that now something close in frequency to the first string sounds and determines that this is the first string. If the guitar is very out of tune, then this method does not work. Then you need to set the string manually.

  1. Disable the "auto" mode;
  2. Click on the image of the peg of the desired string, make sure that the peg is selected;
  3. Tune the string;
  4. Click on the image of the other string's peg and tune it. Tune the rest of the strings in the same way.

It is important not to forget to switch the string by clicking on the image of the peg. Otherwise, there is a risk of overstretching and breaking the string.

Now let's try another tuner. It's called DaTuner. He is a representative of a different concept of tuners. There is no highly specialized guitar information on the display, such as “which peg to turn and which string we are currently tuning”. But there is the name of the note, octave and the frequency of the sound in hertz.

And now, using the table, we tune each string.

If you decide to purchase a clip-on tuner or something else, then I advise you to practice these two first. mobile applications. The fact is that they are accurate and have a fast response. Using them, you will understand what a real tuner should be like and, having come to the store, you will choose a high-quality device.

4. Conclusion

The tuner makes tuning the guitar much easier. In fact, it sets up the tool for you. Someone may say that it is harmful to use it, because it does not develop one's own ear for music. But I will object. Quite the contrary: the ear develops as the guitarist has a standard for the correct sound of the instrument and over time he gets used to how it should be, and he has the ability to fine-tune the guitar by ear. If he starts with a tuning fork, then it is not a fact that his tuning will be accurate. For some reason, some people think that tuning by ear is easy, but I personally have seen more than once how even musicians cannot cope with this task, in whose ear for music no doubt.

Once you've mastered the tuning methods presented in this article, it's time to deepen your understanding by reading my Professional Guitar Tuning article. The fact is that although the tuner makes it possible to fine-tune open strings, this does not mean that your guitar will ideally keep the system, say, in consonances of three sounds. For live performances, the accuracy of the tuner is more than enough, but in the studio, more accuracy is required. This is especially important for a distorted electric guitar, where the slightest tuning inaccuracy leads to “beats” and “out of tune” on fifths.

Kirill Pospelov was with you. If you have any questions about the article - write to me at

The tuning fork was invented in 1711 by the English court trumpeter John Shore (1662-1752). He was an outstanding musician of his time, most English music for the trumpet of that time - composers George Handel and Henry Purcell - was written especially for him.

The sound of a tuning fork is characterized by a sound depleted of overtones - only the fundamental frequency remains. The tuning fork can be adjusted to any height. Currently, the most popular tuning fork is LA (A) 440Hz (oscillations per second), there are also tuning forks Mi (E) 329.6Hz and Do (C) 523.3Hz.

Technique of use.
I hold the tuning fork with my right hand and "launch" it with a blow to the second phalanx of the index finger of my left hand. If in my left hand I simultaneously hold a sheet or a book, then on the second phalanx of the thumb of my left hand.
The tuning fork does not sound long, so the sooner it is near the ear, the better. Right hand is located relative to the body in such a way that practically only the hand moves. The elbow and forearm remain motionless.

The sound from the tuning fork diverges evenly in all directions, so it is not fundamentally important which side to bring it to your ear.

In some situations, you have to listen to the tuning fork during any external sound: the phrases of a deacon or priest, the singing of a second choir or people, bell ringing, loud noise in the street during a procession, etc. In this case, it can help to know that sound can enter the middle ear not only through the auricle, but also through the bones of the skull.
The following technique is based on this: holding, as usual, a tuning fork large and index fingers, "start" it. With a pad (under the little finger) of the palm we close the ear tightly, and apply the handle of the sounding tuning fork to the head behind the ear - in the back of the head. Thus, the ear does not hear external sounds, but only hears the sound of the tuning fork. This whole trick is done with one hand, you don’t even have to train.

What not to do.
I have seen how choral conductors, before bringing the tuning fork to their ear, strike it several times in a row - they hope, probably, that the sound will be stronger ... This will not happen, because. each subsequent blow dampens the vibrations of the previous one.

Sometimes I saw how they beat a tuning fork on a leg or on a rag back of a chair - completely ineffective.

Also, do not hit wood or metal surfaces. Firstly, a sharp sound is heard from the impact, and secondly, the surface of the tuning fork is damaged.

Searching for tone.
The very process of setting the key comes down to listening to the reference pitch of the tuning fork and building the desired key from it - usually in the form of a triad.
In practice, to use a tuning fork, it is enough to learn how to build a major and minor triad from any note up and down. Also, you need to learn how to build a small and a large second from A up and down.

In the following examples, we will focus on the use of the tuning fork La.

1. The simplest will be the keys in which La enters the tonic triad with the upper or lower note. As the tonic in A major-minor and as the fifth tone in D major-minor.
We listen to La and build from it the corresponding triad up or down.

Here and below, musical examples are given in the form of a diagram. In practice, depending on the range of the regent's voice, the pitch of the key, and also on the gender of the tenors (see about tone tension in the article by E. Kustovsky ""), the tone can be set in different ways.

2. Keys that are built on the basis of the big second from A.

For E major-minor, we build a big second up, and then, having perceived this sound as a fifth tone, a triad down.
For B major-minor, we build a big second up, and then, having perceived this sound as a tonic, a tonic triad down.
For C major-minor, we build a big second down from A - the note Sol, and from it down a triad.
For G major-minor, again, a major second down and then a triad up.

Actually, all these combinations can simply be remembered in the form of a kind of singing.

3. Keys that are built on the basis of a small second from La.

Calling G sharp A flat, we get the keys of D major-minor and A b major-minor.
Of the examples given in this section, only B major and, more rarely, Eb major and Ab major are used in church practice.

4. Separate from this harmonious system is the super-popular F major key.
It can be built either through a major third down from La, or through a minor third up from La. Who is more comfortable.

The construction of F major-minor can also be simply memorized - learned like a chant.
If you have to face F major-minor: you can either build a small third down or a big one up from A (further, by analogy with F major), or, simply, find a G, move down half a step and build the desired triad.
Some of the keys described above - B major, C-sharp major and others - are practically not found at all in the notes of church music. But sometimes you have to deal with them when transposing.

During the service, the tuning fork is used periodically, the rest of the time, if you hold it in your fingers, it interferes with leafing through notes, moving books, etc. At the same time, it should always be at hand and instantly available.
I find it awkward to put it on a music stand or in my pocket. On a stand, it will either interfere with turning the pages of books or music collections, or will be under them. It is very inconvenient to get a tuning fork out of a trouser or shirt pocket: it usually gets stuck across the pocket.
It turned out to be convenient for me to hang a tuning fork on a trouser belt.

The sound of a tuning fork can be made loud enough and audible for singers by placing its handle on a large resonating surface: a tabletop, cabinet door, window glass. This trick can come in handy in rehearsals to check detonation (moving out).

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-building dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word tuning fork

tuning fork in the crossword dictionary

Dictionary of medical terms

tuning fork (German: Kammerton)

a device in the form of a U-shaped bent metal rod (or plate) with freely oscillating ends, which emits a sound of a certain frequency after hitting it; in medicine it is used to study auditory sensitivity.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


tuning fork, m. (German: Kammerton) (music). A fork-shaped steel instrument that always produces the same sound when struck against a solid body, which is used as the main tone when tuning instruments in an orchestra, as well as in choral singing.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


A, m. A metal instrument that emits a sound when struck, which is a standard of height when tuning instruments, in choral singing.

adj. tuning fork, th, th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    A metal instrument in the form of a small fork with two prongs, which, when struck, gives a sound of a certain pitch, which is used as the main tone when tuning musical instruments and also in singing.

    trans. Something that sets, determines the general mood, the general tone.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


TUNING FORK (German: Kammerton) is a device - a sound source that serves as a standard of pitch when tuning musical instruments and singing. The reference tone frequency for the first octave is 440 Hz.


(German: Kammerton), a sound source, which is a metal rod bent and fixed in the middle, the ends of which can oscillate freely. In music, it serves as a standard for pitch when tuning musical instruments and in singing. Usually use K. in tone a1 (for the first octave). Singers and choral conductors K. is also used in tone c2. There are also chromatic K.; the branches of such cranks are equipped with movable weights and vibrate at a variable frequency depending on the location of the weights. The reference oscillation frequency a1 at the time of K.'s invention by the English musician J. Shore (1711) was 419.9 Hz. At the end of the 18th century on the initiative of the composer and conductor J. Sarti, who worked in St. Petersburg, the “Petersburg K.” was introduced in Russia. with a frequency a1 = 436 Hz. In 1858, the Paris Academy of Sciences proposed the so-called. normal K. with a frequency a1 = 435 Hz; this frequency was adopted at an international conference in Vienna (1885) as an international standard of pitch and was called the musical scale. Since January 1, 1936, the all-Union standard has been in force in the USSR with a frequency a1 = 440 Hz.

Lit.: Musical acoustics, ed. N. A. Garbuzova, M. ≈ L., 1940.



Fork (- « room sound"") - an instrument for fixing and reproducing the reference pitch, which is also called the word "tuning fork". A modern tuning fork produces a sound for the 1st octave with a frequency of 440 Hz. In performing practice, it is used to tune musical instruments. When the choir sings a cappella, the choirmaster finds the tuning fork and indicates to the choristers the pitch of the sounds with which they begin their singing. The device of the tuning fork may be different. There are mechanical, acoustic and electronic tuning forks.

Tuning fork (film)

"Fork"- Soviet two-part Feature Film 1979.

Tuning fork (disambiguation)


  • A tuning fork is a tool for fixing and reproducing a reference pitch.
  • A tuning fork is a standard of pitch used in the practice of musical performance.
  • The tuning fork is a Soviet feature film (1979).

Tuning fork (height standard)

Fork- a pitch standard used in the practice of musical performance to correlate a sound of a given frequency with a selected musical sound - usually with a sound a (la first octave). AT modern Russia practicing musicians use the word "system" in the meaning of "tuning tone" to designate the standard of height.

To fix and reproduce the standard since the 18th century. a small device of the same name is used (in Russia at the end of the 18th century it was called the word "stroynik").

One absolute physical standard for relative musical sound does not exist. Now, for the performance of academic music in a number of countries, the standard a = 440 Hz has been adopted. The pitch standards used in former times differ from the current ones up to a whole tone.

Examples of the use of the word tuning fork in the literature.

Three days later the trimaran docked at the Arecibo wharf, and all the time that had elapsed up to this tuning fork, to the rhythm of the unhurried pulse of the surging ocean - with its rhythms of inhalations and exhalations, ebb and flow, controlling the lives of all creatures living in its depths and on the surface.

After a while, Cincinnati, Crestline, Dayton, and Lima vanished from my mind, and the catchphrase took their place, fork of my conscious being, Pepsi-Cola hits the mark, pronounced - to oneself, of course - slowly and with a howl, in the manner of an oracle.

I was in the church choir for a long time in trebles, my voice was sonorous, my character was lively, they praised me for my voice, for the character of the ghoul from the regent tuning fork they didn’t get off their heads, but from the second thesis they opened my eyes to many things.

There is also a desk, where a phonograph, a laryngoscope, a battery of thin organ pipes with blowing bellows, a row of gas burners under lamp glasses are piled up, connected by a rubber hose to a gas horn on the wall, several of different sizes. tuning forks, a life-size dummy of a human head showing the vocal organs in section, and a box of spares wax rollers for the phonograph.

In the same corner is a writing table, on it is a phonograph, a laryngoscope, a set of miniature organ pipes equipped with inflating bellows, a row of gas jets under lamp glasses connected by a rubber gut to an inlet in the wall, several tuning forks of various sizes, a life-size dummy half of a human head, showing the vocal organs in section, and a box with wax rollers for a phonograph.

The reaction was almost primal, as if fork, tuned in with his nervous system, forced all the instincts to work on the afterburner, turned on the neuropeptides and made every hair on the skin rise.

Under tuning fork With a parasitic administration, only a society of wholesale parasitism could be formed.

Sergey Berdnikov tuning fork This section should contain works that have not yet become classics, but, in the opinion of the editor, are curious and of interest to the creative public.

Image psychotherapy How to shade the charms of the face female beauty- Habitual type of make-up - Inspirational look - Expressiveness of the face - Radiant eyes - Artistic framing of the eyes - Unforgettable charm of the eyebrows - Mystery on the lips - Lip play in a dazzling smile - Characteristic manner of putting on makeup - Evening make-up - Festive fork in the style of show makeup - Creating high spirits Chapter 5.

The purpose of this action is to make sense of the realities underlying artistic image, and thus obtain a semantic landmark, fork against which other meanings must be checked.

The time of the seventies demanded to remember, to revive our old, to adjust it to fork new time and today's tempo-rhythms.

According to the reference tuning fork you can tune both the guitar and the tuning fork generator.

Now behind the curtain, near the installation, only Valery remained with his tuning fork yes Rex.

According to the authors of the reform, the supporting structure and the peculiar tuning fork in the adoption and implementation of all other decisions on economic reform, the Law on the Enterprise, adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on June 30, should serve.

In our prosaic time, the standards of sounds - tuning forks- mark the number of hertz - oscillations - per second.

The sound of a tuning fork helps tune musical instruments, allowing them to be played correctly. You can, of course, rely on your own hearing, but it will be more reliable to double-check.

About musical instruments

The need for creativity has appeared in people for a very long time. This is how the first musical instruments began to appear. Of course, at first they were extremely primitive, but over time they became more complicated. And at some point it turned out that for convenience they need to be brought to a certain standard, especially if they have a different design. So there was a need for a universal reference point. Knowing one note, you can build the rest, but where can you get it from? In search of a solution to this problem, a device was invented, which is sometimes also referred to as musical instruments. You cannot do without it if you need to tune a piano or grand piano, so it is not easy to find a replacement.

What is a tuning fork?

Those who have pianos at home sometimes call in a tuner to make sure the instrument is not out of tune. And then you can see a strange curved wand in the hands of the master. In fact, this device may look different, but its purpose is always the same. A tuning fork is a device that emits the note "la" of the first octave. Focusing on you can build all the other notes.

Each musical instrument has its own characteristics and principle of operation. There are also factors that disrupt proper functioning - for brass and strings, this can be inaccurate movement, sudden changes in temperature, etc. Therefore, a tuning fork is an indispensable thing for every musician that allows you to quickly put everything in order. No wonder it was invented, because it was so badly needed. This gave impetus to the development of ideas for the performance of the same works. large quantity a variety of musical instruments, because now it was easy to harmonize their sound.

By the way, "tuning fork" is a German word, although it does not mean exactly that. It translates as "room sound", and the musical instrument in question is called Stimmgabel in Germany.

History of appearance and development

The tuning fork was first invented by the English court musician John Shore. He was a trumpeter and apparently had a good understanding of the laws of physics, in particular acoustics. plate for the note "la" at that moment was 119.9 Hertz. This is how the tuning fork was born. Photos of old specimens are very interesting, because today you rarely see such a device in life. It looked like a two-pronged metal fork that needed to be struck against something in order for it to start making a sound.

Over time, the appearance of the tuning fork changed, varieties appeared with a wooden box that served as a resonator. In addition, the oscillation frequency of the device gradually increased. Today, for the note "la" of the first octave, it is 440 Hertz.

Modern varieties

Today, musicians can choose from huge amount tuning forks. They can be made in the form of a metal fork, pipe or whistle. They can also make sounds of different pitches, the most popular are "la", "mi" and "do". Sometimes these are even several tones at a time - guitarists and violinists often use such devices, since the classical tuning for each of these instruments is the same.

In addition, in last years a large number of electronic tuning forks, which are called tuners, and applications and sites on this topic have appeared. So it is difficult for a modern musician not to be able to tune his musical instrument - there will always be an opportunity to push off from the main tone. By the way, the tuning fork is a serious help for the choir, especially if the singing takes place without music - in this case, the singers are guided by the sound of a standard tone, but do not forget about the compatibility of their voices.

For each specific purpose there is a tuning fork. For a guitar, it can contain all six notes for open strings, for violin and cello - four, etc. This greatly simplifies the tuning process. But no matter how it looks and no matter what it is intended for - in any case, the tuning fork works in accordance with the laws of physics.

Principle of operation

Probably most of school course Physics remembers that sounds are caused by vibrations. And this case is, of course, no exception. A tuning fork for a guitar, piano or any other instrument works on the same principle - some action sets the plate in motion. She, in turn, oscillates and emits a tone of one or another pitch. The device creates harmonic waves, which means that the resulting sound of the tuning fork is very clear. In addition, it is not affected by the ambient temperature.

By the way, most of the tuning forks are quite compact, and there is also a physical reason for this. The fact is that the larger it is, the lower the sound it makes, even if the other parameters are the same.

Special types

There is another type of tuning fork, which is important not to be confused with the rest, since they are used in completely different cases. We are talking about a medical tuning fork, which is needed by otolaryngologists, orthopedists and neurologists in order to study the characteristics of the conduction of sounds through the patient's bones.

This device also serves to determine the response to vibration. With its help, diseases such as pallisthesia or polyneuropathy, which occurs, for example, in diabetes mellitus, can be detected. This device is called a tuning fork not only for its similar appearance, but also, of course, for a similar principle of operation.

In a figurative sense, this word is also used, for example, by psychologists. They sometimes offer their patients to find the "internal tuning fork", that is, the core, support, basis of the personality.

In symphony orchestras, where the number of different musical instruments is simply huge, the tuning fork is not such a frequent guest. Usually the tuning is done according to the oboe - almost nothing affects its sound. However, if the performance uses a grand piano, then first it is tuned in accordance with

tuning fork, and the rest of the instruments are already regulated by it. Even if some mistake occurs, the whole orchestra will sound in harmony, and perhaps the audience will not even notice the flaw.

Guitar tuning

This musical instrument remains extremely common among those who are not professionally engaged in performing activities. Of course, this is a classic. When it is new or the strings have been recently changed on it, it has to be tuned often. And later, after inaccurate movement and as a result of temperature changes, it may be necessary to correct its sound.

If you have a special tuning fork for the guitar at hand, the task is greatly simplified, because each published note corresponds to a separate string. But if only the classic variety is available, you will have to work a little and strain your hearing. The sound emitted by the tuning fork should correspond to the tone of the first string, clamped at the fifth fret. When this is achieved, you can continue. To do this, each subsequent string is clamped at the fifth fret and tuned in unison with the previous one. It's not difficult, but it takes some practice. The only exception is the third, for which the third fret is used.

By the way, if the guitarist does not have a tuning fork at his disposal, then you can listen to ordinary telephone beeps, they also correspond to the note "la". You can also adjust the strings of violin, cello and similar instruments yourself. Well, tuning a piano or grand piano is so complicated that it is better to entrust this matter to professionals.

A musical tuning fork is an instrument designed to play and fix the pitch of a sound. It creates the sound "la" of the 1st octave with a frequency of 440 Hz and is used to tune a variety of musical instruments. The tuning fork device is different, so they are divided into:

  • electronic;
  • acoustic;
  • mechanical.

What is a tuning fork for?

The tuning fork was invented by the English trumpeter John Shore in 1711. His device was similar to a metal fork with 2 prongs. Then the pitch of the “la” sound of the 1st octave was equal to 119.9 Hz. As we were told on www.svetomuz.ru, starting from those times, the pitch of the tuning fork gradually rose, sometimes reaching 453 Hz, which caused protests from many vocalists. Back in 1885, a new international standard of the main tone was established, according to which the “la” of the 1st octave was equal to 435 Hz. Such a standard existed until the 30s of the last century, after which a new standard of fundamental tone appeared, amounting to 440 Hz, which is valid to this day.

When such an object is struck, its ends vibrate and a sound is created, which is a standard in the process of tuning musical instruments. If we take stringed musical instruments, then with changes in temperature, the tension of the strings changes, which is why it is often necessary to tighten the strings with a tuning fork.

It is worth noting that symphony orchestras now they practically do not use the tuning fork, since its role is played by the oboe wind instrument, in which the note “la” is always stable. When a piano is played in an orchestra, then each of the musical instruments is tuned to the piano. But the piano itself is tuned exactly according to the tuning fork.

How a tuning fork is tuned

It is possible to fine-tune such a device only in the conditions of an acoustic laboratory, which is equipped with the necessary measuring instruments. There are wind tuning forks that look like a whistle, with the help of a special device they can make each of the 12 sounds of the chromatic system. The most accurate are metal tuning forks, which are not influenced by extraneous factors. AT recent times measuring devices have become popular, in which the sound source is an electric generator.

To enhance the sound of a tuning fork, it is fixed on a resonator, which is a wooden box, it is open on one side. The length of such a box is 1/4 of the length sound wave issued by the tuning fork. During the sounding of the device, the rod presses on the lid of the box with a certain frequency, while it coincides with the frequency of the air in the box. Thus, a resonant amplification of the sound that comes out of the box is carried out. In such a process, an important role is played by the fact that the dimensions of the box coincide with the wavelength of the sound wave that the tuning fork creates.

You can buy a tuning fork, a good choice and low prices guaranteed.