DIY birch bark crafts. Crafts from birch bark: step-by-step instructions, secrets of ancestors and practical use of birch bark products

Birch bark- the upper elastic layer of birch bark has long been considered an excellent material for weaving various products. A variety of dishes are made from birch bark: bowls, baskets, baskets, salt shakers, trays, dishes, mugs. In birch bark containers, even in the heat, dairy products do not spoil; you can pickle mushrooms, ferment cabbage, store honey and berries in them. The combination of natural shades of birch bark (from milky to light brown) makes it possible to create a variety of patterns (checkered, triangles, flowers), and with the help of carving, engraving and embossing you can get unique products that can rightfully be called works of art folk crafts. From birch bark you can make fishing gear and even a boat and a small dwelling.

Birch bark products:
Having studied the technology and mastered the processes of manufacturing various products from birch bark, you will be able to discover your small production, make various products: boxes, vases, candy bowls, flower boxes, bread bins, book cases, salt shakers, cigarette cases, souvenir bast shoes, cases for glasses, frames for bottles (for wine), etc.
The source material - birch and linden bark - is distributed in almost all parts of Russia. Its processing is simple. The main technological process is weaving. Embossing and carving are used for decorative purposes.

Preparation of birch bark :
Birch bark is harvested by hand, in the form of plates, chips (cylinders) and narrow strips, for which you will need a saw, an ax, a pick or wire, and a knife.
Birch bark is harvested from mid-June to mid-July. At this time, the bark peels off well from the trunk. A smooth birch without knots and cracks is selected, a 4-6 cm incision is made on it with a knife, the edges are slightly bent with the blunt side of the knife and a continuous strip is removed by hand in a spiral around the trunk (the length can reach 100 m). The depth of the cut should be within the cork layer, then the birch will not dry out, and over time, bark will appear on it again. Immediately after being removed from the trunk, birch bark strips are rolled into balls, the white side up. A tape that has been left untwisted for several hours is not suitable for use.
You can remove birch bark in layers, for which an incision is made along the entire height of the tree and horizontal cuts with a distance of 30 cm between adjacent ones. The layers are removed using a sap. This work is best done on freshly cut trees. The layers are laid between two boards (without
large intervals for drying) and pressed on top with a load. To remove chips, birch is sawn into 2.5-3 m logs. A piece of wood is inserted under the layer of birch bark and carefully moved around the trunk, and then, after turning the birch bark in a circle around the trunk, the trunk is knocked out from the chipped one with light blows. Stack the bevels one by one.

Birch bark storage :
Birch bark can be stored in balls and layers for years. Birch bark is stored in dark, dry and ventilated areas (attic, basement, shed, storage room). Special conditions There is no space for storing chips.

Preparing birch bark for work
After removing the top thin white layer from the bark, the birch bark must be stratified into layers of different thicknesses, and then cut into strips (straps). You can cut the material (as evenly as possible) using scissors or using a knife and ruler, as well as using a tape cutter. Birch bark strips, if moistened in warm water or steamed in boiling water, easily take and retain the desired shape.

  • Tools for working with birch bark:
  • How to make products from birch bark: Prices for birch bark products :
    The prices for the products you make will depend on the quality and skill of the work you perform, as well as the demand for this type of product in your area. The online store (for reference) offers at the following prices: a stand with a diameter of 19 cm with an embossed pattern - from 75 rubles, a stand made of inlaid birch bark - 170-300 rubles, three jars for spices - from 180 rubles, a case for glasses - 160 rubles, tuesa 25 cm high and 14 cm in diameter with an embossed pattern - from 560 rubles, and an openwork basket - 340 rubles. Original works are valued significantly higher. Let's say a tues (see photo) with a height of 370 mm and
    with a diameter of 16 mm costs 3850 rubles. Recommendations :
    First of all, purchase relevant literature; such literature is available in libraries and bookstores. The best place to start is by familiarizing yourself with technological process from working craftsmen. They are found almost everywhere. A major customer of your products may become distilleries, producing souvenir products: branded vodka or wine, organizations selling honey, perfume factories and visit these plants and factories, offer them your services.

    Birch bark is a real miracle material that combines positive qualities: ductility, strength, light weight, ease of operation, and resistance to rotting. Birch bark is a powerful antiseptic and natural absorbent: it removes poisons and cleanses foods.

    A birch bark container is better than any modern thermos.

    Thanks to such unique qualities, birch bark has long been used in folk life. Entering a peasant's house, one could see many different birch bark utensils needed in the household: nabirushkas, baskets, goiters, pesteri, bags, boxes, tues, salt shakers, bowls, feet, lingon boxes, bread bins...

    With baskets and pesters they went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. The boxes were used to store vegetables, flour and cereals. Tues are indispensable for storing dairy products, honey, fish and pickles. Salt shakers came in different sizes and types, often in the form of a stylized duck.

    Birch bark products today

    New times dictate new technologies, everyday life changes, and many traditional household items disappear from everyday life. But the need for products made of birch bark of a highly artistic level continues today; they combine the beauty of proportions, skillful selection of materials in color and texture. Modern products made from birch bark are usually boxes different types: birch bark boxes, bread boxes, candy boxes, boxes and even mugs, chests, and sets for bottles made of birch bark.

    If you live outside the city and don’t want to use plastic - here birch bark, clay, wicker, wooden dishes and utensils are beyond competition, there is still no replacement for them, and probably there never will be. And such high-quality, beautiful, real utensils live for years and decades, often no less than the person himself, and sometimes more, being passed on by inheritance.

    Products from birch bark are made only by hand. Almost every product is original and unique in its own way. The production of souvenirs from wood and birch bark is developed in accordance with technologies, the secrets of which have been passed down from generation to generation for several centuries.

    Birch bark is a warm material. Even in a cold room, it feels very warm to the touch, because it has great positive energy.

    The fact that this is a living material is proven by the fact that birch bark, by analogy with human skin, “tans” in the sun, acquiring a warm, golden hue.

    Birch bark is the top layer of birch bark. This natural material can be said to be “mined” in the forest. But this does not mean that you should take up a knife and run into the forest right now. The time of cutting birch bark is determined by the growth cycle of the tree, and specifically, it is directly related to the flow of birch sap. At the end of spring, when various greens begin to grow, the buds swell, and the movement of sap in the plants increases sharply. This, accordingly, is the period for “mining” birch bark: usually it is approximately the end of May - mid-June. Often birch bark is taken from forest areas that are intended for felling.

    Birch bark is usually cut as follows. A vertical cut is made on the tree trunk with an ax or knife (the width of the future layer depends on the height of the cut). It is worth paying attention to the fact that the cut should not be too deep, otherwise you can damage the next, softer and more delicate layer, and irreparable damage will be caused to the tree. There are no strict limits here; the depth depends on the size of the trunk itself - the larger the birch, the thicker the bark. Then, for convenience, you can make a couple of horizontal cuts along the edges. Now you need to grab the edge and pull, removing the birch bark around the trunk. If everything goes well, the circle will close at the cut, and you will have a strip (layer) of birch bark on your hands.

    As a rule, if everything is done correctly, the tree calmly tolerates such abuse. Perhaps you shouldn’t remove too much birch bark from one trunk, otherwise a large area of ​​the trunk will be exposed, poorly protected from external influences, and the entire tree is at risk. The resulting material should be dried in a dry, ventilated room for two weeks, after which it will be ready for further processing.

    Russia is a country with a vast territory and centuries-old history. Among other states, there are a large number of stereotypes associated with it. Some have a negative connotation, for example, about vodka, frosts and swearing, others, on the contrary, reveal the deep Russian mentality with positive side: willingness to help, abundance of caviar and beauty of nature.

    It is truly difficult to imagine Russian landscapes without birches - delicate black and white beauties. These trees not only pleased the eyes of our ancestors, but also served as raw materials for the birch bark industry.

    Birch sap is still very popular, because it has a pleasant taste, and in addition contains a dozen organic acids and vitamins B6 and B12, which certainly indicates its health benefits. The useful qualities of the tree do not end there; its bark - birch bark, or birch bark - was used in many areas of life.

    They wrote on birch bark, made decorations for huts and dishes from it, used it in fishing for light boats, wove bast shoes and baskets, it also served as an excellent natural antiseptic.

    Currently, when natural materials began to be replaced with synthetic ones, birch bark lost its primacy, but the preserved knowledge makes it possible to create unique crafts from this material.

    The advantages of such products are undeniable: firstly, they are natural. Secondly, beauty at the same time as functionality. And thirdly, but by no means the last advantage - these things are used for their intended purpose, for example, you can store food in birch bark containers, collect mushrooms and berries in baskets, and use bast shoes as house shoes.

    Folk art is becoming increasingly popular and many are interested in how to make birch bark crafts with their own hands. The article below will help you get started on your creative path.

    Harvesting birch bark for crafts

    If you are fired up with ideas for crafts made from birch bark, you need to learn how to properly prepare it for creativity.

    First of all, you should remember that the procurement of material should not harm nature. It is better to collect birch bark from fallen or cut down trees. Calculate the approximate amount of raw materials, because unused bark may deteriorate and go to waste.

    The collection takes place in June. This period varies depending on where you live.

    The easiest way to collect birch bark is in sheets. An incision is made on the bark along the trunk, 40 to 70 cm long. Then carefully separate the bark from the trunk; in a good season, peeling occurs easily on its own.

    For some crafts that involve weaving, birch bark needs to be collected with ribbons. Then make a cut along the trunk 3-4 cm long, carefully peel off the bark and remove it in a spiral.

    Storage and preparation of birch bark

    • the storage space must be dry and well ventilated;
    • in the light, birch bark loses color and burns out, so choose a dark place for it;
    • thin ribbons are rolled into a skein with the white side out;
    • There should be a layer between the sheets, for example, cardboard, and they should be pressed on top with something heavy.

    Processing birch bark for crafts begins with cleaning. Shake off dust from the yellow side and remove dirt from the other; you can use sandpaper for this.

    Next stage: delamination. Birch bark is divided into layers of the required thickness. If the material is old or the bark is thick, it needs to be soaked in a saline solution for 2-3 days. After this, it is dried under a load.

    DIY birch bark box

    We present to your attention a master class on creating a birch bark body for beginners. It is worth noting that although the product can be created by an inexperienced artisan, this will require several hours.

    It is assumed that the material is available and ready for use.

    Use the birch bark sheet of the size you need. Let's assume its size is 40x30 cm. Prepare thin ribbons for “sewing” the product. Their length should be enough to connect the edges of the box. Make the thickness approximately 0.5-0.7 cm.

    Fold the sheet overlapping the edges and secure them, for example, with paper clips or large paper clips. Make holes on the edges that overlap each other.

    Use a utility knife or awl. To make the box beautiful and neat, mark the locations of the holes in advance.

    “Sew” the cylinder using the birch bark ribbons prepared earlier. The clamps can now be removed. On the tube, mark the bottom level at 10 cm. Cut the birch bark into 4 parts up to this mark at an equal distance from each other. Fold the bottom pieces over each other and “sew” them together using thin tape.

    The body is ready. It can be decorated with pieces of birch bark of a different color and a handle can be attached if necessary. In the photo you see a birch bark craft in finished form.

    There are many ideas and instructions for birch bark crafts on the Internet. Use them or come up with your own options. Your creativity will definitely not leave anyone indifferent!

    Photos of birch bark crafts

    Do you like birch bark products? And do you want to weave something yourself? What's the matter? Go for it! After all To start weaving from birch bark, only three conditions are needed: desire, time and patience. The skill will come with work. If my advice helps you, I will be very happy.

    Preparation of birch bark

    When to harvest birch bark? A prerequisite is that the birch must sap. And this happens in different areas in different times. There are several signs for starting to “collect” birch bark.

    • After forming a sheet with a 5-kopeck coin on a birch tree.
    • When the first thunder strikes.
    • As soon as mosquitoes appear.

    Practically this is the end of May - beginning of June. If it's warm - earlier, cold - later. And you can tear the bast all June and until the end of July.

    How is this done? I know of two ways: with a spiral (ribbon) or with a rock (layer). As a rule, birch bark is removed using a spiral from birch trees that are not old or thick, with a diameter of 130-150 mm. Cut the tape in a spiral with a sharp knife - cutter - or a specially made metal template. The removed tape is rolled into balls with the white side facing out and stored for at least a year (Fig. 1).

    I remove the birch bark in a layer. To do this you need a sharp knife, canvas mittens and... birch trees with a trunk diameter of 150-300 mm. Birch is cleared of moss and cobwebs. Using a knife, make short horizontal cuts at the top (as far as height allows) and at the bottom (0.5 m from the ground). Then make a vertical cut from the top to the bottom cuts (Fig. 2). If the birch tree has leaked, then along the cut line the birch bark will begin to tear away from the trunk with a crash. All you have to do is use your hands to help the rock separate from the trunk along the entire surface.

    The benefits of wooden utensils

    What kind of dishes do we eat from now? These are mainly ceramic, metal, glass, and now plastic dishes. Wooden utensils are rarely found in our kitchens. Even cutting boards are gradually being replaced with plastic ones. Wooden kitchen utensils are rarely seen in the kitchen of a modern housewife.

    In ancient times, our ancestors used ceramic and WOODEN dishes. This is what we will talk about wooden utensils.

    The dishes were made from various types of trees, taking into account its healing properties.

    Everything - cups, bowls, bowls, spoons, barrels, and other utensils - were made of wood. The tree imparted its aroma and energy to food and products.

    Our ancestors believed that linden dishes had anti-inflammatory properties, and rowan dishes protected against vitamin deficiency.

    Our beautiful birch tree was also not ignored and dishes were made from birch bark.

    You can make many different dishes from birch bark - bowls, baskets, salt shakers,...

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    Wood has been used to make utensils since time immemorial. Actually, before wooden utensils, at first “clumsy”, roughly hollowed out or somehow made from bark, there were no utensils at all. People somehow managed without her. And then I got tired of it, and gradually various wooden bowls began to come into use. There is, however, a known period in the “tableware history of Rus'”, when at princely feasts dishes were placed directly on a wooden table, in which special recesses were provided. Thus, the table itself was the dishes.

    Thus, it was believed that dishes made from linden had anti-inflammatory properties, while those made from rowan protected against vitamin deficiency. Ate wooden spoons from wooden bowls, they used wooden bowls, ladles and jugs. In addition, they wove dishes from birch bark - salt shakers, containers for storing flour, cereals....

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    Birch - the name of this tree comes from the ancient root ber-, which means light, clear, strong. “Take care” and “birch” are words with the same root. Our distant ancestors They knew that birch was a gift from God, sent down to protect people from all sorts of misfortunes.
    Birch bark gives a person positive energy.

    Our ancestors valued and knew the healing properties of birch bark. Birch is a warm tree and has great positive energy. In Rus' they said that birch takes away pain and gives health. Peasants in Russia wore tramps and birch bark bast shoes not at all out of poverty, but to be healthy and protect their joints from rheumatism.
    The healing properties of birch have been known to man for a long time. In a birch grove you will feel calm and filled with the power of life. Birch bark was used to treat diseases of the joints, nervous and urinary systems. Wounds were sprinkled with crushed birch bark so that they would heal faster and not fester.
    Headbands and hairpins made from birch bark do not accumulate...

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    In Rus', dishes were traditionally made of wood. Moreover, not every tree was suitable for its manufacture. Great value had medicinal properties of wood.

    Thus, it was believed that dishes made from linden had anti-inflammatory properties, while those made from rowan protected against vitamin deficiency. They ate with wooden spoons from wooden bowls, and used wooden bowls, ladles and jugs. In addition, they wove dishes from birch bark - salt shakers, containers for storing flour and cereals.

    It is known that birch bark has many medicinal properties- from bactericidal to tonic. This is how the body of our ancestors gradually accumulated the healing properties of trees.

    It has long been believed that wooden utensils help to improve relationships with family and blood relatives.

    For example, alder will charge you with energy and ward off ill-wishers from your home.

    Hazel will make you perspicacious, as it bestows the gift of insight and foresight.

    Aspen saves beneficial properties medicinal herbs...

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    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    "Chapaevskaya basic secondary school"

    Section “Culture and Health”.

    Research work

    "The influence of birch bark on human health."

    Completed by: Mazurov Ruslan

    6th grade student


    Mattern Natalya Anatolevna,

    technology teacher

    Chapaevo, 2013

    Introduction. (3 pages)

    II. Main part.

    1. Features birch bark, its preparation. (4-5 pages)

    2. Types of birch bark products. (6-7 pages)

    III. Birch bark in human life.

    1. Birch bark in the cult and ritual traditions of the people. (8-9 pages)

    2. The medicinal value and beneficial properties of birch bark. (10-11 pages)

    IV. The results of a survey of students and teachers of our school. (12 pages)

    V. Conclusions. (13...

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    Lyubov Kuchina
    NOD “Secrets of birch bark” (preparatory group)

    Goal: to develop children’s ideas about birch and birch bark through introducing children to making handicrafts from birch bark.

    Software tasks:


    To develop in children cognitive interest, the ability to analyze, compare, and generalize;


    Continue to educate careful attitude to nature;

    Ability to work in small groups


    To clarify and concretize children’s ideas about birch bark as a flexible, plastic, light and durable material, convenient for making dishes and other household utensils;

    Introduce the properties of birch bark, structure and use in everyday life;

    Enrich children's vocabulary with adjective words.

    Material: unprocessed birch bark, birch bark preparation for making crafts, birch bark products, illustrations, diagrams about the benefits of birch bark, plates, basins, trays, tweezers, recording of the melody of the Komi peoples,...

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    Small salt shakers, from which salt often spills out for no reason, are also undesirable to keep on the dining table or in the kitchen. Spilled salt has the ability to provoke quarrels, squabbles, and even scandals with fights between family members.

    Dishes with cracks or chips have already lost their energetic integrity and disrupt the positive energy of food. The more you use such dishes, the less benefit your body receives.

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