Generation X and Z. Generation y and generation x - who are they and what is the difference? The main disadvantage of generation X is

Generation Y

Generation Y(generation “Greek”; other names: millennials - generation of the Millennium, generation “next”, “network” generation, echo boomers) - the generation born after 1980, who met the new millennium at a young age, characterized primarily by deep involvement in digital technologies . When the term was coined, Generation Y was contrasted with Generation X, which corresponds to the previous demographic generation.


The characteristics of the generation differ in different countries ah depending on political, economic, social and other conditions. While the “Greek” generation in the United States usually includes those born in 1981-2000, in Russia it includes the generation born in new socio-political conditions, with the beginning of Gorbachev’s Perestroika, the collapse of the USSR - 1984-2000. However, sociologists do not have a clear starting date for this generation.

In the United States, the Y generation is associated with the rise in birth rates that began in 1982, the so-called “echo boom.” These are mainly children of the baby boom generation, hence the name “echo boomers.” However, as far as developed countries are concerned, the downward trend in the number of children in families continues, so the phenomenon of the “echo boom” is not as widely known as the “baby boom” itself.

The majority of the Y generation belongs to a liberal culture, however separate groups hold more conservative views. Research conducted in 2006 in the United States showed that 48% of “echo boomers” believe in God, 20% do not believe, and 32% are not sure of his existence.

It is also worth mentioning the fact of loyalty to more radical political movements. Among the Y generation, neo-Nazi, communist and monarchist ideas are widespread. Democrats are also present, but their percentage is relatively small.

Peter Pan generation

The “Yay” generation also correlates with the so-called “boomerang generation”, or “Peter Pan generation”, due to the fact that its representatives tend to delay the transition to adult life for a longer period than their peers in previous generations, and also stay longer in their parents' home. Sociologist Kathleen Chaputis called this phenomenon “full nest syndrome.” The root cause of this trend can be attributed to economic conditions: the international financial crisis, widespread increases in housing costs, unemployment.

However, economics is not the only explanation for this phenomenon. Among sociologists, the question of definition has not yet been fully resolved: what is considered “adulthood”? A study by Dr. Larry Nelson noted that the Y generation is in no hurry to accept the responsibilities of adulthood because of the negative example of the previous generation.

“Previous generations started families, started careers - and did it immediately. And today young people see: having this approach to life, their parents divorced and have jobs they don’t like. Most representatives of the “Greek” generation want a family, but they want to do right choice the first time, and the same with work.”

Communications and Integration

The Millennial generation, like other generations, was shaped by the events, leaders, and inventions of their time. However, some Russian commentators claim that he does not have his own heroes.

Ygrek is the first generation that has no heroes, but has idols. We assume that they will not have heroes. They will become them for other generations, despite the fact that they do not always want to be heroes.

Coordinator of the project “Theory of Generations in Russia-Rugenerations” Evgenia Shamis

It was influenced by the development of network communication technologies such as email, short message service, instant messaging and other new media resources like video hosting YouTube and social networks (Livejournal, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). One of the most important distinguishing features of the communication psychology of “echo boomers” is their multitasking in the use of communication tools: they can chat with several people at the same time, read a website on a different topic, follow updates on Twitter and blogs. Among them, the consumption of media such as television and radio has been reduced tenfold.

Self-expression is extremely important to this generation. For example, in China, with a population of over a billion people, the desire to stand out from the crowd, to be individual, has become the cornerstone of the culture of Chinese youth. In countries around the world, it is only through access to the Internet that people are asserting themselves online. role playing games MMORPG genre and virtual worlds like World of Warcraft and Second Life. The most expressive members of the Y generation have earned recognition by organizing online communities, launching Internet memes or organizing flash mobs. Others who are more shy socially people have found themselves in anonymous online communication, which allows them to be more liberated.

Pop culture

The Y generation was formed at a time when the Internet caused a global revolution in traditional means mass media. Compared to previous generations, this is characterized by the universal availability of any information, music, cinema, which could not but affect the business of television channels, recording studios and the entertainment industry as a whole. In countries with stricter laws, the distribution of unlicensed content online has become a problem, and copyright is enforced by the state and authorized bodies. However, torrent trackers are winning markets from copyright holders, and now music lovers are no longer hunting for new discs, but can easily download them (legally or illegally) from the Internet directly into their pocket digital audio player.

Conditions for cultural understanding

In the USA, a kind of “bridge” in realizing a certain similarity of tastes and preferences, cultural continuity of generations X (1965-1980/83) and Y (1981/84 - 2000) took place: the “Y” generation also loves films about Spider-Man (1962, comic book) and “Star Wars” (1976, promotional book), as once (in the 1970s) “Xers” loved comic books and films about these characters (about successful idols who came out of a layer so close and familiar to them "non-heroic" life).

This cannot be said about the USSR and Russia. Generation X until the end of the 1980s objectively used the cultural signs adopted by the Russian generation of baby boomers (1946-1964) - the “cult of heroes.” Moreover, these cultural signs were bipolar: on the one hand, the heroes of the Great Patriotic War and Civil War, on the other hand, images of sixties heroes from films and literature of the 1960-1970s. (smart, ironic, apolitical). Only in the second half of the 1980s did contemporaries jump on this “hero bandwagon” of the “X” generation - Viktor Tsoi (b. 1962), Igor Talkov (b. 1956) with their tragic destinies.

But already the beginning of the 1990s “cancels” the “cult of heroes” in the mass consciousness of the X-generation: a very, very painful breakdown of cultural and value guidelines taken from the “heroic eras” is taking place, as witnessed by those born (since 1984-1985). .) children. Their presence at this process quite likely caused a state of culture shock and an age-related desire to “hide your head in the sand.” Computer networks and communications technologies have accelerated this desire.


Millennials' economic prospects deteriorated markedly during the 2008-2009 economic recession. Some states have had to take special measures to employ young people due to social tensions, such as the prolonged unrest in Greece in 2008 caused by soaring unemployment. Youth unemployment in Europe remains high (40% in Spain, 35% in the Baltics, 19.1% in the UK and over 20% in many other countries). In other regions, unemployment is also high, in particular, in the United States, youth employment statistics have been kept since 1948, and unemployment in this population group reached a record in July 2009, amounting to 18.5%. In Asia and other regions the situation is somewhat different, but the problem of unemployment is still relevant.

Another name for the “Greek” generation is “trophy generation.” This term reflects a tendency in competitive sports, as well as in other areas of life, where there is no winner or loser, “friendship wins,” and everyone receives “gratitude for participating in the competition.” A survey among employers confirmed that the younger generation of “Greeks” manifest themselves in the same way in corporate culture. Some employers are concerned that young people have too high expectations from their employment, they prefer to adapt working conditions to their lives, and not vice versa. However, they are able-bodied, want impact from their work and greater participation in decision-making, and prefer to use flexible working hours.

Already now and in the future, according to expert forecasts, representatives of the Y generation will often change jobs. The personnel departments of some large organizations are aware of this psychological conflict and are trying to remove it by helping managers of older generations understand the younger ones and create more comfortable conditions for the latter.



  • Natalia Sokolova Generation Igrek // Profile. - September 20, 2010. - No. 34 (685).
  • Evgenia Shatilova Generation Y: Managing with Many Unknowns. - January 11, 2012.
  • Lyudmila Pushkina Igrek people. - March 13, 2012.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Hello everyone! There is an interesting theory about similar values ​​and behavioral characteristics of generations, that is, groups of people who are born in a certain period of time and raised under the influence of some large-scale events. These groups of people are called generation x y and z, and today I want to talk about each of them in more detail.

The emergence of the theory

In 1991, William Strauss and Neil Howe put forward this idea about the similarities of certain groups of people who were influenced by economic and political events, or due to rapidly developing technologies. It was initially used to increase the level of sales, so that, taking into account the characteristics of a certain age of a person, they would have an idea of ​​how to offer him a product so that he would buy it.

In general, to this day it is used in business, among team builders, PR people and managers. It also helps a lot in relationships when misunderstandings arise between different age groups. When you understand about the living conditions and development of, for example, a grandmother, you become more accepting of her style of behavior, habits, values, and even ultimatums. After all, she grew up in a completely different environment, and this is not her personal behavioral characteristic, but that of her entire generation.

There are only 4 generations, and they replace each other approximately every 80 years. Scientists have managed to trace the connection between times only over the last 500 years, but if we continue research, it is likely that there will be similarities in character traits with people who lived a thousand years ago. So there is a generation of baby boomers, x, y and z.

I will talk about the conditions for the formation of the value system and the character of people in Russia. Because each country has its own historical events, political and economic situation, which left their mark on the life of the population. We are closer, clearer and more familiar with the conditions in which our relatives lived and we live.

Baby Boomers

A strong generation of people who were born between 1943 and 1963. This period saw victory in the Great Patriotic War, achievements in space exploration, and the Khrushchev “thaw”. They were named so because at this time there was a huge surge in the birth rate due to the restoration of balance after the war. They are distinguished by their patriotism, because they had to restore their country, in which they believed and considered a superpower.

Awards, diplomas, medals and all kinds of certificates are valuable. They are active, and even now, whoever is still alive, is trying to maintain their health with at least minimal physical activity. They work well in a team, community is very important to them. They are active, do not stop in their development, as they have a great interest in learning something new. Their whole life was devoted to work, which they began at an early age, striving for independence.


This is exactly the generation that charged water through the TV when Chumak became popular in the 90s, or was coded from alcoholism thanks to Kashpirovsky’s performances. The period of birth was between 1964 and 1984. At this time, the number of divorces and the number of single mothers who worked in factories to raise their children on their own began to increase, as a result of which the birth rate fell. Drugs and AIDS appeared. The war in Afghanistan also affected the quality of life and value system.

Xs are hyper-responsible, so they put concern for others first, sometimes even sacrificing their own interests. Due to the fact that their parents lived in difficult times, many of whom were children of war, they did not learn to care and give love. Therefore, Xs, having received less affection and attention in childhood, look for them in a partner. I wanted love and family so much that many women were ready to endure the beating of their husbands, or his addiction to alcohol.

The difference with their predecessors is that they were not ready to work for the public good, preferring to engage in self-education and self-knowledge. It is believed that this generation is more susceptible to depression. Since most of my life I experienced anxiety, restlessness and a feeling of internal conflict, emotional instability. Apparently because they ignored own desires and needs, preferring to satisfy others.


They are called the zero or millennium generation (1984 – 2003). The formation of their values ​​was influenced by the collapse of the USSR, the emergence of new technologies, terrorist attacks and military conflicts. They prefer the Internet to newspapers and books, where they can get any knowledge and learn about news in the world. These people are distinguished by their naivety, due to the fact that the information is accessible, they do not need to look for literature prohibited by censorship, while the X-ers had no publicity at all, and they had to study any materials with suspicion.

Greeks value their freedom, they are optimistic and cheerful. The baby boom generation, which has achieved its goal and raised the whole country, does not at all understand the players who are ready to obey and adapt, and especially for their refusal to accept the shortcomings of other people. Millennials are different from the rest in that for family life They strive to choose an equal partner who will inspire to achieve any goals and who knows how to support.

They pay attention to the level of quality of their life, wanting to receive pleasure and satisfaction. Therefore, a career is more important to them than starting a family. They are in no hurry to have children, and do not strive to plan their future. Because the economic crisis, which “broke” many people, showed people of zero that it is worth taking care of the present and living here and now, due to the fact that the future is changeable and unreliable. They are flexible and know how to adapt to new conditions.

They do not value knowledge, believing that success can be achieved thanks to your resources, contacts and the ability to “spin.” This devaluation occurred because they observed how parents who had higher education, scientists and doctors of science, were forced to go to trade in the market due to perestroika in the country in order to survive.


Now these are still children, our near future, who were born or will be born in the period 2003 – 2023. They do not know what the Holodomor is, they feel the care and love of their parents who strive to provide them with a quality life. It can be assumed that favorable conditions for their “nurturing” will contribute to the development of a healthy value system, the ability to build relationships that do not destroy the individual, but help her to reveal her capabilities.

Zetas, unlike X's, will understand that, first of all, they need training and knowledge. And that they can rely on them. And they already differ even from the zeros in that they grasp new information very quickly. And mastering technology is not at all difficult for them. A child born during this period learns to use a phone or tablet very early, sometimes even without being able to speak.

Sometimes their age and style are surprising, because with the development of the fashion industry, a huge amount of beautiful clothes is freely available, and kids are already early years They attach importance to how they look, wanting to be fashionable and beautiful. They are very freedom-loving and from an early age they try to defend their opinion, demanding that it be taken into account. A huge number of opportunities around not only develops, but also affects the style of behavior.

Zetas are prone to hysterics and whims; they simply demand what they want. Experts believe that this generation will not be able to find compromises, much less make efforts to achieve their goals. Moreover, when faced with failure, these children will give up in the future instead of looking for solutions. And this will contribute to the development of self-doubt, they will not take risks to achieve success.


That's all, dear reader! Regardless of how old you or your loved ones are, and what type they belong to, you should remember that this characteristic is general, which does not exclude individuality in manifestations, perceptions and character traits. It’s just that the conditions in which we and our relatives lived are very different, and if you understand this, then you will be able to accept the other as he is, without trying to impose your vision.


It often happens that certain misunderstandings arise between modern generations. We quarrel with our children, both because of global things and completely unimportant little things. In order to understand why this happens, it is advisable to consider the well-known theory of generations. Scientists around the world have already had enough for a long time do research on similar topics. After all, everyone understands that the huge difference between those people who were born just a couple of years apart cannot be simply explained. Of course, there are special reasons for this.

Scientists are sure that modern people simply cannot be characterized by combining them into a single whole. This is why the theory arises three generations: x, y, z. Each of them deserves special attention, and therefore we suggest taking a closer look at all these features.

Generation X

Other names: Xer, Xers, Generation 13, Unknown generation. Born in 1965-1982.

The term was first proposed by British researcher Jane Deverson and Hollywood reporter Charles Hamblett, and established by writer Douglas Copeland. This generation was influenced by a significant number of important events: Afghan war, Operation Desert Storm, the beginning of the personal computer era, the first Chechen war. Sometimes people born in these years are classified as generation Y and even generation Z (although the latter were not included in the project), and sometimes they try to unite millennials (Y) and MeMeMe (Z) with the letter X.

If we talk about the country that actually first introduced this term to the world, then the United States Generation X usually refers to people born during the period of fertility decline that came after the population explosion.

A study of British youth conducted by Jane Deverson in 1964 year for Woman's Own magazine, which showed that young people "sleep with each other before marriage, are not religious, do not love the Queen or respect their parents, do not change their last name when they get married." However, the journal refused to publish the results. Deverson then went to Hollywood to publish a book with reporter Charles Hamblett. It was he who came up with the name “Generation X”. Canadian writer Douglas Copeland liked the catchy title and incorporated it into his book Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, which dealt with the fears and anxieties of people born between 1960 and 1965: they talked about the loss of cultural connection with the Baby Generation. -boomers" (the generation that arose in post-war times and was caused by the demographic explosion).

What are the characteristic features?

Generation X is the new “lost generation,” like all the other generations before them who grew up during a period when social institutions weakened and lost confidence. Individualism flourished again during this period. And the main factor for concern of this generation is the loss of guidance on spiritual values. And it's not just that all the best jobs are already filled by baby boomers. It doesn't matter, because in fact, the problem is that these positions are not of interest to Xers at all. What was valuable to the previous generation (home, work, family as a unit of society) now seems petty and not worthy of attention. They lose faith in the universe; it seems to them spoiled, rotten and even hostile. However, what is even more worrying is not that there is no alternative to this world, but that they themselves are simply not capable of building this alternative. Therefore, this generation is constantly searching for something better in the world and its place on Earth.

It is worth noting that they distinctive features is that they are skeptical about everything that surrounds them, and therefore choose the ability to rely solely on their own strengths. They are characterized by alternative thinking, as well as high awareness of absolutely everything that happens in the world. At the same time, X's are extremely flexible; they have no problem changing in any way. Their main goal is to work hard and achieve individual success. After all, this generation no longer sees the point in building any collective goals and objectives. Everyone's success individual much more important than teamwork.

However, this is all just about Western culture. And I must say that it was quite different from how the worldview of generations was built under the conditions of the USSR. Of course, this contrast is due to political, economic and cultural factors. Therefore, viewing Generation X solely through the prism of the Western world is not appropriate.

So how was it with us?

If we talk about X's from the times of the USSR, they also appear in 1964 - 1984. This period is characterized by economic instability and a great tendency to the emergence of new, even more global crises.

At these times it appears huge problem with drugs and AIDS, has a huge impact psychological state people after the war in Afghanistan. There is a trend of divorce, and therefore, one could see a large number of single mothers. The latter, in turn, did not have the opportunity to exclusively sit at home and take care of the children. After all, they had to be provided for, so the number of women in production and factories grew, this ceased to be news to others. In addition, all these factors have led to a significant decline in the birth rate.

The USSR generation X grew up extremely active, with a great need to give their love to others. Therefore, it is not surprising that the next generations do not really understand the excessive attention or guardianship of Xs. And they, in turn, just want to give their children what they did not receive from their parents (many of them were children of war, worked hard and did not have time for guardianship or care). This need was sometimes so strong that women tried to find a partner at any cost, even if he was prone to aggression or had an addiction to alcohol.

In general, this generation grew up in a difficult time of conflict, instability and other things. Therefore, they are most susceptible to depression, internal experiences, and emotional instability. However, self-knowledge and self-development remain simply necessary for Xs.

Millennials, or Generation Y

Other names: Generation Y, Generation Millennium, Generation Peter Pan, Generation Next, Network Generation, Echo Boomers, Boomerang Generation, Trophy Generation.

Various sources refer to this generation different people. Some say that these are all those born since the early 80s. Others specify: from 1983 to the end of the 1990s. And still others capture the early 2000s. Second option - from 1983 to the end of the 1990s- perhaps the most convincing.

The term was coined by Advertising Age magazine. It is believed that the formation of Igrek’s worldview was influenced by: perestroika, the collapse of the USSR, the “wild nineties”, terrorism, wars (in Iraq, Chechnya, etc.), the international financial crisis, rising housing costs and unemployment; television, pop culture, torrent trackers and video hosting, the development of mobile and Internet communications, computer technology, social networks, digital media and video games, flash mob and meme culture, online communication, the evolution of components and the like.


One of the most noticeable features of Igreks is their dependence on knowledge, which they find not in books from libraries, but on Internet resources. This is a generation that loves to learn, but the process for them is completely different from the X's. Training for Millennials is something interesting and original. They absolutely reject the already outdated canons, because in times when the information age comes, the value of the information itself changes. What previously could only be learned from teachers and lecturers becomes much more accessible to Igreks. This leads to another feature of this generation - excessive trust in information presented on online services, especially without any censorship of it.

If we talk about education, it is increasingly losing its meaning. The players leave institutions and do not see the point in them, because the professions for which they study are either already obsolete, or will become so in the foreseeable future. In addition, the teachers themselves do not inspire confidence in them, most of whom follow outdated methods. The Greeks, who saw how their parents with higher education had to go to trade in the market or do something similar, were simply disappointed in education. They are more interested in self-development.

Millennials pay significant attention to their own comfort. For them, self-realization comes to the fore. This is not to say that they are not interested in family, however, career growth still comes first. This also happens because Yers live in conditions of constant instability, they do not know what will happen tomorrow, and therefore do not see the point in planning anything for the future.

The theory of “eternal youth” is also characteristic of this generation. Millennials are trying to delay the arrival of the adult stage until the last minute. This situation is due to the fact that being an adult means taking responsibility. And this doesn’t fit into the Igrekov’s plans. However, this tendency is characteristic of this generation solely due to the fact that they have seen all the mistakes of their parents, and therefore simply refuse to be responsible for anyone’s future.

In general, Igrek is a generation of freethinkers. Sort of hipsters. They love freedom, value it most of all. They follow modern trends - in fashion, food and digital trends. Glamorous parties, constant “movement” with like-minded people - best option rest. However, their negative characteristic is that they want to have everything at once. If a career is something very important for them, then long-term development and professional growth is something completely meaningless. The Greeks have never been interested in hard work and the long process of getting the best position. They want to get everything right here and now. In addition, profitable acquaintances are not the least important for them, because, in their opinion, this will help much more than higher education. This generation does not like strict boundaries, and therefore flexible work schedules and comfortable working conditions are prerequisites for high productivity of Millennials.

The same can be said about money; for Millennials, it is the path to opportunity. If there is money, there is a road to success. Therefore, in addition to being individualists, they also have a thirst for everything material.

Of course, social networks deserve special attention from the players. Virtual reality is what they need for a successful existence. On such online platforms you can create for yourself new image, even if it does not exist in real life. Millennials love to find friends based on their interests, and on social media. This is easiest to do on networks. As for food, they know absolutely everything about the amount of calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, however, they are often not even aware of the origin of the products and their composition.

Despite all the possibly negative features of this generation, it is interesting and extraordinary in its own way. The Greeks have a fairly positive mindset, they believe that life is beautiful and diverse, and all people are brothers. They expect significant results from their work, and therefore give it their all. However, it is important for them that what they do is a real passion.

Generation Z, or Generation MeMeMe

Other names: Generation YaYA, Generation Z, Net Generation, Internet Generation, GenerationI, Generation M (from the word “multitasking”), Homeland Generation, New Silent Generation, Generation 9/11

So, Generation Z (or Generation YAYA) are people born in the early 1990s and 2000s (Business Insider writes that Gen Z is born from 1996 to 2010). Their philosophical and social worldview was influenced by the global financial and economic crisis, Web 2.0 and the development of mobile technologies. Representatives of Generation Z are considered as children of Generation X, and sometimes as children of Generation Y, that is, millennials.


Generation Zeta is a prime example of people who emerged during times of great globalization and postmodernism. Their characteristic feature is that they are familiar with all modern technologies from early childhood. Moreover, it often happens that the baby has not even learned to speak, but knows perfectly well how to turn on the computer and open his favorite game. So, the Zetas are the children of the Internet and modern technologies. Due to this, they did not have a typical childhood “in the backyard”, and therefore are not team players, they need to be taught this.

This generation is distinguished by the absolute absence of a clearly defined life position. Unlike all their predecessors, the Zetas are not motivated by money or career advancement. Moreover, they are not at all independent and constantly need someone to tell them what they should do. However, there are enough freedom-loving people, they cannot be forced to do anything. After all, they will never do anything they don’t want to do themselves. Even from childhood, it is important for them that their opinions are listened to. They love to learn and quickly absorb new knowledge. Large amounts of information do not present any difficulties for them.

They receive the vast majority of knowledge from Internet resources. However, there is a problem here. The Zetas' horizons are quite superficial. Due to the fact that they do not see the point in school or university, they do not acquire basic knowledge and skills. Everything they learn online is purely situational. Despite this, Zetas are distinguished by their incredible multitasking and creativity. They love finding solutions from difficult situations and solve the most unusual problems.

There are quite negative traits in their character. They are prone to whims and hysterics, they want everything to be exactly as they say. They have pronounced arrogance, selfishness and narcissism (let’s just remember the “Selfie” culture).

Generation Z are travelers. They don't need comfort, work and money. They strive for everything new and unknown. Therefore, they will be indifferent to where to spend the night, what to drive (even if hitchhiking), and the sense of danger is completely absent. The main thing is the emotions that they can experience.

Quite often, Zetas oppose bad habits (smoking, alcohol), and are also vegetarians. They believe in world peace and strive to solve environmental and social problems.

How to win the attention of the Zetas?

One thing is certain - they need to be motivated. Everything they do requires a reaction from others, whether negative or positive. The main thing is attention to their personality, they are simply eaters of emotions. All the tasks that you set for this generation need to be formulated clearly and in detail. But for every completed task, you will immediately give a reward. They do not like to work for a future result; they need motivation for every completed task. Despite the fact that Zetas are individualists, they also love parties and co-working spaces, so they should always be involved in teamwork. So that their work gives best result, it is necessary to offer them creative tasks, the most interesting for the most Zetas. In addition, make sure that they truly believe that what they do is beneficial to others.

So the generations are very different. Therefore, when communicating with your children or parents, it is necessary to take into account all the features characteristic of this generation, and also take into account the events that could affect the person. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid possible conflicts and maintain excellent relationships with each other.

The dialogue on the topic of turnover and differences between generations began quite a long time ago (for example, in the teachings of the ancient Greek scientist Polybius), but scientific understanding of this problem began relatively recently, at the beginning of the 20th century. They received their first coverage in the works of Mannheim and Ortega y Gasset, who spoke about the sociological aspects of the formation of generations. Almost a hundred years later, their theories were continued and supplemented by a modern, classical concept, which was outlined by American scientists William Strauss and Neil Howe. Today, this theory has gained popularity due to its relevance and widespread popularization in social media.

The famous concept of “Baby Boom, X Y Z,” as it is called on the Internet, is used in sociology, political science, philosophy, anthropology and economic sciences.

In Russia, the theory of generations pays special attention to marketers who use knowledge about generations of consumers and develop strategies for interacting with them.

Strauss and Howe's theory of generations in its original version was based exclusively on studies of American society. Subsequently, the principles of generational theory were used to analyze processes in other countries. Among the domestic popularizers of the theory, the most famous is Evgenia Shamis, who turned the study of generational trends into a business that helps modern companies manage a multi-generational workforce.

Here Evgenia Shamis talks about the basics of the theory of generations

The meaning of the theory

Conflicts and misunderstandings between generations are natural and understandable, because the sociocultural prototype is determined environment, which reflects the spirit of the time at this particular moment. Only by adapting to conditions is a species able to survive; it has to play by constantly changing rules. An economic crisis, famine, war, or vice versa, a sharp improvement in the quality of life directly affects how a person is formed and perceives himself in the conditions in which he finds himself.

According to Starus and Howe, generations are the totality of all people who were born in a time period of 20-25 years. Generation Criteria:

  • one historical era, in which representatives of a generation, being approximately in the same age category, share memories of key events, cultural and social trends;
  • shared beliefs and behavior patterns;
  • a sense of belonging to this generation.

The history of mankind is conventionally divided into generational eras, which are characterized by ups and downs, in other words, having a wave-like structure. The authors of the concept call these periods transformations or periods in which generations are formed according to general patterns. Transformation stages:

  • Rise: society shares collective interests and focuses on the power and authority of institutions; During this phase, the generation of Prophets appears.
  • Awakening: the question of the individual’s opposition to society arises, a culture of individualism develops, a cult of rebellion and opposition to the old order, fatigue from discipline; During this phase, the generation of Wanderers appears.
  • Recession: individualism flourishes, state institutions are not trusted; During this phase, a generation of Heroes appears.
  • Crisis: ideas of the strong are revived state institutions. In place of the old state power, a new one is emerging, which unites society under the auspices of common values. During this phase, a generation of Artists appears.

Archetypes of generations: the struggle of Wanderers with Prophets, the suffering of Heroes and the optimism of Artists

Generation of Prophets, which is born in the recovery phase after the crisis, are building a new society and believe in collectivism, a bright future and progress. IN Russian history this is the stage of the Soviet thaw, when the first signs of freedom appeared after difficult war times and Stalin's repressions. Children who were born and grew up at this time saw the first flight into space, the effectiveness of government and its sociality. Remember how our grandparents praised Soviet medicine and education. The institutions of power regularly fulfilled their function, provided the population with work and housing, reinforcing their actions with ideological overtones. These were times when the people began to live well compared to the time of crisis that came before.

Mikhail Andreevich was born in the early fifties. When he was a boy, he wrote letters to Gagarin and dreamed of being as brave and strong as the first cosmonaut. Since childhood, Misha was sure that his country was the greatest power in the world, he loved his Motherland without memory and was ready to work all his life for the common good. He goes to college, graduates as a qualified specialist, gets a job, and gets married. All this time he goes through stages that classify him as a form of community: Misha was an October boy, a pioneer, a Komsomol member, and then he joined the party ranks. By the age of thirty, Mikhail Andreevich is a specialist, patriot, husband and father of two or three children. His health was positively affected by the trend of sports, and his intellect was positively affected by the cultivated pathological love of reading.

His youngest daughter Elena, who was born in the early 70s, is no longer so optimistic about the future. Her youth included the crises of the Cold War, her brothers fought in Afghanistan, and some classmates did not live to see thirty due to heroin addiction. The “scoop” discipline irritates her a little, as it undermines her personal aspirations and interests. At this time, television was developing, which announced to young Lena about the fall of the Berlin Wall, about the destruction of the Land of the Soviets, and about the fact that Georgia, where Lena and her family went every summer, has now become a foreign wall. At the moment when Lena graduates from college and gets married, the country in which she was born no longer exists, and, accordingly, her ideals no longer exist. We need to survive. In such conditions it grows Generation X, or Wanderers.

Lena gets a job and starts making money with everything accessible ways. Since the system is being formed anew, by the age of thirty she already occupies a leadership position, learns to maneuver and support her family in conditions of uncertainty. At this time, personal drama is heightened, since the fall of spiritual stereotypes had a rather dramatic effect on the fate of the “X”. If in Soviet era the marriage had to be delayed until the last minute, because divorce was frowned upon, then after 1991, marriages fell like houses of cards. By the mid-nineties, Lena had one divorce behind her and several unsuccessful experiences in relationships outside of marriage.

In the dashing nineties, Elena's daughter Lucy is born. Yes, yes, the same suffering Lucy from the sensational article. Living in relative prosperity, she grows up in an atmosphere of individualism, where a person owes nothing to another, and the most important thing in life is self-realization. Mom Lena made every effort to ensure that Lucy had everything (a roof over her head, an education...), and continues to support her even into adulthood. Closer to 30, Lucy becomes a depressed “overteenager”, stuck in the illusion of her own exclusivity. This generation is also called the “Peter Pen” generation, naive and difficult to communicate with, undecided on their goals and constantly comparing themselves to others. Lucy is in no hurry to get married; behind her is a constant change of jobs and disappointments. She wears sneakers and a sweatshirt, works in an open-space as a content manager, plays PlayStation on the weekends, or goes to exhibitions or personal growth trainings. This is what the portrait of the Russian generation Y looks like, or Heroes.

After 2000, the “Yers”, and sometimes the “Xers”, who are still relatively young, have children who think in different categories. They don’t remember life without the Internet and gadgets, their world lies beyond state borders, they move freely around the planet and easily change their social circle. Now they are just entering adulthood, and they have a completely different approach to it.

Lucy's younger brother Dima typical representative generation Z, or the Artist, is well versed in fashion trends and actively uses cyberspace. He streams on Twitch and is present in all social networks, does not consider it necessary to accumulate information, since there is too much of it. Dima hopes for the power of Google and is confident that his life will proceed in relative comfort, where he will not have to fight for a place in the sun. This is the generation of homebodies (Homelanders). Dima has no idols, because on YouTube every teenager can get millions of views if they offer quality content. Compared to his older sister, a digital immigrant (because there was no Internet in her childhood), he does not have to frantically study to be on the wave, he harmoniously comprehends new trends and follows them.

EeOneGuy, one of the top YouTube bloggers

Criticism of the theory and alternatives: why is Sberbank so interested in the theory of generations

Generational theory continues to develop and meets with justified criticism. Naturally, the idea of ​​cyclicality is not new: these trends are visible in both historical and economic science. However, when analyzing the data, Strauss and Howe do not take into account either demographic factors or individual personality characteristics, because not all representatives of a particular generation can be classified as the appropriate type, so the course of cycles may not proceed as evenly as researchers would like. Despite globalization, representatives of different countries face different conditions, so it is hardly possible to talk about clear trends within a particular society.

In the Russian scientific community, the theory of generations in its classical version is sometimes compared to horoscopes, when some signs from the description of a generation are recognized as true, while others, sometimes contradicting reality, are simply ignored. There is still debate about whether the theory is generally applicable to Russian society. The classification given in this article is very generalized and simplified, so each individual within a generation can agree or disagree with it.

Despite the contradictory approach, Russian companies, for example, Sberbank, are interested in studying generational trends. Trying to understand what motivates generations Y and Z will help company leaders organize the right labor process and ensure business growth. Using the example of the same Lucy and Dima, patterns of communication and task setting are considered that have long been at odds with traditional methods of personnel management. Evgenia Shamis’ project “RuGenerations” is studying generations precisely from the point of view of HR and marketing, which is aimed at training and introducing young representatives of society into corporate processes.

The theory of Struss and Howe is far from an ideal model modern society, but its popularity among modern researchers makes us think: maybe the patterns of development of modern civilization still obey general rules. The classification given in this article is very generalized and simplified, so each individual within a generation can agree or disagree with it. Please leave your thoughts on how much you agree with this approach in the comments. I would be glad to hear your thoughts and examples that confirm or refute the authors’ postulates.

In the 90s it arose generation theory, the authors and creators of which are scientists Neil Howe and William Strauss. In parallel, not connected with each other, they became active researchers of different generations. They were interested in the conflict between people, in which there are no age differences. Under the leadership of the coordinator of the Rugenerations project, Evgenia Shamis, a group of specialists attempted to implement this theory in relation to Russian society in 2003-2004.

The idea of ​​generational theory is to assess the values ​​and priorities of people who are classified as middle class. The concept of generation includes a set or community of people united by specific dates of birth in a certain period and who are united by the same conditions of influence of events, and also connect the characteristics and nature of upbringing with established values. Ideological meaning is that it is the community of values ​​and their kinship, and not age criteria, that lays the foundation for the future generation. Values ​​are introduced and taken root daily and gradually, often intangibly for us. But it is our model of behavior, our communication and understanding with each other, our loyalty and ability to avoid, resolve conflict situations, and what influences our development and consciousness, our choices and our goals that build, define and lay the foundation for our values.

The theory of generations in Russia

Characteristic feature The theory that stands out in Russia is that the population belonging to the middle stratum of society is divided into two groups. The first group includes people with sufficient financial resources and stable well-being. The second group includes people who have received higher education. Therefore, when applying the theory of generations to Russia, experts have adopted the use of the concept of majority.

Currently, the following generations living in Russia are distinguished:

Generation of Winners or generation GI (born 1900-1923)
The values ​​of this generation were formed under the influence of the two revolutions that took place in 1905 and 1917, the process of collectivization and electrification.
This generation has family values, love of work, high degree of responsibility, high religious beliefs, revered traditions and firmness of judgment.

The Silent Generation (born 1923-1943)
The values ​​of this generation are established under the influence of severe repression, the beginning and conduct of the Second World War, the rise of the country after destruction and the emergence of antibiotics.
New values ​​are formed and highlighted, such as honor and dignity, strict observance of laws, devotion to the Motherland, and official status.

Generation Baby - Boomer (born 1943-1963)
The creation of new values ​​is laid down under the influence of Soviet politics and power, development and leadership in the space industry, the Cold War, the emergence of the first contraceptives, impeccable provision of medical care for every citizen, a unified program schooling.
Distinguished values: priority of personal growth, spirit of collectivism and team cohesion, importance younger generation.

Generation X or Unknown Generation (born 1963-1984)
Values ​​are formed under the influence of events associated with the Cold War, the era of perestroika, the emergence of narcotic drugs and military operations in Afghanistan.
The basic values ​​are: adaptation to rapid change, diversity of views, complete equality of the sexes, emotional individualism, non-standard beliefs.

Generation Y/Greenians or Generation Millennium, Networks, Next (born 1984 – 2000)
Events that gave rise to new values ​​of this generation: the collapse of the USSR, terrorist attacks, the introduction of new technologies. Their usual environment is the availability of the Internet and mobile communications and a cult for branded clothing.

Independence and entertainment become values, but at the same time, citizenship and maximum responsibility are strengthened.

Generation Z (born in 2000)
The values ​​of the top of this generation are in their infancy.

The allocated birth years of a particular generation are only approximate. There are also differences depending on where people live.

The theory of generations in Russia continues to develop with each new year and decade.

Currently, HR communities are taking measures to recruit and motivate employees of generation Y. Companies and firms are discussing the specifics of communication and mutual understanding between employees belonging to generations X and Y.