Police officers are forced to buy lottery tickets. Publications Lottery for law and order draw table

As Vedomosti Ural learned, it seems that a fire is flaring up in the Sverdlovsk police. another scandal. Several law enforcement officers, like many of their colleagues from other regions of our country, stated on specialized Internet portals that they were forced to purchase lottery tickets. A similar story that happened in 2009 in the St. Petersburg police caused an ongoing stream of complaints against the top management of law enforcement agencies of the “northern capital”...

IN recent months Lottery tickets under the sonorous name “For Law and Order” began to be distributed among Russian police officers again. The organizers of the draw were veteran organizations of law enforcement agencies, but the purchase of lottery tickets falls on the shoulders... of the law enforcement officers themselves.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from several Russian regions at once, in correspondence on specialized Internet forums, share stories with each other that they have to make contributions almost ... “voluntarily-compulsorily.”

The main organizer of the new circulation of the non-state lottery was PKK Geront CJSC, created under the charitable foundation “Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”. The lottery draw dedicated to the Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies will take place on April 18, 2014. The police directly claim that some regional police units have begun to receive telegrams. They allegedly report the number of allocated tickets for the second round of the new lottery.

Law enforcement officers share with each other reviews and impressions of how the “For Law and Order” lottery is being drawn in their region. From these messages, in particular, it can be judged that tickets are first distributed to the shelves of private security, road patrol service and patrol service. After this, they are transferred to other departments of the internal affairs bodies. According to the police who saw the telegrams, the owner of every third or fourth lottery ticket will be able to win a cash prize. The “scatter” of possible winnings is very large: from 50 rubles to... 5 million rubles.

One lottery ticket costs the police a rather “modest” amount - 50 rubles. However, if we take into account the considerable number of law enforcement officers in our country, the final “revenue” of the organizers from the sale of “tickets” can be very impressive.

It is interesting to note an extremely interesting fact that makes the next drawing of the “For Law and Order” lottery potentially fraught with many surprises. Turns out, a whole series previous drawings of this particular lottery became at one time the cause of real high-profile scandals, which have repeatedly spilled over into the public sphere.

Four years ago, employees of the St. Petersburg police (then still the police) issued an open letter and said that they... were FORCED to purchase lottery “tickets” every year, and at twice the price of their real price. “In 2009, we were again forced to purchase such tickets, for 50 rubles each, although their official price was 25 rubles,” the police said then in a letter sent to the editor of the federal newspaper Trud. “At the same time, they warned us in a strict form that if we refuse to purchase, we will be charged various percentage allowances, from which our monthly income is generally based.”

In their appeal, employees of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of St. Petersburg (who did not give their names, but introduced themselves as “acting employees of the authorities”) reported that they had to purchase the said tickets “under strong pressure from management,” and in the end they emphasized: “someone is trying to make money illegally.” using his official position and social influence.” The complainants also claimed that it was “virtually impossible” to obtain a cash prize in the said lottery.

“For example, last year it was indicated on the back of the ticket that winnings of up to 1 thousand rubles were paid instantly at Sberbank,” said the letter, which was also made public by several online publications. - But the bank said that the lottery “is not included in the register of lotteries.”

In turn, the chairman of the Independent Trade Union of Moscow Police Officers Mikhail Pashkin told then that St. Petersburg police officers were by no means the only ones who encountered this problem. According to him, Moscow police officers (and even employees of the famous MUR) also suffered from the “For Law and Order” lottery.

“Not so long ago, lottery tickets “200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” were distributed en masse and in the same way,” Mikhail Pashkin told journalists of one of the federal online publications. - Those who refused to buy were hinted that for this they would either go on vacation in the winter or would not receive a bonus. Policemen all over Russia are suffering from these “games.”

The police actively discussed the lottery on the Internet and left very interesting messages. A user under the “nickname” “IPS” wrote the following (hereinafter the spelling and punctuation of the authors have been preserved - editor’s note): ““Today they are selling us “For the rule of law.” I refused and had a conversation about this with the boss and his deputy. I don’t know yet how things will end. If anyone is interested, I will write about the future. I would like to know in which cities there is “law and order” and create a map of sales. Make up your mind! Other police officers also responded to the call to report the facts of “imposing” tickets on them for the scandalous lottery: “This is what has come to us... but this year it’s more modest - one ticket per brother! The superiors and immediate ones threw up their hands - they don’t ask us: they DEMAND from us, so be kind without arguing! When will these fundraisers for lotteries, departmental subscriptions, etc. finally end? I would like to bring my allowance home to the penny, and not give it away... Who is in crisis (ours), and someone is probably fattening on our money - because I have never seen a report from those who organized the lottery, how many and for whom money went to veterans, sick and wounded people. Not a single receipt for receiving money!”; “Whoa, today the political officer came up to me and said buy three tickets... well, I refused, there’s no money and all that, he said that you’ll still get it during payday, but the company commander issues the salary... well, we’ll quarrel, I’ll be leaving this swamp soon anyway. My girlfriend, when she found out about this “voluntary” lottery, said that this was some kind of wildness...”

Note that on the same Internet forums in September-October of this year, messages began to appear (including from “users” introducing themselves as Sverdlovsk police officers) reminiscent of the scandal four years ago. In particular, the topic of the fact that the procedure for distributing “tickets” can be called ... “voluntary-compulsory”, as well as the number of “banknotes” sent to various regional divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is widely discussed. “The orders are different, and tickets are received according to statements. Here, in Voronezh, we have already collected 300 rubles for tickets, as usual, voluntarily and compulsorily,” informs the user under the nickname “dyus70.”

Let’s give literally a few of the most “flashy” quotes from police forums (in particular, on the website “Police-Russia.ru”), which can clearly illustrate what is happening: “We gave 460 tickets for 86 people, 5.5 tickets per nose"; “In the Stavropol region, the lottery is being stuffed again - the instruction is to “distribute...” In general, everything is as before, without any changes...”; “Last week they sent tickets from the council... three per snout for 50 rubles... they even forced me to sign...”; “They sent it again, 150 pieces for 13 people, 50 rubles per ticket. By November 10, they promise the same amount.”

It is also widely discussed that this lottery under a very noble name, according to law enforcement officers, may be a real “scam”. One proof of this can be that the only known large win that the press services of regional departments of internal affairs bodies have ever “reported” is the winning of 7 million rubles by a Bashkir police sergeant Lenar Gallyamov. However, many law enforcement officers who managed to win much smaller sums of money declare on forums that... they still have not received the money they are owed. In particular, a “user” who introduced himself on the forum under the “nickname” “Vladislav39” spoke about an incident that happened directly to him: “ Latest lottery played in the spring. Ours had winnings of 50, 100, 200 rubles... but we haven’t seen any money yet. The lists with tickets were handed over to the personnel (personnel service) and that’s it, silence. And ask the personnel officer...he’s elusive,” notes the law enforcement officer.

Mikhail Pashkin, an active defender of the rights of police officers, once again came to the defense of the deceived law enforcement officers, talking about the appeals and complaints he received about the “strange” lottery: “No one understands how the winnings are distributed, where the proceeds go, and actually refuse to buy a ticket it’s impossible, and finally, no one has seen at least one policeman who would win,” said the chairman of the independent trade union of the capital’s internal affairs bodies.

And the most interesting and, at the same time, logical argument of opponents of the “For Law and Order” lottery was a message from one of the users of the “police” Internet forum, who noted that, in fact, the Code of Professional Ethics for Law Enforcement Officers states that law enforcement officers, in fact, it is prohibited to engage in gambling. In particular, the forum cited cases of dismissal of many police officers who were noticed for their “love” for “one-armed bandits.” The police unanimously agreed that for the sake of the “departmental” lottery there would be a direct ban on gambling it was decided to simply “score.”

In conclusion, I would like to say that the leadership of the Sverdlovsk police may need to pay attention to the situation with the lottery and prevent possible negative sentiments among law enforcement officers who are dissatisfied with the “obligation” and the lack of specific and officially confirmed information about what purposes the proceeds from sales of lottery tickets and the results of their drawings...


The long-awaited recertification of middle and lower-level police officers has begun at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but in some units it is proceeding more than strangely. Police candidates told Izvestia that, along with being sent to the exams, they are strongly recommended to buy tickets for various lotteries and subscriptions to departmental newspapers.

Privates and officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been signing notices of dismissal for several days now. Now, formally, they are no longer police officers, but they are not police officers either. Such uncertainty still leads to funny things. For example, police authorities and even official representatives of the press services comment on all events, but urgently ask not to mention their positions and names in publications, explaining this by the fact that there are no such people on the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Next, potential police officers will undergo a medical commission and various exams. In the basic version, they must answer about two dozen questions on their knowledge of the Law “On the Police,” and in some regions they are assigned additional tests. For example, only those who answer about 150 questions from a variety of areas of life and law within an hour have a chance to become a Moscow police officer. Future police officers will have to pass standards for physical training and appear before the commission slim and fit. As you know, recently the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rashid Nurgaliev, threatened that “fat and pot-bellied people will not pass certification.”

In some units, police officers assigned to the staff were faced with an unusual situation. They were hinted that recertification would depend not only on knowledge of the laws and good physical training. For example, in St. Petersburg, employees of the local police department are recommended to buy lottery tickets for the Veteran Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia charity fund worth 25 rubles each. Police officers take tickets for fear of failing recertification.

Representatives of the St. Petersburg police are reluctant to comment on this situation. “Recertification in St. Petersburg may have its own characteristics, but I can tell you for sure that lottery tickets are not the key to its successful completion,” Vyacheslav Stepchenko, head of the press service of the St. Petersburg City Internal Affairs Directorate, told Izvestia.

Lottery tickets are also imposed on Moscow police officers. In addition, they are forced to support the departmental press. “People come and complain that in addition to lottery tickets from the Veteran Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia fund, the Dynamo society and other organizers, departmental press is being forced on them, including the newspaper Petrovka, 38,” the head of the trade unions of Moscow police officers and region Mikhail Pashkin.

This is not the first time that police officers, in a “compulsory-voluntary” manner, buy unnecessary tickets. In 2009, employees of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of St. Petersburg wrote an open letter in which they reported that every year they were forced to buy lotteries “For Law and Order” from the Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Foundation. The police claimed that tickets costing 25 rubles were sold to them at a double markup, and if they refused to buy, they promised to deprive them of various bonuses. In addition, ticket holders could not receive their winnings because the bank refused them on the grounds that the lottery was not included in the register.

In the Novgorod region, one of the local traffic cops was fired after selling five departmental lottery tickets to a truck driver who violated the rules as punishment.

“Police” lotteries are conducted by the industrial and commercial corporation “Heron”. From 2002 to 2007 it was the “200 Years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” lottery, after which it was replaced by “For Law and Order”. The lottery circulation is 5 million tickets. Draws cash prizes- from 30 thousand to 200 thousand rubles - take place once a year. The management of Heron claims that participation in the lottery is voluntary and this principle is observed unquestioningly.

“Nobody rapes anyone. The lottery is conducted by a veterans organization, so the internal affairs bodies have nothing to do with it,” General Director of “Heron” Leonid Vakulich told Izvestia. According to him, veterans themselves go to organizations and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and offer tickets to everyone. “Veterans are asking for help as human beings to our fathers and grandfathers who served and who find it difficult now. But still, there is “skin” in the departments who would rather spend money on beer than buy a ticket. These are the people who complain, they say they were forced,” Izvestia’s interlocutor is indignant.

According to informal statistics from Heron, every fourth of their tickets turns out to be a winner. Most often this is a prize of 30 rubles, although in four cases the lucky ones won 200 thousand rubles. As it turned out, in lately It is becoming increasingly difficult for organizers to sell police lottery tickets. “Last year we sold half of all tickets, but this year we sold only a quarter,” says Leonid Vakulich.

If translated into money, total sales revenue decreased by half - from 62.5 million to 32 million rubles. All hope is for recertification.

JANUS 10.27.2009 - 19:20

“In St. Petersburg, a scandal is flaring up around the “For Law and Order” lottery, held annually under the auspices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Yesterday, St. Petersburg police officers wrote a letter to the editor of the newspaper “Trud”, in which they claim that the authorities, under the threat of deprivation of bonuses, force people to buy tickets, the winnings from which will be received almost impossible"
“The editors of Trud received a letter from “active police officers” from St. Petersburg, who claim that they annually become victims of the “For Law and Order” lottery, which is held throughout the country by the “Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” foundation.
The editors of Trud received a letter from “current police officers” from St. Petersburg, who claim that they annually become victims of the “For Law and Order” lottery, which is held throughout the country by the “Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” foundation.

In 2009, we were again forced to purchase such tickets, for 50 rubles each, although their official price is 25 rubles, the police write. - At the same time, they warned us in a strict form that if we refuse to purchase, we will be charged various percentage allowances, from which our monthly income is generally based.

According to law enforcement officers, they tried to resist, but “under strong pressure from the leadership of both our unit and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we had to purchase these tickets.”

Once again, it seems that someone is trying to illegally profit from us, using their official position and social influence,” the authors of the letter claim.

St. Petersburg police officers claim that they are forced to take 2-4 tickets in hand. In total, there are 40 thousand police officers in St. Petersburg, and more than 1 million throughout Russia. As it turned out, the lottery “under threat” is not only a problem in St. Petersburg.

Forced distribution among metropolitan police officers different lotteries This has been happening for several years now,” Mikhail Pashkin, chairman of the Independent Trade Union of Moscow Police Officers, told Trud. - “For Law and Order” is not the only one. Not so long ago, lottery tickets “200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” were distributed en masse and in the same way. Those who refused to buy were hinted that for this they would either go on vacation in the winter or would not receive a bonus. Policemen all over Russia suffer from these “games.”

In October, we were given these tickets along with our salaries, saying that they had already deducted the required amount from the bonuses,” an employee of one of the Veliky Novgorod traffic police told Trud. - Small bosses resell tickets to their subordinates, and some traffic cops even sell them to drivers along with fines.

The minimum win in the “For Law and Order” lottery is 30 rubles, the maximum is 200 thousand. However, police say that it is almost impossible to receive the prize.

For example, last year it was indicated on the back of the ticket that winnings up to 1,000 rubles were paid instantly at Sberbank, say the authors of the letter. - But the bank said that the lottery “is not included in the register of lotteries.”

Sberbank does not have a contractual relationship with PKK Heron, which is the operator of the non-state drawing charity lottery “For Law and Order,” Sergei Rachkovsky, head of the public relations department of Sberbank, told Trud. - Accordingly, Sberbank does not pay out winnings from this lottery.

Deputy General Director of the Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia charity foundation, Leonid Vakulich, claims that “there is no fraud here,” and calls the story a “misunderstanding.”

The rules of the game are established by the Regulations and Conditions of the lottery, approved by the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Service, and comply with the requirements of the law “On Lotteries,” Vakulich explained to Trud. - 50% is the prize fund, another 10% goes to distributors, part of the funds goes to charity, another 10% goes to help veterans, the rest is transferred to the account of our fund.

According to him, the “For Law and Order” lottery has been registered in the Unified State Register of Lotteries since 2007. He explained the problems with payments at Sberbank as an “unforeseen failure.”

Sberbank, despite preliminary agreements, refused to issue small winnings on previously agreed terms and presented us with its own, unfavorable offer,” Vakulich explained. - We began to give out prizes through veterans’ councils, which we announced on our website.

I found “Trud” and one lucky person who managed to get rich.

In 2009, I won 50 thousand rubles in the “For Law and Order” lottery,” said Alexander Ryzhov, a traffic police inspector from the seaside town of Partizansk.

Tickets are distributed by local councils of veterans; there was no directive from above to buy tickets,” Oleg Elnikov, head of the press center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, told Trud. “However, local leaders show disapproving initiative. We have heard about such cases, but there have been no complaints from police officers to the prosecutor's office or the security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As soon as they arrive, we will conduct an investigation and punish the culprits.

I especially liked “We have heard a lot about such cases, but there have been no complaints from the police to the prosecutor’s office or the security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As soon as they are received, we will conduct an investigation and punish the perpetrators.”
Funny. 😊

OgorodVV 10.28.2009 - 16:48

I know, dear editor, show me that idiot who will go write to a special office or the prosecutor's office for 50-100 rubles!
So the guys wrote a collective meeting, and what is the result???
Our personnel officer always ran around with these tickets, they allocated two per staffing unit in the service, and he doesn’t care that there are actually fewer people... well, damn it was necessary to pay for everyone... otherwise, in the meantime, they’ll run after everyone, they’ll turn gray ! 😊

Strelok-46 01.11.2009 - 22:36

Heh, I also have 6 things lying around in my desk. We sold 6 per employee.)))

gloomy 03.11.2009 - 20:44

We have less - four each.

Pusha 06.11.2009 - 18:57

Pusha 06.11.2009 - 18:58

At our police department they sold us 4 tickets for 100 rubles. November 12th drawing, let's see! Last year, the guys seemed to get something.

JANUS 11/14/2009 - 12:33

"The second All-Russian charity lottery "For Law and Order" took place
Second edition of the All-Russian Charity draw lottery“For Law and Order” took place at the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The event, which is eagerly awaited by veterans of law enforcement agencies, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, military personnel of the internal troops, and members of their families, took place in the presence of many guests and representatives of the press.
Before the female cadets began to spin the lottery drums, the chairman addressed those present with an introductory speech circulation commission, Assistant Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Russian Council of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops, Colonel General of the Internal Service Ivan Shilov.
“The veterans’ movement plays a very serious role in the daily activities of the ministry; suffice it to say that over the past year alone, thanks to our activists, tens of thousands of crimes have been solved,” said the assistant minister. - Is it really possible to evaluate in numbers the good deeds that the older generation does for young people? This includes mentoring, and classes in the system of service training for personnel, and patriotic, and moral education young employees and military personnel.
Regarding the role and significance of the lottery, Ivan Fedorovich noted that this action is highly moral and noble. After all, the funds raised during the sale of tickets will be directed to a good cause: to the needs of regional veteran organizations, to support those people who are not having an easy time right now. These funds will provide financial assistance pensioners, widows of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military personnel of the internal troops.
170 thousand lottery tickets were destroyed by the commission. The reason is simple - they simply weren’t bought. This means that several million rubles will not go to veterans’ organizations. According to Ivan Shilov, such disregard for the needs of the older generation is simply immoral in relation to veterans. And the police leaders who were unable to convince their subordinates to buy lottery tickets on the ground should be ashamed.
It will be possible to find out the results of the circulation in the very near future on the pages of the newspaper of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “Shield and Sword.”

PUUM 23.11.2009 - 22:24

Yeah. They played a scam. Neither I nor anyone from the department or battalion won anything again.

gloomy 11/23/2009 - 22:45

Of the 28 tickets worth 700 rubles checked today, the winnings turned out to be 160 😊 and you won’t get it.

PUUM 23.11.2009 - 23:24

Damn, let me be ashamed next year too.

kamikadze 25.11.2009 - 06:21

Out of 35 tickets per department - 470 rubles in winnings. Well, at least we’ll stir up some trouble (if we can pick it up, of course). 😊

Otherwise, again, the damn council of veterans will decide without us that the money should go to their fund. 😞 Fuck, they should sit and babysit their grandchildren. No, they are itching, they climb everywhere.

gloomy 25.11.2009 - 20:37

And starting this week, the subscription campaign started - they cut us 400 rubles each, so we can chip in again.

JANUS 07/13/2010 - 17:10

How ashamed I am, I didn’t buy a ticket (ticket 4), and what will the veterans live on now? That's it, I went to hang myself (out of shame for my lack of consciousness).
Hurray comrades! This year I won’t be ashamed of a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (what’s his last name, anyway?) They handed me four tickets in exchange for 100 rubles. They said, “If you don’t take a pack of tickets, you won’t get a quarter.” I had to start gambling.

Leonid-m 07/13/2010 - 21:25

I never took this scam. To all threats he politely sent the erotic on foot. When they gave it to me along with my salary, saying that everything had already been deducted, I refused to take the salary and said that I would go to the prosecutor’s office to write a statement. The tickets were quickly replaced with money. And the funny thing is that they never deprived me of the bonus.

gloomy 07/16/2010 - 10:29

I missed the lottery this year because I was on vacation. In general, the “veterans” seem to have gotten a taste for it - they often started releasing lotteries.

D_mon 07/16/2010 - 12:30

I never took this scam. To all threats he politely sent the erotic on foot.

JANUS 07/16/2010 - 13:00

Likewise. Although attempts to sell are becoming more and more threatening.
Whoa! Last years were also scary, but things didn’t go beyond words, and I happily gave up on this matter. And now something... they drove over like a tank. After mature reflection, I decided to make do with less damage.

Monarchist 07.29.2010 - 12:53

The police are being abandoned. This is actually something.

Condor412 07/29/2010 - 16:19

The other day we were given 3 pieces of this “happiness”. Last year there were four. However, the trend is already joyful. And everyone understands everything. But, “the guys from the council sent me what to do. We’ll take 3 pieces.” The unit took the rest en masse at its own expense, without charging the people. You don’t mind the money - 75 rubles is not the right amount of money these days, but that’s the principle itself, of course.

JANUS 03.08.2010 - 10:20

Alex Arawak
Marketing of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs
😊 I tried to sell mine. They don’t even take it at a dumping price.

VladimirN 03.08.2010 - 12:37

I read about your ticket scam.... ....! How will you protect us if you cannot protect yourself?

Alex Arawak 08/03/2010 - 23:33

How will you protect us if you cannot protect yourself?
That's it!

Alex Arawak 08/04/2010 - 21:45

Well, we were so unlucky with the management.
If I don’t forget, I’ll bring you a report of refusal from the lottery, those who didn’t get pissed drove past this scam))

Condor412 08/04/2010 - 22:02

those who didn't get pissed drove past this scam
That's not the point here. In any case, in our subsection. Everyone understands everything. The boss said, “Guys, like, I understand everything, you understand everything - do it,” 3 pieces per snout, 75 rubles, the price of one “energy drink.” There are more conversations. The division “bought” the bulk of the “miracle tickets” with its own money, without charging the employees. In general, this is not the worst thing. How many years have Dynamo's been assembled? Without membership books, stamps, etc. toil? All this is bullshit. This is just not the worst thing.

JANUS 08/05/2010 - 08:11

How many years have Dynamo's been assembled? Without membership books, stamps, etc. toil?
For one year I refused. The next day, “Where’s my book” started to appear. They pulled the book out of the table and threw it on the table, “Well, here’s the book, is it easier? There are no stamps, I can put a stamp on it.”
We laughed at the situation for a long time. 😊 yesterday I “bought” a “dynamo” badge for 150 rubles. or “they will turn off the water” -((((((and so on every year and also a subscription every six months is 300-500 rubles. and so probably everywhere.

PUUM 25.11.2010 - 17:04

And I won 130 rubles. I ran to find out where to pick up the money and it started as usual: “The person who gives out the money is on vacation now, come back in a week or two.” Damn, I still won’t get rid of them until I get them 😊

IDONTKNOW 25.11.2010 - 21:41

Yesterday I “bought” a “Dynamo” badge for 150 rubles. or “they will turn off the water” -((((((and so on every year and also a subscription every six months is 300-500 rubles. and so probably everywhere.

It’s a bit harsh here 😊

pirat38 11/26/2010 - 02:04

Yesterday I “bought” a “Dynamo” badge for 150 rubles.
Guys! Explain! 1) What are these icons? 2) What kind of “Dynamo” is it, wasn’t it “grabbed” as a brand? Why now let’s say the private FC Dynamo pays the Ministry of Internal Affairs for using the Dynamo brand? If I misunderstood something, please enlighten me! 😊I know about all sorts of “Murzilkas” produced by the Ministry of Internal Affairs . Sometimes they come across.... Honestly, I read from cover to cover. Because for the most part it’s wild nonsense! And I love nonsense 😊 I also know about lotteries. But with “Dynamo” it’s a complete revelation.

wolf5002 11/26/2010 - 13:53

Almost word for word: ALL CMs are members of the Dynamo society (automatically), and therefore they are required to pay membership fees of 100 for something + 50 for something, I didn’t go into it because it’s useless instructions from the council are not discussed, it says 150 means 150, and the badge a small white diamond with a blue letter D, the bottom of the diamond is shrouded in dew. flag.

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It seems that permission to hold the All-Russian non-state charitable lottery “For Law and Order” was recently received, and a four-year path of fruitful work for all veteran organizations has already been completed.

When drawing a lottery, sources of extra-budgetary funding for gratuitous charitable and charitable activities are created. medical care veterans, families of employees of internal affairs bodies and military personnel of internal troops who died in the line of duty and military duty.
Based on the results of four draws, veteran organizations received more than 120 million rubles, which were used to provide material support more than 75 thousand veterans, carrying out expensive operations, purchasing medicines and medical equipment.
The last circulation was held on November 18, 2011 at the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia by the Russian Council of Internal Affairs and Military Veterans, the All-Russian Public charitable foundation“Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” with the participation of the leadership of the Department civil service and personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, veterans, cadets and students, the public, and representatives of the media.
76 regions of the country took part in this charity event. The lottery was most successfully played by regional veteran organizations of the ATS and VV of the Kabardino-Balkarian, Karachay-Cherkess Republics, the Republics of Bashkortostan, Karelia, Komi, Mari El, Mordovia, Chuvashia, North Ossetia - Alania, Tatarstan, Tyva, Krasnodar, Primorsky, Perm, Stavropol, Khabarovsk territories, Amur, Arkhangelsk, Bryansk, Vladimir, Vologda, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Kemerovo, Kostroma, Kirov, Kursk, Moscow, Omsk, Rostov, Saratov, Orenburg, Ryazan, Sakhalin, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl regions, Khanty- -Mansiysk, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, regional commands of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Veteran organizations of the republics of Altai, Adygea, Buryatia, Kalmykia, Udmurtia, Khakassia, Transbaikal, Krasnoyarsk territories, Astrakhan, Belgorod, Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kurgan, Lipetsk, Magadan, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Oryol, Penza also achieved positive results. Pskov, Samara, Smolensk, Tambov, Tver, Tomsk, Tula, Ulyanovsk regions, Jewish Autonomous Region.
In the context of reforming the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and reducing the personnel of internal affairs bodies, the leaders of regional veteran organizations closely linked this charitable action with the education of personnel in service and military traditions, carried out a set of organizational measures to increase the authority of internal affairs bodies and internal troops among the population, explained the goals and tasks related to the holding of the “For Law and Order” lottery. In total, more than a thousand meetings and conversations took place, and more than 100 materials on this issue were published in the media.

In the fourth draw, 3,098,084 lottery tickets were sold, the total gross collection was 77,452,100 rubles. Of these, in accordance with the Law “On Lotteries,” the prize fund (50%) amounted to 38,726,050 rubles, which are in a separate account and can only be used to pay out winnings (these funds, according to the conditions of the lottery during the draw, were distributed as follows: 200 thousand rubles - 3 wins, 100 thousand rubles - 6 wins, 50 thousand rubles - 20 wins, 20 thousand rubles - 120 wins, 10 thousand rubles - 250 wins, 5 thousand rubles - 1000 wins From a thousand rubles to 30 rubles - 471. 301). Upon completion of payment of winnings and expiration of the statute of limitations, the balance prize fund transferred to state revenue.

Currently the proud owners big wins steel: Volkov N.M. ( Altai region), Baranov N.V. (Saratov region) - won 200 thousand rubles each; Gorepekin O.V. won 100 thousand rubles each. (Stavropol Territory), Pashko N.N., Dolmatova A.V. (Altai region); 50 thousand rubles each - Lemeshko R.V. (Stavropol Territory), Saturday A.A. (Voronezh region), Ilyukhin A.P. (Ulyanovsk region) and many others. In total, as of February 17, 2012, more than 30% of the prize fund (RUB 11,617,815) was paid out in large and small winnings.
The remaining 50% (RUB 38,726,050) cash distributed in accordance with the Lottery Conditions approved by the Federal Tax Service of Russia and concluded agreements in the following order:
-- 10% (RUB 7,745,210) of the gross collection amount stipulated by law is aimed at charitable purposes Russian Council of ATS and VV Veterans;
-- 10% (7,745,210 rubles) were sent directly to distributors (sellers) of lottery tickets, which are distributed independently by regional veterans' councils;
-- 10% (7,745,210 rubles) were sent by decision of the Russian Veterans Council to regional veterans councils for charitable purposes;
-- up to 10% (7,679,915 rubles) in connection with the refusal of Sberbank of Russia to pay winnings to lottery participants are allocated to pay out winnings on their own. For these purposes, in accordance with by decision Veteran organizations have created special staff groups for the payment of winnings, which include accountants and other persons determined by the veterans' councils to carry out this work, whose responsibilities include payment of winnings, accounting and reporting to the lottery operator and tax authorities.
In total, therefore, 40% of the funds received from the sale of lottery tickets were transferred to veterans' organizations. The remaining 10.1% (7,810,505 rubles) of funds are allocated for activities related to the organization and drawing of the lottery, including the production of lottery tickets (4.7% - 3,640,249 rubles), rental of premises (2.5% - 1 936,302 rubles), postal and transportation costs (0.1% - 77,452 rubles), communications and computer support for the work of the lottery operator (0.3 - 220,200 rubles), wages 10 employees working on organizing and conducting lotteries in the country (2% - 1,549,042 rubles), taxes to the state (0.5% - 387,260 rubles).
At the same time, the leaders of some veteran organizations are raising the question of changing the amount of payments for small winnings up to 100 rubles, eliminate 30-ruble winnings altogether, reduce the number of large wins, and the like. We inform you that at the current stage of the “For Law and Order” lottery, a change in the Conditions will require, in accordance with the Law “On Lotteries” (No. 138-93 of November 11, 2003), a complete re-registration of the lottery and the replacement of all permitting documents. To implement this event, it will be necessary to close existing lottery, complete payments for the fourth draw by May 18, 2012, report on the use of the prize fund, conduct an audit of both the lottery organizer (OOBF "Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia") and the lottery operator (ZAO PKK "Geron"), and then submit materials V tax services for an unscheduled inspection and only after its completion, file a petition for permission from the Federal Tax Service of Russia to register new Conditions.

These activities will take at least a year to complete. During this time, there is a danger of losing established connections, all governing documents and instructions will become outdated, and interest in the lottery as a whole will be lost. This situation will cause a negative response from regional veterans' organizations, since the vast majority of them speak positively about the current lottery and say that the financial assistance and support veterans receive from the lottery are needed more than ever.

Deputy Chairman of the OOBF
"Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia"
general manager
CJSC PKK "Heron"
Leonid Vakulich



Dear colleagues, the second draw of the lottery For Law and Order has been drawn. Share your joy: who won how much? I won 90 rubles from three tickets. It's a small thing, but nice.


We haven't seen the table yet. It's a long way from Moscow!!!


Sergei: www.geron.ru. Look there. I won 30 rubles :-D


And the results have not yet been announced to us, in our department each investigator has 4 tickets, so there is a chance for a winning one :)))





but this is not a dummy. I won 1000 rubles last year. The tickets were then handed over to the boss and he received the winnings through the regional police department, as far as I know. I had the biggest win in our SS



And I’m already giving out money! Our region won more than a million. Despite the fact that we sent 1 million 260 thousand to Moscow for tickets. And in general, I know almost everything about this lottery. At least in the Altai region. I know who won how much. And Moscow has already transferred money for the winnings. There are no problems with payment. And the table was already on the website of PKK "Heron" on November 22. And it's very easy to check tickets. If you don't get paid your winnings at home, come to me! :-D



We won - 2 tickets for 20 thousand, 6 for 10 thousand, 11 for 5 thousand, 65 for 1 thousand, 240 for 500 rubles, about two thousand for 100 rubles, and more than 19 thousand tickets - 30 rubles each. In short, every third ticket is a winner. And be sure to receive winnings. Can you imagine - 19 thousand for 30 rubles? ! More than half a million in total! It’s not right to give them to Moscow. If you don't need money, donate tickets to veteran organizations. They will find a use for them.


For Evgeniy Baev (I forgive the distortion of my last name) - ask your management these questions. The lottery is voluntary, apparently, they cannot clearly explain to you why this is necessary. And you will all be veterans (pensioners)... And you will ask why they didn’t congratulate me, and why didn’t they give me a gift? And don’t ask - Where to get the money for this? And don't say that it won't happen. You are not yet 70 years old. And I know this for sure... It will be so. Everyone wants attention to themselves, especially if they have put their whole soul into their work. And the fact that attention is expensive now - and you can’t get it without money, no one thinks about it... Honestly, I’m sorry that you feel sorry for 100 rubles a year... Good deeds always pay off handsomely!


It seems to me that all this is a money scam, it originates in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and decent amounts of money end up in the pockets of the authorities. I personally have never won large amounts of money, and what I have won I have not even received. But when you come to receive your salary, a personnel officer is already on duty in the accounting department, convincing you of the need to purchase tickets. And the "CHARITY" lottery. It is not clear what good things are being done with the money of the already poor “ordinary” police officers. ($) (v) :-D


Good lottery, necessary, but...for some reason, voluntary-FORCED...
Maybe for its usefulness it makes sense to change the dimensions (let’s say 20X30 cm, like the tiles in my toilet...), and... make the images more interesting..., so, you see...., once a year the interior will be updated ...at least the money won't go to waste...


Especially for Yuri Sidorov: Using the money earned from selling lottery tickets last year, our veterans’ organization managed to pay for the rest and treatment of two groups of veterans (35 people each) at the rehabilitation center of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate “Katunskie Zori”, and paid for a regional event with difficult teenagers "A city open to children." And I can name a lot more. All employees who bought tickets last year and won large sums(from 5 thousand rubles) received these winnings in THEIR savings books, and did not transfer them to their bosses. I also have the specific names of these people - privates, officers and veterans, but it is unlikely that I will publish them here without their consent. I have specific facts and specific figures. I myself have been retired for a long time. The distribution of these tickets is a public mandate for the veterans organization. I know where the kopecks of money went. And anyone can make unfounded accusations.


And here we are even forced to go to physical education (even though everyone knows that it’s good for health) and to special events (concerts) - we also march and sing... It just so happens that everything useful and good is FORCED...


for Lyudmila Khokhlova: This is all about veterans and children, of course it’s good, about their recreation and all that. But you explain to me: “Why are these tickets sold to police officers forcibly?” Very interesting


Why should employees take away already meager funds from themselves, from their children, and... maintain all sorts of offices, such as..."Dynamo", "Heron"..., subscribe to all sorts of publications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs... .?


This is very interesting to me. As a result, we have three people plus a boss, so they gave us 25 tickets and said that if we don’t bring money for them, then in Russian, we’ll be screwed

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