Regulations on the board of trustees of an educational institution (sample form)


about the board of trustees educational institution

1. General provisions

1.1. The Board of Trustees of an educational institution is a self-government body of an educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) and is created to assist in organizing the statutory activities of the educational institution, its functioning and development, exercising public supervision over the financial and economic activities of the Institution and strengthening its material and technical base.

1.2. The Board of Trustees is not a legal entity.

1.3. The Board of Trustees acts on the basis of the regulations on the Board of Trustees, approved by order of the director of the educational institution.

1.4. The procedure for the formation, powers and organization of activities of the Board of Trustees are determined by the Charter of the institution and the Regulations on the Board of Trustees. The Regulations on the Board of Trustees define the tasks, functions and rights of the Board of Trustees.

1.5. These Regulations and the activities of the Board of Trustees cannot contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the educational institution.

1.6. The Board of Trustees closely interacts with the Council of the educational institution and its founders, but does not have the right to interfere in the current operational and administrative activities of the Institution. The decisions of the board of trustees are of a recommendatory and advisory nature.

2. Goals And tasks Trustee council

2.1. The main goal of the Board of Trustees is to promote the functioning and development of the educational institution.

2.2. In its activities, the Board of Trustees solves the following tasks:

Promotes the unification of efforts of organizations and citizens in the implementation of financial, material and other types of support for educational


Promotes the formation of a financial fund of an educational institution;

Promotes the improvement of the material and technical base of the educational institution, the improvement of its premises and territory;

Promotes the attraction of extra-budgetary funds to ensure the activities and development of the educational institution;

Participates in the formation of orders for the types and levels of educational services offered to students;

- provides the educational institution with various types of non-material assistance (intellectual, legal, cultural, informational, etc.);

Promotes the organization and improvement of working conditions for teaching and other employees of an educational institution;

Promotes the organization of competitions, competitions and other mass extracurricular events of the educational institution;

Establishes scholarships for certain categories of students and pupils;

Promotes the provision of financial assistance to socially vulnerable categories of children when receiving paid additional educational services, additional subsidies for food, purchase of educational literature, school supplies and other types of necessary assistance;

Promotes the development of international relations of the educational institution, interaction with organizations operating in the field of educational and information technologies, and also provides assistance in the field of children's tourism and the allocation of funds for international cultural exchange, including professional;

Considers other issues within the competence of the Board of Trustees by the Charter of the educational institution.

3. Competence Trustee council

3.1. To implement the goals and objectives assigned to it, the Board of Trustees
has the right:

Independently form a composition based on a voluntary association
representatives of organizations, associations, citizens to solve problems

Attract sponsorship materials, as well as services and assistance
of any other nature in order to facilitate the operation and development
educational institution;

Make proposals to organizations and individuals, parents
students to provide all possible assistance to an educational institution;

Make decisions on the direction of raised funds for purposes
educational process and approve the corresponding cost estimate;

Contribute to the appropriate use of budget funds,
allocated for the maintenance of the Institution, as well as funds transferred
Establishment by citizens and legal entities as voluntary
donations and gifts. In case of their inappropriate use and expenditure
inform about this the authorities exercising control over the activities

Periodically hear reports from the management of the educational institution
on the implementation of decisions made by the Board of Trustees;

Get acquainted with the prospects for the development of an educational institution
hear reports on the implementation of development programs of the Institution at this
stage, suggest appropriate adjustments;

Hear proposals from other governing bodies of the Institution on
improvement and development of the educational institution;

Make proposals to the Council of the educational institution on issues
improving its activities in the field of education, culture,
services to the population, strengthening the staff of the Institution and development
its material and technical base;

Take part in conferences, meetings, seminars, as well as
speak in the media on issues of providing
Institution of services in the field of education;

Participate in auditing the activities of the Institution.

3.2. Chairman on identified shortcomings in the work of the Institution
The board of trustees notifies the self-government body
educational institution whose competence is the adoption
local acts of the educational institution, state bodies exercising control over the activities of the Institution, and also makes proposals for their elimination.

3.3. At the annual meeting following the results of the year, the Board of Trustees
The educational institution submits a report on the work done.
The meeting is held on the basis of transparency with the participation of representatives of the Council
educational institution, parent committee, pedagogical council, and
as well as other organizations and individuals interested in improving
activities and development of an educational institution.

3.4. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees establishes contact with funds
mass media about the activities of the Council.

4. Organization and procedure for the activities of the board of trustees

4.1. The Board of Trustees is created for the entire period of activity of the Institution or for a period determined by the Charter of the educational institution.

4.2. Members of the Board of Trustees perform their duties free of charge and without interruption from their main activities

4.3. The Board of Trustees operates on the basis of transparency and equality of rights of its members.

4.4. The composition of the Board of Trustees is formed on a voluntary basis from parents (legal representatives), pupils and students, representatives of organizations, associations, citizens who provide the Institution with constant financial, material, legal, organizational, information and other assistance.

The Board of Trustees may include founders, representatives of government bodies of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg, local governments, the media and legal entities, regardless of their form of ownership, as well as citizens who have expressed a desire to work on the Board of Trustees and are capable of business and moral qualities to carry out the tasks facing him.

4.5. Members of the Board of Trustees may be adult citizens of the Russian Federation and other countries.

4.6. The first composition of the Board of Trustees is approved by a decision of the self-government body of the educational institution, whose competence is the adoption of local acts of the educational institution. The Board of Trustees consists of at least five members. The director of an educational institution is required to be a member of the Board of Trustees.

4.7. The Board of Trustees is headed by a chairman who has organizational and coordination powers. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman are elected annually at the first meeting of the Board of Trustees by a majority vote in an open vote in agreement with the Council of the educational institution.

4.8. Operational management and organization of the Council's activities
carried out by the chairman, and in his absence - by the deputy.

4.9. The Chairman of the Council organizes the work of the Council, conducts meetings of the Council,
submits proposals on plans for its work and time for consideration by the Council
meetings Deputy Chairman of the Council in the absence of the Chairman of the Council
performs its functions.

4.10. At the first annual meeting of the Board of Trustees, the
secretary. The responsibilities of the Secretary include organizing meetings of the Council in
in accordance with these Regulations, carrying out direct work
for the preparation and maintenance of current Council documentation, registration and distribution
decisions of the Council, preparation of reports on the work of the Council for the year and proposals for
plan and schedule of the Council's work for the next year.

4.11. A meeting of the Board of Trustees is considered valid if a majority of its members are present. Decisions of the Board of Trustees are made by open voting by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Trustees present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes "for" and "against", the vote of the presiding officer is decisive.

4.12. Decisions of the Board of Trustees are documented in protocols, which
signed by the presiding officer and the secretary keeping the minutes

4.13. The Council of the educational institution provides the Trustee with
advice: a place to store installed documentation.

414. New representatives can be admitted to the Board of Trustees only if more than half of the members of the Board of Trustees present at the meeting vote for their candidacies. The issue of expelling its members from the Board of Trustees is decided at meetings of the Board in the manner prescribed by these Regulations. The board of an educational institution may contact the chairman with a recommendation to exclude him from the Board of Trustees.

4.15. Decisions of the Board of Trustees are made at its meetings,
carried out quarterly according to the work plan. Extraordinary meetings
may be convened by its chairman as necessary, upon request
members of the Board of Trustees. During the period between meetings, management
The board of trustees is chaired by the chairman.

4.16. In the work of the Board of Trustees, with the right of advisory vote, they may
invited representatives of educational authorities to take part
institutions, various organizations, societies, movements, cultural figures and

5. Responsibility Trustee council

5.1. The Board of Trustees is responsible in accordance with current legislation and the Charter of the educational institution.

6. Final provisions

6.1. Changes and additions to these Regulations are made by decision
Council of an educational institution.

6.2. Making a decision to terminate the activities of the Board of Trustees
falls within the competence of the self-government body of the educational institution, in
whose competence is the adoption of local acts of educational

6.3. The activities of the Board of Trustees may also be terminated by
decision of the Board of Trustees by open voting of 2/3 votes of all
members of the Board of Trustees.

Reviewed, discussed and adopted by the pedagogical council

"___"_______________200__g. , protocol No.___

"Budget-funded educational institutions: accounting and taxation", 2007, N 5

Additional extra-budgetary funding is a prerequisite for the development of educational institutions in modern conditions, since budget funding is often not enough even to cover the necessary operating expenses of the institution. With the transfer of extra-budgetary funding of educational institutions to personal accounts various problems arose related to the independent use of additional funds. The situation is complicated by the fact that the inclusion of extra-budgetary revenues in the budget formally leads to an increase in the volume of funding for education expenses from the budget, while there is no real increase in expenses. Therefore, it is beneficial for an educational institution to “divert” additional (non-budgetary) financial flows to other organizations. Considering the relevance of the topic of public and state management of education within the framework of modern public policy, the Board of Trustees as an independent non-profit organization could become such an organization.

The main goal of an educational institution is the implementation of various educational programs (main and additional). Moreover, to implement any educational program material and financial resources. They are also needed to maintain the educational and material base at a high quality level, as well as its development.

According to current legislation, financing must be carried out in accordance with the standards adopted at the regional and municipal levels. Moreover, each region and municipality has the right to independently develop a model of regulatory financing. Unfortunately, in almost all regions budget funding does not cover necessary costs for the quality implementation of educational programs.

At the same time, according to Art. 41 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 “On Education” (hereinafter referred to as Law N 3266-1), an educational institution has the right to attract, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, additional financial resources by providing paid additional educational and other funds provided for by the charter of the educational institution services, as well as voluntary donations and targeted contributions from individuals and (or) legal entities, including foreign ones. At the same time, the attraction of additional funds by an educational institution does not entail a reduction in the standards and (or) absolute amounts of its financing at the expense of the founder’s funds.

Therefore, to finance its educational programs and develop the educational and material base, an educational institution has the right to attract extra-budgetary funds. At the same time, the Board of Trustees, created in the form of a non-profit organization, the purpose of which is to promote the functioning and development of an educational institution, can become a very attractive and stable source of funding.

Please note: current legislation prohibits budgetary institutions charge fees for the implementation of basic educational programs financed from the budget (for example, for the implementation of basic general education programs). At the same time, the budget does not guarantee the allocation of sufficient funds for the high-quality implementation of basic general education programs, which in some educational institutions leads to fees paid in various ways from the parents of students.

The Board of Trustees can also co-finance basic educational programs, providing resources for the quality implementation of the educational process, since current legislation prohibits charging parents fees for these purposes, but does not prohibit receiving additional funds from other legal entities.

Boards of trustees without forming a legal entity are quite common in educational institutions. However, in this case they cannot have their own current account, therefore economic sense in their existence there is no. All advantages in organizing financial flows arise only if the Board of Trustees is created as an independent non-profit organization.

A non-profit organization is an organization that does not have profit as the main purpose of its activities and does not distribute the profits received among participants. Such organizations, in accordance with Federal Law No. 7-FZ<1>, are created to achieve social, charitable, cultural, educational, scientific and management goals, in order to protect the health of citizens, development physical culture and sports, satisfying the spiritual and other non-material needs of citizens, protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, resolving disputes and conflicts, providing legal assistance, as well as for other purposes aimed at achieving public benefits.

<1>Federal Law of January 12, 1996 N 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations”.

Legal status non-profit organizations determined by the norms of the Civil Code, Federal Law No. 7-FZ and others regulations. If the Board of Trustees is created in the form of a public association, then Federal Law No. 82-FZ applies to it<2>.

<2>Federal Law of May 19, 1995 N 82-FZ “On Public Associations”.

In accordance with Art. 13 Federal Law N 7-FZ, a non-profit organization can be created by decision of the founders (founder), as well as as a result of the reorganization of an existing non-profit organization.

Currently, there are more than 20 organizational and legal forms of non-profit organizations. To create a Board of Trustees, the following forms can be used:

A non-profit organization is considered created as a legal entity from the moment of its state registration. However, before state registration, it is necessary to carry out certain preparatory work.

The process of creating the Board of Trustees includes the following stages:

  • preparatory;
  • state registration;
  • printing production;
  • opening a current (if necessary, foreign currency) account.

Only after these procedures is it possible to officially begin activities.

A non-profit organization is created by the decision of the founders (founder), who, depending on the organizational and legal forms, can be both individuals and legal entities.

The constituent document of non-profit organizations is the charter approved by the founders (participants) for a public organization (association), foundation, non-profit partnership and autonomous non-profit organization. The founders (participants) of non-profit partnerships, as well as autonomous non-profit organizations, have the right to conclude a constituent agreement.

Please note: the founders (members, participants) of a non-profit organization cannot be foreign citizens or stateless persons in respect of whom a decision has been made that their stay on the territory of the Russian Federation is undesirable, persons and organizations associated with money laundering cash or financing extremist organizations.

The constituent documents of a non-profit organization must contain:

  • the name of the non-profit organization indicating the nature of its activities and legal form;
  • location of the non-profit organization;
  • procedure for managing activities;
  • subject and goals of activity;
  • information about branches and representative offices;
  • rights and obligations of members;
  • conditions and procedure for admission to membership in a non-profit organization and withdrawal from it (if the non-profit organization has membership);
  • sources of formation of property of a non-profit organization;
  • the procedure for making changes to the constituent documents of a non-profit organization;
  • the procedure for using property in the event of liquidation of a non-profit organization;
  • other provisions provided for by Federal Law No. 7-FZ and other federal laws.

The fund's charter must also contain the name of the fund, including the word "fund", information about the purpose of the fund, instructions about the bodies of the fund, including the Board of Trustees, and the procedure for their formation, the appointment of officials of the fund and their dismissal, the location of the fund, and as well as the further use of the fund’s property in the event of its liquidation.

The constituent documents of a non-profit organization may contain other provisions that do not contradict the law.

The charter of the Board of Trustees as a non-profit organization may include the following sections (their names may vary, since there is no clearly defined structure):

  • general provisions;
  • goals and objectives of the council;
  • board membership;
  • the procedure for joining and leaving the council;
  • board governance;
  • property and financial and economic activities;
  • procedure for reorganization and liquidation of the council.

In addition, the charter could theoretically reflect provisions regarding branches and other separate divisions organization, but boards of trustees generally do not need to use these options. Although it is possible to create one Board of Trustees per municipality with the creation of branches based in specific educational institutions.

The meeting of the founders on the creation of a non-profit organization is recorded in minutes. Protocol general meeting founders of the Board of Trustees should contain:

  • list of those present;
  • date and protocol number (usually protocol No. 1);
  • agenda;
  • list of speakers and summary their performances.

The protocol must reflect voting questions, in particular:

  • on the creation of a non-profit organization;
  • on the composition of the founders;
  • on the size of the authorized capital;
  • on the appointment of an executive director;
  • on registration of a non-profit organization.

It must also indicate the voting results for each issue.

State registration of non-profit organizations and tax registration is currently carried out by the Federal Tax and Duty Service. However, documents for state registration of a non-profit organization must now be submitted to the Federal Registration Service (Rosregistration) in the manner prescribed by Art. 13.1 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ, since if previously in force general order, now a special one has been established for non-profit organizations, which previously only applied to public associations. Thus, the registration procedure has become significantly more complicated, since it is carried out by two different services - after approval by Rosregistration, the documents are sent by it to the authorized tax authority to make relevant entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Then, having received notification of making entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Rosregistration issues a certificate of state registration to the applicant.

It must be remembered that the period for submitting documents for registration is limited to three months from the date of the decision to create an organization (clause 4 of article 13.1 of Law No. 7-FZ).

According to Art. 12 of Federal Law N 129-FZ<4>When registering a legal entity being created, they submit to the registration authority following documents:

  • an application signed by the applicant, indicating his full name, place of residence and telephone numbers (notarized);
  • constituent documents in triplicate;
  • decision on the creation of a non-profit organization and on approval of its constituent documents indicating the composition of elected (appointed) bodies in two copies;
  • information about the founders in two copies;
  • document confirming payment of state duty;
  • information about the address (location) of a permanent body.
<4>Federal Law of 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ "On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs".

The application for state registration signed by the applicant is submitted in form N РН0001, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 212<5>. The application is certified by a notary, therefore signatures on it must be placed in the presence of a notary. To certify the signatures, the notary needs the applicant’s passport and a document confirming his authority, for example, the minutes of the general meeting of founders, which sets out the results of the appointment to a particular position and instructs him to register the organization.

<5>Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2006 N 212 “On measures to implement certain provisions of federal laws regulating the activities of non-profit organizations.”

Information about the founders is given on sheets “B” of form N РН0001.

Simultaneously with the documents for registration, it is advisable to submit an application for the application of the simplified tax system, since for the Board of Trustees this system allows reducing the costs of maintaining tax and accounting, is the most optimal.

An authorized person (applicant) who has the right to submit documents for registration of a non-profit partnership may be:

  • the head of a permanent executive body of a legal entity or another person who has the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of this legal entity (for example, a director appointed by the founders);
  • founder(s - individuals) a legal entity upon its creation;
  • the head of a legal entity acting as the founder of a registered legal entity;
  • another person acting on the basis of a duly executed power of attorney.

Constituent documents of a legal entity are presented in originals or notarized copies.

The decision to create a legal entity is presented in the form of a protocol (or an extract from the protocol). This document must necessarily refer to the approval of the charter of the Board of Trustees and the formation of its governing bodies, including the appointment of a director (sole executive body). Also in the protocol you must indicate your full name. person entrusted with registration.

As a document confirming the payment of the state duty, a receipt for its transfer through a bank is usually presented. Currently, there is a single state fee for registering legal entities in the amount of 2,000 rubles. (Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The address of a legal entity is the location of the permanent executive body (individual or collegial). Documents for the address include a notarized rental agreement for the premises, a certificate of ownership, letter of guarantee. The address (location) of the permanent body of the Board of Trustees of an educational institution, as a rule, is the address of the educational institution itself. Therefore, a letter of guarantee from the head of the educational institution is usually presented as a document confirming the address of the Board of Trustees.

Registration with the tax authority is carried out simultaneously with state registration. Registration and deregistration are free of charge. In addition to the state registration certificate, a certificate of TIN assignment is issued ( identification number taxpayer), uniform for all types of taxes and fees. This number must be indicated in the declaration, report, application or other document submitted to the tax authority, as well as in other cases provided for by law. A tax registration certificate can be obtained from the tax authority at the location of the organization.

The registration period for a non-profit organization is 23 working days, of which:

  • within 14 working days, Rosregistration must make a decision on the compliance of the charter with the requirements of the law;
  • within 5 working days, the Federal Tax Service must make an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • 1 working day is allocated to notify Rosregistration about making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • within 3 working days after receiving a message from the Federal Tax Service, Rosregistration must issue a registration certificate to a non-profit organization.

Refusal of registration is possible only for the following reasons specified in Art. 23.1 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ:

  • the constituent documents contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • a non-profit organization with the same name was previously registered;
  • the name offends morality, national and religious feelings;
  • documents are incomplete, incorrectly executed, or submitted to the wrong authority;
  • a person acting as a founder cannot be a founder in accordance with clause 1.2 of Art. 15 Federal Law No. 7-FZ.

Refusal of state registration must be reported no later than one month from the date of receipt of the submitted documents, indicating the reasons.

The stamp can be ordered from any organization that produces them, or you can purchase a special kit that allows you to create the stamp yourself. The seal must indicate the name of the organization and place of registration. Also, the seal may contain OGRN, TIN, registered logo. In large cities there are currently no problems with its production, but it may take several days (and even weeks) to produce it.

In Moscow there is a State Register of Stamps and you can register (for a fee, of course) a seal in this registry. However, there are no requirements for mandatory registration in this register in the current Moscow legislation, so registration is carried out only at the request of the organization itself.

Taking into account the introduced “one window” rules, registration with statistical authorities and registration with extra-budgetary funds (Pension Fund, Mandatory health insurance and the Social Insurance Fund) should be carried out automatically, without the need for a personal visit.

A letter must be sent from the regional office of Rosstat containing assigned organizations in accordance with all-Russian classifiers and statutory documents business entity identification codes:

  • OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations);
  • OKOGU (All-Russian Classifier of State Power and Management Bodies);
  • OKATO (All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division);
  • OKVED (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities);
  • OKFS (All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership);
  • OKOPF (All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms).

A Rosstat registration letter with statistics codes is necessary to carry out statutory activities and open a bank account.

Notifications (notifications) of funds about the registration of a legal entity and assignment to it registration numbers must be sent by mail to the address of the legal entity. At the same time, the registration period is regulated - 5 working days.

Four notifications should come from extra-budgetary funds (two from the Social Insurance Fund and one each from the Pension Fund and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund). Two notifications from the Social Insurance Fund are required, since the organization in this fund is not only registered as an insurer, but also receives notification of the amount of insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

Given the work of the post office, notifications do not always arrive, therefore, after a month from the date of registration, it is advisable for the executive body of the Board of Trustees or an authorized representative to obtain the corresponding notifications or registration numbers from the fund branches.

The final stage of creating the Board of Trustees is opening a bank account. In the selected bank (even in small towns There are several banks with different tariffs for opening and maintaining accounts) you need to obtain the documents necessary to open a current account. To do this, the following documents are submitted to the bank (the list may vary slightly):

  • application for opening an account;
  • agreement for settlement and cash services (in two copies);
  • a copy of the registration certificate, certified by a notary;
  • a copy of the charter, certified by a notary;
  • a copy of the constituent agreement, certified by a notary;
  • a card with sample signatures, a seal, certified by a notary (or, according to the rules of the bank, in the bank itself);
  • orders for the appointment of persons who have the right of first and second signature on the card with sample signatures;
  • a notarized copy of the certificate of registration with the tax office;
  • questionnaires for all persons authorized to sign the card (with presentation of a passport);
  • copy newsletter from statistical authorities on the assignment of codes;
  • a document confirming the registration of the organization with the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund branch;
  • calculation for establishing an organization's limit on the cash balance in the cash register.

After opening a current account, you can get a checkbook from the bank.

According to Art. 86 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the bank that opened the organization’s account is obliged to notify the tax authority about this within five days. In turn, a non-profit organization is also obliged to notify the tax authority within ten days about the opening (closing) of a current account in accordance with Art. 23 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.


director of the Nizhny Novgorod center

economics of education

I APPROVED ACCEPTED by order of the educational decision of the general meeting of the institution of the parent committee "__" _______ 200_ "__" ________ 200__ Director: __________ Chairman _________

1. General provisions

1.1. The Board of Trustees of an educational institution is a self-government body of an educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) and is created to assist in organizing the statutory activities of the educational institution, its functioning and development, exercising public supervision over the financial and economic activities of the Institution and strengthening its material and technical base.

1.2. The Board of Trustees is not a legal entity.

1.3. The Board of Trustees acts on the basis of the Regulations on the Board of Trustees, approved by order of the director of the educational institution.

1.4. The procedure for the formation, powers and organization of activities of the Board of Trustees are determined by the Charter of the Institution and the Regulations on the Board of Trustees. The Regulations on the Board of Trustees define the tasks, functions and rights of the Board of Trustees.

1.5. These Regulations and the activities of the Board of Trustees cannot contradict current legislation Russian Federation and the charter of the educational institution.

1.6. The Board of Trustees closely interacts with the Council of the educational institution and its founders, but does not have the right to interfere in the current operational and administrative activities of the Institution. The decisions of the Board of Trustees are of a recommendatory and advisory nature.

2. Goals and objectives of the Board of Trustees

2.1. The main goal of the Board of Trustees is to promote the functioning and development of the educational institution.

2.2. In its activities, the Board of Trustees solves the following tasks:

Promotes the unification of efforts of organizations and citizens in providing financial, material and other types of support to an educational institution;

Promotes the formation of a financial fund of an educational institution;

Promotes the improvement of the material and technical base of the educational institution, the improvement of its premises and territory;

Promotes the attraction of extra-budgetary funds to ensure the activities and development of the educational institution;

Participates in the formation of orders for the types and levels of educational services offered to students;

Provides educational institutions with various types of non-material assistance (intellectual, legal, cultural, informational, etc.);

Promotes the organization and improvement of working conditions for teaching and other employees of an educational institution;

Promotes the organization of competitions, competitions and other mass extracurricular events of the educational institution;

Establishes scholarships for certain categories of students and pupils;

Promotes the provision of financial assistance to socially vulnerable categories of children when receiving paid additional educational services, additional subsidies for food, purchase educational literature, school supplies and other types of necessary assistance;

Promotes the development of international relations of the educational institution, interaction with organizations operating in the field of educational and information technology, and also provides assistance in the field of children's tourism and the allocation of funds for international cultural exchange, including professional;

Considers other issues within the competence of the Board of Trustees by the Charter of the educational institution.

3. Competence of the Board of Trustees

3.1. To implement the goals and objectives assigned to it, the Board of Trustees has the right to:

Independently form a composition on the basis of a voluntary association of representatives of organizations, associations, citizens to solve the assigned tasks;

Attract sponsorship materials, as well as services and assistance of a different nature in order to facilitate the functioning and development of the educational institution;

Make proposals to organizations and individuals, parents of students to provide all possible assistance to the educational institution;

Make decisions on the direction of raised funds for the purposes of the educational process and approve the corresponding cost estimate;

To promote the appropriate expenditure of budget funds allocated for the maintenance of the Institution, as well as funds transferred to the Institution by citizens and legal entities as voluntary donations and gifts. In case of their inappropriate use and expenditure, inform the authorities exercising control over the activities of the Institution about this;

Periodically hear reports from the management of the educational institution on the implementation of decisions made by the Board of Trustees;

Get acquainted with the development prospects of the educational institution, hear reports on the implementation of development programs of the Institution at this stage, propose appropriate adjustments;

Hear proposals from other governing bodies of the Institution for the improvement and development of the educational institution;

Make proposals to the Council of an educational institution on issues of improving its activities in the field of education, culture, services to the population, strengthening the personnel of the Institution and developing its material and technical base;

Take part in conferences, meetings, seminars, as well as speak in the media on the provision of educational services by the Institution;

Participate in auditing the activities of the Institution.

3.2. The chairman of the Board of Trustees informs the self-government body of the educational institution, which is responsible for the adoption of local acts of the educational institution, and state bodies that monitor the activities of the Institution about the identified shortcomings in the work of the Institution, and also makes proposals for their elimination.

3.3. At the annual meeting following the results of the year, the Board of Trustees of the educational institution presents a report on the work done. The meeting is held on the basis of transparency with the participation of representatives of the Council of the educational institution, the parent committee, the pedagogical council, as well as other organizations and individuals interested in improving the activities and development of the educational institution.

3.4. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees establishes contact with the media about the activities of the Board.

4. Organization and procedure for the activities of the Board of Trustees

4.1. The Board of Trustees is created for the entire period of activity of the Institution or for a period determined by the Charter of the educational institution.

4.2. Members of the Board of Trustees perform their duties free of charge and without interruption from their main activities.

4.3. The Board of Trustees operates on the basis of transparency and equality of rights of its members.

4.4. The composition of the Board of Trustees is formed on a voluntary basis from parents (legal representatives) of pupils and students, representatives of organizations, associations, citizens who provide the Institution with constant financial, material, legal, organizational, information and other assistance.

The Board of Trustees may include founders, representatives of government bodies of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg, local governments, the media and legal entities, regardless of their form of ownership, as well as citizens who have expressed a desire to work on the Board of Trustees and are capable in their business and moral qualities to carry out the tasks facing him.

4.5. Members of the Board of Trustees may be adult citizens of the Russian Federation and other states.

4.6. The first composition of the Board of Trustees is approved by a decision of the self-government body of the educational institution, whose competence is the adoption of local acts of the educational institution. The Board of Trustees includes at least 5 (five) members. The director of an educational institution is required to be a member of the Board of Trustees.

4.7. The Board of Trustees is headed by a chairman who has organizational and coordination powers. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman are elected annually at the first meeting of the Board of Trustees by a majority vote in an open vote in agreement with the Council of the educational institution.

4.8. The operational management and organization of the activities of the Council are carried out by the chairman, and in his absence - by the deputy.

4.9. The Chairman of the Council organizes the work of the Council, conducts meetings of the Council, submits proposals on plans for its work and the time of meetings for consideration by the Council. The Deputy Chairman of the Council, in the absence of the Chairman of the Council, performs his functions.

4.10. At the first annual meeting of the Board of Trustees, a secretary is appointed. The responsibilities of the secretary include organizing meetings of the Council in accordance with these Regulations, carrying out direct work on preparing and maintaining current documentation of the Council, processing and distributing decisions of the Council, preparing reports on the work of the Council for the year and proposals for the plan and schedule of the Council’s work for the next year.

4.11. A meeting of the Board of Trustees is considered valid if a majority of its members are present. Decisions of the Board of Trustees are made by open voting by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Trustees present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes "for" and "against", the vote of the presiding officer is decisive.

4.12. The decisions of the Board of Trustees are documented in minutes, which are signed by the chairman and the secretary who keeps the minutes of the meeting.

4.13. The Board of Educational Institution provides the Board of Trustees with a place to store established documentation.

4.14. New representatives can be admitted to the Board of Trustees only if more than half of the members of the Board of Trustees present at the meeting vote for their candidacies. The issue of expelling its members from the Board of Trustees is decided at meetings of the Board in the manner prescribed by these Regulations. The board of an educational institution may contact the chairman with a recommendation to exclude him from the Board of Trustees.

4.15. Decisions of the Board of Trustees are made at its meetings held quarterly according to the work plan. Extraordinary meetings may be convened by its chairman as necessary at the request of members of the Board of Trustees. During the period between meetings, the leadership of the Board of Trustees is carried out by the Chairman.

4.16. Invited representatives of educational institutions, various organizations, societies, movements, cultural figures and scientists can take part in the work of the Board of Trustees with the right of an advisory vote.

5. Responsibility of the Board of Trustees

5.1. The board of trustees bears responsibility in accordance with current legislation and the charter of the educational institution.

6. Final provisions

6.1. Changes and additions to these Regulations are adopted by a decision of the Council of the educational institution.

6.2. Making a decision to terminate the activities of the Board of Trustees falls within the competence of the self-government body of the educational institution, which is competent to adopt local acts of the educational institution.

6.3. The activities of the Board of Trustees may also be terminated by decision of the Board of Trustees through an open vote of 2/3 votes of all members of the Board of Trustees.

Board of Trustees - what is it? The term is defined by the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation and some other regulatory documents. Parents of schoolchildren, people whose children ended up in educational institutions, as well as employees of such organizations should have an idea of ​​​​what the council represents. This will help you operate in accordance with current laws.

Criminal Code: definition

Board of Trustees - what is it? The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation proposes to characterize this term as follows: a body that is formed in a certain colony for the maintenance and education of convicts. The main task of the PS is to help with administrative issues related to the activities of the colony, as well as to strengthen the material base. PS can solve problems social protection wards, engage in employment for those released, and their everyday self-realization.

The law on a board of trustees of this kind is Article 142 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. They create a situation inside. It will regulate the operation of the PS.

Who, what and how

In the colony, the composition of the board of trustees is made up of government employees, activists who have expressed a desire to try themselves in this area, persons from public organizations. Only those whose moral and business personality traits allow them to cope with the tasks assigned to the PS are selected here.

The creation of a PS is the area of ​​responsibility of a specialized government agency. She is responsible for approving the regulations and selecting the composition. The country's highest executive authority decides who gets the position of "chairman of the board of trustees." But local authorities will control the work of the PS and its leaders.

Members of the council can regularly visit the wards, get acquainted with the internal “kitchen”, talk with the defendants held in the colony and monitor issues of justice. In particular, if there are complaints, it is the council members who can advance them so that consideration occurs quickly and correctly. If in the course of such work it is possible to discover shortcomings in the functioning of the colony, the chairman of the council sends a request to the administration and formulates proposals aimed at improving the situation. At the same time, the police department has no right to interfere in the operational work of the colony and the search.

PS: what else are there?

The described type of PS is far from the only one. Similar bodies are created in a variety of non-profit organizations and foundations. Thus, the PS must function in the pension fund. He controls how the organization works and defends the interests of the participants. The law regulating the activities of the board of trustees in the Pension Fund is called “On Non-State pension funds" PS is discussed in Article 31. It describes how such a council is formed, where participants are taken from, and who is appointed as leader.

The Board of Trustees of the Pension Fund is an association of persons representing the interests of participants and depositors. For a decision to be made, at least half of the votes must be in favor of a particular option. At the same time, PS participants do not receive payment for their work in this body.

A number of features

In different organizations, the work plan of the board of trustees, as well as the specifics of the work process, are different. So, in one case, the PS is engaged only in supervision and control, but in another it will have much broader functions. The simplest example is the board of trustees at a school. Here PS is a type of self-government. Back in 1999, the government of the country established an approximate situation for PS schools. If you study it, you will notice that the organ:

  • helps to attract extra-budgetary funds for school development;
  • helps improve working conditions;
  • organizes contests, competitions, and other events;
  • deals with issues in the area of ​​competence.

First, the regulation on the board of trustees is adopted, and only on its basis is the PS itself created. In a non-profit organization, this requires organizing a meeting of all shareholders, during which (this event must be recorded and registered according to the rules of document flow) a decision is made on how to create a PS and how it will work.

The PS is a collegial body, which means that it must have five or more participants. When a certain issue is brought to the board of trustees, each member reports his recommendations. Usually the issues are directly related to those relevant to the shareholders meeting.

What to consider:

  • liquidation, reorganization;
  • amendment of the charter;
  • change in the invested, reserved share of the income received.

Who conducts the meeting of the board of trustees? Usually these are people who carry out such activities for free, that is, they do not receive remuneration for their work. As for the composition, then in general case three-quarters of the votes in the PS belong to the insured, participants, and depositors of the organization. However, these may not be the people themselves, but their official representatives.

PS: terminology

Guardianship allows you to effectively protect the rights and interests, as well as provide guardianship over an unprotected category of citizens.

Trustees are those who are officially chosen.

In some institutions, managers are called trustees.

There is also a special title that can be assigned to a citizen - and then he becomes a trustee. Finally, these are those who manage or participate in the CoP.

Regulatory regulation of PS in Russia is carried out on the basis of law No. 1134 adopted in 1999. It follows from it that educational institutions must have boards of trustees without fail. Such bodies will control how the organization operates, as well as monitor targeted contributions and voluntary donations. The task of the PS is to ensure that all the money goes to the needs of the educational institution itself, and not to third-party purposes.

Responsibility: everyone and everyone

Even a first grader knows that the school is the best main man- this is the director. His task is to choose a development strategy for the educational institution and provide funding. But just one person cannot cope with a large organization. Therefore, the idea of ​​boards of trustees appeared, providing assistance to the head of an educational institution on a free basis. As they say, divide and conquer. Here this principle is fully reflected - by dividing power between himself and the activists, the chief manager solves even complex problems with great success.

The Regulations on the Board of Trustees make it possible to introduce self-government into working practice as effective method improving the quality of services provided by the institution. The PS receives some managerial powers, which implements the state practice of public administration. Of course, only a competent director who is able to appreciate all the advantages of this method will resort to this. Based on the example of numerous educational institutions that have organized PS, it is clear that here budget money is spent more efficiently, and the institution itself quickly gains independence: financial, economic.

Some nuances

Certain difficulties are associated with the situation when a PS is created in an educational institution, but nothing is registered as a legal entity. This means that any funds coming from different sources are directed to the school, even if the council has its own account. Income and expenses will be reflected in the school budget, which will lead to bad consequences. The second option is “black cash”. He looks even worse.

To find a way out of the situation, you need not only to form a PS in an educational institution, but also to open a new legal entity corresponding to it. It will be independent and classified as a non-profit organization. The profit received by the CoP is not distributed among the participants, but is used to improve the situation of the school for which the CoP works.

In the form of a legal entity, the PS accumulates money without being accountable to anyone outside. When extra-budgetary sources are under the control of such a legal entity, officials do not have access to them, which completely eliminates the possibility of illegal fraud. And this happens very often if local government tries to reduce expenses for a general education institution: it simply enters funds received from sources outside the budget as school profits and declares that educational institution everything is provided. Of course, there is no need to dream about grants here.

Benefits for parents

Why is PS at school useful not only to the director, but also to the parents of all children studying in the institution? They receive a guarantee that the funds they collect will be spent in a targeted manner. This means that it is the ordinary people who will control where and how the money goes. The trustees work with the parents of all schoolchildren, and the funds raised are used strictly for educational purposes.

The PS must work closely with the school administration, but he does not report to it, but controls the work of managers. This affects not only financial aspects, but also a number of other issues. In order for the work to be as effective as possible, it is important to establish interaction without conflicts, based on the ideas of partnership. At the same time, parents, through the board of trustees, can take part in organizing the educational process and solving school problems.

PS: not only for general education students!

One of the important tasks of the PS is to support the educational program. If we are talking about an institution where they give additional education, then the PS makes sure that underprivileged gifted children can get the best. Activists organize clubs, sections, and hold sports and cultural events aimed, on the one hand, at attracting public attention to problems, and on the other, giving children the opportunity to show themselves. The PS also provides legal protection for the educational institution, its students, teachers, and can take part in organizing summer holidays for schoolchildren and teachers.

PS: who to include in the lineup

Practice shows that the most effective PSs are those that include businessmen. Good results show councils that include local officials working in areas adjacent to the organization's field of activity. But it is recommended not to include “celebrities” if possible. Such conclusions were made in the course of a study organized by the Process-Consulting company and the Garant center.

It must be said that in recent years a lot has changed. If 7-8 years ago celebrities were often included in the PS, but in recent years this practice has come to naught. But much depends on the characteristics of a particular fund. The most striking example is a fund whose chairman is the president of the country. This is the “Connection” organization created to help disabled people. It was formed with the participation of the state. There are three tips. One carries out management and is the supreme body, the other is the PS, the third is an expert, deciding financing issues.

When does PS work effectively?

As experts say, the PS is most effective when the composition of its members is balanced. This means that there must be persons who will represent the organization, institution in society, those who have established connections with business, as well as people through whom you can work with government agencies. It is impossible to do without an activist who would move the PS and, through it, the organization itself forward. This person must attract interested parties from whom a collegial body can be created. As analysts say, if such an active participant was successfully selected, he will definitely form an authoritative PS.

The council must have a core that can actively work, but there must also be a passive reserve. These are the members who take minimal part in the actual work. The active core takes upon itself interaction with the media and planning of development strategies for the institution. Activists must participate in all events in their area.

Exchange of experience and new opportunities

Many recommend involving foreign citizens in the CoP whenever possible. This is necessary for those institutions that plan to work with foreign legal entities in the future. By involving such people in advance, you can gain invaluable first-hand experience of working in a similar field in another country.

By the way, you shouldn’t think that this condition only works for large non-profit organizations. Even the PS at the most ordinary school on the periphery of Russia receives great benefits if it interests a foreign citizen in its work. It will probably be possible to establish fairly strong connections and take schoolchildren on excursions and educational programs to the country from which the person came. You can set up a language exchange program, and declare all the benefits in special program development, for which to request a grant from the administration of the locality.

What is the Board of Trustees?

Why is a School Board of Trustees needed?

The main goals of the School Board of Trustees are:

  • consulting support on financial, economic, legal, economic and construction issues;
  • participation in the creation and implementation of the school’s financial and economic development program;
  • attracting charitable funds to provide decent conditions for the implementation of the educational process.

What exactly can the funds be used for?

Who is on the Board of Trustees?

The Board of Trustees may include: parents of students, students, teaching staff of the school, representatives of other educational organizations, governing bodies, sponsors. A Management Board is elected to manage the current activities of the Board of Trustees.

The head of the Board of Trustees is its chairman, elected at a meeting of the Board of Trustees. The Chairman acts on behalf of the Board of Trustees without special powers, representing it before the school, government agencies and other organizations. The Chairman organizes the work of the Board of Trustees and ensures its activities in accordance with Russian legislation. The Board of Trustees elects a deputy chairman and secretary of the Board of Trustees (responsible for record keeping).

What are the powers of the Board of Trustees?

The Board of Trustees determines the procedure for using the received funds. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees signs everything necessary documents and is responsible for the accepted procedure for using charitable funds. At the end of the reporting period, the Board of Trustees provides information on the use of financial resources to all parents and school employees.

The Board of Trustees has the right:

Receive information about the activities of the school from its head, and, if necessary, his deputies and teaching staff;