The last battle of psychics season 18 participants. Urologist, stylist, singer: who were the stars of the “Battle of Psychics” before the show. The new season of the “Battle of Psychics” will be opened by a clairvoyant from Iskitim

Nikita Turchin is the youngest participant in the Battle of Psychics season 18 on the TNT channel. 17-year-old Nikita believes that he inherited his abilities from his great-grandmother, who knew how to tell fortunes with beans. Nikita calls himself a psychic key-holder, and comes to all tests with a huge bunch of keys, claiming that with their help he can...

Witch Marina Zueva participant of the Battle of Psychics season 18 on the TNT channel. Born June 18, 1966. A witch from Volgograd, who has been living in Portugal for a long time, and is engaged not only in removing damage, but also in exorcism sessions in catholic church. Marina casts out demons from people...

A descendant of Alanian magicians, Konstantin Getsati, took part in the Battle of Psychics season 18 on TNT. Konstantin Getsati was born on July 10, 1987. He studied medicine in Vladikavkaz, and grew up in Chukotka in the village of Ugolnye Kopi. Lives in Moscow, works in network clinics. Not married. Konstantin studied...

28-year-old Muscovite Sofya Egorova is a participant in the Battle of Psychics season 18 on the TNT channel. She believes that she inherited magical abilities from her father, who died of a heart attack when she was 10 years old. As a child, little Sonya amazed her mother by seeing ghosts and remembering herself before she was incarnated in...

Artist from Khakassia Olesya Molchanova participated in the Battle of Psychics season 18 on the TNT channel. Olesya was born on May 26, 1984, education: Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen. Olesya believes that she received her gift from her great-grandmother, a village witch, and after that a dead shaman contacted her, and...

Moscow witch with 42 years of experience, Irina Maklakova, the oldest participant in the Battle of Psychics Season 18 on the TNT channel. She received her first initiation from her own grandmother in the women's bathhouse. He considers ancient village whispers and incantations his specialty, great...

Clairvoyant from Baku Ivan Shabanov takes part in the Battle of Psychics on the TNT channel. He is 40 years old. Ivan was born on March 19. Now lives in Moscow. Ivan considers himself a hereditary magician, and claims that he can communicate with other world with the help of shamanic drums, which he...

Brother and sister from Kazakhstan Zhan and Dana Alibekov are participants in the Battle of Psychics season 18 on the TNT channel. Practicing psychics, always working together, Jean helps Dana plunge into a trance and become a medium, and then deciphers her visions. They believe that they inherited abilities from...

Maxim Nikitin is a 46-year-old magician from Moscow, a participant in the Battle of Psychics season 18 on the TNT channel. The Moscow magician claims to be proficient in ritual magic, hypnosis, and has hereditary healing abilities inherited from an ancient family of cursed sorcerers on his father’s side. Believes that...

watch Battle of Psychics Season 18 (2017) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13, 14, episode online in good quality

- The 18th season of the show “Battle of Psychics” traditionally begins with the selection of participants. Marat Basharov remains in the role of the lead of the project and brings viewers up to date.

Magicians, sorcerers, clairvoyants, fortune tellers and all other people with unusual abilities collected in a secret place. The organizers are trying to prevent the presence of onlookers and create a suitable atmosphere for potential heroes of the new season. Tension is growing in the air, psychics cannot always communicate peacefully, some literally have to be separated. Others avoid physical contact or open aggression, but promise to curse each other.

The time has come for the first test: you need to understand what is hidden behind the thick dark screen. A stuffed pig's head was placed there, but the participants in the experiment suggest the most incredible options in an attempt to guess the correct answer. Some applicants for the place of participant correctly describe the image or what details, while others are incredibly far in their fantasies.

The next test is also unchanged: in a spacious hangar, cars are arranged in two rows, and in one of them there is a person hidden who needs to be found. This time it is not the Safronov brothers who are in the trunk, but the owners of the cars. After each psychic, the car and the volunteer locked in it change.

The selection of applicants continues so that only those worthy get into the main draw and fight for the honorary title and hand statuette. As the season progresses, the lucky ones will have to test themselves and prove to both specialists and spectators that their talents are real.

Who were magicians and mediums before they “discovered” their paranormal abilities? Yes quite ordinary people: doctors, stylists, event hosts. Express Gazeta tells about the earthly past of the participants in the “Battle of Psychics”.

On September 28, the 20th anniversary season starts on the TNT channel. The creators are already intriguing the public with announcements on the Internet: they say that in the “Trunk” test all film crew left the site, and “something” happened to Mr. X in the person of Anastasia Volochkova. “Oh, how exciting!” - the fans freeze. “These mummers again,” sigh the skeptics.

Who will appear on the screen is still a mystery: maybe we are waiting for witches in the 10th generation, or maybe cleaners who discovered their gift after the tragedy - by the way, there were quite a few of them on the show. Express Gazeta tells how the stars of “Battle” turned from people of ordinary professions into psychics.

Timofey Rudenko, “Battle of Psychics - 19”: comedian and KVN player

The winner of the last “Battle” began to pave the way to glory through humor. As a student, Timofey played in KVN as part of the “Carrot Seeds” team, then tried his hand at Comedy Battle, but without success - as he himself says, “I made a mistake with the format.” The jokes for Rudenko ended with the death of his father - after the tragedy, the young man began to hear voices, which doctors assessed as schizophrenia, and Timofey himself - as a gift.

“I played in KVN and suddenly became a psychic. It's really startling, but it's true. It’s not my fault that I didn’t start witchcraft at the age of 5 and I’m not a witch with 40 years of experience. Things turned out differently in my life. I didn’t think about esotericism before, but life has changed,” responds to skeptical comments from the public about his “rebirth”

By the way, before receiving the “blue hand”, releasing his own book and reaping other laurels as a TV star, the young man made money with his hands for some time - in his native Novosibirsk he made monuments at the Gusinobrodsky cemetery.

Winner of the 19th season of the “Battle of Psychics”. Photo: press service

Konstantin Getsati, “Battle of Psychics - 18”: urologist

He is Taimuraz Gatsayev, he is the son of an economist and a surgeon, he is also a urologist by training. In 2011, Getsati graduated from the Medical Academy in Vladikavkaz, after which he completed graduate school in Moscow and got a job in a clinic in the capital. At work - only traditional methods, no spells or treatment by laying on of hands. Although Konstantin’s power is still connected with medicine, the man felt it in himself during a pathological anatomy lesson, “communicating” with the bodies of the dead.

Participant of the show “Battle of Psychics” Konstantin Getsati. Photo: frame from the program

Julia Wang, “Battle of Psychics - 15”: stylist

At the show, the blonde was shrouded in a dense mystical flair: breaking through the foggy “I am the spirit of chaos” or “I remember all my 150 lives” and finding out specific details of Julia’s biography seemed impossible. Katya Gordon came to the rescue: the singing human rights activist recognized her stylist.

“I personally know Julia Wang. She was my hairdresser. Believe me, she has no abilities, except that she was engaged in expelling demons with perhydrol,” Katya assured.

Now Julia herself will not argue with her. The former “spirit of chaos” became a thin young man named Thomas, threw all her energy into developing a business selling fragrances and said “goodbye” to magic.

Participant in the show “Battle of Psychics” Julia Wang. Photo: frame from the program

Alexander Litvin, “Battle of Psychics - 6”: military doctor

“Alexander Litvin’s research interest extends to patterns of inheritance and changes that can be recorded in the epigenome and influence the subsequent fate of a person,” says the official website of the winner of the sixth “Battle of Psychics.” In the past, a man's activities were described much more in simple words: worked as a paramedic and military doctor, and after retirement - as a customs inspector, where he sometimes caught criminals with the help of extrasensory sense.

Winner of the show “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Litvin. Photo: TNT

Tatyana Larina, “Battle of Psychics - 15”: singer

In 2010, the blonde received a diploma from St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Culture and became a professional singer. The vocals, however, did not tire Tatiana for long - there was a period in her life of working as a fashion model abroad. But the scene didn’t let me go: upon returning home, Larina met the composer at a party in the capital, “sang” with him, recorded an album, then a duet with Zara. Since 2011, the public no longer applauds Tatyana - now she demonstrates not her mastery of notes, but the skill of a witch and the ability to “clean” people for 20 thousand rubles.

Participant of the show “Battle of Psychics” Tatyana Larina. Photo: frame from the program

Sergey Pakhomov “Battle of Psychics - 16”: artist, editor

Who wouldn’t challenge the cliche “It’s just an actor!” Pakhok before his enchanting and maddening appearance in the show “Battle of Psychics” starred in the films “Green Elephant”, “Five Bottles of Vodka”, “Head”. In addition to acting, Sergei Pakhomov’s track record includes the titles “artist”, “musician” and “art director of glossy publications”.

Participant of the show “Battle of Psychics” Sergei Pakhomov. Photo: frame from the program

In 2007, domestic television simply exploded with the “Battle of Psychics” project, which showed the average viewer people with paranormal abilities. Despite the fact that similar shows have been going on all over the world for a long time, in Russia they did not dare to undertake such an experiment for a long time. But still, the ratings of foreign projects at some point convinced the producers of the TNT channel that this adventure was worth the candle. Now the 18th season of the show is on the screens and its popularity continues to increase.

The presenter this year was once again theater and film actor Marat Basharov. The star has held this position since 2009 and does not yet plan to end his participation in the project. The brothers Ilya, Sergei and Andrei Safronov, also known as illusionists, and actress Vera Sotnikova act as skeptics and at the same time hosts of individual competitions of each episode of the show.

Participants of the 18th season of the Battle of Psychics

The participants in each season of the “Battle of Psychics” were exclusively people who claimed to have extraordinary abilities. Some of them called themselves city shamans like Ekaterina Ryzhikova and Ivan Shabanov, some acted as witches like Elena Golunova and Ilona Novoselova, some positioned themselves as mediums like Alexander Sheps and Margarita Bakhtiyarova.

The 18th season of the project was not without new “professions”. This is how Nikita Turchin from Ufa calls himself Klyuchnik. It is not difficult to guess that in his work the seventeen-year-old psychic uses keys that previously belonged to the dead.

As Nikita himself notes, this allows him to communicate with the other world and learn a lot, because the keys are with a person all his life, accompanying him in joy and sorrow, at home and at work. But

Maxim Nikitin positions himself as a cursed sorcerer who deals exclusively with black magic. This psychic warns that he is dangerous for his opponents and may use prohibited techniques.

Among the participants in the new season of the show “Battle of Psychics” there are those who immediately attracted the attention of the audience and from the first minutes began to be considered a contender for victory. First of all, this is the urologist Konstantin Getsati, who calls himself a medium.

The man’s real name is Taimuraz, he now lives and works in Moscow, but his ancestors are from Alanya. The handsome handsome man looks spectacular on the screen and has interesting story. According to Getzati, he first heard the voices of the dead while still a student. But whether this connection with the dead on the project will help Konstantin is not yet clear.

Second bright participant season, we can safely call the witch Marina Zueva. The woman notes that she now lives and works in Portugal, but her homeland is the hero city of Volgograd. The supernatural gift came to Marina as a child and her first communication with spirits occurred immediately after her sister’s death.

The rating of the 18th season of “Battle of Psychics” turned out to be expectedly high. Viewers love this show and watch it live and in the recording, they actively discuss certain tests, root for certain participants. It is difficult to judge whether the 18th season of “Battle” will become the loudest and most scandalous, but viewers are already in love with the project in absentia and, in any case, will watch it from beginning to end.