Presentation on the topic of Lezgins. The peoples of the Caucasus are the various ethnic groups inhabiting the Caucasus. The territory of the Caucasus is divided into two groups - Northern and Southern

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* * Lezgins have an ancient and rich history. Their land (Lezgistan) was one of the oldest centers of civilization in the Caucasus. Having united into a single tribal union in ancient times, the Lezgins were able to create their own state and develop an original material and spiritual culture. It has much in common with the cultures of the ancient Transcaucasian (Kutians, Hurrians) and Asia Minor (Hattians) civilizations. The Lezgins have been able to preserve their language and culture to this day, despite the endless campaigns of conquest of foreigners. Due to historical mistakes, the Lezgin people are now divided into two parts between Russia and the Azerbaijan Republic, and they do not have their own national-state formation. It is for this reason that the history of the Lezgin people as a single whole has not yet been written.

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* * Traditional occupations are arable farming (barley, wheat, millet, rye, corn, rice, legumes) and cattle breeding (mainly sheep, but also goats, cattle, etc.) One One of the most common types of craft among Lezgins is carpet weaving. Lezgin carpets are also known outside of Lezgistan. Carpet making of Southern Lezgistan (North-East Azerbaijan) occupies a special place in the history of the national culture of the Lezgin people. Since ancient times, carpets have been used in human homes and were a favorite household decoration due to their artistic qualities; fleecy and lint-free carpets, decorated with various patterns and images, were used to decorate walls and paving floors in dugouts, tents, yurts, as well as residential buildings and other buildings, representing a large aesthetic value.

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* * Traditional settlements in the mountains have a cumulus, often terraced layout, in the flat part they have a scattered or street layout. Traditional home stone (also adobe on the plain), ground, rectangular in plan, with a flat earthen roof and a courtyard, in the mountains - two and multi-storey, on the plain - one or two storey. The lower floor is occupied by a barn or covered courtyard, the upper floor is occupied by living quarters opening onto a gallery, to which an external staircase leads from the courtyard. The interior decoration is characterized by niches in the walls and carpets.

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* * Traditional clothing for men of the general Dagestan type - a shirt, trousers, a beshmet, a Circassian coat, a papakha, in cold weather - a cap and a sheepskin coat; for women - a shirt, trousers, a dress, a beshmet, a headscarf, a chukhta, a silver belt, and a lot of jewelry. On their feet, both men and women wore woolen socks with colored patterns and rawhide piston-type shoes. The traditional costume has fallen into disuse.

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* * The basis of traditional food is vegetable (grain, beans) and meat and dairy products. The main everyday dish is khinkal, khinkIar (dumplings), holiday pilafs, puff pastries, etc. Lezgin lavash (char ava fu)

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* * Rishtya-pilaf is prepared by Kumyks, Uzbeks, Lezgins and other eastern peoples. Rice and vermicelli - at first glance, incompatible products, are harmoniously combined in this dish. Homemade sausage.

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* * Kambar is a drink made from sour milk, cilantro, dill, green onions and fresh cucumbers. Corn khinkal. Brushwood. Dried meat.

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* * Lezgins created a rich folklore: the epic "Sharvili". The Lezgins' folk poetic creativity is rich - epic and lyrical songs, fairy tales, stories and legends, proverbs and sayings, stories, songs, dances. http

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* * Lezgins are known for their musical and dance culture - Lezginka, folk dance Lezgin, widespread throughout the Caucasus.

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* * Hadji-Davud Myushkyurinsky. One of the greatest Lezgins in the entire history of the Lezgin people. A major historical statesman in the history of the South Caucasus. The history of the people's liberation struggle in northern Azerbaijan against foreign rule in the first third of the 18th century is associated with his name. It was he who became its main organizer and leader. United the Lezgin khanates. Officially he was the khan of Shirvan and Cuba in 1723, with the capital of Shemakha, where his residence was.

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* * He is the founder of muridism in the Caucasus and the teacher of Imam Shamil. Muhammad Yaraghi died in 1848. He was buried in the village of Sogratl, Gunib region. His grave became a place of pilgrimage. “Everyone who has at least once heard the sermons of Sheikh Muhammad turns into a tiger of Islam and is invincible in battles with the enemy,” said Imam Shamil.

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* * During the period of struggle against conquerors and oppressors, the Lezgin people put forward many brave commanders and abrek people's avengers. One of the talented abreks was Kiri-Buba; his brave deeds left a deep imprint in the memory of many generations. He loved his people extremely and was a patriot with capital letters. The people, in turn, responded in kind. The people's love for their hero is narrated in numerous songs dedicated to him. They still sound like a hymn to valor and courage during wedding celebrations in the villages of Southern Dagestan. The rich people of Derbent and Baku regarded his actions as open banditry, and he himself was elevated to the rank of a robber. And, on the contrary, the working people approached the assessment of his activities from other positions, finding them completely fair, aimed against the abuses of those in power and in defense of the interests of the poor.

As you know, Russia is a multinational country; a large number of peoples live here who speak different languages and AS IT IS KNOWN, RUSSIA IS A MULTINATIONAL COUNTRY,

The peoples of the Caucasus are the various ethnic groups inhabiting the Caucasus. The territory of the Caucasus is divided into two groups - Northern and Southern.


A Little History

This family was formed by Russian linguist Sergei Anatolyevich
Starostin in 1980. The name of this family combines two
language families, Abkhaz-Adyghe and Nakh-Dagestan.
The largest peoples speaking Caucasian languages ​​and
currently living in the Caucasus are
Georgians (about 4 million people), Chechens (1431 thousand people), Avars (
about 1 million people), Lezgins and Kabardians.


The first mention of the Lezgins dates back to the 12th century.

What territory do they inhabit?

Lezgins live in the south of Dagestan (Russia) and in the north
Azerbaijan, being the second largest nation
Republic of Azerbaijan. In Dagestan they inhabit
Akhtynsky, Derbentsky and other areas. According to the 2010 census
Lezgins make up 13.3% of the population of the Republic


Lezgins profess Islam.


The main type of settlement
Lezgin - villages. Regarding
social group
Lezgin village, then it
divided into quarters. Each
the village had a mosque,
village square - kim, where
residents gathered (male
part of it) to the village gathering for
decisions of the most important
issues of public life
sat down.

Culture and life

There is a noticeable influence in culture
Azerbaijan, especially among the Lezgins
living in Azerbaijan.
IN song folklore central
the place belongs to the lyrical
dance songs with
bright instrumental
sections; instrumental itself
the music is full of melismatics.
Folk art also
represented by dances, among
of which, in particular, the famous
"Lezginka", common among
peoples of the Caucasus.

Traditional clothing

Similar to the clothing of other peoples of Dagestan: men have a shirt,
trousers, beshmet, cherkeska, papakha, in cold weather - bashlyk
and a sheepskin coat, which had varieties. Women wore
shirt-dress, colored trousers, beshmet, chukhta, headscarves
various shapes and colors. The decorations were
common men's and women's silver
belts, head and chest decorations, bracelets,

Lezgin traditional clothing



vegetable (grain, beans) and meat and dairy products. Bread made from unleavened and
sour dough baked in traditional bread ovens -
khaare. Lezgin thin bread is used in the cities of Dagestan
popularity. Besides bread, the most popular
used and still enjoy today various pies, one of them
afar with filling
from edible herbs, meat,
cottage cheese.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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* * Lezgins have an ancient and rich history. Their land (Lezgistan) was one of the oldest centers of civilization in the Caucasus. Having united into a single tribal union in ancient times, the Lezgins were able to create their own state and develop an original material and spiritual culture. It has much in common with the cultures of the ancient Transcaucasian (Kutians, Hurrians) and Asia Minor (Hattians) civilizations. The Lezgins have been able to preserve their language and culture to this day, despite the endless campaigns of conquest of foreigners. Due to historical mistakes, the Lezgin people are now divided into two parts between Russia and the Azerbaijan Republic, and they do not have their own national-state formation. It is for this reason that the history of the Lezgin people as a single whole has not yet been written.

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* * Traditional occupations are arable farming (barley, wheat, millet, rye, corn, rice, legumes) and cattle breeding (mainly sheep, but also goats, cattle, etc.) One One of the most common types of craft among Lezgins is carpet weaving. Lezgin carpets are also known outside of Lezgistan. Carpet making of Southern Lezgistan (North-East Azerbaijan) occupies a special place in the history of the national culture of the Lezgin people. Since ancient times, carpets have been used in human homes and were a favorite household decoration due to their artistic qualities; fleecy and lint-free carpets, decorated with various patterns and images, were used to decorate walls and paving floors in dugouts, tents, yurts, as well as residential buildings and others buildings, representing great aesthetic value.

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* * Traditional settlements in the mountains have a cumulus, often terraced layout, in the flat part they have a scattered or street layout. The traditional dwelling is made of stone (also made of adobe on the plain), above ground, rectangular in plan, with a flat earthen roof and a courtyard; in the mountains - two and multi-storey; on the plain - one or two storeys. The lower floor is occupied by a barn or covered courtyard, the upper floor is occupied by living quarters opening onto a gallery, to which an external staircase leads from the courtyard. The interior decoration is characterized by niches in the walls and carpets.

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* * Traditional clothing for men of the general Dagestan type is a shirt, trousers, beshmet, Circassian coat, hat, in cold weather - a bashlyk and a sheepskin coat; for women - a shirt, trousers, a dress, a beshmet, a headscarf, a chukhta, a silver belt, and a lot of jewelry. On their feet, both men and women wore woolen socks with colored patterns and rawhide piston-type shoes. The traditional costume has fallen into disuse.

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* * The basis of traditional food is vegetable (grain, beans) and meat and dairy products. The main everyday dish is khinkal, khinkIar (dumplings), holiday pilafs, puff pastries, etc. Lezgin lavash (char ava fu)

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* * Rishtya-pilaf is prepared by Kumyks, Uzbeks, Lezgins and other eastern peoples. Rice and vermicelli - at first glance, incompatible products, are harmoniously combined in this dish. Homemade sausage.

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* * Kambar is a drink made from sour milk, cilantro, dill, green onions and fresh cucumbers. Corn khinkal. Brushwood. Dried meat.

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* * Lezgins created a rich folklore: the epic "Sharvili". The Lezgins' folk poetic creativity is rich - epic and lyrical songs, fairy tales, stories and legends, proverbs and sayings, stories, songs, dances. http

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* * Lezgins are known for their music and dance culture - Lezginka, Lezgin folk dance, widespread throughout the Caucasus.

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* * Hadji-Davud Myushkyurinsky. One of the greatest Lezgins in the entire history of the Lezgin people. A major historical statesman in the history of the South Caucasus. The history of the people's liberation struggle in northern Azerbaijan against foreign rule in the first third of the 18th century is associated with his name. It was he who became its main organizer and leader. United the Lezgin khanates. Officially he was the khan of Shirvan and Cuba in 1723, with the capital of Shemakha, where his residence was.

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* * He is the founder of muridism in the Caucasus and the teacher of Imam Shamil. Muhammad Yaraghi died in 1848. He was buried in the village of Sogratl, Gunib region. His grave became a place of pilgrimage. “Everyone who has at least once heard the sermons of Sheikh Muhammad turns into a tiger of Islam and is invincible in battles with the enemy,” said Imam Shamil.

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* * During the period of struggle against conquerors and oppressors, the Lezgin people put forward many brave commanders and abrek people's avengers. One of the talented abreks was Kiri-Buba; his brave deeds left a deep imprint in the memory of many generations. He loved his people extremely and was a patriot with a capital P. The people, in turn, responded in kind. The people's love for their hero is narrated in numerous songs dedicated to him. They still sound like a hymn to valor and courage during wedding celebrations in the villages of Southern Dagestan. The rich people of Derbent and Baku regarded his actions as open banditry, and he himself was elevated to the rank of a robber. And, on the contrary, the working people approached the assessment of his activities from other positions, finding them completely fair, aimed against the abuses of those in power and in defense of the interests of the poor.

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* * The diversity of national cultures is a condition for the existence of a universal human culture. Each national culture is a universal achievement of humanity, and the destruction of any people or their culture is a loss for all humanity as a whole.

Lezgins have an ancient and rich history. Their land (Lezgistan) was one of the oldest centers of civilization in the Caucasus. Having united into a single tribal union in ancient times, the Lezgins were able to create their own state and develop an original material and spiritual culture. It has much in common with the cultures of the ancient Transcaucasian (Kutians, Hurrians) and Asia Minor (Hattians) civilizations. The Lezgins have been able to preserve their language and culture to this day, despite the endless campaigns of conquest of foreigners. Due to historical mistakes, the Lezgin people are now divided into two parts between Russia and the Azerbaijan Republic, and they do not have their own national-state formation. It is for this reason that the history of the Lezgin people as a single whole has not yet been written. Lezgins have an ancient and rich history. Their land (Lezgistan) was one of the oldest centers of civilization in the Caucasus. Having united into a single tribal union in ancient times, the Lezgins were able to create their own state and develop an original material and spiritual culture. It has much in common with the cultures of the ancient Transcaucasian (Kutians, Hurrians) and Asia Minor (Hattians) civilizations. The Lezgins have been able to preserve their language and culture to this day, despite the endless campaigns of conquest of foreigners. Due to historical mistakes, the Lezgin people are now divided into two parts between Russia and the Azerbaijan Republic, and they do not have their own national-state formation. It is for this reason that the history of the Lezgin people as a single whole has not yet been written.

Traditional occupations are arable farming (barley, wheat, millet, rye, corn, rice, legumes) and cattle breeding (mainly sheep, but also goats, cattle, etc.). One of the most common types of craft among Lezgins is carpet weaving. Traditional occupations are arable farming (barley, wheat, millet, rye, corn, rice, legumes) and cattle breeding (mainly sheep, but also goats, cattle, etc.). One of the most common types of craft among Lezgins is carpet weaving. Lezgin carpets are also known outside of Lezgistan. Carpet making of Southern Lezgistan (North-East Azerbaijan) occupies a special place in the history of the national culture of the Lezgin people. Since ancient times, carpets have been used in human homes and were a favorite household decoration due to their artistic qualities; fleecy and lint-free carpets, decorated with various patterns and images, were used to decorate walls and paving floors in dugouts, tents, yurts, as well as residential buildings and others buildings, representing great aesthetic value.

Traditional settlements in the mountains have a cumulus, often terraced layout, while in the plains they have a scattered or street layout. The traditional dwelling is made of stone (also made of adobe on the plain), above ground, rectangular in plan, with a flat earthen roof and a courtyard; in the mountains - two and multi-storey; on the plain - one or two storeys. The lower floor is occupied by a barn or covered courtyard, the upper floor is occupied by living quarters opening onto a gallery, to which an external staircase leads from the courtyard. The interior decoration is characterized by niches in the walls and carpets. Traditional settlements in the mountains have a cumulus, often terraced layout, while in the plains they have a scattered or street layout. The traditional dwelling is made of stone (also made of adobe on the plain), above ground, rectangular in plan, with a flat earthen roof and a courtyard; in the mountains - two and multi-storey; on the plain - one or two storeys. The lower floor is occupied by a barn or covered courtyard, the upper floor is occupied by living quarters opening onto a gallery, to which an external staircase leads from the courtyard. The interior decoration is characterized by niches in the walls and carpets.

Traditional clothing for men of the general Dagestan type is a shirt, trousers, a beshmet, a Circassian coat, a papakha, and in cold weather - a bashlyk and a sheepskin coat; for women - a shirt, trousers, a dress, a beshmet, a headscarf, a chukhta, a silver belt, and a lot of jewelry. On their feet, both men and women wore woolen socks with colored patterns and rawhide piston-type shoes. The traditional costume has fallen into disuse. Traditional clothing for men of the general Dagestan type is a shirt, trousers, a beshmet, a Circassian coat, a papakha, and in cold weather - a bashlyk and a sheepskin coat; for women - a shirt, trousers, a dress, a beshmet, a headscarf, a chukhta, a silver belt, and a lot of jewelry. On their feet, both men and women wore woolen socks with colored patterns and rawhide piston-type shoes. The traditional costume has fallen into disuse.

The basis of traditional food is vegetable (grain, beans) and meat and dairy products. The main everyday dish is khinkal, khinkIar (dumplings), holiday dishes are pilaf, puff pastry, etc. The basis of traditional food is vegetable (grain, beans) and meat and dairy products. The main everyday dish is khinkal, khinkIar (dumplings), holiday pilafs, puff pastries, etc. Lezgin lavash (char ava fu)

Rishtya-pilaf is prepared by Kumyks, Uzbeks, Lezgins and other eastern peoples. Rice and vermicelli - at first glance, incompatible products, are harmoniously combined in this dish. Rishtya-pilaf is prepared by Kumyks, Uzbeks, Lezgins and other eastern peoples. Rice and vermicelli - at first glance, incompatible products, are harmoniously combined in this dish. Homemade sausage.

The Lezgins are known for their music and dance culture - Lezginka, a Lezgin folk dance common throughout the Caucasus. The Lezgins are known for their music and dance culture - Lezginka, a Lezgin folk dance common throughout the Caucasus.

Hadji-Davud Myushkyurinsky. Hadji-Davud Myushkyurinsky. One of the greatest Lezgins in the entire history of the Lezgin people. A major historical statesman in the history of the South Caucasus. The history of the people's liberation struggle in northern Azerbaijan against foreign rule in the first third of the 18th century is associated with his name. It was he who became its main organizer and leader. United the Lezgin khanates. Officially he was the khan of Shirvan and Cuba in 1723, with the capital of Shemakha, where his residence was.

He is the founder of muridism in the Caucasus and the teacher of Imam Shamil. Muhammad Yaraghi died in 1848. He was buried in the village of Sogratl, Gunib region. His grave became a place of pilgrimage. “Everyone who has at least once heard the sermons of Sheikh Muhammad turns into a tiger of Islam and is invincible in battles with the enemy,” said Imam Shamil. He is the founder of muridism in the Caucasus and the teacher of Imam Shamil. Muhammad Yaraghi died in 1848. He was buried in the village of Sogratl, Gunib region. His grave became a place of pilgrimage. “Everyone who has at least once heard the sermons of Sheikh Muhammad turns into a tiger of Islam and is invincible in battles with the enemy,” said Imam Shamil.

During the period of struggle against conquerors and oppressors, the Lezgin people put forward many brave commanders and abrek people's avengers. One of the talented abreks was Kiri-Buba; his brave deeds left a deep imprint in the memory of many generations. He loved his people extremely and was a patriot with a capital P. The people, in turn, responded in kind. The people's love for their hero is narrated in numerous songs dedicated to him. They still sound like a hymn to valor and courage during wedding celebrations in the villages of Southern Dagestan. The rich people of Derbent and Baku regarded his actions as open banditry, and he himself was elevated to the rank of a robber. And, on the contrary, the working people approached the assessment of his activities from other positions, finding them completely fair, aimed against the abuses of those in power and in defense of the interests of the poor. During the period of struggle against conquerors and oppressors, the Lezgin people put forward many brave commanders and abrek people's avengers. One of the talented abreks was Kiri-Buba; his brave deeds left a deep imprint in the memory of many generations. He loved his people extremely and was a patriot with a capital P. The people, in turn, responded in kind. The people's love for their hero is narrated in numerous songs dedicated to him. They still sound like a hymn to valor and courage during wedding celebrations in the villages of Southern Dagestan. The rich people of Derbent and Baku regarded his actions as open banditry, and he himself was elevated to the rank of a robber. And, on the contrary, the working people approached the assessment of his activities from other positions, finding them completely fair, aimed against the abuses of those in power and in defense of the interests of the poor.

Georgy Lezgintsev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Admiral of the Navy former USSR. G. Lezgintsev is the author of more than 70 inventions, five of which were patented abroad - in England, the USA, Canada, Japan and other countries. Georgy Lezgintsev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Admiral of the Navy of the former USSR. G. Lezgintsev is the author of more than 70 inventions, five of which were patented abroad - in England, the USA, Canada, Japan and other countries. Genrikh Hasanov - rear admiral, chief designer of nuclear engines-reactors of naval ships, 1942 - state prize, 1958 - Lenin Prize, 1970 - hero of socialist labor, labor red banner, etc.

The diversity of national cultures is a condition for the existence of a universal human culture. Each national culture is a universal achievement of humanity, and the destruction of any people or their culture is a loss for all humanity as a whole. The diversity of national cultures is a condition for the existence of a universal human culture. Each national culture is a universal achievement of humanity, and the destruction of any people or their culture is a loss for all humanity as a whole.

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