Order on assigning cashier duties to the chief accountant. Sample order for the appointment of a cashier as an operator

If the cashier in the institution is absent for good reasons (vacation, illness) or such a position is not provided at all, since the enterprise is still small, then the duties of this employee can be assigned to the accountant. To do this, a corresponding document must be prepared and signed. It is called “Order on assigning cashier duties to an accountant.”


In addition, to comply with all the nuances, some changes will be required in the job description and employment contract. One or two papers must indicate the amount that the employee is entitled to for the additional workload.

Attention! It should not be less than the amount of additional payments prescribed in Labor Code(in particular, in article 151).

Why do you need an order to assign cashier duties to an accountant?

If there is a need to carry out cash transactions and draw up cash receipts and debit orders, the bank with which the institution cooperates will definitely inquire about the order.

Can the chief accountant be responsible for the cash register?

In accordance with the law, if there are several accountants in an institution, then the duties of a cash desk employee can be assigned to anyone except the chief accountant.

In case chief accountant is the only one in the organization (and this is most often the case), then these functions can be assigned directly to him.

What will you need besides the order?

Paper alone is not enough for the full legality of ongoing processes.

There are several options that the head of an organization can resort to if it is necessary to perform the duties of one employee by another.

First option. An order is drawn up, signed, and then an agreement on full swearing is concluded with the employee. responsibility, is certified, then changes are made to the employment contract of the accountant (or the chief accounting specialist in the organization, depending on the circumstances), which provide for him to perform all the functions of a cashier. This option is more logical.

Second option. An order and an agreement are formed and signed, as in the first option, plus amendments are made to the acting status. cashier in .

Algorithm for drawing up a document

At the top of the paper there is a header in which the name of the document and the date of its preparation are written. Then, after the title, the reasons for the absence of the employee as such are indicated. These reasons may be:

  • dismissal of a previous employee;
  • going on leave (to care for a child, etc.);
  • business trip of the main employee;
  • the enterprise is small, and the position itself is not provided, and other reasons.

This is what it should look like:

After the introductory part, the wording (as in any other order) “I order” is required, followed by a colon. Then comes a list of what needs to be done: authorize an employee (with full indication of full name and position) to perform work with one of the types of cash registers.

In this case, the model of the cash register must be clearly stated. It could be:

  • AMC 100K – if the organization sells food products;
  • autonomous cash registers with fiscal memory such as ORION-100K or MERCURY-180K;
  • mobile payment terminals with a modem and battery type YARUS C2100;
  • printers that do not work without a computer or terminal (they are called fiscal registrars) like FPrint -5200PTK and the like;
  • receipt printers (they do not have built-in memory, which means they do not need to be registered with the tax office) of the types Shtrikh 600, MPRINT R58 USB, etc.

In short, regardless of the model, the cash register must be registered.

In addition to appointments, the order prescribes the employee’s authority to keep a journal, draw up the necessary reports, and sign cash documents from the official “cashier” or “administrator.”

The text should also contain information about the employee’s familiarization with such a document as the Procedure for Conducting Cash Transactions. This review will require an additional signature of the employee who assumes the rights and responsibilities of the cashier.

Footnote to the agreement on mat. responsibility will also be useful. Without it, the order will also be valid, but it will need to be supplemented with an annex in the form of this agreement.

At the end of the text of the document there must be at least two signatures: the accountant-cashier and his manager. The date is already at the beginning.

What else may be contained in the document?

If it is not planned to make changes to the job description of an accountant (or chief accountant) regarding the performance of the duties of a cashier, then the Order must contain a line (at the end of the first paragraph on the appointment) “with an additional payment in the amount of XXX.” This condition guarantees full compliance with labor laws.

Is it necessary to compile

Important! Even if in staffing table there is no position of cash register worker and there is a single job description indicating that all the functionality of the cashier is in the accountant’s statement, the presence of an order assigning duties is mandatory.

This is due to the fact that the vast majority of banks licensed in the Russian Federation clearly state the terms of interaction with individual entrepreneurs, LLCs or other legal entities. Under these conditions cash transactions may not be conducted by anyone other than a cashier, who is selected from the existing staff or hired separately.

In large organizations

If we are talking about an individual entrepreneur, then the employee’s written consent to assign duties is not required. If the company has a separate manager and he makes a decision on such a personnel change, then he is obliged to inform the superior manager about this in writing.

An employee who is preparing to perform new duties gives written consent that he has nothing against changing the job description, issuing an order and concluding a liability agreement.

Usually there is no difficulty with this, since the remuneration of such an employee increases in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Very often in a small enterprise a situation occurs when there is no cashier on staff or only one cashier position is indicated in the staffing table. The head of an enterprise can draw up an order for the appointment of a cashier in the following cases:

  • If requested by financial or other enterprises. For example, if an entrepreneur decides to work with a cash register, then banking institutions may ask to provide an order for the appointment of a cashier or a copy thereof;
  • If a small business has one cashier who is temporarily absent from the workplace.

In these two cases, the duties of a cashier can be entrusted to either an accountant or the chief accountant of a small enterprise. In order to do this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement on financial liability and sign an order appointing a cashier. The header in this order must be filled out either by the manager or an employee from the HR department, indicating the serial number and the date the order was filled out. Then you must indicate the reason why this order was created. For example, the reason for creating an order to appoint a cashier was a serious illness of an employee or a production need. Afterwards, it is necessary to draw up the administrative part of the text, which should begin with the words “I order.” Further in the text indicate full name. an accountant or chief accountant who will perform all the duties of the company's cashier for a certain period. Also in the text you need to indicate all the data of the cash register. The order must indicate exactly what duties the accountant will perform.

These could be:

  • cash transactions;
  • maintaining incoming and outgoing cash orders;
  • issuing certificates at the end of the cash register shift;
  • signing all necessary documents on behalf of the cashier.

Then, after issuing the order, the head of the small enterprise must familiarize the accountant with all the regulatory documents that indicate the order in which cash transactions must be conducted. This order must be certified by the signature of the manager and the employee who assumes the duties of the cashier. Also, the accountant or chief accountant needs to sign the job description. As a rule, an entrepreneur is obliged to pay an employee a certain amount of money in order to hold multiple positions. However, the additional payment is established only by agreement of each party employment contract.

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An order for appointment to a position is a universal form of organizational and administrative document that is used in all organizations and enterprises. Thus, this document is the main way of expressing the manager’s personnel decisions. That is why the hiring of a new employee is formalized precisely by issuing an order of appointment to the position. It is impossible to obtain employment in any other way.

Order on appointment to the position of director of an LLC

From the moment the order for the appointment of a director is issued, the actual activity of the enterprise begins. After all, it is the director who is responsible for economic activity and entering into relationships with other market participants. Accordingly, it is the director who is the first person of the company and it is he who makes such decisions.

There are two ways to prepare such a document:

  • When general manager is the only section of the society, he issues an order on his appointment to the position. Thus, sole founder nominates himself;
  • When there are several founders of an LLC, they decide to elect a director collectively. For this it is necessary general meeting all participants in society. The decision is made by voting. The election of a director is formalized by issuing an order to this effect.

From the moment of publication of the document and its registration in tax authorities, the specified person is vested with the full scope of powers granted to him to manage the company. Thus, in relation to legal entities, the process of electing and approving a manager depends on the number of participants.

Sample order for appointment to a position

A unified document template is suitable for any situation, regardless of the person’s specific position.

Order on appointment to the position of chief accountant

The document on hiring a chief accountant is drawn up in accordance with the usual rules. There are several important points to consider when drafting your document::

  • It is necessary to correctly formulate the employee’s job position;
  • The date from which the person begins to perform his duties should be indicated;
  • If a person is subject to a probationary period, this condition must be indicated. In this case, it is necessary to reflect the duration of such a period.

If the employer considers it appropriate to include other conditions, then he has the right to do so. For example, they often indicate the official salary or other circumstances related to remuneration. Since these conditions are key, their reflection seems reasonable. After all, the publication of an act not only certifies the beginning of labor relations between an employee and a manager, the act also expresses their mutual agreement with the basic working conditions. Therefore, if the activity involves one or another specificity, then it must be expressed in the main agreement.

Appointment to the position of cashier - order

The employee must be familiar with the order of his employment. It must be signed and dated. This copy is kept in the HR department and filed with the employee’s personal file. In the absence of a signature, an employment relationship cannot arise. Accordingly, the employee does not become a member of the organization’s team, and the employment agreement is not considered concluded.

Extract from the order of appointment to a position

Such an extract is an official document that certifies the fact of a person’s employment in a particular organization. The extract contains only this information. It does not include wage provisions, probationary period and so on. It states a fact and is used for presentation in order to confirm its status.

Accordingly, this document is needed in the following situations:

  • Confirmation of the fact that the bearer works in the organization on behalf of which he acts;
  • Confirmation of date of employment.

Thus, the bearer can confirm the fact of work. In general, the document is similar to the main one, but it does not include all the content.

A fairly common situation is when a small enterprise does not have a cashier on staff or only one cashier position is indicated in the staffing table. The head of a small enterprise has to draw up an order to appoint a cashier in two cases:

  • 1. upon request from financial and other organizations: for example, if a small enterprise began to work with a cash register, then banks in this case may request a copy of the order appointing a cashier;
  • 2. if there is one cashier at the enterprise, but he is temporarily absent.

In such cases, the duties of a cashier may be performed by an accountant or chief accountant. To do this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with him on full financial responsibility and sign an order appointing a cashier. The latter, in turn, does not have a standard form, so we will consider in detail the structure of its content and all the necessary columns that should be indicated there.

First of all, the personnel officer or the head of the enterprise fills out the header of the order: its serial number and the date of preparation. Next, the preamble of the order is drawn up, indicating the reason why it was issued (for example, due to a serious illness of an employee or production necessity).

After completing the preamble, we move on to the administrative part of the text of the order, which begins with the words “I ORDER.” In the text we indicate the name of the accountant who will act as cashier, and the name of the cash register. All the duties of the cashier that the accountant will assume must be specified in the body of the order, namely: to be responsible for maintaining the cash register and cash transactions, as well as maintaining incoming and outgoing cash orders, drawing up certificates at the end of the cash register shift and signing all necessary documents on behalf of the cashier. After the order to appoint a cashier has been issued, the head of the enterprise is obliged to familiarize the accountant, against receipt, with the regulatory documents that prescribe the procedure for conducting cash transactions.

The last paragraph of the order states that an agreement on full financial responsibility was concluded with the employee appointed to the position of cashier. The order is certified by the signatures of the head of the enterprise and the employee who was appointed to the position of cashier. After the above package of documents is completed, the accountant (or chief accountant) must sign a new job description for him. An employee, as a rule, must be paid extra for holding multiple positions. Additional payment for combining positions is established only by agreement of each party to the employment contract (Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

There are several options that the head of an organization can resort to if it is necessary to perform the duties of one employee by another. First option. An order is drawn up, signed, and then an agreement on full swearing is concluded with the employee. responsibility, is certified, then changes are made to the employment contract of the accountant (or the chief accounting specialist in the organization, depending on the circumstances), which provide for him to perform all the functions of a cashier. This option is more logical. Second option. An order and an agreement are formed and signed, as in the first option, plus amendments are made to the acting status. cashier in the accounting job description. Algorithm for drawing up a document At the top of the paper there is a header in which the name of the document and the date of its preparation are written. Then, after the title, the reasons for the absence of the employee as such are indicated.

Order for the appointment of a cashier (sample)

After the order to appoint a cashier has been issued, the head of the enterprise is obliged to familiarize the accountant, against receipt, with the regulatory documents that prescribe the procedure for conducting cash transactions. The last paragraph of the order states that an agreement on full financial responsibility was concluded with the employee appointed to the position of cashier. The order is certified by the signatures of the head of the enterprise and the employee who was appointed to the position of cashier.


After the above package of documents is completed, the accountant (or chief accountant) must sign a new job description for him. An employee, as a rule, must be paid extra for holding multiple positions. Additional payment for combining positions is established only by agreement of each party to the employment contract (Art.

151 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Order for the appointment of a cashier: sample filling, download form

The regulations must provide for exactly how this copy is certified (clause 6.1 of Directive No. 3210-U). The simplest option is for the cashier to make a copy, date and sign it. Link to the rules for settlements with accountants (8). In the regulation, it is best to make a link to a separate document in which you can describe in detail the rules for settlements with accountants.

For example, to the corresponding position or order of the manager. Indeed, in addition to cash discipline, it is necessary to resolve many issues related specifically to accountants. For example, identify specific employees who will spend the company’s money, a list of documents that accountants must attach to the advance report for certain purchases, in which case the company does not reimburse them for expenses, etc.

Order on assigning cashier duties to an accountant

But what should be indicated in the regulations on the conduct of cash transactions is the deadline for approval of the advance report and the final settlement on it. It can be anything at the discretion of the director (clause 6.3 of Directive No. 3210-U). The procedure for storing, transporting, checking the safety of money (9).

The regulations must say in what order and within what time frame the company checks whether all the cashier’s money is safe. And also describe how they need to be stored and transported (in particular, from the bank to the office). Thus, it can be established that only the cashier and the manager have the right to withdraw cash from the account.
Or the chief accountant in case of a cashier's vacation. And he must transport them exclusively in a corporate car. Anything can happen on the subway and bus. If the cash goes missing, both the company and the cashier will suffer. Usually, an agreement on full financial liability is concluded with him so that the full amount of damage can be recovered.

If the cashier in the institution is absent for good reasons (vacation, illness) or such a position is not provided at all, since the enterprise is still small, then the duties of this employee can be assigned to the accountant. To do this, a corresponding document must be prepared and signed. It is called “Order on assigning cashier duties to an accountant.”


FILESDownload a blank form of an order to assign the duties of a cashier to an accountant.docDownload a sample order to assign the duties of a cashier to an accountant.doc In addition to it, in order to comply with all the nuances, some changes will be required in the job description and the employment contract. One or two papers must indicate the amount that the employee is entitled to for the additional workload. Attention! It should not be less than the amount of additional payments prescribed in the Labor Code (in particular, Article 151).

Three orders that you now need to work with the cash register

Set a cash balance limit in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this order. 3. Entrust the management of cash transactions to accountant-cashier Ivanova M.I. in accordance with her job description.1 4. Designate a representative of Alpha LLC authorized to receive from the current account and deposit cash cash to the organization's bank accounts, accountant-cashier Ivanov M.I.


Assign responsibilities for preparing cash documents to accountant-cashier Ivanova M.I. 6. Prepare cash documents using the 1C: Accounting program. 7. Set a deadline for issue wages employees of the organization - 5 working days, including the day of receiving cash from a bank account.

Order on cash discipline

This condition guarantees full compliance with labor laws. Is compilation necessary? Important! Even if the staffing table does not include the position of a cash register employee and there is a single job description indicating that all cashier functionality is included in the accountant’s list, an order assigning duties is required. This is due to the fact that the vast majority of banks licensed in the Russian Federation clearly state the terms of interaction with individual entrepreneurs, LLCs or other legal entities. Under these conditions, cash transactions cannot be carried out by anyone other than a cashier, who is selected from the existing staff or hired separately. In large organizations If we are talking about individual entrepreneurs, then the employee’s written consent to assign duties is not required.

How to issue an order to appoint a responsible person?

But you can provide, for example, that documents older than three years are transferred to the company’s archives. Thirdly, who is responsible for safety (the director himself, the chief accountant, the accountant). How a power of attorney to receive or deposit cash is certified (7).

The regulations must state how the company certifies copies of powers of attorney by which the cashier issues cash from the cash register. Let us explain what we are talking about. If a cashier gives money to someone by proxy (for example, an employee of a counterparty brought goods and takes cash payment for it), then this document must remain with the company. The cashier applies it to the consumables. But it happens that a power of attorney is issued for a long time.

Or it gives the employee the right to receive cash not from one, but from several different organizations. Then there is no need to take the original power of attorney from him. It is enough to make a copy. It will be with the cashier.

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  • Part 18. Delivery from the USA
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  • Part 16. Not China alone!
  • Part 15. Do you want a unique thing that we don’t have? We'll get her!
  • Part 14.
    About quality and failures
  • Part 13. First product
  • Part 12. Packing orders
  • Part 11. Little surprises
  • Part 10. Let's start developing a web storefront
  • Happy New Year friends!
  • Part 9.
    Second batch of goods
  • Part 8. The store now has a logo!
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  • Part 6. Who are the stakeholders?
  • Part 5. What will be sold?
  • Part 4. Action Plan
  • Part 3. Delivery of goods
  • Part 2. Where to get the goods?
  • PART 1.

Sample order for the person responsible for cash management

The Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated October 12, 2011 No. 373-P established new order conducting cash transactions. According to this procedure, the head of the organization ( individual entrepreneur) by an administrative document must independently approve certain norms of cash discipline, which are directly indicated in Regulation No. 373-P. We offer readers an approximate example of such an order (instruction, decision, etc.).

Sample order for legal entity Order No. date Based on the “Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation,” approved. Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 2011 No. 373-P I ORDER: 1. Determine the place of cash transactions: the workplace of the accountant-cashier in office No. 401, located at the location of the executive body of Alpha LLC at the address: , st. , house. 2.

Labor Code, the amount of additional payment is established by agreement of the parties to the employment contract, taking into account the content and (or) volume of additional work). Therefore, you can appoint someone responsible for conducting cash transactions by obtaining the employee’s prior written consent. In addition, you need to take into account one more document approved by the Central Bank Russian Federation 10/12/2011 No. 373-P, – Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation, which establishes that cash transactions are carried out by a cashier or another employee appointed by the manager.