Cool statuses about a good mood. Statuses about mood for the right opinion

Do you think he's in a sad mood? Whatever the case, it’s his boring character.

The mood faded towards the end of the party. What could improve the situation? A kilo of ice cream and good movie on-line. Or that he would suddenly call and ask how you were doing. Well, something that was missing all evening.

I want to hit someone. It's just the mood.

Best status:
It happens that everything seems to be fine, but the mood is somehow sad. Perhaps there is not enough drive. And sometimes, in the midst of life’s upheavals, you become so perky and cheerful that those around you twist at their temples.

I love friends who don’t get to the bottom of the reason for your bad mood and don’t ask a bunch of stupid questions. They are just nearby, always ready to offer to go unwind together.

Always when you feel bad, think about those who are worse off. Try to help them. You'll see best medicine I can't find it out of sadness.

Mood? Create it yourself. Fill your life with meaning. Find a goal. Warm at least one person with yourself.

Depression is simply a period of intense need for happiness.

If you are in a bad mood at home, call a friend at work.

And in the morning there is coffee and a tired look. Yes, everything is fine, but it’s enough...

Where is my personal Carlson, who will say: “Calm down, baby, just calm…”

They got tired of it with “Everything will be fine.” It will be, I know. I feel fucking bad right now.

When you’re in a bad mood, but you put it in your status that you’re having fun and feel like a hero

The energy of laziness is the most inexhaustible

If your friend is in a bad mood, don't worry, it's not sexually transmitted.

That's it. the end. they've * fucked up everything. just got enough. what do you all want from me!? fuck off again. I want to get the fuck out of here.

Now half-light, now half-dark, now the wind at your back. Half alive... Half dead... Half...

Rain... Only he gave comfort - stroked her hair, her face... Hid her tears in his drops... Hiding her pain...

There was one good thought... But she died of loneliness and melancholy...

Smile: it makes people wonder what's on your mind...

My mood doesn’t smell like violets, you know!

Nothing particularly terrible's just that when you put it all turns out to be one HUGE BAD MOOD!!!

bitches!!! don't spoil my bad mood!!!

Sometimes you think: “When will the day come when when asked “how are you” I will answer “great” and not lie?”

Do you experience frequent depression and bad mood? Cuban Rastafarians will teach you to laugh.

Are you in a bad mood? -Then I’ll come to you)

Fate often gives us people who are good for life experience, but not good for life...

Are you in a good mood? No, I haven't heard.

The most important thing is to have good mood, the rest is a matter of money.

- Why are you sitting on the floor? - It’s so convenient for me. - Why in the dark? - I save electricity. – Why is a tear rolling down your cheek? - I’m cutting onions. – In the dark on the floor??? - Yes.

Yes, I am the master of the mood!.. But he has a different opinion.

In life, a bad mood should be expressed by a pensive mood, bow-tied lips, meaningful sighs, melancholy in the gaze, lack of appetite and sexual desire, tears, lying on the bed, sniffling nose into the pillow.

Type “amuse me Google” into Google and look at the first link... how did we get it.

– Why does the snow crunch? “It’s probably dried out because it’s not fresh.” - No... It’s just that the snowflakes’ spines break...

While beauty begins to save the world, freaks will destroy it!

Why does a person have a sad fuck, because a person is simply fucked!

Don’t yearn for impossible happiness, rejoice in the misfortune that never happened.

I'm fine. In a very bad way, but okay...

For some reason, it is bad habits that contribute to a good mood!!!

We need to stop all this boredom.

When everything in life goes NAH, then there comes a moment when you FAIL!

There are moments when people love crime.

I'm not vindictive or evil. I'm just indifferent.

The shape of a smile depends not only on your mood, but also on the shape of your teeth.

The mood matches what he saw.

I wanted to drown my problems in alcohol. Swim, you bastards!

For some reason, it’s so arranged that when a person feels bad, he feels good with someone who also feels bad...

Life is harmful, because people die from it...

I'm in the mood. Somewhat bad, but in the mood.

I am in a dejected mood.

I'm fine. In some very bad way, but in order...

Everyone is so beautiful, smart, talented, but I’m such a crap in shoes.

Inflicting torment on your envious people means being in a good mood.

Well, hello, mood, and I thought we wouldn’t see each other this year.

There are days when the learned cat hangs a “caution!” sign next to him. angry dog."

Is it worth ruining your mood by thinking about how your mood was ruined?

You can’t fart happily with a sad ass.....

I wanted to lift my spirits and got over it.

The status is resting! Tired of the hostess changing mood!…

There is cesspool in the soul, emptiness in the head, anger in the eyes, and a dream in the heart.

It's hard to forget the person who at least once made you smile when you were in a bad mood.

Judging by your new girl, I left, taking everything from you, even the taste.

bad the point of goosebumps...

I'm selling my nervous system. Starts with half a kick!

Why does a person have a sad fuck, because the person is simply over...fucked up!

When cats scratch your soul, it’s not just like that. They are the ones who bury the shit...

Everything wouldn't be so bad if it didn't leave much to be desired.

Apparently miracles are not aware that they should happen

We hide tears behind glasses, bad moods behind smiles, broken hearts behind beautiful appearance. And everyone believes that everything is always fine with us.

Life is harmful, because people die from it...

You can’t be fluffy for everyone - they’ll take it to your collars...

Hangover... Bad mood... There's a quiet sniffling in my ear... The kitten is trying to instill in me: “That's enough, Masha, drinking on weekdays!”:)

Nothing lifts the mood of guests more than crookedly pasted wallpaper!

A good remedy is to lift your mood by worsening it in others.

Everything can be attributed to a bad mood, even people

I'm so tired of everything, I really want to disappear from everyone for a day and return hand in hand with someone!(

When cats scratch your soul, it’s not just like that. They are the ones who bury the shit...

WHAT I have in my soul does not fit into the status...

Avanakidavra... sectumsembra... in short, die... you freaks are in a bad mood!

When God was giving out a good mood, I was most likely sitting in the toilet...

Depression is when your life begins to look like a sad black and white cartoon.

I'm not upset because we didn't meet! I'm in a STUPIDLY bad mood!

Only our technology is in a bad mood, and only our technology knows how to take offense!)

I went to the dacha, it’s better to be there alone and in silence, we got everything

Of all the states of the soul, it becomes more and more natural when we are brought into it...

The events of your life directly depend on your mood.

I would send you, but I see that you are from there!

Dejection and bad spirits are not only painful for others, but also contagious...

To be in a good mood is to cause torment to your envious people.

I am a kind and sympathetic person... Got it, bitches??

You are just a treasure for me. I really want to bury you somewhere

I want to become a little child again, without problems, without worries and suffering...((

Let’s do this: I’m now pretending to be cheerful and happy, and you believe it.

in my opinion, because you love someone, you absolutely cannot suffer. After all, when you are in a bad mood, you can just think about Him and your soul will immediately feel warm)

A light knock was heard. The mood dropped.

In essence, we have few reasons for being in a bad mood. But they're just different every day.

Depression is a state of deep spiritual anus.

Why, when you are in a bad mood, do you so want to leave VKontakte?

It all depends on my mood. If you are in the mood, you lie on the couch with enthusiasm. Well, if you’re not in the mood, then you lie on the couch without any inspiration.

He told her: “That’s enough! You got me! I'm leaving you!" I'm leaving. I hear a shot. Shot yourself?! I'm coming back. Opened the champagne, bitch.

I really want to send all of you, but you have nothing to do with it.

Somehow my mood has deteriorated. - What kind of joy is this?

someone comes into my life, someone leaves... but for everyone there is a rule: “When you come in, wipe your feet, when you leave, leave forever!”

amazing...I’m strong...I’m overwhelmed...everything.

Do you think the mood can be bad and good? But no, it can also be fucking bad...

Although I feel bad, this is not a reason to cause suffering to others.

Nothing spoils your mood for a very short period of time like a parachute that doesn’t open.

In life there is always something missing for complete happiness, either a stool, or a rope, or soap...

You write only when you are in a good mood, probably you are always in a bad mood!

They say that if a person really wants something, it will come true. Apparently I'm not human...

Life is like a carousel: it’s scary to jump off. and I'm already sick of riding

Life is shit, no matter how you twist it... don’t twist it, otherwise everything will fall on you!

To be out of place is to get into someone else's.

As usual - everything is strawberry!!!

The best decoration in life is a great mood.

Carefully! Radiating positive vibes!

When you wake up in the morning, don't be lazy! Give yourself a beautiful compliment and you will blossom in an instant!

Let sorrows be forgotten in autumn, let's leave the past behind in winter, let spring bloom in the soul, and let summer be in the mood!

Happiness is the ability not to spoil your mood and not let others do it.

I wish you positivity, meetings, communication, creativity! In general, they understood me. Have a wonderful day!

I have a unique talent - no matter how good everything is, I manage to make it even better!

If life doesn’t make you happy, then make it happy. Do you want changes in your destiny? So, start from the inside.

We look for magic and beauty in things, while magic and beauty are in ourselves!

It is impossible to get away from the sun if it is inside.

Our destinies depend on ourselves; by changes in ourselves we change others.

Always listen to yourself - good man He won’t wish anything bad!

Look into your hearts! What beautiful flowers of Love, Light and Harmony bloom in them!

In every winter heart lurks a trembling spring, and behind the veil of every night is a smiling dawn.

Believe me, all troubles will go away! Misfortunes also get tired, and tomorrow will be a happy day!

Nothing happens in vain in this world! There is room for the best!

Seeing the goal, and not the obstacles, we will get where we need to go!

I don't allow myself too much. Maybe you are simply denying yourself too much?..

Becoming happy is the most important decision I have made in my life!

Yes, I have many shortcomings. Forgive me, perfect people!

Hurry up, accept a ray of sunny happiness as a gift!

You noticed that you can change the world: you are sad and the world is gloomy; you smile and the world shines.

Since the mood is always different, let it alternate - good with beautiful!

The mood is great, even off the charts!

The mood is excellent - usual for spring!

I love spring for its excellent mood, charge of emotions, new love, tenderness, flowers, bright colors.

Spring is always new life, revival, youth and good mood.

In spring there is a lot of energy, you want something big and bright, so why not start today?..5

Rating 5.00 (4 Votes)

Some of those present today are clearly not in the mood and are downvoting everything.

It happens that you burst out with energy and positivity and want to do something special)))

Let your smile warm you up and protect you in the heat and cold. May he inspire you to great deeds, may he love and protect you all!

Positivity hanged itself, depression ate me...

Everyone says: “it doesn’t go, but writes,” but I don’t write... I draw))))) so beautiful))) artist... damn...

We will meet again, not in this life, then in another...

If you see a girl laughing on the street, you know: she is not married.

Sometimes you have such an airy mood that it seems that people are holding out their hands to you so that you can fly higher...

A smile is the air the soul breathes...

Gray rain in a wet raincoat sat on the windowsill, dangling his feet in rubber boots. As it dangled, drops scattered across the windowsill with a loud thud.

Sometimes you want to scream at the top of your lungs: EVERYTHING IS GREAT FOR ME!!!

Mood - SPRING!!)))

Excellent cheerful music is the key to an awesome mood))))

Such a mood today is “good”, which cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen.

Not Gioconda? I don't care!!! High five mood!!!


My mood today is as if I woke up in a duvet cover: I seem to be in my bed, it seems warm and cozy, and no one is laughing... but I feel like a fool.

A smile is the best medicine!))

You can’t draw a new life for yourself, you can only change the palette of this one and turn it from monochrome to color!

Dreams are broken on the stones of silence and the rocks of indifference...

Today I am in a very “good” mood. Just the day before yesterday I thought that it was impossible to live worse. Yesterday I became convinced that it could be even worse - which means the day before yesterday was not so bad.

One of the main reasons for all quarrels is a bad mood.

Mood is a strange and fickle thing... That is, it is there, then it is no longer there, and sometimes it is simply impossible to explain to yourself its appearance and its disappearance!

Spring mood... I don’t know about you, but when I look outside the window and see the snow-covered cold spring, I believe not my eyes, but my heart...

The louder the music, the higher the mood.

In a good mood, like good people, there is not necessarily a reason - sometimes they just appear in our lives.

Three things can ruin your mood: money, weather and men...
Oh! And there is also a fourth thing - this is menopause...)))

The pleasure of owning a beautiful thing is worth the money spent.

How good it is when everything is fine!

In order not to sour, you need to ferment...

Why, when you are in a good mood, and you are having fun and fooling around, everyone asks: “Are you feeling bad?”

Do you feel bad alone with yourself? You are in bad company.

Some people have a lot of problems, but I have a collection of them!!!)))

When the heart is happy, the face blooms!!!

Happiness is a state of mind and the longer you feel it, the happier you become.

Don't spoil my bad mood)))

It's a strange thing - mood. Five minutes ago I was having fun, but now I want to smash everything to hell.

I'm just happy that I have you - THE REASON OF MY GOOD MOOD!!!))

My mood depends on your actions.

I like to drink tea with my wife and jam)

Mood is a thing that can be helped by... someone who is in a good mood. It’s good that everyone isn’t in a bad mood at the same time...;)

Understanding life and understanding people are far from the same thing. Great wisdom is to comprehend characters and capture moods.

A woman's mood changes like the weather.
Sometimes we shed tears, sometimes we want to shine with joy.

Let's paint the world rainbow! We will never have another life!

Contagious laughter has a healing effect on painful sadness...

Someone rules the world. Some people have enough peace. And I need the universe!

Constantly being positive is stupid and doesn't solve your problems. But it is excellent for irritating others.

Attention!!! Latest news!!!
February took March hostage and demands a ransom - YOUR GOOD MOOD!!!

How good, how delightful is this small dark crack, which is so pleasant to enter, especially after a rich, satisfying dinner! - said the cockroach, crawling under the baseboard.)))

I love people who can make me laugh when I don't even want to smile.

It is necessary to treat bad mood and very effectively - through sexual intercourse the main thing here - self-medication is unacceptable!

Statuses about mood

The best statuses about your mood on! They say that a woman's mood is as changeable as the weather. Now she is overflowing with happiness, smiling at you, and love is visible in her eyes. But a few minutes pass, and a formidable Valkyrie appears before you, ready for battle! If you want to always be aware of the mood of your other half, tell her or him about! Let your loved ones choose statuses about mood and share them on their page on Odnoklassniki and VKontakte.

Statuses about mood for all occasions!

It’s drizzling outside, it’s damp and cold, and you forgot your umbrella and are now wondering how not to get wet on the way home. And the neighbor has a new car. A work colleague is going on a weekend picnic with the whole family, and you have a report. Perhaps you had a quarrel with your loved one. Statuses about a bad mood will help you find support and sympathy from friends in social networks! But then a strip of clear sky appeared on the horizon, the rain stopped pouring, a colleague offered to help with work on the report and invited you and your family to join their picnic. You called your husband first, and now everything is just fine with you. Then don’t forget about our website, quickly replace your previous saying on your Internet page with statuses about a good mood. Share your mood with your loved ones!

Cool sayings about mood!

Do you like to joke? In the noisiest company, are you the first laugher and ringleader? Is the first of April the main holiday of the year for you? Are your friends surprised by your ingenuity and sense of humor, and have your pranks become legends among family and friends? For you, the main thing is the preparation process itself, and at the end of the joke, do you take funny photographs as a souvenir with all the participants? Cool statuses Are moods always dominant on your page? Keep it up! After all, it has long been proven that laughter prolongs life!

Sad quotes about mood!

Does your girlfriend like to watch romantic comedies and animal movies? Will she never pass by a stray kitten? Do her friends respect her for her kindness and sincerity? She is so one in a million and you love her for who she is. On her page you can only find quotes and sayings with meaning? Who said that statuses about a sad mood are bad? Sometimes you need to stop and think about your soul. And on you will always find an excellent selection of sayings about a sad mood. So many different things happen to us that Olympic calm can hardly be our constant response to all cases. Sometimes a person wants to be pitied, at another moment he is in a hurry to share his joy with everyone. Sometimes he strives to express sympathy, sympathy, or even hostility to someone. One of best expressions Moods are mood statuses that tell your friends whether they should bother you at the moment.

Positive statuses will cheer up everyone who reads them. Check it out!

Since the mood is always different, let it alternate between the Good and the Beautiful!

Low mood? Hello, strong alcohol!))

Today I have a Rubik's cube instead of a head. It doesn’t add up at all, but it’s bright and beautiful.

Please help me with the rhyme, I can’t finish the poem: “Here it is morning! The sun has risen. I'm going to the bathroom to wash..."

Smile, illuminating everyone with smiles! Make mistakes, it’s more fun to live with mistakes, don’t be afraid, anything happens in life, don’t give up, everything doesn’t work out right away.

I want ice cream... But there’s no one to send. Or rather, send someone, but not for ice cream.

With my eyes closed and a smile from ear to ear, I walk towards my own happiness through a field of rakes.

What a person has kind heart, does not mean at all that he cannot give a fuck.

When I am criticized, I can defend myself, but I am powerless against praise.

I easily limit myself when it comes to sweets! But in semi-sweet - no.

My husband hasn’t shaved for just four days, but his jacket already fits him like it was stolen...

If you don’t know what to buy a girl, tell her that you have already bought a gift and invite her to guess. She will list what she wants.

It has been scientifically proven that the body begins to get angry when it finds itself on the scale.

The Indians are strange people: they have feathers, but they don’t fly!

Women and men become brave after forty. Women - YEARS, men - DEGREES.

They say milk makes you strong. Try to drink 5 glasses and move the wall - you won't succeed! Now drink 5 glasses of vodka - the wall moves by itself!

If you drink a glass, you will have an appetite.
If you drink a glass, you will be in the mood.
If you drink a bottle, it will be a celebration of the soul...
Well, if you drink a liter, you’ll have everything: appetite, mood, and celebration of the soul... But you won’t remember this! !

At the one hundred and fifth minute of painful thinking about where to start cleaning, a wise decision finally came: “Shouldn’t I have some tea?”

Step over the sadness, people!
You smiled, it means everything is okay.
Laugh more often, rejoice and let
A smile will become your morning exercise!

A smile is not a sign that a person is positive, it is a sign of skillfully ignoring the surrounding crap.

Smile! After all, a smile is stronger than sadness, even on the gloomiest days! Smile so that people will say after you: “You’re so happy, damn it!”

Spring has come, the birds are singing
And he demolishes the “tower” out of habit.
She is carried somewhere upward.
Well, asshole, now... hang in there!