Jokes on April 1 at home over the parents. April Fools' pranks and jokes for friends, parents, colleagues. Tea with washing powder

As this merry holiday, which is popularly nicknamed "Fool's Day", is getting closer, the relevance of the issue increases. You will have to work hard to figure out how to joke with your parents, because pranks for beloved parents should not be burning. The main task is for everyone to have fun laughing after your prank.

Prank ideas for parents on April 1st

1. Any morning starts with breakfast

To prepare a dish with peppercorns, you need to try very hard. You can add garlic or pepper to the dish, and even some unusual spices (just experiment with caution - in some people, spices can cause allergic reactions!). But the best thing would be to make a hot dessert. When everyone is eating the main breakfast, serve dessert and watch the reactions of those close to you.

To prepare such a prank dessert, you need to take one processed cheese and grate it on a fine grater, then add garlic squeezed through a press and finely chopped hot red pepper.

Roll into small balls from the resulting mass and roll them well in the coconut. Place the searing masterpiece in the refrigerator for half an hour.

This dessert looks very appetizing - everyone will want to try it!

2. Toothpaste

This joke is considered one of the most popular on April 1st. Parents almost always forget about this day, so they will definitely fall for such a trick. For this Take a small piece of cling film and place it on the tube where the paste is squeezing out. Close the tube and trim off any excess film so you can't see it. And in the morning, watch your parents' unsuccessful attempts to brush their teeth with a smile.

3. Scattered things

For this draw using a spool of thread, it is necessary to connect all possible objects, and simply attach the end of the thread to the door handle. Any things and household items can be in a bundle, but the main thing is that they are light and not broken. As soon as someone tries to open the door, all things will be scattered around the room. What will be for such a joke depends only on the damage caused and the mood of the parents.

4. Sew to bed

At night, when your parents are already asleep, sneak into their bedroom. Take a needle and use large stitches to hold their blanket and sheet together. Get up early in the morning and arrow into your parents' bedroom screaming about a fire (you can think of another emergency). Enjoy a very funny show!

5. Pedicure for dad

If your parents have a great sense of humor, sneak into your parents' bedroom at night and give dad an interesting pedicure by painting his toenails. Be sure to hide all nail polish removers in the house, and in the morning watch what dad does in this situation.

6. Cheerful wardrobe

This prank is suitable for those who have there are many different balls in the house: collect them all and hide them in the closet that parents open every day. In the morning, someone close to you, getting ready for work, will open the same "funny closet" from which a bunch of balls and balls will fall out. Such a pleasant prank will definitely charge parents with positive emotions for the whole day.

7. Blue bread

Any breakfast begins or ends with tea. There is a traditional tea rally, when salt is poured instead of sugar. But there is an even more interesting joke: when you pour tea for everyone, drop a drop of iodine into your mug. When everyone sits down at the table take a slice of bread or a bun and dip in tea. Now watch the reaction of the parents: the starch will react with iodine and the bread will turn blue.

8. A surprise gift

Take any cardboard box, for example, from under the shoes. Cut a large round hole in the bottom of the hole. Hide the box in a closet so that you have to reach for it, and pour more confetti inside. Pack it on top in a bright wrapper and stick the inscription "Don't touch the gift!" When dad walks into the room and sees the tempting box, he will probably want to consider the present. But as soon as he takes the box in his hands, a mountain of confetti will pour out on him. Laughter and pleasant surprise are guaranteed!

9. Unnecessary things

Hide things that are unusual for them in your parents' personal purses. Dad, for example, can discreetly "present" mom's manicure set or cosmetic bag, and mom - dad's set of nuts and keys. Just do not overdo it with weight, so that parents do not guess the joke before they even leave the house.

10. Mom's blouse

If your mom is an avid fan of cleanliness, then this prank is a great idea. Mix ammonia and purgen, pour the mixture onto your favorite mom's blouse or other item. When mom sees this outrage, she will be very upset. But before she even gets to the washing machine, mom will be very surprised, because the ammonia will evaporate and there will be no trace of the stain! But it is better to try this trick on the eve of the holiday on some unnecessary thing.

11. Early alarm

In the evening, when the parents go to bed, set their alarm an hour early. In order not to arouse suspicion, set all clocks in the house. Don't forget about telephones. In the morning, parents will wake up an hour earlier and will not understand why they did not get enough sleep and why it is not yet as light outside as it usually is. It is a very exciting sight to watch the reactions of sleepy loved ones. But it’s even funnier when parents come to work and bump into a closed door (this joke is only suitable for moms and dads with the most subtle sense of humor!).

12. Daddy to school!

This joke with a mobile phone is considered one of them. Persuade your friend to I called your parents and said that on April 1 they were called to school. Tell him that it was a joke only when dad is already dressed and starts going out. Until then, watch him get angry and chastise you for your bad behavior at school.

13. The child in the police

Another simple phone prank. In the midst of a working day dial the parents and tell them in a stern voice that their child is now at the police station. You can ask someone you know to call so that your family does not recognize you by your voice. Either parent will, of course, immediately rush to save their child. Well, then think for yourself what to do: you can call in a few minutes and say that this is an April Fools' rally, or you can stand at the police station and wait for your parents with a cake.

Making fun of your parents is always fun. In addition to being funny, it is also very enjoyable and with impunity. At first, the parents will laugh at each other, and then the whole day they will remember the successful joke from their children, thereby raising their spirits. Your main task is not to go too far during the rally so that the joke turns out to be successful.

Friends, hello again! Spring is generous with the holidays and April 1st is one of my favorites. You too? For what I love this day, it is for unrestrained fun, funny congratulations and laughter even from those from whom on ordinary days it is difficult to give out a semblance of a smile. Adults become like children, getting stuck up to their ears in practical jokes, children take away their souls, actively inventing jokes for April 1 for adults, friends and colleagues with the hope that this time pranks are within the "framework of the law." In general, I propose to delve into the topic of April Fools' rallies and come up with something super interesting and original together!

Fun on April 1 for friends and family

To please and amuse classmates, mom and dad, sister, I picked up the most interesting jokes.

Practical jokes for classmates - how not to get bored at school on April 1

Children love to joke and have fun more than anything else. In this sense, they are much cooler than adults. Young pranksters are not held back by a sense of responsibility, they are not worried about the rules of behavior and norms, they enjoy the opportunity to have fun on a specially designated day from the heart. Consider the best school jokes.

  • "Paper Joke"... Get ready for the school party in the evening. Print text with different content on several sheets of paper. This can be an announcement of an imminent water cut, cancellation of lessons, the arrival of a well-known band to perform at a school line, etc. Post notices in the courtyard of the school. Try not to be seen by the principal or teachers. It will be funny when the children gather in the assembly hall for the rapper Face's concert, and instead receive a scolding from the teachers for the noise and disruption of the lesson!
  • "April Fools' brick"... Look after the victim. She must have a large backpack with an abundance of compartment behind her. Follow the owner of the backpack, wait for the moment when the latter is left unattended. Put a brick or stone, preferably heavier, in one of the compartments of the backpack. Watch the guy, when he tries to lift the backpack, I wonder if he will guess to check what gives that weight in it?
  • "Life without school"... If there are those in your circle of friends who rarely go to school, they will be the victims of the prank. On April Fools' Day, prepare a letter for the student of your choice addressed to him from the class teacher. In the text of the letter, inform about the expulsion from school for systematic absenteeism. It will be fun to watch his face change!
  • "Fantomas"... Get ash on your hands. Choose a victim and play with him a game of "guess who closed his eyes with his hands." Whether you guess it or not is not so important. The main thing is that black glasses made of ash will remain on the victim's face.
  • "School board"... A classic harmless joke of schoolchildren of all countries. With all the harmlessness, it can disrupt the lesson or at least delay its beginning. The bottom line is simple: rub the blackboard with soap. Writing on such a surface will not work, so the teacher will force you to remove traces of soap, or suggest you work according to a different scheme. But here, how lucky. The main thing is not to confess what you have done, otherwise the punishment may turn out to be incommensurate with leprosy, if the teacher is not going smoothly with a sense of humor.

Making fun of friends

Making fun of friends on April Fools' Day is a sacred thing. Who else, if not over them, can you kindly mock during the day and with complete impunity?

So how to joke?

  • Let's start with the well-known joke with "head in the bank"... It will be funny if you haven’t done such a trick before and are sure that your friend or girlfriend hasn’t seen anything like it and do not expect to see anything like it.

You don't have to do anything illegal to scare a corpse in a bank with your head. Just find an empty jar, pour a slightly tinted green, pink, or yellow liquid into it, and place a suitable sized photograph inside. It is especially funny if it is a photo of one of your friends. Place the jar with the "head" in the refrigerator and ask a friend to go out for ice cream, sandwiches, or something else. The surprise effect will work as it should, shock is indispensable!

Jokes on parents - delicate humor

With parents on April 1, everything is not so simple. You need to joke with them carefully, and I would say even gently, so as not to hurt your heart. Jokes about death, accidents, mining, abductions and others are definitely inappropriate. These are all dangerous topics that parents cannot be funny about.

I offer classic harmless pranks:

  1. Dessert with a trick Rafaello sweets for mom - mash the processed cheese with a fork, put the beans or peas inside, add more spices, roll the balls and roll liberally in coconut. Don't forget the branded packaging.
  2. Non-spill compote... Treat your parents to a delicious fresh fruit compote, though they won't be able to drink it, because each glass will contain a bag of gelatin.
  3. Colored tea... Also an interesting option for those who drink tea bags. Carefully open the bag, add a little food coloring, preferably different colors in several bags, staple with a thread as it was. It will be funny to watch the surprise of mom, dad, sister or brother when they make blue or red tea from ordinary tea bags.

Interesting joke - with a "sudden message"... Make it so that on April 1, parents in a box find a letter from utilities with a message about the imminent work on laying the cable on the roof of the house and recommendations to protect the windows with tape. Do not forget to film the parents diligently covering the windows with duct tape. Look, do not flirt! Admit it was a joke as soon as you record a short video.

Festive Toothpaste. There are options here. The most innocent option is with a hole covered with cling film. Harder - with dye or sour cream (mayonnaise) in a tube.

"Cloudy communal apartment"... Cheer up your parents with a fake bill with a ridiculous amount of 5 zeros for utility bills. It can be easily done in any graphics editor. Slip the receipt under the door or drop it into the mailbox. And yes, in order not to arouse suspicion in your address, be surprised together with your parents, scolding public utilities.

Making fun of colleagues

In the office, playing pranks on colleagues is the direct responsibility of every joker. Well, today the normal April 1 in any organization does not pass without it. Options to joke the sea. I suggest such ideas:

  • Locking the workplace... There are two ways to block access to a colleague's computer and desk: self-adhesive and cups of water. There is also a variation on the theme - with foil (it is carefully wrapped around all furniture and office equipment, but it is laborious and costly) and a simplified way - stationery rubber bands on the mouse, pen and other important little things (you need as many rubber bands as possible).
  • "Crazy Mouse"... A popular prank with a computer mouse. All you need to do is seal the laser with tape or tissue. You can video the torture of a colleague desperately trying to tame a naughty mouse.
  • "Blot"... A great joke for a colleague who pays special attention to flawless appearance. Mix phenolphthalein with ammonia (buy from a pharmacy). Fill the ink pen with this liquid. Shake it inadvertently directly onto the employee's white shirt. The red spot will shock you! Do not rush to reveal your cards right away. Take a little time for decency and only then inform that the stain will not be in a few minutes.
  • "Pogrom in the office"... Make your way to your colleague's workplace and replace his pens with analogs with glue-glued caps, with blank pastes, or with pastes in bright colors. Don't miss the reaction to the joke!
  • "Substitution of plates"... Change office signs, for example "Accounting" to "Toilet". This joke is appropriate when there are new people in the office every day. I would not advise joking on this topic more radically with the participation of the "Leader" sign, it is too risky.

Anonymous sms - pranks under the mask of incognito

Through special anonymous messaging services, you can have great fun sending SMS to parents, friends and colleagues without leaving your home. How do you like these texts:

  1. “You are welcomed by a mobile operator. Unfortunately, we have to inform you that your number will be disconnected for six months to pay a fine for profanity during conversations. "
  2. "Attention! Immediately disarm your phone, otherwise it will self-destruct after 30 seconds! "
  3. “Attention, you are within range of laughing gas. Leave the territory urgently. "
  4. "The balance of funds was debited from your account to the White Lemur Support Fund, with respect and gratitude for your participation, the Society of Animal Defenders."
  5. "Dear subscriber, funds in the amount of 1,500 rubles have been debited from your account for the prohibited charging of the device at night."

Hope it helped with ideas. Write how you are going to prank your friends and parents in the comments, share the post on the networks!

Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

By the number of draws, April Fools 'Day, or as it is affectionately called April Fools' Day, is the record holder of the year. By the way, it is considered bad form to take offense at April Fools' rallies.

Sputnik has prepared a selection of jokes for those wishing to play on April Fool's Day with their household, friends, colleagues, classmates and cheer up those around them - relatives, friends or just passers-by.

How to play a prank on the household

When you wake up early, put children's things for adults, and parental for children, replace slippers with a larger or smaller size. You can put slippers of different sizes, hide one sock from a different pair, and so on.

If you have the opportunity to spend a little time preparing the rally, then late the night before, you can sew up the sleeves or trousers in the clothes of your household with a thin, easily torn thread. You can also sew on the sleeve or sew on the neck. Such innocent jokes will turn the dressing process into a game and set all family members in a major mood.

You can recall the jokes that we did more than once in childhood - paint the sleeping person's face with toothpaste, ketchup or another quickly rinsed mixture, and cover the soap with colorless varnish so that it does not foam.

You can carry out various manipulations with cosmetics. For example, replace face cream or deodorant with butter.

In the kitchen, by tradition, you can replace sugar with salt, add pepper to coffee - this drink is very invigorating in the morning, especially on April 1. But it will be funnier to cook with sour cream fried eggs and halves of canned peaches and serve jelly instead of juice.

You can endlessly enumerate various jokes, but in everything you need to know when to stop. Most importantly, remember that this is a great occasion for the whole family to have fun.

How to prank your friends

There are many phone-related gags out there. For example, call a friend from an unknown phone number and say something like this: "Hello, is this Durov's corner? Do you need a talking horse? Just don't hang up, you know how difficult it is to dial with a hoof!"

For the next draw, you need to turn on call forwarding to any number on your mobile phone - for example, a government institution, a hairdresser, a bathhouse or a holiday home. There will be no limit to the surprise of people calling you when, instead of your greeting, they hear an unfamiliar voice pronouncing the name of the organization.

A friend can be played in the following way, which is called a "secret admirer". You should order a gorgeous bouquet and attach an anonymous note in which you indicate the place and time of the meeting, and a request to bring this very bouquet with you. You need to send a man unknown to her to a meeting with a girlfriend, but he must come with his companion. Approaching your friend, he must take the bouquet from her and present it solemnly to his companion. But, in order not to bring a loved one to the handle, you need to immediately appear and present the flowers intended specifically for her.

If you work with a friend in the same office or get to his workplace without hindrance, you can paste over him with stickers, on which you first write declarations of love, good wishes, and so on. Or just throw toys at his workplace, for example, frogs, various rattlesnakes, and so on.

By the way, you can have a party with your friends and ask each of them to prepare several comic contests for the evening, and before the end of the holiday, take stock and present a prize for the most successful drawing.

How to prank colleagues

The easiest prank to perform is to seal the mouse with tape and watch the bewildered colleague or colleagues. You can draw or write something cool on the scotch tape: "I'll be there after dinner, your little mouse." Or hide the mouse altogether, placing a note with traces drawn and the words: "Don't look for me, I found a more caring daddy." You can also use double-sided tape to glue everything on your colleague's desk - pens, pencils, keyboard, notebook, mouse, phone, and so on.

Want to prank all employees at the same time? Bring to work a box of yummy cakes or candies that says April 1st. At the same time, so in passing, say that you do not want something. I guarantee that no one will touch these goodies, as everyone will wonder what you did with them.

You can also bring a box of sweet pillows to the office, for example, Taste of Crunch, after replacing the contents with Whiskas pillows and observe the reaction of colleagues to the "sweet" pillows.

You can print your boss's order to change your vacation schedule and post it on the notice board. Or say that half of the salary of each employee will be transferred to the organization's fund.

If your boss has a good sense of humor, you can play him or her, or maybe them. For example, the whole team can write a letter of resignation of their own free will and bring it for signature at the same time. True, there is a danger that the chief will actually sign these statements.

How to play a prank on teachers and classmates

For teachers, April 1 has always been a difficult day, since at every step there are pranks for young pranksters, for whom this day brings indescribable joy.

Schoolchildren are more resourceful than adults. The range of their jokes and practical jokes is quite extensive, and their fantasies can only be envied. Here are some examples of pranks:

One of the most common school pranks is sticking stickers on the backs of classmates with inscriptions of various content, such as "pump with the breeze" or "who does not have a horse, sit on me." The old joke, "where are you so smeared" always works. You can also offer soda to someone by shaking the bottle well beforehand.

A simple prank that always works. On a piece of paper, write "broom on the ceiling" and let it go around the classroom. The one of the classmates who reads will certainly raise his head up, then the next one, and so on. And together with them, the teacher begins to look at the ceiling, trying to understand what is happening.

If you are not afraid of the teacher's righteous anger, you can use the old trick and rub the chalkboard with dry soap. In this case, it will not work to write on the blackboard with chalk. But keep in mind that you yourself will have to wash the board later.

The teacher can be played by saying that the principal summons him. But we must have time to hang a poster on the door of the director’s office with the inscription: “First April don’t trust anyone!”

Nowadays, almost every student has a mobile phone, so you can come up with different jokes related to the phone. Or use the ones that have already been written above.

The April Fools' rallies will give you a lot of vivid impressions, positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time. So turn on your imagination, have fun and amuse the people around you.

Just remember that pranks should be adequate to the sense of humor of the person for whom you prepared jokes on April 1, and observe a sense of proportion in everything so as not to offend someone inadvertently.

April Fool's Day is called April Fool's Day, but its main feature is considered to be harmless banter on friends and relatives. In order not to become a victim of a prank, you need to get ahead of others and prepare your jokes. This is what we will do with you in the article.

April Fools' Draws Options

Fool's Day jokes should be fun, not hurtful, so choose carefully who to play and how. Take into account the character of the person so that the holiday will give pleasant emotions.

The performer of the role of Jon Snow from Game of Thrones Keith Harrington very scared his fiancee Rose Leslie on April 1 two years ago by putting a dummy of his head from the set in the refrigerator.

Practical jokes that children can prepare

The day before, ask for the phone of a classmate, supposedly for business, and set an alarm in it an hour earlier than the usual wake-up time. Call back in the morning to find out if you liked the draw.

Prepare a bar of soap in advance and cover it with colorless nail polish. Get up early, replace the soap in the bathroom with your own, with a surprise. The family wonders why they can't lather their hands.

For younger students, it is better to use the help of an adult relative to cover the soap with colorless nail polish.

For breakfast, offer your family Oreo cookies or any other, but in the form of a sandwich with a filling. Before that, imperceptibly from everyone, change the cream layer to toothpaste.

It is better to take toothpaste for spreading cookies without a pronounced aroma, you can also not clean off the filling completely, but make a depression for an unexpected addition

At school, get your hands dirty with chalk and walk up to a classmate from behind. Close his eyes with your hands and offer to guess who you are. After recognizing, go about your business, leaving white prints on your friend's face. Girls shouldn't be joking like that, especially in high school when they can already wear makeup.

Classmates can offer a mirror in which, instead of reflection, they will see pictures with funny animals. Remember, a joke shouldn't be offensive.

When choosing pictures with animals, you need to be careful so as not to get hold of an enemy instead of a harmless rally

Prank Ideas for Adults

Serve the impossible-to-drink juice with breakfast. To do this, in the evening, dilute the jelly bags according to the instructions and pour into glasses. Insert drinking straws and refrigerate. When serving, pretend to drop a glass of juice on the table. The opportunity to eat a treat will reassure relatives.

The main feature of the rally is the element of surprise when overturning.

When going to work, ask someone from your family to remove the thread from your clothes on the pretext that you will not reach it. Before that, hide a spool of thread under the clothes, and bring the edge out. It will be very difficult to remove such a thread.

Set up call forwarding from your number to the one belonging to some city organization. When trying to call, people will hear an unfamiliar voice saying the formal greeting.

Hearing on the phone "You have called the information desk of Gorvodokanal" will be a surprise for the caller

On the evening before the holiday, linger in the office and cover the bottom of the optical computer mice with tape. On April 1st, watch your colleagues react as they wonder why their mice don't work.

For the optical mouse to work properly, the light from the sensor must reflect off the table or mat surface without obstruction

Office prank with mice can be made more difficult by hiding the device. Leave a note on the table with mouse tracks and text like "Don't look for me, I found another."

A colleague who is absent for lunch can be played as follows:

  • Minimize the program or browser in which it is running and take a screenshot of the screen.
  • Remove shortcuts from the desktop after saving them in a folder.
  • Set the screen as your desktop screensaver.

A colleague will understand that this is a prank, but not right away. To make the joke work, practice ahead of time on your computer. You can also joke with relatives using the screen.

Some people advise installing a blue screen of death desktop screensaver to simulate a malfunctioning computer. I think this is a cruel joke that may end up calling the doctors. A person is unlikely to calmly take the news that work on a multi-month project or article has been shut down due to a breakdown.

Even after pressing the restart button, the blue screen saver of death will not disappear, and when the deception is revealed, the help of doctors may already be needed for a joker

Make a white spot by pouring the glue onto the glass and letting it dry. Place a colleague on a desk or laptop discreetly and stand next to the cup in hand.

Dried PVA glue becomes transparent white like milk

Use a thin needle to make a through hole in the tube. Treat your friend to a drink that is customary to drink through a straw - a milkshake, for example.

Attempts to drink from a straw with additional holes are doomed to failure, because the drink does not rise to the upper hole

Coca-Cola with ice. Add chopped Mentos sweets to the water before freezing. The melted ice will cause a violent reaction in the fizzy drink.

A joke of one of the American channels entered the history of April Fools' rallies. News from Switzerland showed the Americans a bumper crop of ... pasta. The audience was surprised that the pasta was growing vertically, expressed approval of the actions of the journalists, and some were interested in where they could get the seedlings.

The next method is suitable for skilled pastry chefs. Bake banana muffins and cover with mastic. All that remains is to invite guests to taste the fruit.

Only experienced housewives can play with banana-shaped muffins

Place a cardboard food box with long-tailed beets in it. Pets will mistake the installation for a mouse or a rat that has started up in the house.

If there are no beets in the house, then you can replace them with potatoes by attaching a piece of string to the vegetable

Tape the sensor on your home or office TV remote.

Remote control with glued infrared sensor does not transmit commands to the TV

A joke that can be used anywhere:

Video: Easy Ways to Prank Friends on April 1st

As you can see, there are many options for playing those around on the first of April. Now you don't have to joke about white backs to get the title of the main comedian in your family, school or work.

In terms of the number of draws, this day is the record holder of the year. By the way, it is considered bad form to take offense at April Fools' rallies.

Sputnik Georgia has prepared a selection of "jokes" for those who want to play on April Fool's Day their household, friends, colleagues, classmates and cheer up those around them - relatives, friends or just passers-by.

How to play a prank on the household

When you wake up early, put children's things for adults, and parental for children, replace slippers with a larger or smaller size. You can put on slippers of different sizes, hide one sock from a different pair, or sew a sock, and so on.

If you are not too lazy to spend a little time preparing the rally, you can sew up the sleeves or trousers in the clothes of your household with a thin, easily torn thread the night before, late in the evening. You can also sew on the sleeve to the leg or sew on the neck. Such innocent jokes will turn the dressing process into a game and set all family members in a major mood.

You can recall the jokes that we did more than once in childhood - paint the sleeping person's face with toothpaste, ketchup or another quickly rinsed mixture, and cover the soap with colorless varnish so that it does not foam.

You can also squeeze out the toothpaste, and instead fill the tube with a syringe with milk, sour cream or mayonnaise. By the way, milk will be funnier.

And also, the splitter of the tap can be tinted with a liquid dye - blue or red, as a result, blue or red water will flow from the tap. By the way, the latter is worse.

You can pour detergent into the toilet, which foams well, or put dry pasta under the toilet seat, and when someone sits on it, it will crackle as if it broke.

© photo: Sputnik / Ruslan Krivobok

You can carry out various manipulations with cosmetics. For example, replace face cream or deodorant with butter.

In the kitchen, by tradition, you can replace sugar with salt, add pepper to coffee - this drink is very invigorating in the morning, especially on April 1. But it will be funnier to cook with sour cream fried eggs and halves of canned peaches and serve jelly instead of juice.

You can endlessly list the various jokes, and it doesn't matter how you play your family on April Fool's Day. Most importantly, remember that this is a great occasion for the whole family to have fun.

How to prank your friends

There are many phone-related gags out there. For example, call a friend from an unknown phone number and say the following text: "Hello, is this Durov's corner? Do you need a talking horse? Just don't hang up, you know how difficult it is to dial with a hoof!"

Or, call a friend and ask him not to answer calls for a few minutes, as there is a telephone operator on the line and he could get an electric shock. After a while, call back, and if your friend picks up the phone, let out a heart-rending scream. This prank is not for the faint of heart, so joke so as not to harm your loved one.

For the next draw, you need to turn on call forwarding to any number on your mobile phone - for example, a government institution, a hairdresser, a bathhouse or a holiday home. There will be no limit to the surprise of people calling you when, instead of your greeting, they hear an unfamiliar voice pronouncing the name of the organization.

You can play a prank on your friend by placing a fart pillow on him. To make the cushion more difficult to spot, it is best to place it under the seat cushion. Just check that the air has a place to go out.

You can successfully pin it by offering a cola with ice. Only the ice should be filled with menthos gummy candy. After the ice melts and the cola reacts with the menthos, a real fountain is guaranteed.

A friend can be played in the following way, which is called a "secret admirer". You should order a gorgeous bouquet and attach an anonymous note in which you indicate the place and time of the meeting, and a request to bring this very bouquet with you.

You need to send a man unknown to her to a meeting with a girlfriend, but he must come with his companion. Approaching your friend, he must take the bouquet from her and present it solemnly to his companion. But, in order not to bring a loved one to the handle, you need to immediately appear and present the flowers intended specifically for her.

If you work with a friend in the same office or get to his workplace without hindrance, you can paste over him with stickers, on which you first write declarations of love, good wishes, and so on. Or just throw toys at his workplace, for example, frogs, various rattlesnakes, and so on.

By the way, you can have a party with your friends and ask each of them to prepare several comic contests for the evening, and before the end of the holiday, take stock and present a prize for the most successful drawing.

How to prank colleagues

The easiest prank to perform is to seal the mouse with tape and watch the bewildered colleague or colleagues. You can draw or write something cool on the scotch tape: "I'll be there after dinner, your little mouse."

© photo: Sputnik / Vladimir Vyatkin

Gala show "Congress of Fools" is taking place in Moscow

Or hide the mouse altogether, placing a note with traces drawn and the words: "Don't look for me, I found a more caring daddy." You can also use double-sided tape to glue everything on your colleague's desk - pens, pencils, keyboard, notebook, mouse, phone, and so on.

A burst of laughter in the office guarantees a fan whistle under a colleague's chair.

Wait for a colleague to leave the office for a while, and change the birthday on his Facebook page to April 1, and see his (her) reaction when they are bombarded with congratulations.

Want to prank all employees at the same time? Bring to work a box of yummy cakes or candies that says April 1st. At the same time, so in passing, say that you do not want something. I guarantee that no one will touch these goodies, as everyone will wonder what you did with them.

You can also bring a box of sweet pillows to the office, for example, Taste of Crunch, after replacing the contents with Whiskas pillows and observe the reaction of colleagues to the "sweet" pillows.

You can print your boss's order to change your vacation schedule and post it on the notice board. Or say that half of the salary of each employee will be transferred to the organization's fund.

If your boss has a good sense of humor, you can play him or her, or maybe them. For example, the whole team can write a letter of resignation of their own free will and bring it for signature at the same time. True, there is a danger that the chief will actually sign these statements.

You can also write statements asking for material assistance in the amount of 10 salaries in connection with the birth of a five, a flight to Venus, an arrival of aliens, and so on, it all depends on the flight of your imagination.

How to play a prank on teachers and classmates

For teachers, April 1 has always been a difficult day, since at every step there are pranks for young pranksters, for whom this day brings indescribable joy.

Schoolchildren are more resourceful than adults. The range of their jokes and practical jokes is quite extensive, and their fantasies can only be envied.

One of the most common school pranks is sticking stickers on the backs of classmates with inscriptions of various content, such as "pump with the breeze" or "who does not have a horse, sit on me."

The old joke, "where are you so smeared" always works. You can also offer soda to someone by shaking the bottle well beforehand.

A simple prank that always works. On a piece of paper, write "broom on the ceiling" and let it go around the classroom. The one of the classmates who reads will certainly raise his head up, then the next one, and so on. And together with them, the teacher begins to look at the ceiling, trying to understand what is happening.

If you are not afraid of the teacher's righteous anger, you can use the old trick and rub the chalkboard with dry soap. In this case, it will not work to write on the blackboard with chalk. But keep in mind that you yourself will have to wash the board later.

Nowadays, almost every student has a mobile phone, so you can come up with different jokes related to the phone. Or just put some lipstick on the phone and call him. His ear will be all in lipstick after he picks up the phone.

For the next joke, take a large cardboard box and cut out the bottom. Put the cardboard on the cabinet, so that the bottom fits snugly, fill it with confetti and cover on top.

By the way, in order for the box to attract the attention of the teacher, you need to write something attracting attention on the side with a bright sticker, such as sex of a guy. When the teacher enters the classroom and sees the box, he will try to remove it or ask one of the students. In any case, the victim will be showered with confetti.

The teacher can be played by saying that the principal summons him. But we must have time to hang a poster on the door of the director’s office with the inscription: “First April don’t trust anyone!”

The April Fools' rallies will give you a lot of vivid impressions, positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time. So turn on your imagination, have fun and amuse the people around you.

Just remember that pranks should be adequate to the sense of humor of the person for whom you prepared jokes on April 1, and observe a sense of proportion in everything so as not to offend someone inadvertently.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources