About the zodiac sign Scorpio. Strengths and weaknesses of the zodiac sign. What Scorpio men and women look like

Scorpion is a detachment of arthropods from the class of arachnids (lat. Scorpiones - scorpions). These are interesting and unusual creatures that lead an exclusively terrestrial lifestyle and are most often found in countries with hot climates.

Scorpio - description, structure and photographs.

The appearance of the scorpion is quite frightening: the cephalothorax, wide in front and slightly tapering at the junction with the elongated segmented abdomen, is crowned with a pair of impressive claws, which serve as a tool for capturing long-awaited prey. Another pair of scorpion limbs has become a rudiment, located near the mouth and performs the function of the jaw organs - the mandibles. The remaining four pairs of scorpion legs, attached to the lower part of the abdomen, provide it with a fairly high speed of movement on shifting sand in the desert or on rocky soils in mountainous areas.

Adjacent to the last segment of the abdomen is a relatively small pear-shaped capsule segment with glands that produce poison. Scorpion poison very dangerous, the scorpion injects it into its victim with a sharp needle. The scorpion's body is covered with a very durable chitinous shell, so it has practically no enemies that can harm it.

Scorpio eyes.

Scorpios' vision is very well developed. There are 2-8 eyes on the upper cephalothorax of the scorpion. One pair of eyes is larger and is called the median eyes. It is located in the middle of the cephalothorax. The remaining eyes of the scorpion are located near the front edge in lateral groups, they are called lateral eyes.

What color is a scorpio?

The color of a scorpion depends on its habitat and can be sandy yellow, brown, black, gray, purple, orange, green. There are also colorless species with a transparent body.

Types of scorpions, names and photographs.

  • Imperial scorpion(lat. Pandinus imperator) is a real giant among its relatives. The body length can reach 10-15 cm, and together with the tail and claws it can exceed 20 cm. Emperor scorpions are characterized by a black color with a noticeable dark green tint. The pincers with which they capture and hold prey are thick and wide. Under natural conditions they can live up to 13 years. This type of scorpion lives in the tropical forests of countries West Africa. Shelters in which they wait out the heat of the day are made in the ruins of stones, under fallen tree bark or in dug holes. The diet of young emperor scorpions consists of small insects; adults can attack small amphibians and.

Imperial scorpion

  • Tree scorpion (lat. Centruroides exilicauda) has several varieties, the color of which can be either monochrome (different shades yellow), and with black stripes or spots. The body length of adult individuals without a tail reaches 7.5 cm. The claws of tree scorpions are thin and long, and the thickness of the tail does not exceed 5 mm. This type of scorpion is common in the forests of North Africa, the deserts of the USA and Mexico. Unlike their relatives in the order, tree scorpions do not dig holes. They find a place to hide under pieces of tree bark, in rock crevices or in human dwellings. Such a neighborhood is quite dangerous because the bite of a tree scorpion can be fatal for children, the elderly and people with poor health. Scorpions feed on small and large insects, young and. They often attack relatives.

Tree scorpion

  • Desert hairy scorpion (lat. Hadrurus arizonensis) has a dark brown back and a light yellow tail. This contrasting coloring, along with the thin and long hairs that cover the legs and tail of the scorpion, are distinctive features of this type. The size of adult individuals can reach up to 17 cm including tail and claws. The distribution range of this species of scorpions includes the territories of southern California and the deserts of Arizona. They prefer to wait out the heat of the day in dug holes or under stones. The diet of the hairy scorpion consists of various crickets, moths and other insects.

Desert hairy scorpion (Gadurus arizonalis)

  • Black fat-tailed scorpion (Androctonus fat-tailed) (lat. Androctonus crassicauda) is widespread in the desert areas of the United Arab Emirates and reaches a size of 12 cm. The color of individuals can not only be different shades of black, but also vary from olive green to red-brown. During the day, scorpions take refuge in burrows, under ruins of stones, crevices of houses and fences near human habitats. The diet of this type of scorpion consists of large insects and small vertebrates.

Black fat-tailed scorpion

  • (southern androctonus) (lat. Androctonus australis) is widespread in the Arabian Peninsula, the Middle East, Eastern India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. This type of scorpion is characterized by a pale yellow body color and a dark brown or black sting. Adults can reach 12 cm in length. These scorpions live in rocky and sandy deserts or foothills. Minks, voids and crevices in rocks are used as shelters. They feed on various small insects. The venom of the yellow fat-tailed scorpion is so strong that it is fatal two hours after the bite. Unfortunately, no antidote has yet been found for this toxin.

  • Stripedtal scorpion (lat. Vaejovis spinigerus) is a typical inhabitant of the deserts of Arizona and California. The color can be various shades of gray and brown with characteristic contrasting stripes on the back. The length of an adult does not exceed 7 cm. This scorpion lives in burrows, but can wait out unfavorable conditions under any object that allows shelter from the scorching sun.

Stripedtal scorpion

Where do scorpions live?

It is quite possible to meet a scorpion on any landmass, with the possible exception of the Arctic, Antarctica and the islands of New Zealand. They feel quite comfortable in hot and temperate zones, in tropical and subtropical zones, hiding from the daytime sun in crevices, under stones or almost completely burying themselves in the sand. When night falls, scorpions come out to hunt.

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac. Its pictographic designation - the Latin letter "M" with an arrow - symbolizes Mars. Scorpio represents the wild, unbridled passion and energy of life.

Element: water

Planet: Mars, Pluto

Stone: cat's eye, opal

Mascot: scorpion, beetle

Color: bright blue, green, red

Characteristics of the sign

Scorpio is a person with an iron will. He knows how to set goals and achieves them, despite any obstacles. This is a straightforward personality. He always says what he thinks. He harmoniously combines a tough character and a passionate nature. At the same time, he often suffers from his uncompromisingness, irritability and vindictiveness.

Scorpio is a difficult zodiac sign to communicate with. He does not consider it necessary to “soften” his opinion and can hurt painfully with a word. Moreover, he demands the same openness and toughness from those around him. At the same time, he appreciates the care and love of loved ones and shows boundless devotion and care in return. He has many ill-wishers due to his tough demeanor.

Scorpio Woman

The Scorpio woman is full of vitality and attractiveness. For the opposite sex, she is a femme fatale, a strong and bright personality. Emotions overwhelm her. She knows how to love and hate at the same time. The life of a Scorpio woman matches her character. She is constantly in the thick of things and rarely sits at home.

Scorpio Man

The Scorpio man is a purposeful and independent person. Although outwardly he appears calm, underneath the mask of calm lies a passionate nature. His life is a struggle and achievement of his goals. Despite his external strength and toughness, he requires the support and care of loved ones.

Love and family

Scorpio is an amorous zodiac sign. He is attracted by mysterious and strong personalities, such as himself. If the object of love “gives up” too quickly, then the representative of this zodiac sign easily loses interest in him and looks for a new source of passion.

It is difficult to love a Scorpio, because he constantly tests the patience of loved ones with harsh behavior. At the same time, anyone who decides to have a long-term relationship with him will have a life that is not boring and full of various emotions. Scorpio loves his family and often spoils loved ones with gifts and surprises. But this does not stop him from having affairs on the side for “thrills.”


Scorpio has a strong alliance with Aries, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces. Difficult relationships develop with Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius.

Career and profession

At work, Scorpio must use his natural talents, otherwise he becomes bored. He is satisfied with a position where he needs to overcome obstacles and move forward. The disadvantage of a representative of this zodiac sign is a quarrelsome, specific character.

The Scorpio subordinate is an irreplaceable worker. Purposefulness and energy help him achieve results where others fail. He is confident in himself and knows the value of his knowledge, so he quickly climbs the career ladder.

Scorpio is considered not the best boss because of his straightforwardness and uncompromising nature. At the same time, it is under his leadership that the company has every chance to achieve heights in its industry. He supports all innovative ideas and is willing to take risks for the sake of results.

The ideal job for Scorpio is entrepreneurship. Here he is able to show himself in all his glory.


Scorpio is full of strength and energy, so he rarely gets sick and does not monitor his health. Due to excessive activity, it often brings the body to complete exhaustion. Therefore, he is recommended to rest more, get enough sleep and take annual leave.

Scorpio is prone to infectious diseases, diseases of the back, throat, and cardiovascular system. The malaise does not torment him for long. He quickly restores strength and health. It is useful for him to exercise and take a contrast shower every day to strengthen the immune system. In nutrition, you should stick to the “golden mean” and not indulge in excesses.

The characteristics of the Scorpio sign will reveal to you all the secrets of his personality. Without this, it will be difficult for you to understand these people with multi-faceted characters. They are strong and mysterious, but you can also find your own key to them.

Description of the zodiac sign Scorpio

Scorpio is the eighth sign in the zodiac cycle. He belongs to water element. Scorpios are usually temperamental and charismatic people. They can easily captivate other people with their ideas, even if they seem a little crazy. However, they themselves are just as easily carried away by new ideas. For Scorpios, it is not difficult to switch from one idea or task to another.

Scorpio is extremely controversial zodiac sign. To understand this, watch him throughout the day. During this time, a typical Scorpio experiences a real kaleidoscope of emotions. At one moment he is extremely cheerful, and at the next he is already extremely angry. Moments of compliance and disobedience also often alternate.

This zodiac sign cannot imagine their life without love. He falls in love instantly, at first sight, but also quickly burns out after achieving reciprocal sympathy. On the love front, Scorpios are quick-tempered, jealous and touchy. In addition, they are considered very sexy. They are extremely popular among people of the opposite sex.

Typical Scorpios are Fyodor Dostoevsky, Bill Gates, Roman Abramovich, Indira Gandhi, Vivien Leigh, Demi Moore, Emma Stone, Katy Perry.

Psychological characteristics of the zodiac sign Scorpio

Scorpios are not afraid of unfamiliar situations; they are not afraid of anything at all. In such situations, this zodiac sign acts firmly and decisively, which gives it an advantage over other signs. In addition to such determination, Scorpios have another strong point- They are excellent intuitives. It is this sign that can easily unravel even complex mysteries and find answers to questions that concern many people.

Another strength of Scorpios is their determination. They see the goal and do not see obstacles, they move forward non-stop.

The weak side of Scorpios is their excessive self-digging. Sometimes they are real enemies to themselves. In critical situations, they can independently drive themselves into depression. But you are unlikely to hear Scorpio discussing or condemning anyone. He lives by the principle “everyone is his own judge.”

Another disadvantage is their total distrust. It is difficult for them to accept kindness from the people around them; it often seems to them that there are only enemies around. To get into Scorpio's zone of trust, you will have to make a lot of effort.

Scorpio Talismans

Among the cosmic representatives, Scorpio has two patrons: the cold and reasonable Pluto and the warlike Mars.

Here are the main talismans of this zodiac sign:

  • lucky numbers: 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 21, 100;
  • symbolism: scorpio, eagle, lamp, Ophiuchus, pyramidal shape;
  • color: all shades of red, especially shades of fire;
  • stone: ruby, beryl, onyx, malachite, topaz and moonstone;
  • flower: peony, chrysanthemum and carnation;
  • metal: steel and iron;
  • mascot: scorpion and other bugs.

In addition, on our planet there are real talismanic places for Scorpios. People who belong to this zodiac sign need to visit Morocco, Turkey, Norway, Algeria and Azerbaijan at least once in their lives. These countries will help you restore your strength, restore your peace of mind and make you feel like you belong.

Professional characteristics of the Scorpio sign

Scorpios are punctual at work. Whatever business they take on, they will put all their energy into it. If necessary, they can be patient, and when necessary, they will work in emergency mode. It is believed that Scorpios achieve their greatest career success by the age of 29-30.

Scorpio can find something interesting for themselves in almost any career field:

  • Science. Chemistry, physics, zoology, psychology, technical sciences.
  • Production activities. Various types of business, banking, chemical industry, metallurgy, mechanical engineering.
  • Medicine. Surgery, proctology, pathological anatomy, pharmaceuticals.
  • Sport. Various types fighting, motor sports.
  • Art. Sculpture, writing, music, especially jazz.
  • Dangerous professions. Forensics, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB.

Scorpio can be equally good at being both a boss and a subordinate. As a leader, he is calm, but demands unquestioning obedience. He carefully selects his team based on personal sympathies. He usually does not share his plans with his subordinates; he only gives them orders and demands their exact execution.

Scorpio is a real find for any leader. He is extremely honest, because he is not used to lying either to himself or to his superiors. He has amazing self-control and will never flare up in the workplace. A Scorpio subordinate can strictly follow the orders given to him or show independence in decision-making, if necessary.

In business, this sign can achieve success, but it is interesting that he is better at managing someone else's company than his own. The key to success is that Scorpio never approaches business lightly; he is always extremely serious in this matter.

Scorpio Health

Scorpios rarely get sick, and if they do get sick, they are able to get back on their feet on their own. They usually know even more about their illnesses than the doctors treating them.

Scorpios should be wary of explosions, fire and radiation.

The most vulnerable places of this zodiac sign are the legs, throat, back, heart and circulatory system. Also, troubles in the form of stagnation of blood circulation and infections can occur in the groin area. A prerequisite for recovery is refusal of hard work, long rest, and positive emotions. If you do not adhere to these requirements, early aging may begin.

Now that you've gotten to know Scorpio better, you've seen how complex this zodiac sign is. Use the information you receive to build relationships with people born under this sign.

General characteristics horoscope character of the zodiac sign Scorpio.

The nature of extremes and contradictions. The most powerful among the constellations of the zodiac. Ruthless and passionate. You can love her and hate her. There are no obstacles for Scorpios. They are analysts and at the same time have subtle intuition. They are energetic and almost always strive for success. They are sarcastic and have a deep, almost mystical understanding of life. They often achieve outstanding success. Scorpio is a presidential sign: many US presidents were born under this sign. Born under this sign: Lomonosov, Voltaire, Paganini, Marie Antoinette, Dostoevsky, Claude Monet, M. Curie, Rodin, Khlebnikov, Turgenev, Vivien Leigh, Picasso, R. Kennedy.

Temperament and character

Scorpio is the sign of love and death, greatly influencing others. The Water sign is feminine, constant, fierce, silent, resourceful, fertile. Motto: "Song of love on the battlefield." Ruled by Mars, Scorpio is influenced by Pluto, the newest of the Planets. The water of Scorpio is stagnant, in contrast to the water of Pisces (ocean), Cancer (spring). Scorpio has a bad reputation. It is associated with the eighth house - the house of death, forgetting that the whole house is wealth, inheritance, benefits. Changeable or constant, Scorpio has enormous resistance and, like a Phoenix, can be resurrected. Scorpio is dominated by two qualities of Mars: eroticism and aggressiveness. This type lives to the fullest with alternating successes and failures. Dry and sultry Mars makes Scorpio stubborn and hot-tempered, he has warlike qualities. Scorpio has dangerous energy, just like Aries. Scorpio is the duality of love and death, energy, drama, passion, mystery, individualism, rebellion. Pluto symbolizes the depth of the soul, the devilish image. Scorpio is defined by hidden animal power and asserts itself confidently and unquestioningly. This manifests itself in disorder, inhibition of life's aspirations, leads to internal conflicts, suffocation and neurosis (ruthless Pluto reveals the deep meaning of existence). An imperious, frantic instinctive character, irrepressible, even if the fire is hidden under the mask of infantility. Scorpio carries strong passions that lie dormant, but do not die. This character does not change. Satisfied with himself, despite external changes. He knows what he wants. The essence of his nature is determination. The taste for life is tireless. Rebels under any coercion, rebellious to the point of anarchism if he is contradicted. An individualist who despises public opinion and customs. Born under an inharmonious sky. His decisions are irrevocable. Armed for life, he knows how to defend himself, but is afraid to attack, thanks to his strong will and perseverance. Scorpio's influence on other signs is great. He penetrates the souls of others at one glance: he himself is distrustful, the secret is impenetrable and inaccessible. The fulfillment of sensual desires in a mysterious way liberates, calms and elevates him. Not a talker and not expansive. Scorpio is hardworking and more or less a sadist-masochist. Aggression and eroticism are the most destructive and prolific sign. Scorpio women are wonderful cooks. Usually of medium height, dense, with strong limbs, with a dense face. Very efficient. In general, they are active, proud, reserved, demanding, curious, irritable, stormy, and thoughtful. Researchers and observers are envious, ironic and contradictory. They are easily excited, capable of kindness, prone to magnetism and strong sexuality; reformists, sometimes clairvoyants, know how to moderate their chimerical plans and use their will constructively. They love struggle and never lose heart when overcoming difficulties. They have many children. Among them you can find the type of “femme fatale”.

Element of the sign

Your element is Water! Inconstancy, emotionality, rather acute sensitivity. Association with feelings, an instinctive reaction to people, based on minor inferences, events, subconsciously recorded. You are more adaptable than you think. You may think you are in a hopeless situation, but others see that you find your way through problems like water through obstacles. You are very sensitive to the moods of others. If someone throws a rock into your pool, it could ripple for days. You are easily susceptible to mood swings. If someone is in trouble, you sympathize with them. You have a great sense of people, events, places. People even think you are abnormal or supernatural. You can't explain why, but your premonitions usually come true. Water signs should also choose partners from water or earth signs - water needs earth as a container. Water is not compatible with fire, but can live with air if it is not afraid of clouds and fog. Your advantages: sensitivity, attractiveness, sociability, goodwill, calmness, idealism, creative artistic nature, the ability to penetrate the thoughts of others, long-suffering. Your disadvantages: changeable mood, irritability, evasiveness, violent melodramatic character, pessimism, laziness, impracticality, lack of character. Cancer is water vapor, indomitable, energetic. Scorpio is ice; he knows how to hide his plans, freeze desires, and when necessary, thaw them again. Pisces - underground water. They prefer to evade and avoid obstacles rather than fight them. But the main thing is the ability to penetrate, advance, no matter what, and flood, and win. Favorable conditions: you should live near water: the sea, a lake, a pool in the garden or an aquarium. You need a calm, peaceful place to work. Avoid irritable people and noisy relatives, love good views(ideal with water). Your patron is an undine, a mermaid who loves open water, but can also live in an aquarium.


Scorpio's health is entirely in his control. He can both destroy himself with sad and angry thoughts and disregard for danger, and he can heal himself by gathering together a strong will. Vitality The Scorpio gifts he was given at birth are enormous. Scorpios rarely get sick, but if they do get sick, the illness is severe. Scorpios often have pain in: nose (chronic bleeding), throat, heart, back, legs. Diseases of the circulatory system and varicose veins are common. Due to contempt for danger, many accidents occur; Scorpios should be wary of fires, explosions, etc. The vital energy of Scorpios is so great that at his birth, additional forces (energy) are required to ensure his birth (his birth is accompanied by the death of one of his relatives a year or a year after his birth). And vice versa, when Scorpio leaves for another world, the released energy becomes so much that it is enough for the life of a new creature (the death of Scorpio leads to the appearance of a newborn in the family a year before the sad event or a year after it).


They make navigators, surgeons, sailors, chemists, miners, and mechanics. If he has a good voice, he will probably have a career as a good pop singer or opera singer. Scorpio has an excellent balance of reason and emotions, and if he is highly intellectual, he can be a philosopher and search for the meaning of life.

Psychosexual horoscope

Scorpio is sex personified. Their sign rules the genitals. Need I say anything more? Their brain cells - under the aggressive influence of Mars - endow both men and women of this sign with a huge sexual appetite. There are no moral restrictions here, because... Scorpio looks at sex as an independent area of ​​human relationships, and, in addition, sex restores their strength. Among lovers throughout the zodiac, Scorpios are highly valued. They have a certain experience that is suitable not only to satisfy their desire, but also to please their partner.

Non-sexual maneuvers

Scorpio is considered to be one of the most opportunistic signs. However, calculations show that sometimes Cancer, Virgo and Sagittarius are superior. So, when we talk about non-sexual maneuvers that Scorpio resorts to to achieve his goals, we mean that he wants to achieve some goal through “sexual activity.” They marry for money and even have "sex dates" for business purposes. They usually marry after overpowering themselves, out of convenience, but they are smart enough to choose a person with whom they are mentally compatible, because... understand that the power of the mind is as valuable as gold. Already married, Scorpios often engage in extramarital affairs, but they rarely allow these relationships to threaten the security of their married life. They are able to cope well on “two fronts” - marital and extramarital, and do this with ease and without any tension. Scorpio can involve a partner in sexual intercourse so skillfully and imperceptibly that he himself does not understand how this happened until he himself is overwhelmed by passion.

How to please a Scorpio

Provide some sex, but don't do it too quickly. In their younger years they are romantic, amenable to music and soft light. Later they become less reserved, more courageous, and may like bright light and mirrors. Scorpio spouses must be neat and clean.

Positive character traits

People of this sign are always spiritually faithful, even if they indulge in extramarital affairs. This loyalty also extends to chosen friends, of whom they do not have very many, but from whom they demand the same loyalty. In their home, Scorpios create a “protective atmosphere”, as if the generals of Mars are guarding the fortress from the whole world. Scorpios are excellent breadwinners for the family, they are very smart in business. Women of this sign often occupy leadership positions. Scorpios are excellent parents, although they are a little harsh and demanding. They will work tirelessly with their colleagues in any job, and they are usually punctual.

Negative character traits

They spare no effort in their race for success, which exhausts them physically and mentally. Then they often take it out on their spouses. Although some smart Scorpios choose a spouse who would help them avoid these extremes. Extreme jealousy and possessiveness also distinctive features Scorpio, especially Scorpio women. These are usually wives who are like detectives who must know the whereabouts of their spouse at any moment. Scorpios retain feelings of resentment for many years after a quarrel - a trait unworthy of them. It has already been said that they are not always best friends, unless they themselves want it. But, of course, they easily become bitter enemies. They are very vindictive and vindictive when offended.

Economics of love

Scorpios rarely need to enter into the love economy game, provided they are physically attractive, because... they are very popular among women. They often have several affairs at the same time. Scorpio rules the Eighth House and people of this sign often appoint heirs to their wealth. The eighth house also rules the money affairs of other people, especially the spouse. Scorpios often outlive their spouses and enjoy the fruits of their labor. So, we see that they are well prepared for old age. And even in early years When he finds himself in a situation where he has to buy what he wants, he rarely hesitates, even if sex is on sale. He rarely passes up the opportunity for business advancement, even if it must be won at the price of sex. They look at this situation as if it were their own business transaction. But they must be confident that they will get what they are bargaining for.

Most suitable partners

Up to 29.5 years, the best partners are among the signs of Cancer and Pisces. All three - water signs who at this age are extremely emotional. Sometimes Scorpio is well compatible with the signs of Capricorn and Virgo. After 29.5 years, he usually begins to mature and become aware of his permanent self, which gradually becomes extremely aggressive and domineering. Then they are often compatible with the signs of Taurus and Libra, whose ruling planet is Venus. These signs have great patience and the ability to endure the domineering nature of Scorpio. After 41.5 years, Scorpio should already be fully developed as a person and gain control over his intellectual “I”. At this time, he is often compatible with the sign of Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Fidelity Score

In the younger years - average, unless you are looking for something more physical in them. In marriage - excellent. They protect and strengthen their home and marriage, provided they are allowed to have extramarital affairs. They know how to hide them and never flaunt them in front of their beloved. The best period for obtaining the fidelity of a Scorpio is after he has turned 29.5 years old and when there is great agreement between the partners from the very beginning. But under these conditions, who would not be faithful?

Erotic horoscope


The epithets “fatal”, “mysterious”, “furious” are applicable to it. Her passion is limitless. All her actions are subordinated to one goal - obtaining sexual pleasure. She is energetic, smart, beautiful. Men simply “go crazy” after meeting her. She usually gains erotic experience early. Those who dream of a “sultry woman” find the ideal embodied in her. She has excellent self-control, but in moments of intimacy she throws away all conventions and, nevertheless, becomes especially beautiful in her madness and fury. Her partners grow in their own eyes, and this makes her even more attractive. It is dangerous for men who, having experienced the heights of intimacy, cannot tear themselves away from it and become slaves to their feelings. Because of such women, careers are destroyed, families are broken up, but men again and again rush into this pool. However, she often becomes a good assistant to her husband and does everything to ensure that he achieves brilliant success.


Most often, this is a temperamental person, capable of the most unexpected actions. He is a great player and a great artist. Excellent sexual partner, he never allows himself to relax and fall under a woman’s charms. Most greater value for him is personal freedom. Sex for him is a sport in which he finds application for his intelligence and talent for transformation. He is not attracted to accessibility; the highest pleasure for him is to defeat a woman equal to him in terms of intellect, free and independent, like him. He is interested not so much in the fact of victory as in the process of the game itself. He treats the vanquished nobly, as his own code of honor tells him. As a reward, they get his temperament and rich sexual experience. Many women believe that losing to him is the same as winning. It's hard to imagine him as a husband. Most often they remain bachelors. Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo are ideal for you. To a greater or lesser extent, Libra suits you. Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are contraindicated and definitely not suitable for you.

Support in life

On the one hand, a strong and willful personality. On the other hand, Scorpio wives are faithful and devoted, and can stand up for their love. For them, the happiness of their spouse is above all, they endure troubles steadfastly and courageously, the main quality is endurance in moments of adversity, insight, and knowledge of people. Scorpios are lucky in money matters. They are possessive and are not capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of love.

Life partners

According to the proverb “To love is to rule the world,” when we fall in love, we are looking for our idealized image. In astrology, the most important role in love is played by Venus - in the horoscope of women, and Mars - in men. The Sun in a woman's horoscope indicates the man who is preferred; in a man's horoscope, the Moon plays a similar role. The position of Saturn in relation to the Moon is associated with divorce. Scorpio is dynamic and powerful, attracts like a magnet. He is called the king of sex; if you dare to marry, you can have a happy family. Scorpios do not like light flirting. They devote themselves to novels with all their heart and soul, subconsciously feeling people who are sincere and deceitful. They rarely make mistakes about their partner. In unhappy marriages they are cruel and vindictive. Scorpio women have strong passion and sensuality and are ready to make sacrifices. Scorpio men usually love family, but can be stubborn and selfish within them. If you have given your heart to Scorpio, know that he does not like to share his thoughts: he is possessive and jealous. It is dangerous to flirt in his presence; he does not forgive betrayals. Scorpios are compatible with Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, Libra. They hate Aquarius and conflict with Taurus.

Love horoscope

Scorpio is a sensual nature, prone to excesses, including in love. Scorpio seems to be made for her. He strives for her with all his being. Scorpio does not allow defeats. Knows the value of his charm. Scorpio, if circumstances are such that it is impossible to conclude a marriage, will love his chosen one stronger and more tenderly than his legal wife or husband. He listens only to what his heart says. The Scorpio man is not inclined to show his feelings in public. In public he is rude, inattentive and even cruel; in private he admits his true attitude. He is very suspicious and jealous. The Scorpio woman is partly a witch. With her sixth sense, she recognizes her future chosen one at first sight. He has no choice but to submit to her witchcraft spells. She is an unusually passionate person. But passion has only to do with love. He experiences such feelings in extremes: he either loves him very much or hates him madly. The Scorpio woman, being terribly jealous, does not like it when people are jealous of her. And it is very difficult to resist jealousy towards Scorpio, since she attracts glances. Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Virgo are suitable for marriage and cooperation. Must avoid Aquarius and Leo.

Horoscope for parents

Scorpio usually has a large family, but finds it difficult to support human relations. Powerful owners, they follow their line, and in raising children they are true to themselves, proud of their children. Scorpio's boundless ambition is passed on to offspring. Mothers often lack gentleness and patience.

Children's horoscope

The emotions that Scorpios experience are much more intense than those of people born under other zodiac signs. This applies to both love and hate. Adult Scorpios are outwardly restrained and know how to control themselves well. Small children have not yet learned this. They are fighters by nature and independent in nature. They don’t care what others, even adults, think about them, they themselves know what to do. The fight begins with food. Young children have their own rather pronounced likes and dislikes when it comes to food. If the parents are also Scorpios, war is inevitable. But it’s better not to fight, but to rely on your child’s taste: these children intuitively feel what they need and what they don’t need. Children love to fight, both literally and figuratively. They are quite aggressive, especially boys. They can hurt others. They must be taught to control themselves. If a child has hurt you, be sure to bring this to his attention. But never answer him in kind, otherwise he will grow up cruel. Try to translate his aggressiveness into an intellectual plan. They are interested in the mysteries of life. Boys love to play with soldiers and guns. You can buy him a drum if the noise doesn't bother you. Girls love to play boyish games. They are selective in their friendships, so their likes and dislikes are clearly expressed. These children are demanding of their friends and may grow up impatient. Try to gently explain that all people have flaws. But do this carefully, as these children do not like it when their weaknesses are discovered. Scorpio children love everything secret. They can organize some secret society, where you will not be accepted. Don't insist. The only thing you can do is provide a place for secret gatherings. Your child has a strong craving for mysticism, mysteries, and secrets. If a child has learned to read, he may be attracted to detective stories, because he likes to reveal secrets. His favorite hero is Sherlock Holmes. But he is also strongly attracted to scientific and medical literature. This child is difficult to raise. It happens that sometimes it is difficult for you to refrain from punishing him: you can temporarily deprive him of some privileges, but in no case use physical or moral violence. If you give him an example of violence, sooner or later he will strike you. Never punish him without sufficient reason. If you think your child is wrong, use his ability to reason and prove. Always stand in a position of justice, then you will not lose his respect. Scorpios can go to extremes. If they want something, they will pursue it until they get it. If your child is a poor student, try to arouse his interest in learning, and then he will achieve success on his own. Scorpio children are ambitious, so you may notice to your child that his friends are doing better than him, because Scorpio does not like to see anyone succeed. If a child has set a goal that you do not like, you will not be able to convince him. You can try to switch his attention to another, more worthy one. It is almost impossible to convince him, you can only help him. If he is interested in some business or science, do it together. This good way make contact.

Compatibility horoscope: what does the zodiac sign Scorpio look like - the most full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Let's consider how the sign of Scorpio and the type of appearance are connected in astrology. Scorpio () is often a powerful figure with a short neck, wide and high chest. Dark or yellowish complexion. Dark curly or kinky hair.

Scorpio - appearance of the zodiac sign

This is the type of courageous and healthy people. Belongs to the element of Water, under the auspices of Mars and the distant planet Pluto. Scorpio has one feature that makes him impossible to confuse with anyone - his eyes. Scorpio belongs to the third sign of the circle of feelings - it is a strong nature, sometimes unbridled, furious, passionate.

His eyes clearly exhibit a hypnotic quality, regardless of their color, whether they are light blue or black. Under the gaze of Scorpio, people feel uncomfortable, they try to look away and avoid eye contact.

Scorpio's gaze penetrates directly into your soul, which is perhaps why Scorpios like to wear glasses with tinted lenses even in the evening. Most people whose patron is the planet Pluto are physically very strong.

The facial features are often heavy and sharply defined, the nose is large, the face is very pale, the eyebrows are wide, almost fused at the bridge of the nose. Men have abundant hair on their arms and legs, often red in color. Hair color is not always dark; sometimes you come across ash blondes. And although they seem cold outwardly, do not be deceived: beneath the external equanimity lies a passionate nature.

What does a Scorpio's appearance look like?

This is another sign of a strong physique, strong bones, a broad chest, which appearance difficult to distinguish from Taurus, its opposite position in the horoscope.

People born under this sign are quite short in stature. The exception is those who have Mars on the Ascendant or in signs that give high growth. For the purpose of describing appearance, it is better to use Mars as the ruler here, rather than Pluto, since the latter moves slowly (about twenty years in one sign).

For example, Pluto was in Leo from 1937 to 1959, and it is clear that all Scorpios born during this period will be very different in appearance.

Appearance of the zodiac sign Scorpio. If your Scorpio traits are enhanced, you will often be plump, stocky, and in many ways similar to a Taurus. The lips are small and thick. The nose is well defined, and the bridge of the nose is high and bony or with a hump. You have a piercing, burning gaze.

This is especially noticeable when Scorpio is on the Ascendant. The face is mostly square in shape, the eyes are widely spaced, and the lower jaw is also square and heavy. The ears are small in size and pressed to the head. The mouth is large, with full sensual tubes, and their corners are lowered.

The teeth are quite large, especially the front ones. Your legs are twisted, and when you walk, you sway your hips. When you enter the room, your pelvis is in front. Hair falls onto the forehead.

The body is densely covered with hair. The rear is large. One of our listeners calls her butt a trailer and claims that its exaggerated size is a generic feature. Almost all of her close relatives have the Sun or Ascendant in Scorpio or Pluto or Mars in the first house.

Famous Scorpios - description of appearance

TV star Edd Asner is an example of a typical Scorpio appearance. His Sun and Ascendant are part of a stellium in Scorpio, and his Mars is also located there. He is short, stocky, and seems to have no neck.

Piercing eyes, overhanging eyebrows, hair falling over the forehead and a heavy, square lower jaw. The peculiarity of his squat figure can be attributed to the fact that in his horoscope six planets, including the Sun and the ruler of the horoscope, are below the horizon.

10 unusual facts about the Zodiac Sign Scorpio

Each zodiac sign is unique in its own way. Scorpio not only has a partially threatening name, but also corresponding character traits. However, they are very attractive to people.

Mysterious and destructive - this is how people who encounter them characterize representatives of the Scorpio Sign. Their gaze is often called literally magnetic. The character of Scorpios is stereotypically considered one of the most complex, but there is also an opinion that these people can only be loved or hated. However, Astrologers were able to understand what Scorpios expect from love, relationships and marriage. But where does this dangerous and attractive sign of the Zodiac get its strength and how can we learn to understand it better? First of all, it’s worth understanding which planets rule it and how.

Scorpio sign: astrological information

The Planets, which can be in a strong or weak position, are responsible for all the characteristics and qualities of people. Particularly strong influence on life values and the worldview is influenced by the Patron Planet. This is what primary astrological information about the zodiac sign Scorpio looks like.

Patron planet: Mars, Pluto

Planet in exaltation: Uranus

Since the air triad of the Horoscope is associated with the feelings and emotions of people, Scorpios often turn out to be unrestrained and impulsive. They are carriers of very deep and heartfelt feelings that are under the strictest control.

The planet Mars is associated with the ancient Roman god of merciless war. It is not for nothing that the satellites of this planet were given the names Phobos and Deimos - Fear and Horror. But due to the fact that Scorpio is a water sign of the Zodiac, its influence is somewhat softened. Carrying an active principle, the energy of the red planet encourages constant action and gives self-confidence. In fact, it is precisely this that increases the willpower of representatives of this Sign.

Pluto has an absolutely amazing effect on Scorpios. In Astrology, this planet is associated with rebirth, destruction and death, and it is named after God the afterlife. It is associated with uncontrollable energy, and its destructive beginning is combined with reverse side medals - creation.

Unusual facts about the zodiac sign Scorpio

Having met a representative of the Scorpio Sign, many remain perplexed and have conflicting feelings. The realization that Scorpio has inexplicable power evokes a feeling of competition in strong people and a sense of protection in soft and vulnerable people.

Something dangerous is often expected from Scorpio. On the one hand, we can say that this is justified: Scorpios often take revenge, and they do it from the heart. However, there is one “but”. Representatives of this Sign do this only if they are interfered with or harmed.

The surprising thing is that the face of people born during this period reflects little of their feelings. It reveals little of what is going on in their hearts. Even the eyes remain as if untouched, no matter what storms are raging behind the soul.

Calmness is something that can literally drive Scorpio crazy. He needs constant feeding of emotions. They sometimes feel much better walking on the edge of a knife. The everyday routine is usually of little interest to them. This is due to the huge energy reserves that these people have. Energy must be constantly directed toward something so that it does not begin to destroy the Scorpios themselves.

From the very early childhood those born under the constellation Scorpio can be called fighters. It doesn’t matter what kind of struggle it is: with themselves or the society around them, but they are almost always opposed to something. Of course, the scale of such a “war” depends on the character of the representative of a given Sign, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of his temperament.

The well-known tactic of these people is to go ahead and without looking back. If they see a goal in front of them, then the obstacles for them turn out to be of little significance. Obstacles include difficulties of a material nature and the people around you. An opponent is a person whom Scorpio will eventually beat. Of course, if the result is really important to them.

It is very pleasant that Scorpios most often do not consider it necessary to lie. Yes, you may not know what this person is thinking about. But if a representative of a given zodiac sign expresses his thoughts and opinions about something, he does so quite straightforwardly.

Since the native element of Scorpios is water, they turn out to be true experts human soul. It may even seem like they see right through people. Therefore, keep in mind: in 90 out of 100% of cases, they will accurately recognize your lie. Even if they don't show it.

Maximalism is a very common quality among Scorpios. They show it in any area: in love, work, when shopping - just always. We can say that in most cases they only understand “everything” or “nothing.”

Communication with representatives of the Zodiac Sign Scorpio resembles something like the following situation. The child was forbidden to pick up matches, but he really likes to watch the fire burn. These people attract danger, and if you are ready to take risks, this is the place for you.

Among other things, representatives of the Scorpio sign often turn out to be creative individuals with many special talents inherent to them. Develop your strong qualities using Astrology and don't forget to press the buttons and

Zodiac sign – Scorpio.

General characteristics of the zodiac sign Scorpio.

General characteristics of the zodiac sign Scorpio

The nature of extremes and contradictions. The most powerful among the constellations of the zodiac. Ruthless and passionate. You can love her and hate her. There are no obstacles for Scorpios. They are analysts and at the same time have subtle intuition. They are energetic and almost always strive for success. They are sarcastic and have a deep, almost mystical understanding of life. They often achieve outstanding success. Scorpio is a presidential sign: many US presidents were born under this sign. Born under this sign: Lomonosov, Voltaire, Paganini, Marie Antoinette, Dostoevsky, Claude Monet, M. Curie, Rodin, Khlebnikov, Turgenev, Vivien Leigh, Picasso, R. Kennedy.

Scorpio is the sign of love and death and has a strong influence on others. The Water sign is feminine, constant, fierce, silent, resourceful, fertile. Motto: "Song of love on the battlefield." Ruled by Mars, Scorpio is influenced by Pluto, the newest of the Planets. The water of Scorpio is stagnant, in contrast to the water of Pisces (ocean), Cancer (spring). Scorpio has a bad reputation. It is associated with the eighth house - the house of death, forgetting that the whole house is wealth, inheritance, benefits. Changeable or constant, Scorpio has enormous resistance and, like a Phoenix, can be resurrected. Scorpio is dominated by two qualities of Mars: eroticism and aggressiveness. This type lives to the fullest with alternating successes and failures. Dry and sultry Mars makes Scorpio stubborn and hot-tempered, he has warlike qualities. Scorpio has dangerous energy, just like Aries. Scorpio is the duality of love and death, energy, drama, passion, mystery, individualism, rebellion. Pluto symbolizes the depth of the soul, the devilish image. Scorpio is defined by hidden animal power and asserts itself confidently and unquestioningly. This manifests itself in disorder, inhibition of life's aspirations, leads to internal conflicts, suffocation and neurosis (ruthless Pluto reveals the deep meaning of existence). An imperious, frantic instinctive character, irrepressible, even if the fire is hidden under the mask of infantility. Scorpio carries strong passions that lie dormant, but do not die. This character does not change. Satisfied with himself, despite external changes. He knows what he wants. The essence of his nature is determination. The taste for life is tireless. Rebels under any coercion, rebellious to the point of anarchism if he is contradicted. An individualist who despises public opinion and customs. Born under an inharmonious sky. His decisions are irrevocable. Armed for life, he knows how to defend himself, but is afraid to attack, thanks to his strong will and perseverance. Scorpio's influence on other signs is great. He penetrates the souls of others at one glance: he himself is distrustful, the secret is impenetrable and inaccessible. The fulfillment of sensual desires in a mysterious way liberates, calms and elevates him. Not a talker and not expansive. Scorpio is hardworking and more or less a sadist-masochist. Aggression and eroticism are the most destructive and prolific sign. Scorpio women are wonderful cooks. Usually of medium height, dense, with strong limbs, with a dense face. Very efficient. In general, they are active, proud, reserved, demanding, curious, irritable, stormy, and thoughtful. Researchers and observers are envious, ironic and contradictory. They are easily excited, capable of kindness, prone to magnetism and strong sexuality; reformists, sometimes clairvoyants, know how to moderate their chimerical plans and use their will constructively. They love struggle and never lose heart when overcoming difficulties. They have many children. Among them you can find the type of “femme fatale”.

Your element is Water! Inconstancy, emotionality, rather acute sensitivity. Association with feelings, an instinctive reaction to people, based on minor inferences, events, subconsciously recorded. You are more adaptable than you think. You may think you are in a hopeless situation, but others see that you find your way through problems like water through obstacles. You are very sensitive to the moods of others. If someone throws a rock into your pool, it could ripple for days. You are easily susceptible to mood swings. If someone is in trouble, you sympathize with them. You have a great sense of people, events, places. People even think you are abnormal or supernatural. You can't explain why, but your premonitions usually come true. Water signs should also choose partners from water or earth signs - water needs earth as a container. Water is not compatible with fire, but can live with air if it is not afraid of clouds and fog. Your advantages: sensitivity, attractiveness, sociability, goodwill, calmness, idealism, creative artistic nature, the ability to penetrate the thoughts of others, long-suffering. Your disadvantages: changeable mood, irritability, evasiveness, violent melodramatic character, pessimism, laziness, impracticality, lack of character. Cancer is water vapor, indomitable, energetic. Scorpio is ice; he knows how to hide his plans, freeze desires, and when necessary, thaw them again. Pisces - underground water. They prefer to evade and avoid obstacles rather than fight them. But the main thing is the ability to penetrate, advance, no matter what, and flood, and win. Favorable conditions: you should live near water: the sea, a lake, a pool in the garden or an aquarium. You need a calm, peaceful place to work. Avoid irritable people and noisy relatives, enjoy good views (ideally with water). Your patron is an undine, a mermaid who loves open water, but can also live in an aquarium.

Scorpio's health is entirely in his control. He can both destroy himself with sad and angry thoughts and disregard for danger, and he can heal himself by gathering together a strong will. The vitality of Scorpio, given to him from birth, is enormous. Scorpios rarely get sick, but if they do get sick, the illness is severe. Scorpios often have pain in: nose (chronic bleeding), throat, heart, back, legs. Diseases of the circulatory system and varicose veins are common. Due to contempt for danger, many accidents occur; Scorpios should be wary of fires, explosions, etc. The vital energy of Scorpios is so great that at his birth, additional forces (energy) are required to ensure his birth (his birth is accompanied by the death of one of his relatives a year or a year after his birth). And vice versa, when Scorpio leaves for another world, the released energy becomes so much that it is enough for the life of a new creature (the death of Scorpio leads to the appearance of a newborn in the family a year before the sad event or a year after it).

They make navigators, surgeons, sailors, chemists, miners, and mechanics. If he has a good voice, he will probably have a career as a good pop or opera singer. Scorpio has an excellent balance of reason and emotions, and if he is highly intellectual, he can be a philosopher and search for the meaning of life.

Scorpio is sex personified. Their sign rules the genitals. Need I say anything more? Their brain cells - under the aggressive influence of Mars - endow both men and women of this sign with a huge sexual appetite. There are no moral restrictions here, because... Scorpio looks at sex as an independent area of ​​human relationships, and, in addition, sex restores their strength. Among lovers throughout the zodiac, Scorpios are highly valued. They have a certain experience that is suitable not only to satisfy their desire, but also to please their partner.

Scorpio is considered to be one of the most opportunistic signs. However, calculations show that sometimes Cancer, Virgo and Sagittarius are superior. So, when we talk about non-sexual maneuvers that Scorpio resorts to to achieve his goals, we mean that he wants to achieve some goal through “sexual activity.” They marry for money and even have "sex dates" for business purposes. They usually marry after overpowering themselves, out of convenience, but they are smart enough to choose a person with whom they are mentally compatible, because... understand that the power of the mind is as valuable as gold. Already married, Scorpios often engage in extramarital affairs, but they rarely allow these relationships to threaten the security of their married life. They are able to cope well on “two fronts” - marital and extramarital, and do this with ease and without any tension. Scorpio can involve a partner in sexual intercourse so skillfully and imperceptibly that he himself does not understand how this happened until he himself is overwhelmed by passion.

How to please a Scorpio

Provide some sex, but don't do it too quickly. In their younger years they are romantic, amenable to music and soft light. Later they become less reserved, more courageous, and may like bright lights and mirrors. Scorpio spouses must be neat and clean.

People of this sign are always spiritually faithful, even if they indulge in extramarital affairs. This loyalty also extends to chosen friends, of whom they do not have very many, but from whom they demand the same loyalty. In their home, Scorpios create a “protective atmosphere”, as if the generals of Mars are guarding the fortress from the whole world. Scorpios are excellent breadwinners for the family, they are very smart in business. Women of this sign often occupy leadership positions. Scorpios are excellent parents, although they are a little harsh and demanding. They will work tirelessly with their colleagues in any job, and they are usually punctual.

They spare no effort in their race for success, which exhausts them physically and mentally. Then they often take it out on their spouses. Although some smart Scorpios choose a spouse who would help them avoid these extremes. Extreme jealousy and possessiveness are also hallmarks of Scorpio, especially Scorpio women. These are usually wives who are like detectives who must know the whereabouts of their spouse at any moment. Scorpios retain a sense of resentment for many years after a quarrel - a trait unworthy of them. It has already been said that they are not always best friends, unless they themselves want to be. But, of course, they easily become bitter enemies. They are very vindictive and vindictive when offended.

Scorpios rarely need to enter into the love economy game, provided they are physically attractive, because... they are very popular among women. They often have several affairs at the same time. Scorpio rules the Eighth House and people of this sign often appoint heirs to their wealth. The eighth house also rules the money affairs of other people, especially the spouse. Scorpios often outlive their spouses and enjoy the fruits of their labor. So, we see that they are well prepared for old age. And even in his youth, when he finds himself in a situation where he has to buy what he wants, he rarely hesitates, even if sex is on sale. He rarely passes up the opportunity for business advancement, even if it must be won at the price of sex. They look at this situation as if it were their own business transaction. But they must be confident that they will get what they are bargaining for.

Most suitable partners

Up to 29.5 years, the best partners are among the signs of Cancer and Pisces. All three are water signs, which at this age are extremely emotional. Sometimes Scorpio is well compatible with the signs of Capricorn and Virgo. After 29.5 years, he usually begins to mature and become aware of his permanent self, which gradually becomes extremely aggressive and domineering. Then they are often compatible with the signs of Taurus and Libra, whose ruling planet is Venus. These signs have great patience and the ability to endure the domineering nature of Scorpio. After 41.5 years, Scorpio should already be fully developed as a person and gain control over his intellectual “I”. At this time, he is often compatible with the sign of Sagittarius and Aquarius.

In the younger years - average, unless you are looking for something more physical in them. In marriage - excellent. They protect and strengthen their home and marriage, provided they are allowed to have extramarital affairs. They know how to hide them and never flaunt them in front of their beloved. The best period for obtaining the fidelity of a Scorpio is after he has turned 29.5 years old and when there is great agreement between the partners from the very beginning. But under these conditions, who would not be faithful?

The epithets “fatal”, “mysterious”, “furious” are applicable to it. Her passion is limitless. All her actions are subordinated to one goal - obtaining sexual pleasure. She is energetic, smart, beautiful. Men simply “go crazy” after meeting her. She usually gains erotic experience early. Those who dream of a “sultry woman” find the ideal embodied in her. She has excellent self-control, but in moments of intimacy she throws away all conventions and, nevertheless, becomes especially beautiful in her madness and fury. Her partners grow in their own eyes, and this makes her even more attractive. It is dangerous for men who, having experienced the heights of intimacy, cannot tear themselves away from it and become slaves to their feelings. Because of such women, careers are destroyed, families are broken up, but men again and again rush into this pool. However, she often becomes a good assistant to her husband and does everything to ensure that he achieves brilliant success.

Most often, this is a temperamental person, capable of the most unexpected actions. He is a great player and a great artist. An excellent sexual partner, he never allows himself to relax and fall under a woman's spell. The greatest value for him is personal freedom. Sex for him is a sport in which he finds application for his intelligence and talent for transformation. He is not attracted to accessibility, the highest pleasure for him is to defeat a woman equal to him in intelligence, free and independent, like him. He is interested not so much in the fact of victory as in the process of the game itself. He treats the vanquished nobly, as his own code of honor tells him. As a reward, they get his temperament and rich sexual experience. Many women believe that losing to him is the same as winning. It's hard to imagine him as a husband. Most often they remain bachelors. Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo are ideal for you. To a greater or lesser extent, Libra suits you. Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are contraindicated and definitely not suitable for you.

On the one hand, a strong and willful personality. On the other hand, Scorpio wives are faithful and devoted, and can stand up for their love. For them, the happiness of their spouse is above all, they endure troubles steadfastly and courageously, the main quality is endurance in moments of adversity, insight, and knowledge of people. Scorpios are lucky in money matters. They are possessive and are not capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of love.

According to the proverb “To love is to rule the world,” when we fall in love, we are looking for our idealized image. In astrology, the most important role in love is played by Venus - in the horoscope of women, and Mars - in men. The Sun in a woman's horoscope indicates the man who is preferred; in a man's horoscope, the Moon plays a similar role. The position of Saturn in relation to the Moon is associated with divorce. Scorpio is dynamic and powerful, attracts like a magnet. He is called the king of sex; if you dare to marry, you can have a happy family. Scorpios do not like light flirting. They devote themselves to novels with all their heart and soul, subconsciously feeling people who are sincere and deceitful. They rarely make mistakes about their partner. In unhappy marriages they are cruel and vindictive. Scorpio women have strong passion and sensuality and are ready to make sacrifices. Scorpio men usually love family, but can be stubborn and selfish within them. If you have given your heart to Scorpio, know that he does not like to share his thoughts: he is possessive and jealous. It is dangerous to flirt in his presence; he does not forgive betrayals. Scorpios are compatible with Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, Libra. They hate Aquarius and conflict with Taurus.

Scorpio is a sensual nature, prone to excesses, including in love. Scorpio seems to be made for her. He strives for her with all his being. Scorpio does not allow defeats. Knows the value of his charm. Scorpio, if circumstances are such that it is impossible to conclude a marriage, will love his chosen one stronger and more tenderly than his legal wife or husband. He listens only to what his heart says. The Scorpio man is not inclined to show his feelings in public. In public he is rude, inattentive and even cruel; in private he admits his true attitude. He is very suspicious and jealous. The Scorpio woman is partly a witch. With her sixth sense, she recognizes her future chosen one at first sight. He has no choice but to submit to her witchcraft spells. She is an unusually passionate person. But passion has only to do with love. He experiences such feelings in extremes: he either loves him very much or hates him madly. The Scorpio woman, being terribly jealous, does not like it when people are jealous of her. And it is very difficult to resist jealousy towards Scorpio, since she attracts glances. Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Virgo are suitable for marriage and cooperation. Must avoid Aquarius and Leo.

Scorpio usually has a large family, but has difficulty maintaining human relationships. Powerful owners, they follow their line, and in raising children they are true to themselves, proud of their children. Scorpio's boundless ambition is passed on to offspring. Mothers often lack gentleness and patience.

The emotions that Scorpios experience are much more intense than those of people born under other zodiac signs. This applies to both love and hate. Adult Scorpios are outwardly restrained and know how to control themselves well. Small children have not yet learned this. They are fighters by nature and independent in nature. They don’t care what others, even adults, think about them, they themselves know what to do. The fight begins with food. Young children have their own rather pronounced likes and dislikes when it comes to food. If the parents are also Scorpios, war is inevitable. But it’s better not to fight, but to rely on your child’s taste: these children intuitively feel what they need and what they don’t need. Children love to fight, both literally and figuratively. They are quite aggressive, especially boys. They can hurt others. They must be taught to control themselves. If a child has hurt you, be sure to bring this to his attention. But never answer him in kind, otherwise he will grow up cruel. Try to translate his aggressiveness into an intellectual plan. They are interested in the mysteries of life. Boys love to play with soldiers and guns. You can buy him a drum if the noise doesn't bother you. Girls love to play boyish games. They are selective in their friendships, so their likes and dislikes are clearly expressed. These children are demanding of their friends and may grow up impatient. Try to gently explain that all people have flaws. But do this carefully, as these children do not like it when their weaknesses are discovered. Scorpio children love everything secret. They may organize some kind of secret society where you will not be accepted. Don't insist. The only thing you can do is provide a place for secret gatherings. Your child has a strong craving for mysticism, mysteries, and secrets. If a child has learned to read, he may be attracted to detective stories because he enjoys solving mysteries. His favorite hero is Sherlock Holmes. But he is also strongly attracted to scientific and medical literature. This child is difficult to raise. It happens that sometimes it is difficult for you to refrain from punishing him: you can temporarily deprive him of some privileges, but in no case use physical or moral violence. If you give him an example of violence, sooner or later he will strike you. Never punish him without sufficient reason. If you think your child is wrong, use his ability to reason and prove. Always stand in a position of justice, then you will not lose his respect. Scorpios can go to extremes. If they want something, they will pursue it until they get it. If your child is a poor student, try to arouse his interest in learning, and then he will achieve success on his own. Scorpio children are ambitious, so you may notice to your child that his friends are doing better than him, because Scorpio does not like to see anyone succeed. If a child has set a goal that you do not like, you will not be able to convince him. You can try to switch his attention to another, more worthy one. It is almost impossible to convince him, you can only help him. If he is interested in some business or science, do it together. This is a good way to make contact.

What is contraindicated for your child?

Do not use violence against him, otherwise he may become violent. Don't fight with your baby over food, leave it to his discretion. If he has secrets, do not try to penetrate his secret. What does he need? When raising him, use the power of persuasion, appeal to his sense of justice. If a child is a poor student, awaken his interest in science, and then he will achieve everything on his own. You may also hurt his ambition. Try to translate his aggressiveness into an intellectual plan by giving him popular science books to read. Teach him tolerance towards others.

The nature of possible criminality is determined, first of all, by the scale of the motives. Yes, Scorpio’s nature contains vindictiveness, mercilessness, and truly samurai patience in anticipation of the hour of terrible revenge. What distinguishes Scorpio from other signs of the Zodiac is the scale and Shakespearean depth of the motives for atrocities. Scorpio is a convinced individualist; as a rule, he is completely devoid of the herd instinct; he is a kind of Count of Monte Cristo, a lone avenger. Scorpios only in exceptional cases participate in group crimes. Scorpio is devilishly inventive in planning crimes. His ultimate goal is not so much the visible result and not so much the torment of the victim, but the very fact of accomplished retribution. Scorpio killers combine extraordinary audacity and equally extraordinary caution when committing crimes. There is no doubt that most of the unsolved murders were committed by Scorpios. They rank eleventh in the total number of murderers, but fourth in the list of especially dangerous ones. Scorpio rapists, as a rule, are guided in their actions by considerations of revenge, and not destruction as such. Scorpio can rape a victim who has caused him significant harm or insulted him in one way or another. In the general list of rapists they are in last place.