Analyze the scene of the meeting between Pechorin and Mary. Episode analysis. Mary’s last meeting with Pechorin (M. Yu. Lermontov, “Hero of Our Time”), methodological development in literature (grade 9) on the topic. Essays on Russian literature

Episode analysis.

Last meeting Mary with Pechorin (M. Yu. Lermontov, “Hero of Our Time”)

The episode in which both literary hero found in last time, begins with the words: “...I went to the princess to say goodbye...”, and ends with the following sentence: “I thanked, bowed respectfully and left.”

This passage is extremely important for understanding the author's intent. Main character- Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorinreveals itself to the reader in a slightly different light than, for example, in the short story “Bela”...

So in this episode- two: Princess Mary and Pechorin. (Third characterold princess Ligovskaya“participates” only at the beginning of the passage we have chosen, and her speech addressed to the main character serves as proof of Pechorin’s nobility: “Listen, Monsieur Pechorin! I think that you are a noble person...” And although this heroinethe character is minor, he is important: thanks to the assessment of the princess, wise with life experience, you believe that she is not mistaken).

Who are the main characters in the episode? Princess Mary- a young, inexperienced girl who fell madly in love with a secular seducer; Pechorin, a young officer, but already fed up with salon evenings and flirtatious women, ruins other people's destinies out of boredom.

The narration is told in the first person, and this author’s technique allows the reader to “see” and feel the state of the main character: “Five minutes have passed; my heart was beating strongly, but my thoughts were calm, my head was cold; no matter how hard I looked in my chest for even a spark of love for dear Mary...” The description of the girl’s appearance is touching, given by the hero:” ...her big eyes, filled with inexplicable sadness, seemed to be looking for something similar to hope in mine; her pale lips tried in vain to smile; her tender hands folded on her knees were so thin and transparent that I felt sorry for her.”

Pechorin, with his characteristic directness, immediately dots all the “i”s in his explanation with Mary: “ you know that I laughed at you?.. You should despise me.” (He is deliberately cruel to the girl so that she does not have even the ghost of hope for reciprocity; he is like a surgeon who amputates a leg or arm so that the whole body does not become infected). But saying this scary words, he himself is in excitement and confusion: “It was becoming unbearable: another minute and I would have fallen at her feet...” This is a noble act, despite its apparent cruelty (how can one not remember Onegin’s “rebuke” to Tatyana?) The hero does not he is afraid of slandering himself (“ see, I am playing the most pitiful and disgusting role in your eyes...”) You can be absolutely sure that he is committing violence against himself!..

Pechorin is amazing, beautiful in this episode, as far as this man can see and feel! “She turned to me, pale as marble, only her eyes sparkled wonderfully...”

Mary comes out of an unbearably painful situation with dignity. “I hate you...- she said.”

This episode complements the portrait of the main character, proving that he is capable of deep feelings and noble deeds.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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The novel “A Hero of Our Time” shows a portrait of not one person, but an entire generation, made up of vices. Main role is assigned to Pechorin, but it is the other characters of the novel with whom he had to intersect in life that allow us to better understand inner world this person, the depth of his soul.

The relationship between Pechorin and Princess Mary is one of the brightest storylines of the novel. They began casually, ending quickly and tragically. Once again, showing Pechorin as a man with a callous soul and a cold heart.


The first meeting of Pechorin and Princess Mary took place in Pyatigorsk, where Grigory was sent after completing another military mission. The princess and her mother underwent a course of treatment with the mineral waters of Pyatigorsk.

The princess and Pechorin constantly revolved in secular society. General circle friends brought them together at one of the meetings. Grigory stirred up interest in his person, deliberately teasing the girl, ignoring her presence. He saw that she paid attention to him, but Pechorin was much more interested in watching how she would behave next. He knew women very well and could calculate several steps ahead how the acquaintance would end.

He took the first step. Pechorin invited Mary to dance, and then everything had to go according to the scenario he had developed. It gave him unprecedented pleasure to lure his next victim, allowing her to get carried away. The girls fell in love with the handsome military man, but quickly got bored and he, pleased with himself, with a feeling of complete self-satisfaction, put another tick on his record of love affairs, happily forgetting about them.


Mary truly fell in love. The girl did not understand that the toy was in his hands. Part of the insidious heartthrob's plan. Pechorin benefited from meeting her. New emotions, sensations, a reason to distract the public from the affair with Vera, married woman. He loved Vera, but they could not be together. Another reason to hit on Mary, to make Grushnitsky jealous. He was truly in love with the girl, but his feelings remained unanswered. Mary did not love him and was unlikely to love him. In the current love triangle he is clearly superfluous. In retaliation for unrequited feelings, Grushnitsky spread dirty rumors about the affair between Pechorin and Mary, ruining her reputation. He soon paid for his vile act. Pechorin challenged him to a duel, where the bullet reached its target, killing the liar outright.


After what happened, Mary began to love Pechorin even more. She believed that his action was noble. After all, he defended her honor, making it clear that she had been slandered. The girl was waiting for confessions from Gregory, tormented by love and the feelings that gripped her. Instead, he hears the bitter truth that he never loved her and certainly had no intention of marrying her. He achieved his goal by breaking the heart of another victim of his love spells. She hated him. The last phrase I heard from her was

“...I hate you...”

Once again, Pechorin acted cruelly towards loved ones, stepping over their feelings and trampling on love.

“I shook her hand twice... the second time she pulled it away without saying a word.

“I’m going to sleep poorly this night,” she told me when the mazurka ended.

- The beggar Grush is to blame for this.

- Oh no! - And her face. I felt so thoughtful, so sad that I promised myself that evening I would definitely kiss her hand.

They began to leave. Putting the princess into the carriage, I quickly pressed her small hand to my lips. It was dark and no one could see it.

I returned to the hall very pleased with myself.”

This scene, like a drop of water, reflected Pechorin’s entire plan regarding Princess Mary and Grushnitsky. Here the flying psychologism of M. Yu. Lermontov himself was superbly expressed. Each phrase, despite their external vacuity, implies a whole line of thought and hidden desires. Before our eyes, secular play is intertwined with real feelings. Pechorin directs the princess’s thoughts and feelings “from the opposite direction,” forcing her to first pull out her hand and then deny her words. By this he disguises his own leadership of events, recognizes the extent of the princess’s immersion in the game he proposes, and emphasizes the name of Grushnitsky as undesirable. At the same time, it does not matter at all that the princess did not agree with his statement; it was important to indirectly point out Pechorin’s rivalry with Grushnitsky, to convince the girl at the level of almost NLP programming that Pechorin was actually involved in the fight for her heart.

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Pechorin and Vera are the heroes with whom love line in the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”. Pechorin's attitude towards Vera most fully reveals his personality central character and his attitude towards women in general.

Start of a relationship

Vera and Gregory met even before the moment of the story. The author does not describe in detail what happened before, but says that the relationship between Pechorin and Vera was filled with passion. From the conversation between the characters, it is clear that they met when Vera was married. The heroine admits that Pechorin brought her only misfortune: “Since we have known each other, you have given me nothing but suffering.” He only tormented her with “empty doubts and feigned coldness.”

Meeting of heroes

Pechorin learns that a woman with a mole on her cheek has arrived in the Caucasus. He immediately understands that this is Vera. The news of her appearance made Pechorin think about his true emotions: “Why is she here? And is she? And why do I think it's her?

And why am I even so sure of this? Are there not enough women with moles on their cheeks?

Grigory Alexandrovich meets with Vera, and their feelings light up with new strength. The heroes see each other in secret from everyone, because Vera is married to a man whom she does not love, but respects.

Vera tells Pechorin that she loved him and still loves him: “You know that I am your slave; I never knew how to resist you.”

As a result, Vera's husband learns about the relationship between Pechorin and Vera, and a quarrel occurs between him and his wife. However, Vera doesn’t even remember what they talked about, what she answered. Vera says that perhaps she told him that she still loves Pechorin.

All this forces Vera’s husband to decide to leave Kislovodsk. Vera writes farewell letter Pechorin and leaves. In the letter, the heroine admits to Pechorin that she will never love anyone else again, because her soul has “exhausted” all “its treasures, its tears and hopes” on him.

Lyubov Pechorina

Pechorin confesses his feelings to Werner: “I recognize in your portrait a woman whom I loved in the old days...”.

Faith played a huge role in Pechorin’s life, because she alone was able to understand the true essence of the hero: “This is the one woman who understood me completely, with all my minor weaknesses and bad passions.” That is why his relationship with her is not similar to love affairs with other women. We can say that Vera was the only woman whom Pechorin loved in his life.

Although Vera said that Pechorin “loved her as property, as a source of joys, anxieties and sorrows, replacing each other, without which life is boring and monotonous,” he cannot live without her love. He thinks why she doesn’t want to see him, because “love, like fire, goes out without food.”

When Vera leaves, he tries to catch up with her and drives his horse to death. This suggests that Faith was of great importance to him. This is not a short-term romance, but a long-term feeling.

After the breakup main character the novel “A Hero of Our Time” understands that he has lost his happiness, that her “bitter farewell kiss” cannot bring joy, because then it will be even more painful for them to part. Pechorin sincerely experiences the tragic ending of the relationship. However, many of his actions towards Vera speak of his selfishness and pride. The hero was unable to build a relationship with the woman who loved him, because he was alone in the whole world, and he understood it. The relationship with Vera was a past for him, which he was destined to part with.

This article, which will help you write an essay on the topic “Pechorin and Vera,” will examine in detail the history of the relationship between the characters in the novel “A Hero of Our Time.”

Work test

The chapter “Princess Mary” is central in “Pechorin’s Journal”, where the hero diary entries reveals his soul. Their last conversation - Pechorin and Princess Mary - logically ends storyline complex relationships, drawing a line over this intrigue. Pechorin consciously and prudently achieves the love of the princess, building his behavior with knowledge of the matter. For what? Just so that he “doesn’t get bored.” The main thing for Pechorin is to subordinate everything to his will, to show power over people. After a series of calculated actions, he ensured that the girl

The first one confessed her love to him, but now he is not interested in her. After the duel with Grushnitsky, he received orders to go to fortress N and went to the princess to say goodbye. The princess learns that Pechorin defended Mary's honor and considers him noble man, she is most concerned about her daughter’s condition, because Mary is sick from worries, so the princess openly invites Pechorin to marry her daughter. One can understand her: she wishes Mary happiness. But Pechorin cannot answer her: he asks permission to explain to Mary herself. The princess is forced to give in. Pechorin has already said how afraid he is of parting with his freedom, and after a conversation with the princess, he can no longer find in his heart a single spark of love for Mary. When he saw Mary, pale and emaciated, he was shocked by the change that had occurred in her. The girl looked in his eyes for at least “something resembling hope” and tried to smile with her pale lips, but Pechorin was stern and unforgiving. He says that he laughed at her and Mary should despise him, drawing a logical, but such a cruel conclusion: “Consequently, you cannot love me...” The girl suffers, tears shine in her eyes, and all she can barely whisper clearly - “Oh my God!” In this scene, Pechorin’s reflection is especially clearly revealed - the splitting of his consciousness, which he said earlier, that two people live in him - one acts, “the other thinks and judges him.” The acting Pechorin is cruel and deprives the girl of any hope of happiness, and the one who analyzes his words and actions admits: “It became unbearable: another minute and I would have fallen at her feet.” He explains in a “firm voice” that he cannot marry Mary, and hopes that she will replace her love with contempt for him - after all, he himself is aware of the baseness of his act. Mary, “pale as marble,” with sparkling eyes, says that she hates him.

The consciousness that Pechorin played with her feelings, wounded pride turned Mary’s love into hatred. Insulted in her first deep and pure feeling, Mary is now unlikely to be able to trust people again and regain her former peace of mind. Pechorin’s cruelty and immorality are revealed quite clearly in this scene, but it also reveals how difficult it is for this man to live according to the principles he has imposed on himself, how difficult it is not to succumb to natural human feelings - compassion, mercy, repentance. This is the tragedy of a hero who himself admits that he cannot live in a quiet peaceful harbor. He compares himself to a sailor of a robber brig who languishes on the shore and dreams of storms and wrecks, because for him life is a struggle, overcoming dangers, storms and battles, and, unfortunately, Mary becomes a victim of this understanding of life.