Selling chicken eggs as a business for domestic laying hens. Chicken egg production as a business

If you live in the private sector and love agriculture, a small business using chicken eggs at home is just what you need! Profitability reaches 100%; caring for poultry, although it requires a lot of effort, with the right skills, any woman can handle it. The Lady Business website invites you to learn about all the nuances of making money selling eggs from this article.

Chickens and chicken coop

First of all, in order to start a business, you need to take care of purchasing and breeding laying hens for eggs. You can buy adult birds at a poultry farm, where you will be provided with certificates with all the necessary vaccinations. This option is not very preferable, since one-year-old hens have practically exhausted their egg production reserves. It is most profitable to buy small chickens from a poultry farm. Also, no one forbids purchasing them on the regular market, but be extremely careful in this case.

Chickens are unpretentious birds and this is another advantage of the egg business. As reviews show, you will need to spend about 3-4 hours a day caring for and cleaning the chickens. Be sure to buy high-quality food for them or make it yourself. Egg production directly depends on this.

As for the chicken coop, it also has its own little secrets. In order to make your chicken egg business even more profitable, buy special bird cages from the same poultry farm. Please note that for the cold season, the inside of the cage must be insulated, since it is very important that the temperature in the chicken coop be at least 17 degrees Celsius. An important factor is also the presence of ventilation in the room in the absence of drafts.


The most common way to start a chicken egg business is to organize their sale at one or more food markets. If you did not have time to obtain permission to sell from a veterinarian, this can easily be done on the territory of the market itself, if there is a laboratory. The procedure is very simple - they check 4 chicken eggs for a small fee and issue a special permit, thanks to which you can sell the products without any problems.

If you want to organize a large business and supply goods to large quantities to stores, you will need to take the following steps:

  1. Register your activity as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur).
  2. Obtain the necessary veterinary certificates and quality certificates from the veterinary authorities.
  3. Before concluding supply contracts, be sure to agree on all terms, volumes and frequency.
  4. Agree with the printing house to produce your own packaging made of cardboard or plastic, which will contain advertising.
  5. Please note that the most profitable time for business is Easter, and summer is considered a period of relative calm.

Expenses and income

Of course, almost all women are interested in main question: “What profit will be from the sale chicken eggs?. In any case, you cannot do without a business plan; we offer approximate amounts of expenses and income from home products. The initial investment will go towards equipment and the purchase of birds and will amount to about 25,000 rubles. These are costs taking into account the need to fully equip the chicken coop, purchase and insulate the cages. Also, the amount may differ depending on how many and in what region you decide to buy laying hens. In our case, the calculation is made for 100 chickens, the average price of which will be 7,000 rubles. In addition to the above one-time expenses, every month you will need to spend about 3,000 rubles on good food.

As for business income, everything directly depends on the egg production of birds. On average, from 100 chickens you will receive 70 eggs per day, respectively, per month - 2,100 pieces. The average price for 1 homemade chicken egg in 2019 is 10 rubles (of course, if you are going to sell the product on the market and not make deliveries. In the latter case, the cost for you will be much less, but the volumes will be greater). Thus, within a few months after purchasing laying hens, you can receive up to 18,000 rubles in net profit per month.

You can watch the video for interesting information about the chicken business:

That's all we wanted to tell you about the chicken egg business at home. Great demand and profitability are the main “trump cards” of this type of income. All that is required is to organize your business correctly and listen to our advice.

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Chicken eggs is an incredibly popular product that is used in great demand in the food industry, cooking and so on. An entrepreneur who decides to start a business selling chicken eggs can count on stable, fairly high profits if the issue of organizing sales is resolved correctly.

The success of a business such as selling chicken eggs depends entirely on how successfully the entrepreneur copes with this task. Many sell eggs through retail outlets located in city markets, through large trading enterprises, own stores, Although this option is more relevant if you are doing something else in addition to chicken eggs, for example, selling chicken carcasses, soup sets, chicken legs, dairy products, and other agricultural products.

When is it profitable to sell eggs?

There is a particularly high demand for chicken eggs on the eve of a holiday such as Easter; it is at this time that prices for this product soar. This article is about a small business based on the sale of chicken eggs as part of a small-scale business. Large poultry farms and so on, this is completely different, this article is not about that. This business idea is more suitable for those people who live in rural areas, in the private sector, and who are not alien to agriculture.

Chicken eggs, as everyone knows, are widely used in cooking and confectionery production. Eggs are included in the recipe huge amount various dishes, baked goods, confectionery products. This product perfectly complements the taste, goes well with other components, has high nutritional qualities, and increases the nutritional value of products. Eggs purchased from small farms located in rural areas are considered to be of the highest quality and environmentally friendly. The nutritional quality of eggs is affected by a lot, including what farmers feed the chickens, where the chickens roam, and so on.

- this is a fairly profitable agricultural business, because in addition to profit from the sale of eggs, the farmer earns money from the sale of chickens, chicks, chicken meat, plus he provides his family and loved ones with this goodness in abundance. Since chicken eggs are a nutritious, healthy and at the same time affordable product, organizing a sale is always easy. People love homemade eggs, buy them in large quantities, and are willing to pay more than for store-bought eggs, because they know that the nutritional value of store-bought chicken eggs is significantly lower. Store-bought eggs are less healthy and inferior in freshness.

The egg business is attractive due to its high profitability, which can reach 80-100%. Chickens are a fairly unpretentious bird that feels great in various climatic conditions, they are easy to breed, the main thing is to choose the right one. Chicken is popular all over the world, so marketing this product is not difficult if the product meets quality standards. You usually need to spend 2-4 hours a day caring for chickens (feeding, collecting eggs, cleaning the chicken coop, and so on).

If a farmer plans to sell chicken eggs through supermarkets and large trading enterprises, and in large quantities, then it is necessary to first register an individual entrepreneurship. Otherwise, it will not be possible to conclude a supply agreement with trading enterprises, plus the administration of the above-mentioned enterprises may require quality certificates and permits from the veterinary inspection service. Conditions for cooperation between trading enterprises and farms, other suppliers of this kind of products are regular deliveries, and we are talking about products in packaging, in strictly specified quantities. Stores agree on a delivery schedule and other nuances in advance. An entrepreneur can order plastic or cardboard packaging from a local printing house; it’s not difficult to come to an agreement. Good luck!

And finally, a video on this topic:

Incubators for chicken eggs video

On this page I will collect ideas on how to organize the Sales of Chicken Eggs.

How and to whom to sell your product

As practice has shown, it is possible to establish the breeding of laying hens for eggs as a business on a small scale without clearly defined sales channels. In our case (with 30 chickens regularly kept), all the goods were bought up by friends and colleagues.

So, if you set the cost of a dozen eggs 10 percent higher than the store price, then those who want to buy homemade eggs with delivery to workplace there will always be. At the same time, part of the goods should always remain “in reserve” - taking into account the holidays, when the demand for food products increases significantly. However, with more heads, new buyers will be needed.

Here are some proven schemes:

Go through budget organizations in your city. Thus, you can regularly sell homemade eggs in a clinic, social security office, post office, etc. For the most part, social workers are massively interested in healthy eating (accordingly, they are ready to purchase homemade products at a fairly high price) and do not have time to go to the market due to the rationed work day. Therefore, it is worth agreeing with the team on a certain day and time when you will bring them goods on an ongoing basis.

Arrange for the sale of your product by “professional” market traders. As a rule, sellers easily agree to additional work if you offer them 25 - 30% of the cost of the goods. Moreover, each “point” can easily sell 5–8 dozen eggs per working day.

Offer your product to private grocery stores. Of course, you should only contact small individual entrepreneurs - owners of small street cafes, bread stalls, “universal” shops, etc.

It is also worth placing your advertisements on the city website, in the newspaper and on billboards near bus stops.

I consider trading Chicken Eggs on the market a waste of time: this should be done by professionals.

People have long been accustomed to buying Eggs in cardboard packages designed for 10, 20, 30 Eggs and guaranteeing the safety of the Eggs during transportation. Therefore, you will have to worry about purchasing cardboard packaging so as not to disappoint customers.

The price of cardboard packages varies from two to five rubles, they will have to be purchased in thousands of pieces, so you need to find high-quality packages at a reasonable price.

After registering an eco-park and registering a peasant farm or individual enterprise, it is necessary to create colored stickers of three sizes for gluing on packaging. Colored stickers in three sizes can be printed on a color printer or ordered from a printing house.

Farm Chicken Eggs in the Moscow online store are sold at prices of 20, 19, 18 rubles/dozen when purchased in packages of 10, 20, 30 Eggs. It makes sense to adopt this technique of varying prices depending on quantity.

I invite everyone to speak out in

On chicken egg trade It is customary to make money in two main ways. The most common way is to resell eggs. To perform such work, it is better to have your own vehicle.

This will greatly facilitate trips to poultry farms for the purpose of bulk purchases of eggs. Then you can start selling the eggs directly.

How to succeed in selling eggs?

If a person started selling eggs relatively recently, you can try to sell the product yourself. This is usually done at bazaars. If selling eggs will be the main (or only) source of income, it is better to hire sellers.

Of course, to egg trading as a business went uphill, you will need to stock up on at least a small initial capital. If you have a little more free material resources, you can buy or build a small poultry farm yourself. This will allow you to raise poultry yourself.

It is known that homemade chicken eggs are much more expensive than store-bought eggs. The good news is that raising chickens yourself is much cheaper than buying eggs at wholesale outlets.

When will chicken eggs be in great demand?

Of course, you can’t do without chicken eggs in the period before Easter. Easter and the pre-Easter week will allow a novice egg seller to establish himself well and even gain the favor of regular customers.

If there are still few regular customers, you can sell eggs at one or more local food markets. However, before you start selling, you must obtain permission from your local veterinarian.

Is it possible to check eggs directly at the market?

It is very convenient that you can check eggs at most markets. To do this, you need to submit 4 chicken eggs to the laboratory for testing and pay a small monetary contribution. Based on the results of the inspection, the seller will receive a certificate with the results of the inspection.

Selling eggs is a profitable and very interesting business!

From everything that has been said before, it follows that starting to make money by selling eggs is not so difficult. The main thing is to pay enough attention to the correct design of all necessary documents and, of course, take care of the health of your pets.

If you need to sell eggs through local outlets, you must first register as individual entrepreneur. This will greatly facilitate cooperation with stores and eliminate unnecessary worries that the business you have started may end before it has even begun.

In order for domestic chickens to feel good at any time of the year, you should also acquire a warm and well-ventilated chicken coop. The coop should not be cooler than 18ºC. Chickens should be fed regularly with only the highest quality food. You should also read additional literature on the topic of raising chickens at home. Then you will never be short of eggs.

There will be enough for both family needs and for sale.