Music therapy program in kindergarten. Music therapy in kindergarten: tasks and goals, choice of music, development methods, features of classes and positive impact on the child. Project implementation model

Music therapy is a form of interaction between a teacher and children, using a variety of music in any of its manifestations. Today this direction is extremely popular in kindergartens and other preschool institutions.

Typically, music therapy is used in working with preschoolers, along with other types - isotherapy, and so on. All these methods of education in combination are capable of correcting various emotional deviations, fears, and mental disorders in children. Art therapy becomes absolutely indispensable in the treatment of children with autism and mental and speech development delays. In this article we will tell you about what exactly music therapy is in kindergarten, and how it can benefit children.

What is music therapy for preschoolers?

Music therapy in a group of children can be expressed in the following forms:

  • listening to music;
  • choral singing;
  • dancing;
  • creating your own musical works and recording them on audio media;
  • playing simple musical instruments, etc.

In addition to the group form, an individual form of influence on the child is often used. In this case, the teacher or psychologist interacts with the child through musical works. Typically, this method is used if the child has any mental or developmental disorders. Often this situation arises after the child has suffered stress, for example, associated with the divorce of his parents.

What are the benefits of music therapy for preschool children?

Properly selected music can completely change the mental and physical state of both an adult and a child. Melodies that children like improve their mood and relieve stress. negative emotions, put you in a positive mood, promote emancipation. Some kids stop being shy while dancing to cheerful music.

Besides, dance music stimulates physical activity, which is especially useful for children with various physical development disorders.

In addition, music therapy promotes the child’s sensory development and increased activity of speech functions. Today, many speech therapists also try to use in their work with children preschool age elements of music therapy, noting the unusually high effectiveness of such activities.

Music therapy- one of the promising directions in the life of a preschool educational institution. It contributes to the correction of psycho physical health children in the process of their life.

There are active (motor improvisations accompanied by verbal commentary corresponding to the nature of the music) and passive (listening to stimulating, soothing or stabilizing music specifically or as a background) forms of music therapy. Listening to properly selected music improves children's immunity, relieves tension and irritability, headaches and muscle pain, and restores calm breathing.

Up-to-date information superimposed on ancient knowledge, show that the sounds are different musical instruments influence the human body in different ways: the sound of percussion instruments can give a feeling of stability, confidence in the future, physically invigorate, and give a person strength.

Wind instruments influence the formation of the emotional sphere. Moreover, brass instruments instantly awaken a person from sleep, making him alert and active.

The intellectual sphere corresponds to music performed by keyboard instruments, especially piano music. It is no coincidence that the sound of the piano is called the most mathematical music, and pianists are considered to be among the musical elite, who have clear thinking and a very good memory.

String instruments directly affect the heart. They, especially violins, cellos and guitars, develop a sense of compassion in a person. Vocal music affects the whole body, but most of all the throat.

The expression “charming voice” is very relevant at the present time, since the ability to expressively pronounce an elephant has become a real art of subordinating people to one’s will, creating a certain image, which is extremely important for a politician, a leader and any person who needs communication skills.

Our breathing is rhythmic. Unless we are doing strenuous exercise or lying quietly, we usually take an average of 25-35 breaths per minute. Listening to fast, loud music after slow music can produce the effect described by Nietzsche: “My objections to Wagner's music are physiological. I find it difficult to breathe when his music affects me.” By slowing down the tempo of a piece of music, you can make your breathing deeper and calmer. Usually chants have this effect, modern orchestrations and folk music.

In kindergarten, children need music throughout the day. This does not mean that it should sound continuously and loudly. Children should listen to music in doses, depending on the time of day, type of activity, and even the children’s mood.

It’s good if the children in the group are greeted in the morning by a friendly teacher who will prudently turn on the solar major classical music, good songs with good lyrics. After all, every day a child suffers, even if unnoticeable, trauma - a situation of separation from home and parents. Therefore, one of the health-improving and preventive tasks of preschool educational institutions should be creating optimal conditions for the daily reception of children to their second home - a kindergarten. And music provides an invaluable service in this regard.

To relax, relieve emotional and physical stress, and for a pleasant immersion in daytime sleep, you need to take advantage of the beneficial influence of melodic classical and modern relaxing music filled with the sounds of nature (the rustling of leaves, the voices of birds, the chirping of insects, the sound of sea waves and the cry of dolphins, the babbling of a brook). Children calm down and relax on a subconscious level.

Teachers should pay special attention to the musical reflex awakening of children after a nap. This technique was developed by N. Efimenko as opposed to the standard awakening of children by the teacher’s loud command “Rise!” For this purpose, quiet, gentle, light, joyful music is used.

A small composition should be kept constant for about a month so that the baby develops a waking up reflex. Hearing the sound of familiar music, it will be easier and calmer for children to move from a state of complete rest to active activity. In addition, you can perform sets of exercises to the music without getting your children out of bed



Children perform movements according to the text.

Here are the fluffy bunnies sleeping peacefully in their cribs.

But the bunnies have enough sleep,

It's time for the little ones to wake up.

Let's pull the right handle,

Let's pull the left handle,

We open our eyes,

We play with legs:

We draw our legs in,

Straighten your legs

Now let's run quickly

Along the forest path.

Let's turn from side to side

And we’ll be completely awake!

Wake up, little eyes!

Wake up, little eyes! Are your eyes all awake?

Children lie on their backs, lightly stroking their closed eyes.

Wake up, ears! Are your ears all awake?

Rub your ears with your palms.

Wake up, hands! Are your hands all awake?

Rub your arms from hand to shoulder.

Wake up, legs! Are your legs all awake?

They tap their heels on the bed.

Wake up, kids!

We woke up!

They stretch, then clap their hands.


Who's already woken up?

Who reached out so sweetly?
Stretch and stretch

From the toes to the top of the head.

We'll stretch, stretch,

We won't stay small

We are already growing, growing, growing!

N. Pikuleva

Children stretch, pull out one by one right hand, then the left, arching the backs.


Little kittens are funny guys:

They curl up into a ball, then unfold again.

Children lie on their backs, arms along the body. They bend their knees, pull their legs to their chest, clasp their knees with their hands, and return them to her.

To make the back flexible,

So that your legs are quick,

Kittens do back exercises.

Children lie on their backs, hands “locked” behind their heads, legs bent at the knees.. Tilt of the knees to the left, in and out. p., bend the knees to the right, in and. p.

The locomotive puffed and took the kittens for a walk.

Children sit with their feet together and their hands resting behind them. Bend your legs at the knees, pull them to your chest with the sound “f-f” as you exhale.

Is it time for the kittens to have their afternoon snack? Their tummies are growling.

Children sit cross-legged, one hand on their stomach, the other on their chest. Inhale through the nose, drawing in the stomach; exhale through the mouth, inflating the stomach.

The kittens got up and reached the sun.

Children stand on the floor, raise their arms up, and stretch.


Little kids

Little children are sleeping

Everyone is snoring with their noses,

Everyone is snoring with their noses,

Everyone is watching a magical dream.

The dream is magical and colorful,

And a little funny.

I dream of a mischievous bunny,

He hurries to his home.

Dreaming of a pink baby elephant -

He's like a little child

He laughs, he plays,

But he doesn’t fall asleep.

Sleep, little children!

A sparrow sits on a branch.

He tweets and you can hear:

Hush, hush, hush, hush...

N. Baydavletova

Lullaby of the bear cubs


I sing a song to Sasha

About funny teddy bears,

What are they sitting under the tree?

One sucks a paw

The other one is nibbling on the seeds.

The third sat down on a tree stump,

Sings a song loudly:

“Sasha, sleep, go to sleep,

Close your eyes..."


(lullaby of the Ural Cossacks)


There is a house on the edge.

He is not poor, not rich,

The room is full of guys.

The room is full of guys,

Everyone is sitting on benches,

Everyone is sitting on benches,

They eat sweet porridge.

Maslenaya porridge,

The spoons are painted.

The cat is sitting nearby,

He looks at the kids.

You, little cat,

Your pubis is gray

White skin,

I'll give you kokurka (butter cookies).

Come, little cat, to rock my babies, to rock my babies, to lull them to sleep.

And the night will have an end...

(Russian folk lullaby)

Bye-bye, bye-bye,

And the night will have an end.

And while the kids

Sleeps in cribs until morning.

The cow is sleeping, the bull is sleeping

A bug is sleeping in the garden.

And the kitten next to the cat

He sleeps behind the stove in a basket.

The grass sleeps on the lawn,

The leaves are sleeping on the trees,

The sedge sleeps by the river,

Catfish and perch are sleeping.

Bye-bye, Sandman is sneaking,
He carries dreams around the house.

And he came to you, baby,

You are already sleeping so sweetly.

Music for meeting children and their free activities

Classic works:

1. Bach I. “Prelude in C major.”

2. Bach I. “Joke.”

3. Brahms I. “Waltz”.

4. Vivaldi A. “Seasons”.

5. Haydn I. “Serenade”.

6. Kabalevsky D. “Clowns”.

7. Kabalevsky D. “Peter and the Wolf.”

8. Lyadov A. “Musical snuffbox”.

9. Mozart V. “Little Night Serenade.”

10. Mozart V. “Turkish Rondo”.

11. Mussorgsky M. “Pictures at an Exhibition.”

12. Rubinstein A. “Melody”.

13. Sviridov G. “Military March”.

14. Tchaikovsky P. “Children’s Album.”

15. Tchaikovsky P. “Seasons”.

16. Tchaikovsky P. “The Nutcracker” (excerpts from the ballet).

17. Chopin F. “Waltzes”.

18. Strauss I. “Waltzes”.

19. Strauss I. “Trick-Truck Polka.”

Children's songs:

1. “Antoshka” (Yu. Entin, V. Shainsky).

2. “Bu-ra-ti-no” (from the film “Pinocchio”, Yu. Entin, A. Rybnikov).

3. “Be kind” (A. Sanin, A. Flyarkovsky).

4. “Cheerful Travelers” (S. Mikhalkov, M. Starokadomsky).

5. “We divide everything in half” (M. Plyatskovsky, V. Shainsky).

6. “Where the Wizards Are” (from the film “Dunno from Our Yard”, Yu. Entin, M. Minkov).

7. “Long live surprise” (from the film “Dunno from Our Yard”, Yu. Entin, M. Minkov).

8. “If you are kind” (from the film “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat”, M. Plyatskovsky, B. Savelyev).

9. “Bells” (from the film “Adventures of Electronics”, Y. Entin, E. Krylatov).

10. “Winged swing” (from the film “Adventures of Electronics”, Yu. Entin, G. Gladkov).

11. “Rays of hope and goodness” (art and music by E. Voitenko).

12. “A True Friend” (from the film “Timka and Dimka”, M. Plyatskovsky, B. Savelyev).

13. "Song" Bremen Town Musicians"(Yu. Entin, G. Gladkov).

14. “Song about wizards” (V. Lugovoi, G. Gladkov).

15. “Song of the Brave Sailor” (from the film “Blue Puppy”, Yu. Entin, G. Gladkov).

16. “The Beautiful is Far Away” (from the film “Guest from the Future”, Yu. En-tin, E. Krylatov).

17. “Dance of the Ducklings” (French folk song).

Music to wake up after a nap

Classic works:

1. Boccherini L. “Minuet”.

2. Grieg E. “Morning”.

3. Dvorak A. “Slavic dance”.

4. Lute music XVII century.

5. Liszt F. “Consolations”.

6. Mendelssohn F. “Song without words.”

7. Mozart V. “Sonatas”.

8. Mussorgsky M. “Ballet of Unhatched Chicks.”

9. Mussorgsky M. “Dawn on the Moscow River.”

10. Saint-Sane K. “Aquarium”.

11. Tchaikovsky P. “Waltz of the Flowers.”

12. Tchaikovsky P. “Winter Morning”.

13. Tchaikovsky P. “Song of the Lark.”

14. Shostakovich D. “Romance”.

15. Schumann R. “May, dear May!”

Music for relaxation Classical works:

1. Albinoni T. “Adagio”.

2. Bach I. “Aria from Suite No. 3.”

3. Beethoven L. " Moonlight Sonata».

4. Gluck K. “Melody”.

5. Grieg E. “Solveig’s Song.”

6. Debussy K. “Moonlight”.

7. Lullabies.

8. Rimsky-Korsakov N. “The Sea”.

9. Sviridov G. “Romance”.

10. Saint-Sane K. “Swan”.

11. Tchaikovsky P. “Autumn Song.”

12. Tchaikovsky P. “Sentimental Waltz.”

13. Chopin F. “Nocturne in G minor.”

Music - it is a great art that has been a natural form of expression since ancient times emotional states person.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky (teacher and psychologist) considered music a means of moral and mental education person: “Musical education is not the education of a musician, but, first of all, the education of a person.”

Music therapy - music treatment.

Music therapy - this is the controlled use of music in correction psycho-emotional sphere child.

Music is a medicine that is listened to.

The amazing power of music to influence people has been known since ancient times. Suffice it to recall the soundtrack of various religious rituals, from shamanism to world religions. But, as science has established, music can not only help the soul, but also heal the body.

Principle of operation: The fact is that the human nervous system and his muscles are able to sense rhythm. A musical rhythmic pattern acts as an irritant, stimulating physiological processes in the body. Music can also harmonize the rhythms of individual human organs, producing a unique adjustment of their frequencies.

The sound of each instrument has an individual effect on the body. The organ has the strongest and most complex effect. The sounds of the clarinet are most beneficial for the liver, the sounds of the saxophone are for the genitourinary system, string instruments have a beneficial effect on the heart.

From the point of view of application purposes, music therapy is divided into the following groups:

Clinical - necessary in treatment and prevention;

Experimental - explores various musical effects on the human body;

Integrative - combined with other types of therapy that use art (art therapy): dance, drawing to music, etc.

Background - needed as a background when conducting psychotherapeutic activities,

Thematic - implies the presence of a plot, a lecture on a selected topic (for example, the work of a certain composer).

The history of music therapy goes back several thousand years. In ancient times, Pythagoras, Aristotle and Plato also pointed out the healing effects of music. The greatest physician Avicenna used music therapy in the treatment of nervous and mental illnesses. If we talk about modern European medicine, the first mention of the use of music therapy dates back to the beginning of the 19th century - a similar treatment was used in psychiatric institutions by the French doctor Esquirol.

Initially, the prescription of music therapy to patients was entirely empirical in nature and was based on the doctor’s intuition. Later, under this method a serious scientific basis was laid down. Nowadays, many music therapists actively use computer technologies in their work.

What diseases can be cured with music therapy? The list of such diseases is very wide: neuroses, neurasthenia, overwork, insomnia, schizophrenia, psychosis. Eat more positive results in the treatment of hypertension, coronary heart disease, gastritis, spastic colitis, peptic ulcer, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, diseases of the genitourinary system. Music treatment is especially valuable for patients suffering from allergies to medications, as well as for psychosomatic disorders.

Unlike most other healing methods, music therapy accepts self-medication. There are even special music collections: they combine works that promote the treatment of a specific disease. Of course, music therapy cannot replace conventional medical procedures, but it can reduce the required doses of medications taken, and is also especially effective in pain relief.

How does music heal? The average session duration ranges from 30 to 45 minutes. Total quantity sessions depends on the diagnosis, the individual condition of the patient and other factors. Typically, 10 to 20 visits to a music therapy office are required. This room should have good sound insulation and comfortable furniture so that the patient can feel comfortable during the session. It is preferable to conduct sessions without headphones. During the treatment, micro-earphones can be used, which are attached to acupuncture points and produce oscillatory effects.

Music therapy classes contribute to the development of attention, imagination, and communication skills. Music helps a child develop harmoniously, enriching him inner world, strengthening his “I”.

All this creates a successful, self-confident and strong man. In the context of our work with you, we can use the harmonizing power of music for the development of a child and, if necessary, correction of emotional personality disorders through musical accompaniment.

Music therapy is a method that uses music as a means of psychological correction of a child’s condition in the desired direction of development. Numerous techniques music therapy provide for both the holistic use of music as the main and leading influence factors (listening to musical works, playing music), and the addition musical accompaniment other corrective techniques to enhance their impact. Today this method is actively used in the correction of emotional abnormalities in children. younger age. They concern their fears, motor and speech disorders, psychosomatic diseases, behavioral abnormalities, etc.

Let's look at what goals music therapy achieves:

    Allows you to overcome the child’s psychological defense - calm down or, conversely, activate, tune in, interest.

    Helps develop communication and creative possibilities baby

    Increases self-esteem

    Promotes the establishment and development of interpersonal relationships

    Forms valuable practical skills - playing musical instruments, the ability to sing.

And today you and I have the opportunity to touch magical world music, plunge into it, feel its healing effect.

The power of music lies in the fact that it conveys changes in moods, experiences - the dynamics of emotional and mental states. Children do not need a long explanation of how a person feels when he is sad or happy; All you have to do is play a melody, and kids begin to understand the state of sadness or joy from the first bars. And one of the most striking musical instruments that affects the psyche is violin .

Psychologists have found that with the help of well-known children's songs with kind words, and also folk music, accessible to perception, it is easier to establish contact between children. This kind of music gives children a feeling of security.

Music captivates the child, evokes strong feelings in him, awakens rich internal visual images. By touching music, the child begins to perceive the world in one more way. language-language sensory images.

PROGRAM course of correctional and developmental music therapy classes

TARGET: Formation of a positive emotional background of rehabilitation and positive self-esteem in children with disabilities.

The program is designed to teach the basics musical art in lower grades in class mode additional education, designed for one academic year. This program provides systematic and consistent training. By adhering to the content of the program, the teacher can take a creative approach to conducting classes. It depends on the level of general and musical development children, teacher skill, working conditions.

The program of music-therapeutic classes is compiled according to the principle of contrast, taking into account the physiological laws of comparison of sounding music and determines better “charging” positive emotions. The comparison and alternation of quiet and loud, fast and slow, major and minor music (with a relative predominance of one or the other depending on the type and degree of emotional disorder, deviation in behavior and the stage of correction) follows the same law of contrast. In the sequence of motor exercises, alternation and comparison of movements of opposite nature are also observed, which reflexively affects the harmonization of the mental activity of the brain: its mental and motor activity is streamlined, the mood improves, and the inertia of well-being is relieved, which is very important for children with disabilities.

Basic form educational work with children: music lessons, during which systematic, purposeful and comprehensive education and formation of the emotional-volitional sphere of students is carried out. Classes include rotation various types activities: listening to music, musical-rhythmic exercises, singing, music games, music playing, creative tasks. The program provides classes in theoretical disciplines: musical literacy, conversations about musical and fine arts. Conversations held in classes, children conduct conversations - dialogues, discussions that correspond to the age and degree of development of children, help develop the ability to think logically.

Basic methods: Ø communicative games;

Ø psycho-gymnastic exercises;

Ø singing songs of various types;

Ø finger gymnastics;

Ø elements of relaxation;

Ø conversations and discussions;

Ø drawing;

Ø musical and didactic games;

Ø exercises to develop figurative perception and imagination.

Interesting facts about music therapy

    The famous French actor Gerard Depardieu stuttered badly in his youth. This illness put an end to his just beginning career. But the doctor advised him to spend at least two hours listening to Mozart every day. Two months later, Gerard completely got rid of his stuttering. Thus, music therapy allowed numerous fans to enjoy the talent of the outstanding actor.

    It is possible that soon medicine will be able to fight infectious diseases with the help of music therapy. Some experts argue that the custom in Rus' of constantly ringing church bells during epidemics also had therapeutic reasons.

    Research has shown that composers of military marches intuitively determined the nature of their impact on humans. The rhythms of the marches that sounded during long marches were slightly slower than the rhythm of the calm work of the human heart. Such music increased the endurance of soldiers and relieved fatigue. But the parade marches had a faster rhythm, which had an invigorating and mobilizing effect.


MDOU Novospassky d/s No. 7

MUSIC THERAPY in preschool educational institutions



musical director

Maklakova Elena Mikhailovna.

R.p. Novospasskoye


Music therapy - one of the promising directions in the life of a preschool educational institution. It helps to correct the psychophysical health of children in the process of their life.

There are active (motor improvisations accompanied by verbal commentary corresponding to the nature of the music) and passive (listening to stimulating, calming or stabilizing music specifically or as a background) form of music therapy. Listening to correctly selected music and performing psycho-gymnastic studies by M. Chistyakova increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, headaches and muscle pain, and restores calm breathing.

Modern information, superimposed on ancient knowledge, shows that the sounds of various musical instruments have different effects on the human body: the sound of percussion instruments can give a feeling of stability, confidence in the future, physically invigorate, and give a person strength.

Wind instruments influence the formation of the emotional sphere. Moreover, brass instruments instantly awaken a person from sleep, making him alert and active.

The intellectual sphere corresponds to music performed by keyboard instruments, especially piano music. It is no coincidence that the sound of the piano is called the most mathematical music, and pianists are considered to be among the musical elite, who have clear thinking and a very good memory.

String instruments directly affect the heart. They, especially violins, cellos and guitars, develop a sense of compassion in a person. Vocal music affects the whole body, but most of all the throat.

The expression “charming voice” is very relevant at the present time, since the ability to expressively pronounce an elephant has become a real art of subordinating people to one’s will, creating a certain image, which is extremely important for a politician, a leader and any person who needs

communication skills.

Our breathing is rhythmic. Unless we are doing strenuous exercise or lying quietly, we usually take an average of 25-35 breaths per minute. Listening to fast, loud music after slow music can produce the effect described by Nietzsche: “My objections to Wagner's music are physiological. I find it difficult to breathe when his music affects me.” By slowing down the tempo of a piece of music, you can make your breathing deeper and calmer. Usually chants, modern orchestrations and folk music have this effect.

Body temperature also responds to music. Loud music with strong rhythms can raise the temperature by several degrees and warm us up in the cold, while soft music can cool us down. As Igor Stravinsky noted, “The drums and bass act like a central heating system.”

In kindergarten, children need music throughout the day. This does not mean that it should sound continuously and loudly. Children should listen to music in doses, depending on the time of day, type of activity, and even the children’s mood.

It’s good if the children in the group are greeted in the morning by a friendly teacher who will prudently turn on sunny major-key classical music, good songs with good lyrics. After all, every day a child suffers, even if unnoticeable, trauma - a situation of separation from home and parents. Therefore, one of the health-improving and preventive tasks of preschool educational institutions should becreating optimal conditions for the daily reception of childrento their second home - a kindergarten. And music provides an invaluable service in this regard.

To relax, relieve emotional and physical stress, and for a pleasant immersion in daytime sleep, you need to take advantage of the beneficial influence of melodic classical and modern relaxing music filled with the sounds of nature (the rustling of leaves, the voices of birds, the chirping of insects, the sound of sea waves and the cry of dolphins, the babbling of a brook). Children calm down and relax on a subconscious level.

Teachers should pay special attention to the musical reflex awakening of children after a nap. This technique was developed by N. Efimenko as opposed to the standard awakening of children by the teacher’s loud command “Rise!” For this purpose, quiet, gentle, light, joyful music is used.

A small composition should be kept constant for about a month so that the baby develops a waking up reflex. Hearing the sound of familiar music, it will be easier and calmer for children to move from a state of complete rest to active activity. In addition, you can perform sets of exercises to the music without getting your children out of bed.



Children perform movements according to the text.

Here are the fluffy bunnies

They sleep peacefully in their cribs.

But the bunnies have enough sleep,

It's time for the little ones to wake up.

Let's pull the right handle,

Let's pull the left handle,

We open our eyes,

We play with legs:

We draw our legs in,

Straighten your legs

Now let's run quickly

Along the forest path.

Let's turn from side to side

And we’ll be completely awake!

Wake up, little eyes!

Wake up, little eyes! Are your eyes all awake?

Children lie on their backs, lightly stroking their closed eyes.

Wake up, ears! Are your ears all awake?

Rub your ears with your palms.

Wake up, hands! Are your hands all awake?

Rub your arms from hand to shoulder.

Wake up, legs! Are your legs all awake?

They tap their heels on the bed.

- Wake up, kids!

We woke up! They stretch, then clap their hands.


Who's already woken up?

Who reached out so sweetly?

Stretch and stretch

From the toes to the top of the head.

We'll stretch, stretch,

We won't stay small

We are already growing, growing, growing!

N. Pikuleva

Children stretch, alternately stretch out their right arm, then their left, arching their backs.


Little kittens are funny guys:

They curl up into a ball, then unfold again.

Children lie on their backs, arms along the body. They bend their knees, pull their legs to their chest, clasp their knees with their hands, and return them to her.

To make the back flexible,

So that your legs are quick,

Kittens do back exercises.

Children lie on their backs, hands “locked” behind their heads, legs bent at the knees.. Tilt of the knees to the left, in and out. p., bend the knees to the right, in and. p.

The locomotive puffed and took the kittens for a walk.

Children sit with their feet together and their hands resting behind them. Bend your legs at the knees, pull them to your chest with the sound “f-f” as you exhale.

Is it time for the kittens to have their afternoon snack? Their tummies are growling.

Children sit cross-legged, one hand on their stomach, the other on their chest. Inhale through the nose, drawing in the stomach; exhale through the mouth, inflating the stomach.

The kittens got up and reached the sun.

Children stand on the floor, raise their arms up, and stretch.


Little kids

Little children are sleeping

Everyone is snoring with their noses,

Everyone is snoring with their noses,

Everyone is watching a magical dream.

The dream is magical and colorful,

And a little funny.

I dream of a mischievous bunny,

He hurries to his home.

Dreaming of a pink baby elephant -

He's like a little child

He laughs, he plays,

But he doesn’t fall asleep.

Sleep, little children!

A sparrow sits on a branch.

He tweets and you can hear:|

Hush, hush, hush, hush...|

N. Baydavletova

Lullaby of the bear cubs


I sing a song to Sasha

About funny teddy bears,

What are they sitting under the tree?

One sucks a paw

The other one is nibbling on the seeds.

The third sat down on a tree stump,

Sings a song loudly:

“Sasha, sleep, go to sleep,

Close your eyes..."


(lullaby of the Ural Cossacks)


There is a house on the edge.

He is not poor, not rich,

The room is full of guys.

The room is full of guys,

Everyone is sitting on benches,

Everyone is sitting on benches,

They eat sweet porridge.

Maslenaya porridge,

The spoons are painted.

The cat is sitting nearby,

He looks at the kids.

You, little cat,

Your pubis is gray

White skin,

I'll give you kokurka (butter cookies).

Come, little cat, to rock my babies, to rock my babies, to lull them to sleep.

And the night will have an end...

(Russian folk lullaby)

Bye-bye, bye-bye,

And the night will have an end.

And while the kids

Sleeps in cribs until morning.

The cow is sleeping, the bull is sleeping,

A bug is sleeping in the garden.

And the kitten next to the cat

He sleeps behind the stove in a basket.

The grass sleeps on the lawn,

The leaves are sleeping on the trees,

The sedge sleeps by the river,

Catfish and perch are sleeping.

Bye-bye, Sandman is sneaking,

He carries dreams around the house.

And he came to you, baby,

You are already sleeping so sweetly.



Music for meeting children and their free activities

Classic works:

1. Bach I. “Prelude in C major.”

2. Bach I. “Joke.”

3. Brahms I. “Waltz”.

4. Vivaldi A. “Seasons”.

5. Haydn I. “Serenade”.

6. Kabalevsky D. “Clowns”.

7. Kabalevsky D. “Peter and the Wolf.”

8. Lyadov A. “Musical snuffbox”.

9. Mozart V. “Little Night Serenade.”

10. Mozart V. “Turkish Rondo”.

11. Mussorgsky M. “Pictures at an Exhibition.”

12. Rubinstein A. “Melody”.

13. Sviridov G. “Military March”.

14. Tchaikovsky P. “Children’s Album.”

15. Tchaikovsky P. “Seasons”.

16. Tchaikovsky P. “The Nutcracker” (excerpts from the ballet).

17. Chopin F. “Waltzes”.

18. Strauss I. “Waltzes”.

19. Strauss I. “Trick-Truck Polka.”

Children's songs:

1. “Antoshka” (Yu. Entin, V. Shainsky).

2. “Bu-ra-ti-no” (from the film “Pinocchio”, Yu. Entin, A. Rybnikov).

3. “Be kind” (A. Sanin, A. Flyarkovsky).

4. “Cheerful Travelers” (S. Mikhalkov, M. Staroka-


5. “We divide everything in half” (M. Plyatskovsky, V. Shainsky).

6. “Where the Wizards Are” (from the film “Dunno from Our Yard”, Yu. Entin, M. Minkov).

7. “Long live surprise” (from the film “Dunno from Our Yard”, Yu. Entin, M. Minkov).

8. “If you are kind” (from the film “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat”, M. Plyatskovsky, B. Savelyev).

9. “Bells” (from the film “Adventures of Electronics”, Y. Entin, E. Krylatov).

10. “Winged swing” (from the film “Adventures of Electronics”,

Yu. Entin, G. Gladkov).

11. “Rays of hope and goodness” (art and music by E. Voitenko).

12. “A True Friend” (from the film “Timka and Dimka”, M. Plyatskovsky, B. Savelyev).

13. “Song of the Bremen Town Musicians” (Yu. Entin, G. Gladkov).

14. “Song about wizards” (V. Lugovoi, G. Gladkov).

15. “Song of the Brave Sailor” (from the film “Blue Puppy”, Yu. Entin, G. Gladkov).

16. “The Beautiful is Far Away” (from the film “Guest from the Future”, Yu. En-tin, E. Krylatov).

17. “Dance of the Ducklings” (French folk song).

Music to wake up after a nap

Classic works:

1. Boccherini L. “Minuet”.

2. Grieg E. “Morning”.

3. Dvorak A. “Slavic dance”.

4. Lute music of the 17th century.

5. Liszt F. “Consolations”.

6. Mendelssohn F. “Song without words.”

7. Mozart V. “Sonatas”.

8. Mussorgsky M. “Ballet of Unhatched Chicks.”

9. Mussorgsky M. “Dawn on the Moscow River.”

10. Saint-Sane K. “Aquarium”.

11. Tchaikovsky P. “Waltz of the Flowers.”

12. Tchaikovsky P. “Winter Morning”.

13. Tchaikovsky P. “Song of the Lark.”

14. Shostakovich D. “Romance”.

15. Schumann R. “May, dear May!”

Music for relaxation

Classic works:

1. Albinoni T. “Adagio”.

2. Bach I. “Aria from Suite No. 3.”

3. Beethoven L. “Moonlight Sonata”.

4. Gluck K. “Melody”.

5. Grieg E. “Solveig’s Song.”

6. Debussy K. “Moonlight”.

7. Lullabies.

8. Rimsky-Korsakov N. “The Sea”.

9. Sviridov G. “Romance”.

10. Saint-Sane K. “Swan”.

11. Tchaikovsky P. “Autumn Song.”

12. Tchaikovsky P. “Sentimental Waltz.”

13. Chopin F. “Nocturne in G minor.”

Master class for parents of preschool children "Music therapy in the health care system"

Author: Tatyana Anatolyevna Gulyaeva, music director of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 19 of the joint venture “Karablik Kindergarten”
Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region

The material is relevant for teachers of kindergartens and schools.
Target: to reveal the possibilities of music therapy in preventing diseases and improving the health of children and adults.
-teach vocal therapy techniques based on diaphragmatic breathing;
-offer practical musical material for use at home;
-teach techniques for relaxing muscles and expressing emotions.
Hello, dear parents! There is no need to convince anyone that music can create a certain mood and evoke corresponding emotions. But not everyone knows that she is also an excellent doctor. Meanwhile, the ability of sounds to heal was noticed long ago by ancient healers. Music therapy is not limited to psycho-emotional effects, it is able to penetrate the body not only through the hearing organs, but also through the skin, since it has a wave nature, and in the skin there are vibration receptors that perceive sound waves, which, acting at a certain frequency, trigger the analgesic system. That is, in the mechanism of musical influence there is a phenomenon
bioresonance. It is known that each cell in our body vibrates at a certain frequency, and if these vibrations resonate with sound vibrations, the cell reacts to the sound in a certain way. Cancer cells react very violently to music, and from some music they begin to actively grow and multiply, and from another, on the contrary, their growth slows down. Music therapy also provides a healing effect for diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and bronchopulmonary pathologies.
What kind of music does listening to have a healing effect? This is basically classical works performed symphony orchestra : “Ave Maria” by Schubert, “Moonlight Sonata” by Beethoven, “Swan” by Saint-Saëns relieve tension; “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by Tchaikovsky can cure stomach ulcers; the creative impulse is stimulated by Dunaevsky’s “March” from the film “Circus”, Ravel’s “Bolero”, Khachaturian’s “Sabre Dance”; to prevent fatigue, you need to listen to “Morning” by Grieg, “The Seasons” by Tchaikovsky; complete relaxation can be obtained after listening to Shostakovich’s “Waltz” from the film “Gadfly”, “Blizzard” by Sviridov; normalizes blood pressure and cardiac activity Mendelssohn's “Wedding March”; relieves headaches and neurosis by listening to Oginski’s “Polonaise”; Grieg's Peer Gynt suite normalizes sleep and brain function; Beethoven's "Sonata No. 7" cures gastritis, and Mozart's music helps develop the mental abilities of children. Do not overuse listening to rock or too loud aggressive music, as this is fraught with the accumulation of negative emotions, nervous tension and excitement.
Besides, sound of individual instruments((clarinet, cello, violin, flute, piano, organ, etc.) at a moderate tempo and volume of sound affects different organs and parts of the body. The clarinet activates the circulatory system; the violin and piano are soothing; the flute has a positive effect on the bronchi and lungs; cello - on the genitourinary system; the harp harmonizes the work of the heart, relieves heart pain, relieves arrhythmia; the organ brings you into a state of spiritual harmony; trombone has a positive effect on the skeletal system, relieves tension in the spine; drums clear energy channels.
For correction purposes psycho-emotional states children, I offer all parents a selection of “therapeutic” musical works, both performed by a symphony orchestra and in the sound of individual instruments.
With the help of children's songs you can also correct the condition of children. A major, cheerful, dynamic melody can lift the mood, speed up the heart, raising blood pressure and quickening the pulse, while minor, melodic, calm music is appropriate when it is necessary, as they say, to “moderate the ardor,” relieve overexcitement, for relaxation.
With the onset of the winter period, with exacerbation of bronchopulmonary diseases, it is especially important to use vocal therapy. The effect of vowel sounds on the body is different, since each vowel has its own amplitude of vibration of the vocal cords. Singing some vowels recharges you with energy, others - calms, relaxes, relieves tension, which is an excellent prevention against stress. In addition, each sound affects a specific organ. For example, "A" has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and large intestine, stimulates energy;
"ABOUT" stimulates liver function;
"U" helps stabilize emotions, affects the psyche;
"E" affects cellular level, stimulates cell regeneration;
"E" helps overcome inferiority complex;
"AND" improves brain function;
"I" activates internal forces body, immune system;
"Yu" the sound of youth, renewal, has a beneficial effect on the kidneys and skin.
The most important sounds are “A” and “O”; these are donors that give the body energy.
Usage full breath helps achieve the desired healing effect.
Before singing vowel sounds, you need to take a ballerina’s pose, take a deep breath (“belly”), hold your breath and then use the energy of a full exhalation, imagining how the sound goes up like a golden thread. Such diaphragmatic breathing strengthens the respiratory system, which helps increase resistance to colds and other diseases, and is also effective means removal of toxins and cleansing of the body, massage of internal organs. The pitch of the voice should be comfortable for the singer, the duration should be until full exhalation, the time of singing one vowel should be several minutes.
Very effective for healing sound games with consonants. Games with sound "IN" It is useful to perform when a runny nose begins. “Close your eyes, spread your arms and sound like a plane that is far away, then it gets closer (the sound gets louder), then it sounds very loud, then the plane moves away.” Or the sound game “Wind”, when “B” sounds, simulating the howling of the wind. You can also play with the sound "AND"(“Beetles”), with which you can relieve a cough, or with sound "Z"- if your throat hurts. Playing with sounds will help relieve fatigue "Tr-tr-tr"(“Start the engine”), "SH", which relaxes and relieves tension (“Blowing off the balloon”). Games can be accompanied by movements, which children really like.
Exercises and sketches from “Psychogymnastics” by M. Chistyakova will help create a calm mood, a relaxed state of musculature, and relieve tension.
During the training with parents we conducted muscle relaxation studies « old mushroom", "Icicle", "Barbell" and sketches for the expression of various emotions“Sour and Sweet”, “The Fox is Eavesdropping”.
An important factor in achieving mental, and therefore physical health and psychological stability are the Formulas of musical self-hypnosis:
1.Formulas of psychological stability: “I walk firmly through life”, “Only laugh” and others.
Example: "Just laugh!"
Just laugh and smile, but don’t give up, don’t give up.
And get up, and straighten up, hold tight and laugh again!
2. Formulas for accepting misfortune: “No matter what happens to me” (smile during failures), “I forgot about my failures” (forgetting failures) and others.
Example: “I forgot about my failures”
I forgot my defeats, I forgot my sorrows,
I forgot what was weighing me down, everything that was weighing heavily on my heart.
I don’t remember anything bad, and I don’t need any other happiness,
I don’t call, I don’t regret, I don’t cry, I forgot my failures.
3. Formula for relaxation and calm: "Oh peace, silence"(lullaby to myself)
Oh, peace, silence and anticipation of sleep.
It’s sweet to me in silence, soft light pours into my soul.
Take a break from your worries, go to sleep, dear friend,
And quickly, in silence, forget everything that was around.
4. Formula for protection against anxiety and bad thoughts: “Do not strain yourself in any work”
In any work, do not tense up, and if you are tense, relax quickly.
Tense muscles are a source of anxiety; they send fatigue into the mind and brain.
And if you relax them, you won’t get tired for a long time, you’ll be healthy, fresh, like a bright May day!
5. Formula for positive thoughts: “My life is what I think about it”
My life is what I think about it, my strength is what I think about it.
My will is what I think about it, my health is what I think about it.
I think that my life is wonderful, I think that I am very happy.
I believe that I do not live and think in vain, and my fate will grant me happiness!
6.Formula for increasing self-esteem and positive perception of others "I am good, you are good"
Ya, I, I'm good. I, I, I am calm. I, I, I'm healthy. I, I, I'm funny.
I'm, I'm very smart. I, I'm very kind. I, I'm very strong. I, I'm very brave.
I, I, I love you. I, I, I love you. I, I, I love you. I love you.
You, you, you are the smartest. You, you, you are the kindest. You, you, you are the most tender. You, you, you are the best.
You, you, you are just a miracle. You, you, you are simply amazing. You, you, you are just an angel. You, you, you are a gift of fate.
Those interested are also offered Fasting Formulas, Health Formulas for cardiovascular diseases, diseases of internal organs, bronchial asthma, and pain in the legs.
(Formula with musical accompaniment are contained in the book by V. Petrushin “Musical Psychotherapy”)
What is their effectiveness? They are aimed at forming in a person such principles in relation to the life around him that would contribute to harmony of his inner world. Persistence in the face of failures, protection from negative thoughts, the ability to enjoy life and thank fate constitute the main content of these formulas. They are aimed at instilling faith in life and searching for those support points in it that give it meaning. Orientations towards meaning and action are an important factor mental health and psychological resilience.