Program for the festival of national cultures. Children's festival of national cultures "all the colors of the rainbow" project on the theme. Competitive nominations, categories and age groups

Program of events that will take place in the capital at the Moscow Children's Festival national cultures“My Home is Moscow” was presented on December 7 at a press conference at the Department of Education.

Initially, the initiative to hold the festival came from representatives of Moscow national public associations, then it was supported by the Department of Education and the Department national policy and interregional connections. One of the results of the joint work was this large-scale project to introduce schoolchildren to the peoples who live in Moscow,” said Deputy Head of the Department of Education Igor Pavlov.

As the head of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations Vitaly Suchkov noted, representatives of more than 160 nationalities live in Moscow. The festival allows children from an early age to become acquainted with the traditions of their neighbors and teaches them to respect their national characteristics.

The main objectives of the festival are to unite and introduce schoolchildren to the culture and contribution of each nationality to the development of the city. The press conference was attended by the President of the Regional public organization“Union of Gagauzes” Fedor Dragoi. He was one of the first to propose creating a children's festival of national cultures. The “My Home - Moscow” program was first launched in September 2016. The venue for it was the Vorobyovy Gory educational complex.

The structure of the festival consists of “Days of National Culture” and a competition program. In the first part, schoolchildren present the traditions of the peoples living in Moscow: national cuisine, dances, decorative applied creativity. The competition program consists of thematic tasks. For example, last year the guys represented nationalities on the topics “We defended Moscow”, “The contribution of my people to the history of Russia and the city”, “National musical instruments”.

On December 16, an interethnic gala concert will take place on the territory of the Vorobyovy Gory educational complex. Irina Sivtsova, director of the Vorobyovy Gory educational complex, spoke about what awaits Muscovites.

The multinational holiday will begin with a street program, which includes dog and reindeer riding and winter games. Santa Clauses will also gather there different nations, - noted Irina Sivtsova.

The events of the two directions of the Moscow Children's Festival of National Cultures “My Home is Moscow” are distributed for three years in advance and will not be held in separate sections, but adjacently. The 2018 program will include more than 13 national holidays, competitions and performances. Their main goal is to show that every nation makes its own invaluable contribution to the formation general culture capitals.

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To implement the conservation program cultural values and the national identity of the population of the Serafimovichsky district of the Volgograd region, as well as in order to create conditions for the unity and cohesion of a multinational society, we propose to create a space for the implementation of cultural and traditional ideas of representatives of nations living in the territory of the Serafimovichsky district, as well as to develop an information base and create cultural funds , ensure their availability.
The project is a complex of events, different in format and target audience, which will allow reaching a large number of participants.
The project program includes 3 stages: creation of an information booklet “At the Crossroads of Cultures” and holding a youth action “Together friendly family"; opening of the exhibition "Multinational Don"; and the final stage will be the holding of the festival of national cultures “Together”. The result of the project will be the awakening in the younger generation of interest, respect and understanding of the rich diversity of cultures and national traditions of the region’s population.


  1. To promote the creation of conditions for the unity and cohesion of a multinational society living in the territory of the Serafimovichsky municipal district of the Volgograd region


  1. Collection of information on the territorial distribution of nationalities living in the Serafimovichsky district.
  2. Creation of a collection of exhibits of household items, costumes, folk crafts, arts and crafts and fine arts nationalities living on the territory of the Serafimovichsky municipal district.
  3. Meeting creative folk groups different nationalities.
  4. Propaganda of friendship of peoples in the territory of the Serafimovichsky municipal district.
  5. Involving different age categories of area residents in the study national composition population of the Serafimovichsky municipal district.
  6. Unity and cohesion of a multinational society living on the territory of the Serafimovichsky municipal district

Justification of social significance

In the Volgograd region, the second largest area in terms of area is Serafimovichsky district. It consists of 1 urban and 14 rural settlements. In total, there are 73 settlements in the region. The Serafimovichi land has long been famous for its history, traditions and multinational population. 23,575 people live here.
Due to the remoteness of many settlements from the regional center, due to the weakening interest of the indigenous population in studying the history, traditions and culture of representatives of various nationalities living nearby, as well as the lack of space for the embodiment of cultural and original national ideas, the value of the colorfulness of the population of the region is lost.
To maintain the unity and cohesion of a multinational society, it is necessary to provide assistance and create a basis for exchange cultural heritage, getting to know the wealth of traditions and folk art.

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In conditions of national revival Russian Federation the priority task in the field of raising children is the development a highly moral personality who shares Russian traditional spiritual values, possessing up-to-date knowledge and skills, capable of realizing their potential in the conditions of modern society, ready for the peaceful creation and defense of the Motherland. In other words, we must develop national self-awareness in children, which is considered as the highest level of spiritual manifestation of the individual.

This task is widely disclosed in the “Strategy for the Development of Education in the Russian Federation for the Period until 2025,” where one of the main priorities is considered to be “the formation in children of a high level of spiritual and moral development, a sense of involvement in the historical and cultural community of the Russian people and the fate of Russia.”

Today's youth are in extremely extreme conditions: a revolution in the social structure and an economic crisis are accompanied by a crisis national consciousness. Often the younger generation is brought up on the basis of many negative subcultures that destroy the national and cultural self-identification of the younger generation.

Therefore, the most important task today is the preservation of the national unity of Russia, the spiritual improvement of society, which is impossible without educating the younger generation of national self-awareness.

At school it is necessary to create conditions for children to develop:

  • active citizenship, civic responsibility based on traditional cultural, spiritual and moral values Russian society;
  • promote the development of a culture of interethnic communication;
  • to form commitment to the ideas of internationalism, friendship, equality, mutual assistance of peoples;
  • bring up respectful attitude to the national dignity of people, their feelings, religious beliefs;

The purpose of the festival of national cultures: Forming in children respect for the history and culture of the peoples of Russia through acquaintance with the peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation, with their traditions and customs.

Objectives of the festival:

Identification of talented children, creation of conditions for the realization of their creative potential;

Acquaintance with the cultures of the peoples inhabiting the territory of the Russian Federation;

To promote the development of responsibility and the principles of collectivism in children, which contributes to the formation of a sense of citizenship.

In the era of reforms of the Russian economy, politics, culture, we should help to the younger generation to form a level of national self-awareness that will allow him to find his worthy place in life, transform national and civil reality, managing the positive development of society.

In preparation for the festival, each class (5-11) chose one nationality that lives in Russia. We conducted research in order to get acquainted with the life, tradition and national costume of this people.

The festival itself lasted 2 days. The festival's competitive program includes the following nominations:

  • “National traditions and rituals”

Participants of the competition present a description or demonstrate national rituals, and also tell the traditions of their people.

  • “National Games”

The competition participants represent national and folk games, conducting them on festival participants.

Demonstration of national costume or its details. The demonstration is accompanied by a story about the history, symbolism and methods of making this product.

  • “Arts and crafts”

Authors take part in the competition program of this nomination creative works and keepers of family heirlooms ( folk toy, embroidery, weaving, patchwork, knitting, weaving, beads, wood carving, ceramics, etc.).

  • “Dish of national cuisine”

Participants in the competition must: present the prepared dishes, talk about the national traditions associated with these dishes, and colorfully prepare the recipes for the presented dishes.

  • “National songs and dances”

Participants of the competition perform national songs, works of folklore in the national language, and demonstrate national dances.

Contest participants can choose any nomination (participation in several nominations is allowed). The duration of participants' presentations is no more than 5 minutes.

The winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd places) in each festival category are awarded certificates of honor. At the end of the festival, all participants are awarded with thanks.

The obtained result fully corresponds to the set goal. Appendix 1

Scenario for the festival of national cultures

1 day

Slide 1. The Russian anthem plays

Slide 2. The festival opens with the vocal group “Fantasy” with the song “You live, my Russia.” Appendix 2

Presenter 1:

I love you, Russia
I want you to bloom
Like a bird in the blue sky,
Opened two wings
You warmed half the planet
One hundred nations, one hundred tribes
We are your own children
Let the sky turn blue
Germans, Russians, Bashkirs
And Kazakhs and Mordovians
Live in good
The world is like leaves on a tree.

Slide 4. Video “Russia is a multinational state”

Presenter 2: Russia is a multinational state, which is also reflected in its constitution. More than 190 peoples live on its territory

Presenter 1:

Russians, Kazakhs, Tatars and Armenians,
We are black, and blond, and dark, and white.
In Russia - on native land,
We all live as a big and friendly family.

Presenter 2: The differences between peoples are enormous, different story, religion, living conditions, everyday life, features of costume, national cuisine, traditions and rituals.

Presenter 1: In preparation for the festival, each class collected information about the culture of one of its chosen peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Presenter 2. The next stage of our festival is the presentation of the collected material in six categories.

2. National costume

3. National songs and dances

5. National cuisine

6. National games

Presenter 1: Well, since this is a competitive program, all performances will be evaluated by a strict but fair jury.

Presenter 2: We wish good luck to all festival participants.

Performance by classes (5-7) (the presenters give brief information about the people, and the classes show their preparations in one of the nominations).

Slide 6. Republic of Altay - capital Gorno-Altaisk

Slide 7. Chuvash Republic - Capital Cheboksary

Slide 8. By the will of fate, the Koreans found themselves cut off from their historical homeland. But living in Russia, they honor their customs and traditions.

Slide 9. Republic of Bashkortostan - capital Ufa

Slide 10. Residents of Russia of Armenian origin. According to the 2010 census, over 1,182 thousand people lived in Russia.

Slide 11. North Ossetia (Alania) - capital Vladikavkaz

Slide 12. Republic of Tatarstan - capital Kazan

Slide 13. Udmurt Republic, capital – Izhevsk.

Slide 14. Ukrainians in Russia occupy 3rd place in terms of their permanent population; in fact, more than 5 million Ukrainians live in Russia.

Presenter 1:

Friendship of peoples is not just words,
The friendship of peoples is forever alive.
Friendship of peoples - happy children,
The ear is in the field and strength is in full bloom.

Presenter 2: Dear friends, the first day of our festival has come to an end.

Day 2 of the festival.

Slide 1. Anthem of Russia

Slide 2 Song “Star Russia”, vocal group “Fantasy”. Appendix 3

Presenter 1:

Different peoples have lived in Russia for a long time.
Some people like the taiga,
For others, the expanse of the steppe.

Presenter 2:

Each nation has its own language and dress.
One wears a shirt,
The other one put on a robe.

Presenter 1:.

One is a fisherman from birth,
The other is a reindeer herder.
One is preparing kumiss,
The other one prepares honey.

Presenter 2:

Autumn is one of the sweeter ones,
For others, spring is dearer.
And we all have one Motherland, Russia!

Presenter 1: We continue the festival of national cultures.

Performance by grade (8-11).

Slide 4. Abkhazia is not part of either Russia or Georgia. But the vast majority of Abkhazians - 80-90% - are citizens of Russia and speak Russian

Slide 5. According to the Constitution of the Republic, Buryatia is a democratic state governed by the rule of law. It is part of the Siberian Federal District. The capital is the city of Ulan-Ude.

Slide 6. Cossacks are not a separate people. These are representatives of a complex social group, the military class, which developed on the outskirts of the Russian state in the 15th - XVII centuries. Currently, there are 11 Cossack societies operating in the Russian Federation, in particular:

1. Transbaikal Cossack army;

2. Terek Cossack army;

3. The Great Don Army;

4. Volga Cossack army;

5. Central Cossack army;

6. Yenisei Cossack army;

7. Irkutsk Cossack army;

8. Kuban Cossack army;

9. Siberian Cossack army;

10. Orenburg Cossack army;

11. Ussuri Cossack army.

Slide 7. NIVKHI, Nivkh (self-name - “man”), Gilyaks (obsolete), people in Russia. They live in the Khabarovsk Territory on the lower Amur and on Sakhalin Island (mainly in the northern part).

According to the 2002 census, 5 thousand Nivkhs live in Russia.

They speak an isolated Nivkh language.

Officially they were considered Orthodox, but retained traditional beliefs (the cult of nature, the bear, shamanism, etc.).

Slide 8. Russians are the most numerous people in the Russian Federation. According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 15, 1996 No. 909 “On approval of the Concept of State Ethnic Policy in the Russian Federation,” “interethnic relations in the country will largely be determined by the national well-being of the Russian people, who are the pillar of Russian statehood.”

Slide 9. Russian Gypsies are one of the most educated nationalities in Russia with a wide range of professions. They distinguished themselves noticeably in the musical field; stand at the origins of the gypsy romance.

Slide 10. The Chechen Republic is the capital of Grozny. Chechens are famous for their politicians, cultural and artistic figures, athletes and religious figures.

Slide 11. Presenter 1: Our festival is coming to an end, the purpose of which was to show that the cultures of different peoples complement and enrich each other. All peoples should live in peace and friendship, since we all come from the same roots.

Presenter 2: And the most important thing is that today we saw how diverse the world around us is, that we are so different from each other, but at the same time we have so much in common.

Presenter 1. And now we are pleased to give the floor to the jury in the nomination:

1. National traditions and rituals

2. National costume (award + musical number from the best numbers presented in the “National Songs and Dances” nomination).

3. National songs and dances (award + musical number from the best numbers presented in the “National Songs and Dances” nomination).

5. National cuisine

6. National games

Presenter 2:

There are a lot of nations in our world,
And their culture is always valuable.
So let the customs continue,
On dear Mother Earth.

Let the culture be carefully preserved,
Heaven will be kind
To each of the untouched traditions,
What do warm hearts bring?

Presenter 1: We wish all participants of the festival, everyone present in the hall peace and happiness!

Presenter 2: Let everyone remember that... (together) Russia is our common home!