Industrial automation in Russia: problems, experience, solutions. Automation of production processes (compendium)

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Automated production processes are processes in which the main work on the manufacture of products is fully automated, and auxiliary work is fully or partially automated. The functions of the worker are reduced to monitoring and controlling the operation of automatic machines, loading and unloading raw materials. finished products.  

A comprehensively automated production process is described by the following equations.  

Automated production processes are understood as those in which the main work on the manufacture of products is fully automated, and auxiliary work is fully or partially automated.  

Automated production processes are understood as those in which the main work on the manufacture of products is fully automated, and auxiliary work is fully or partially automated. The functions of the worker are reduced to monitoring and controlling the operation of automatic machines, loading raw materials and unloading finished products.  

Automated production processes are understood as those in which the main work on the manufacture of products is fully automated, and auxiliary work is fully or partially automated. The functions of the worker are reduced to monitoring and controlling the operation of automatic machines, loading raw materials and unloading finished products.  

This approach to automated production processes has many advantages. The fact that they are cheap and pay for themselves quickly makes them very easy to push through to the top brass. One of the most striking management arguments against the introduction of large automatic installations is that the demand for a product may change before the automatic installation designed for it is put into operation.  

The most important stage in creating an automated production process is choosing the most appropriate option technological process.  

Optimal technological options for manufacturing finished products should serve as the basis for an automated production process. The name Mechanical Engineering Technology is currently incorrectly attributed to existing courses and educational specialties, which are essentially cutting processing.  

In modern industrial enterprises, in metallurgical, chemical, oil refining and other industries with automated production processes, measuring technology is used mainly for monitoring production processes(their parameters), combined with automatic regulation and control, and quality control of products. Although control of the production process, carried out through one or another of its parameters, pursues a different goal than measuring individual quantities, namely, checking the degree (within established limits) of fulfillment of specified modes (parameters), nevertheless, the control process has much in common with measurement as in methodology and equipment. An example is measuring transducers, which convert all kinds of non-electrical quantities into electrical ones and are widely used in both measurement and control. In addition, in devices used for control, in some cases, measurements are carried out if, for example, it is necessary to know the numerical values ​​of the controlled parameter and its changes over time.  

In many cases, when conducting various kinds of scientific experimental research, testing new types of equipment, as well as when monitoring automated production processes, documentary recording of the values ​​over time of controlled non-electrical quantities is used. In these cases, instead of an indicator device, a device is used that registers (records) the electrical signals arriving at its input. The most widely used are magnetic and oscillographic recordings of electrical signals.  

Since automation contains the possibility of increasing technical and economic indicators, when developing a control algorithm one must strive to ensure that the automated production process proceeds optimally. This means that, other things being equal, the productivity of the equipment should be maximum, the quality of the resulting products should be high, energy costs should be minimal and, as a consequence, the cost of the finished product should be low.  

Each unit should, if possible, have the smallest dimensions, weight and cost; the design of the converter must be technologically advanced, allow the use of automated production processes in its manufacture and provide favorable conditions for operation.  

Previously, when production processes were not automated, and technology was largely based on the experience and skills of people, when measuring technology was not as developed as it is now, attempts to clearly comprehend the search for the most reasonable optimal solutions, and even more so, attempts to build optimal systems were pointless. Now the issues of building scientifically based and automated production processes are becoming relevant. Consequently, the role of the optimum problem, the problem of choosing the single most rational solution, increases.  

Automation of production


1.1. Fundamentals, terminology and directions of APP.

One of the main directions of human activity is the improvement of production processes in order to facilitate heavy physical labor and increase the efficiency of the process as a whole - this direction can be realized through the automation of production processes.

So, the purpose of the APP is:

- increased productivity;

- quality improvement;

- improving working conditions.

The goal gives rise to questions about what and how to automate, the feasibility and necessity of automation, and other tasks.

As you know, the technological process consists of three main parts:

- working cycle, - the main technical. process;

- idling, - auxiliary operations;

- transport and storage operations.

Main tech. the process is closely related to AIDS. Consider AIDS:

C is the automation of working and idling movements of all machine mechanisms (automatic main movement, feeds and auxiliary operations).

P – automation of installation, fixation of parts on the machine. I – APP requirements for tools.

D – technological requirements of the APP for the part. Besides,

Auxiliary operations are the automation of loading, unloading, installation, orientation, fixation, transportation, accumulation and control of parts. From all of the above, it is clear that the APP has an integrated approach and, not

Having solved one problem, we may not achieve the desired effect. Automation is a direction of production development characterized by

freeing a person not only from muscular efforts to perform certain movements, but also from the operational control of the mechanisms performing these movements.

Automation can be partial or complete.

Partial automation– automation of part of the operation to manage the production process, provided that the rest of all operations are performed automatically (human management and control).

An example would be – auto. line (AL), consisting of several automatic machines and having an automatic interoperational transport system. The line is controlled by a single processor.

Full automation– characterized by the automatic performance of all functions to carry out the production process without direct human intervention in the operation of the equipment. A person's responsibilities include setting up a machine or group of machines, turning it on and monitoring it.

Example: automatic section or workshop.

1.2. Organizational and technical features of automation.

Analyzing the trend and history of development of industrial automation. processes, we can note four main stages at which tasks of varying complexity were solved.

These are: 1. Automation of the work cycle, creation of automatic and semi-automatic machines.

2. Automation of machine systems, creation of AL, complexes and modules.

3. Production automation complexes. processes with the creation of automatic workshops and factories.

4. Creation of flexible automated production with automation of serial and small-scale production, engineering and management work.

1 At the first stage, universal equipment was modernized. As we know, the processing time of one product is determined by the formula:

T = tP + tX

Thus, to increase the productivity of the equipment, the time tP and tX was reduced and tP and tX were combined, which means that if a machine, in addition to working strokes (tP), can independently perform idle strokes (tX), then it is an automatic machine.

It must be taken into account that idle movements should be understood not only as the movement of individual machine components without processing, but also as loading, orientation of the part, and their fixation. However, as practice has shown, automation of universal machines has its limits in terms of productivity, i.e. the growth in labor productivity was no higher than 60%. Therefore, later they began to create special automatic machines using new principles:

Multi-tool and multi-position automatic machines were used in production lines, which was the highest form of the first stage of automation ( block diagram see table 1).

Block diagram of machine No. 1

Automatic (bar)










working strokes

idle speed


Longitudinal support Transverse support 1 Transverse support 2 Transverse support 3 Transverse support 4 Transverse support 5 Threaded device.

Bar feed mechanism Clamping mechanism Spindle unit rotation mechanism Locking mechanism

Distribution shaft Overrunning mechanism Brakes Release mechanism in the absence of a rod

2 At the second stage, an AL is created (block diagram, see Table 2).

AL is called an automatic system of machines located in technological

logical sequence, combined by means of transportation and control, automatically performing a set of operations in addition to monitoring and adjustment.

The creation of AL required solving more complex problems. So one of them is - Creation of an automatic system for inter-machine transportation of processed parts, taking into account the unequal rhythm of machine operation (the time for operations is different); and also the timing of their downtime due to problems does not coincide. The inter-machine transportation system should include not only conveyors, but also automatic storage stores to create the consumption of inter-operational reserves, control devices and blocking of the machine system. In this case, it is necessary not only to coordinate the work cycles of individual machines, as well as transport mechanisms, but also to block in case of all sorts of problems (breakdowns, dimensions outside the field limits

permission, etc.).

At the second stage of automation, the following problem is solved: creation of automated control tools, including active control with adjustment of machine operation.

The economic effect is achieved not only by increasing productivity and significantly reducing manual labor costs due to the automation of inter-machine transportation, control, and chip collection.

AL block diagram table. No. 2

3 The third stage of automation was the comprehensive automation of production processes - the creation of automatic workshops and factories.

Automatic workshop or factory called a workshop or plant in which the main production processes are carried out on AL.

Here, the tasks of automating interline and intershop transportation, storage, cleaning and processing of chips, dispatch control and production management are solved (for the structure of the auto shop, see diagram, Fig. 3).

Structure of the automatic workshop table. No. 3



Nonlinear systems



A. line 1 A. line 2

A. line i- 1 A. line i




SU spare details

Emergency blocking control system

Control system for calculating dispatchers' products

Here, the elements performing the working strokes are already AL with its technological rotary machines, transportation and control mechanisms, etc.

In auto In workshops and factories, interline transportation and accumulation of reserves are idle.

The shop floor control system also takes on new, more complex tasks. The most important feature of integrated automation of production processes as a new stage technical progress is the widespread use of computer technology, which allows solving not only the problem of control

production, but also flexible management of those. processes.

4 Flexible automated systems - as the fourth stage of automation, represent the highest fourth stage in the development of technical automation. processes. Designed for technical automation. processes with a replaceable production facility, including for single and small-scale production.

Flexible Manufacturing– a complex concept that includes a whole complex of components + machine flexibility– ease of restructuring of the technological elements of the GAP for the production of a given set of types of parts.

Process flexibility– the ability to produce a given variety of types of parts, including from different parts, in different ways.

Flexibility by product– the ability to quickly and economically switch to the production of a new product.

+ Route flexibility– the ability to continue processing a given set of types of parts in the event of failures of individual technological elements of the hydraulic equipment.

Volume flexibility– the ability of GAP to operate economically at various volumes production.

Flexibility to expand– the possibility of expanding the GAP due to the introduction of new technological elements.

Flexibility of work - the ability to change the order of operations for each type in the part.

Product flexibility– all the variety of products that GAP is capable of producing.

The determining factors are machine and route flexibility. The use of GAP provides a direct economic effect due to

release of personnel and increase in shifts of work and control equipment.

Usually, during the first shift, workpieces, materials, tools, those tasks, control systems, etc. are loaded, this is done with the participation of people. During the second and third shifts, the SAPS works independently under the supervision of a dispatcher.

Lecture No. 2

1.3. Technical and economic automation features.

When analyzing production, it is not enough to know at what stage of mechanization or automation a particular technological process is located. And then the degree of automation. or mechanization (C) is determined by the level of mechanical (M) and automatic (A). Assessment of level M and A is carried out by three main indicators:

- degree of coverage of fur workers. labor (C);

- fur level labor in total labor costs (U T );

- fur level and ed. production Processes (U P). For fur. processing and assembly these indicators:

U T=

∑ PA k

U P=

∑ RO K P M

∑ RO K P M+ P(1 −


The percentage of increase in labor productivity due to its fur. or automation:

(100 − U T 2 ) (100 − U P 1 ) 100

P M (A)=

− 100

(100 − U T 1 ) (100 − U P 2 )

where - index 1 corresponds to the indicators obtained before the mech. and auto;

Index 2 after they are carried out; RA – the number of workers performing work using automatic means;

PO – the total number of workers in the area or workshop under consideration;

To – mechanization coefficient, expressing the ratio of mech time. labor

To total time spent on a given working time.

P – coefficient equipment productivity, characterizing the ratio of the labor intensity of manufacturing parts. on universal equipment. with the lowest productivity, taken as the basis for the labor intensity of manufacturing this part on existing equipment;

M – coefficient. Maintenance, depending on the number of pieces of equipment serviced by one worker (when servicing equipment by several workers M< 1).

A system of three main indicators of the level of fur. and auto. production processes allows:

- assess the condition of the car. production, to reveal reserves to increase labor productivity;

- compare the levels of M. and A. of related industries and industries;

- compare the levels of M. and A. of corresponding objects over periods of implementation and thereby determine directions for further improvement of production processes;

- plan the level of automation.

Along with the above indicators, a criterion for the level of production automation can be used, which quantitatively characterizes the extent to which at a given stage of M. and A. the possibilities of saving labor costs are used, i.e. production growth labor:

∆t HA

100 =

t PM− t CHA

∆t PA

t PM− t PA

where tPM is the complexity of manufacturing a product with complete (complex) mechanization;

tNA and tPA – the complexity of manufacturing with partial and full automatic operation.

1.4. Manufacturability of parts for automated production.

1.4.1. Features of product design in industrial automation conditions


The design of the product must ensure its manufacturability in manufacturing and assembly. The use of automation means increased attention to product design from the point of view of facilitating orientation, positioning, and mating during assembly.

Most of the means are auto. for transportation and orientation of parts they act by touch, i.e. they use the geometric characteristics of parts to achieve orientation and positioning.

Taking this into account, we can say that the choice of one or another means is automatic. will be based on an analysis of the classification of production objects according to geometric parameters (according to their purpose and their relative size).

One of the geometric characteristics is symmetry.

In some cases, the symmetry of parts facilitates automation, while in others it makes it impossible. Example fig. A1, all parts located on the right are symmetrical, which makes orientation unnecessary; rice. A2 illustrates another problem. If the design features of each part are difficult to detect the fur. way, then the solution to the problem is to break the symmetry.

Parts such as cylinders and disks are the most likely candidates for introducing asymmetry features, because without orienting features they can take an indefinite number of positions.

Rectangular parts usually benefit from symmetry since they can have a small number of positions.

Fig A1 Orientation of parts due to symmetry.

Fig A2 Orientation of parts due to asymmetry. a) difficult b) improved

Moreover, the law of distribution of the sum of these random variables will have a Gaussian or normal distribution - Fig. A5.

Mutual adhesion of parts (Fig. 3)

When loading parts into a storage device or other device in bulk, the phenomenon of parts sticking often occurs. Typical example - springs. Many parts have holes and protrusions that are not functionally related to each other and are not intended for mating. The ratio of the sizes of these elements of the parts should exclude the possibility of the protrusion getting into the hole and the parts sticking together. (Fig. A3).

Today, automation of production processes is an integral part of the work of any industrial company.

To ensure the safety of employees of industrial companies and development production activities The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation has developed recommendations in the following areas: 1) development and implementation of an action plan for occupational safety; 2) installation of special devices (systems) to regulate production processes remotely and automatically; 3) introduction of special robots to work in a dangerous enterprise.

  1. Remote control. Automation of technological processes and production is carried out through the function remote control. It regulates the operation of equipment from a long distance from the harmful and dangerous zone.

The operator controls production processes using certain alarms or visual channels.

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If you do everything yourself, employees will not learn how to work. Subordinates will not immediately cope with the tasks that you delegate, but without delegation you are doomed to time trouble.

In this article, we have published a delegation algorithm that will help you free yourself from routine and stop working around the clock. You will learn who can and cannot be entrusted with work, how to correctly assign a task so that it is completed, and how to supervise staff.

Devices with which remote control is carried out are produced in two versions: mobile and stationary. Based on the principles of operation, there are electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, as well as combined remote controls. The choice of device depends on a number of factors. This may be the mechanism of the equipment, the ability to maintain an exact distance, the likelihood of exposure to a hazardous production factor.

If the distance from the equipment to the control device is small, then mechanical remote control is used.

The most popular are electrical appliances. This is due to the relative simplicity of the design and lack of inertia.

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  1. Automation technological processes and production is a system of tools that performs the function of managing production processes, excluding human participation or leaving the solution of the most critical tasks to him.

Automation of production processes includes certain methods of equipment control, involving the execution of the production process in a given mode and sequence, as well as with a specified productivity. Such management involves minimal human intervention. The employee does not make any physical effort, but only controls the production process.

Typically, with this approach to organizing the production process, a process control system is formed.

Warp production automation consists in a certain redistribution of information flows, as well as energy and material resources, taking into account all management criteria.

Automation of production processes involves working with main goals which are:

  • increasing the efficiency of the production process;
  • ensuring safety at work.

To achieve your goals, a solution is needed tasks, characteristic of production automation:

  • improving the quality of the regulatory process;
  • growth of the coefficient, by the indicator of which one can judge the readiness of the equipment for operation;
  • improving labor organization for leading production process management specialists;
  • preservation of information resources containing messages about the technological process and industrial accidents.

Main types of automation of production processes

There are two types of automation: full and partial.

  1. Partial involves the automation of any individual equipment and production operations.

Automation, which includes one or more operations of a technological process, is partial. Automation of production processes is used when the production management system becomes more complicated and working conditions are life-threatening.

This type of automation is often used in companies in the food processing industry, and is usually applied to equipment in production.

  1. Full automation of production processes is the highest level of automation, which implies the transfer of all control and management functions to technical devices.

Currently, this type of automation is used very rarely. The production process is primarily controlled by humans. Nuclear energy enterprises are close to this type of automation.

If we take into account the nature of production processes, we can highlight the following species automation:

  • continuous production processes;
  • discrete manufacturing processes;
  • hybrid production processes.
  • l>

    Levels of automation of production processes

    Production automation can be performed on the following levels:

  1. Zero level. This refers to the automation of certain working moments. For example, spindle rotation. The rest requires human participation.

At this level, automation of production processes is called mechanization.

  1. Automation first level includes the manufacture of devices that do not require the participation of an employee in the event of idling on any one device.

At this level, the automation of technical processes and production is called “automation of the work process in continuous and serial production.” At this stage, there is no automatic relationship between the worker and the equipment. In this case, a production employee monitors the transportation of machines and controls the production process. This level is characterized by automatic and semi-automatic machines. Automatic equipment eliminates human participation. Semi-automatic devices, on the contrary, require human intervention in the working cycle. Let's give an example: new modern equipment - an automatic lathe - carries out the technological process independently: it does turning, drilling, and so on. In terms of performance, such a device can be equal to 10 ordinary machines. This is due to the automation of many working moments and a high level of concentration of production operations.

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  1. Automation of production processes second level involves automation of technological processes.

The second level of automation involves the implementation of four aspects of the workflow. This includes control over equipment, transportation, waste disposal and management of a set of devices.

In the form of production devices, GPS (flexible production systems) and automatic lines are developed and used.

Automatic line is a system of equipment that operates independently, without human intervention. As a rule, machines are installed in a certain technological sequence and are connected by tools for transportation, control, loading, waste disposal and control.

Let us take as an example an automatic line for processing gears of a gearbox, which eliminates human intervention, thereby freeing up about 20 employees. Pays for itself in up to three years.

An automatic line means production equipment that is created for any type of vehicle and is attached to it with a specific loading device (for example, a tray). Such a line contains all working positions, including idle positions, used for servicing and inspection of the automatic line. If the process requires human participation, the line is called automated.

  1. Third level of automation includes all stages of production from development to testing and shipping of finished products. At this level, complex automation is assumed.

In order to reach the third level of automation, it is necessary to master all the previously discussed levels. In this case, production must be provided with high-tech devices and a lot of money must be spent.

Comprehensive automation of technological processes and production gives the desired effect when large volume release of products with an unchanged structure and a narrow list (some elements for certain equipment, etc.). This type of automation takes production to a new level of development and is justified in terms of cost efficiency for fixed assets.

Automation of production processes of this kind provides opportunities that can be assessed in this example: in the USA there is a plant with comprehensive automation for the production of automobile frames. The company has 160 employees, most of whom are engineers and equipment repair specialists. To implement a certain program in production in the absence of comprehensive automation, it would be necessary to involve about 12 thousand people in the work process.

This level solves problems such as: transportation of finished industrial products between workshops using automatically configured addressing, warehousing, recycling of production waste, process control with the widespread use of computer devices. The third level involves minimal human intervention in the production process. The employee’s functions are only to maintain equipment and monitor the condition of devices.

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Work on automation of production processes: 4 main directions

Activities related to automation in production are carried out in the following directions:

  1. Development and implementation of projects for the design of equipment and technologies to improve the work process:
  • creation of all mechanical and electronic parts in an automatic device - from the device to the method of their production;
  • automation and control of technological processes and production by designing and introducing a control complex using operating devices - production computers, electric motors, sensors, etc.;
  • creation of a program for managing a complex of automation of fixed assets or processing of information resources. It is also expected that a specific algorithm will be developed.
  1. Organization and management:
  • organization of collective work of employees;
  • based on economically sound calculations, making important decisions in management;
  • creation of a set of activities in the area of ​​preparation of automation projects, production and testing of finished products;
  • control and management of enterprise information resources.
  1. Science and Research:
  • creation of models of devices, production processes, automation methods and complexes;
  • organization of experimental tests, processing and analysis of results.
  1. Automation of production processes also includes work in the service and operational direction:
  • creation of measures for the work and repair of fixed assets;
  • Carrying out periodic diagnostics of production processes and fixed assets;
  • carrying out the acceptance and implementation of automatic devices into production.
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How to help employees “survive” production automation

  1. Assign new responsibilities to released employees. Many employees' jobs are being replaced by automated equipment. Automation of technological processes and production loses its meaning if staff reductions do not occur. Here, your HR department must carry out competent work, imposing certain requirements for the selection of employees who continue their activities on new devices. Also, HR specialists need to try to assign new positions to employees left without responsibilities after automation.
  2. Explain how automation will affect work processes and wages. In order for employees who remain in production to be interested, the personnel department must announce 3 important arguments:
  • automation of technological production processes facilitates easy forecasting and control, minimizing the impact of the human factor. Experience typically demonstrates significant improvements in product quality and productivity. This affects the salary increase;
  • for employees who work with new automatic equipment, opportunities for growth in the profession open up, and thus wages increase;
  • those employees who maintain the automatic line are paid more, since their work is more valuable and requires a certain qualification.
  1. Train employees to use new equipment. Employee training must be carried out in two stages. At the first stage, it is necessary to train technical specialists, since they are engaged in internships for workers. For these employees, training is provided by the supplier company. This algorithm helps the enterprise prepare qualified employees who are able to return the equipment to working condition in the event of any failures. Automation of production processes usually takes about a week.
  2. Take care in advance about the level of technical literacy of workers. Low-skilled employees tend to be more likely than others to oppose automation. When selecting applicants, keep an eye on the technical competencies of the future employee.
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Process automation systems for automated process control systems

All tasks facing automation of the production process must be solved using the latest automation tools and methods. After the introduction of automation, the formation of an automated process control system (Automatic Process Control System) occurs.

Automation of production management processes helps create the basis for the subsequent implementation of clear enterprise and organizational management systems.

  1. Automation of the production process management complex creates conditions for transferring the control and management functions of an employee to certain automatically operating equipment. Such devices help to carry out all stages of working with information flows (collection, processing, etc.). Such an approach to automated control can include devices (for example, a machine), a complex and a line, which are connected by a certain connection with instruments that carry out control and measurement. Such devices quickly and in a logical sequence collect information about any deviation from the existing norm in the production process and then analyze the obtained data.
  2. Automation systems for production processes, which are responsible for implementing a specific device function, are able to quickly find a way to regulate work activity of all mechanisms, while eliminating existing deviations in production process modes, and so on.
  3. The communication line serves as a transmitter of commands that contain certain corrections, and also monitors all received signals (commands).
  4. Process control systems together with the latest complexes of all main and auxiliary apparatus and instruments form automated complexes.
  5. Such systems imply control over a plant or factory. The functions of the automated process control system may include control over a specific device, production workshop, conveyor or part of the enterprise. Example: if the production complex does not have the necessary indicators of technological requirements in its activities, the system, using certain channels, can change its production mode, taking into account all standards.

Objects of automation of production processes and their parameters

When introducing certain means of mechanization into production, the main task will be to maintain the quality characteristics of the equipment, which will be reflected in the properties of the manufactured products.

Currently, field experts, as a rule, do not delve deeply into the content technical characteristics any objects. This is explained by the fact that, from a theoretical point of view, control systems can be implemented in any part of the production process.

When considering in this plan the basics of automation of production processes, the list of mechanization objects will look like this:

  • conveyors,
  • workshops,
  • all existing units and installations.

It is possible to compare the level of difficulty in implementing automatic systems. It undoubtedly depends on the size of the proposed project.

As for the characteristics with which automatic systems carry out operational functions, we can note the output and input indicators.

The input indicators are the physical features of the manufactured product and the properties of the object.

Output indicators are qualitative data about the manufactured product.

Regulating technical means for automating production processes

Regulating devices are special signaling devices in automated systems. Their capabilities include monitoring and managing a variety of technological indicators.

Automation of technical processes and production includes the following alarms:

  • temperature indicators,
  • pressure indicators,
  • indicators of certain flow properties and so on.

From the point of view of the technical approach, devices can be implemented in the form of devices with contact parts at the output and the absence of scales.

Principle the actions of the alarms that are responsible for regulation may be different.

The most popular temperature measuring devices are mercury, thermistor, manometric and biometallic models.

The design usually depends on the operating principles. However, conditions are also of great importance to her.

Automation of technological processes and production can be determined by the specifics of the enterprise’s activities and, based on this, be assumed taking into account the specific conditions of application. Devices intended for regulation are created with a focus on operation at high levels of humidity, exposure to chemicals and physical pressure.

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Which software to choose to automate production processes

When implementing an automated system, you need to select high-quality software with a reliable level of control over the process.

  1. "1C: Complex automation".

This “1C” form offers a wide range of possibilities that contribute to the automation of accounting and many production processes.

This software is one of the best for automation. This is due to the presence of a user-friendly interface, help and other important features. However, this program cannot solve all the tasks.

  1. "Craft".

This is a program that automates technological processes and production. Implements both accounting and technical automation. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the program does not have functionality that can include absolutely all areas of the production process.

  1. Individual programs.

It often happens that personally created programs are used to automate production processes. They are designed to solve specific problems, which makes them ideal for use. But there is a significant drawback - the development of individual programs costs money, and the problem of possible expansion of functions is not so easy to solve.

There are a large number of programs that automate technological processes and production. But not all of them are suitable for specific tasks. For this reason, it is necessary to find an employee who understands this issue and can select best option for the enterprise.

Expert opinion

Don't buy the most expensive IT solution

Alexey Katorov,

Director of the Information Systems Department of JSC New Transportation Company

If automation of production processes cannot be avoided, do not ignore important principle: “the best is the enemy of the good.” Simply put, if you already have a system in place that some consultants advise changing, don’t rush to do it. Typically, the majority of shareholders are interested primarily in the implementation of high-level accounting systems (analytics, etc.) and are least interested in production. Many latest technologies opens up the option for you to effectively operate two systems at the same time. For this reason, one should not exclude the possibility of introducing a new automatic system on top of the existing one.

I do not advise you to purchase the most expensive IT solution. You risk not mastering the purchased system with great functionality even after 10 years. Don't rely on chance and don't ignore the accumulated experience of using automation of production processes in your industry. The implementation of any IT solutions is impossible without the active participation of the CEO.

Stages of development and implementation of a production process automation system

Creation of automated process control systems is not a simple process and has several stages:

  • First of all, a technical specification is created;
  • creation of a concept for the development of automated process control systems or creation of a project for automated control systems at stage “P”;
  • development of a production design for automated process control systems, stage “P”;
  • introduction of automated systems into the technological process and analysis of their operation. This refers to full testing of systems.

Development of technical specifications for the implementation of automation of production processes implies a list of necessary studies before using systems in the enterprise.

Design automation of technological processes and production involves the use of a number of specialists in this area:

  • employees with economic education,
  • electromechanics,
  • automation systems programmers,
  • technologists,
  • employees specializing in electrical wiring.

Based on the indicators obtained in the course of research carried out before implementation, preliminary design of the future project APCS:

  1. First of all, the development of a base of functionality and an algorithm for the composition of the automated system is carried out.
  2. Next, the selection of the main technical components of the process control system is explained and a proposal is made related to quantity and nomenclature.
  3. After automation of production processes, the tasks of updating the equipment involved are set, due to the improvement of the production process due to the automation carried out.

After conducting all the necessary research, before implementing automated systems, terms of reference, including:

  • the entire list of functionality that is carried out by the process control system in the project;
  • justification for the creation of the system from a technical and economic point of view;
  • types and size of work required for the implementation and design of automated systems;
  • drawing up a work plan for repair, startup, installation and carrying out a full list of tests of automated systems.

At the stage implementation of a technical project synthesis of automation systems is carried out:

  • the process of developing the functional composition of automation of production processes is underway;
  • a list of signals is created that perceive the input indicators of automated systems. Metrology characteristics can be determined;
  • technical criteria are determined for devices that regulate and control technological indicators. The information and organizational structure of automated systems is being developed.
  • the composition of the apparatus is established;
  • a selection is made of sensors and instrumentation devices that perform the functions of production measurements of technical parameters;
  • automation is selected and the structure of the technical complex devices is established.
  • Strategic management system: 14 effective measures

Expert opinion

First, automate the operation that sets the pace of production

Yuri Titov,

General Director of the company "Kukhonny Dvor", Moscow

First of all, when automating production processes, pay attention to the operation that performs the initial function. For us, this is the creation of buildings. The first operation is cutting the chipboard. Previously, it was necessary to transport chipboard to the machine, which involved about seven people. It was not easy for the loader to move in the small space due to the fact that quite a lot of space was occupied by the raw materials.

There were delays due to the delay in the delivery of chipboard from the warehouse. We decided to implement automation by creating an automatic warehouse with cutting at the beginning of the site. The automated device independently carries out the process of taking materials from the warehouse and then sending them for cutting. The chipboard warehouse is loaded several times a week. Automation of production processes helped us employ not seven people, but only two employees.

Now we know for sure the quantity of products that each worker must produce in a given operation, and how much he produces per minute. The computer device calculates the indicators according to the plan without errors, replacing the photographs of the work process, which were the basis of the daily productivity. Next, we automated the following operations: edging and additive.

6 tips to help you automate painlessly

Firstly, start looking for a person who is truly interested in automation of technological processes and production. This is a necessary condition.

Secondly, organize a group of employees who will deal with automation issues. Note important feature: You should not pay the team leader at the beginning of the project, this will entail demands for payment for each step. Pay for the result, but at a pre-agreed rate.

Thirdly, you need the support of department heads. Get them interested in automation ideas and illustrate the benefits of this process.

Fourth, require the company that will implement the implementation to have an automation plan and budget. We recommend ordering a quick diagnosis - this will increase your chances of more precise definition cost of automation implementation.

Fifthly, if it is necessary for you to refuse the services of the company that plans to implement the implementation, do so. In the future, you will be able to hire a programmer who will make the necessary improvements without making large-scale changes.

Sixth, be sure to sign a confidentiality agreement with the company that will implement the automation. Such an agreement should indicate penalties in case of violation of the obligations specified in the document.

  • Production planning is the foundation for the effective operation of an enterprise

How much will it cost to automate production processes for an enterprise?

In the IT field, the TCO indicator is usually calculated - “total cost of ownership”. This term refers to the totality of all costs, from the purchase of an information system to disposal. Costs are not determined by the type of information product you implement in your production.

TSO assumes the following costs:

  1. Purchasing software licenses.
  2. Implementation of an IT system in production:
  • analysis of the state of the enterprise and development of documentation corresponding to the project;
  • carrying out installation work and setting up the implemented software;
  • integration of information systems;
  • Conducting training for company employees.

3. Control over the system after implementation:

  • implementation of software updates;
  • technical control;
  • software development by expanding functionality and other factors.
  1. Implementation of a change of information system (transition to another).

When a company faces the need to automate production processes, many managers approach the choice of systems from the point of view of the cost of licenses, without taking into account subsequent costs. For this reason, many errors arise related to the incorrect choice of system and calculation of project costs.

On initial stages automation of production processes when you need to decide on a supplier, general director and the programmer needs to discuss and select software for the enterprise.

As for the cost of licenses, prices from different suppliers can differ even by 20 times. An attempt to reduce the cost of automation of technological processes and production, provided there is no loss of quality, usually succeeds by a maximum of 30%. This indicator can be achieved both by bargaining with the supplier and by involving employees in the implementation process. For example, you can reduce operating costs by five times if you have competent IT specialists on staff who have all the skills to develop the system being implemented without outside help.

Expert opinion

Automation cost us $2.5 million

Sergei Sukhinin,

Head of the Automated Control Systems Department of JSC Scientific and Production Complex Elara, Chuvashia

Our company spent $470 thousand to purchase a license for a database management program. The total costs of implementing an ERP system, which involves automating production and planning management processes, cost the company $2.5 million. At the production operation stage, we received an economic effect that appeared thanks to the implementation of the software. The costs paid off within a year and a half after the program was introduced.


In order for various technical devices to perform the required functions, it is necessary to organize one or another control process. The control process can be implemented “manually” or using a set of technical means, which, in general case, are called automatic control systems,

Automatic control systems in agricultural production and product processing are designed to control the operating modes of equipment, greenhouses, refrigeration units, etc. A special feature of these systems is working with biological objects, animals, plants and their processed products.

The need for implementation and development of automatic control systems contributed to the creation of a separate scientific and technical direction, which includes the element base, theoretical issues of analysis and synthesis, design issues and ensuring the required reliability. At the same time, this separate direction has a close connection with electronics, electrical engineering, mathematics and other areas of science and technology. Scientists N.N. Bogolyubov, I.F. Borodin, N. Wiener, N. E. Zhukovsky, A. N. Kolmogorov, N. M. Krylov, A. V. Mikhailov, G. Nyquist contributed to the development of automation systems , V.D. Shepovalov, S.A. Chaplygin, and many other scientists.

The subject of the discipline "Automation" is the theoretical foundations and technical means of automation.

Fundamentals of automatic control theory

Lecture 1. "Principles of building automated production"

Automation of production

Automation- a branch of science and technology, covering the theory and design of means and systems for automatic control of machines and technological processes. It arose in the 19th century with the advent of mechanized production based on spinning and weaving machines, steam engines, etc., which replaced manual labor and made it possible to increase it performance.

Automation is always preceded by a process of complete mechanization - a production process in which a person does not expend physical strength to perform operations.

As technology developed, the functions of controlling processes and machines expanded and became more complex. In many cases, humans were no longer able to manage mechanized production without special additional devices. This led to the emergence of automated production, in which workers are freed not only from physical labor, but also from the functions of monitoring and managing machines, equipment, production processes and operations.

Automation of production processes is understood as a set of technical measures for the development of new technological processes and the creation of production based on high-performance equipment that performs all basic operations without direct human participation.

Automation contributes to a significant increase in labor productivity, improvement of product quality and working conditions for people

IN agriculture, the food and processing industry automates the control and management of temperature, humidity, pressure, speed control and movement, quality sorting, packaging and many other processes and operations, ensuring their higher efficiency, saving labor and money.

Automated production compared to non-automated ones has certain specifics:

· to increase efficiency, they should cover a larger number of heterogeneous operations;

· careful study of the technology is required, analysis of production facilities, traffic routes and operations, ensuring the reliability of the process with a given quality;

· with a wide range of products and dull work, technological solutions can be multivariate;

· Requirements for clear and coordinated work of various production services are increasing.

When designing automated production, the following principles must be observed:

1. The principle of completeness. You should strive to perform all operations within one automated production system without intermediate transfer of semi-finished products

to other departments. To implement this principle it is necessary to ensure:

Manufacturability of the product, i.e. its production should require a minimum amount of materials, time and money:

Unification of product processing and control methods;

Expansion of the type of equipment with increased technological capabilities for processing several types of raw materials or semi-finished products.

2. The principle of low-operation technology. The number of intermediate processing operations of raw materials and semi-finished products should be minimized, and their supply routes should be optimized.

3. The principle of low-people technology. Ensuring automatic operation throughout the entire product manufacturing cycle. To do this, it is necessary to stabilize the quality of input raw materials, increase the reliability of equipment and information support for the process.

4. The principle of non-debugging technology. The control object should not require additional adjustment work after it is put into operation.

5. The principle of optimality. All management objects and production services are subject to a single optimality criterion, for example, to produce only the highest quality products.

6. The principle of group technology. Provides production flexibility, i.e. the ability to switch from the release of one product to the release of another. The principle is based on the commonality of operations, their combinations and recipes.

Serial and small-scale production is characterized by the creation of automated systems from universal and modular equipment with interoperational tanks. Depending on the product being processed, this equipment can be adjusted.

For large-scale and mass production of products, automated production is created from special equipment united by a rigid connection. In such industries, high-performance equipment is used, for example, rotary equipment for filling liquids into bottles or bags.

For the operation of equipment, intermediate transport for raw materials, semi-finished products, components, and various media is required.

Depending on the intermediate transport, automated production can be:

With end-to-end transportation without rearranging raw materials, semi-finished products or media;

With rearrangement of raw materials, semi-finished products or media;

With intermediate capacity.

Automated production is distinguished by types of equipment layout (aggregation):


Parallel aggregation;


In single-flow equipment, equipment is located sequentially along the flow of operations. To increase the productivity of single-threaded production, an operation can be performed on the same type of equipment in parallel.

In multi-threaded production, each thread performs similar functions but operates independently of one another.

A feature of agricultural production and processing of products is the rapid decline in their quality, for example, after the slaughter of livestock or the removal of fruits from trees. This requires equipment that would have high mobility (the ability to produce a wide range of products from the same type of raw materials and processing various types raw materials on the same type of equipment).

For this purpose, reconfigurable production systems are created that have the property of automated reconfiguration. The organizational module of such systems is a production module, an automated line, an automated section or a workshop.

Production module they call a system consisting of a unit of technological equipment equipped with an automated program control device and process automation tools, operating autonomously and having the ability to be integrated into a higher-level system (Fig. 1.1).

1- equipment for performing one or more operations; 2- control device; 3- loading and unloading device; 4- transport and storage device (intermediate capacity); 5- control and measuring system

Figure 1.1 - Structure of the production module

The production module may include, for example, a drying chamber, an instrumentation system, a locally controlled handling and transport system, or a mixing plant with similar additional equipment.

A special case of a production module is production cell - a combination of modules with a unified system for measuring equipment operating modes, transport, storage and loading and unloading systems (Fig. 1.2). The production cell can be integrated into higher-level systems.

1- equipment for performing one or more operations; 2- receiving hopper; 3-loading and unloading device; 4- conveyor; 5 - intermediate container; 6- control computer; 7- control and measuring system.

Figure 1.2 - Structure of a production cell

Automated line- a reconfigurable system consisting of several production modules or cells united by a single transport and warehouse system and an automatic process control system (APCS). The equipment of the automated line is located in the accepted sequence of technological operations. The structure of the automated line is shown in Fig. 1.3.

1,2,3,4 - production cells and modules; 5- transport system; 6-warehouse; 7- control computer.

Figure 1.3 - Structure of the automated line

In contrast to an automated line, a reconfigurable automated section allows for the possibility of changing the sequence of use of technological equipment. A line and a section may have separately functioning units of technological equipment. The structure of the automated section is shown in Fig. 1.4.

1,2,3 - automated lines; 4- production cells; 5- production modules; 6- warehouse; 7- control computer

Figure 1.4 - Structure of the automated section

Currently, it is very difficult to imagine an industrial enterprise without automated control systems. Automation increases enterprise productivity, minimizes human error and improves product quality.

For a long time, production remained partially automated. Modern technologies make it possible to switch to fully automated schemes, where the role of a person is reduced to performing the functions of an operator.

Automation of the technological process can be:

  • partial. In production, individual devices and machines are automated. It is mainly used in food industry enterprises when a person cannot perform some work due to its complexity or speed. Such automation is used at light and chemical industry facilities.
  • Complex. A striking example of such automation is a power plant. It functions as a single complex; a person performs only the functions of an operator.
  • Full. All control and monitoring functions are performed by the machine. Modern technologies have come close to full automation, but, unfortunately, they still cannot do without the human factor. The highest level of automation is used in the field of nuclear energy.

The main elements of production automation include:

  • CNC machines (appeared in 1955).
  • Industrial robots (the first models appeared in 1962).
  • Robotic technological complexes.
  • Automated warehouse systems.
  • Computer-aided design systems.

Benefits of automation:

  • Most management decisions are made automatically and in a timely manner. Also, with the help of machines, you can introduce operational accounting.
  • Automation allows for the most efficient distribution of labor resources.
  • Production cycles never fail.
  • All decisions of automatic systems are stored in a database, which facilitates the analysis of enterprise activities
  • Automation of production significantly reduces the turnover of documents in the enterprise.
  • Production operates stably, without visible deviations.

Modern production optimization requires the participation of professional companies. One of the best can be called Industrial Automation LLC, which carries out automation of enterprises at all levels. This company introduces high-tech systems into production enterprises.

Thus, qualitative changes in the technology of production control and automation systems give impetus to economic development by reducing the cost of energy resources and materials. The Nordengineering company takes an individual approach to each business. The company guarantees the quality of its work and the economic growth of the client. Automation is carried out at all levels, from the compressor level to the finished product complex.