The manifestation of the heroism of the Soviet people during the war. Essay-argument on the topic of heroism - the problem of heroism in literary works Heroism during the war - examples from life

In a war, it is possible to defeat an enemy who is outnumbered, but if there are soldiers in the ranks, brave patriots who love their land, in a word - heroes. Such an army will be invulnerable to the enemy. But it doesn’t matter what kind of fortitude was shown by those who did not hesitate to cover with their bodies enemy bullets and fires. “Not a step back, the native land is there, the mother is waiting and worried with tears, our innocent children are there.” These thoughts became the will to win and the force capable of defeating the enemy. During the war, the soldiers experienced grief and wounds and inhuman fatigue. And of course, the fear that they must overcome and not let their hands tremble in battle.

Like our soldiers in the war, brave partisans showed unprecedented heroism. They disrupted the enemy's work, made it difficult fighting, diverted part of the enemy’s strength to themselves. During the war they were integral part combat strategy. Organized partisan detachments behind enemy lines. The underground destroyed police departments, blew up tanks, planes, railway bridges and destroyed enemy warehouses. This heroism in the war will never be forgotten, and the survivors were awarded orders and medals.

The women did not lag behind them. Gentle and sweet, fragile girls. Trenches were dug and anti-tank ditches were built. Brave young girls were created for love and motherhood, but fate dictated its conditions. They took weapons in their hands, took off their usual dresses, and put on a soldier's uniform instead. They fought no worse strong men, showing patriotism and heroism in battle. The strength and will of their heroism is in love for native land. Devoted to his homeland and not afraid to sacrifice himself, without feeling any fear of enemies, he will become a hero of his homeland.

The soldiers fought and showed heroism, but in their hearts there was still a dream of finding his beloved or returning to her. We fell in love during the war, but there was a fear that tomorrow they would not meet again. Many took vows and romances only after the war. But many broke these words when they met each other. When lights lit up in your eyes, and love woke up in your soul. She gave hope, the desire to live on, and most importantly, to show real heroism in the war.

Essay on Heroism in War

No matter how military exploits have been sung until now, and no matter how proud this or that country is of its own military achievements, the destructive nature of war becomes clear to a modern thinking person. Therefore, in my opinion, military heroism is a slightly exaggerated phenomenon that is not always glorified in the right way.

Many boys being raised today continue to have a penchant for military-themed entertainment and games. For such little man war seems like something even a little romantic and exciting, but after such a person serves in Afghanistan or somewhere in a similar situation, a completely different nature comes back. As a rule, war hardens people and turns them into more stupid and rude creatures.

I mean the idea that heroism in war is inaccessible to everyone. When we talk about the military feat of the people or something similar, we clearly embellish the situation and thereby confuse the next younger generation. After all, in essence, from ordinary people in fact, he practically doesn’t want to fight and few people like it.

There is another group of people who are prone to cruelty always and everywhere, so they can manifest themselves in military operations. However, this is hardly worth considering as heroism, because such people simply continued to nurture their negative inclinations and took pleasure in destroying and bringing suffering to others.

In fact, there is only a small layer of people who have access to true heroism in war. Moreover, such people regularly show heroism outside of hostilities, even in small, simple ways. After all, a hero is someone who stands out from others and does something worthy, and, as you know, not many people in this world maintain dignity.

Therefore, in war, in fact, there are not many real heroes; only a few combined their own deep understanding of the world with a sense of responsibility to other people and to the world as a whole. Thanks to this, they can perform heroic deeds, but such people are unlikely to enjoy war or educate others by talking about the romance or excitement of this activity.

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What is heroism? Heroism is an outstanding act, a feat in the name of the lives of other people, the independence and prosperity of the Motherland. The hero is immortal because, as the Russian proverb says, “a hero dies once, a coward dies a thousand times.”

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What is heroism? Have you ever wondered what heroism is? In my opinion, heroism is an outstanding act, a feat in the name of the lives of other people, the independence and prosperity of the Motherland. An act that is performed in the name of a noble goal can be called heroic. For example, if a person, risking his life, saves a drowning man, this is heroism.

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A. T. Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin” Traditions in the depiction of heroism simple soldier were later reflected in A. T. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin”. The main character, a cheerful Russian guy, a joker, a joker and a jack of all trades, sometimes does the impossible. He swims alone across the river at the end of autumn to deliver a message from the landing group behind Nazi lines. Even in fatal moments of trials and struggles with death, his presence of mind and love of life do not leave him. This hero expresses the best national qualities: sociability, openness, resourcefulness, perseverance. He does not consider his actions something heroic and treats the reward with irony. Having shot down an enemy plane, Terkin sincerely rejoices, because he did not do it for the sake of glory or an order, but simply fulfilled his duty

Solzhenitsyn " Matrenin Dvor“But the theme of heroism and self-sacrifice is expressed not only in works dedicated to the war. It sounds poignantly in Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matrenin’s Dvor”. Living with old Matryona, whose house is considered the most modest in the village, the narrator finds rare human qualities at Matryona's. She is good-natured, does no harm to anyone, helps her neighbors at the first call, despite her advanced age, does not chase money, treats even strangers. Unfortunately, the narrator did not often encounter such qualities in people. The heroine sacrifices everything for the sake of others: the country, neighbors, relatives. And after her quiet death, a description arises of the cruel behavior of her relatives, drowned in greed. Matryona also performs a kind of daily feat. Thanks to your spiritual qualities she makes life easier for her fellow villagers, makes this world a better and kinder place, sacrificing herself, her life.

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N. Raevsky One of the brightest figures of the Patriotic War was Nikolai Raevsky, whose heroism and nobility instilled faith in victory and gave strength to fight in a bloody, fierce struggle. Raevsky decided the outcome of the battle near the village of Saltykovka, by personal example, raising the soldiers to attack with the words: “My children and I will open the path to glory for you! Forward for the Fatherland!” Next to Nikolai, his children ran into the attack... With an army of 15 thousand soldiers, Raevsky led the defense of Smolensk, fighting against 180 thousand soldiers of the French army. The glorious “Raevsky battery” during the Battle of Borodino seriously depleted the French forces, so the enemy did not bring the main blow to the main forces of the Russian army. For the courage shown on the battlefield, Nikolai Raevsky was awarded the Order of St. George. He gained immortal fame, his name is forever recorded in people's memory

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V. I. Chapaev Another person who is an example of boundless devotion and love for his homeland, for a great cause, is Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev, legendary hero Civil War, was a brave fighter and a born commander. First world war he earned four St. George's Crosses and the rank of sergeant major. Chapaev loved his people and believed in their strength. Faith in the valor and fearlessness of the Red Army soldiers gave him success in battles and brought victory over the enemy. The name of Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev is a source of pride not only for the Soviet people; it also inspires modern youth to feats and heroism

The Great Patriotic War One of the most striking examples of heroism and nobility in history is the Great Patriotic War of 1941 -1945. Soviet people accepted the mission of fighting fascism as a great saving universal task, he was not spiritually depressed and gave the enemy a proper rebuff. A colossal, deliberate sacrifice made Soviet soldier invincible, pushed the inhumane militaristic system of the fascists to the wall. Hitler's mechanized hordes could not break the mighty spirit and moral fortitude of the Russian army. It is the “Russian Vanka”, courageous and infinitely devoted to the homeland, defeated the fascist invaders, proved that our land is impregnable

Sieges of cities The whole world knows the iron fortitude in the days of the heroic defense of Leningrad, Sevastopol, Kyiv, Odessa, Stalingrad. The defenders of the military stronghold were supported by the whole country. The fierce, bloody struggle became a true epic of national heroism. The words of the legendary intelligence officer Kuznetsov can be considered an expression of the universal patriotic spirit: “It is impossible to conquer our people, just like it is impossible to extinguish the Sun.”

Ivan Susanin In the history of every nation there are examples of remarkable heroism. There were many heroes in the history of our people. You may have heard about Ivan Susanin. This Kostroma peasant led a detachment of enemies into a dense forest. He knew that they would kill him as soon as they discovered his deception. And yet he went to save other Russian people.

Hero in Ancient Greece In Ancient Greece, a hero was considered a “valiant man, leader.” He must have been a man of exceptional courage and valor. In Sparta they even carried out a “selection” of strong newborns. Times have changed, and now a hero may turn out to be a person who does not think of himself that way at all. He simply has no time to realize whether he will accomplish a feat or not.

Heroes of Science There are many heroes in the history of science. These are, for example, polar explorers who spend a long time in endless ice. And the Norwegian scientist Thor Heyerdahl swam across the Pacific Ocean. People are also known for heroic doctors who deliberately infected themselves with dangerous diseases in order to learn how to treat them. And the heroes of space or underwater world? Who knows if the unexpected might be in store for them this time? And yet they go on a mission to reveal new secrets to humanity. The deeds and exploits of heroes are remembered and highly revered; from their example they learn to live, fight and win.

Conclusion The theme of heroism and self-sacrifice is revealed in specific and symbolic images, is developed in a social, family and everyday context. These topics are inseparable from each other; they are associated with the features of Russian national character, its features. Feat and self-sacrifice are unthinkable without love of humanity; only if there is love of humanity, the sacrifice is not in vain, and the feat is great

Conclusion In life, unfortunately, it also happens that the exploits and heroism of people remain underestimated. However, you don't have to give your life to become a hero. After all, there is a special kind of heroism - it lies in never, under any circumstances, changing the rules of honor, decency, nobility, devotion, friendship, love of humanity. And this is a feasible task for each of us

Conclusion Take care of people who survived the war and cultivated these qualities in themselves, and raise these qualities in future generations. After all, heroism, courage and perseverance are the future of our country and our nation

Conclusion Thus, I can conclude that heroism is an integral feature of the Russian soldier. The deeds and exploits of heroes are remembered and highly revered, and from their example they learn to live, fight and win.

  • Self-sacrifice does not always involve risking one's life
  • Love for the Motherland motivates a person to perform heroic deeds
  • A man is ready to sacrifice himself for the one he really loves
  • To save a child, sometimes it is not a pity to sacrifice the most valuable thing a person has - his own life.
  • Only moral person capable of performing a heroic act
  • Willingness to self-sacrifice does not depend on income level and social status
  • Heroism is expressed not only in actions, but also in the ability to be true to one’s word even in the most difficult life situations
  • People are ready to sacrifice themselves even in the name of saving a stranger


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Sometimes we do not suspect that this or that person can commit a heroic act. This is confirmed by the example from of this work: Pierre Bezukhov, being a rich man, decides to stay in Moscow besieged by the enemy, although he has every opportunity to leave. He is a real person who does not put his own things first financial situation. Without sparing himself, the hero saves a little girl from the fire, performing a heroic act. You can also turn to the image of Captain Tushin. At first he does not make a good impression on us: Tushin appears before the command without boots. But the battle proves that this man can be called a real hero: the battery under the command of Captain Tushin selflessly repels enemy attacks, without cover, sparing no effort. And it doesn’t matter at all what impression these people make on us when we first meet them.

I.A. Bunin "Lapti". In an impenetrable blizzard, Nefed went to Novoselki, located six miles from home. He was prompted to do this by the requests of a sick child to bring red bast shoes. The hero decided that “he needs to get it” because “the soul desires.” He wanted to buy bast shoes and paint them magenta. By nightfall Nefed had not returned, and in the morning the men brought his dead body. In his bosom they found a bottle of magenta and brand new bast shoes. Nefed was ready for self-sacrifice: knowing that he was putting himself in danger, he decided to act for the benefit of the child.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". Love for Marya Mironova, captain's daughter, more than once encouraged Pyotr Grinev to put his life in danger. He went to the captured Pugachev Belogorsk fortress to snatch the girl from Shvabrin’s hands. Pyotr Grinev understood what he was getting into: at any moment he could be caught by Pugachev’s people, he could be killed by the enemies. But nothing stopped the hero; he was ready to save Marya Ivanovna even at the cost of his own life. The readiness for self-sacrifice also manifested itself when Grinev was under investigation. He did not talk about Marya Mironova, whose love led him to Pugachev. The hero did not want to make the girl involved in the investigation, although this would allow him to justify himself. Pyotr Grinev showed by his actions that he was ready to endure anything for the sake of the happiness of the person dear to him.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The fact that Sonya Marmeladova went with the “yellow ticket” is also a kind of self-sacrifice. The girl decided to do this herself, consciously, in order to feed her family: her drunkard father, stepmother and her little children. No matter how dirty her “profession” is, Sonya Marmeladova is worthy of respect. Throughout the entire work she proved her spiritual beauty.

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". If Andriy, youngest son Taras Bulba turned out to be a traitor, then Ostap, the eldest son, showed himself as strong personality, a true warrior. He did not betray his father and homeland, he fought to the last. Ostap was executed in front of his father. But no matter how hard, painful and scary it was for him, he did not make a sound during the execution. Ostap is a real hero who gave his life for his homeland.

V. Rasputin “French Lessons”. Lidia Mikhailovna, an ordinary teacher, was capable of self-sacrifice French. When her student, the hero of the work, came to school beaten, and Tishkin said that he was playing for money, Lidia Mikhailovna was in no hurry to tell the director about it. She found out that the boy was playing because he did not have enough money for food. Lidia Mikhailovna began to teach the student French, which he was not good at, at home, and then offered to play “measures” with her for money. The teacher knew that this should not be done, but the desire to help the child was more important to her. When the director found out about everything, Lydia Mikhailovna was fired. Her seemingly wrong action turned out to be noble. The teacher sacrificed her reputation to help the boy.

N.D. Teleshov "Home". Semka, who so wanted to return to his native land, met an unfamiliar grandfather along the way. They walked together. On the way, the boy fell ill. The unknown person took him to the city, although he knew that he was not allowed to appear there: his grandfather had escaped from hard labor for the third time. Grandfather was caught in the city. He understood the danger, but the child's life was more important to him. The grandfather sacrificed his quiet life for the future of a stranger.

A. Platonov “The Sandy Teacher”. From the village of Khoshutovo, located in the desert, Maria Naryshkina helped create a real green oasis. She devoted herself entirely to work. But the nomads passed - not a trace remained of the green spaces. Maria Nikiforovna went to the district with a report, where she was offered to transfer to work in Safuta in order to teach the nomads who were transitioning to sedentary life the culture of the sands. She agreed, which demonstrated her readiness for self-sacrifice. Maria Naryshkina decided to devote herself to a good cause, not thinking about her family or the future, but helping people in the difficult struggle against the sands.

M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita". For the sake of the Master, Margarita was ready to do anything. She decided to make a deal with the devil and was the queen at Satan’s ball. And all in order to see the Master. True love forced the heroine to make self-sacrifice, to go through all the tests prepared for her by fate.

A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin". The main character of the work is a simple Russian guy who honestly and selflessly fulfills his soldier’s duty. His crossing of the river was a real heroic act. Vasily Terkin was not afraid of the cold: he knew that he needed to convey the lieutenant’s request. What the hero did seems impossible, incredible. This is a feat of a simple Russian soldier.

If you think that a real hero is a muscular guy like Rambo, with a bunch of grenades on his belt and a heavy machine gun at the ready, dealing with crowds of terrorists and criminals, we have to disappoint you: true courage and courage can be quiet and unnoticed, but no less valuable .
Modest heroes evoke not only respect, but also a certain amount of bewilderment - why don’t they tell everyone about their exploits? Some of them have special reasons for this, such as obligations to the state, but most often, without exaggeration, best people the planets simply do not attach any importance to fame and glory - the lives saved are enough for them. Here you will find six examples of desperate courage and reckless courage and not a single one of boasting and narcissism.

1. The policeman who talked dozens of people out of committing suicide

Kevin Briggs has been patrolling the San Francisco area for more than 22 years, which includes the famous Golden Gate Bridge, one of the most beautiful structures in the world. Unfortunately, the bridge is popular not only among tourists, but also among townspeople who decide to commit suicide: Kevin more than once had to save desperate lost souls intending to go on their last flight or, for example, shoot themselves.

Someone calculated that, on average, every month, thanks to Briggs, it is possible to save two potential suicides, so for him this has long become part of his usual work routine. Over two decades, a misfire happened only once: a 22-year-old young man did not heed Kevin’s arguments and still committed suicide. This performance would be the envy of many superheroes. For his outstanding services, his colleagues gave Briggs the ironic but undoubtedly honorable nickname “Guardian of the Golden Gate.”

2. A British diplomat saved thousands of Jews during the Holocaust

Many people are familiar with the name of Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist who, during the years of persecution and extermination of Jews, provided shelter and work to many of them, thus saving about 1,200 people from the gas chambers and ovens of the “death camps.” However, we will not talk about him, but about Frank Foley, a British intelligence officer who gave life to nine thousand Jews.
He was perhaps one of the most unsung heroes of the Second World War: a humble employee of the British embassy in Berlin used his position to forge passports, allowing those fleeing Nazi rule to leave the country freely. Officer Foley even managed to rescue concentration camp prisoners from the clutches of the Gestapo, using visas and travel documents to provide them with an alibi.
His feat is practically unknown to the general public, since until his death in 1958, Frank preferred to keep his mouth shut: the information he possessed could cause significant harm to the diplomatic relations of the European powers, primarily, of course, Germany and Great Britain . In 2004, the government of the United Kingdom declassified some of the circumstances of Foley's activities, recognizing his services to victims of the Holocaust.

3. The Titanic's mechanics sacrificed themselves so that passengers could evacuate.

The disaster of the “unsinkable” Titanic became one of the largest in the history of navigation, and although more than a century has passed since the tragedy, films, books and other works of fiction are still dedicated to it.
According to eyewitness accounts, the sinking ocean liner looked like a huge, brightly lit city stretching into the abyss of the waters, but few people think about why electricity actually worked on the Titanic almost until the last moment, because according to the logic of things, all passengers and crew members wanted to you can leave the ship as soon as possible.
The credit for maintaining the lighting belongs entirely to the mechanics and stokers of the ship: while the representatives, distraught with fear, high society rushed about in search of free boats, the workers of the hold selflessly remained in their places. Thanks to the courage of the crew, the light stayed on for 45 minutes, which saved hundreds of lives.

4. British schoolgirl warned tourists about tsunami

10-year-old Tilly Smith and her family were vacationing in resorts in Thailand, sunbathing on the beaches and exploring the sights. One fine day tourists noticed unusual phenomenon: the sea first seemed to “boil”, and then began to “swell” like yeast dough. Idle beachgoers watched the process with curiosity, not feeling any danger, but Tilly immediately understood the threat of the “boiling” ocean - shortly before, in a geography lesson, they had been told about the signs of an approaching tsunami.
The girl immediately screamed at the top of her voice about her suspicions, but her parents and other “sober” thinking, self-confident adults did not believe her and continued to enjoy the unique spectacle. Finally, Tilly's crying and screams had the desired effect - the Smiths decided to leave the beach, but before that they shared their daughter's assumptions with one of the beach employees, who immediately gave the order to evacuate the vacationers.
More than 250 thousand people in 13 countries became victims of that huge wave, but no one was injured on the beach where Tilly was, because her family and almost a hundred other tourists were taken to a safe area.

5. The surgeon performed 30,000 operations in a war zone

Doctors all over the world save many lives every day, but some of them have achieved real mastery in the art of pulling patients out, as they say, “from the other world.” Such wizards of anesthesia and a scalpel, of course, include surgeon Gino Strada, who specializes in heart and lung transplants.
Strada is the founder and chairman of the Italian organization "Emergency", but he is respected not only (and not so much) for this. Gino, as a field surgeon, visited the hottest spots in the world - Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Cambodia and some other countries. Strada provided free assistance to wounded military and civilians; over 25 years of practice, he personally performed about 30 thousand operations (on average more than three operations per day), thanks to him, 47 medical centers, through which hundreds of thousands of people passed.
The brave medic often had to negotiate with radical terrorist organizations to be allowed to locate his facilities as close to the front line as possible, and Gino tried to ensure that the centers were equipped with last word technology. When Strada was asked if he would like to stop his charity work and return to his native Venice, Gino replied: “I guess I’m a surgical animal - I like to live in the operating room.”

6. The head of the security service of one of the corporations foresaw the 9/11 terrorist attack.

Horrified by the number of victims of the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, many forget that under a certain set of circumstances there could have been much more: for example, if Rick Rescorla, the head of security at the financial company Morgan Stanley (which occupied most of the South Tower) , was not so far-sighted.
Rick, an experienced military man and Vietnam War veteran, took charge of the company's security department in the 1990s and immediately developed his own plan evacuation from the building, which after the collapse of the Northern Twin made it possible to remove more than 2,700 corporation employees from the second tower in a matter of minutes.
Thanks to Rick's truly brilliant foresight, only 13 people died under the rubble of the South Building. Unfortunately, he himself was among them: after the evacuation of most of the employees, Rescorla returned to the tower in search of stragglers, and at that moment a second plane with suicide bombers at the controls crashed into it.

In the soul of the Russian people, the Second World War lives as a lesson of unparalleled perseverance and devotion to their Fatherland. Therefore, literature is returning and will return to this inexhaustible topic in order to once again reveal the secrets of our victory, explain the “Russian miracle”, and show how, in the face of terrible danger, the highest spiritual qualities are revealed in people.

The literature about the Second World War is enormous: epic novels“The Life and Fate of Vasily Grosman”, “Ivan Stadnyuk’s War”, Konstantin Simonov’s trilogy, stories and novels by Yuri Bondarev (“Battalion”, “Hot Snow”, “Choice”), stories by Grigory Baklanov, fictional and documentary novel by Ales Adamovich and Daniil Granin’s “Siege Book”, “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “Not on the Lists” by Boris Vasiliev and many others.

And in all works about war, the eternal problems of life and death, courage and heroism, cowardice and betrayal, love and friendship are solved using various artistic means. The topic of war is truly inexhaustible, and the further those terrible and heroic days move away from us, the more new facts we learn. And old, well-known events are interpreted in a new way.

War, with its tragedy and heroism, with its inhumanly difficult everyday life, with the extreme polarization of good and evil, with its crisis situations into which a person every now and then finds himself and in which his basic human qualities are most clearly highlighted, provides artists with the richest material for illumination. moral and ethical problems.

The Great Patriotic War had a huge impact on public consciousness. This influence was ambiguous. On the one side, great victory in a brutal war was perceived as evidence of the inviolability of the ideas of socialism and communism, the fidelity of the chosen path, the wisdom of the leader and the superiority of the Soviet system. On the other hand, a sense of responsibility for the fate of the homeland, emancipation and freedom in the face of danger and death allowed us to face the truth and see that not everything is so good and fair in the country.

The years of the Great Patriotic War were years of difficult trials for our country. The Great Patriotic War left many scars in the souls of people, both those who went through it and those born after it. There is no family that has not lost a husband, brother, son.

It is hardly possible to measure this; there are no words in the world with which to evaluate it. How can one describe and measure the feat of a woman who fought alongside men, girls and boys dying in the name of victory, in the name of a future life? And now how many veterans cannot sleep at night, remembering the years of war, losing their friends, loved ones, and relatives again. In literature, the theme of the Great Patriotic War is one of the most common themes.

Many writers turned to her more than once. Bondarev, Nekrasov, Vasiliev, Bykov Simonov and many other writers about the Great Patriotic War so that we, for whose sake truly heroic deeds were performed, will never forget about this war.

For example, in Yu. Bondarev’s novel “Hot Snow” a small episode is shown, part of the Battle of Stalingrad. It describes a group of people different characters, with different lives before the war. And the actions of these people, placed in extreme, inhuman conditions, are as different in an extreme situation as they themselves are different. But all these people (from battalion commander Drozdovsky to Lieutenant Kuznetsov, nurse Zoya, a simple private) are a simple combat unit, a cog in a machine, fulfilling their small but irreplaceable role. Throughout his work, the author claims that the soldier covered up all the miscalculations of the top leadership in this war with his heroism, with his body. Let us remember how Lieutenant Kuznetsov’s men dug into the frozen ground, not having the necessary equipment, and then, tired and exhausted, heroically repelled a tank attack. Is it possible, after reading these lines, to ever forget about the monstrosity and heroism of this war? Is it possible to want to fight again?

The same topic is touched upon in Nekrasov’s work “In the Trenches of Stalingrad.” The author tells the story on behalf of the main character, Yuri Serzhentsov. The story touches on such moral issues as the question of the reasons why many people became traitors. The main thing in the story is the question that our people sometimes, due to the irresponsible, even, one might say, criminal, attitude of their superiors, sometimes had to fight without food, without weapons and medicine. I wonder how it was possible not only to fight, but even to simply survive in such conditions. In all works about the war we see feats, we see the deaths of the noblest, most honest people. They gave their lives for us, so that we could live.

What a huge responsibility lies on each of us before them. Why did he, a pure, beautiful soul, have to give his life so that a scoundrel, a troublemaker, a hooligan, a thief, a murderer could live? This is wrong! Eternal memory and gratitude to the fallen is not only flowers on the graves, beautiful speeches at holidays in their honor, it is, first of all, the desire of each of us to become better, and, consequently, the world will become better and cleaner. I think that the purpose of literature, that the meaning of works about the Great Patriotic War, that the result of our memory of the fallen and the living during these years is the desire of every person to be worthy of those feats and not to repeat the same terrible events as the war. If our politicians had studied literature and history well at school, then, I am convinced, our boys would not have died in Chechnya, there would have been no Afghanistan, no atomic weapons, there would never have been any wars.