Psychological portrait of a male rabbit. Eastern horoscope: men born in the year of the Rabbit

Years of the Rabbit or Cat (1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023) eastern calendar horoscope:
02/06/1951 - 01/26/1952 (element metal, color white)
01/25/1963 - 02/12/1964 (element water, color black)
02/11/1975 - 01/30/1976 (element wood, color blue)
01/29/1987 - 02/16/1988 (element fire, color red)
02/16/1999 - 02/04/2000 (element earth, color yellow)
02/03/2011 - 01/22/2012 (element metal, color white)
01/22/2023 - 02/09/2024 (element water, color black)

The Rabbit Man gives the impression of a pleasant and easy-to-communicate person. Always tactful, even and flexible, he almost never creates problems for others, even unwittingly. He prefers not to get involved in disputes and conflicts and extremely rarely speaks badly about anyone. In this he is helped by his unique innate talent as a diplomat and his inherent courteous manners. This well-groomed and correct person can literally “evaporate” as soon as he senses the approach of the slightest trouble.
The Rabbit Man builds his life according to own plan, which does not involve impulsive actions. He carefully develops his survival strategy and plans every next step in detail. This person knows how to turn any situation to his advantage and knows how to win the favor of people who can help him.
The true intentions of the Rabbit Man are always hidden under the mask of courtesy and friendliness. He is extremely smart and able to cooperate with other people. A man of this type values ​​external impressions more than content, so he pays a lot of attention to the material attributes of success: proper clothing, a decent social circle and appropriate manners. He consistently creates and strengthens his own image of an even, charming and pleasant person in all respects. The Rabbit man remains a refined gentleman in any situation.

Elements of the male element Rabbit.

The Rabbit man of the Wood element is a true gentleman, rational, correct and stable. He is easy to talk to and kind. A man of this type is very concerned about the well-being of his loved ones and is capable of much for the sake of harmony and peace in his home, but this must be appreciated. In return, he needs support and decorum. Without regret, he will leave someone who will undermine the respect of others for him or put him in an uncomfortable position.

The Rabbit man of the Fire element is less secretive than his brothers, he loves to joke, but is also sarcastic. In general, he is as positive and friendly as other Rabbits, but his inherent egocentrism can make him arrogant, detached and indifferent. If this person succeeds, he can turn into a real snob, but at the same time he will be just as kind to those who can be useful to him. The Fire Rabbit is a recognized master of hypocrisy, which invariably helps him survive in this cruel world.

The Rabbit man of the Earth element has a deep and cunning mind, which is rarely noticeable from the outside. This man's insight is hidden under a pleasant appearance and smooth handling. He often appears a little aloof, although he also has a more distinct style than his peers. A man of this type is an ardent adherent of conformity in all areas of life and usually disdains those who are inclined to violate established social norms of behavior.

The Rabbit man of the Metal element is receptive, noble and purposeful. Possessing strong character, he always achieves the fulfillment of his plans and is able to achieve serious success. At the same time, he has good manners and excellent taste. A man of this type can take his companion to the top with him if she is extremely honest with him and devoted.

is an ambitious, modest and sophisticated person. Has desperate courage. Differs in hard work and perseverance. Knows how to present himself and evaluate himself well. He never sees anything wrong in his behavior and is always confident in himself. He is loved in society. Loves to receive guests. Be a secular person. In many ways he is pedantic. I usually don’t lose my balance, I try to be calm. However, for a minor reason he may cry, but will calm down quickly. He considers his capricious character an integral part of life. Strive for comfort and safety. He knows how to win over and people trust him. He is a very cunning person, and if he harbors a grudge, he will definitely take revenge, so it is strictly not recommended to enter into conflicts with him.

Popular with members of the opposite sex. He is always a mystery to them. Many women dream of solving this riddle in order to get closer to him. Having gotten to know him better, you can see in him a romantic, but completely unadapted person for life. He has a rather rare trait for men, the ability to listen, thanks to which he easily seduces women. It costs him nothing to confess his love and show his feelings. It is unbearable for him to be alone; during these periods he can make a lot of mistakes and go to great lengths. He falls in love very easily and remains faithful to his chosen one. The partner must realize that intimate life is extremely important for him and therefore must be attentive and affectionate with him in bed. Eager to do right choice, he bases it on complete reciprocity. A marriage of convenience is not for him, and even if a good sum will come from marriage, he will refuse it without any hesitation.

He never sits idle, always looking for work. Moreover, in financially, he is always accompanied by luck in business. He easily signs contracts and is a good speculator, which is where he is dangerous for business partners. He knows how to influence the people he needs and benefit from it. He makes a good entrepreneur. He has instincts and investigative abilities, so he can work as an investigator or lawyer. He carefully and deftly chooses the moment when he needs to act in his own interests, thanks to this he always achieves his goal. But it’s still better for him when he feels support and someone’s authority in his work; with his help, he will be able to achieve truly real heights.

By nature male rabbit homebody. He prefers to spend the evening with his family at home. However, when getting out into society, he knows how to put himself in the center of attention. He cannot stand quarrels, so he rarely initiates them, but if they happen, he will not look for a way out of them. He tries to treat his wife with respect. Does a great job with children. He tries to build his own house and furnish it. He even tries to choose things like curtains himself. She is an excellent cook and loves to eat delicious food.

Years of birth according to the sign of the Cat (Rabbit) – 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Male Cat (Rabbit) – personality characteristics

The Cat Man (Rabbit) very often lives by his own laws, understandable only to him, which defy logic and rational explanation.

He has a dual character and is characterized by an unpredictable alternation of sophisticated education and animal instincts, calculated dependence and absolute love of freedom, alternating love for comfort and craving for slums.

The behavior of a Cat (Rabbit) man is often inappropriate to the circumstances, stereotypes and expectations of others. He is very sensitive and receptive to everything: cosmic influences, weather, politics, sensations and public opinion. However, in reality, he listens only to the voice of his intuition, for he is more open to spiritual vibrations than to analysis and reasoning. Perhaps that is why it is very difficult to speak logically with a Cat (Rabbit) man, because even when, due to circumstances, he operates with specific facts and figures, his thinking is in the irrational sphere, in the field of intuition, the supersensible.

A man born, therefore, he despises and tries to avoid everything that could somehow shake his comfort. At the same time, he is a secular, sociable, friendly person. That's why there are always a lot of guests in his house. Possessing a heightened sense of danger, he highly values ​​his own security.

As a rule, the Cat (Rabbit) man is very popular in society, is respected, trusted, tactful and courteous in company, knows how to find the right words for each person, and his compliments are always pleasant. The Cat Man (Rabbit) practically does not use harsh words, not in society or in the family. He does not stoop to foul language and vulgarity. Impeccable behavior is very important for him, since by doing this he creates additional armor for himself and disarms or neutralizes his potential opponents.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) is a true gentleman, tastefully dressed and with excellent manners. Delicate taste and bright personality do not allow him to dress in the latest fashion. He always has his own unique, elegant style. He knows very well and knows how to behave in such a way as to make an impression. Moreover, he does not intend to make an impression. Elegance is just a “side effect” of his behavior, which, however, he really likes. This man is always polite, charming, witty, happy and satisfied with his life. And his charisma and ability to deal with the opposite sex provide him with 100% success with women. The Cat Man (Rabbit) is always calm and tries to avoid conflicts. He behaves with dignity and does not stoop to petty skirmishes or high-profile scandals. There is practically nothing that could cause him to lose his composure. Like women of this sign, male Cats (Rabbits) highly value harmony and peace in their environment.
The Cat Man (Rabbit) loves to live in abundance and does everything to provide himself and his family with the necessary comfort. He loves fine wines, nice cars, fashionable clothes, expensive dinners in first-class restaurants. As a rule, these men are successful both in love and in business. Potentially, the Cat (Rabbit) man can make a fortune - and over time he does. He is not pushy and knows that everything has its time.

The Cat (Rabbit) man has a rich imagination and extraordinary creative abilities. He is always aware of current events in the world of art and culture. He does not miss the opportunity to go to a museum, theater or simply to an exhibition of paintings. Unlike the Tiger, he never seeks adventure, relaxation that excites the blood, and strives for a quiet, calm life. He is afraid of everything new and unexpected, avoids change. It is worth noting that in the world of art, the Cat (Rabbit) man recognizes only the classics and does not consider the trendy avant-garde movements serious. And novelty in music and painting is especially unacceptable to him. Therefore, the Cat (Rabbit) man who chose creative path, becomes a salon writer or artist and may be an exquisite poet.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) is hardworking and successful in professional matters, but is very careful with money. He does not make unreliable deposits and spends money only when it is really necessary. The only exception is the interior, the interior decoration of the house. Home is his kingdom, his abode, and he spares no expense on luxury items and comfort. He loves antique furniture very much. In addition, being a symbol of family warmth and comfort, the Cat (Rabbit) man feels very confident and in full strength when he is at home. Therefore, he loves to receive guests, he is very kind, courteous, helpful - in a word - a hospitable host. He knows how to create a trusting atmosphere and no one can listen to you like a man or woman born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit). However, it is worth noting that the Cat (Rabbit) man, being an excellent comforter and compassionate listener, in most cases plays the role of a passive adviser and it is pointless to expect specific effective help from him. Don't expect him to leave his business and family, rush into battle or go into conflict for your sake.

Man of the Year Cat (Rabbit) – career

The Cat Man (Rabbit) is a born entrepreneur. Financially, success will always await him. He has excellent business skills. Therefore, over the years it financial situation It's only getting stronger. He is dexterous in business, cunning, and does not shy away from fraudulent and speculative transactions. He has excellent taste, so he can easily achieve success in any type of trade, in transactions with securities, real estate and currency. The Cat Man (Rabbit) is a born financier, a good diplomat, a resourceful lawyer and a shrewd manager. In all matters, he behaves with extreme caution and carefully checks the consequences. Astute, sensitive to good deals, the Cat (Rabbit) man will always appear in in the right place and at the right time, and from the variety of options he will be able to choose the one that will bring him the greatest benefit. With his supernatural sixth sense, the shrewd Cat (Rabbit) man is surprisingly lucky in the stock market, casinos or business risks. The good thing is that they know how to stop in time and leave with the winnings - instead of losing all their money in the heat of excitement.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) is friendly and diplomatic. And this attracts investors. He knows how to negotiate and is an excellent bargainer. He is able to achieve profitable offers even in cases where the chances are almost zero. All these qualities, as well as cunning and business acumen, allow the Cat (Rabbit) man to rapidly move up the career ladder and make a dizzying career. They make excellent leaders and organizers. Under the sign of the Cat (Rabbit) such people were born famous people like Rockefeller and Einstein.

Being an intriguer by nature and able to manipulate people, their consciousness or mood, the Cat (Rabbit) man successfully makes a game or politics through the hands of others, remaining beyond criticism and suspicion. In addition, he will always find, if he wants, a way to save situations, so as not to fall face down in a seemingly hopeless situation.

To achieve his goals, the Cat (Rabbit) man uses all his charm. He will easily invite a business partner to an expensive restaurant and treat him to a magnificent dinner, interest him in small talk, or even fulfill any whim of his partner.

As a rule, natural caution, diplomacy and tact allow the Cat (Rabbit) man to create harmonious relationships with people in any area. They can do any job, play any role, but only in a team where they are valued and respected. Otherwise, their abilities may not be realized, and alone the male Cat (Rabbit) becomes a wild lynx.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) is very pedantic. He pays attention to the smallest details, nothing will escape his tenacious gaze. Perhaps this is why he is considered a high expert and specialist in his field. If a Cat (Rabbit) man takes leadership position, then he becomes characterized by a heightened sense of duty, commitment to people, responsibility for his actions, in particular, and a sense of responsibility to his team and society as a whole. He values ​​team spirit and requires everyone to participate in the work without exception. They are not very powerful, but they believe that subordinates should anticipate their desires. It is not difficult to find a common language with Rabbit bosses.

Horoscope of a man Cat (Rabbit) – love and family

The Cat Man (Rabbit) absolutely cannot live without a woman. Woman - component his success. Male Cats (Rabbits) are gentle, sweet and romantic. However, those who consider them weak-willed are mistaken. This man will never allow himself to be used and will not choose a woman who wants to lead the family.

The Cat Man (Rabbit), however, like the woman of this sign, is very sensitive to the world around him and gives great value everyday life. Their houses, as a rule, are well, tastefully furnished, have fireplaces and everything that is necessary for excellent well-being. It is the house that helps the Cat (Rabbit) man maintain mental comfort and balance.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) seems to be created for love. He is very gentle, sweet and thus throws off his competitors. In addition, he is very sensitive to the needs of women. This is explained by the fact that men of this sign have an increased concentration of female hormones. Therefore, they are able to perceive a woman’s point of view and literally guess the desires of their companion. He is a passionate and insatiable lover, but his feelings towards the object of momentary passion can be somewhat superficial. But with family relationships it’s a completely different matter. He takes the choice of a life partner very seriously and spends a long time choosing from numerous fans. Very faithful and devoted by nature, they take disappointment in their partner very hard and may even get sick. Although, there is an exception to the rule. They hate betrayal and separation, and do not like to be deceived. And the power of their insight quickly recognizes falsehood. However, having suspected his wife of treason, he will limit himself only to reproaches. This man rarely initiates a breakup. True, there are male Cats (Rabbits) who often change their partners, but this is only for the reason that they cannot find the one they dreamed of so much in order to know the full depth of feelings.

Considering the type of man with cat-like charisma, we can say that he is one of the three most attractive to women, representatives of the eastern horoscope. He simply radiates erotic fluids with his entire appearance, skillfully stimulating female sensuality. For him, flirting, love and bed are some kind of sacred rituals in which the most important stage is foreplay. However, one should distinguish the “gallant Cat” from the “walking Cat”; his temperament is changeable, he writes out such zigzags and sinusoids that a slight love languor can turn into intimate insanity.
U, but he only needs one - the one who will accept him for who he is. He keeps his distance and is reluctant to make commitments. He is in no hurry to tie the knot and will break more than one heart before he settles down to life with his chosen one. The Cat (Rabbit) man takes this issue very seriously: he does not want to make a mistake with his choice. He doesn’t need a queen, but one who fits into his life plans. Although, thanks to his attentiveness, he is always surrounded by beauties. True, due to his indecision and caution, the Cat (Rabbit) man may miss his chance to create a happy family.

If you decide to attract a Cat (Rabbit) man, then remember that this is a man who does not just look at you and your charms, but listens to what you tell him. Therefore, you should not only look beautiful, but also say something smart every time you open your beautiful lips. To win his heart, you can offer him a quiet, relaxing evening at home. You can even cook dinner together, because the Cat (Rabbit) man loves to cook and his culinary talent is at the innate level. Also respect his artistic tastes, even if you have to suffer a lot at experimental poetry evenings.

It is worth noting that it is very worthwhile to fight for the heart and love of a man born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit). Because if he finds a soul mate in you, you will turn into the center of the Universe for him and he will throw the whole world at your feet. When the Cat (Rabbit) man finally makes his choice and proposes to his chosen one, he becomes a reliable husband and a great father for his children, who enjoys playing basketball, hockey, football and other active activities with them. His family relationships always built on romance and warmth of feelings, without this he simply cannot live.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) is capable of love relationships endure many of his woman’s pranks, except rudeness, noise, bickering, and impudence. This will make him leave you, and he will go in search of another, more educated and sophisticated woman. But if you want to get rid of the Cat (Rabbit) man, then prepare him soup from bags more often, invite guests who can burn an expensive carpet with their cheap cigarettes, and break and throw away what the Cat (Rabbit) man collects.

People born under the sign of the Rabbit (Cat) according to the eastern horoscope are very sociable, diplomatic, calm and positive. Many zodiac signs will be happy to find a mate in the caring and romantic Rabbit.

What is the compatibility between Rabbit and Rabbit? Let's look at what the horoscope promises for this couple in love and marriage.

Character of the Rabbit man

The Rabbit man loves society and it reciprocates. He gets along well with people - old friends and new acquaintances, but prefers to communicate closely with a permanent select circle. He is erudite and artistic, knows how to listen carefully and speak interestingly. His calmness, diplomacy and positive attitude allow him to successfully solve problems and resolve conflicts.

He arouses the admiration and love of many women, because he has sensitivity, intelligence and a sense of humor, and in addition, he is very caring and prone to romance. But sometimes this success turns against him. The fact is that for a happy marriage, the Rabbit needs a really good, calm and reasonable woman who can create some kind of support for him. Consciously or subconsciously understanding this, the Rabbit does not immediately find a mate.


Characteristics of the sign - Rabbit (Cat)

💘Compatibility of Zodiac Signs by year of birth💘

He takes a long time to choose from the women around him, sometimes having several affairs at once. It seems to him that they are all too good to stop at one, but in reality he just wants to find the best and most suitable one. As for finances, the Rabbit is lucky in this. He is a good businessman and can fully provide for himself and his family. However, it is worth repeating that he needs a strong support in the family, inspiration and understanding from a woman - only in this case will he earn a lot.

Sometimes the Cat man experiences mood swings when he feels confused and restless. It is at these moments that he most needs the support of a prudent wife, otherwise the Rabbit begins to seek oblivion in alcohol.

In general, a man of this type is very positive and tends to concentrate on the joyful aspects of life, ignoring the negative. He is non-aggressive, it is always pleasant to communicate with him (which is why he arouses universal love), but the Rabbit achieves his greatest success when he makes a successful choice of a life partner.

Character of the Rabbit woman

The horoscope endowed the Rabbit woman with truly feminine charm - she is refined, has a delicate taste, and knows how to carry on a conversation. She loves everything beautiful - be it the furnishings in her own home, beauty theatrical production or flower shows. I must say that she enjoys attending social events and always finds time to communicate and make friends. She has an indispensable property for a woman - the ability to rejoice and be happy with that that she has, no matter how little she is owed. Most often, this brings even more happiness and harmony into her life, but sometimes this attitude prevents her from moving forward.

The Cat woman zealously protects love and relationships, she is very faithful and caring. She knows how to create real comfort in the home, making her husband feel his importance, necessity and irreplaceability. A man blossoms next to such a woman, if she does not go too far and begins to show excessive protectiveness.

She rarely starts affairs because she is very devoted by nature. However, she will also demand fidelity from her partner - otherwise the offending spouse will have to face jealousy and even hysterics (which he may not expect at all from an outwardly calm Rabbit woman).

Man Rabbit woman Rabbit – compatibility in love and marriage

Two Rabbits (female Cat, male Cat) can make a wonderful pair with each other, although there may be several pitfalls in this union. According to the horoscope for this sign, this is one of best compatibility, which is not surprising, since diplomatic Cats, capable of getting along with anyone, will get along well with each other.

From the outside they look perfect couple: together it’s good for them to go out in public and stay at home, everything suits them, they never quarrel or criticize each other. Actually, this is not just an appearance - they really feel similar and compatible, they are comfortable and they will never destroy such pleasant love for the sake of squabbles and claims.

There are not many possible problems for this couple, but it is also useful to know about them:

  1. The amazing compatibility of two Cats can be destroyed by banal jealousy (especially if one of them is a fiery Scorpio). Both partners consider themselves to have the right to expect fidelity from the other, and if betrayal occurs in their lives, they immediately show their claws. It’s hard to tell them, “don’t be jealous,” but it’s better to advise, “don’t cheat.” (By the way, a man is more often caught in infidelity, and this happens for two reasons - he is either too pliable to resist someone’s persistence, or he is running away from the excessive care of his wife).
  2. The second thing that can destroy idyllic compatibility is, oddly enough, excessive love. More often than not, the wife is guilty of being too caring - she does everything for her partner, and up to a certain point the man appreciates this attitude. But everything needs moderation, otherwise love begins to be taken for granted or begins to stifle its object.
  3. Ideal compatibility creates harmony in relationships, but sometimes prevents the union of these signs from growing and developing. Indeed, why move somewhere if everything is fine? As a result, stagnation results in a vague feeling that “something is wrong,” and it imperceptibly corrodes that very harmony. Spouses can be advised to make more plans and strive to implement them - even if everything is good as it is, it can be even better!
  4. What else threatens their compatibility? Boredom. Both of them are calm and balanced, but even the most moderate people sometimes want a little “spice.” Therefore, the smooth flow of life sometimes becomes boring and results in betrayal. This happens very rarely, but in order to avoid such incidents, sometimes it is worth consciously introducing an element of adventure and gambling into your life.
  5. Another danger to marital compatibility is lack of money. The man in this union has good potential - he can earn money and has all the abilities to do so. But for financial success, he needs a strong rear and moral support in the person of a prudent and loving wife.

The Rabbit Man is a great guy: polite, charming, witty, almost always surrounded by friends. But if you're going to go all in on it, think again. He is real a man who loves women. These charismatic people illuminate the entire room with their light. The rabbit is good-natured, unless angry, and loves to live in abundance: fine wines, nice cars, fashionable rags and expensive dinners in first-class restaurants. And there is nothing wrong with that if he can afford it.

Rabbit men are usually successful in business and in love. Their friendliness attracts investors and they negotiate wisely. Rabbits willingly carry out assignments and love routine, so they make good accountants, teachers and scientists. With their supernatural sixth sense, shrewd Rabbit men are surprisingly successful in the stock market, casinos, or business risks. The good thing is that they know how to stop in time and leave with the winnings - instead of losing all their money in the heat of excitement.

In professional and love affairs, the Rabbit behaves with dignity and does not stoop to minor hassles or loud scandals. There is little that can make him lose his cool. Like women of this sign, Rabbit men value harmony and peace in their environment. Rabbits are excellent friends if they are not tried to be used; in this case, those who turn to the Rabbit for support should count on a cool attitude.

Unlucky friends and relatives are drawn to the Rabbit. Within certain limits, he fulfills all their requests, but then he will say: “Sorry, brother, I can’t” - this is how he expresses a categorical refusal. When it comes to finances, the Rabbit man can potentially make a fortune - and will do over time. He is not pushy and knows that everything has its time. It's the same in love. When the time comes, he will propose. This is an excellent father who enjoys playing basketball, hockey or football with his offspring.

Man born in the year of the Rabbit

The Rabbit man is characterized by some melancholy and skepticism, but against the general “sad” background, the image of a roguish werewolf emerges. A skeptical temperament is a sign of the high intelligence of a male Rabbit, and if he does not perceive information critically, then he turns into a Cat-Hare, rather superficial, a little naive, or very cautious, but his excessive caution often borders on indecision. Such men slowly but steadily gain their experience through their own trial and error.

Considering the type of man with rabbit charisma, we can say that he is one of the three most attractive to women, representatives of the eastern horoscope. Often, with his entire appearance, he radiates erotic fluids, skillfully stimulates female sensuality; for him, flirting, love and bed are some kind of sacred rituals, in which the most important stage is foreplay. However, one should distinguish the “gallant Rabbit” from the “walking Rabbit; his temperament is changeable, he writes out such zigzags and sinusoids that a slight love languor can turn into intimate insanity.

Among the dizzying careers of men, there are many successful examples. A Rabbit man who has taken the path of achievement or wants to realize himself in the world of business has undoubted advantages, however, as in all kinds of speculation and fraud. He knows how to be in the right place and at the right time, knows how to make a pleasant impression on people who are beneficial to him, and also has the magical ability to attract money.