Xiaomi headset pinout. Why don't headphones work with Xiaomi? Pinout diagrams by manufacturer

Hello, dear readers!
Today I offer you a short review and photo report of the original Xiaomi Piston Gold headphones, one of the latest revisions.

For those readers who are not in the know, I’ll make a reservation that Xiaomi has been releasing this model for quite some time and during this time the model itself and its packaging have changed slightly several times appearance. When determining the originality of the product and which version I got from the store, I was guided by, which describes in detail distinctive features different versions.
By all indications, it turned out that the headphones are original and, judging by the classification from this article, belong to the 4th revision.

So let's start with the packaging:
It, like other products from the company, is neat and small, made of unpainted cardboard and secured with tape. There is paper pasted on the back with technical characteristics, barcodes and numbers.

Inside there is a plastic box with headphones and ear pads, which is packed in a matte bag to protect it from scratches.

There is a variety of information on the inside of the box, but, unfortunately, all the inscriptions are in Chinese, so we are content with only looking at the pictures :)

The headphone box is made of plastic, the base is black, the lid is transparent. Below is a sticker with characteristics.

Let me make a reservation right away: the box itself and all its contents are cast and made very carefully, without burrs or flaws, which also confirms the originality.
When you open the box, you immediately smell the chocolate, this is such a signature feature, although they say that people are now starting to receive what seem to be original headphones, but without the pleasant smell :(
Inside there is a rubber base on which the headphones are neatly wrapped.

Under it in the box there are 3 pairs of replaceable ear pads and a metal clip. The ear pads fit quite tightly on the headphones, but changing them is not difficult, they are not prone to stretching.

The wire of the headphones, from the plug to the remote control, is made of fabric braiding, then it is simply rubber.

This is what the plug and control panel with microphone look like.

And here it is - headphones. On the base of the right earphone there is a ring, by which you can tell which earphone is which by touch.

Earphone sound channel and hole on back side closed with a metal grill.

Let's move on to the features of the headphones and start with the plug.
They use the new CTIA (Cellular Telephone Industries Association) standard plug pinout, and there is also the older OMTP (Open Mobile Terminal Platform) pinout standard. You can see the differences between these versions in the picture.

That is, before buying headphones, you need to clarify what type of pinout is used in your device, so that it does not happen that the headphones do not suit you. But still, if you want to use these particular headphones with a device with the old pinout standard, then you can buy a special small adapter plug from one type of pinout to another, like this:

Next, let's talk about the remote control.
It has two volume buttons and a microphone between them on one side, and one button on the other. When a call comes in, by briefly pressing this button you can pick up the handset, by pressing it briefly again you can mute the sound. Long press will cancel an incoming call or hang up during a call. When using a music player, this button is responsible for start/pause.

More about the headphones themselves. Since they are made of metal, they feel quite good in the ears, especially if used outdoors in cold weather. Be careful and do not walk with them in the cold without a hat, so as not to overcool your ears! In warm weather there seem to be no restrictions.

And finally, I should say something about the sound...
I found these graphs online for this headset, maybe they will tell someone something :)

But, unfortunately, because... I’m not an advanced music lover and not a fan of “warm tube sound”, I can only express my unprofessional impressions :) I’ll make a reservation that I’ve never listened to more or less high-quality headphones before. I usually used standard ones from the player or cheap store-bought ones, and this sound was quite enough for me to sometimes fill the silence.
To listen to music, I mainly use an old but high-quality Sandisk Sansa Clip player, and sometimes I watch videos on my MiPad tablet.

And after listening to Xiaomi Piston, I was impressed real impression. All your favorite songs began to sound better, because on these headphones both low and high frequencies are clearly distinguishable, and not just mids, as is generally the case with inexpensive headphones. The music doesn’t turn into a mess, but now I felt the difference :) Now I still prefer to listen to music in them and I confidently recommend these headphones to my friends.
Overall, the sound is really high quality and worth the money spent, which is also confirmed by the authors of numerous other reviews of this headset.
Now, in honor, the store has released a coupon with which you can get a nice discount.
Price: $15.99.
The coupon is valid until March 18.

Thank you for your attention!

The standard headset of my Lenovo a789 gave out, the “remote” fell apart, and one of the halves flew off in an unknown direction. This unfortunate fact prompted me to purchase XIAOMI Piston II Gold, and a couple of pieces at once.

According to the Internet, these ears have very decent sound quality. And they did not deceive - the headphones sound very decent. But the problem is that the plug is wired like an iPhone:

I don’t have an iPhone, I don’t have a single device with such a wiring in the house at all, and I decided to replace the plug. By the way, the original plug is sealed to death with caustic, smelly plastic, you can’t just take and throw two wires so that it becomes as I need it, that is, like this:

Therefore, I followed a very simple path - I took a wire with a plug from my original headset and soldered it to the caps. If you decide to repeat the feat, or solder a new plug from the store, you need to solder the wires like this:

After that, they begin to play music as they should, and in my case, you can still answer the call with a button from the “remote control” and use the headset microphones.

And one more thing: the plug from the headset of the Nokia 301 phone fits perfectly with the wires. The sound quality is simply terrible, so it’s not at all a shame to tear it off (I soldered it to the second caps), but the wires perfectly match the caps in color and quantity.

XIAOMI Piston II Gold are truly excellent headphones, both in build quality and sound quality. However, the non-standard plug is a little depressing, at least for me. I don't like to mess around too much. I hope this short note will save someone some time.

Today for smartphones there is huge amount accessories, among which mobile headsets are in greatest demand. However, what should you do if your Xiaomi phone does not see the headphones? There are common cases when the plug is inserted into the corresponding connector, but the gadget does not recognize it.

However, many users report poor and choppy sound, while others have had their second earphone not work. We will list the most popular reasons for this problem, as well as recommendations for solving the problem.

Wireless headset problems

Users who bought wireless headphones for the first time often cannot immediately synchronize the devices with each other. Therefore, some will think that the problem is in the attribute, or that Bluetooth on the smartphone does not work correctly.

In practice, when activating the headset, you need to go to the “Search for Bluetooth devices” item on your phone, and then click on the desired device to pair. Thus, it is not sufficient to simply include a protocol for the entire procedure.

Dust in the connector (headset mode does not turn off)

Some users may not take this factor seriously, but it should still be taken into account. If you don't connect headphones often, it is possible that dust or dirt may have gotten into the audio jack. In this case, the main contact of the plug may not connect well with the corresponding area of ​​the socket, therefore, the smartphone cannot see the connected equipment or, after disconnecting it, the sound is not output to the main speaker, since headphone mode is turned on.

In this case, you can try cleaning the connector with a needle or small screwdriver. During the procedure, the smartphone must be turned off to prevent a possible short circuit. The method was tested on a representative of the Redmi line.

Software problem

According to many users, their smartphone stopped working with headphones after switching to the eighth version of MIUI, so there are two ways to fix the problem:

  1. Return to the previous software modification;
  2. Download MIUI 8 with full formatting.

If you want to continue using the current version of the software and do not want to return the old one, then the site recommends simply deleting the system information and installing the new one again, since this was useful for many.

In total, there are two standards for plug wiring in headsets: OMTP and CTIA. Both types are equipped with three main contacts; if there is a control panel, four. In most cases, problems appear with the latter option. Since in the old pinout format the contact was common - OMTP came straight from the wire, after which the microphone, right earphone and left channel.

At the same time, in the new type of wiring, the ground and microphone have swapped positions. Accordingly, using an old headset with a new smartphone, the devices will not be able to be combined. For example, new Xiaomi smartphone models do not detect OMTP format headphones, since they are only compatible with new generation headphones.

The phone sees the headphones only for the first 3-5 seconds

If, after connecting the headset, the smartphone displays the corresponding sign only for the first few seconds, and then the connection is lost, then you can try to do otherwise, as one of the advanced users suggests:

  1. Do not insert the plug all the way;
  2. The headset connection indicator will light up;
  3. After waiting up to 10 seconds, insert the device completely.

Despite the strangeness of the method, these steps are practical for almost all users who cannot connect headphones correctly.


Following on from the above, there are several factors that prevent the headset from working properly. Therefore, you should not take the situation too seriously. You can diagnose and fix the problem yourself. Try using headphones with another smartphone, as the problem may lie with them.

Bluetooth headsets are convenient gadgets that allow you to communicate on the phone without having to hold your smartphone near your ear. This method of communication is convenient when riding a bicycle, car or while jogging. How to connect a Bluetooth headset to Xiaomi?

First, you need to open the notification shade and long press on the “Bluetooth” icon to bring up its settings menu. In the window that opens, activate the switch next to the “Enable Bluetooth” item.

Next, you should turn on the headset itself and activate visibility mode in it. Unfortunately, there is no universal method, since this is activated differently in different headsets, and to enable it you will need to study the instructions included with your wireless device.

Using the example of the Chinese “Noname” headset, this is achieved by long pressing the power button, where after the words “Power on” the message “Ready to pair” will sound. At this moment, the red and blue indicators in the headset will light up, which means you can try connecting it to your smartphone.

In the “Available devices” section, click on the name of the device that appears and wait until it appears in the list of connected ones. You may have to enter a pairing password, which will be written in the headset instructions.

It all started when the headset for my AMOY N850 died. I wondered about replacing it, and since the XIAOMI Piston headset has been reviewed here more than once, I decided to take it. The headset arrived in about a month. The first disappointment befell me on the way from the post office when I couldn’t resist opening the envelope. there was a small box made of white cardboard, not at all the same as on the seller’s website, and there was no plastic box for the headphones.

Well, to hell with this packaging, I thought and connected the headset to the phone. And here the biggest disappointment awaited me. The sound when listening to music is like a barrel, the buttons do not switch tracks. Trouble. But when I pressed the center button, the sound miraculously changed and became normal. But listening to music and pressing a button is not very convenient)).

Regarding the sound of my headset, I can say that it is not particularly outstanding, just average. Low frequencies are present. The volume is not very high, in general they play like other headphones of the same type for $15. I compared them with headphones bought here and there was a review of them here too. The sound is very similar. I didn’t check how the microphone works because I can’t imagine how to use it)).

What confuses me is that the seller’s photo of this headset doesn’t look like what came to me, it’s a different cardboard box, there’s no plastic box, the assembly with the buttons doesn’t look like it at all, it’s not clear where the hole for the microphone is. In general, such a strange headset.
I understand that this headset has been reviewed here more than once, but I want to warn those who want to buy it. As I understand it, headsets for devices on Android moreover have the same MIUI shell to each other not approaching etc. Apparently the wiring of the XIAOMI Piston headset is made like an iPhone. What I can recommend before buying is how to find out whether this headset suits you or not, but I don’t recommend buying from this seller because the description of the product does not correspond to reality.

Thank you for your thoughtful comments, as I understand, I have a phone with a wiring for the Uldum headset, but this is some other headset, who knows its name or where it is indicated in the lot description, please write.

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