Order with application. General rules for placing an order. Types of orders in an organization

At the stage of preparing the Order, the following operations are performed

  • preparation of the draft Order;
  • registration of the draft Order.

The preparation and execution of draft Orders is carried out by officials - Heads of departments (specialists) on behalf of the Head of the enterprise.

1. Preparation of the draft Order

When preparing a draft Order, the issue is studied and the text of the draft Order is drawn up.

The text of the Order, as a rule, consists of two parts: stating and administrative.

The ascertaining part sets out the grounds (facts, events, documents, etc.) and gives the motivation for the purpose of issuing the Order.

The stating part of the Order is omitted if its administrative part does not need clarification (i.e. the reason for issuing the Order is obvious).

The ascertaining part of the Order is separated from the administrative part by the separating word “I ORDER:”, which is printed on a separate line from the zero position of the tabulator, in capital letters with a colon, without spaces or quotation marks.

The administrative part of the Order states “to whom” (the performer or structural unit - those responsible for implementation), “what to do” (indicate specific work), “until what date” (the deadline for its completion). If the order to the executor is given permanently, then there may be no deadline for execution.

The administrative part of the text of the Order, as a rule, is divided into paragraphs, which are numbered in Arabic numerals. The last paragraph indicates the person or structural unit responsible for monitoring the execution of the Order as a whole.

If necessary, a separate paragraph at the end of the Order lists previously issued documents (Orders, Decisions, etc.) or parts of them that are cancelled, amended or supplemented by this Order.

Individual tasks (for example, a task containing digital data) or regulatory documents put into effect by the Order (Instructions, Regulations, Rules, etc.) are usually drawn up in the form of an Appendix to the Order with reference to them in the relevant paragraphs of the Order. On the first sheet of the Appendix in the upper right corner the following inscription is made: “Appendix to the order of the Head of JSC “FIRM NAME” dated 00.00.00 No. 000.”

The pages of the Order and Appendices are numbered as a single document.

2. Registration of the draft Order

The preparation of a draft Order consists of placing in strictly defined places on a form or a standard sheet the required (specific for a given type of document) set of details (in accordance with GOST 6.38-90). At this stage, the following details are entered on the draft Order:

  • organization logo;
  • OKPO organization code;
  • OKUD document code;
  • name of the organization;
  • name of the document type;
  • place of compilation or publication;
  • title to the text;
  • text;
  • mark about the presence of the application;
  • performer's name and phone number.

Orders for the main activities (first sheet) are drawn up, as a rule, on the General form of the enterprise.

Signing the Order

  • approval of the draft Order;
  • transfer of the draft Order to the preschool educational institution;
  • checking the correctness of the draft Order;
  • adjustment of the draft Order;
  • affixing the “document access restriction stamp”;
  • signing the draft Order.

3. Approval of the draft Order

The signing of the draft Order begins with its approval. The official preparing the draft Order coordinates it with:

  • heads of structural divisions;
  • lawyer;
  • chief accountant;
  • other interested officials.

Such approval is formalized in the form of affixing the “visa” requisite in a strictly defined place on the General Form or standard sheet on which the draft Order is drawn up (hereinafter referred to as “on the Order Form”). If any comments arise during approval, they are indicated either on the visa itself (if the comment is short) or on a separate sheet with a corresponding note on the Order Form (“Comments are attached” next to the visa). Visas are collected on the last sheet of the draft Order.

4. Transfer of the draft Order to the preschool educational institution service

After approval is completed, the draft Order is transferred by the Official who prepared it to the DOU service for signing by the Head of the enterprise (or his deputy who has the appropriate rights - hereinafter referred to as “his deputy”).

5. Checking the correctness of the draft Order

Before submitting the draft Order for signature to the Head of the enterprise (his deputy), the employee of the preschool education service checks the correctness of its execution in accordance with the current state standards for organizational and administrative documentation. An incorrectly completed draft Order is returned to the Official who prepared it for revision.

6. Adjustment of the draft Order

The head of the enterprise (his deputy) can make changes and additions to the draft Order received from the specialist of the preschool education service for signing. Such changes and additions become an integral part of the draft Order and do not violate its legal force.

7. Putting down the details “Grid restriction of access to the document”

If the draft Order contains information included in the List of information constituting a commercial secret of the enterprise, on the draft Order the Manager (his deputy) puts down the requisite “access restriction stamp to the document.”

8. Signing of the draft Order

The Order is signed (puts down the “signature” requisite on the Order Form) by the Head of the enterprise (or his deputy who has the appropriate rights). The first copy of the Order (original) is signed. The order comes into force from the moment it is signed, unless a different period is indicated in its text.

Registration of an order

At this stage, technological operations related to:

  • registration of the Order;
  • affixing the “Control mark” details.

9. Registration of the Order

A fully prepared, executed and signed Order is registered by specialists of the preschool educational institution service before transferring it to the Contractor for work (execution). Registration is necessary to ensure the safety of documents, their prompt search, accounting and control. There are several forms of document registration: centralized, decentralized and mixed (we will not dwell on their detailed characteristics in this material).

Registration of an Order is the recording of the fact of its creation by putting the details “index” and “date” on it (on the Order Form) followed by recording the necessary information about the Order in registration forms (magazines and/or cards).

The order is registered only once - on the day it is signed. When a registered Order is transferred from one structural unit of an enterprise to another, it is not re-registered.

The “date” detail is placed on the Order after it is signed (by specialists of the preschool educational institution service).

The “index” requisite of the Order, as a rule, is Arabic numerals without alphabetic characters entered in chronological order(simple sequential numbering) from the beginning of the calendar year. This detail is entered on the Order (on the Order Form) by specialists of the relevant structural units (preschool educational institution service, the structural unit whose head prepared the draft Order), depending on the document registration form adopted at the enterprise.

No indexes are placed on the Appendices to the Order.

Orders for core activities are registered in separate registration forms (Logs for registering orders for core activities). The form of the registration log is not regulated, i.e. the optimal composition and order of arrangement of registration columns (details) is determined by the enterprise’s preschool educational institution service at its discretion. The form and procedure for maintaining such journals is fixed in the “Instructions for maintaining a journal (cards) for registering Orders for core activities” developed by the enterprise. Typically, registration forms use the following registration fields:

  • index and date;
  • author (developer);
  • who signed;
  • title and/or summary;
  • applications;
  • resolution (contents of the order, executor, author of the order, date);
  • the executor's receipt of the Order;
  • deadline;
  • control mark;
  • progress of execution;
  • execution mark;
  • case number;
  • transferring data to machine media

If the Order contains information included in the List of information constituting a commercial secret of the enterprise, the Order is registered in a special accounting (registration) form. The technology for passing documents containing trade secrets through an enterprise is not discussed in this material.

10. Putting down the details “Control mark”

Registration of an Order can be considered as initial stage control over its implementation. After the instruction of the Head (his deputy) of the enterprise to place the Order for control, the specialist of the preschool education service puts down the “control mark” attribute on the left margin of the Order opposite the attribute “heading to the text” (less often - opposite the controlled points of this Order).

Execution and control of order execution

At this stage, technological operations related to:

  • reproduction of the Order;
  • certification of duplicated copies of the Order;
  • sending the Order (copies) to the executors;
  • issuing an Order for control;
  • checking the timely receipt of the Order (copies) by the executors;
  • execution of the Order;
  • checking and regulating the execution of the Order;
  • a report to the Head of the enterprise on the implementation of the Order;
  • agreeing on changes in the timing and procedure for execution of the Order;
  • changing the timing and procedure for execution of the Order;
  • completion of execution of the Order.

The order, signed by the Head (his deputy) and registered by the specialists of the preschool educational institution service, is transferred to the Executors specified in it against receipt for work to carry out its implementation.

11. Reproduction of the Order

If the Order specifies several Executors, then to ensure prompt execution of the Order, it may be reproduced in the required number of copies. The need to reproduce the Order and the number of copies (distribution list) is determined by the person organizing its execution (Responsible Executor). The mailing list indicates the name of the Order, the name of the executor, the structural unit, the number of copies transmitted, and the date. Responsibility for determining the circulation and the correct compilation of the mailing list rests with the official who prepared this Order.

12. Certification of duplicated copies of the Order

Copied copies of the Order are certified by specialists of the preschool educational institution service. To certify a copy of the Order, the specialist of the preschool educational institution service puts on the Order Form on which each copy of the Order is drawn up, the requisite “copy certification mark”.

All duplicated and certified copies of the Order are either transferred by the specialists of the preschool educational institution service to the Responsible Executor for independent distribution to the Executors, or the specialists of the preschool educational institution service themselves distribute them to each Executor. Copies of the Order are handed over to the Contractors under a personal signature, which they affix to the mailing list (usually on the reverse side last sheet original of the Order). In the first case, the Responsible Executor signs, indicating the number of copies received; in the second, all Executors who received a copy of the Order sign.

Processing of Orders and their transfer for work (execution) to Executors must be carried out within one working day from the moment of their receipt after signing by the DOW service.

14. Placing an Order for control

The execution of all registered Orders is subject to control.

The Head (his deputy) of the enterprise is responsible for organizing control over the execution of the Order. The main goal of organizing control is to ensure timely and high-quality execution of the Order. Monitoring the execution of the Order is carried out by specialists from the preschool educational institution service and the official who prepared this Order.

To submit an Order for control, specialists from the preschool educational institution service fill out the appropriate fields in the registration forms (magazines and/or cards).

15. Verification of timely receipt of the Order (copies) by the executors

If the Distribution of the Order (its copies) to the Executors was carried out independently by the Responsible Executor, then the specialists of the DOW service must verify their timely receipt by the Executors in order to begin work on the execution of the instructions recorded in it.

16. Execution of the Order

Carrying out specific work by the Contractor in pursuance of the order (task) recorded in the Order.

17. Verification and regulation of the execution of the Order

The responsible executor independently personally monitors the progress of execution of the Order.

Specialists of the DOW service monitor the deadline for the execution of the Order. The Order execution period is the period of time allotted for the execution of the Order, or the calendar date by which execution is scheduled. The deadlines for execution of the Order may be standard or individual.

Standard deadlines for the execution of documents are established by acts of the highest bodies of state power and administration. The typical execution time frame is 10 days for review and reporting on the execution of Orders, unless the execution period is specified in the Order.

Individual deadlines for execution are indicated by the author of the Order in its text or established by the Head (his deputy) of the enterprise. Standard and individual deadlines are calculated in calendar days from the date of signing (entry into force) of the Order. If the individual deadline for execution of an Order differs from the standard one, then the individual deadline is considered to be the execution deadline. If it is necessary to fulfill the items of the Order within different deadlines, each item has its own deadline for execution.

Monitoring the progress of execution of the Order is carried out daily if there are 1 to 5 days left before the established execution deadline, and twice during the period - if there are 5 to 10 days left before the established execution deadline.

18. Report to the Head of the enterprise on the implementation of the Order

Based on the results of control, the responsible executor and specialists of the preschool educational institution service inform the Head (his deputy) of the enterprise about the progress of execution of the Order, the results achieved and circumstances that have arisen that impede the execution of the Order within the established time frame.

19. Coordination of changes in the timing and procedure for execution of the Order

If necessary, the Head (his deputy) of the enterprise and the Executive Officer will agree on changing the timing and procedure for executing the Order. The basis for this is a memorandum from the Responsible Executive motivating the need for such changes. The decision to change the timing and procedure for the execution of the Order is reflected in the resolution of the Head (his deputy) of the enterprise.

A change in the timing and procedure for the execution of the Order must be made no less than two days before the expiration of the deadline for execution of the Order.

20. Changes in the timing and procedure for execution of the Order

Based on the resolution of the Head (his deputy) of the enterprise, the specialists of the preschool educational institution service change the timing and procedure for executing the Order by making the necessary adjustments to the relevant columns in the registration forms (magazines and/or cards).

21. Completion of execution of the Order

An order is considered executed if the measures provided for in it have actually been carried out (a specific task has been completed, a written response has been prepared, etc.) or another document has been drawn up in its execution.

Transferring an executed order to a case file

At this stage, technological operations related to:

  • returning the executed Order to the DOW service;
  • a record of the execution of the Order;
  • removing the executed Order from control and filing it in the file.

22. Return of the executed Order to the DOW service

The order registered by the specialists of the preschool educational institution service, after execution, must be returned by the Executive Officer to the preschool educational institution service for filing in the file (formation of cases).

23. Record of execution of the Order

The result of the execution of the Order is presented in a written report or noted in short form on the Order itself (the Responsible Executive and/or specialists of the preschool educational institution service fill out the field " brief information on the execution of "requisites" a note on the execution of the document and sending it to the file). In addition, the specialists of the preschool education service make the necessary notes (entries) in the appropriate columns of the registration forms (magazines and/or cards).

24. Removing the executed Order from control and filing it in the file

The order is removed from control after its execution. If there is no longer a need to execute the Order, it is removed from control by the person who placed it under control. At the same time, specialists of the preschool education service make the necessary notes (entries) in the appropriate columns of the registration forms (magazines and/or cards).

Filing an Order into a case (formation of cases) is a grouping of executed Orders into cases in accordance with the Nomenclature of Cases of the enterprise. The formation of cases is carried out by a specialist from the preschool educational institution service under the direct supervision of the Head of the enterprise.

On the Form of the Order filed in the case, the specialists of the preschool educational institution service put down the requisite “a mark on the execution of the document and sending it to the case” and make the necessary notes (entries) in the corresponding columns of the registration forms (magazines and/or cards).

When forming cases, the following requirements must be observed:

  • Only executed and correctly executed Orders are placed into the file;
  • Orders for core activities are grouped separately from Orders for personnel;
  • As a rule, orders of the same year are grouped into a case (with the exception of transferable ones);
  • one (genuine) copy of the Order is included in the file;
  • Orders within the case are arranged in numerical sequence (in ascending order of their registration (ordinal) numbers);
  • Attachments (the document is marked “Appendix”) to the Order are filed in the file together with the corresponding Order;
  • documents for Orders are grouped and filed separately and stored with the person who prepared their drafts;
  • Orders containing information included in the List of information constituting a commercial secret of an enterprise are grouped and filed in a separate file.

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Writing an order

The next mandatory part of the order is a phrase that includes the word “I order.” It should be followed by specific instructions and orders encouraging the performance of specific actions.

Next, the deadlines for executing the order, the persons responsible for its execution, and their positions are usually indicated. As an option, the line “with an order to familiarize against signature:” is added to the document, listing the full names of officials. At the end of the order there must be the signature of the manager.

A simple example of an order might look like this: Sometimes orders include a relatively large amount of information. In such cases, it is allowed to draw up appendices to the order, for example, with graphs, tables, diagrams, etc. In this case, the main text of the order itself may contain links, for example, “see. Application No. 1."

Management of any process in which many performers are involved is most effectively carried out using orders. This is exactly how the work of large enterprises is organized, where the manager issues orders that allow the coordination of economic activity organizations.

The issuance of an order can concern absolutely any area of ​​activity, including work with staff, clients, etc. Orders become the main motive for action, a task for subordinates, therefore, when preparing such documents, it is important to use the most clear and understandable structure possible. How to write orders correctly?

Writing an order

Every manager must know how to write an order correctly, since he is the one who issues and signs it. First of all, due to the usually large number of internal orders, each such document must be assigned a number. Subsequently, the details (number, date of publication) are entered in special order journals.

A well-chosen preamble will also help to draw up a document correctly - usually this is the reason that led to the need to issue this order from the organization’s management (for example, “in connection with an inspection,” etc.) Here you can also refer to certain regulations, for example, LLC Charter, collective agreement or Labor Code, providing for the possibility of carrying out such work.

The next mandatory part of the order is a phrase that includes the word “I order.” It should be followed by specific instructions and orders encouraging the performance of specific actions. Next, the deadlines for executing the order, the persons responsible for its execution, and their positions are usually indicated. As an option, the line “with an order to familiarize against signature:” is added to the document, listing the full names of officials. At the end of the order there must be the signature of the manager.

How to write an order correctly: sample

A simple example of an order might look like this:

Sometimes orders include a relatively large amount of information. In such cases, it is allowed to draw up appendices to the order, for example, with graphs, tables, diagrams, etc. In this case, the main text of the order itself may contain links, for example, “see. Application No. 1."

Orders for core activities - how to write them correctly

Each organization very actively uses orders for its core activities in the course of its activities. This article will answer the question of how to correctly draw up an order so that the execution of orders complies with office work standards. Specific examples can be found in the “Sample Orders” section. This resource is very young, so the collection of samples will certainly be replenished over time.

To formalize a decision of a regulatory and administrative nature, it is necessary to draw up an order. Draft orders for core activities are prepared by specialists from the organization’s divisions within their competence on behalf of management or on their own initiative. But remember, initiative is punishable in our country (just kidding). At the same time, responsibility for the high-quality preparation of the draft order falls on the head of this structural unit, and the correct execution of orders falls on the office management service.

Order form

Orders for main activities should be drawn up on the order form of the established form. It is very good if the order form used in the organization is established in your office management instructions. Please see the link below for a sample order form. It includes all the required details, please change only to the details of your organization.

The minimum size of the margins of each order sheet on the left, top, bottom is 20 mm, on the right - 10 mm. According to the rules business correspondence The letterhead has similar dimensions. If the text of the order is large, then they are numbered starting from the second sheet. Moreover, this should be done from the top and in the center.

Registration of orders

Title to text

The text of the order for the main activity must have a short title, which is aligned in the center of the sheet. It answers the question “about what?” and is written without quotation marks - On approval of the regulations..., On the appointment of a person in charge... etc.

Statement of the basis for the order

Usually the text begins with a statement of reasons, the basis for preparing the order (preamble). Common beginning options are “For the purpose of...”, “In accordance with...”, “In pursuance of...”, etc.

If necessary, a link to the base document is provided in the following order. type of document + author + date + number + title. See sample drafting - In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Culture dated December 31, 2013 No. 2211 “... title of the document.”

In orders, the preamble ends with the word prikazyva, it is better to indicate it in the order and not go to a new line (see sample orders). This trick is from the instructions for office work in federal authorities. But if your organization has accepted the word


print in capital letters on a new line without space (as shown here), then this option is also acceptable.

Administrative part

The text of orders for core activities includes a list of prescribed actions. What is important here is specificity and the possibility of subsequent control of execution.

It is convenient to divide actions in the administrative part into points (but this is not necessary).

The following may appear as executors of instructions: structural divisions, and specific people. If necessary, deadlines are determined. No deadlines are established for instructions of a regular or normative nature. In the last paragraph, you can indicate who is responsible for monitoring the execution of the order (but this is also not necessary).

When it is intended to put into effect an order on the main activity not from the moment of its publication, then the date of its introduction must be indicated.

The text of the order does not need to include a phrase like “Order to bring to …”. The executor, simultaneously with the draft order, prepares a mailing list of any form (i.e. it can be changed as desired), where he lists the necessary structural units or specific persons who need to be informed. After all, the order is not issued in order to keep it secretly in a safe. There are “special people” in the office management service, whose responsibilities include further work with the organization’s orders after they are signed.

You can do everything less formally. In an organization, people often don’t mind checking off the order even without a mailing list.

How to register an application

Due to their large volume, individual sets of information are usually drawn up in the form of separate appendices to orders for core activities. For example, other documents approved by the order (instructions, regulations, schedules, diagrams, staffing schedules, etc.).

If there are several applications, then they are numbered in the text of the order. For example, “Approve the procedure for acceptance and transfer, accounting and write-off of fixed assets (Appendix No. 4).”

Directly on the first sheet of the application in its upper right corner, make a mark according to the following sample:

Appendix No. 4

to the order of LLC "Buffalo"

dated January 16, 2014 No. 12

How to correctly issue an order to cancel another order or change it, read in another article. There will also be examples of drawing up such orders.

If you need to make an extract from the order. then look at the example at the link in this article.

I think that’s enough information about placing orders for today. What else on this topic? Next, you can read about the coordination and registration of orders for the main activity - these are mandatory stages.

Evgeniya Polosa

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Thank you for adding this article to:

Order, decision, instruction, order. Sample, template, text, structure, example, form, form. Download, write, compose. Writing, correct composition. Design rules.

The most important:

Can orders on technological issues be formalized this way? Yes, the format is universal. It can be filled with any content.

Is the format suitable for investment committee decisions? Certainly. The format is universal.

Order of dismissal, how to draw it up. The general recommendations remain in force, but the structure of the dismissal order is regulated by labor legislation, please read it.

The transaction order looks completely different. If you look closely, the order table contains all the listed sections. They're just designed a little differently.

Correct execution of administrative documents simplifies their execution and creates order in affairs. Using the given recommendations for writing an order, decision, instruction, instruction, you will prepare a high-quality document.

[Document type, date and number in internal accounting]. For example, Order No. _______ dated _________

[The body that issued the document that made the decision in genitive case]. For example, the General Director of LSS RUUP ORK LLC, or the Board of Directors of the Power and Money Foundation.

The activities of any successful enterprise or organization are built according to uniform rules that ensure the implementation of the tasks facing them. Their activities are unthinkable without the effective functioning of structural units, their interaction and strict subordination.

To ensure the solution of such problems, enterprise managers issue regulatory documents in the form of orders (instructions).

According to the rules of record keeping, such documents are divided into several groups:

  • instructions for core activities;
  • instructions on personnel composition;
  • orders for financial and economic activities.

In this article we will consider orders that relate to the main activities of the enterprise. The main activities of the enterprise, from the point of view of office work, include the following issues:

  • organizational and structural issues related to the division of functions and competence of departments and employees;
  • regulatory legal acts that regulate internal regulations, provisions on remuneration, bonuses and job responsibilities employees (job descriptions);
  • conducting an inventory, audit, certification of employees, monitoring compliance with labor protection and safety regulations;
  • approval of reports of structural units and documents sent to higher and supervisory organizations.

Let us immediately note that there is no single form of order for the main activity. At large enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises, there are sample orders for core activities approved by a higher authority. For small and private enterprises there is no such unification, but administrative documents on the main activity are very important, since in conflict situations they allow one to assess (prove in court) the competence of the manager’s actions. Let's see how to place an order correctly. Often, managers entrust the technical work on preparing these documents to the secretariat. Therefore, for secretariat employees, knowing how to write a correct order (sample) is a necessary skill.

An order on the main activity, like any other, must contain the details of the enterprise, the date and place of preparation, the date of entry into force, the main content, and the signatures of persons obliged to familiarize themselves with it. Below we provide a sample of drawing up an order for organizing a new structural unit.

Read also: Sample power of attorney to the tax office

ORDER No. 12

Due to the increase in the volume of work on product quality control and the creation of a certified analytical center

I order:

  1. Approve the regulations on the technical control department and the job description of the head of the technical control department.
  2. Subordinate the analytical laboratories of workshops No. 1, 2 and 3 to the technical control department.
  3. Appoint Irina Aleksandrovna Paramonova as head of the technical control department.
  4. Control over the execution of the order is entrusted to the chief engineer Sergei Ivanovich Samoilov.
  5. Familiarize the shop and shift supervisors with the order (according to the list).


— Regulations on the technical control department

Job description Head of the technical control department.

Director of Contrex LLC ______________ Smirnov V.R.

The following have been familiarized with the order:

We will also show you how to draw up an order (sample) to investigate an accident.

Limited Liability Company "Kontrex"

ORDER No. 24

On the creation of a technical control department

In connection with the injury received by rigger Ivan Ivanovich Somov (act No. 1 dated February 11, 2017) while loading a pump in workshop No. 1

I order:

  1. Create an accident investigation commission consisting of:
    - chief engineer Sergei Ivanovich Samoilov (chairman of the commission); - chairman of the trade union committee Sergei Petrovich Pavlov; - head of the labor protection and safety department Elena Ivanovna Zamkova;

    — head of workshop No. 2 Alexander Ivanovich Egorov;

    - engineer Tatyana Ivanovna Vasilyeva.

  2. The commission will conduct an investigation of the accident within three days and draw up a report indicating additional measures to strengthen labor protection and compliance with safety regulations at the plant.

3. I take control of the execution of the order.

Any management action begins with an order. An order is a kind of administrative document that is similar to a shot from a starting pistol. It is published for the purpose of solving managerial and administrative tasks of an organization or its division. The order is a standard document, therefore it has a clearly regulated structure, design rules in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003.

Orders may relate to the activities of the organization, relationships in the workforce, the procedure for working with documentation, the imposition of penalties, and incentives. Conventionally, all orders can be divided into two groups: by office processes (main issues of activity), by personnel (personnel issues). Depending on the purpose of the order, responsibility for its publication is assigned to different executors. To draw up an order, you need a special form from the institution in the established form. The form can use: the coat of arms of the Russian Federation (federal level institution), trademark, emblem. Mandatory details of the order: organizational and legal form of the organization, its full name, registration number– serial number under which the order is registered in the registration journal, date of issue – date of signature by the manager.

You can download it.

According to the rules of business correspondence, the margins on the form sheet are left on the right - 10 mm, on the top and bottom - 20 mm. If the text of the order takes up several sheets, then they are numbered. Numbering begins from the second sheet. The numbers are placed in the center of the top line. The name of the document – ​​“ORDER” – is written entirely in capital letters. The text of the order is preceded by a title; it briefly answers the question “what is the order about?”, written without quotation marks. The next part of the order is a statement of its basis. The preamble is written here, that is, the reason that caused the issuance of the order, the events that preceded it. Most often, the beginning sounds like this: “In accordance with ...”, “For the purposes of ...”, “In pursuance of ...”, “In connection with ...”. In this part, a reference may be made to the official document that served as the basis for the order. For example, “In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education dated May 5, 2014 No. 711 “...name of the document.” The preamble ends with the word “I order:”.

Administrative part. In this part, specificity is important - a description of the prescribed actions and the assignment of control to the performer. If the administrative part describes a number of actions, then they can be numbered, but this is not necessary. Specific people or divisions of the enterprise may appear as performers. If deadlines are assigned, they must be indicated. If the order is of a regular nature, the deadlines are not determined. You can name the person responsible for executing the order in the last paragraph. In conclusion, the manager’s signature is affixed: job title, signature, transcript of the signature.

You can download from us:

The order does not contain the words “Bring to the attention of...”. The order is accompanied by a mailing list; it sets out in free form the essence of the order and lists the persons who should be familiar with it. An order is not a secret document to be kept in a safe. There are people in the organization's office work whose responsibility is to continue working with the order after it has been signed. A mailing list is not prepared if employees do not object to the need to sign without formalities that they have been familiarized with the order.

– download here.

Sometimes annexes are issued to the order. This is done when there is a large amount of information accompanying the order. These could be: staffing schedules, diagrams, schedules, regulations, instructions. Each application is numbered. The application number is written in the upper right corner of the sheet. For example, “Appendix No. 2”.

The original orders are kept for five years. Orders on hiring and dismissal - 75 years. If the organization is liquidated and the storage period for documents has not expired, they are transferred to the city archive.

Among the company's internal documentation, orders for core activities constitute the main part. Learn how to design them correctly and what they are – right now.

From the name it follows that these orders are related to the main one, i.e. current activities of the company. They are defined as all those documents that remain after sifting out such types as:

  1. Personnel orders are all internal documentation that is related to the reflection of labor relations with both each employee and the team as a whole. PLS includes regulatory documents of the company regulating:
  • hiring and dismissal from work;
  • bonuses;
  • collections;
  • disciplinary penalties;
  • sending on current and unscheduled leave;
  • business trips, etc.
  1. Orders regulating relations in the field of administrative and economic activities of the company (PAD). This includes documents that contain instructions on the use of company property, material support, security of the facility - i.e. all tasks related to the material side of work and management of the company.

Thus, orders relating to the main activities of the company (POD) contain the most diverse group of documents, which in turn is divided into 8 subgroups:

  1. Structural – they relate to the regulation of the internal hierarchy in the company, its structure as a single system. Basically, such documents regulate the formation and termination of branches, separate divisions, creation and liquidation of new departments or separate groups within existing departments. This group also includes orders in connection with the company's acquisition of smaller firms or in connection with a merger with larger companies. Thus, If legal entity has a small amount full-time employees and does not have its own branches, then its structural activities are practically absent.
  2. Regulatory – in fact, these are all internal documents that have a regulatory nature: internal company legislation. It is here that the working hours, daily routine, grounds for bonuses, principles of remuneration, instructions for each specific employee, etc. are prescribed. In this regard, they should not be confused with the PLC: for example, the provision on bonuses itself is a PLC, and the order for a bonus for a specific employee is a PLC.
  3. Organizational ones are close to normative ones, but they do not contain the company’s operating standards themselves, but describe specific tasks, who stand before individual employees, departments or the entire staff in at the moment. For example, management announces a transition to shift schedule the work of an entire department, introduces a new staffing table or announces the creation of a commission that will investigate the accident, etc.
  4. Supervisors regulate the next scheduled or unscheduled inspections aimed at monitoring the work of a department or the entire company, as well as conducting re-certification, submitting annual financial statements, organizing an inventory, etc.
  5. Reporting documents are a very important subgroup of AML: these are the documents that the inspection authorities are primarily interested in. This category includes all types of reporting- not only financial and economic in nature (accounting), but analytical reports, reports on the implementation of plans by departments with applications explaining the plan for a similar period in the future, as well as statistical reports (at large enterprises).
  6. Financial orders are not accounting documents, but those orders that outline a financial strategy, sales plans for the foreseeable future period, analysis of financial development risks in the niche where the company is located, etc. Those. this includes all documents that describe financial plans guidelines for a specific period.
  7. Security orders – all documents related to material supply issues activities of the company: from the purchase of consumables to the acquisition of necessary raw materials, office equipment, etc.
  8. Information - the most diverse subgroup, which essentially includes all documents not included in the previous 7 groups. Usually these are regulatory orders regulating the registration of document flow, placement of a file in an archive, features of the preparation of internal papers, etc.

Thus, orders regulating the main activities of the company are a group of documents that are conditionally combined into one category. The selection is based on the “by contradiction” method - everything that is not included in the PLS and PAD is classified as AML. The most common documents in this category that are found in any company are the following:

  • about the establishment staffing table, its adjustment or complete change;
  • on the introduction of work procedures for each employee: mode, working hours, number of shifts, time for a regulated break, etc.;
  • on the implementation of any local act in the company, for example, labor safety rules at a particular facility, regulations on bonuses, etc.;
  • on the inventory of all property assets of the company with the establishment of the procedure for conducting the inventory, a complete list of items with numbers, etc.;
  • on the implementation of the current vacation schedule for each employee;
  • on the procedure for the work of the commission organized to investigate the circumstances of the accident.

Orders for main types of activities are stored in the organization indefinitely, while for personnel, as well as administrative and economic orders - for 5 years. Therefore, it is better not to mix different issues in the contents of one document - then you will have to store too many virtually unnecessary papers.

How to properly prepare a document: step-by-step instructions

An example of such a document is shown in the figure.

The structure of the order, regardless of the type of main activity of the company it regulates, is the same:

  1. Full name of the organization - here you need to indicate not only the abbreviation, but also the original name. All details, contacts and other information about the company should not be written down, since the order is intended only for internal use in the company.
  2. Name, i.e. the “Order” itself. It is better to make all letters in capitals and place them in the middle - as in most similar documents.
  3. Document details, i.e. date of issue/effective date (sometimes this different days), number (according to the uniform rules of internal numbering), place of publication (this is relevant for large companies that have local structural divisions and branches). Next to the document number you can put the designation OD, which classifies the order as regulating the main activity. This is not necessary, although for convenience it is recommended that you always label each paper accordingly.
  4. The actual topic of the order, which simultaneously serves as the main heading that precedes the entire text.
  5. Grounds for introducing an amendment or a new norm: “In connection with optimization”, “In pursuance of an order” (i.e. a reference to a decision of a higher management body of the company or a specific official), “In order to bring the system or individual elements into compliance with GOST (or other regulatory document)”, “Due to production necessity”, etc.
  6. The word "I ORDER".
  7. The actual description of the order and the identification of responsible persons (names and positions) for its execution. There are also cases when there are no specific people responsible, since the change is quite large-scale and affects the entire team as a whole. Then it is written that the director himself retains control of execution.
  8. Full name, signature of the authorized person. Here it should be noted that the organization’s seal is not placed on the order - this is an internal document, therefore one signature is considered sufficient that it was actually issued officially on behalf of the company. Those. an order for the main type of activity is valid only on the basis of the director’s signature.

Thus, in essence, such an order consists of all sections typical for this type of document:

  1. Details, company name (introductory part).
  2. The stating (descriptive) part, to which the title is given (i.e. which aspect of the relationship the order regulates) and the basis for introducing the innovation: “For the purpose of improvement...”.
  3. Actually the administrative part, which follows after the word “I ORDER”. This is where innovations are described, the deadline for their implementation and the officials who are responsible for the implementation of the idea.
  4. Attachments - if necessary, move large information - nomenclature, lists of names, other large blocks beyond the text of the order. All attachments are numbered (if there are several of them) and are an integral part of the order.

Any AML, regardless of its purpose, has a downside; It lists the positions and names of employees:

  1. With whom the document revision was agreed upon.
  2. Which must be familiarized with it under signature.
  3. Who drew up the order itself. In large companies, the general director cannot even physically familiarize himself with, much less develop, the entire flow of documents that the company needs. Therefore, he delegates part of his powers to a trusted person - another employee. Most often this is a substitute.

There is a special journal for AML in which only these orders are recorded. It has the same name - a journal for recording orders for core activities.

As a rule, this is a 64-page A4 brochure in a cardboard cover, stylized as archival documents (golden color). The left edge is slightly larger, as is the case with all other documents - the margin is used to create holes for filing in the archive.

Entries in this document are made in a standard form, as shown in the sample.

The numbers are always placed in order. Particular attention should be paid to the “date” and “document title” fields - errors here are unacceptable both from the point of view of ease of finding and in terms of checks by representatives of various authorities. It should also be taken into account that The names of orders should be kept as short as possible, so that later you can easily find them among many similar papers.

The document must be registered immediately after it is signed, because it is this fact that confirms the legal force of the order. If the paper is issued, but not registered, it does not formally exist, as can be understood from GOST R 51141-98 (it describes that it is registration that records the fact of the creation of the order).

The registration log is maintained throughout the calendar year. At the same time, a new journal must be started every year, regardless of the state of the book’s content. If there is no more space left in one copy (which only happens in the case of large organizations), a continuation of the journal is started, on which “Part 2” is indicated.

PLEASE NOTE. AML and PLC are always registered as separate documents – i.e. the content of this order cannot contain elements of another. At the same time, AML and PAD can be combined into one document at the discretion of the company’s officials.

How are PODs stored?

Despite the fact that the organization is obliged to store all PML, regardless of the statute of limitations, it is allowed to send for long-term storage those documents that there is no need to access in current activities.

The procedure in this case is quite simple:

  1. At the end of each calendar year, authorized employees assess whether it will be necessary to refer to the order or whether it has actually lost its relevance.
  2. All documents that have lost their validity are sent to a special storage facility or transferred to the archive.
  3. An information order on the main type of activity is drawn up about this fact, which is recorded in the journal as usual.

Examples of common types of orders in 2019

  1. On assuming the position of director ( general director, branch manager, etc.).
  2. On approval of the staffing table (introduction of a new one, amendments to the old one, establishment for the first time).
  3. On the transfer of functions (using the example of an employee performing personnel records).
  4. About the establishment, amendments or introduction new edition document “Internal Labor Regulations”.
  5. About the company's work schedule during certain periods (for example, during the May holidays).
  6. On the regulations for the actions of all employees in the event of a fire.
  7. About the smoking ban.
  8. On the appointment of a person in charge (using the example of a person responsible for fire safety).
  9. On the transfer of the right to sign (using the example of the right to sign in all personnel documents).
  10. On early termination of duties by the manager.