A story based on a silver painting. Essay-description based on a painting-portrait of Z.E. Serebryakova "At Breakfast". Learning new ways of doing things

Zinaida Serebryakova’s painting “At Lunch” is a portrait taken in the family kitchen. She depicted her children's dinner ceremony on it. I saw this painting for the first time at the Tretyakov Gallery, and I immediately liked it for its warmth and care.

The hostess’s face is not visible in the picture, but only her caring hands are visible, carefully pouring soup into porcelain dishes. On the table there is a large yellow jug, a slightly smaller glass decanter, next to it there is a tureen on a striped wooden stand.

Two golden brown buns lie on a round wooden stand next to the jug, almost in the center of the table. There is a small white salt shaker, a brown pot, three glasses, biscuits, a neatly rolled napkin and one empty plate for the cook herself.

When she finishes her work, then she can eat. The table is covered with a snow-white tablecloth. The eldest child in the family is Zhenya. He is 8 years old. The boy raised a glass of water to his lips and wants to drink it. His gaze is fixed on the bottom of the glass.

The youngest son Sasha, sitting with his back to us, looks, turning his head, at his mother drawing him, with an obedient look full of gratitude and attention. He holds a spoon in his bowl of soup. Sasha started eating. He is 7 years old. Sasha's back is straight, as befits a well-mannered child.

Tata, the little girl sits with her leg thrown up on a chair and her hand on a plate with a beautiful blue border. It's more convenient for her. This is the most beloved child in the family. Judging by the self-portraits of Zinaida Serebryakova: “in a Pierrot costume” from 1911, “with a brush,” the children are very similar to their mother. They all have brown eyes and the same color hair.

Zhenya has a jumper gray, Sasha has a gray striped jacket, and Tata has a white lace shirt over a black shirt, without a collar and also striped. The reflections on the dishes reflect the sun shining through the window. A shadow is visible on Sasha's jacket.

When we have dinner with our family, my mom sits next to my dad in the middle of the table, and my sister and I sit on the other two sides. Usually our lunch starts with soup, then the second and third. I love cherry compote the most. For lunch we eat borscht, cabbage soup, chicken broth, or broth with meatballs. For the second course we have mashed potatoes, rice, buckwheat porridge with milk and more pasta. Sometimes we eat salads at home: from cucumbers and tomatoes with mayonnaise, from pickled cabbage, with chicken and broccoli.

The dishes in our house are all glass, except for spoons and forks. I really love how my mother cooks, and in some ways Zinaida Serebryakova’s painting reminds me of her, only if this cook had not existed. Mom cooks everything for us herself, that’s why I love food and mom so much.

At lunch (At breakfast)

Zinaida Serebryakova is a very talented artist and one of her most famous paintings is “At Lunch.” Children usually become acquainted with it in the 2nd or 6th grade.On this canvas, the artist depicted three children sitting at the table waiting for breakfast. These are two boys and one girl.

They are all dressed in school uniforms, which means the guys have just come from school and have not yet had time to change clothes. Hungry, they immediately ran to the table.

In the foreground there is a boy, he is sitting on a chair and is already eating delicious soup, which my mother prepared. He appears to be about ten years old, the eldest child in this family. The boy is depicted turned towards the artist and it feels like he was called, but he did not expect this at all, because he did not even have time to let go of the spoon.

The next artist depicted a girl. She is a very sweet little girl, about six years old. The girl is probably a first-grader and is just getting used to school. She sits on the very edge of her chair, waiting for her portion of hot and aromatic soup. Hearing that someone called her brother, she also turned towards the voice.

The third boy sits on the other side of the table. He is holding a glass of water and is thinking about something. He probably has a little trouble at school or got a bad grade and is afraid to say so.

The artist also depicted the hands of a caring mother who pours hot soup for her child.

The pictured table is covered with a beautiful white tablecloth, it is incredibly large and you can immediately see that a large and friendly family lives here.The dishes that stand on the table are very beautiful, they are painted with an unusual blue pattern.As for food, there is not only hot and tasty soup on the table, but also freshly baked buns and chocolate cookies. Next to the soup is fresh sour cream, and fresh milk is poured into the jug.

Yes, mom was more than prepared for the arrival of her children from school, she prepared so many delicious things!
The atmosphere emanating from this picture is very homely and warm. After all, what could be better than a big and friendly family?
Surprisingly, Zinaida Serebryakova managed to convey not only the atmosphere happening at the table, but looking at the canvas, we can hear and feel something more.

Just look at this pot of soup, can you feel the aroma coming from it?And the mischievous and cute kids, just look at them! Probably just a few minutes ago, this room was filled with their cheerful and sonorous voices.

This painting is truly a masterpiece, because it is extremely difficult to depict a big action in small details, but the artist succeeded.

2nd grade, 6th grade, 5th grade.

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"At lunch"

2nd grade

Lesson objectives:

    teach students to compose comparative characteristics based on a group portrait;

    show the features of constructing a comparative text;

    enrich students’ speech with figurative and expressive means of the Russian language;

    introduce vocabulary related to the theme of the portrait painting into the students’ dictionary.

Planned educational results:

Personal : are aware of aesthetic needs and values.

Subject: show a positive attitude towards correct oral and writing as an indicator of a person’s general culture and civic position; know how to navigate the goals, objectives, means and conditions of communication.

Metasubject :

Regulatory: make necessary adjustments to the activity after its completion based on its evaluation and taking into account the nature of the errors made.

Cognitive : extract the necessary information from a work of painting, consciously and arbitrarily construct a speech statement in oral and written form, carry out an analysis of objects, highlighting essential and non-essential features.

Communicative: express their thoughts orally and in writing.

Technical support:

Use of ICT tools:

Lesson progress

1Motivation to educational activities

Look at me everyone!
Today I work as a tour guide.
Without wasting a minute,
I invite you on a journey!
Take all your knowledge on the road!
And don't forget to smile!

2Setting up a learning task .

Which of you was in art gallery? What did you see there that made a special impression on you?

Let's imagine that we are in an art gallery. I am a tour guide.

3 Learning new ways of doing things.

* In front of you famous painting Zinaida Serebryakova “At Lunch”. In some sources it can be seen under the title “At Breakfast.” On the canvas there is a group of people (children) - several people sitting close to each other, together. The painting is made in the genre of a group portrait.

What is a group portrait?

Group portrait- a type of portrait that depicts three or more characters in the same setting, connected by unity of action.

We see three children sitting at the dinner table. Zinaida Evgenievna portrayed her children. The boy who looks directly at the viewer is called Shura - that’s what his family called him. Shura is seven years old. The boy sitting on the other side of the table is called Zhenya, he is the eldest of the brothers. He is eight years old. And finally, Tata (Tatyana). She is only two and a half years old. So, we see three cute kids.

But, let me ask, how many people are in the dining room?

-Who is this woman? (pause) Maybe a maid? Or maybe the hostess herself?

Who do you think she is?

And again I address the listeners. Tell me, is there room at the table for a fourth person? Yes

How did you guess? ( We see an empty chair and a device standing on the table.)

It becomes obvious that this is the hand of the mistress of the house, Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova. Now she will pour the soup and sit down in an empty seat to have lunch with her children.

4Physical training minute

5Independent work of students.

Let's look at the children's faces.

1. Are the children similar to each other? Yes.

2. Who are Shura and Tata like? (listen to your neighbor's opinion).

3. Who is Zhenya like? (listen to your neighbor's opinion).

*Yes, of course, having examined the children, we can confidently say that Shura and Tata look like their mother. Dark people speak about this especially clearly open eyes. The shape of the nose and lips also indicates the resemblance to the mother. Zhenya, even with his eyes downcast, looks a lot like his father. And the color of sky blue eyes and the oval of the face.

*Let's continue to look at the picture. Pay attention to the dining table.

Yes, the table is big enough. It is covered with a white tablecloth. Elegant table service made of white porcelain with blue ornaments. A tureen, portion and soup plates, a salt shaker and other items from one set. Everything is simple and at the same time aesthetically pleasing, which indicates the good taste of the housewife.

Let's get back to the children.

    Guys, pay attention to Tata’s gesture. What is he talking about?

(Yes, the girl probably doesn’t want to eat, so she covers the plate with her chubby hand. Or perhaps she prefers a bun lying in the center of the table on a special dish to soup)

2.Look at the chair on which Tata is sitting. What do you see? A pillow.

3Why do you think they put a pillow on Tata?

Yes, of course, Tata is still small and the dining table is too high for her, which is why Tata was offered a special pillow. This suggests that in the Serebryakovs’ house they love children and take care of them, creating convenience and comfort. All children are depicted with blush on their cheeks.

4. Think about what they did before lunch? Now it’s clear why Zhenya drinks water. He ran around and got excited.

The viewer can discover many more secrets hidden in the picture. They can be read ad infinitum. To do this you need to be a very attentive and interested person.

Our excursion has come to an end. Thank you for your attention.

Using working materials, compose a story based on the picture and write it down. (Write the story as a draft, and then only in a notebook)

IV. Reflection

So what is the secret of Z. Serebryakova’s painting “At Lunch”? (love for children and caring attitude)

Did you like the picture? How?

Working materials for an essay based on the painting by Z.E. Serebryakova

"At lunch"


Introductory part

What is shown in the picture?

Three children in the dining room, the artist's children

Main part

What do these children have in common?

Zhenya, Shurik, Tata all gathered together at the table to have lunch

How did you see the children? What are they doing?

An essay based on a painting by artist Z.E. Serebryakova for 2nd grade students in the “School of Russia” program, textbook “Russian Language - Part 1”. The painting shows a room. There is a table with a white tablecloth, and children are sitting next to it. These are the artist’s children: boys Shurik and Zhenya and girl Tata. On the table you can see a jug of compote, a decanter of water, and delicious rosy buns on the plate. One boy holds a glass glass in his hands and drinks water. Tata and the other boy look at us. On the right you can see mom pouring soup or broth from a soup bowl. Previously, soup was brought to the table in such beautiful bowls.



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Essay based on the painting by Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova “At Lunch”

Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova was born on November 28, 1884 in the family estate “Neskuchnoe”, near Kharkov. Her father was famous sculptor. Her mother came from the Benoit family, and in her youth was a graphic artist. Her brothers were no less talented, the younger one was an architect, and the older one was a master monumental painting and graphics. to his artistic development Zinaida is primarily indebted to her uncle Alexander Benois, her mother’s brother and older brother. The artist spent her childhood and youth in St. Petersburg in the house of her grandfather, architect N. L. Benois, and on the Neskuchny estate. Zinaida's attention was always attracted by the work of young peasant girls in the fields. Subsequently, this will be reflected more than once in her work. In 1886, after the death of his father, the family moved from the estate to St. Petersburg. All family members were busy creative activity, Zina also drew with enthusiasm.

In 1900, Zinaida graduated from the women's gymnasium and entered the art school, founded by Princess M.K. Tenisheva. In 1902-1903, during a trip to Italy, she created many sketches and sketches. In 1905 she married Boris Anatolyevich Serebryakov, her cousin. After the wedding, the young couple went to Paris. Here Zinaida attends the Academy de la Grande Chaumiere, works a lot, draws from life. A year later, the young return home. In Neskuchny, Zinaida works hard - creating sketches, portraits and landscapes. In the very first works of the artist, one can already discern her own style and determine her range of interests.

In 1910, Zinaida Serebryakova experienced real success. At the 7th exhibition of Russian artists in Moscow, the Tretyakov Gallery acquires the self-portrait “Behind the Toilet” and the gouache “Greenery in Autumn”. Her landscapes are magnificent - pure, bright colors, perfection of technology, unprecedented beauty of nature. During civil war, Zinaida’s husband was on research in Siberia, and she and her children were in Neskuchny. It seemed impossible to move to Petrograd, and Zinaida went to Kharkov, where she found work in Archaeological Museum. Her family estate in Neskuchny burned down, and all her works were lost. Boris later died. Circumstances force the artist to leave Russia. She goes to France. All these years the artist lived in constant thoughts about her husband. She painted four portraits of her husband, which are kept in Tretyakov Gallery and Novosibirsk Art Gallery.

In the 20s, Zinaida Serebryakova returned with her children to Petrograd, to Benoit’s former apartment. Zinaida's daughter Tatyana began studying ballet. Zinaida, visiting with her daughter Mariinsky Theater, there are also behind the scenes. Creative communication with ballerinas over 3 years was reflected in an amazing series of ballet portraits and compositions. The family is going through difficult times. Serebryakova tried to paint paintings to order, but it didn’t work out for her. She loved working with nature. In the first years after the revolution, lively exhibition activity began in the country. In 1924, Serebryakova became an exhibitor at a large exhibition of Russian fine arts in America. All the paintings presented to her were sold. With the money raised, she decides to go to Paris to organize an exhibition and receive orders. In 1924 she leaves.

The years spent in Paris did not bring her joy or creative satisfaction. She yearned for her homeland and tried to reflect her love for her in her paintings. Her first exhibition took place only in 1927. She sent the money she earned to her mother and children. In 1961 in Paris she was visited by two Soviet artist– S. Gerasimov and D. Shmarinov. Later in 1965, they organize an exhibition for her in Moscow. In 1966, the last, large exhibition of Serebryakova’s works took place in Leningrad and Kyiv. In 1967, in Paris at the age of 82, Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova died.

What is shown in the picture? The painting shows a dining table. Why is the picture so named? Who is sitting at the table? We see three children sitting at the dinner table. Zinaida Evgenievna portrayed her children. How did you see the children? The boy who looks directly at the viewer is called Shura - that’s what his family called him. He is 7 years old. The boy sitting on the other side of the table is called Zhenya, he is the eldest of the brothers. He is 8 years old. And finally, Tata (Tatyana). She is only two and a half years old. What are they doing? Shura is eating soup. Zhenya drinks water. Tata doesn’t want to eat, so he covers the plate with his chubby hand. Or perhaps he prefers soup, a bun lying in the center of the table on a special dish. Look at the chair Tata is sitting on. What do you see? There is a cushion on the chair, the girl is small and cannot reach the table, so she sits on the cushion.

The children have a blush on their cheeks, they probably came running from a walk. That’s why Zhenya drinks water so greedily. What's on the table? The table is big enough. It is covered with a white tablecloth. Elegant table service made of white porcelain with blue ornaments. Tureen, portion and soup plates, salt shaker and other items from one set. What else did you notice in the picture? We see an empty chair and a device standing on the table. It becomes obvious that this is the hand of the mistress of the house, Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova. Now she will pour the soup and sit down in an empty seat to have lunch with her children. Are you interested in the picture? Everything is simple and aesthetically pleasing, which indicates the good taste of the housewife.

Plan: 1. Dining room. 2. Children. 3. What is shown on the table? 4. My impression.

dining room bright room, quite large dining table, covered with a white tablecloth Shura's children - 7 years old Zhenya, he is the eldest of the brothers, he is 8 years old Tata (Tatyana), she is only two and a half years old What is shown on the table? elegant table service made of white porcelain with blue ornaments; tureen, portion and soup plates, salt shaker and other items from one set; a jug of compote, a decanter of water, delicious golden brown buns on the plate - my impression There is a friendly family at the table

Sample essay: The painting by artist Z.E. Serebryakova depicts a room. There is a table with a white tablecloth, and children are sitting next to it. These are the artist’s children: boys Shurik and Zhenya and girl Tata. On the table you can see a jug of compote, a decanter of water, and delicious rosy buns on the plate. One boy holds a glass glass in his hands and drinks water. Tata and the other boy look at us. On the right you can see mom pouring soup or broth from a soup bowl. Previously, soup was brought to the table in such beautiful bowls. The children are dressed up, they sit at the table alone, without adults. Everyone is behaving well. Only Tata bent her leg under her and put her hand on the plate. There will be nowhere to put the soup. Tata is still small and does not behave very well at the table. I liked the picture. She is very beautiful.

Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova grew up in an intelligent family that lived in the world of art and with early childhood decided to be an artist. Already in the children's sketches of little Zina, her own handwriting and style are evident.

In the 1900s, Serebryakova quite often painted her children: Zhenya, Shura, Tanyushka and Katyusha. This time the picture is At Lunch, although of course the plot will also be called “At Breakfast”, but more on that below. In 1914 she created them general portrait. At the family dinner table, three children are waiting for a meal. One boy drinks water, the other starts eating soup, and the little girl puts her little hand right on the plate, expecting something tasty.

All the guys are active, there is no impression that they are posing. Lively, sociable seven-year-old Shurik turned to look at his mother and see what she was doing. After all, soup is already waiting for mom, and her chair hasn’t even been moved away from the table yet.

Dreamy, slightly slow eight-year-old Zhenya is waiting for his grandmother to pour aromatic hot soup onto his plate. Three-year-old little Tanya also looks at her mother. Each child is distinguished by his own unique facial expression and pose.

Creating a portrait of a child is a difficult task for an artist. As we know, children are always fidgety and do not sit in one position, the mood changes every minute, and at some point it is necessary to capture an interesting facial expression and fleeting mood.

Serebryakova's painting At Lunch has become one of the artist's most memorable paintings. It’s not surprising that the picture is often called “At Lunch,” probably due to the prevailing stereotype of our thinking in everyday life, because there is a tureen on the table.

However, it is worth noting that the artist’s family lived according to the European regime: at eight o’clock in the morning a bun and milk were served on the table, and at noon, the so-called big breakfast, reminiscent of lunch.

And the table is set more according to Western standards. The table is not covered with oilcloth, as in most homes for practicality reasons, but with a white, starched linen tablecloth.

The porcelain table set also includes an elegant tureen, similar to a dinner tureen in our understanding. This kitchen attribute is rarely seen in ordinary Russian kitchens. A painted tureen serves as a table decoration. It is clear that in this family, from the first days of their lives, children are taught to see beauty in the entire world around them.

The rest of the items are more ordinary: glasses, a milk jug, a sugar bowl... But how delicious the freshly baked golden brown buns look. That is, life goes on calmly, measuredly, without excesses, but there is wealth, albeit modest.

The children are well dressed, according to their age, and Tanya, who was often called Tata, is wearing a beautiful lace apron.

But Katyusha was still very young at the time of painting, so she was not present at the table. Perhaps a little later her mother will take her in her arms and feed her herself.

Children at lunch amaze with the crystal purity of their internal relationships; one can feel the warmth. However, there is no sentimentality. Serebryakova talks about the family in a surprisingly sincere and poetic way.

Few of them creative personalities can compete with Serebryakova in the number of works that she dedicated to children. Perhaps it was motherhood that brought her so much spirituality and revealed the artist’s nature - tender, subtle, loving.

Serebryakova continued the traditions of the Russian realistic school and deservedly took an honorable place in the history of art. Currently, the painting “At Breakfast” is on display at the State Tretyakov Gallery.