The difference between a national and an honored artist. Famous actors who never received the title “People’s Artist of the USSR; Honored and People’s Artist, what’s the difference?

Who and how decides whether or not to be a “deserved” and “national” star, the site found out.

In March of this year, the Russian Ministry of Culture nevertheless approved the candidacy of musician Nikolai Noskov to receive the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.” True, a month earlier a refusal came from the same place. What has changed? And how do artists receive titles - on merit or for money?

Documents were returned due to a traffic police fine

Unfortunately, in our country, receiving awards depends on connections and the petition of influential people. But Kolya has never asked anyone for anything and will never ask anyone,” musician Sergei Trofimov (Trofim) tells Interlocutor. - We posted a petition on the Internet in support of Nikolai Noskov and collected more than five thousand signatures. At the same time, we contacted the Union of Pop Artists to nominate Nikolai for the title. Once upon a time they nominated me as an Honored Artist. True, this performance lay somewhere in the “cultural” rooms for more than three years. I’m glad it was on the second attempt, but Noskov was still awarded the title. Who, if not him, should be deserved?!

// Photo: Global Look Press

IN lately“This is such a sore point, and I’m glad that you’re raising it,” says Valeria Gushchina, senior consultant at the Actors Guild of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia. - Who is being awarded and who is being given titles today? How do you choose? It's unclear! Film artist Igor Petrenko, who has starred in more than 50 films, has not been able to receive what he deserves for several years, although he is a laureate of the Russian State Prize. Recently, the wonderful artist Mikhail Zhigalov, who devoted his entire life to theater and cinema, was denied the title of People's Artist. The main thing is that we are not even told the motivation for refusals. Somehow they returned the documents of one artist who had 96 film roles under his belt. It turns out that he has not paid the traffic police fine of 230 rubles! And how many documents need to be collected! For example, they were required to have a certificate from the tax office. Well, what does this have to do with the artist’s talent?!

Who paid for Baskov?

To receive a title or award, the artist must be nominated by some organization: a theater, a film studio, a professional union, and so on. A special expert council under the Ministry of Culture is considering the candidacy. Today it consists of 34 people.

Under the chairmanship of Minister Vladimir Medinsky, directors Nikita Mikhalkov and Vladimir Khotinenko, President of the Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli, writer Yuri Polyakov, composer Alexey Rybnikov and other cultural figures gather once a year (on a voluntary basis, that is, for free) to decide the fate of artists. Each candidate is discussed separately, the submitted documents are studied (articles, video materials - recordings of programs, excerpts from films, performances, concerts). Then they vote. It happens that in one meeting up to a hundred people have to be considered. Of this number, the council can recommend the approval of ten people. Every year it’s different. And the final decision is made by officials of the Ministry of Culture. Moreover, the selection criteria are not always obvious.

As a source in the ministry told Interlocutor, it took a long time to approve the title of People's Artist of Russia for the satirist Mikhail Zhvanetsky. Respected and beloved by the public, Michal Mikhalych was nominated for the title in different years by various organizations - from the Mosconcert to the Variety Theater, but Zhvanetsky became a national figure only on the eve of his 80th birthday. But suspiciously early, the same title was awarded to singer Nikolai Baskov - at that time he was 33 years old. They say that this is thanks to the former chairman of the State Duma, politician Gennady Seleznev. They say he favored Baskov so much that he put in a good word for him. There are other rumors that Nikolai’s title was bought by his then producer, entrepreneur and father of the singer’s ex-wife Boris Shpigel. But the Ministry of Culture assures that it is impossible to buy a title or award from them.

In our country, this is categorically excluded,” an employee of the department is indignant in a conversation with Sobesednik. - Although I can admit that this is possible somewhere at another stage: for example, to pay someone in the organization that represents the person. But I think it’s not easy to do it there either. Our board tries to consider each candidate objectively.

Previously, all this took a lot of time, not like now,” says the CT announcer, People's Artist Russia Anna Shatilova. - At first they gave the lowest rank - deserved. Then many years had to pass before you could be introduced to the people. So many documents needed to be collected, different commissions met! My candidacy was considered for six years. I had two creative references: from the People's Artist of the USSR, radio announcer Yuri Levitan, and from the People's Artist of the USSR, choreographer Igor Moiseev. I didn't even hope anymore. But one day in 1988, the Kremlin called and said that I needed to be at the ceremony on the same day at 15:00. I couldn't because of work. Then I was invited to an awards ceremony at the Ministry of Culture, but again I couldn’t. In the end, I was given a certificate and badge at the Ostankino television center.

Blind the common man

Previously, People's Artists of the USSR were provided with additional meters of living space, services in elite clinics and sanatoriums, while on tour they were entitled to a luxury hotel room and tickets to the SV, as well as a black Volga for the performance and after the performance. In addition, they paid a double pension.

Now artists with titles do not have any special benefits. The exception is those living in Moscow, they are paid 30 thousand rubles a month,” continues Valery Gushchin’s story. - But this innovation was introduced this year and it is unknown whether the premium will remain next year. As soon as this amount began to be paid to the honored and popular, artists flocked to our guild with a request, even a demand, to nominate them for the title. They say: “This money would help me so much now!” We try to help somehow, but, I repeat, it doesn’t always work out. But look at our young pop divas. Through one - honored and popular. Who rewards them and on what basis?!

Indeed, for example, Natasha Koroleva became honored at the age of 29, while in response to the indignation of some she declared: “I have nothing to be ashamed of!” Diana Gurtskaya received the same title at 28. For comparison: the pop “empress” Irina Allegrova became honored on her 50th birthday. And although today titles for artists, by and large, do not bring anything (it is unlikely that Koroleva, with her concert fees, urgently needs an additional 30 thousand), it is still prestigious. It’s so nice to write in big letters on a poster or announce from the stage: “The Honored (People’s) Artist is performing...” To dazzle the average person.


In 1896, the first “Honored Artists of His Majesty the Imperial Theatres” were five people from the troupe of the Alexandrinsky Theater. Also one of the first to receive this title was ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya. In 1918, the title was officially revoked. And a year later another one appeared - “People’s Artist of the Republic”. The first to be awarded was Fyodor Chaliapin (pictured). In 1931, this title was changed to “People’s Artist of the RSFSR.” At the same time, “Honored Artist of the RSFSR” appeared. This title is awarded to those who have worked in the field of art for at least 10 years.

In 1936, Joseph Stalin signed a decree conferring a new title “People's Artist of the USSR.” The Moscow Art Theater artists were the first to receive it. In 1991 with the collapse Soviet Union this title ceased to exist. In total, 1006 people became People's Artists of the USSR. The last to receive it were Alla Pugacheva and Oleg Yankovsky. Today, 146 people live in the country with this title. In history, the youngest People's Artist of the USSR was 31-year-old Muslim Magomayev.

People's Artist of the USSR Igor Kirillov: I chew bread and butter. Sometimes - with caviar

The most honorable title in the Soviet Union is announcer Central television Igor Kirillov received it in 1988.

// Photo: Andrey Strunin / “Interlocutor”

Lord, who needs this title now?! - Igor Leonidovich exclaimed in a conversation with “Interlocutor”. - Everything has already passed! And the Soviet Union is long gone. I still have the title “People’s Artist of the RSFSR”, and there is no such republic anymore. The title is, of course, honorary. But on odd days it’s just like that. Is today an odd day? This means that today I am just a normal pensioner. Outgoing nature. Unfortunately.

- Wasn’t it strange that a television announcer was awarded such a prestigious, but still an acting title?

Well, the title is up to me people's USSR Radio announcers Yuri Levitan and Olga Vysotskaya, and CT announcer Valentina Leontyeva have already received it. I'm not the first in this case. You know, this fact hasn’t changed anything special in my life. Who I was is who I remain. I take the title calmly, but with gratitude. And there were no benefits that are talked about so much. In any case, I didn't use them. I had my own car, I drove it for over 60 years. But in terms of everyday life, I didn’t need much, just work.

- Now your title doesn’t give you anything financially?

Well, they started adding 30 thousand rubles to the pension. This is an initiative of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. So I chew bread and butter. And sometimes even with caviar.

Viktor Merezhko: I came to the Kremlin by metro

As a rule, titles and awards are presented in the Kremlin before any holiday - Russia Day, Constitution Day, New Year. The celebration takes place in the Catherine Hall of the Kremlin Palace.

// Photo: Global Look Press

They called me from the presidential administration and invited me to come to the Kremlin on such and such a date to receive an award,” playwright Viktor Merezhko, who became People’s Artist of the Russian Federation four years ago, tells Interlocutor. - There was a recommendation to wear a black suit and tie, which, by the way, I don’t wear in real life. I remember asking my neighbor Arkady Inin to tie it for me, since I don’t know how. They didn't offer me a car. I went by metro. I entered the Kremlin through the Spasskaya Tower.

We were kept in some kind of waiting room for about an hour, then they let us into the hall. There were pieces of paper with names on each chair. We waited for the President for about another half hour. A lot of people spoke for five minutes at a time, thanking their homeland and the president. It was exhausting for everyone. So I just went out, received the award, said thank you and sat down. I didn’t go to the podium, although no one forbade me. After the ceremony, glasses of champagne were brought in. A crowd formed around the president, everyone wanted to be closer to him. I didn’t push people with my elbows, it was somehow indecent. I drank champagne and went to the metro.

Folk without quotes

It happens that people’s favorite artists never receive any title. For example, Vladimir Vysotsky or Oleg Dal. And this is understandable: is it possible to imagine that the USSR Ministry of Culture could seriously discuss an award for the rebel Vysotsky?! Although he still became honored, posthumously. Even today, many famous artists do not have any title. Alexander Baluev, Lyubov Tolkalina, Ivan Okhlobystin, Anna Ardova, Victoria Tolstoganova...

Some artists themselves refuse titles. For example, the leader of the DDT group, Yuri Shevchuk, did not want to receive the People's Honor of the Russian Federation, because he was offended that he would receive this title after he had been honored for ten years. These are the rules. But Leonid Yarmolnik was once offered to skip the deserved one and immediately get the national one. But he also refused.

// Photo: Global Look Press

“I am deeply convinced that an artist should be known by name and face,” Leonid expresses his opinion to “Interlocutor.” “The title of people’s people has been devalued in our country; almost everyone already has it, although they are not Ulyanovs, not Evstigneevs, not Yakovlevs, not Efremovs, and so on. Or even simpler and clearer: imagine - People's Artist USA Jack Nicholson, Marlon Brando, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino...

The famous Athos, Veniamin Smekhov, who worked for many years at the Taganka Theater, was also left without the title of People's Artist.

At one time, we, young people, were nominated for titles,” recalls Veniamin Borisovich. - Then they recalled us because we were close to the disgraced director Yuri Lyubimov. Then they wanted to give again. And now the time has come when it is not necessary. After all, if a person you don’t know comes with the statement: “I am People’s Artist Golopupkin,” you are unlikely to begin to treat him well. Ecclesiastes says: “A good name is more valuable than a ringing suit.” Therefore, when people from high above hinted, not to me, but to my wife Galina, that they should, she honestly said: “He won’t talk to you.”

Who else?

Over the years, for various reasons, they also refused awards and titles: actor Alexey Devotchenko from the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, writer Yuri Bondarev and artist Vakhtang Kikabidze from the Order of Friendship, musician Konstantin Kinchev from the medal “Defender of a Free Russia”, writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn from the Order of Saint Andrew the First-Called...

The material was published in the publication “Interlocutor” No. 12-2018.

On TV we often hear “Honored Artist of Russia”, “People’s Artist of Russia”. What do these titles mean? What privileges and benefits are granted to holders of these titles? How is the work of honored and popular people assessed? Let's figure it out.

Title “Honored Artist”: nuances of the award

The title of Honored is awarded for special achievements in such forms of art as circus, theater, cinema, ballet, music, etc. The recipient of the award can be either a performer (for example, an actor or a singer) or hold some responsible position (for example, a director or playwright). To receive the reward you must:

  • make a personal contribution to the development of Russian culture and art;
  • participate in the creation of works that were highly appreciated by both the public and critics and experts.
  • take an active part in significant cultural events - concerts, performances;
  • promote the spread of Russian culture outside the country;
  • participate in projects that worthily represent Russia at international festivals;
  • to be recognized and loved by the people as a cultural figure.

Honored titles are given to representatives creative professions, which have state-level awards in the industry field. Previously, awards were given only after twenty years of successful creative activity. The only exceptions were ballet dancers. They received titles after ten years of work on stage. Now these deadlines are not being met.

Why is the title "People's" given?

The title “People’s” is an order of magnitude higher than the title “Honored”. It is also awarded for special merits in the field of national culture and art. Awarded only after the stage master has worked for at least ten years after receiving the well-deserved title.

Both titles are state titles and are awarded on the basis of a corresponding decree of the President of the country.

The procedure for awarding this state award is regulated by Presidential Decree No. 1099 of September 7, 2010.

How to receive a reward?

A star needs to have connections to receive an award. Any organization applies for the award of the title: a trade union, a theater, a film studio. Then the applicants are reviewed by a commission specially designed for these purposes under the Russian Ministry of Culture. Today the committee consists of thirty-four people. The commission includes many famous figures cultures such as Nikita Mikhalkov or Zurab Tsereteli.

Each candidate for a high rank is considered separately. Materials that can give an idea of ​​the artist’s talent are studied:

  • excerpts from films;
  • videos;
  • recordings of concerts or performances;
  • text materials.

The Council meets once a year. About one hundred candidates can be considered at one meeting. The decision is made by voting, the vast majority are refusals. The commission recommends approximately ten people for approval. The final decision rests with employees of the Ministry of Culture.

The selection criteria are not always clear. The council rarely reports why a particular artist was rejected. Sometimes the reasons become known and they are sometimes absurd. For example, one famous actor was denied a title only because he had an unpaid traffic fine.

Who didn't get the title?

Many prominent and indeed talented people have not been awarded the title for decades. For example, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, famous throughout the country, was awarded the national title only at the age of eighty. Some famous and revered stars by Russians never receive state-level awards. Vladimir Vysotsky did not wait for the national title, and received the “deserved” one only after his death.

Nowadays, many popular actors, singers and other celebrities do not have any honorary awards. These include Ivan Okhlobystin (star of the series “Interns”) or Alexander Baluev (“Peacemaker,” “Hero,” “Turkish Gambit”). Some celebrities themselves turn down awards. For example, they wanted to award Leonid Yarmolnik the title of people's title, bypassing the title he deserved. Famous actor refused theater and cinema.

How does the award ceremony take place?

Titles are awarded in the very heart of Moscow - the Kremlin, in the Dome Hall. The ceremony is scheduled before the professional holiday of cultural workers (March twenty-fifth). Before the award, the artists receive a call from the presidential administration and are informed of the need to come to set time. You must appear in formal attire: a black suit and tie. The artists get to the award site on their own.

What benefits are granted to “People's Artists”?

During the Soviet Union, the artist first received the title of Honored, and after at least ten years he was awarded the title of People's. Holders of these titles had special privileges: they were paid a double pension, and were transported to and from the performance in the then elite black Volga. They were given additional meters of living space, served in elite medical institutions, and placed in luxury hotel rooms. Now none of this exists anymore.

Today, having the titles “Honored” and “People’s” is simply an honor. The title changes practically nothing in the artist’s life; celebrities do not receive any special benefits.

Video - People's Artists of the USSR who did not receive the title "People's"

How are stars' salaries calculated?

Russian legislation does not indicate how much representatives of creative professions who have the title “People’s” or “Honored” should receive. Celebrities receive such earnings as specified in their contract with the theater, film studio or television channel. There are no uniform tariffs for all. The income of stage masters depends on many nuances - on the place of work, the number of performances held, etc.. The existing title may also be taken into account in the accruals, but this remains at the discretion of the employer. For example, titled artists living in the capital are entitled to incentive bonuses to their basic salary. According to the order of the Moscow Department of Culture No. 963 dated November 26, 2014, additional payments are:

  • 15% of the salary for the title “Honored Artist”;
  • 20% of the salary for the title “People’s Artist”.

Famous artists' pensions

All pensioners in Russia have almost the same pension. According to the newspaper " Komsomolskaya Pravda“, even artists who had enormous popularity, albums sold millions of copies, and films beloved by the people, receive ridiculous amounts of money.

For example, when Diva Russian stage She retired in 2004 and was given only two thousand rubles. Now, thanks to indexation, this figure has increased to 10,000 rubles. Joseph Kobzon receives even less - about four thousand rubles. Such a low pension is due to the fact that he is a deputy and he is paid wages. When he leaves his post, Kobzon's pension will increase.

Valery Leontyev receives a “high” pension compared to others - about eight thousand rubles. This is due to the fact that the celebrity is listed as a ballet dancer. They always get more.

Many famous artists live off the money they made at the peak of their popularity. Some successful representatives of creative professions do not even spend their penny pension, but transfer money to charity. For example, Lev Leshchenko and Vladimir Vinokurov provide material support orphanage. The rest of the artists are forced to work even after reaching retirement age.

Table. Pension amounts famous artists(according to the cultural figures themselves and their loved ones).

Star namePension amount
Joseph Kobzon4 thousand 300 rubles
Edita Piekha7 thousand rubles
Vladimir Vinokur8.5 thousand rubles
Ilya Reznik10 thousand rubles
Yuri Antonov11 thousand rubles
Lev Leshchenko12 thousand rubles
Stanislav Sadalsky15 thousand rubles
Valentin Gaft15 thousand rubles
Sofia Rotaru4.5 thousand rubles
Tatiana Dogileva9 thousand rubles

Many celebrities live in poverty. According to producer Isaakov, some artists’ pride does not allow them to report their poor financial situation. Artists simply cannot survive on a meager pension, so many continue to work. Stanislav Sadalsky works as a presenter. It is unrealistic to lead a decent life in Moscow on a pension of 11 thousand. Churikova, Basilashvili, and Kostolevsky continue to play in theater and cinema. Edita Piekha still takes part in various concerts.

Some artists in force life circumstances or for medical reasons are unable to work. Such celebrities include Alexander Pankratov-Cherny.

Famous artists receive meager pensions. Some worked for 30-40 years, the whole country knew and loved them. Many people believe that the people who have made such significant contributions to Russian culture, should receive a much higher pension or have personal benefits. For example, Alla Pugacheva at one time brought huge income. She filled the halls, her albums sold millions of copies. On the other hand, for financial situation Alla Borisovna need not worry. Her fortune is about 100 million rubles.

There is also an opinion that artists have a small but fair pension. Now all pensioners receive approximately the same amount. And popularity should not affect the income of a pensioner. After all, the glory and love of the people is a gift in itself.

Back in Ancient Rome the saying “The people demand bread and circuses” appeared. Nowadays, spectacles mean not only the entertainment that show business gives people, but also real great art, preserved and developed in museums and art galleries, puppets and drama theaters, V art schools and even the smallest choirs.
Any crisis in a country begins not with the economy, but with education and art. Artists constantly struggle with spiritual crises.

Artists are not made, they are born

However, you can work your whole life in a theater or philharmonic society, and in 35-50 years of creative activity you will not do anything significant, not give people pure art, not make every phrase or note a revelation. You can get a specialized education - music, acting or directing, art or drama and not excite the public, or you can be self-taught and attract full houses of art-loving spectators.

In short, not all talented musicians, actors, directors and dancers become famous in their field, because talent alone is not enough: you also need hard work, the ability to read between the lines and hear others, to be sensitive and firm. In a word, a true artist is a gifted person who knows how to tell people the most important things through dance or music, a role or a staged performance. Such people are noticed and celebrated.

What awards and titles are usually given to the most talented and brightest artists?

There are a lot of awards, often they are awarded not only and not so much by government leaders or the people, but by various editors of magazines and newspapers, masters of art and special commissions.

When a person really means something in culture and art, he is noticed not only by the audience, but also by the leadership of the region and even the state, because art and bright personalities in it have always played and are playing a primary role in educating the younger generation, preserving the best cultural traditions state, raising the spiritual level of every person.

There are only two honorary titles in the field of arts and culture, and each of them is very important. We are talking about the titles of Honored and People's Artist Russian Federation.

Both of these titles are equally important and honorable, and yet there is a certain difference between them.

A person can become an Honored Artist:

  1. Worked in one or another field of culture and art for at least ten years.
  2. He has achieved significant creative success in his field.
  3. Achieved fame and wide public resonance.
  4. Received recognition from viewers (readers, listeners, etc.).
  5. Award-winning city, regional and national leaders.
  6. Taking an active civic position.

Once a year, the head of a cultural and art institution (theater, philharmonic, museum, gallery) or the head of the city submits a petition to the Ministry of Culture to award the title of Honored Artist to a particular person.

The application is accompanied by a collegial decision of the collective or its members (the theater artistic council, for example) on nominating a professional for the title of Honored Artist and award list, as well as a list of the most significant achievements candidate. The decision to award the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation is made by the president of the state.

Highest rank for creative personPeople's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Of course, actors, singers and musicians beloved by the people do not always officially receive the title of People's Artists, but most often the award still finds its hero. What is needed for this?

The title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation is awarded to a person:

  • No less than five years after receiving the title of Honored Artist of the country.
  • Achieved public recognition.
  • He made a significant contribution to the development of culture and art of the country.

The artist receives this title once and for all. The title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation is awarded by the president of the country, and every year on the same day - on the eve of Cultural Worker Day. This most important holiday for all artists in the country is celebrated on March 25.

Perhaps this is the only day when actors, singers, composers and ballet dancers not only give themselves to the audience and work for others, but also become the heroes of the day and receive the loudest applause.

Famous theater, film, and pop figures can become People's and Honored Artists of Russia. What are the features of the corresponding honorary statuses?

Why is the title “People's Artist” awarded?

Rank people's artist can be awarded to cultural figures in such fields as cinema, television, ballet, music, theater, circus. A person can be a performer (for example, in the status of an artist or dancer) or occupy some responsible position (for example, be a director, choreographer, conductor, choirmaster, playwright).

The title "People's Artist" is included in the system of state awards of Russia. The grounds for its assignment may be:

  • creating outstanding musical works, concert programs, highly artistic images, films, theatrical productions or making a significant contribution to their public display through personal performance of roles;
  • significant personal contribution to the development of Russian art, artistic culture, raising new generations of creative people;
  • the presence of merits recognized by the public, as well as representatives of the professional community, experts, critics.

The title of People's Artist is awarded to a person who has outstanding achievements in the field of art by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Usually appropriate normative act is timed to coincide with Cultural Worker's Day - that is, March 25.

In order to receive the title of People's Artist, a person, as a rule, must have work experience in the field of art, which is at least 10 years after being awarded another Russian honorary title - Honored Artist. Let's consider what are the conditions for receiving it by artists.

Why is the title “Honored Artist” awarded?

Rank Honored Artist, like the status of People's Artist, is assigned to representatives of the same fields of art and professional roles. Likewise, it is included in the system of Russian state awards.

The grounds for conferring the title of Honored Artist are as follows:

  1. the presence of a representative of the field of art of personal merit in the creation of films, theatrical productions, highly artistic images, concert programs, musical works that are highly appreciated by the public and recognized by representatives of the professional community, experts, critics;
  2. personal participation of a representative of the arts in the preservation and development of artistic schools (primarily national ones), in the development classic images Russian culture;
  3. active participation of a representative of the arts sector in socially significant cultural events - concerts and various performances that are aimed at educating young people and popularizing national culture Russian Federation abroad, associated with charitable activities;
  4. active participation of a representative of the arts in concert activities, organizing theatrical productions, creating various cultural programs, which, again, received public recognition, and also allowed Russian artists to adequately represent their country abroad at various festivals.

The title of Honored Artist, as a rule, is awarded provided that the person’s total work experience in the field of art is at least 20 years from the date of commencement of activity in the field of culture and creativity. But ballet dancers have the right to apply for the corresponding award 10 years after the start creative work. The title of Honored Artist is awarded to a person provided that he has industry awards from government departments.

As in the case of the title of People's Artist, the status of an Honored Cultural Worker is acquired by a person after the corresponding decree is issued by the President of the Russian Federation - on the basis of documents from the Commission on State Awards.


The main difference between a People's Artist and an Honored Artist is that the former receives his title if he has significantly more experience in the field of art, and also, as a rule, on the condition that he already has the title of Honored Artist. Which can be acquired by a theater, film or pop figure in 10 or 20 years (in the first case, the title in question can be received by ballet dancers, in the second - by figures from other fields of art if both have departmental awards).

The title of Honored Artist, therefore, precedes the receipt of the status of People's Artist - a person can receive the second status 10 years after the first award is awarded.

Both state awards share generally similar award criteria, as well as the fact that both titles are awarded by decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Having determined what the difference is between a national and an honored artist, we will record the conclusions in a small table.


People's Artist Honored Artist
What do they have in common?
Similar assignment criteria
The condition for receiving the title of People's Artist is having the status of Honored Artist
Both titles are included in the system of state awards
Both titles are awarded by decree of the President of Russia
What is the difference between them?
It assumes a longer work experience of a person in the field of art - as a rule, in general it should be at least 30 years (20 years for ballet dancers) if the applicant has industry awards from government departmentsAssumes a shorter period of experience in the field of art - at least 20 years (10 years for ballet dancers) if the applicant for the corresponding title has industry awards

At the end of May, Mikhail Trukhin, well known from the TV series “Streets of Broken Lanterns,” became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and singer Dmitry Malikov became a People’s Artist; in June, the title of Honored Artist was awarded to actress Lydia Velezheva, and People’s title to film director Vladimir Khotinenko. As it turns out, now it is a rare pop performer or popular actor who does not have the honorary title of a well-deserved and popular one - if not Russia, then at least Chechnya. Why the titles remaining from the times of the USSR are still so significant and how they can be obtained, the correspondent of “Our Version” tried to find out.

In the Soviet Union there was a whole system of distributing titles. There was a strict hierarchy of titles for cultural figures: from “zasrakov” (Honored Cultural Workers) to People’s Artists of the USSR. Each level had its own benefits and privileges. According to this table of ranks, not only apartments, cars and bonuses were distributed, but also places in line to see a doctor or for scarce goods. For example, at the Moscow Art Theater on tour, the People's Artist of the USSR was entitled to a sleeping car and a suite in a hotel, the honored one was given a compartment and a single room, and the rest were accommodated in twos or threes. People, in general, were valued most highly. They were officially entitled to additional meters of living space, a state dacha, services in clinics and sanatoriums, as they now say, VIP class, as well as a black Volga to and from the performance. People's Muscovites were lucky twice - during life and after death. They had the right to be buried at the Novodevichy or Vagankovskoye cemetery in the capital. And the path to becoming a People's Artist of the USSR was not easy: first you had to become honored in an autonomous and union republic, then people's artist at the autonomous or republican level.

Yuri Yulianovich Shevchuk (by the way, a People's Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan) was seriously offended in 2005 when he learned that his friends were collecting documents for a petition to award the rocker the title of Honored Artist of Russia
Nowadays, the titles of Honored and People's Artist do not give any privileges. Only the badge and signature “N.A. RF” in small print on the posters speaks of a certain selectivity. True, in the regions, by decision local authorities artists can be paid several thousand rubles extra for their achievements. Thus, in wealthy Ugra, one-time bonuses are established for them from the governor of the autonomous region in the amount of 30 and 15 thousand rubles, respectively. In the Nizhny Novgorod region they took a different route and approved the bill “On additional material support for special merits in the field of sports and culture.” And now every month they give 2 thousand rubles to fellow countrymen with titles.

These amounts cannot be compared with what pop stars earn on tour and what popular film and television actors receive for filming. Nevertheless, interest in the titles on the part of our stars does not wane. Many of them dream of receiving the coveted badge, as it is still prestigious. And if in Soviet years You could count on recognition from the authorities only at a fairly advanced age, but in the present time youth is not a hindrance to the title. Nikolai Tsiskaridze was only 27 years old when he received the opportunity to sign as a people's signature of the Russian Federation, Anastasia Volochkova was only 26 when she received her well-deserved one, despite all the scandals associated with her name. Evgeny Mironov and Dmitry Pevtsov became popular at 38, circus trainer Mstislav Zapashny even earlier - at 36.

The youngest People's Artist of the USSR was 30-year-old Muslim Magomayev. And this was a unique exception, which only confirmed the rule: truly outstanding creators achieved the highest state recognition. “It seems to me that it is impossible to take seriously what is happening now,” says actor and People’s Artist of the USSR Vladimir Zeldin. – Titles are awarded not for achievements, but for some momentary glory. Today the “Star Factory” is considered popular. And in my opinion, this is a piece goods. And when a girl with luxurious hair, a good figure and a pretty face, beautiful eyes becomes popular - this is wrong.

Previously, actors did not have a very good financial situation; they paid small salaries. But this was compensated by the titles - Honored, People's. With the help of the title it was possible to solve various social and everyday problems: to get, say, an apartment. This is not the case abroad, but in our country there are certain traditions. I am very proud of my titles. I received them at Soviet era– I myself am a product of that time – and I value them very much. There was a lot of positive things about theater and film actors back then. Of course, there were hard times, and not everything was smooth. But, I repeat, holding the title of People’s Artist of the USSR is very honorable for me.”

IN recent years We hold the stage in high esteem. In 2004, along with actress Chulpan Khamatova, the title of Honored Artist of Russia was received by composer Arkady Ukupnik. A little later - pop singer Alena Sviridova. And in Soviet times, titles rarely went to representatives of the “light genre”. The pioneer was Leonid Utesov: he was awarded the People's Artist of the USSR in 1965 “based on age” - on his 70th birthday. He was followed by Arkady Raikin (1968), Klavdiya Shulzhenko (1971) and Yuri Bogatikov (1985). Even Joseph Kobzon became popular only in 1987. Recognition was given mainly to theater and film actors, directors, opera and ballet dancers. And not all of them, even among the most famous and popular. Vladimir Vysotsky died as a simple artist of the Taganka Theater, just like Oleg Dal. Andrei Mironov became an Honored Artist of the RSFSR at 33, when he had a dozen roles in cult comedies behind him, and a People's Artist of the RSFSR six years later, having played 18 years at the super-popular Satire Theater. He did not live to see the people's USSR. Vyacheslav Tikhonov was made popular only two years after Stirlitz.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many artists manage to receive titles in several countries at once, such as Alexander Malinin - he is popular in both Russia and Ukraine. Nikolai Baskov became popular in Russia, Ukraine and Chechnya. The audience simply does not know many of the newly-minted laureates, and of those they know, half are not considered serious artists. Not everyone understands what highly artistic images were created, for example, by Anastasia Melnikova, Anna Kovalchuk or Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

“Today these titles are completely meaningless. Just look at our television, where some voiceless boys and girls are jumping around desperately. This is complete profanation,” says singer and director of the Opera Singing Center Galina Vishnevskaya. – An artist should not have a title, but a name that speaks for itself. In general, I think that these titles are now formal and unnecessary. In Soviet times, since they existed, they had to be received. Then it was like this: if you don’t have a title, it means you’re worth nothing. Accordingly, the attitude towards you, especially in the eyes of officials, who care little about your talents, but only care about titles and awards. Well, it gave some benefits then. For example, they immediately called me and informed me that they were assigning me to the Kremlin clinic. And that was really important."

Some of the artists do not even want to go to the honored ones for some time - as they should be, but want to go straight to the folk ones. Thus, the permanent leader of “DDT”, having made sure that, according to the people’s regulations, they can appropriate only three years after the deserved one, Shevchuk stated the following: “Then I refuse. I’m sure that if the people at the top want it, they will give it to the people without any conditions.”

Indeed, not everywhere in Russia is from deserved to the people's way so long. In Chechnya, sometimes seconds count. In 2005 at anniversary party children's choreographic ensemble of Chechnya "Ziya" Diana Gurtskaya sang her new song The “wounded bird” and the only Russian star said hello in Chechen. Unexpectedly, then-President Alu Alkhanov appeared on stage and announced: after a conversation that had just taken place with the assistant to the President of Russia Aslambek Aslakhanov, a unanimous decision was made to award Diana the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic, which quickly transformed into a national title. And Nikolai Baskov generally remained in the status of Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic for only a few seconds. When in Gudermes festive concert In honor of the awarding of the title of Hero of Russia to Ramzan Kadyrov, the Minister of Culture announced the new status to Nikolai, the hero of the occasion immediately corrected: the Basque is not deserved, but people's.

“They were truly folk artists. The same Yankovsky, for example,” said director Alexey German Jr. – I believe that this concept (not title!) has definitely been discredited. In principle, the problem cannot be solved by awarding titles, but the fact that the importance of cultural figures is assessed in terms of the frequency of their appearance on television is, of course, alarming. Therefore, it seems to me that artists should be celebrated somehow, but not with orders or badges. There must be some other recognition. After all, if you look at it, today people's artists are those who appear in Full House, and this is dangerous, because the entire culture is discredited. There is no one to look up to, and we are paying less and less attention to what is really worth paying attention to.”

If pop singers Although they receive titles quite easily, there is still paperwork in theaters. Although, unlike the Soviet Union, there are no quantitative restrictions. They say that in order to overcome bureaucracy, you need to find the right moment. For example, titles are well distributed in anniversary year theater and on various holidays.

“Here we need the support of the labor collective, which must nominate a candidate,” said the deputy chairman of the Union theatrical figures RF Gennady Smirnov. – Then the secretariat of the Union of Theater Workers formalizes support. This support, along with documents from the workforce, goes to the Ministry of Culture, where the issue is considered by the board. And only after this the documents are sent to the awards department in the presidential administration. All this can take from several months to several years. Alexander Kalyagin tried many times through the Ministry of Culture and the government to return benefits and an increase in pension for the honorary title, but, unfortunately, he never achieved any results. The answer is always the same: “If we now include artists, then after them will come honored agronomists, teachers, builders, and everyone will need to increase their salaries. In the meantime, the state doesn’t have the money for this.” But we have calculated that all artists who have left work and live today only on pensions should be given a monthly additional allowance; not so much money is needed.”