Recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in a bag. How to salt lightly salted cucumbers in a bag

We all know such healthy and tasty vegetables as cucumbers. In addition to water, which occupies a large share of the composition, they also contain many useful substances, minerals and vitamins.

Fresh cucumbers are very tasty; salads are made with them, which can be enjoyed almost all summer. And pickled cucumbers are very good as an appetizer.

There are many recipes for pickling and pickling cucumbers; each housewife has her own, time-tested recipe. Cucumbers are simply salted and pickled; they are soft and crispy. In winter, pickled cucumbers are in demand; they are perfect for mashed potatoes and all kinds of dairy-free porridges.

But in the summer, especially in July, it happens that you want lightly salted cucumbers so much that it is impossible to wait until they are salted in a jar. After all, on average it takes at least two days to prepare them. I discovered for myself new way pickling cucumbers in a quick way.

These are dry pickled cucumbers. It can also be called dry salting. This method is very convenient: no need to prepare brine or marinade, no need to wash and prepare jars, no need to sterilize. Pickling takes place directly in the bag; these cucumbers need to add garlic and dill for flavor.

Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag quick

The cucumbers turn out very tasty! And they are ready to eat literally within a day. Please check out the recipe for my favorite dry pickled cucumbers in a bag.

I indicate the proportions for one kilogram of cucumbers, but you can increase them at your discretion.

Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe are crispy, tender and lightly salted. And, besides, in their preparation we do not use vinegar, which has a very bad effect on tooth enamel. Such cucumbers greatly stimulate the appetite with their very smell, which is impossible to resist.

You should not pour black pepper or peppercorns into the bag; these ingredients can make the cucumbers soft; it is better to sprinkle the ready-made cucumbers with ground black pepper. By the way, this pickling recipe can be used not only for cucumbers, but also for zucchini, cauliflower and even herring. Try it and you will succeed!

Instant lightly salted cucumbers (in a bag)

Delicious lightly salted cucumbers - simple and quick recipe!

How to quickly and easily prepare crispy, aromatic, very tasty lightly salted dry salted cucumbers (without brine)?! But pickle the cucumbers in a bag! The smell from the refrigerator is maddening, impossible to resist!

Cucumbers are prepared simply and quickly - in 4-5 hours!

Of course, there is an even shorter recipe - but there they need to be cut into slices, the taste is a little different. This is only for the most impatient.

What you need for lightly salted cucumbers

  • Young cucumbers – 1 kg;
  • Garlic – 1 head (or less);
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon;
  • Herbs and spices: dill, currant leaves, cherry leaves, horseradish leaves or root, cloves (2-3 buds) and allspice (2-3 peas). Optional basil and chili pepper.

2 plastic bags

Collecting herbs and cucumbers for pickling!

How to pickle lightly salted cucumbers in a bag

  1. Wash the cucumbers and cut off the ends. Cut the garlic into small pieces;
  2. Place cucumbers, herbs, and spices in a bag. Add salt. Shake several times to distribute the dressing evenly. Tie the package. Place in another bag (for reliability, so that it does not leak). Leave for 4-5 hours at room temperature;
  3. Store prepared lightly salted cucumbers in the refrigerator (if you don’t eat them right away);

These are delicious and crispy cucumbers!

Features of preparing lightly salted cucumbers in a bag and taste

This magical bag of pickles immediately begins to exude a faint, intoxicating aroma of lightly salted cucumbers. It's just impossible to be around.

The more time passes, the stronger and more persistent the odorous spicy wave becomes, permeating the entire kitchen and awakening a brutal appetite and profuse salivation.

If it’s hot in your kitchen, the cucumbers will salt faster; if it’s cool, let them sit a little longer. The cooking time for lightly salted cucumbers also depends on their size - the smaller they are, the faster they are salted.

Dill umbrellas that gave their spice to cucumbers))

If you doubt how the cucumbers will be salted if they themselves are dry and no brine washes them, don’t worry, they will breathe in moisture, and the walls of the bag will keep it inside. Everything will be not just good, but very tasty.

Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag

The cucumbers turn out crispy and spicy. If you want more spiciness, add chili pepper to the bag. If there doesn’t seem to be enough salt, add more salt. It can be measured not in tablespoons, but in handfuls. That is, throw a handful of salt into the bag. Other .

You can read the recipe for regular lightly salted cucumbers. There is also a recipe for salting cucumbers in cold water. They can be eaten immediately, like lightly salted ones, or they can be stored in a cold place and opened only in winter - then they will become salty.

There is also an interesting one called Anashartsva. These are small cucumbers, salted with garlic, spices, hot pepper, celery and other spices and beets! Delicious, easy.

These are products for salting lightly salted anashartsva cucumbers according to the Abkhazian recipe. It's simple, but with beets.

You can also pickle cucumbers for the winter like lightly salted ones - recipe (they taste like fresh lightly salted cucumbers).

Bon appetit!

Delicious, simple summer food!

Dry salting of cucumbers in a jar

Cucumbers can be dry-pickled without brine directly in a jar. A greenhouse effect will also appear under the plastic lid, moisture will be released from the cucumbers and salt and spices will quickly penetrate the cucumbers.

For 1 liter jar it is required cucumbers - as much as will go in, 1 head of garlic, a couple of dill umbrellas, 2 tablespoons of salt.

Method of preparing lightly salted cucumbers by dry salting

Place the cucumbers in a jar mixed with garlic cloves, add dill and salt. Place the lid on the jar and shake as hard as you can for a few minutes (until you get tired). Then leave the cucumbers at room temperature and after five hours they are ready. Or sooner, depending on how hot it is in your home. If they have changed color a little, it makes sense to try.

One more point - if you do not shake off the salt from the ready-made lightly salted cucumbers, but leave them in the jar, moving them to the refrigerator, the lightly salted cucumbers will continue to be salted and will taste like salted ones, not lightly salted ones.

The season for preparing lightly salted cucumbers is usually June-July. This wonderful appetizer combines the freshness of summer vegetables with bright spicy, tangy and salty flavors. That is why so many people love it - it is probably impossible to find a person who will refuse such aromatic, crispy cucumbers, because they are not just a wonderful snack, but also an excellent addition to almost any dish. They can be served with borscht, and with potatoes, or just with black bread... and everything will be delicious.

The recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in a bag has gained great popularity among both experienced and novice housewives. Dry salting is a method of cooking pickles, which does not use brine. It is simple, does not take much time and does not require much effort (cucumbers are prepared simply and quickly - in 4-5 hours!), and lightly salted cucumbers prepared according to the recipe in a bag turn out so tasty that you will lick your fingers!

Are you ready? So let's treat ourselves and our loved ones with lightly salted cucumbers! Here are a few recipes that will help you make it tasty, fast and beautiful. After all, cucumbers practically do not change their color and remain as green as fresh.

First, let's choose cucumbers. Ideal cucumbers for cooking should be:

Small in size (but not too small gherkins, otherwise the game is not worth the candle) and the same size so that the salting occurs evenly;
. To have black or white frequent tubercles (pimples) - as confirmation that these are pickling cucumbers and not smooth salad cucumbers;
. Have a thin skin that will be salted faster;
. Be dark green in color without yellow or white inclusions and without damaged areas;
. Dense and not flaccid.
It is best, of course, to take cucumbers that have just been picked from the garden; then they will not need to be soaked. Ideally, cucumbers should be picked in the morning, before the sun has time to dry the cucumbers and evaporate the moisture from them. Isn't there such a possibility? Simply soak selected cucumbers for 1 hour in cold water and begin the ritual.
The recipe for making lightly salted, dry-salted cucumbers in a bag is actually very simple.

1 kg cucumbers,
1 tbsp. spoon of salt,
1 teaspoon sugar,
2-3 large cloves of garlic,
1 bunch of dill.

Choose small cucumbers for pickling in a bag, up to 10 cm long (the smaller the cucumbers, the faster they pickle), wash them thoroughly and cut off the ends on both sides. Wash the dill greens, shake off excess water, the dill can be finely chopped, or you can put it whole. Take a strong, durable plastic bag. Place cucumbers in it, add salt and sugar, add garlic, cut into slices, and dill. Tie the bag and shake several times so that the salt and sugar are evenly distributed. All! Place the bag in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours. It is very convenient to make these lightly salted cucumbers in the evening; they will be thoroughly salted overnight.

If you doubt how the cucumbers will be salted if they themselves are dry and no brine washes them, don’t worry, they will breathe in moisture, and the walls of the bag will keep it inside. Everything will be not just good, but very tasty.

You can make the taste of cucumbers more piquant by adding other spices and herbs. For example, it is very good to add whole peas of coriander and allspice, cilantro, celery or tarragon, cherry, horseradish, currant leaves, and finely chopped hot pepper. Of course, not all at once, but 1-2 new ingredients to the original recipe, then your cucumbers will have a new taste every time.

Store the prepared lightly salted cucumbers in the refrigerator (unless you eat them right away, which is unlikely...).

There is, however, another recipe for dry pickling cucumbers. Its trick is that the ingredients contain 9% table vinegar. These cucumbers will be ready in 2-3 hours, and the taste will be simply amazing.

Lightly salted cucumbers "Expresso"

1 kg fresh small cucumbers,
1 tbsp. spoon of 9% table vinegar,
1 tbsp. spoon of salt,
0.5 teaspoons sugar,
2-4 cloves of garlic,
1 bunch of dill umbrellas
leaves of cherry, currant, horseradish in a ratio of 3:3:1 (or to taste).

Wash the cucumbers, remove the stems and cut into two or four slices along the cucumber. Crush the garlic. Mix all ingredients. Then place the cut cucumbers in a transparent plastic bag, add the mixture of ingredients, tie the bag and mix everything thoroughly. Place the bag of cucumbers, without opening, in the refrigerator. After two to three hours, lightly salted cucumbers are ready.

When preparing lightly salted cucumbers in a bag, there are some tricks. If you want the pickled cucumbers in the bag to be ready in 20-30 minutes, change the script a little. In this case, cut the cucumbers into slices, place in a bag, add seasonings and shake vigorously for a while, allowing the juice to evenly saturate all the slices, and then leave at room temperature. It makes no sense to cook lightly salted cucumbers in a bag in large portions. This product actively releases juice, so it will not be stored for a long time (no more than 2-3 days), so you need to calculate everything correctly, otherwise you will simply have to throw away the spoiled vegetables.

Here's another great recipe. Everything seemed to be as usual: cucumbers, garlic, herbs, but no, another little twist: add dry mustard, and now our cucumbers acquire a new, refined taste.

Lightly salted cucumbers with mustard (dry salted)

1 kg cucumbers,
1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt (for those who don’t like it too salty, you can reduce it),
2-3 cloves of garlic,
dill and parsley,
ground black pepper or a mixture of peppers - to taste,
dry mustard and ground coriander - 2-3 teaspoons (this is not for everyone).

Start cooking by washing the cucumbers and cutting off the ends. If the cucumbers are large, cut them into circles 1.5-2 cm thick; if they are small, cut them lengthwise into 4 pieces. In a bag, mix salt, finely chopped garlic and herbs, and all other spices. Then place the cucumbers in the bag, tie it and shake it well so that the salt-garlic-spicy mixture is mixed with the cucumbers. In 40-60 minutes the cucumbers will be ready.

Well, now you know how to cook lightly salted cucumbers in a bag. It's easy and fast. After all, tasty does not mean labor-intensive. And how convenient they will be with freshly cooked young potatoes with butter and green dill! Introduced? Then hurry to the kitchen to prepare wonderful cucumbers according to our recipes. Oh, by the way, July 27 is International Cucumber Day, don’t forget to celebrate by eating your cucumber masterpieces.

Bon appetit and a delicious summer!

Larisa Shuftaykina

It’s very quick and easy to prepare lightly salted cucumbers in a bag in 5 minutes or 4 hours - aromatic, crispy, delicious!

Lightly salted cucumbers can be prepared not only in brine, but also in a regular plastic bag, and very simply. Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag are not inferior in taste to those prepared in the usual way; they are just as crispy and aromatic. If you salt them in the evening, a great snack is ready in the morning!

  • cucumber – 5 pcs.
  • green onion - 1 piece
  • parsley - 1 bunch
  • sunflower oil - 1 tsp.
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • dill - 1 bunch
  • sea ​​salt - 1 tbsp.
  • allspice - 1 g

Wash the cucumbers and grass. You can add any herb, if someone likes it spicier, then you can add more garlic.

Cut off the butts of the cucumbers, make cuts on the cucumbers themselves.

Stuff peeled and sliced ​​garlic into the slits of the cucumbers; place the cucumbers and the remaining garlic in a clean, preferably new, bag.

Add chopped and mashed herbs, salt and pepper to the cucumber bag. Tie the bag, shake it so that the cucumbers are covered with herbs, onions and peppers, put everything in the refrigerator for an hour. Bon appetit!

Recipe 2: how to make lightly salted cucumbers in 5 minutes

They cook very quickly, are salted in their own juice and are completely ready when you open the package. Serve quick-pickled cucumbers with any dish: meat or fish, vegetables, or simply as a separate appetizer.

  • 0.5 kg of fresh cucumbers;
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 leaves of horseradish;
  • greens to taste.

This is an ideal option for taking vegetables with you on the road - before leaving, just put them in a bag and sprinkle with the necessary spices, and at the end of the trip, open the bag and put its contents on plates. The aroma of pickles in garlic dressing will immediately float around and irritate other fellow travelers.

Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly in water, removing thorns and dirt. Then cut the tails off both sides of the vegetables and cut them vertically into quarters.

Place the washed horseradish leaves in a prepared durable bag and the cucumber slices on them. The juice from the horseradish leaves will keep the cucumbers crisp and firm.

Add table salt, iodized salt if desired. Depending on taste preferences, the amount of salt can be varied.

Peel the garlic cloves and rinse them in water, then cut into slices. You can also pass them through a press. Add chopped cucumbers to the bag along with chopped herbs, such as dill.

Tie the bag, leaving a little space in it, and gently mix its contents in your hands so that the cucumber quarters are completely saturated with spices.

Allow the bag to rest for a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes before untying it. It is best to place the bag of cucumbers in the cold, if possible. During this time, the quartered vegetables will release their juice and absorb the aroma of the remaining ingredients. Place lightly salted quick-cooking cucumbers on a dish or plate and serve immediately.

Recipe 3: lightly salted cucumbers in a bag - in 2 hours

  • Cucumbers - 500 grams
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Dill - 1 Bunch
  • Tarragon - 1 piece (twig)
  • Currant leaf - 2 pieces
  • Parsley - To taste
  • Ground red pepper - To taste
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon

Wash vegetables and herbs, peel garlic.

Cut off the ends of the cucumbers, cut them into cubes, cut the garlic into thin slices. Chop all the greens, except the currant leaf. Crush the currant leaf a little with your hands. Place everything in a bag. Add salt, sugar and pepper to taste.

Close, mix everything, distributing the salt and herbs throughout the bag. Now shake the bag vigorously for 1-2 minutes. Leave the bag in the refrigerator for 2-2.5 hours.

Serve lightly salted cucumbers with unrefined vegetable oil with new potatoes. Bon appetit!

Recipe 4, simple: lightly salted cucumbers in a bag

The cucumbers turn out incredibly tasty every time: crispy, moderately salty, with a slight garlic-dill smell, with a bright green color. Well, just delicious!

  • Cucumbers – 1 kg
  • Dill greens - 1 bunch
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Salt - 2 tsp.

Wash the cucumbers, cut off the edges on both sides and make random 3-4 shallow cuts on each vegetable.

Pass the peeled garlic cloves through a press or chop them very finely.

Chop the dill greens medium, not very finely.

Now take a thick plastic bag and put the prepared cucumbers in it.

Add garlic, salt and dill to the bag with the cucumbers.

We tie the bag and vigorously mix the contents to evenly distribute all the ingredients.

Place the bag of cucumbers in the refrigerator for literally 30-40 minutes.

In order not to lose all the cucumbers, you can place them in two bags for safety.

Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag are ready!

These cucumbers are just a godsend for boiled new potatoes and an excellent appetizer for the holiday table.

Recipe 5: cucumbers with coriander, pickled in a bag

  • 500-600 g small fresh cucumbers
  • 1 tsp. coarse salt with a small slide
  • 30-40 g dill
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • 0.5 tsp. ground coriander
  • a pinch of hot pepper

Try to choose small, dense cucumbers; they salt quickly and evenly.

Finely chop the dill along with the hard stems. It is not necessary to take only dill; any greens can be used.

We cut the cucumbers on both sides. If they are not too small, you can cut them in half, then they will salt faster.

Combine salt, pepper and coriander. Mix.

Place the cucumbers in a plastic bag. Squeeze the garlic there through a press, pour in chopped herbs and salt with spices. If you have a summer house, you can add chopped horseradish leaves and a couple of currant and cherry leaves.
It's convenient to use a heavy-duty double-seal bag, but regular bags work just fine. If they are thin, insert them one inside the other.

Close or tie the bag tightly and shake it well several times.

Then put the bag in the refrigerator for 4 hours or overnight. And in the morning the cucumbers are ready!

Recipe 6: crispy lightly salted cucumbers with garlic

  • Leaves black currant fresh 3 pcs.
  • Refined sunflower oil 5 tbsp. l.
  • Cucumbers 2000 g
  • Sugar 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt 1 tbsp. l.
  • Dill green rosettes 2 pcs.
  • Fresh dill 1 bunch
  • Table vinegar 1 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic 2 cloves

Our crispy lightly salted cucumbers in a bag. Bon appetit!

Recipe 7, step by step: salt cucumbers in a bag 3 hours before

  • young cucumbers – 1 kg;
  • fresh dill - 1 large bunch;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • coarse table salt – 1 tbsp. l. with a slide.

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly and then soak them in ice water for one hour. The bitterness will go away and the vegetables will turn out crispier.

Cut off the tails of all the vegetables on both sides and prick them with a fork. This will allow them to quickly soak in salt and release juice.

Wash the dill sprigs and dry them on a napkin. We will cut off the stems; we will not use them for cooking. Finely chop the greens with a knife.

Peel the cloves of young garlic, prick them with a fork, and finely chop them.

Place half of the cucumbers in a thick plastic bag. Sprinkle them with half the chopped dill and half the salt.

Then place the garlic cloves on the vegetables.

Now let's repeat the layers: lay out the vegetables, sprinkle them with the remaining chopped dill and coarse salt.

Then tie the bag so that there is a lot of air left in it (about 1/3 of the volume). Shake it well and rub it so that the ingredients are mixed and the cucumbers release their juice.

Place the bag in a deep plate and place it on the middle shelf of the refrigerator for a day. During this time, we will shake the bag of vegetables several times so that the released juice is evenly distributed throughout the bag.

After a day, lightly salted cucumbers in a bag with garlic will be marinated in their own juice and will be ready. They can be added to meat or vegetable salads, used to prepare various snacks, okroshka.

Day-old cucumbers store well, and over time they only become tastier.

Recipe 8: aromatic cucumbers cooked in a bag

An amazingly simple and quick recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in a bag, which are prepared without brine. This cucumber dish does not require much effort, and even a culinary novice can master the recipe.

  • Cucumbers (small) - 1 kg
  • Young garlic - 1 head
  • Dill greens - 1 bunch
  • Parsley - 1 bunch
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Coriander - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Cloves - 0.25 teaspoon
  • Allspice peas - 8 pcs.

Wash the cucumbers and trim the edges. Wash the greens and chop coarsely. Peel, wash and chop the garlic.

Place all the ingredients in a bag, tie it and shake well so that all the spices are evenly distributed. Place the bag in the refrigerator overnight.

Lightly salted cucumbers in the bag are already ready.

Hello, my dear readers! Summer is in full swing and the season for harvesting vegetables grown in the country or in the garden is ahead. Experts promise that this year will be very fruitful. Therefore, housewives will have more worries and troubles. We are already full of fresh cucumbers and today we will prepare lightly salted cucumbers in a bag. In this review I have collected several simple recipes crispy and flavorful snack.

This cooking method is unique in that it cooks quite quickly. Just a couple of hours and the appetizer is ready. For example, you can pickle vegetables just before you go on a picnic. And for a dacha, this option is acceptable: no extra hassle or worries.

It is very important to choose the right cucumbers for pickling. There are varieties that are intended only for eating fresh or in salads. Others can be used for pickling. And the main thing here is not to make a mistake. Take a close look at the fruits. They come in white-thorn and black-thorn varieties.

White-thorned ones are only suitable for fresh consumption. They should not be salted or pickled. They have too thick skin and tender soft flesh. After salting or canning, such greens become soaked, turning into mush. And a completely different matter are cucumbers, the sharp tops of which are painted dark. These varieties have dense, fleshy pulp and thin skin. After salting, such fruits will be very tasty and crispy.

Well, in addition to cucumbers, you will need herbs and spices. This could be dill, currant, oak or cherry leaves. In general, there are many options, so feel free to experiment and share the results of your experiments in the comments. And here are the promised step-by-step recipes.

Quick recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in a bag in 5 minutes

This is not a joke, but a real lifesaver. Simpler option and you can't imagine it. The cucumbers, cut into pieces, will be salted and soaked in spices in just five minutes. And the crunch is quite appetizing.

By the way, a snack prepared according to this recipe can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days (this is the maximum). True, something tells me that it will fly away much faster.


  • Gherkins – 500 g
  • Garlic – 3 cloves
  • Fine salt - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Dill - a little
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

How to pickle:

Wash the greens and dry them slightly. Then we remove the “butts” and cut each one into 4-6 pieces, as shown in the photo below.

You can also cut the gherkins into rings. Do whatever is more convenient for you.

Cut the peeled garlic into thin slices. Or, alternatively, you can squeeze the cloves through a garlic press.

Pour all this stuff into a bowl. Salt the mixture and season with hot pepper. Gently mix everything with a spoon so that the spices are evenly distributed over the cucumbers.

Transfer everything into a clean plastic bag. The bag should be quite thick and tight to avoid tearing.

We twist the bag so that all the air is released. Then we tie it. Now you need to shake it a little. Then put it in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. We take out the appetizer, put it on a plate and take a sample. Yes! It's that simple.

Pickling crispy cucumbers with garlic and dill

This and other options provide for the addition of fresh herbs. After rinsing and drying it, blotting it with a paper or linen kitchen towel, proceed to chopping the dill.

You can tear it with your hands or cut it larger. Some people prefer to place whole branches.

You can try that too. The main thing is not to chop it too much, and in this form dill is not suitable for dry pickling.

And about the gherkins. The best option The fruits that are picked early in the morning are considered. These are the vegetables that the scorching summer sun did not have time to touch. To make sure they will crisp up, try a fresh cucumber before pickling. If it is strong enough, it will turn out perfect.

What you will need:

  • Cucumbers – 0.5 kg
  • Chili pepper - half
  • Garlic – a couple of cloves
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon
  • Dill greens - a small bunch
  • Granulated sugar - 0.5 tablespoon
  • Leaves (horseradish, currant, cherry) – 2 pieces each

If you are salting store-bought vegetables, first pour ice water over the vegetables and leave them for an hour. This must be done so that the greens replenish the moisture lost during storage. Thanks to this, they will be more juicy, elastic and, of course, crispy. For domestic freshly picked fruits, this point can be skipped.

Try to choose gherkins of the same size. So there is a high probability that they will be the same in taste and degree of salting

Drain the water and wash the cucumbers thoroughly. We cut off their “tails”. And then prick it with a fork. Just not very often, once on one fruit is enough.

Cut the washed dill. Also cut the peeled garlic cloves into thin slices. Chop the chili into narrow rings.

Be careful when chopping hot peppers. Be careful not to accidentally touch your face with your hand, otherwise you will get burned. It is better to carry out this operation with latex gloves.

Place vegetables and herbs in a ziplock bag. Add salt and sugar here. If you like light heart sour, add a little more lemon juice.

Release as much air as possible from the package and seal tightly. After vigorously shake the bag with its contents a couple of times: this will help the spices to be evenly distributed.

We leave our pickling in the kitchen on the table for about an hour. And then keep it in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Do not forget to shake the packaging with its contents periodically.

After the time has passed, place the hot gherkins with red pepper on a plate and serve. And we crunch the yummy on both cheeks.

Preparing lightly salted cucumbers in 2 hours in the refrigerator

This marinating option with mustard and garlic turns out incredibly tasty. It has spicy notes. The aroma of this snack alone causes a wild appetite among those around you.

By the way, about garlic. You can add whole peeled slices or chop them. If you like the second option, you can put it through a garlic press or cut it into thin slices. To prepare the snack you will need the following products:

  • Cucumbers – 500 g
  • Sugar – 0.5 teaspoon
  • Garlic cloves – 2 pieces
  • Crushed black pepper - a little
  • Salt – 0.5 tablespoon
  • Mustard powder – 2 teaspoons
  • Parsley and dill - several sprigs each

How to add salt:

Wash the vegetables thoroughly under running cold water. If time permits, you can drain them in a colander to drain excess liquid. Then we remove the “butts” and cut each fruit into 4 parts, as shown in the photo. This way the cucumbers will be salted faster.

Transfer the workpiece into a bowl. Here we will combine all the components, mix them, and then put them in a bag.

Add sugar and salt to the cucumber quarters. There are also crushed garlic cloves, chopped herbs and mustard powder. You can add a couple of chili rings for spiciness.

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and pour into a strong plastic bag. Now you need to shake it vigorously.

If you are afraid that the bag will tear, take a second one and put it on top of the first.

We send the workpiece to the cold for a couple of hours. Try to shake the bag at least twice during this time. This will speed up the marinating process.

How to pickle lightly salted cucumbers in a bag so they are crispy

By the way, greens prepared according to this recipe are not only tasty, but also beautiful. They do not darken, so they look very similar to fresh ones.

And also, take a thicker plastic bag. Otherwise, during intense shaking, you will have to catch gherkins all over the kitchen. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart.

For reference: did you know that lightly salted gherkins are an excellent “cure” for poor appetite? This snack is also rich in zinc, so it must be present in the diet of those suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Pickles recipe:

  • Cucumbers - about a kilo
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon
  • Green dill (can be replaced with parsley) – a bunch
  • Granulated sugar – 1 teaspoon
  • Garlic – 3 cloves

How and what to do to make them crispy:

We thoroughly wash the greens and cut off their “butts” (do this on both sides). We wash the dill, parsley and remove excess water with a towel, and then chop the greens with a knife.

Place the cucumbers and dill in a durable plastic bag. We also add salt and sugar. Add garlic chopped into thin slices.

Never use iodized salt for pickling. And the sea one is not suitable for this either. Use coarse rock salt.

Tie the bag tightly and shake it vigorously several times. And then put the package in the refrigerator.

It is more convenient to salt in the evening. The next morning you will have the most delicious and tender lightly salted cucumbers ready. Take a sample and enjoy!

Video recipe for quick pickling of cucumbers in a bag

Do you like spicy notes? Then lightly salted cucumbers in a bag with spices are what you will definitely like. It's very easy to prepare. And you won’t have any problems with the ingredients. However, you can see this for yourself. And this video recipe will help.

How delicious they turn out. Believe me, as soon as you unwrap the package, you will feel it. So be sure to try this snack option.

Additional Tricks

Skillfully selected herbs and spices will help brighten up the taste of the snack. Bay leaf, cloves, allspice and bitter pepper are very good in this case. For greens, basil, tarragon, etc. will do.

Just remember golden rule: the amount of spices and herbs should not exceed 5% of the weight of cucumbers. Otherwise, there will be an oversaturation of aromas. As a result, you will not taste the cucumbers themselves.

All the recipes given above are dry pickling without brine. Some people believe that if there is no marinade, nothing good will come of it. Believe me, this is an unjustified doubt. Being in a sealed cellophane package, the cucumbers evaporate moisture. Every time you shake the bag, the spices evenly coat the gherkins. In tandem with cucumber juice, spices reach their goal faster.

By the way, if possible, experiment a little. For example, gherkins can be pickled together with tomatoes. It will turn out even tastier. And the main thing is that there is such variety: some people like cucumbers more, while others like tomatoes. In general, there are options for every taste.

Pickled cucumbers in a bag are not only an incredibly tasty snack. They can also be served with various side dishes: boiled potatoes (especially young ones), rice, pasta, etc. They harmonize perfectly with meat - shish kebab, chops, cutlets, fried chicken or fish. They also go into some soups: rassolnik, solyanka or okroshka.

I am sure that today’s article with recipes for quick preparation of lightly salted cucumbers will be useful for you. And your gherkins will turn out great. And in order not to lose these recipes and valuable tips, I advise you to click on the social network buttons. I take my leave: see you again!