Rare script of KVN Ministry of Emergency Situations. KVN script for the gathering of young fire rescuers. Rescuers have a delicate nature, but we have a miniature

School team performance script

In KVN on fire safety topics

Competition WELCOME


We are “Flame”

Always burn, always sparkle,

Go forward and strive upward!

Is this a suitable name for SUCH a competition?

Certainly! Don’t the Emergencies Ministry soldiers have fiery hearts?

Yes! And they always work

with fire!


Who will be our captain?

In difficult moments, the most decisive and the most courageous take leadership into their own hands!

Therefore, the duties of the captain will be performed by ……….



Stand up! (under construction)

Singing "Wonderful Neighbor"

If someone ironed his pants

And he didn’t turn off the iron,

He immediately stays

And without a house, and without pants.

If someone, without thinking,

I lit a cigarette at a gas station,

He is, of course, great

He created trouble!

(make houses out of matchsticks)

Captain: Seriously, I don’t see anything fun.


If a fire finds you in your house:

  1. You should not hide under the table, under the bed, in the closet!
  2. Many people get smoke poisoning!
  3. Cover your mouth and nose with a wet cloth!
  4. Move along the walls by crawling!
  5. Do not use the elevator under any circumstances!


Captain: - Let's fix:


If something catches fire, you need to contact us immediately.

In the Ministry of Emergency Situations and zero-one quickly dial.

Don't open the windows. After turning off the power source,

Don't try to save your household belongings.

If you can’t leave the apartment, lie down on the floor - three, four,

Wrapped in a damp sheet.

If possible, go downstairs and notify your neighbors.

Always try to save every life!

You won't fall asleep with a cigarette, it's better just don't smoke,

And take up skiing and tennis.

And you don’t joke with fire: if you burn in fire,

Do not be reborn from fire as a phoenix!


And soon we have a New Year's light. What about you?

Captain: - A set of fire rules for you too!

Well, come out and tell the rules so that everyone can hear!

Melody (make a Christmas tree out of matches)

If the Christmas tree lights up:

  1. Immediately turn off the power to the garland
  2. Place the tree on the floor to prevent the fire from rising up.
  3. Call the fire department
  4. Leave the premises immediately

The song "Exuberant!"

Don't smoke at work, hide matches from children,

And then you won’t end up on the list of sad news.

After all, a fire is uncontrollable; there is a lot of power in it.

We simply beg you: be careful with fire!

Melody (They fold the little man)

Take care of yourself!

Use fire only for peaceful purposes!

We simply encourage you:

(together) be careful with fire!

Melody (lined up in a line)

Team “FLAME” is ready to fight for the fire safety of the Earth!

HOMEWORK Competition


The phone rings.

Fire department?


The royal palace is on fire!!!

We're leaving.

(firefighters sing to the tune of “The Security Song”)

Tili-bom, tili-bom,

Fired up……..!

By even and odd at the post,

We're on duty

We are on duty, we are on duty, we are on duty!!!

We can sense danger a mile away.

And we never sleep, keeping

The king's property is saved from fire!

Eh, mom! Check out Tama!

There is a hydrant and a fire hose, and there is also a foam cannon.

Provided with water, a whole tub.

Ready! (run away)

(The King appears. Excited courtiers run out to him)

Your Majesty! Fire!


In the princess's chambers!

What's wrong with her?




The fire has already been extinguished.

Who is the culprit?

Her Highness... (everyone is making noise)

(Song “So-and-so”)

What kind of children are these days, really?

They know: matches are not fun

What to smoke - waste your health

They don't care about it after all

Call the princess. Now I'll tell her!

Lead, lead! I'll deprive you of all your joys!

Children need a lot these days

Phones and iPads

Children have a terrible temper

Explosive and flammable

Call the princess! Be careful with her!

Lead, lead! Please be gentle!

Let's edify

Let's give her an education

So that you don’t play around with fire

Let me cram the rules

So-and-so, she burned down half the palace!

So-and-so upset my father!

(Princess comes out. Song “I Don’t Want Anything”)

My baby has become unpleasant

You are in puberty

You need to see a doctor urgently


Oh, what innocence on the face!

It would be better if you still sculpted Easter cakes

Smoking is too harmful


You played with fire - my version

I will hand over my candle factory for conversion

And I don’t order matches to be sold

SHOULD I CHANGE THE WIRING?!!!(walks away, stomping his foot)

The Courtier appears.

King: -It seems the Princess is innocent.

The palace needs to be put in order!

Call the fire ambulance!

(Phone rings)

The emergency fire department is NOT LISTENING. Everyone on the set of the thriller "Space Troopers"

I forgot to introduce myself. KING.

We're leaving.

(Landing party appears)

SPACE LANDING, ugh,fire fighting force arrived!


It's not strange that there's a fire

Arose in the palaces of the nobles!

Your castle is very old,

He's super old, okay?

The wiring needs to be replaced

Don't litter the balcony

Do not dry your wig over gas.

Paint the throne white.

All the candelabra

Rags and mops

Along with fireworks

We took it for testing.

King: - Now everything is in order with us?

Exactly! In Complete Fire Prevention Order!

(Song “There is nothing better in the world”)

Follow (this is very important!)

Fire prohibitions –(banners go up)

Save money by following these tips:

Retinue, king, palace, carriage,

All people, animals and the whole planet!(banners turn)

Vera Gaiko
Scenario of KVN “Young rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations”

Abstract joint activities teacher with children to identify gifted children.

Subject: game "TO. V.N. Young rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations»

Mixed age group: middle group (4-5 years) ___5___persons

preparatory group (6-7 years) ___4___persons


Continue to create conditions for identifying the prerequisites for the intellectual talent of middle and older children preschool age through cognitive development in the joint activities of the teacher and children - through the instillation of basic knowledge and skills fire safety, expanding children's ideas about emergency situations and overcoming them through children's emotions and feelings.

Educational objectives:

Systematize and activate children’s ideas about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and firefighters through games, cognitive activity and game tasks.

Maintain children's interest in cognitive activity, develop curiosity, active thinking, memory and speech.

Strengthen the ability to work in a team, treat each other with respect, and improve communication skills.

Developmental tasks:

Develop an understanding that compliance with fire safety rules is mandatory always and everywhere.

Strengthen children's health, develop physical qualities, create a desire to help people in trouble, and cultivate a sense of compassion and responsibility.

Continue to develop logical thinking, memory, and coherent speech.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate friendly relations with each other, respect for the work of firefighters, its importance in people’s lives.

Materials and equipment for activities children:

Symbols of KVN teams

Tables with points

Prizes for winners (diplomas of participation and diplomas of winners)

Photos of professions of people related to the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the work of firefighters

Fragments of children's cartoon logos

Subject pictures.

Riddles about firefighters and rescuers

Presentation “Our service is both dangerous and difficult” - about the work of the Young School rescuer GU. Ministry of Emergency Situations. Russia according to E.A.O. (organized by the teacher and Kozyreva V.V.)

Projection board


Visual (conditionally symbolic) activity algorithms (on compliance with the rules of behavior in the team).

Preliminary work:

Learning poems and proverbs about work rescuers and firefighters,

Examination of posters and cardboards about fire safety in emergency situations.

Reading fiction works:

"Fire", "Fire Dogs"- L. Tolstoy

"Fire", "In the Smoke"- V. Zhitkova

"Fire", "The story about unknown hero» - S. Marshak;

Examination of illustrations for them;

-View presentations:"Fire Station", "School for Young People" rescuers»»Flood and rescuers in E. A. O, 2015,” “Flash mob dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.”

Conversation about profession "Firefighter."Rescuer»

Educational games TRIZA - a method of control questions, good and bad.

Theatricalization of works about fires, watching lessons from Aunt Owl about caution, lessons from Arkady Steam Locomotives.

-Plot-role-playing gamesRescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations"Firefighters in training"

Type of integrated activity children:

Cognitive development

Game development

Social and communicative development

Physical development

Integrated form: KVN.

Methods and techniques:

1. Business Card Competition.

Introducing teams to each other.

2. Warm-up “All about the Ministry of Emergency Situations.”

3. Complete the "Guess the Cartoon" puzzles.

4. Motor pause "Taming the Fire"

5. Captains competition "Photo Riddles"

6. Didactic game"Associations"

7. Homework"Rebus"

Progress of the game.

To the music “We are starting KVN.” includes teams consisting of children from secondary and preparatory groups


Today we have KVN for those who are curious.

Our KVN today is very educational.

Merry Club,

Club of the perky,

Club of resourceful guys.

Two teams of our national teams

They begin their parade.

Educator: And today we have KVN. We will compete and find out who knows best about the Ministry of Emergency Situations, about the dangers that can happen to children and how to avoid them, about professions « lifeguard, firefighter"

I would like to invite you to test your knowledge of fire safety.

Listen to the rules games:

The presenter asks you a question, you listen carefully and do not interrupt.

The game is a team game, you need to consult with your friends to give the correct answer.

If you answer incorrectly, you do not receive a point, and your question goes to your opponents.

For each correct answer you receive one point.

The results of the competitions will be assessed by a jury in composition:

Graduate of the School of Young Rescuer in the city of Birobidzhan-Kozyreva Varvara Vladimirovna.

Primary school teacher - Fadeikina Irina Valerievna.

The head of the preschool institution is Olga Vladimirovna Udovenko.

"Business card."

I ask the captains to introduce their teams!

Team captain:"Brave and Smart"


The rules, we know

Simply top class!

If you want,

We will teach you!

Captain of the team "brave and inquisitive"


We are serious

Even though we don’t look menacing.

For victory in good time,

We'll get around you today!

Presenter: So we met. I suggest doing a warm-up.

“Everything about the Ministry of Emergency Situations”

Each team will have to ask questions and answer three questions from their opponents. Before answering, you can confer with each other.

Questions for the team "smart and brave"

1Fire department number? ( "01", "112")

2Why is the fire truck red? (red color is bright and resembles fire; so that she is visible on the road; so that they give way to her)

3Why people's professions were named « rescuers» ?

Questions for the team "brave and inquisitive"

1. What qualities should firefighters and rescuers?

2If the room is filled with thick smoke, what will you do? (cover your nose and mouth with a damp handkerchief or napkin and move towards the exit?

3Why were people’s professions called “firefighters?”

The game begins.

1. Game "assemble the puzzle"

Team members assemble logos from parts and name the cartoon.

GAME 2 – “Whose team will collect the word faster? RESCUE»

Every day a firefighter and rescuer starts with charging. Now we will recharge ourselves with positive energy and warm up.

Aerobics to the music of Sviridov “Taming of Fire”

3. Photo riddles - CAPTAINS COMPETITION.

Riddles are offered to describe how to help victims, and they find the answer from the photo. ( flood rescue, during earthquakes. fire fighting, animal rescue.

4. Didactic game "Associations".

The facilitator invites team members to choose from a set of subject pictures those that are necessary for rescuers,firefighters.

Playing with spectators - "Make no mistake".

5. Homework "Rebuses"

Record (oral response) sign scheme (rebus) Team members (the option of guessing together with fans, parents, and spectators is possible) solve the puzzle and voice it or present a recording of its decoding.

6. Presenter: Don - don. Don - don.

The cat's house caught fire,

The goat jumped out, its eyes bulging,

A chicken is running with a bucket,

Fill the cat's house.

But they couldn’t fill it.

Leading: Guys, do you know how to put out a fire?

Children: (possible answers) water, sand, earth, snow, washing powder, a tarpaulin blanket, a fire extinguisher, a broom.

A relay race is underway (a siren sounds, children line up in two teams)

Participation of Varvara and the teacher in different teams.

Relay “01” comes to the rescue”

Wear a firefighter's helmet and gloves.

Take a bucket

Snake running between cones

Get through the hoop

“Pour out” the water, put out the fire (children's buckets or children's fire extinguishers)

Return – run in a straight line, pass the bucket to the next participant

8Our children want to express feelings of gratitude and respect for people of a courageous profession.

Reading of poems by game participants.

Take cues from adult firefighters

We always try.

It’s not easy to become the same -

It takes work. - Lev Kabaev

So that the profession of the brave

To master perfectly

You need a lot of important knowledge

And have goodness in your soul. - Ksenia Kaptyuk

And strength and courage

Don't borrow from others...

We wanted to be like that

Strong as you are now. - Karina Gorbunova

Reading a poem for Varvara Kozyreva (author Gaiko V. A.) with viewing of a presentation about the achievements at school of the young rescuer.

“There is something about this girl that you can’t take your eyes off.

Kind, honest, purposeful, full of vitality.

I studied at the Ministry of Emergency Situations and at school, competitions and studies.

I managed to combine everything, and achieved my final goal -

She became a savior! There is still a lot to learn in life,

But he can help people, if misfortune happens, he will always come to the rescue!”

Song: "Hymn rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations»

Leading: summing up the game "Black and white envelope"

In a black envelope we place photos of players who did not actively participate in the program. in a white envelope - the strongest players and experts about the Ministry of Emergency Situations. (another option is for the participants themselves to evaluate their activities in the program and justify their actions)

Varvara: Dear guys! As a representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, I express my deep gratitude to you and I say: "huge Thank you» For attention, active participation in demonstrating ingenuity, speed, dexterity and abilities in physical, speech and intellectual development in front of spectators and guests, the Russian Emergency Situations Service awards children with diplomas of winners and participants of the game, and chocolate medals. Presentation of a memorable gift from the children and employees of the preschool educational institution to the former kindergarten student Varvara / Vladimirovna Kozyreva (made by children's hands) for participating in the game and teaching preschoolers the basics of fire safety.

Leading: guys, did you like the game "TO. V.N"? What did you find interesting that caused difficulties? (children's answers) Let's tell our guests a big thanks for participating in the game.

I. Competition "Greetings"

Props: 3 posters with the inscription “ON SOS”, fire hose, 2 chairs, 2 wigs, 2 skirts, 3 scarves, gifts for the jury.

Ruslan's musical play “Wild Dances” sounds, then a fire siren.
The whole team sits on the stage, except for one person. Everyone is busy with their own business. Then the same missing person (the captain) runs in and shouts: “General alarm!” Everyone slowly turns their heads towards him. Nobody moves.

Captain. Yes...we recruited a rapid response team this year, you can’t say anything... (affectionately, but pronouncing the words very clearly): Guys, why are we sitting here, huh?

The team is silent.

Captain(in a commanding tone): Why are you seated, I say? Our school is not on fire, our KVN is starting!

All: And KVN, well, why didn’t you say it right away...

The song is based on the tune of "Pinocchio".

Today is a good day,
And all adversity is nonsense.
And laughter and jokes already waiting,
Happy holiday will be here
We will wipe the noses of our rivals,
Tell me who we are?
We are NaSOS

The sound of an explosion. Everyone falls. To the music from the movie “17 Moments of Spring” “Don’t think down on the seconds,” a fireman in a helmet and with a hose appears on the stage. He's crawling. He freezes in front of the jury table, pointing the hose in their faces and screams.

Captain. Turn it on!

The sound of pouring water. Musical loss.

Captain. Misha decided to become a firefighter as a child. At the age of 5, he set fire to and extinguished his first apartment. Sasha - at 7 ... firmly decided to become a fireman and drive a big red car. On a Ferrari. Anton. His favorite dish is stew. No comments. Nikita. He took his dad's baseball bat and stood at the intersection. The boy did not have enough to buy a bicycle. And these are our girls - talented and explosive. Our team...

All. On SOS!

Captain. Our motto...

All. If there are problems, if there is a skid, we will always have time to rush to SOS!

They start dancing to Kirkorov’s song “Both Fire and Water.” Some girls and boys go off stage.

Captain. So! Well, what have you done here again? You cannot be left alone for a second!

All: What are we... we're nothing... we... this...

Captain. Quiet! Do you know who these people are? It's...The Jury! Are you silent? Ashamed? They quickly corrected the situation, as befits a rapid response team!

Everyone runs away to the sounds of the Finnish Polka. As soon as the music “Dark Eyes” begins, several girls stand out from the whispering group and sing a song to the jury. walk from the wall to the edge of the stage, fall to their knees.

Black eyes
Burning eyes
About the jury, jury,
Oh, mighty!
Have pity on us
In this difficult hour,
We perform
Only for the first time!

Captain. Same thing. Start the main program!

All. Eat!

“Finnish Polka” againeveryone runs away. 2 chairs are brought onto the stage, a guy and a girl sit on them.

Young woman. Cool car! Bentley?

Boy. No, fire department...Where should you go?

Young woman. Yes...for a driving test, right next door...by the way, my name is Katya...Excuse me, are you by any chance Brad Pitt? One face!

Boy. One face is a bun! And my name is Sergei Kuzhutgetovich Shoigu...

Losing to Killa.

Captain. Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

The team responds: Cuckoo! Our boy.

Captain. I am not alone in this room, my school is with me!

Fans:“There is no better school than my 297.”

Song “We are pumps”

Take a quick look at us
Don't be shy, everything is OK.
Check out our work
Give us 5 points quickly!
Why? Yes because!
Grisha's mother is a prosecutor.
We wrote the script ourselves
They cried over him at night.
And... Grisha... we took him to the team.
Well, did you like us?
Why? What a question!
Yes, because we are “HASOS”!


We are the pumps, we are the pumps.
We don't smoke cigarettes.
We look quite specific
Isn't it noticeable?
Why? What kind of question?!
Yes, because we are “HASOS”!

II. Musical competition “Remember, children, these rules!”

Subject:“Fire safety rules and measures.

Props: 3 chairs, a smoke device, a gas mask, a picture of fire, pictures of fire safety rules, a bondan, a raincoat, a robe for a nanny.

The sound of footsteps is heard.

Captain. Children, are you ready?

All. Yes, captain!

Captain. Get up!

The song is based on Michael Jackson's "BlackorWhite".

Tonight is an evening of magic and miracles
The “pump” on this stage is progress.
There will be laughter, flowers and jokes
Security is cool
You know!
There is no limit to perfection
You study the rules.

Musical interruption.
There are 3 guys and 3 girls on stage. The musical “don’t smoke-tra-ra-la-la” begins.
Halfway through the song, the sound of a toilet flushing is heard.
The guys freeze for a second and then continue singing.

Nanny. Fire! We're burning...Smokers in the toilet.

Music from the Benny Hill show is playing. The bell rings for class. Then the song “The Impossible is Possible” sounds to the melody of Bilan.

We know for sure Pythagorean theorem,
"War and Peace" four volumes are familiar to us.
Newton's laws come at night in a dream,
And we know exactly what crossing over is.

We go to life safety training, it’s always like the first time.
Let's try to use our chance now.


To put out the fires
And take possession of the hydrant.

Anton, you better move away, you don’t know how to sing!
So this is what we talked about before Anton
We were (previously) not familiar with fire extinguishers.
Today we want to master the “sleeves”,
And get acquainted with fire shields!

Teacher. So, today in life safety lesson we are studying information signs.

All. Oh!

Boy. What about hydrants?

Teacher. Everyone looked at me with kind, attentive eyes.

To the music “Hey na-na-na” he shows signs: prohibiting sign (no smoking), evacuation, indicative, prescriptive, then the teacher puts on the gas mask and takes it off. Only 2 guys left

Teacher. Where's the class?

The guys shrug.

Teacher. The situation is hopeless. We need to act globally. We need to call the detectives.

Music from the movie "The Pink Panther".

Young woman. Hello, girlfriend!

Boy. What girlfriend!? I told you, I'm James Bond. What case are we investigating today? We are investigating a terrible crime against the government. Do you know what I mean?

Young woman. Of course, James. The whole class ran away from class. We have only one way to find out - monstrous torture.

Boy. Here are our suspects.

Young woman. Look how monstrously similar they are. They are just like 2 fire hydrants.

Boy. And you worked as a firefighter.

Young woman. Yes.

The melody from the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring” plays.

Boy. Sister.

Young woman. Brother (hug).Let's use torture.

They put on glasses and turn on the TV, where they are showing “Dom-2”. One boy puts his finger in his mouth and watches the transmission with delight. The second one is convulsing with disgust.

Young woman. Enough. Turn it off. This is too cruel.

Boy. Yes, you're right, a psychological approach is needed here.

They take a sign. It depicts...fire.

Boy. What do you see in this picture?

1 boy. Angelina Jolie.

2 boy (admiringly). Our director!

The detectives are conferring.

Young woman. It's hopeless. After the life safety lesson, the world changed for them.

Boy. As the blood of a healthy person says, “it’s time to clot!”

Melody from the cartoon "Chip and Dale to the Rescue." The team runs in.

Teacher. Found.

All. We joined the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Sviblovo.

Melody from the cartoon "Chip and Dale to the Rescue."
The song is based on Michael Jackson's "BlackorWhite".

We were all connected by fate at our school.
It’s always study, but today it’s play.
Having finished this song, we will sing together again,
All Right.
Main principle our team -
“Pump” – always win!

III. Homework: “Reporting from the scene”

Subject:"Fire and emergency situations and their heroes."

Props: fire hose, helmet, robe, bow, T-shirt. skirt, doll, flag, visa, suitcase.

Leading. Hello, dear viewers. Today you are present at a unique episode of the program “Emergencies and Their Heroes.” And our first report is from a fire department where only girls work, which is already an emergency situation.

Girls run in, dragging a fire hose. The melody from the musical "Chicago" plays.

- Cock
– Fire
- Crap
- A-A
– We’re burning
- Let's drink
- Cock
– Fire
- Crap
- Ahh
- Let's stew
- Let's drink
- Cock
– Fire
- Crap
- Ahh
- Cock
– Fire
- Crap
- Ahh
– All my life I’ve been extinguishing fires with water,
– There is no price for this work...
- If only you were paid this much in the service...
- By the way, guys, how much do they pay us for this... Lipschitz!
– 150
- Ahh
- To everyone?
- For everyone!
- Crap!
- Let's go!

1 girl. When I was kicked out of school, I decided to become a firefighter. Why? But really? I remember my first task very well... we were putting out a fire on the 5th floor of a 3-story building... By the way, I failed it... And all this was a hoax!

2 girl. When I came to the fire department and said that I would work for them, the chief turned pale and called me mediocrity. True, when I figured out how to use the Sleeve, he took back his words.

Save us, helmet, from the fire,
Iron paradise in the arms of darkness,
If only you knew how we save,
Then you wouldn't be afraid of trouble.
Let's go...

News music.

Leading. Today, at a fire on... Enskaya... street, unknown pages from the diary of Russia's chief rescuer Sergei Shoigu were found. Gregory?

Correspondent. Christina!?

3 boys are reading a diary.

October 12. Jumped with the guys from the garage. We decided to become rescuers. On the third run, Rzhavy jumped off and broke his leg, then I jumped and broke his arm. I don’t know how he’ll jump in a cast tomorrow.
October 23. We smoked with the boys in the school toilet. I coughed out of habit. I want to become a rescuer.
October 28 (night). I thought about the army. I don’t feel like going there. Maybe have two children? I want to become a rescuer.
October 29. Hooray! I have acne! Hmm..."klerasil" no...there is only a rescuer. This is probably fate.
November 10. Police Day. I called on 01, 02, 03, 04. I decided that whoever arrives faster will be the one I will join.
November 11. I woke up from my dad’s scream: “I don’t know how to melt.” I realized that the firefighters had arrived. I decided on a profession.

Presenter. Michael.

Presenter. And now - a summary of emergency news.

Musical interruption “Brazil”, the team comes out and reads the news.

1. Do you know the evolution of firefighters in Russia Ivan III!
- Here's an informer!

2. The inscription on the poster: “Don't smoke in bed! The ashes that you then have to sweep up may be yours.”

3. Call to 01:
– Hello, if your light is on, press “1”; if it’s with neighbors, press “2”; If your phone does not support touch-tone dialing, extinguish it yourself!

4. The fire at the pyrotechnics factory raged for 6 hours. None of the firefighters dared to extinguish such beauty.

- Now let's move on to the sensations:

5. Sewer explosion in Medvedkovo. A unique material fell into the hands of firefighters...

6. A bus appeared on the streets of the Sviblovo microdistrict with the inscription “Alcohol is the cause of the fire. Hide matches from children."

Presenter. We move on to the “Some Like It Hot” section. I am reporting from the scene, Christina.

Song to the melody of “Stop the drug.”

Forza woman summer akhtung zero Belomoro,
This story happened in the midst of Indian summer,
Veriz e ti vi set e dona Rosa eurideus,
With a simple Tambov schoolgirl named Dunya.
Piazza grande bambino colombino presto soon,
Dunya saved the baby from a burning building,
End Ausweiss Naturlikh everything is ok,
The Ministry of Emergency Situations awarded her a visa to exchange experience abroad
Shvester Dona Rosa Russian People uniform,
Dunya put on her favorite dress,
Ma caric de set letre Coco Chanel,
And she perfumed herself with Red Fireman cologne.
The Times One Handread Fife itself is a platform platform,
She boarded the Tambov-Moscow fast train,
I, I am mein kampf good bye mon colonel,
And she went on a fabulous journey.
Rimo, Lisbono und Moschino bourgeois,
When Dunya arrived in the imperialist Powers that were alien to her,
End nostalgé der meine klein garson,
She immediately missed her friends from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
Brass knuckles-pistol-gansterite und bambino,
The local firefighters were very friendly,
Chromosome downito syndrome,
With amazing mental abilities.

Chorus:Oh, Dunya, oh-oh-oh-oh... Poor, poor, unfortunate Dunya,
Ay, Dunya, ay-ay-ah... She did not yet know what awaited her.

Garanto dama jess furtois pas il criminalo,
After exchanging experiences, Dunya walked the streets of the city in the evenings,
E Dunya Understand Tu Russian Lipshits Uncle Benz,
She was proud of Russia and wanted to perform feats in its honor
Ve tren dominant lyugen dough lawlessness,
In a state of euphoria, Dunya walked along the oncoming lane
Dont understand close coming out suicide.
And I didn’t understand that extreme sports would not lead to anything good.
Curante paraffin Dona Rosa prima vera,
And then, one evening, as the chimes struck,
Conte e doña Rosa go tou ze date
She was accidentally hit by a vehicle(stop music)

Brakes squeal. Siren.

All. Fire engine?

Captain. No... Bentley.

All. And what…

Captain. They saved her. They returned to their homeland.

All. Who?

Captain. I'm at a loss.

Music from the film “17 Moments of Spring”. The team freezes in solemn poses.

List of resources used:

1. http://www.pcgorn.ru/anekdot.html Jokes about firefighters.
2. http://rozamafi.narod.ru/dnevnik_shkolnika.html Diary of a schoolchild.

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State treasury educational institution Rostov region special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities special (correctional) educational boarding school of the VIII type in the village of Matveev Kurgan (GKOU RO boarding school of the VIII type in the village of Matveev Kurgan)

Open event on the topic:

Educator: Ponomarenko Svetlana Vasilievna.


KVN "Young Firefighters" is intended for middle-aged children; it updates and systematizes children's knowledge of fire safety.


    Shape concept of "fire safety".

    Knowledge of the causes of fire.

    Shape skills and abilities in behavior in case of fire.

    Mutual assistance, friendly attitude towards each other, pride in the people of this profession.

    Activation of motor activity, development of physical qualities: agility, speed, courage.

    Development of the vestibular apparatus, coordination of movements.

Entertainment material: team names (2 pcs.), entertainment name (1 pc.), firefighter costume (for adults), tape recorder, Comfo music; for relay races: islands (6 pcs.), tunnel (2 pcs.), telephone (2 pcs.), bucket (2 pcs.), cone (6 pcs.), hoop (2 pcs.)

Preliminary work:

    Learning poems, dances, proverbs about fire safety.

    Review of fire safety posters;

    Reading works of art and looking at the illustrations for them:

    • “Fire”, “Fire Dogs” by L. Tolstoy,

      “Fire”, “In the Smoke” by V. Zhitkov,

      “Fire”, “The Story of an Unknown Hero” by S. Marshak.

    Excursion to the PB Museum.

    Conversation about the profession "Firefighter".

    Formation of 2 teams “Flame” and “Rescuers”, selection of captains.

Presenter 1:

Friends! Today our stage

We give it to Ka-Ve-En!

Presenter 2:

KVNO has a lot of roads...

Ours has one road.

Presenter 1:

Today we have KVN for those who are curious.

Presenter 2:

Today we have fire-entertainment KVN!

Presenter 1:

Guys, today our event is dedicated to fire safety rules.

Fire is our friend. Without fire, life on Earth is impossible. It is needed everywhere: in homes, schools, factories, farms, and agricultural production. Fire melts ore, helping a person obtain metal.

Presenter 2:

Fire is a symbol. With naked heads people look at eternal flame at the monuments to heroes who died on the battlefields. The flame, lit from the rays of the sun in distant Olympia, is carried in a torch relay by famous athletes from all over the world.

Presenter 1:

But fire can turn into a merciless enemy if handled carelessly. A fire can break out wherever the fire finds even a small opening. This could be an iron not turned off in time, an unextinguished match, an unextinguished fire, or faulty electrical wiring.

Presenter 2:

You must always remember that careless handling of fire can lead to disaster.

Presenter 1:

Now listen to the 4th grade poems.

(Pre-prepared students read poetry) - 4th grade.

    It's always different

Amazing fire.

Then an ugly brawler,

Then the quietest of the quiet ones,

Then he's a hurried snake

Slides over dry bark,

That shaggy red mane

Blazes at dawn.

Here on a match, like on a branch,

The blue leaf is trembling.

Here, breaking the bars of the cage,

The predator makes a throw!..

    Yes, there are different types of fire -

Pale yellow, bright red, blue or gold,

Very kind,

Very angry.

Evil fire - fire fire,

Evil fire-fire of war!

From the merciless heat

The days are dark

The fields are black.

Residents globe,

Citizens of any country

evil fire

They must turn off!

    And without good fire

You can't get by even a day.

He is a reliable friend with us,

The cold is driving, the darkness is driving away.

He's a welcoming flame

Raises it like a flag.

Everyone needs a good fire.

And for that, kudos to him,

What warms up the guys' dinner?

Cuts steel

And bakes bread

Presenter 1:

And so - Let's begin!

Let's start our fire KVN!

We expect, we expect hot fights,

Bright scenes!

Presenter 2: (points to the presenter), I'm sure Ka-Ve-En will go great with you personally!!!

Presenter 1: Everything is ready for battle. (Addresses the presenter)

Presenter 2: Shall we start?

(To the audience) I give the presenter my word - to introduce the strict jury!(Presented by the jury)



Presenter 2: The jury, as you can see, is worthy of respect!

They had to - and more than once - evaluate the battles!

Presenter 1:

And now I will introduce you to the program of our KVN.

1 ) Competition No. 1 Greeting the teams

2) Competition No. 2 “Warm-up”


4 ) Competition No. 4 “Situations”.

5) Competition No. 5 “About the affairs of firefighters both jokingly and seriously.”

6) Competition No. 6 “Call of firefighters”

7) Contest "01 to the rescue"

8) Competition "Real Firefighter" »

9) Homework (Art number)

Presenter 1: We trust the jury -

We hand over the fate of the teams!

Presenter 1 : Fun club, perky club,

Club of resourceful guys,

Two teams of our national teams

Together: They're starting their parade!(Music 01)

(Announcement of commands.)

Presenter 1: Meet the 1st team!

Presenter 2: Meet the 2nd team(Music 01)

Presenter 1:

So -Competition No. 1 Greeting the teams

Our team "Sparkles"

Our motto : "Fire is a dangerous thing

He doesn't like jokes on himself."


About the jury, dear jury,

Is it really at this hour

Sign us today

Your disastrous order?

All : Glory and honor to you!

We all love accurate counting! (raise up cards with the number “5”)


We wish you to take a prize place,

But not the first, but the second!

For fans (line by line)

Fans we warn you,

That the meeting will be hot!

And we wish them with all our hearts

Get sick without calling a doctor.

Presenter 2: So mine ardent hello the team will show us"RESCUERS"

Our team "RESCUERS"

Our motto: In case of fire, in case of fire

every citizen knows

in case of fire, in case of fire

you call on “01”

Greetings : We are not touchy - no!

Team Sparkle - Hello!

Address to the jury

Jury! Let me address

Today we work together...

Please accept my sincere greetings

And a modest little layout

(hands a helicopter to the other team)

Maybe this helicopter

The team will be pulled forward


We won't lie

Our character is not like that

We'll get it for our team

More points for you!

Because for this meeting

We've been preparing for a long time!

ALL: Don't be angry unless

You are destined to lose.

Presenter 1: - So, the greetings are over. The jury sums up first competition, I I would like to ask you guys, who knows why the fire service got the number “01”?

Because 01 is simple, everyone will remember it;

01 – short number, every minute counts in a fire;

01 is a convenient number; it’s easy to dial on the dial of your phone in the dark.

Presenter 2: The jury asks you to announce the results of the competition.

Presenter 1: Thank you! Let's move on to the next competition, which is called "Warm-up", first I read the riddles, you guess. Ready!

Competition No. 2 “Warm-up”

Presenter 1: The whole universe lives in it,
But it's an ordinary thing.

From a burning well.
It flows through the nose.(Kettle).

Admire, look,
The North Pole is inside!
Snow and ice sparkle there,
Winter itself lives there.
Forever to us this winter,
Brought from the store.(Fridge)

The steamer is coming
Back and forth
And behind him there is such a smooth surface,
Not a wrinkle to be seen.(Iron)

Presenter1 : How can you call these objects in one word?
(electrical appliances)

Presenter2 : this is the task guys, Each team must name 2 rules for safe handling of electrical appliances.I'll give you a minute to think.

Presenter1 : While the teams are completing the task, we will play the game “Missing Words” with the audience. I read, and you complete.

(At this time the game is with the audience)

Game: Missing Words

One, two, three, four -
Who has a fire in...?

A column of smoke suddenly rose,
Who didn't turn it off...?

A red glow ran
Who's with the matches...?

The table and the closet burned down at once,
Who dried clothes over...?

A pillar of fire engulfed the attic
Who's the match...?
(Lighted up.)

The fire spread into the yard.

Who was burning there...? (Bonfire.)

The flame jumped into the foliage
Who was burning at the house...?

Who threw it into the fire?

Remember every citizen.

This number... (01)

I saw smoke - don’t yawn.

And firefighters... (Call out)

Presenter2 : -Well done, guys!

I see our teams are ready to give an answer. We listen to team 1, team 2.

Do not use faulty electrical appliances.

    Do not leave electrical appliances unattended.

    Do not plug multiple electrical appliances into one outlet.

    Do not touch the switched-on electrical appliance with wet hands.

    Do not repair the appliance itself.

    Do not use appliances if there are exposed wires.

(fans supplement the rules).

Presenter 1: The jury is ready to announce the scores for the “Warm-up” competition.

Presenter 2: next Competition No. 3 “Captains Competition”.

Captains on stage, now we will check your preparation.

The captains carefully fill out the task card within a minute; you need to connect the beginning of the phrases with their ending, and you will receive fire safety rules and actions in case of fire. When you complete the task, hand over the card to the jury.

    The fire must not be left

    If you see a flame -

    Call the firefighters

    From the fire

    From a burning room

    Most dangerous in case of fire

A) by phone 01.
B) you can’t hide.
B) unattended.
D) call adults for help.
D) smoke.
E) we need to leave quickly.

Presenter 1 : In the meantime, the captains are answering questions, let's conductcompetition with teams.

Competition No. 4 “Situations”.

Presenter 2: Both teams will be offered various situations and 3 answer options. They answer at the same time, + both teams raising cards with the number of the correct answer.

    If your clothes catch fire...

    run in burning clothes to extinguish the flame.

    fall to the floor and roll around.

- You saw a kid setting fire to dry grass. What will you do?

    I'll pass by

    I'll stop to set fire with him.

    I’ll take the matches from him and explain what playing with fire can lead to.

- There was a fire in the apartment. Your actions?

    I will call the fire department or call adults for help.

    I'll jump out of the window

    I'll hide in the closet

- What phone number will you use to call the fire department?

-Where will you light fireworks?

    In the courtyard of the house

    In an open area away from home

    In the apartment

Presenter 1 : The most important rule

    not only in case of fire,

    but also in case of any other danger:

    Don't panic and don't lose your composure!

Presenter 1 : I ask the jury to evaluate the “Situations” competition.

Presenter 1: Captains submit answers to jury members.

Presenter 1 :In the meantime, the jury is checking the answers of our captains,we will spend with the audience,warm up. I will read quatrains, if you think it’s necessary to do so, then clap your hands, and if you are sure that the actions are wrong, then remain silent.Be careful. Participants play with us.

1.Who, perky and cheerful,

Keeping loyalty to the rules,

Protects his native school

From insidious fire?

2. Who set fire to the grass near the house,

I set fire to unnecessary rubbish,

And a friend's garage burned down

And a construction fence?

(The guys are silent.)

3. Who is the neighbor's kids?

Explains in the yard

That playing with fire is not without reason

Ends in fire?

(It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

4. Who is sneaking in the corner

Burned a candle in the attic?

The old table caught fire

He barely left alive!

(The guys are silent.)

5. Who helps firefighters

Doesn't break the rules

Who is an example for all the guys?

(It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

6. At a rest stop, someone in the forest

Did you burn dried pine?

And then he was in such a hurry,

That the fire was not extinguished.

(The guys are silent.)

7.Who, seeing the forest on fire,

Knows for sure: will there be trouble?

Who doesn’t set fire to a branch,

Does the forest save from fire?

(It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

Who, upon hearing the smell of burning, reports a fire?

How many of you, seeing smoke, say: “Fire! We're on fire!"

Which of you plays tricks with fire in the morning, evening and day?

Who, sensing gas in the apartment, will call 04?

Who, children, hides matches from their little sister at home?

But confess to me which one of you is playing with fire?

Presenter 1 : The word is the jury. Please announce the grades for the “Captains” competition.

1 Leading : Next competition No. 5 “About the affairs of firefighters both jokingly and seriously.”

That's what it's called music competition, in which teams will present their humorous fire-fighting ditties.

I ask the "Rescuers" team to come on stage

……………………………… "Sparkles"

All ditties are staged. DITS. (Sparkles )

We'll sing ditties for you,

We'll show you in practice

Ways to fight fire

And preventive measures!

And when using fire, be careful!

Masha has been stroking for three hours,

I got distracted for a minute,

Yes, thanks Pete,

He noticed it!

We urge citizens to be vigilant,

Be careful with electrical appliances!

Our Masha started chatting

She lost her porridge,

Petya passed by,

He quickly turned off the gas.

We urge citizens to be vigilant

Be careful in apartments with domestic gas!

Children were playing by the fire,

The jacket caught fire on Petya,

The children knocked Petya down

And they doused him with water.

We urge citizens to be vigilant

Be careful around a burning fire!

We will sum up the results

To be clear - FOLLOW THE RULES


Presenter 1 : Thank you, I ask the “Rescuers” team to come on stage

We'll sing ditties for you

About firefighters, about fire.

Don't take them seriously

Otherwise you'll be hit

New home- green roof

Maybe it won't burn:

My dear fireman

Will protect from fire.

    Let's study "Life Safety"

    Our safety

    To avoid an emergency,

    Don't be in danger.

There's a lot different professions,

But one of them is more important.

What does it mean to be a firefighter?

Save people from fire.

We sang about the fire,

To save you from trouble

We invite everyone, friends

You can't joke with fire

Presenter 1 : Jury You liked the performances of our teams. Please announce the results of the competition. “About the affairs of firefighters both jokingly and seriously.”

Presenter 1 : Next competition No. 6 “Call of firefighters”

    Jumping over islands (3 pcs.)

    Climb into the tunnel (1 pc.)

    Run to the phone, pick up the receiver, call (shout) 01

    Run back in a straight line, pass the baton (clap the palm of the next participant).

Presenter 1 : b The hunters support the teams.

- The competition is over, the jury sums up the results.

Presenter 1 : we continue our competitions and the next competition 7 "01 to the rescue" (so who is faster)

(The siren sounds, children line up in two teams)

Take a bucket

    Snake running between cones

    Get through the hoop

    “Pour out” the water, put out the fire

    Return – run in a straight line, pass the bucket to the next participant.

-Children perform the task, and the jury monitors the correctness of its completion)

Well done!

Presenter 1 : The word is the jury. Please announce your grades for the competition"01 to the rescue"

Presenter 1 : The jury will announce the results competition.

The next competition is called “Real Firefighter”, and team captains will compete for this title. I ask you, Ilya Anatolyevich, in what period of time should a firefighter get dressed in order to be ready to leave. You will help me.

Presenter 1: I ask you to evaluate this competition.

Presenter 1: Next competition No. 8 “Homework”

Presenter 1 : KVN participants perform amateur performances.

Presenter 1 : And do your homework first The “Rescue” team will show us.

Presenter 1 : Homework for the "Sparkles" team.

Presenter 1: The jury evaluates the competition

Presenter 1 :In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results.

Our future firefighters will give us advice.(3rd grade)

Very very important rules!

Guys, remember that

That you can't joke with fire

Who is careless with fire?

There's a risk of fire there.

Don't touch the matches! There's fire in the matches!

Don't play with a match, my friend,

Remember, you, she is small,

But from a small match

The house might burn down.

Near the house and barn

Don't you dare start a fire!

Maybe there's a big problem

For buildings and people.

If you want to save your property

Don't leave when the stove is heating up!

When the oven is left unattended

One ember can set your house on fire.

Not allowed over a gas stove

Dry wet clothes!

You yourself know which one

Big fire threatens the ignorant!

Do not dry clothes over gas.

Everything will burn at once!

Iron your shirt and trousers

The iron will always help you,

Hands must be dry

And the wires are intact.

The iron is on, there are no owners,

There is a trail of smoke on the sheet.

Guys, take action.

Turn off the hot iron!

Remember, children,

These are the rules.

Presenter 2 : Our KVN has come to an end, word forresults announcementsprovided to the jury.

(awarding the winners, wishes to the teams, jury members, guests)

Presenter1: I want to believe that you will always use the knowledge gained and not allow any deviations. Remember the safety formula, which includes the following commandments:

    Anticipate danger.

    Avoid it if possible.

    If necessary, act decisively and clearly.

    Fight to the last, actively ask for help and provide it yourself.

Presenter 1 : Guys! At the end of our event

We wish you everythingGood luck,

Presenter 2 : And we ask each of you,

Presenter 1 : about the most important thing - about one thing:

Together :Be careful with fire!”
