Venus retrograde: dangers and opportunities. Everything you wanted to know about Venus retrograde: what it will bring and how to survive it? Retro Venus periods

Venus retrograde 2018 begins on October 5 in the sign of Scorpio and ends on November 16 in the sign of Libra. The period of Venus retrograde cannot be called simple; rather, it is a whole six weeks of heightened passions, which can be directed in completely different ways. Of course, first of all, Venus is the love sphere, so relationships will be important for many, however, astrological aspects and stars indicate a suitable period for artistic and creative work.

Stationary retrograde Venus is primarily influenced by Mars, and as a result, increased sexual tension can cause anger, lack of self-control and impulsive actions and decisions.

Venus retrograde 2018

Before Venus stations retrograde, it passes through a retrograde zone, also called the shadow zone. The second phase is when Venus moves in retrograde motion. The last phase is when Venus goes through the retrograde zone again.

Phase 1: Venus in retrograde zone

Venus enters the shadow zone on September 2, 2018 in Libra. From now on, while Venus is stationary retrograde, this is the first shadow period. At this stage, you will gain insight into the issues of love and money that will be of concern during the retrograde phase.

Phase 2: Venus retrograde 2018

Venus stations are retrograde on October 5, 2018 in Scorpio on a beautiful fixed star which is favorable for love affairs. Venus trine Neptune is a friendly and romantic influence, but the strongest influence on the 2018 Venus retrograde will be the square of Venus and Mars. This is a very complex aspect, so it is better to understand it before looking at the easy influences.

Venus square Mars increases sexual activity and energy many times over, which can cause difficulties in a relationship, especially if there is already some kind of sexual or competitive tension in the relationship. However, in a healthy relationship, where both partners have equally strong egos, you can enjoy more exciting sexual activity. For single people, an increase in sexual desire will give a more attractive aura, however, if you have started dating, you should try not to lower your standards and not expose yourself to risks due to impatience and lust. Relationships are certainly more likely now, but they won’t necessarily be lasting.

Therefore, in a good relationship you can express your love through sex, but in a difficult relationship you are more likely to be able to express hatred due to the increase in sexual dysfunction. Logically, this is not the best period of time to work through the root causes of tension in a relationship, because the need for sexual satisfaction is so enormous that it outweighs everything else. Compromises will help avoid hostility, but the tendency to agree with everything along the way can lead to losses and unnecessary, in my opinion, regrets.

The square of Venus and Mars also brings anger, loss of self-control and impulsive actions. If you or someone you know is impatient or aggressive by nature, try not to lose your temper when faced with obstacles or refusals, try to express your frustrations in another safer way, release physical tension productively through sports, exercise or relaxation procedures . A good option is to channel this energy into creative work, such as painting, sculpture or dance activities, singing.

Venus conjunct Neptune has a romantic, relaxing and dreamy influence that will soften the raw and impulsive nature of the Mars Venus square. You should feel more compassionate and willing to help other people, so your love life will benefit from increased tenderness. The desire to connect on a spiritual level will also soften the overly sexual nature of the Venus retrograde vector to promote a gentler release of sexuality.

This creative, friendly and beautiful influence reduces the risk of losing self-control and causing mischief. Along with the points I have mentioned above, this aspect is good for watching movies, going to entertainment venues and all kinds of activities to beautify your surroundings.

The influence of the star Alfeki is favorable for love relationships and brings benefits from friends and gives artistic and musical taste. In general, this star gives honor, dignity and poetic and artistic ability.

The star Acrux has a different spiritual influence on Venus retrograde 2018. This star gives justice, magic and mystery, and is often featured in the horoscopes of astrologers and occultists.

Phase 3: Venus Direct

Venus stations return to normal position on November 16, 2018 in Libra opposite Uranus, again it is important to understand the problems of the difficult aspect before looking for answers in useful ones.

Venus opposite Uranus usually signals a change in love life, for example, if you already have a partner, then an unexpected event can cause tension and frustration, even flirting can lead to drama in a relationship, a strong relationship will endure such disruptions, the threat of a breakup looms over the rest. Since Uranus rules the Internet, you can fulfill your need for a companion, for example, through online dating.

Whatever your situation, if love is not about you, then change and excitement may manifest itself in another area of ​​​​life. There may be financial turmoil, so take extra care with your money. Beware of the tendency to jeopardize business and avoid suspicious schemes or gambling.

Venus leaves the shadow zone on December 17, 2018 in Scorpio, the third and final stage of retrograde retrospection is now complete.

Venus retrograde dates

  • 2018, October 5 - November 16 - Libra - Scorpio
  • 2020, May 13 - June 25 - Gemini - Gemini

Useful tips

The second planet from the Sun, the planet of beauty and love close to us - Venus is the planet of the so-called"inner circle" that is, its orbit around the Sun is inside the orbit of our planet.

In the movement of planets there is such a concept asretrograde.Like all other planets, Venus is retrogradea certain period of time. This event cannot be ignored either in electoral (selection of times for affairs), or in prognostic, or in natal astrology.

What is planetary retrograde? Is the planet moving backward?

Retrograde of a planet is a movement in the opposite direction, visible from the Earth, backward movement. Venus retrograde is Venus moving backwards.

Of course, this is only the movement of the planet visible to us from Earth; in fact, neither Venus nor any other planet of the solar system don't move backwards and certainly don’t stop. However, astrology is based on geocentric system, that is, we on Earth observe what is happening in space and draw appropriate conclusions.

The apparent movement of planets from Earth is of great importance, because it is by observing the planets that astrologers make their predictions. If Venus begins retrograde movement, this gives a hint that all things related to it are beginning to slow down, stop, slow down, or turn out completely differently than we want.

Venus retrograde period: how often does it happen and how long does it last?

What is the loop of Venus?

Venus moves through the entire circle of the Zodiac and returns to the point where it was at your birth, about once a year, however approximately once every 1.5 years we can observe that its movement slows down, it stops, and then begins to move... in the opposite direction.

Venus retrograde generally lasts about 40 days. Interestingly, in those moments when Venus moves backward, it forms the so-called "loop" when she returns and passes a certain part of the Zodiac several times.

Read also:

Venus loops, that is, mini-cycles that are formed due to retrograde, can be combined for 8 years in a single cycle. Graphically, this 8-year cycle of Venus forms something like a flower. After 8 years, Venus begins to draw a flower again, but with a shift of several degrees.

In 8 years, Venus makes 5 loops and if you connect them with lines, you get a pentacle - a five-pointed star.

Cycle of Venus and Sun

The cycle of Venus and the Sun lasts as long as the time passes between two periods of Venus retrograde - just over 1.5 years. From an astrological point of view, this cycle is very important. It begins during the retrograde phase when Venus conjuncts the Sun. This connection is called lower.

When Venus is conjunct the Sun Sun, Venus and Earth line up in one line. At the same time, sometimes such an astronomical phenomenon occurs as the passage of Venus across the disk of the Sun. The last time we observed this phenomenon was in 2004 and 2012 (two passes through the disk with a difference of 8 years). It takes more than 100 years for the phenomenon to happen again!

At the bottom connection it starts new Venus-Sun cycle. Since this happens during retrograde movement, people begin to reconsider their relationships, value systems, turn more to their feelings and reflect on relationships with other people.

About 9 months after lower, happens top Venus conjunct the Sun. This time Venus is already in direct motion. At this point, the world demands to demonstrate what has been achieved during this time.

If, during the inferior conjunction of Venus with the Sun, you did not want to reconsider your values ​​and relationships, but at the same time something did not suit you, and you also did not want to discard the unnecessary, now it will be difficult, because you will see all the disadvantages and will regret that didn’t figure out the Venusian problems even then.

If you were happy with everything at the lower connection, you felt satisfied with your relationships and financial situation, then with the upper connection everything will be even better. In case of working on yourself, revising your values ​​and getting rid of unnecessary things at the lower connection, you will have the opportunity to see real success at the top.

What things is Venus responsible for and in what areas should you look for a catch?

If you see in the calendar that Venus is going retrograde, you should pay attention to the following areas where it may bring inhibition or recurrent/recurrent situations:

    Love, relationships

    Any types of unions (personal, business, creative, international)

    Beauty and beauty industry





    Values ​​(tangible and intangible)

When Venus moves retrograde, all of these topics become most brightly lit and are expressed, certain events can take place in them. This happens when Venus retro affects certain parts of your personal horoscope.

Psychological Impact of Venus Retrograde

  • Emotions and feelings on retro Venus days are more difficult to control;
  • Many experience mood swings and cannot really say what they really need and what they like;
  • Some old preferences and desires that you might have long forgotten begin to return;
  • A bad mood, pessimism, and blues appear;
  • I want change, I’m tired of everything, but what kind of changes are needed is difficult to say;
  • It is difficult to contain negative feelings such as jealousy, dissatisfaction, mistrust and suspicion.
  • People often withdraw into themselves and do not want to show their feelings.

The main advantages of Venus retrograde and how to use them?

1. When Venus is retrograde, the creative sphere is activated, people begin to look for new creative ideas, try to find creative approaches to different things, and also create something new based on the old. This is especially noticeable in creative people, among people of art. But others, who are not particularly used to being creative, feel that they need to apply creativity in the everyday sphere.

2. Tastes change, or people prefer go back to the past: They suddenly remember something they liked once in the past. You can go back to the past in terms of image.

3. Aesthetic standards are re-evaluated and revised beauty standards and fashion, old trends are remembered, which can be woven into new ideas in an original way.

4. The search for something new begins image and style, experiment with new images (but unfortunately, new images almost never take root).

5. The usual style in the interior begins to get boring and somehow you immediately want to change something, at least replace the curtains or hang other pictures on the walls. Design is being revised, people are starting to look for new ways space updates(here you also need to be careful, since there is a big risk that later you will return to the same way).

6. When Venus is retrograde, it happens review of existing relationships: if something hurt you and didn’t suit you, now is the time to change everything. It’s good to take a moment and dot all the i’s.

ATTENTION! If dissatisfaction with relationships appears right now, with Venus retro, for the first time, then you shouldn’t pay attention to this: most likely, it will pass as soon as Venus becomes direct.

7. Venus is very good with retro go back in time and use it in the present. What is unfinished and forgotten will be completed and completed. This applies to a greater extent to relationships between people, love, art, creative affairs and financial affairs.

8. When Venus is retrograde you can meet ex-lovers, with whom you broke up stupidly, and restore relationships. If there is something left unsaid or misunderstood between you, during this period it is good look for meetings with people from the past to say everything. As a result, the advantage is that you can clarify important things for yourself, untie karmic knots and get rid of grievances.

9. This is a good time to clarify some questions for yourself related to existing relationships. Revise them, take them to a new level, get more depth, solve problems.

10. During the days of Venus retrograde it is very good to part with unwanted partners(business or personal). During this period, breakups are easier, since partners do not feel so much affection from each other.

11. Rethinking past situations during Venus retrograde can ultimately lead to to the right choice, which we will do when Venus goes direct.

The main problems of retrograde Venus: tips and tricks

1. Although the search for new trends in art, fashion, beauty begins, people want to change and redo something, go back to the past, not everything created at this time can remain and be preserved for a long time!

In the future, when Venus goes direct, all this could be revised again and then rejected.

Advice: If you want to try something new for yourself, change your style, image, change your usual technique in art, remodel your apartment or change the design, remember that soon you will either have to return it all, or redo it again, or completely destroy it. Venus direct may open your eyes to what you did on retro Venus and you may not like it!

2. Any serious experiments with appearance can give irreversible consequences, this is especially true for plastic surgery or serious cosmetic procedures.

Advice: Remember that if you want to change something in your appearance, change only so that everything can be returned back! With plastic surgery this is almost impossible, so plastic surgery during the days of retro Venus is excluded! During retrograde Venus, you can redo unsuccessful operations, perform repeated operations, or continue operations from a series (if you performed the first one while Venus was direct).

3. Returning to former lovers or restoring lost business relationships may not always be beneficial during Venus retrograde. In most cases, this is just a voluntary decision. step on the same rake.

Advice: If you have a desire to return to your ex right now, think 10 times, do you really need it? First, remember the main reason for the separation, and decide whether it is now likely to be avoided? In most cases, people don't change, and everything from the past can come back to you as soon as Venus goes direct.

Come back only when you are sure that you have everything figured out and that the reason for the separation is in the past. will not take place in the future, all problems were resolved. You can also return when you made a decision about this on direct Venus!

4. During the days of Venus retrograde, you can ruin your relationship forever if you approach issues in the wrong way: strain, pressure, blackmail, and so on.

Advice: Do not sort things out with your partners in a raised tone and with big claims, even if it seems to you that you are right. This is especially true if you have no goal of breaking up with your partners. Problems can arise especially acutely with negative aspects of transit retro Venus.

5. Relationships that begin during Venus retrograde have no future.

Advice: If you meet someone by chance at this time, and you really like this person, do not rush into a relationship with him! It’s better to wait until Venus comes out of retrograde, and only then think about how much you need it. In most cases interest just evaporates somewhere, as soon as Venus becomes direct!

6. Various beauty contests, presentations, exhibitions and any advertising campaigns do not work out well if they begin during Venus retrograde.

7. If you put yourself in debt during Venus retrograde, it can hang over you. very long, it will be difficult to pay off, since circumstances will not be in your favor: difficulties will arise not only for you, but also for those who lent you money!

Advice: Do not take out loans, do not take or lend money.

8. Any large purchases, especially purchases that are directly related to Venus themes (beauty, art, fashion), will be unsuccessful, you will waste your money, or you will quickly stop liking things.

Advice: If you don't have seasonal clothes, and Venus is retrograde, it's better to take care of your purchases in advance. Remember that clothes and shoes purchased at this time may quickly become unlikable to you, or quickly will fail(shoes will get damaged, clothes will get stained, etc.). Also, don't buy items on sale! At this time, stores are “just waiting” to get rid of low-quality or defective stale goods.

How do you understand that change is urgently needed for you now?

When you saw in the calendar that Venus is expected to go retrograde, watch the events, which take place during the first station - a static position that precedes retrograde and usually lasts about 5 days.

If these days you feel severe internal discomfort, you’re tired of everything, you’re not sure of anything, you can’t decide or make a choice - it’s clear that you really need change!

On days when Venus is static, there may be unpleasant events and failures related to Venus themes. This is a clear sign that this area needs change!

For example, management announced a salary reduction - a sign that you need to change the way you earn money. There was a quarrel with a partner - a sign that the relationship requires a serious review or even a break. The hairdresser increased the price for his services - a sign that you need to look for a new hairdresser, that something is wrong, and so on.

There may be many options, but the main thing is to pay attention to those events that are directly related to the themes of Venus.

Venus retrograde: transit

The movement of retrograde Venus in different zodiac signs: general forecast

Venus makes loops approximately in the same areas of the Zodiac and leaves the remaining parts virtually untouched. Its loops shift by several degrees every 8 years. Therefore, over time, Venus retrograde shifts according to signs.

At the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century, Venus retrograde occurs in its weak signs: Aries, Scorpio, Virgo.

Libra and Pisces only slightly affected, small pieces at the end of these signs.

Also, Venus retrograde during this period takes place in the signs Gemini, Leo, Capricorn, where it has neither advantages nor disadvantages - neutral territories.

Let's look at what Venus retrograde can bring us as it passes through these signs over the next few decades:

Venus retrograde in Aries (next time – in March-April 2025)

If Venus goes retrograde in Aries, it is incredibly weak. All the qualities of Venus are weakly manifested, and affairs associated with her either turn out poorly or do not work out at all.

During this period it will be very It's easy to screw up your finances, enter into unsuccessful relationships on impulse, quickly waste money on nonsense. Many people will seek praise and recognition, but most will be insincere and deceptive. As soon as Venus goes direct, the truth will be revealed, and the one who was praised and falsely admired will be hurt. At this time, you should not be overly active in the affairs of Venus, and if you want to do something, you should carefully consider every step!

Venus retrograde 2018 in Scorpio

Venus retrograde in Scorpio (nearest periods – October-November 2018 and 2026)

This is a rather difficult period when many people will experience an acute sense of dissatisfaction with their relationships and financial affairs. There will be a great temptation to give up everything and start from scratch instead of transforming and change situations within situations.

During this period, it is difficult to negotiate amicably: most likely, there will be conflicts and quarrels, which, nevertheless, will be able to change the situation. During this Venus retro transit, it is highly undesirable to start a new relationship, which, although it may be passionate and exciting at first, will bring nothing but trouble.

Venus retrograde in Gemini (nearest periods - in 2020 and 2028)

During this Venus transit, meetings with exes most often occur; people begin to remember their past, but without especially serious diving. You may have a desire to write to your former lovers and partners, talk to them, find out their latest news, etc.

In general, the retro transit of Venus through the sign of Gemini will not be particularly stressful, this is a time to remember the pleasant past, reassess situations past, maybe. say to your ex-lovers those words that you once did not say for some reason.

Venus retrograde in Leo (nearest periods – July-September 2023)

With Venus in Leo, there will be more emphasis on love relationships and beauty as a way to show oneself to the world. Although at this time you will want to demonstrate yourself, this will not always work out adequately, without being ostentatious and comical. Venus retrograde seems to hint that you may consider yourself the ideal of beauty, but not everyone will understand this.

Venus retrograde in Capricorn (nearest periods - December 2021 - January 2022; December 2029 - January 2030)

During this period, issues related to finances and material values ​​in general will arise more seriously, because Venus finds itself in the serious earth sign of Capricorn. It would be good to reconsider your financial needs and if something doesn’t suit you, try to change it.

You can seriously reconsider your budget, cut spending in one area, increase it in another, distribute everything in a new way. It is also possible that during this period you will want to return to someone else's old way of earning money. This is also a good time to completely reconsider your attitude towards the comfort around you.

Venus retrograde in the birth horoscope

The retrograde position of Venus in a personal horoscope differs from the direct interpretation. First of all, such a person has a different way of expressing feelings, manner of communication and behavior in relationships, but also many other things.

Your tastes and values ​​are very different from the majority, in this you feel like a black sheep and this does not always make you happy. But you should remember that you are unique, not like everyone else when it comes to love, relationships, money, tastes, passions and pleasures, and this cannot be changed or remade. Just accept yourself, make friends with your Venus and enjoy what she gives you!

From the point of view of karma, it is believed that in past lives a person used the energy of Venus incorrectly. For example, I misunderstood love, experienced many experiences, etc. and now, in this life, he finds himself with Venus retrograde, so it is difficult for him to express his feelings or he is afraid of being wounded and wounded in love again.

It is for this reason that many owners of retrograde Venus cannot enter into a relationship for a long time, or they enter into a relationship and get burned. And again they live alone for a long time.

A retrograde planet is not at all scary and dangerous, says the site’s astrologer. Moreover, a person can perfectly use its functions and properties. He may be quite wealthy or have happiness in his personal life. It all depends on many indicators, the position of this Venus in the horoscope, the level of development, the ability to use what the birth chart offers, and so on.

But in general we can highlight several features that distinguish retrograde Venus in humans:

  • The love sphere for such a person may have unpredictable character, events in it can go contrary to expectations, habits and canons.
  • Love and relationships are usually a difficult area of ​​realization for a person, although he may very much crave love and strive for a relationship, everything will not be given to him very simple.
  • A person is often inclined roll back in love spheres back, for example, breaking up with partners, then returning to them, constantly changing your mind about relationships, changing your mind about your lovers and your feelings.
  • Even if returning to your ex does not occur, a person is inclined to do many things in his former relationship. transfer to new. He mentally constantly returns to his past, compares, reevaluates, changes his mind. That is why, because of these comparisons, it is sometimes difficult for him to start a new relationship if the previous one was unsuccessful.

If Venus is retrograde in your horoscope, the period when she begins to go retrograde in transit, is of great importance to you. You will feel this transit like no one else, it is close and dear to you, you are familiar with it. Now you can get what you have been deprived of for a long time.

If you felt that last 1.5 years If other people received something important and valuable to you, but not you, then now the situation will change! You will finally be able to correctly express your feelings, make the right choice, meet nice people, make a profit or start a creative project.

During Venus retrograde there will be a party on your street!

Venus retrograde periods from 2000 to 2030:

Retrograde Venus is seen quite rarely in the natal chart. According to statistics, it is present in one of 20 horoscopes formed by an astrologer. Those with Venus in retrograde have a special taste for life, increased sensuality, activity, and a constant search for interesting relationships with the opposite sex.

The periods of retrograde Venus and other planets (Mars and Mercury) have the greatest impact on people during their movement. In 2019, Mars and Venus will not be retrograde, as this condition occurs once every 2 years.

Retro Venus was in retrograde in 2018.

The influence of Venus retrograde

The retrograde of this planet has a great influence on people in whom it is strongly manifested in the natal chart. In addition, its impact is felt more strongly by some representatives of the zodiac signs, that is, those whom it controls. This position of the Planet encourages people to reveal the value of their immediate environment, to remove the masks from friends, if any. And also analyze all the most important aspects in a person’s life.

Venus shows her charm by being a symbol of love and prosperity. It is therefore not surprising that it has a strong influence on these areas of activity. Retrograde periods draw attention to themes of love, devotion, material wealth, and raising children. And it is in these directions that problems can arise, the origins of which are in the past. This is not the time for action aimed at obtaining new results. Rather, on the contrary: this means that you need to stop and think about whether everything is fine in love, in the family, etc. If quarrels and disagreements begin during this difficult period, you should think that not everything is so good in the relationship.

Venus retrograde in the signs and houses of the natal chart

Venus rules Taurus and Libra. It is logical that when Venus goes retrograde, these zodiac signs may feel its presence. The impact will be on such areas of life as property for Taurus, relationships for Libra. Relationships concern not only romantic feelings, but also business negotiations.

If the Planet becomes direct, this means the movement of energy flows outward. Moreover, this movement is directed towards the future. In the situation under consideration, the opposite phenomenon occurs. Energy is directed to the past. And it is quite possible that representatives of the zodiac signs in question will be faced with the question of how to work through the past so that Venus does not return to it again?

In a given time interval, Taurus and Libra must be more than careful. This applies to all aspects of their life: love, business negotiations, business. They will suddenly feel a burning need for solitude, alienation from society, and the identification of their own needs, which are different from others. Probably, the extreme manifestation of retrograde in this sense is the momentary appearance of strange habits, a burning desire to stand out from the crowd, and also to learn something new.

It’s not a fact that dating during Venus retrograde will end in something serious. During this period, Libra and Taurus may behave somewhat inappropriately. And this will affect the reaction of other people. There may be difficulties in understanding your interlocutor, difficulties in communication, as well as their tension.

During this period, it is impossible to easily fit into a new team. He may perceive a person incorrectly, causing the latter to feel depressed. And even depressive states, if there are similar indicators in the natal chart of a man or woman.

In any situation, it should be understood that relationships with others will always remain a problem point. If Venus retrograde is present in a woman’s natal chart, this means that throughout her life she will have to build relationships with the team, her loved one, and her family. In romance, these people experience great difficulties. Some relationships end, others begin. This means a lot of marriages and breakups during Venus retrograde.

End of retrograde Venus occurs 40 days after the start of this period. After this, passions will rage in the soul of the person on whom it has a strong influence, which he wants to throw out. The period of withdrawal and misunderstanding of the world around us will end. The severity of many problems will decrease. Of course, one cannot rely on heaven that difficulties will go away forever, but a person will have thoughts on how to improve his life.

In order to determine favorable periods for the reversal of internal Venus, it is necessary to know the phase of its retrograde. Provided that if a person does not understand anything about astrology, it is not necessary to contact a specialist with this question. All you have to do is open the Internet and search for the dates on which Venus retrogrades in the year of your birth.

What is good to do during Venus retrograde?

It is best to postpone new beginnings and active actions during this time interval. In old relationships and not only romantic ones, you need to make appropriate adjustments. The result of the position of Venus under consideration can be quarrels, disagreements, and misunderstandings. Moreover, these conditions arise suddenly. You don’t think about it and don’t expect it. Taurus and Libra especially need to control their emotional sphere.

But let's give some hope during this period. The thing is, it's not all bad. Each stage of retrograde brings renewal. So let's try to take advantage of this time. It consists of reconsidering old relationships that, for example, should have ended long ago. And again, we repeat: this can apply not only to falling in love, but also to the business sphere. Not satisfied with the partner who does business with you? By delving deeper into ourselves, each of us can think and analyze the behavior of a particular person. It is important to hear what the subconscious says about it. And if a person hears his answer, then it is better to act in the way that this particular period of Venus’s location will answer.

Strangely enough, Venus in retrograde gives people containment. From unreliability, thoughtlessness, deception, lies. But only if they manage this moment correctly, not allowing their feelings and momentary desires to break out and ruin everything. Although the retrograde will correct everything and will not allow movement forward.

Since Venus retrograde is not a 100% decline in life circumstances, there are things that, if there are accompanying factors, can be done during this period of time:

  1. If a pre-existing romantic relationship has been broken off, there is a chance that it can be restored. But this needs to be done easily, without pressure from partners on each other. In addition, if there are serious intentions.
  2. Venus in Libra will give representatives of this sign advantages in the field of finance. For example, for them, retrograde will bring income. For example, in trade or business.
  3. Despite the fact that it is not worth buying real estate during the retrograde period of Venus, it can still be purchased for permanent residence or investment. If you do not plan to receive income from this apartment, a balanced and clear approach is necessary. Moreover, retrograde Venus knows how to wait and will bring a competent real estate specialist to you. He will double check everything carefully. Only he knows that you shouldn’t trust the appearance of the apartment when you first examine it. Perhaps in the future hidden shortcomings that were previously unknown will be discovered in it. While you are studying your future home, perhaps the retrograde period will pass and open the way for a favorable purchase!
  4. This time is unfavorable for new beginnings, for example in business. But it will have a beneficial effect on a person who wants to renegotiate the terms of the mortgage to benefit himself. If you have such a desire, and most importantly, the ability to negotiate with the bank on this topic, then you can try to do this. After all, the borrower is not starting anything new, he only wants to change the old financial relationship with the credit institution.

What is not favorable to do during Venus retrograde?

You shouldn’t plan, much less carry out, serious affairs or events. For example:

  • To enter into a marriage relationship: it is worth waiting until Venus returns to its normal state. Otherwise, even if the wedding goes as expected and nothing happens, expectations from this festive event in life will not bring what you want. For example, a woman will not be delighted with the further actions of her man, or, conversely, she will not live up to the expectations of the stronger sex who has become her husband.
  • Don't invest. There are many ways to invest money. Including the most harmless ones. For example, rent out an apartment. During this not positive period of Venus, you should not look for new tenants. They may turn out to be swindlers, scammers. Or bring problems that could not be expected or predicted.
  • Do not open a business during the Venus retro period. Of course, if a person is ready for independent activity, this is good. But, it would seem, with 100% preparation, failures may haunt him. They will be small, but capable of unsettling.
  • Do not purchase anything, especially items that are very expensive. They may break, or a person risks buying a fake.

So, the period of Venus retrograde is dangerous because it prohibits buying or acquiring something valuable. In addition, in personal relationships there is no need to start something new. Old relationships need to end, especially if they are destructive. By the way, this is the best time to cut off what is outdated, unnecessary, and boring. When Venus is active and has gone through retrograde, this may not happen. It would seem that her activity is able to give a person hope for the future. But there is still a fly in the ointment. And it lies in the fact that a person aimed, for example, at transforming an old relationship into something new, will entertain himself with the illusion that this will work out. But in reality this is not worth doing.

Planet of love forecast for zodiac signs

Venus retrograde in the natal chart gives the owner both advantages and disadvantages. How will Venus, being the planet of love, affect the zodiac signs in direct motion?

Taurus, Libra: These are Venus' favorites. It will give them a powerful energy charge. And this will affect all areas of life, including health.

Sagittarius: he is under the protection of Jupiter. Anxieties and concerns of representatives of this zodiac sign bypass him. Sagittarius will be able to find profitable business partners and become more successful in business and love affairs. In a word, in all spheres of life.
Aries, Leo, Aquarius: Despite the fact that these zodiac signs are active and active, they will feel some energy decline. But this is for the better: representatives of the Zodiac need to recharge and comprehend new horizons. Don't be afraid of some lull: it will end soon.

Twins, : Venus enhances their intuition several times over. This will allow you to tune in to a positive mood and direct your efforts in the direction that Gemini and Scorpio need at a given moment in time.
Virgo, Capricorn: A good period is coming for them. Sensuality increases, intuition sharpens, Virgos can meet their chosen one.
Pisces, Cancer: Venus does not prepare anything new for these signs. And maybe that's for the best. Pisces can establish personal relationships that for some reason do not bring positive results. Pisces need to open their souls to their partners, and Cancers need to be more attentive to their business partners.

Venus in retrograde does not promise anything bad, there is no need to be afraid of it!! You just need to listen to the advice of astrologers and act in the given direction!

The retrograde of a planet means that from the point of view of an observer on Earth, it moves in the opposite direction in the Zodiac, as if moving backwards. Venus goes retrograde every year and a half.

The influence of Venus retrograde

Most significant for those whose planet is strongly manifested in the natal chart. Venus retro invites us to bring out the real value and dignity of the people and things in our lives. The signs Taurus (values, money) and Libra (relationships) are associated with these themes.

As you know, Venus in astrology is considered the planet of love, so its influence affects love and relationships. Retrograde Venus emphasizes themes of fidelity and devotion in love, material and financial interests of partners, and issues of raising children. At this time, problems may arise that originate in the past. This is not the time for active action; assessment is more important than direct action. If there is friction or disagreement in love, it is a reminder that all is not well. If the relationship is generally positive, then the existing difficulties will not affect the quality of communication, but it is necessary to assess the seriousness of the problem and weigh the pros and cons of the relationship.

In an existing relationship, it’s worth asking yourself: are the old issues still there? Are old conflicts recurring that may have nothing to do with your current partner? What do you need to do now (understand and change within yourself) so that they don’t happen again? Now there is an opportunity to understand where we constantly stumble and free all our current and future relationships from these old topics. This is a great time to think about what you want to change in relationships with people in general and tell your partners about your wishes! Whatever appears these days, these are the topics that need and can be worked on now!

Many people during this period will feel unloved, underappreciated, and there will be a feeling that they should get more from the relationship. But only after Venus goes into direct motion can you begin to act if you see fit. For example, if you come to the conclusion that it is necessary to end the relationship, then it is better to do this when the Venus retrograde cycle ends. It is important to understand that if problems arise in a relationship at the very beginning, they will always remain in them, and will only get worse over time. Assess them during Venus retrograde and determine what you can accept and tolerate and what you cannot.

During the retro period of Venus, a familiar phenomenon may begin when people and situations begin to knock on doors with the question: “Have you really forgotten me?”
You shouldn’t brush people off, even if they were involved in unpleasant moments in the past, because they won’t necessarily come back to repeat the old things. After all, years have passed and everyone has changed, so relationships with them will be different. Someone will come from the past to close the unfinished story. And closed gestalts are better formed into a harmonious internal structure, calmly, no longer bristling, settling in the soul and memory.

And you shouldn’t brush aside situations that are familiar at first glance either. Over the past years, our value system has changed, so it will be possible to evaluate the previous situation in a completely new way, thereby enriching ourselves and changing some, it seemed, completely established ideas.

New relationships started during Venus retrograde can be controversial. The retrograde motion of the planet of love changes your usual point of view; you are often unable to see the obvious, something that you would easily notice at another time. This does not mean that retro Venus implies deception, but a distorted view of relationships is present in one form or another, erroneous assumptions are quite likely. These assumptions can cause misjudgments, and you may discover that the person of your dreams is not what you thought.

What is the period not suitable for?

The Venus retrograde period is not suitable for marriage.

Take serious steps in your personal life - both starting new relationships and breaking existing ones (everything will return to normal when Venus becomes direct);

Change your image, hairstyle, style;

Perform plastic surgery, appearance correction;

This is not a good time to invest and start a business that is directly related to financial activities.

The time of Venus retrograde is not conducive to purchasing luxury goods. Item may be mispriced.

What is the period suitable for?

Old friends or lost loves may return on retro Venus. A favorable time to restore relationships that existed in the past and were broken. But only if there are serious intentions.

Reassess values, rethink issues of personal life, beauty, relationships with money;

An excellent time to purchase antiques and any second-hand goods. During the retrograde movement of Venus, many people manage to make profitable purchases of such things.

Buying real estate is not always a problem when Venus is retrograde. You can make a good deal if you know a lot about it and with a balanced approach. An essential factor is to check whether any flaws are hidden behind a flashy appearance.

A favorable time for repeated negotiations regarding finances, for example, revising the terms of a bank loan agreement. It is good to deal with legal issues that have a long history.

Venus retrograde periods:

From October 5, 2018 to November 16, 2018
Venus makes a loop in Scorpio and Libra, the first stationary point is at 10 degrees of Scorpio, the second stationary point is at 25 degrees of Libra. During the entire retrograde cycle, Venus is in Scorpio from October 5 to October 31, and looks into the sign of Libra from October 31 to November 16.

photo – Andrey Rossalev

Regardless of the phase of its movement, Venus diligently tries to harmonize our existence. She does this in two main ways:
- reminds us that we are not alone, and invites us to enter into partnerships that relieve cold loneliness,
- gives our efforts value, expressed in one equivalent or another (money, things, additional amenities, the admiration of others for us and our own admiration for the beauty of the world).

The frequent (and quite successful) definition of the retrograde period of a planet as a period of changing stereotypes in areas associated with it, in my opinion, best suits the loop of Venus.
Venus reflects the model of relationships and value system that is relevant to us - and this is nothing more than a set of patterns, rituals and stereotypes that allows us to occupy our niche in the current circumstances and exist more or less comfortably in it.

We are all living people. We want to have money to satisfy our whims and the opportunity to satisfy our aesthetic hunger. We want to love and be loved, to be liked and receive compliments, to please others and to be happy ourselves. We want to have rights that balance our responsibilities, and to feel next to the shoulder of a partner who will always listen to us...

And usually we know exactly what we need for this.
For about a year and a half we have been serenely using what we have (the break between neighboring loops of Venus lasts about that long).

But gradually – often unconsciously – we begin to notice that the usual system of values ​​and preferences is not entirely convenient. In some places it began to raise doubts, and in others (it happens) it simply outlived its usefulness.
Bliss is replaced by anxiety. It seems to some that a cozy nest is turning into a Procrustean bed, to others that their favorite dress does not fit their figure... Obviously, the time has come to change something. But at the same time, I really don’t want to lose anything!...

Periods of Venus retrograde help us regain lost harmony. Each time they last about 40 days. And it must be said that the temperament of the heavenly beauty at this time becomes very capricious. When the planet of harmony (from the point of view of an earthly observer) begins to move backward, the natural consequence of this change is... yes, that's it, disharmony. A retrograde movement is a small adjustment, and it is never smooth.

Depending on the transit situation in which it is involved, Venus retrograde targets a different range of problems each time. However, its influence is easy to distinguish: it is extremely rarely destructive. Changes provoked by retro-Venus are not always fatal, cardinal, or fateful. If Venus is not associated with more powerful factors, and its current loop does not affect the reference points of your horoscope, changes sometimes consist only of a shift in emphasis.


As transit Venus approaches the first reversal, many of us begin to be haunted by the question: “ why?», « is it worth it?», « who needs this but me?" This happens especially often if Venus rules one of the angles of the natal chart.
The strange thing is that we have the strength, there is time, there are no obvious significant obstacles to the fulfillment of what we have planned... but we stubbornly do not want to do what we have planned, even simple ones. From the outside it may look like laziness, irresponsibility, caprice, an inexplicable lack of interest in a seemingly profitable business. And to express it in simple words “ Want" or " Don't want».

Also during this period - regardless of the position of Venus at birth - difficulties of a purely aesthetic nature are not uncommon. What seemed beautiful, suitable, appropriate, for some reason ceases to be so in our eyes. Some things I want to throw away, some things I want to redo. Creating a familiar image with the help of clothes or makeup, we suddenly think before the threshold: " Isn't it time to change it?", "Am I wearing someone else's mask?".

Financial difficulties are no less common. In this case, you may begin to hesitate when making a purchase decision, or find it difficult to set a price for your product. Are you asking questions: " how much does it cost?", "will they buy it?", "is it worth spending money?"

The relationships in which we are involved become the subject of long overdue reflection: " should I stay with him (her)?"; "or maybe find someone else?"; "maybe return to N. or M. ... or stay alone?".

Sometimes the questions take a slightly different form: " is this fair?", "Am I doing something rude?", "What will people who like me think of me?", "will they agree to continue to cooperate with me if I remain with my inviolable rules and dear habits?".

Under the rule of Venus (even without taking into account its position in a specific chart - sign and house) there are many realities of our life that are difficult to reduce to the classic set of “harmony, money, love”. Before considering practical situations and giving specific advice, it is worth clarifying this issue and highlighting those areas that Venus, in one form or another, most often affects.

Main areas of interest for Venus retrograde

Venus' desires are earthly and reasonable. Venus is not going to demand the impossible from us. On the contrary, she is a realist and strives in every possible way to reconcile us with reality. After all, this is much more realistic than remaking the world and people to your taste. If we have lost the harmony of being, she strives to return it to us. And during periods of its backward movement, this is felt much more strongly than during the months of its direct movement.

Don't think that Venus retrograde's only concern is to bring you closer to your old flame, give you guidance on fashion trends, or help you choose a design for your living room. Its real and main goal is to bring the missing harmony into your relationship with the world, at all levels.. And not just to state the presence of disharmony, but also to find its roots.
But she does it very delicately. To do this, she doesn’t have to turn your whole life upside down. Venus is an excellent therapist, skillfully diagnosing your sore spot and offering gentle treatment.
Sometimes it still forces us to do something that is unpleasant for us - for example, overpaying for a purchase. Why is this necessary? Nobody knows. Perhaps it is in this way that during Venus loops the balance that is disturbed somewhere is restored. Venus reminds us that we are not alone in this world...

Beauty and Harmony– the classical spheres of Venus’s dominion – interest her primarily in their human, understandable manifestations.
It could be beauty meeting certain canons(successful natural characteristics, pleasant manners, stylish hairstyle, elegant cut of clothes, ideal color scheme, sophisticated perfume note, taste of aged wine, space organized “according to all the rules of art”). This and an unaccountable feeling of aesthetic pleasure from a beautiful view of nature, a cozy interior, soothing music, a beautiful picture.
But also this intimate feeling of harmony at the psychophysiological level(balance of all processes in the body, even, friendly mood, absence of acute diseases).
And of course this magical consciousness of mutual understanding with another person.
By becoming retrograde, Venus offers us reconsider the means by which we decorate the world, and also, just as importantly, the criteria that help draw the line between the beautiful and the ugly. Sometimes during its retrograde we reject the usual sources of pleasure and begin to admire what we had previously neglected.

Pleasure- another inevitable word from the vocabulary of Venus. But pleasure always goes hand in hand with Venus. sense of proportion. Venus is equally far from animal passions and uncontrollable spiritual euphoria. Instead, it gives us a sense of balance that is much more necessary for existence, felt as a special comfort, giving our existence stability. Venus “loves” comfort and conveys this love to those in whose charts it is strong.
This is psychological comfort - the confidence that you can trust another person, that your and his responsibilities are reliably and successfully delineated, that you and he harmoniously complement each other. This also includes the pleasant knowledge that your existing income is enough for you ((c) “Shura, how much money do you need to be happy?”).
This is aesthetic comfort - the ability to enjoy beauty as you understand it.
This is physical comfort - bodily sensations (tactile, visual and others) that make contact with the outside world pleasant.
Of course, we are not perfect. We often forget ourselves and cross the invisible line, beyond which an oversaturation of pleasure leads to disgust. Periodically turning around to retrograde, Venus returns us to normal, thereby restoring the lost harmony.

War is not for Venus, its element is dialogue. The Venus situation often looks like an offer to agree or disagree with something, accept or reject.
Venus retrograde provides an opportunity to change or adjust your favorite style of “peaceful interaction” with others.

However, for Venus, it is not so much active actions that are important as the intentions that prompt them. It shapes our conscious attitude towards people, things, phenomena, and values. Form a clear attitude to something - for Venus it already means to commit an act. You can do it silently, or you can comment, it doesn't matter. True, Venus in air signs usually requires words, but even for her speeches play only a supporting role. The main thing is the attitude that they are intended to express.
In its retro phase, Venus often invites us to change our previous attitude towards fragments of reality that are important to us, without forcing us to express this change in action.

If we have to demonstrate our attitude, then, as a rule, it happens in the form of one or another choice. This is a classic action that, without further ado, reflects the Venusian values ​​we profess.
Venus does not always rush to make a choice, but invariably shapes preferences, defining it. And by backing down, it supplies us with updated and refined criteria allowing it to be accomplished. So, we cannot return relationships that were once broken - but we can, by once again recalling the past bitter experience and realizing it, not repeat our mistakes in the future.
As a rule, our preferences that have changed in some way at the exit of Venus from the loop affect precisely in the new elections, which we'll be doing soon. Sometimes surprising those who, out of habit, expected completely different behavior from us...

Venus also often seeks to provide for us alternatives, suggesting the possibility comparisons. The planet of peace, compromise and justice does not want to deprive us of freedom - this would be an act of violence alien to it. But, true to its rational nature, Venus does not give us unlimited freedom, which could lead to the destruction of harmony. Her choice is more modest, simpler and more reasonable, and usually consists of two or more possibilities.
The period of Venus retrograde often encourages the search for new alternatives, as well as new “counterbalances” that help make the situation more stable. Under its influence, we often begin to look for new alternatives to what we have, or try to re-make a choice from existing options.

Venus is not only romantic, but also practical. And, being practical, she wants to give everything form.
Any form is a boundary. Therefore, Venus does not like instability, vagueness, amorphousness, illusoryness (remember that she rules the cardinal and fixed signs). On a psychological level, she does not tolerate excessive sentimentality, uncertainty of preferences, unjustified charity, or “overwhelm of feelings.”
The beauty of form is the poise, proportionality, proportionality and balance inherent in it.
Sometimes, form is more important for Venus than content. That's why, being backward, Venus often invites us to give relationships or things a new form, leaving us to fill it with content ourselves. Such subtleties as morality or usefulness interest her little.

Also, this practical beauty strives to assign everything price. The preferences it forms are not instinctive, but conscious. Venus has not only instinct, but also logic. It is thanks to Venus that we know and can say why we love or dislike someone. Thanks to it, we can also buy the offered product or refuse to purchase. In a word, we can evaluate any phenomenon that interests us in categories that we understand.
Retrograde Venus invites us to reconsider the value of people, things, feelings, projects, sometimes in a very specific currency..

But Venus is not always mercantile.
What in the physical world looks like proportionality, symmetry and balance, in the financial world - like the ratio of supply and demand, price and value, in other areas may look like justice. Correspondence action and reward, balance rights and responsibilities - these nuances interest Venus in social life, in interpersonal relationships.
Being retrograde, Venus always tries to restore broken or lost justice. True, the logic of Venus makes her a formalist. Formal justice is more important for her than a humanistic impulse coming from the depths of her soul.

Another important property of Venus is diplomacy. This is a planet compromise- a quality that is as necessary for a comfortable existence as money or the enjoyment of beauty. Compromise is important for everyone who strives for cooperation, a fair distribution of rights and responsibilities, and mutual pleasure or benefit. A minimal compromise (balance of interests and needs) is necessary for the simple coexistence of a variety of people, sometimes strangers to each other.
When Venus goes into retrograde motion, we get the opportunity to reconsider our approaches to people and re-establish for ourselves the line beyond which compromise becomes impossible for us.

To one degree or another, Venus is involved in various processes standardization, creating exemplary (recommended, “ideal”) forms, rituals, combinations, proportions. It gives us economic, legal, aesthetic, and behavioral guidelines.
True, it is not responsible for long-term standards. Including - for generational standards (for example, for long-standing ideals of beauty that drove the average man of his time crazy). Global changes are not her thing.
Periodically becoming retrograde, Venus adjusts current standards in the financial, aesthetic, social sphere, as well as in the sphere of interpersonal relationships. Within the limits allotted to it (astrologically), it influences the position of the market, the sphere of justice, etiquette, the world of art, and the style of public life. And of course, its loops force us to partially change our own, individual standards.

Dynamics of Venus retrograde

Problems in the areas subordinate to Venus during its retrograde period do not immediately find a final solution. It may be false or intermediate. Compromise (one of the ultimate goals of Venus) at this time turns out to be temporary and fragile. At the end of the loop, it will be revised and implemented under different conditions.

In texts devoted to retro-Venus, there is a statement about the “slowing down of reactions” caused by her loop. It is difficult to agree with this unconditionally. After all, the process of change always requires the application of energy; it is inherently dynamic, not static.
However, a slowdown - both event processes and emotional reactions - can indeed occur during periods of Venus reversals (on days when its speed drops or has not yet been picked up again). These days are really not characterized by rush. During the period of the first station, Venus’s affairs often simply “slip.” During the second stop, sometimes it seems that someone is deliberately delaying a decisive irreversible step, about which there is already a firm agreement. Also, something often prevents us from responding to someone else’s attention in a standard way and responding to familiar temptations.
In essence, it all comes down to one thing: old stereotypes in the sphere of Venus are being adjusted, and not only within us, but also outside.

No matter how insightful we are, no matter how serious information and solid experience we are armed with, it is not easy for us to predict in advance exactly what exactly, to what extent and in what part will be changed. Having skillfully calculated one trend, we risk missing the assessment of a whole series of other processes, without grasping the general direction of change.
From an astrological point of view, a good clue here is given by the relative position of Venus and the Sun, which is worth mentioning separately.

In search of the gold standard: the duet of Venus and the Sun

The Loop of Venus is by no means a solo improvisation by a prima donna, resounding loudly against the backdrop of the respectful silence of the choir and orchestra. As Venus winds its way, the relative positions of the transiting planets continue to change.
The Sun plays here (as, indeed, always) the role of the gold standard, towards which everything and everyone in its domain (the solar system) is oriented. Gradually moving across the Zodiac, while staying in a certain sign and projecting onto a certain part of the natal chart, the Sun focuses our attention not on abstract, but on very specific values, on tasks offered by the situation here and now. For example, the Sun, which is in Gemini, emphasizes (among other things) issues of communication and communications, while touching your ascendant, it emphasizes (among other things) the importance of your personal image.
The position of Venus relative to the transit Sun shows how far we tend to deviate in its spheres from the reasonable norms offered by life. In the given example with Gemini, you may wonder (depending on the situation you find yourself in) whether it’s time for you to work a little on your manners, change your cosmetologist, learn from others the ability to please, or, for example, start advertising your talents?

Awareness and adjustment of Venus values ​​occur gradually, since the retro movement has its own distinct phases.

In the braking phase before the first station of Venus it often overtakes us external or internal discomfort– a natural consequence of the urgent need for change. Sometimes this period is accompanied by failures. They are designed to demonstrate exactly where it “hurts” (there is no harmony) and what exactly needs to be changed.
But sometimes you yourself clearly know what the cause of concern is. Perhaps you no longer want to make unjustified concessions to someone. You may have realized that you are over- or under-pricing your services.
Be that as it may, it is at this stage that the need for correction becomes obvious - in the aesthetic, financial or creative sphere, in love affairs, marital contacts or contractual relations.

After Venus turns into retrograde motion Having felt in which direction we should move, we begin to try new options - awkwardly, uncertainly and sometimes unsuccessfully. Venus, an opponent of harsh measures and sharp turns, is passive by nature, but often resists revolutionary changes in its spheres much stronger than Mercury or Mars in theirs.
Whether we like it or not, in the spheres of Venus at this time there is a kind of “inventory” (revision of existing values, tastes and preferences).
Thanks to the gradual approach of retrograde Venus to the Sun, you begin to understand more clearly what and how exactly can be done.
During this period, the prerequisites for future choices begin to form, designed to correct the state of affairs that does not suit you.
But still, the main thing in this segment is the process of letting go of what makes you uncomfortable, regardless of whether it is a slight inconvenience or severe suffering.

On days when retrograde Venus finally makes a conjunction with the Sun, it becomes extremely clear what needs to be changed and adjusted so that our appetites and values ​​begin to correspond to the norm again. It's kind of point of no return- and it is possible that for a day or two you will be in a state of slight shock from the change in your own recent position.
For example, if the price of your product is too high, you will have to reduce it; the circumstances themselves will force you to take steps in this direction. If you feel that there is an unsuitable person next to you, get ready to change something in your relationship with him (yourself, him, the nature of communication - or even break it off completely if other factors incline to this).

After the conjunction of Venus with the Sun and its exit from the so-called. burning orb the chance of finding a successful solution increases dramatically. But Venus is still retrograde, so you have time for trial and room for error.
The most rewarding activity during this period is searching for real (not theoretical) alternatives. Experiments are becoming more successful, tactical decisions and choices are becoming more conscious.
The external situation at this time also begins to become stable, and it becomes easier to act in it. This is the time when new prices are finally formed, a new relationship between supply and demand is established, peaceful negotiations begin to bring stable results, and creative ideas take shape.
If you liked what you did, in the remaining period of time - until Venus returns to the point of its first reversal - you will get used to your new appearance, new partner or new strategy of behavior.
But even in this case, the decision will most likely be crude and premature. Therefore, it is still better to appear in public in a new look, sign the outlined agreements and buy the things you like (if they constitute a significant expense item for you) after Venus leaves the loop and picks up its usual speed. In many cases, this is not that difficult to do. The signing of an agreement or the opening of a business can be scheduled for a specific date in the future, the purchase can be paid in part or postponed (if the store is ready to meet you halfway). Well, let a beautiful dress or an exclusive handbag lie in your closet for a while until you choose the appropriate hairstyle, makeup and shoes for it, and at the same time come up with a reason to go out in the full splendor of your irresistibility.

On the segment from parking lot 2 to the first turnaround point Venus becomes direct and gradually picks up its usual speed. This is the signal to end the search. If you don't understand something, well, you're late and you'll have to live with it.
The catch is that while you were searching, experimenting and looking inside yourself, the standard you were guided by (the Sun) had already come a long way and gone quite far ahead. The general guidelines given to them have changed slightly.
But you have done the most important thing - you have understood your own values ​​and now you can gradually rely on them, moving forward. A pleasant feeling of newly established harmony is at this time the main criterion for the correctness of the path traveled. Applying new stereotypes, you feel more and more confident each time, and this is also nice.
One of the most joyful features of this period is that the people who are significant to you have also achieved results and are no longer immersed in their inner world. They also understood what they wanted. If their new desires and yours coincide, and the new goals successfully complement each other, you have a long road of joint work or a common life ahead of you.

Don’t forget: after going through the Venus retrograde period, you do not change your preferences, values, contacts, or criteria radically. Your stereotypes change, but are not abolished! You don't start with a blank slate. If your relationship with someone was bad, it may improve, but it won't be perfect. If you threw away old things, this does not mean that from now on your aesthetic taste will be impeccable and you will look like a diva from the cover. You may look like someone else in appearance, but in essence, you will remain yourself. After all, your natal Venus does not change its qualities after each retrograde period. True to herself, she is just forced you to adapt to the current reality, simplified your task and made the path a little easier.
Most likely, nothing extraordinary happened to you. It's just that now you look at some things differently - for example, at your relationship with your regular partner. For some things you are still willing to pay, but for some things you don’t need any money. You still want to be like A., but you already shudder at the thought that you once dreamed of being like B.
In other words, you have given up (in the spheres of Venus) the ballast of the past. But you still have to create a comfortable future again. It’s not enough to choose values ​​and criteria – you still need to “test” them and implement them in life.
The result you get won't necessarily delight you. You may have hoped for a miracle, but it didn't happen. However, even in this case the new solution is usually better because it allows for development, while the old one does not. Your new style will be much closer to the ideal of the current time than the one you abandoned.
Updated plans, tastes and preferences will largely guide you as long as transiting Venus is east of the Sun.

In the next part we will talk in more detail about how the retrograde movement of Venus manifests itself in our lives and how we can adapt to periods of its retrograde.

Continuing the topic: Features of loops of other planets