Drawing 3 4 year old children activity. First steps in drawing: teaching your child creativity. Drawing a human figure in motion and a face

Master class “Drawing for the little ones.”

Shatokhina Rita Vyacheslavovna, teacher additional education MBU DO "House of Children's Creativity in Kalininsk, Saratov Region".
This master class is intended for teachers of additional education, preschool teachers. The master class will also be of interest to little artists aged 4 years and older and their parents.
Purpose: this master class is a small drawing course for the little ones, which shows how to draw geometric shapes.
Target: creating conditions for acquiring drawing skills.
Tasks: teach your child how to draw familiar images using geometric shapes;
instill the skills to carefully work with paints and brushes;
develop creative imagination and fine motor skills hands.
The kids who come to my association for classes are still very young, but they really want to draw. From experience working with children, I realized that it is easier for them to draw with geometric shapes. Children draw according to my demonstration, step by step. When starting a lesson, I never tell the children what we are going to draw today. I know from experience that they find it more interesting. In the process, they guess who they are drawing, and this brings them a lot of joy. And everyone’s drawings are different.

Master class on drawing for children “Snail”

Prepare: A4 landscape sheet, watercolor paints, brushes of different sizes, a jar for water and a napkin.

Before we start painting, I tell the children that the paints are sleeping and need to be woken up by gently stroking them with a brush. Let’s wake up the yellow paint first and start painting.
Draw a bun in the center of the sheet, gradually unwinding the brush, and then draw an arc with brown paint.

We turn the arc into a loop.

We draw the horns and paint them over.

Decorating the snail's house.

We draw the eyes and mouth of the snail. Next, the children themselves come up with and decorate the background of the picture: where is the snail?

Children's works:

Master class on drawing for children “Turtle”.

Draw a “bun” in the center of the sheet with yellow paint, and draw 4 loops with brown paint.

The fifth loop is drawn larger in size; we paint over all the loops.

We draw circle eyes, first with white paint, then with black.

Decorate the turtle shell. The child can come up with his own pattern.

Master class on drawing for children “Fish”

We draw a “bun” with yellow paint, draw arcs: top and bottom, it looks like an eye.

Draw a triangle tail for the fish. Then we decorate the fish with red paint. draw with a brush: mouth, fins.

We draw scales and decorate the tail.

We “print” with a brush: we draw pebbles and water, draw lines with green algae paint.

Draw the eye of the fish with black paint. Black paint loves to play pranks, so we are especially careful with her.

"Winter meadow".

Take a sheet blue color, A4 format. We paint the koloboks with white paint. We draw lines, draw snowdrifts.

Using brown paint we paint the trunk and branches of the trees, hands, eyes, mouth and broom of the snowman.

Decorate the drawing with snowflakes. Decorate the snowman: draw a bucket on his head and a scarf. Children complete the drawing and decorate it.

Using the same principle, you can draw autumn forest, only initially the koloboks will be yellow, orange and green, and leaf fall, we draw by applying a brush, we print. Children's work:

Master class on drawing for children “Hedgehog”.

We draw the “bun” with brown paint.

Draw a triangle nose.

Child's work.
We draw a clearing for the hedgehog, the children fantasize.

Child's work:

Master class on drawing for children “Frog”.

Take a sheet of blue color, A4 format. Draw a “bun” in the center with green paint.

We draw another “bun”, and on top there are two “bridges”.

We draw the frog's legs and draw the children's attention to the fact that the frog's legs differ in their structure, which helps the frog to jump well and stay on even the most slippery surface.

We draw the frog's mouth and eyes. We decorate the picture after talking with the children: where does the frog live?

Master class on drawing for children “Cockerel”.

We draw a large bun - the body, a smaller bun - the head. We connect them with smooth lines, we get a neck.

We draw the cockerel's legs-triangles and tail, lines-arcs.

Use red paint to paint the cockerel's comb (bridges), beak and beard, and apply a brush.

Draw the cockerel's legs.

D.N. Koldina

Drawing with children 3–4 years old. Class notes

By the end of the third year of life, the child acquires basic ideas about color, size, shape; listens to fairy tales; learns to compare real objects with their images in paintings; looks at the landscapes.

It is easier for a small child to express his impressions with the help of visual activities (three-dimensional image - in modeling, silhouette - in appliqué, graphic - in drawing). He conveys images of objects using plasticine, colored paper, and paints. The child should always have these materials at hand. But this is not enough. It is necessary to develop the child’s creative abilities, show modeling techniques, teach how to cut out colored paper, and introduce various drawing techniques. To improve visual skills, one should develop the perception of form, color, rhythm, and aesthetic concepts.

A 3-4 year old child can do a lot: wash his hands, brush his teeth, feed himself, dress and undress, use the toilet. The baby develops simple verbal reasoning. He answers questions from adults with pleasure and is eager to communicate with other children; His gaming skills and voluntary behavior develop. The child develops an interest in drawing, modeling and appliqué. At first he is interested in the drawing process itself, but gradually the baby begins to be interested in the quality of the drawing. He strives to depict the object as naturally as possible, and after class admire his work, tell him what color he chose and why, what this object can do, what kind of drawing he came up with.

To develop children's creativity and mastery of visual arts, it is necessary to take into account the interests of children, use a variety of lesson topics and forms of organization (individual and collective work). It is very important to create a friendly environment in class.

This manual offers notes on exciting drawing lessons with colored pencils, gouache and watercolor paints traditional and in unconventional ways. These activities contribute to the development of emotional responsiveness and the cultivation of a sense of beauty; development of imagination, independence, perseverance, accuracy and hard work, the ability to complete work; formation of visual skills.

The classes are organized according to the thematic principle: one topic unites all classes (on the surrounding world, on speech development, on modeling, on appliqué, on drawing) during the week. A drawing lesson for children 3–4 years old is held once a week and lasts 15 minutes. The manual contains 36 notes complex classes, calculated for the academic year (from September to May).

Read the lesson notes carefully in advance and, if something doesn’t suit you, make changes; prepare required material and equipment. Preliminary work (reading) is also important work of art, familiarization with surrounding phenomena, examination of drawings and paintings). It is better to conduct a drawing lesson after the children have already sculpted and completed an application on this topic.

By observing each child in activities or playing with other children, you can learn more about them and deal with challenging behavior.

If the child quits his job, as soon as something doesn’t work out for him, it means he doesn’t know how to overcome obstacles. This can be taught by offering him other ways to achieve what he wants. The child will understand that there is a way out of any situation. For example, if your child cannot draw a snowman, invite him to make a snowman out of plasticine with you.

If the child quickly loses interest in the activity, perhaps it is too simple or complex for him. Understand the reason and make the task harder or easier. For example, a child needs to draw a big potato. If this is too simple for him, offer to draw a turnip with tops. If the task is too difficult, the child can draw many dots with his fingers, depicting potatoes in a bag.

If the child gets tired quickly, cannot sit for even five minutes, try to develop his endurance using massage, hardening, and sports exercises; During classes, alternate active and calm actions more often.

In order for the child understood the task and completed it, it is necessary to develop attention and the ability to concentrate. Play with him the game “What has changed?” Place 3-4 toys in front of the child, and then hide one toy without him noticing or swap the toys. Try to involve your child in the logical conclusion of the task (“Let’s draw a path for the hedgehog along which he can get home”, “Let’s draw more water in the aquarium for the fish, otherwise they have nowhere to swim”).

Drawing classes are structured according to the following approximate plan:

Creating a gaming situation to attract children’s attention and develop emotional responsiveness (riddles, songs, nursery rhymes; fairy tale character in need of help, dramatization games, exercises to develop memory, attention and thinking; outdoor game);

Depiction of an object (examining and feeling the object, in some cases showing depiction techniques);

Completion of the drawing with additional elements (you need to draw children’s attention to means of expression– correctly selected required colors, interesting details);

Examination of the work received (children's drawings are given only a positive assessment; children should be happy with the result obtained and learn to evaluate their work).

Interesting story-based tasks make children want to do their job as best as possible.

Let us list the drawing methods used in working with children 3–4 years old.

Finger painting. The child wets his finger in a bowl of water, puts gouache on the tip of his finger and presses it to a sheet of paper, making dots.

Drawing with a foam pad. The child holds a foam swab by the tip with three fingers, and dips the other end into gouache diluted with water and then draws lines with it or paints an object inside the outline.

Palm drawing. The child dips his entire palm into a bowl of gouache diluted with water and makes an imprint on paper with the inside of his palm.

Potato signet impressions. The child takes a potato signet by the tip, dips the other end in gouache and presses it to the paper to make an imprint, then takes another signet and makes new impressions of a different color.

Drawing with a brush and paints (gouache and watercolor). The child holds the brush with three fingers just above the iron tip, dips the tip of the brush into the water and picks up paint only onto the bristles; draws wide lines with the entire bristle of the brush or tries to paint the surface carefully and evenly, without going beyond the contour lines.

I am glad to welcome you again to my blog. Why are different methods for developing creative abilities in children so popular now? What do they give and how to teach a child to draw at 3 years old? How to teach a child to draw without pushing him? Shall we talk about this? Then let's go!

The child cannot draw

Until the age of 3, my little one used a brush to paint sheets of paper the way he wanted. I chose mostly dark colors. By the way, don’t be alarmed if your baby prefers dark tones. Black color is the strongest of all, so it attracts the attention of children. Finger paints are a great place to start. When purchasing, be sure to look at the ingredients, this is important. I was guided by price and composition, fortunately I was familiar with the list of natural dyes. For initial training, you can use an unnecessary piece of wallpaper or whatman paper. Don't forget to cover the floor with oilcloth if you will be painting on the floor. I pinned a piece of whatman paper to the wall, and we created in free form. The main thing is to arouse the baby’s interest. Some ideas from the Internet will help you come up with a plot for your drawing. Click on the picture for a detailed view

We use our fingers to draw the most simple drawings: circle, square, then flower or tree as many times as the child asks. Believe me, very little time will pass and he will repeat everything exactly after you, it will look very decent and beautiful. Moreover, drawing shapes and figures with your fingers is a kind of corrective activity; this is the best way to introduce your baby to shapes.

Let's move on

When the baby has mastered the basics with the help of paints, hand him a simple pencil with a soft lead. Your task is to teach how to hold a pencil correctly.

  • show him how to draw regular lines (long and short);
  • repeat what you have learned, try to draw simple geometric shapes together.

When my child mastered these skills on his own, we moved on to various aids, which, by the way, are very helpful to modern mothers. You can purchase ready-made magazines or find and print ready-made drawings from the Internet. My little one loved to connect straight and smooth lines with dots, and then see what happened in the end.

After a simple pencil The next stage comes - multi-colored markers. I'll make a correction on my own behalf. Take those that are easy to wash off with water (this information is written on the packaging). Children often like to draw where they shouldn't. You can save furniture and washable wallpaper if you notice the cave art in time. In the first 15-20 minutes, it is very easy to remove and wash off the bright felt-tip pen with a regular damp cloth (from the face, by the way, too).
We really like drawing with oil pastels - it doesn’t stain your hands, it’s easy for even the smallest to draw, and the drawings are no less bright than with a felt-tip pen. But there are different pastels, there are hard ones wax crayons and it will be difficult for kids to apply force, but there are oil pencils, they are soft and do not need to be pressed.

Complex drawings

Complex drawings: a dog, a butterfly, were quite difficult for us. My child took failures hard if something didn’t work out for him. Therefore, again, I turned to professionals for help. Ready-made notebooks, albums with blanks. I really liked the methodology of the Eureka Research Institute

A notebook-simulator in which educational drawings of animals are presented step by step, step by step. In just a couple of weeks, my little one successfully mastered complex drawings. I began to simply depict about 50 animals. Don't believe me? Try it yourself. You will definitely like it. At first we sat together over a notebook, but then the baby began to show independent interest, and I had a free minute. Notepad on ozon

You can easily teach your baby to depict:

  • Sun;
  • person;
  • transport (using geometric shapes);
  • butterfly (one oval in the center and 2 circles on each side);
  • some animals that are easy to perform.

There is nothing better than colorful gouache. Draw together, learn together with your child.

Unusual techniques and drawings

Drawing and learning numbers

While studying the issue thoroughly, I came across interesting offers on the Internet. Drawing by numbers turned out to be quite feasible for 3-year-old children. We not only mastered the basics of mathematics, got acquainted with numbers, and taught them. But they (the numbers) were amusingly overgrown with whole stories.

  • from one you can make a ship;
  • a deuce easily turns into a swan or a duck (ours turned out to be a duck);
  • 3 or 8 can be transformed into a bunny;
  • A friendly snail emerged from the 9.

Everything is limited only by your imagination. Using numbers you can draw almost all animals on Earth. But to do this, you need to think in advance what each number can turn into.

Drawing by points

The pictures are clickable, we printed them out and drew them:

A simple and at the same time useful way for your child to learn how to draw. The child draws lines connecting the dots. This is how he learns to control his hand in order to draw a straight line and prepare for writing in the future. Secondly, when the child draws along the lines, he remembers how to depict objects, what details need to be drawn in order to depict the object. That is, which lines are enough to get a duck, for example.

Painting by numbers

We connect the numbers in order. You can’t do without mom’s help if the baby doesn’t yet know the numbers. But this method should not be discarded. Suddenly the child will like it, and a big bonus from such drawing is the easy learning of numbers.

What should a 3 year old child be able to draw?

You probably know that upon admission to kindergarten, children can be tested by a psychologist and/or speech therapist. A drawing test, as a rule, is always included in the general list of questions. By this age, a child should be able to draw certain figures; this is a kind of indicator of the baby’s development. What should he be able to do, and if he can’t, 6be sure to teach him:

  1. Draw round objects.
  2. Draw clear straight lines: short and long (we learned by drawing grass, rain, a long road).
  3. Cross straight lines.
  4. Draw the most simple objects (balloon, cloud and rain from it, grass, flower, diagram of a man).

I repeat once again, he doesn’t know how, he doesn’t want to - learn in the game, the main thing is not to call negative emotions, do not force, otherwise you can discourage interest for life

Another simple option is drawing with kitchen sponges; even 2-year-old kids will like this, and the drawing can turn out very impressive.

A little about the unwilling

If your baby doesn’t want to draw, but everything is fine with his development, leave the poor child alone for a while with developmental methods and his own complexes. True, not for long, a month is enough, try to arouse the baby’s interest in the game. Well, he doesn’t want to draw, it means it’s not interesting, it’s boring. This means you need to change your approach if you dreamed of raising an artist. In any case, there should be no negativity from mom or dad in the process, otherwise the desire may disappear for life.

Drawing for children 4 years old - favorite activity where there is an opportunity to express oneself. Therefore, it is important to involve children in this exciting activity as often as possible.

What do children draw?

Most often, drawing for 4-year-old children is connected with what surrounds them, what they know well, are familiar with and are interested in. In addition, the skills and capabilities of the children should be taken into account. Indeed, in case of failure, many children deeply experience their imperfection, their inability to do something well. Therefore, drawing for 4-year-old children is best to focus on what is around them: nature, pets or favorite toys. There are many ways to depict a chosen subject in a painting.

Drawing for preschoolers using a template

The most in a simple way is an image of selected objects using templates. In other words, this is practically coloring, only the contours of the object are not given to the child ready-made, as in so-called coloring books, but are applied independently when used. Drawing using templates involves independently drawing parts of the drawing inside the outline itself, for example, an image of an animal’s face, a shell turtles, human faces, etc.

Drawing a Teddy Bear Using Geometric Shapes

The children receive their first drawing lessons. Children 4 years old can be asked to draw their favorite teddy bear using circles and ovals. Moreover, you should not focus on the fact that the drawing will be constructed using geometry. But while working, you can call the parts by their scientific names.

  1. The bear's head can be depicted using a circle.
  2. The second circle may be a little larger - this will be the torso. Both figures should touch where the head meets the body.
  3. The two small circles located at the top of the head are the ears, they also touch the circumference of the head.
  4. It is better to draw all four legs oval. They are attached to the body, so they are drawn in such a way that the ovals are in contact with the bottom circle.
  5. Now the eyes and nose are drawn on the muzzle, arcs are drawn from the nose - this is the mouth.
  6. Paint the bear brown, leaving white the oval near the nose and mouth, the circles on the ears and the large oval on the tummy.

Game-activity “Complete the picture!”

An interesting technique in teaching fine arts is finishing what an adult has done. For such an activity, you need to prepare pictures in advance for the children to draw by transferring the drawing through the glass. You need to draw the outline of the object with lines, but not completely, making them intermittent here and there.

The Tale of Francoise the Turtle

You can make such an activity more interesting and even fabulous by telling the kids an amazing story.

“The boy Fedya once had a painted turtle named Françoise. They were very close friends, went for walks in the park together, watched cartoons together, swam in the river together in the summer. But one day Fyodor forgot to put the drawn turtle in the album for the night. And the playful, stupid kitten got playful, played around with an eraser and erased almost the entire image from the picture. The next morning the boy cried bitterly: only a pale outline of Françoise remained on the piece of paper, and even that was completely erased in some places. Guys, let’s help the boy and finish drawing his dear turtle, color it with paints and return Fedya’s beloved friend!”

It is important, along with sketches, to give a sample picture for children to draw, so that they can compare their drawings with the original.

Master class “Drawing a turtle”

After the fairy tale about Françoise and Fedya, it is appropriate to invite the kids to pretend to be the boy’s new girlfriend. Children 4-5 years old perceive this kind of drawing as fun and exciting game. It won’t be difficult for kids to portray a turtle if they are offered a master class. The drawing can also be based on geometric shapes.

  1. First, an oval is depicted.
  2. The lower part of the oval is cut off with a straight segment, the excess is erased with an eraser. This will be the body of a turtle in its shell.
  3. Just above the lower section of the shell you should draw the turtle's head. Its shape can be round, oval or uneven, but from below it, like a shell, is limited by a straight segment.
  4. Along the edges of the lower part of the shell, you need to depict the paws in short straight segments, which are slightly wider at the bottom than at the top. They can be made not even, but with several fingers.
  5. A short tail must be drawn on the back of the reptile.
  6. Be sure to put eyes and a mouth on the face, otherwise Françoise will die of hunger and will not be able to see her best friend Fedya!
  7. The animal's shell has a pattern, so you need to ask the children to apply the design on the picture as well.
  8. Shades of green and brown are suitable for coloring.

From simple to complex

After mastering the simplest drawing skills, it is appropriate to move further in this direction. Take, for example, the subject of the image is the cat Maruska, who lives in the neighboring yard and often basks in the sun next to the playground while the children are out for a walk. The kids probably had a good look at it a long time ago. To reduce problems with drawing, we can suggest young artists master class, where detailed step by step instructions. Although drawing together will bring great benefits. For 4-year-old children, it is very important to observe from the outside how adults themselves do what they ask the kids to do.