Drawing New Year second junior group. GCD Drawing using unconventional methods “Christmas trees for bunnies. Berries, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits

In the early preschool age The foundations of visual activity are laid in children. Pupils of the second younger group are actively developing key mental processes (primarily perception and thinking) - the kids already understand the meaning of drawing. Of course, they are still far from creating realistic images; the drawings are often a shapeless combination of lines. However, this is initial stage formation of key visual skills.

The importance of visual activities for the development of pupils of the second junior group of preschool educational institutions

Drawing classes have a significant impact on the harmonious development of preschoolers from a very early age. This is a great way for kids to express their emotions. This is especially important for children who are still unable to speak well or have communication problems. A drawing will help an adult understand a child, because even what colors he chooses for the image is important.

Visual activities develop thinking, foster useful qualities such as perseverance, determination, and wean children from laziness. Undoubtedly, all this will be very useful during school and, in general, throughout life. Drawing is a great way to engage overly active kids.

Three-year-old children absorb knowledge like a sponge. Activities related to artistic creativity develop their taste and foster a sense of beauty.

Specifics of visual activity at a given age

The most important goal of visual activity when working with children three to four years old is to teach them to draw lines, both straight and round, since it is from these that the shapes of the simplest objects are subsequently formed. Moreover, they must learn to do this on their own, without focusing on the model proposed by the teacher. This process is directly related to the development of fine motor skills of hand and finger movements.

Another important task is the formation of color perception - knowledge of basic colors and their names.

During the period of study in the junior preschool level, primary compositional skills are also formed - children learn to place their drawing in the central part of the sheet.

The teacher systematically involves children in the process of depicting objects. First, the child completes the composition begun by the teacher: he completes the strings of the balloons (choosing the appropriate color), similarly depicts the stems of flowers, and the sticks of flags.

The activity should bring joy to the child - that’s when he will want to do it again and again. Here, of course, the decisive role is played by the teacher’s personality, his friendly attitude, sensitivity, emotionality, and ability to support students’ interest in artistic creativity.

Note that at the age of three, children are still unable to keep the teacher’s explanation in their heads for a long time: they remember the instructions partially or need repeated explanation. The teacher must try to ensure that each child understands the task and organize his actions. An individual approach is indispensable here. During the lesson, the teacher constantly reminds preschoolers about the subject of the image.

The emotionality of a lesson always increases artistic word, it creates in the child’s mind a figurative idea of ​​the object of the image. Thus, visual activity can be preceded by a riddle or a short poem. At the same time, they should be extremely simple and accessible to children. Otherwise, mental stress will interfere with the child’s emotional state, and he will no longer want to draw. Note that the same rhyme can be told to summarize the lesson after discussing the results of the work.

Also, drawing in the second younger group inseparable from gaming activities. After all, motivation for creativity is very important for children, for example, fairytale based. This will make the subject of the image interesting and more alive.

The material in a lesson with children should be extremely specific, since at this age abstract thinking is still alien to them. Children must visually perceive objects in the world around them - this is the basis for learning to draw at an early age. The images with which graphic elements are associated (lines, circles, dots) must be perceived visually, and even better, tactilely.

In some cases, when the teacher cannot show the object to preschoolers (for example, because of its significant size), it is permissible to use a picture or a well-made drawing. At the same time, children’s attention is also drawn to the shape (you need to trace it with your finger) and color. Note that the drawing should not be small; the object itself is depicted separately from others, so that the child’s attention is focused only on it.

The teacher, starting with sweeping movements of the hand in the air, which are simpler for the child, gradually moves on to moving the brush on the paper (note that manipulations with a pencil are more limited). For example, when depicting paths, children, together with the teacher, show the straight direction of the lines in the air, and then demonstrate on paper how long the path is. Finally, they draw it with gouache or pencil.

Moreover, it is desirable that the children accompany their actions with words - this will make the drawing process more rhythmic and the movement itself more exciting. For this reason, to increase emotional mood It is also recommended to include in the lesson musical accompaniment.

Children at this age perform all actions as imitation of the teacher. He shows hand movements in the air, and then repeats them with the children. Similarly, the teacher shows all the drawing techniques: for example, how to hold a tool and put paint on a brush. Preschoolers will be able to perform actions independently when they have thoroughly mastered all of the above techniques and acquired initial skills.

The teacher’s drawing should not be simplified to a diagram - after all, the image must correspond to the real object. For example, when explaining the sequence of drawing a Christmas tree, the teacher focuses on the requirements of the program intended for the second youngest group: he designates a vertical trunk, and then green branches diverging to the sides. However, many other trees also have such signs. Therefore, the trunk should be drawn not straight, but slightly widened downward, and the branches should be drawn slightly inclined.

The trunk is drawn sequentially, and then the branches.

Demonstration of drawing techniques is necessary until children master the skills of drawing a given form. Then, in their free time, they will be able to draw the same tree on their own.

Likewise, when the children learn to draw straight lines and simple rectangular shapes, you can invite them to draw a shovel, ladder, fence, etc., without demonstrating techniques.

Let us note that when working with children of the second younger group, the teacher should focus on personal experience every pupil. After all, in one team there are always older children (and during this period the difference of six months also affects development), in addition, some children begin to attend kindergarten only at the age of three (they did not go to a nursery group before that). Therefore, the teacher’s task is to analyze the characteristics of his group and, depending on this, differentiate tasks in the drawing process. Complications may include expanding the range of materials for work (for example, offering larger number colors), increasing the number of images (not just one tree, but several).

The most suitable materials for classes

The basis for drawing in the second junior group is A4 paper. When painting with gouache paints, the teacher must tint it in the required shade (in the junior preschool level this is especially important, since it increases interest in artistic creativity). In some cases, it is advisable to offer children colored paper or cardboard. After all, for example, it is more interesting to draw a bright yellow sun on a gray or blue background, indicating the sky. Similarly, an activity on “It’s Snowing” assumes a basic blue, it could very well be a dark blue or purple shade of the base.

Note that the base should be quite dense. After all, at first the child does not paint with the tip of the brush - he works intensively with the entire pile, sometimes rubbing the paper to holes.

In the second younger group, as a rule, they use gouache. It gives a brighter tone than watercolor. But color in early preschool age causes a strong emotional reaction; for a child, the result of activity is a bright spot. In addition, it is easier for kids to work with gouache paints than with watercolors: they do not need to make any effort to dilute them with water.

There is no need to buy expensive paints with many shades for three-year-old children - it will be difficult for the child to choose desired color. The optimal number is six basic colors.

It is worth paying attention to the selection of brushes. For beginning artists, the ideal option is squirrel brushes with a short handle.

As for colored pencils, they should be good quality(do not crumble), soft enough.

There are a lot additional materials, which can be used in drawing classes in the second junior group. For example, for a winter theme, cotton wool and confetti will be useful, in other seasons - natural materials: seeds, leaves, etc. All these details diversify the composition, make it original, which, of course, will further stimulate the children’s interest in artistic creativity.

Drawing methods and techniques used

The key task of the teacher in the second junior group is to teach children formative movements - first simple, and then more complex. This is, first of all, drawing a variety of lines: from left to right, from top to bottom, intersecting, etc. The easiest way to do this is when depicting objects such as paths, ribbons, a fence, a ladder.

When working with pencils, the teacher offers the kids one or two colors so as not to distract the children's attention. After some time, the children are offered gouache. Note that it is easier to paint with a brush, because there is no pressure required. A teacher teaches preschoolers how to apply a brush to paper correctly.

At first, works are created with only one paint (for example, blue paint conveys raindrops, and yellow paint autumn leaves). As the compositions gradually become more complex - the color scheme becomes more varied - the technique of washing the brush is introduced during the lesson.

Another task that is set in the second younger group is to teach a preschooler to combine several shapes in a drawing, homogeneous (for example, tumbler, snowman) or different (sun). Such work requires the ability to control hand movements, plus combine shapes into a composition.

More difficult for a three-year-old child is the image of a rectangular shape - he learns to change the direction of movement to create an angle, and also to close the line at the starting point. Kids practice this technique by drawing simple objects, like flags, windows, books and other rectangular things.

During drawing classes, the teacher constantly focuses on hand positioning. First, the brush is placed in the hand of each student, because everyone holds it differently: some hold it in their fist, bending their fingers, some hold it at the very base, while other children, on the contrary, hold it at the very tip. At the same time, the hand quickly gets tired, and the child gets tired. The correct position of the hand is in the middle part of the brush, while it is held by three fingers (their position is somewhat similar to the beak of a bird, which the child should pay attention to). You should hold your pencil in the same way. wax crayon, felt-tip pen.

In addition, the teacher teaches the children to carefully pick up paint by dipping the entire bristles of the brush into the jar. Excess paint is removed on the edge of the jar.

Note that you should not limit learning to draw at an early age only to traditional techniques. Non-standard methods of depiction develop very well fine motor skills and fantasy. By the way, painting with fingers or a poke with a semi-dry brush is easier for kids than with brushes and pencils. At the same time, the baby feels at ease and is relaxed.

Visual arts classes in the second junior group, as a rule, are of a group nature. But at this age it is already quite possible to practice teamwork (or divide children into subgroups). The chosen form of work should be determined by the topic of the lesson - for example, “Bouquet for Mommy” (each student draws a flower with his palm) or “Dandelions” (children use their fingers to depict flower buds and the blue sky above them).

Teamwork (palms)

Teamwork (fingers)

Class topics: colorful balls, twigs and berries, cups and plates, toys and much more

As for the topics of visual arts classes in early preschool age, child psychologists recommend offering children as many diverse topics as possible, covering a wide variety of areas of life around them.

There are standard general themes ( thematic blocks), which are used in classes in almost all kindergartens. In this case, the teacher can vary the subtopics within each block.

Let's consider the main sections that must be covered in drawing classes in the second junior group (the teacher can choose one or two topics within each block to implement them in the process of working with children, or he can come up with his own version).

Simple round shapes

These themes are: “Multi-colored wheels”, “Inflate, bubble”, “Milk saucer”, “Rings”, “Colored balls”, “Multi-colored hoops”, “Bagels, bagels”, “My funny ringing ball”, “Snowballs” "

Drawing with pencils

Drawings based on straight lines

These themes are: “Fireworks”, “Staircase”, “Dishes”, “Furniture”, “Fence”, “Striped rug”, “Baby books”, “Multi-colored handkerchiefs are drying”.

Drawing with gouache

Drawing with gouache


Kids draw: “My house”, “House with a chimney”, “House for the dog”, “Birdhouse”.

Teamwork (coloring the template and decorating it with a pattern)

Anthropomorphic creatures

“Snowman”, “Tumblers”, “Matryoshka”, “Kolobok”.

Drawing with gouache

Decorative painting (pattern decoration)

“Painting a plate”, “Let’s decorate a tea cup”, “Let’s decorate towels”, “Let’s decorate a mitten”, “Let’s decorate a handkerchief”.

Drawing with gouache

Poking drawing


(coloring templates, adding details to them):“Mittens”, “Shoes”, “Siberian felt boots”, “Dress for a doll”.

Drawing with gouache

Animals, birds, firefly and other insects

“Chicken”, “Birds”, “Titmouse”, “Firefly”, “Bees”, “Duck”, “ Ladybug", "Fish".

Drawing with gouache

Drawing with soap bubbles

Berries, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits

“Mushrooms”, “Amanita”, “Vegetables and fruits”, “Orange and tangerine”, “Berry by berry”, “Berries on a branch”, “Currant sprig”, “Apple with a leaf”.

Drawing with cotton swabs

Drawing with gouache


“Multi-colored carpet of leaves”, “Leaf fall”, “Trees on our site”, “Christmas tree”, “Flowers”, “Dandelion”.

Drawing with gouache Drawing with gouache Drawing with gouache

Natural phenomena

“Rain”, “Sun”, “Hail”, “Rainbow”.

Drawing with cotton swabs

Finger painting

Household items

“Umbrella”, “Comb”.

Finger painting


« Food”, “Pies”.


"Traffic Light", "Rules" traffic», « Fire safety", "Fire".

Drawing with gouache


“Car”, “Trolley”, “Planes are flying”, “Beautiful train”.

Finger painting


“My Family”, “Friendship”, “Parts of the Body”, “Professions”.

Pencil drawing

My toys

“My favorite toy”, “Dymkovo toy”.

Drawing with gouache


"Flag", "My City".

Drawing with gouache

Lesson notes on the image of a snowman, fireworks, dandelion and car

Author's full name Title of the abstract
Shestakova E.»
Educational objectives: exercise children in the image round shape, compose an image from several parts of a similar shape.
Developmental tasks: practice coloring a round shape, relating objects by size, and consolidate the idea of ​​a snowman.
Educational tasks: cultivate accuracy, desire to help.
Integration educational areas : « Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Handout: sheets of blue-tinted paper according to the number of children, gouache, sippy cups, brushes, coasters, napkins.
Progress of the lesson:
The teacher tells the children that a guest has come to them and asks a riddle:
  • Bucket on the head
    Excellent carrot nose.
    Stay in order all winter
    I'm watching in the yard.
    I look around with my eyes like coals!

A toy snowman appears. The children look at it, discuss how it can be sculpted (they show with gestures).
The shape of the snowman and the size of his lumps are discussed. The teacher draws attention to the fact that there is a bucket on the snowman’s head, and on his face there are eyes, a nose and a mouth.
The snowman tells the kids that he is sad because he has no one to play with. The teacher invites the children to draw a character with many friends (game motivation).
The order of the work is discussed. The teacher, together with the preschoolers, draws circles in the air and explains that first they need to draw the largest lump on paper, then a little smaller one, and finally the smallest one. Well, to prevent the snowman from falling, you first need to draw a path on paper. It is noted that the Eyes, nose, mouth are drawn with the tip of the brush.
Physical education “Snowman” is held:

  • We will bounce like balls merrily:
    jump and jump, jump and jump, repeat again!
    Snowman, snowman, you're so good
    Snowman, snowman, clap your hands for us!
    We will squat together like dolls:
    like this, like this, repeat it again!
    Snowman, snowman, you're so good
    Snowman, snowman, clap your hands for us!
    We will perform like clowns in the circus,
    like this, like this, repeat again.

Independent activities of children. The teacher monitors the work process and guides the kids.
Analysis of drawings. The snowman thanks the guys (now he won’t be lonely) and says goodbye.

Zharikova E. "Festive fireworks"
(non-traditional drawing technique “coming through drawing”)
The lesson begins with a riddle about fireworks:
  • Suddenly out of the black darkness
    Bushes grew in the sky.
    And they are blue
    Pink and colored
    Flowers are blooming
    Unprecedented beauty.
    And all the streets below them
    Everyone also became colored.
    Tell me what to call them
    Those bright flowers?

The teacher discusses with preschoolers what fireworks are and where we can see them. The theme of the Victory Day holiday is touched upon. On this day in our country there are the most colorful and bright fireworks.
It turns out what fireworks look like (a balloon, rain, multi-colored ribbons, etc.)
The teacher invites the children to come up with their own festive fireworks, which they would like to see in the evening in the sky of their city. It turns out that they have magic pencils (wax) on the table. You need to draw fireworks with them, and then the magic will happen.
A physical education session is held:

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    Let's start drawing.
    Work begins
    The mouth closes.
    Painted, painted
    The pencils are tired
    Now we'll take them
    And we put it in a box.
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    I'm starting to do magic!
    I take blue paint
    And our fireworks will turn blue!

The teacher takes a foam sponge and paints his sample fireworks with blue paint. An interesting effect occurs - the paint does not cover the wax pencils, but rolls off them. The result is a beautiful fireworks display against the night sky.
Children do similar actions. The result amazes them.

Komisina O. "Dandelions in the Grass"

The teacher reads a poem, and the children must guess which flower they are talking about:

  • The sun just warmed up,
    Along the path, in a row,
    Dressed up the flowers
    Your sunny outfit.
    Basking in the sun
    Bathing in dew
    Glow like stars
    In the short grass.
    Time flies and so does the flower,
    Turned into a bubble!
    Blowed softly on him
    - And it’s not in the palm of your hand!

A picture of a dandelion is shown. Its shape, color of leaves, stem, bud are discussed. The kids talk about what flowers are for. The teacher tells the children that flowers are needed not only to admire them: they provide food for insects - nectar. The teacher warns children not to pick dandelions while walking - after all, they immediately die in a vase.
Physical education is being held “Dandelion, dandelion!”

  • The stem is as thin as a finger.
    If the wind is fast, fast
    (Scatter in different sides)
    It will fly into the clearing,
    Everything around will rustle.
    (They say “sh-sh-sh-sh-sh”)
    Dandelion stamens,
    They'll scatter in a round dance
    (Hold hands and walk in a circle)
    And they will merge with the sky.

The teacher shows preschoolers how to draw a flower, noting that the thin stem is depicted with the tip of the brush. Since dandelions grow in grass, children are encouraged to draw grass as well.
Independent work children.
An exhibition is being organized - a large dandelion meadow.

Ermakova O. "Automobile"

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher reads a funny poem about a car:

  • So that I can take you
    I don't need oats.
    Feed me gasoline
    Give me rubber for my hooves,
    And then, raising dust,
    He will run. (Automobile).

Children discuss the cars they saw on the way to kindergarten. The teacher reports that one of the cars decided to stop by to visit the children. Children look at it, determine the color, and name the parts that make it up.
The children are invited to draw their own car, a special one, in their favorite color. On their tables there are sheets of paper with a drawing of a typewriter. It needs to be carefully painted and the wheels completed so that the car can roll down the street.
The teacher shows how to paint a car, paying attention to the technique: take the brush by the metal skirt, carefully pick up the paint, removing the excess on the edge of the can.
Independent activities of children.

Games in drawing classes in the second junior group

In early preschool age, it can be difficult for children to explain some material, especially to make them remember it. Here, didactic games for visual arts will come to the aid of the teacher.

These manuals (they can be purchased in stores or made independently) are presented in the following target areas:

  • Games to develop color perception.
  • Games that train preschoolers in making patterns (developing decorative skills) or entire compositions
  • Games, the purpose of which is to supplement the object with the missing details (subsequently the child also completes the elements in the drawing).

Let's look at examples from each category.

Games to develop color perception

“Gather a bouquet” (for the Snow Maiden and for the Sunbeam). This game teaches children to distinguish between warm and cold tones. A similar option is to choose your favorite colors of the snowman and the sun.

Didactic game introduces warm and cool shades

Didactic game develops color perception

Game "Collect the caterpillar". Children are offered several shades of the same color, from which they need to put together the body of a caterpillar - from the darkest shade to the lightest.

Didactic game for developing color perception

“Name the colors of autumn, summer, spring and winter.” Children are offered cards with images color palette, and they must match them with pictures depicting a certain time of year.

Didactic art game at the same time reinforces the signs of the seasons

"Beads for Mom." Pictures with different color combinations bead options. The child’s task is to pick up beads of the same color as in the picture.

"Aquarium". The paper aquarium has four sectors of different colors. There are also fish and shells of these colors. The child’s task is to sort them into sectors.

Games to develop decorative skills (pattern making)

Decorative and applied arts are an important part of the culture of the Russian people, who since ancient times have strived to artistic form convey your understanding of beauty. Products from talented craftsmen develop children’s aesthetic taste and teach them to understand and appreciate beauty. Didactic games will help kids become more familiar with folk arts and crafts, and will also teach them how to create their own beautiful ornaments.

These are cut-out pictures depicting Dymkovo toys, patterns of dishes that need to be decorated with a Gorodets pattern, dominoes and lotto on this topic.

Didactic game Didactic game Didactic game Cut-out pictures Cut-out lotto pictures

The game “Assemble a still life” teaches younger preschoolers how to make a composition, kids with early years get acquainted with the genre of still life.

Didactic game develops compositional skills

And the guide “Assemble a pattern from a sample” develops their aesthetic taste, teaches them to correlate an object with its image.

The manual contributes to the formation of aesthetic taste

Games for adding details to an object

“Complete the butterfly.” The child is offered an image of half a butterfly. You need to complete the picture by selecting the same elements and placing them on the missing half.

The didactic game reinforces knowledge of the shape of an object and at the same time promotes correct color perception

"Merry little engine." The child is offered the body of a steam locomotive without wheels, pipes and doors. The task is to find among the many details the missing elements for the picture and add them to the image of the locomotive. As a result, children remember the shape of this type of transport, and later it will be easier for them to draw it.

Analysis of visual activity

An important component of any artistic activity is the analysis of finished works. This is also true when working with young children. The teacher displays all the drawings on the stand and arranges a joint discussion with the children: asks the children’s opinion, and also evaluates the work himself, points out their positive aspects, makes recommendations on what can be done better. Both the quality and accuracy of the work performed are taken into account.

Let us note that you should not focus children’s attention on unsuccessful drawings, because often poor performance of a task is not due to the child’s reluctance, but to the peculiarities of his development (weak motor skills). Such kids need to pay more attention during productive activities, and be encouraged to draw in their free time.

Joint viewing and discussion of works fosters activity in children, arouses the desire to correct mistakes, and draw better next time. Those children who were not active during the discussion should be given special attention and discussed with them individually about the drawings.

Video on the topic

Drawing in the second junior group on the topic “Dandelion”

Drawing in the second junior group on the topic “It’s raining.”

It is difficult to overestimate the role of drawing in the development of children. This is one of the important ways of self-expression. After all, some children find it difficult to verbally express their feelings and knowledge. This extremely useful activity simultaneously stimulates mental activity and develops aesthetic feelings. The diverse topics of classes in the second junior group lay the foundation for a realistic depiction of a wide variety of objects and phenomena. real life, which children master as they grow older.

Shurman Inna
GCD for drawing in the second junior group “Fluffy Christmas tree”

Abstract of GCD for drawing in the second junior group« Fluffy Christmas tree»

Shurman I. N. Abstract of GCD for drawing in the 2nd junior group No. Fluffy Christmas tree» using unconventional technology drawing

Integration of educational regions: "Artistic creativity", "Speech development",

Target: skill development draw a Christmas tree in an unconventional way using the poking method.

Tasks: exercise the ability to perceive the boundaries of a sheet of paper; develop creative imagination;

ability to use unconventional technology drawing(poke);

enrich children's vocabulary, develop the ability to select definitions for given word, answering the question "which?";

cultivate perseverance and accuracy.

Methodical techniques: game situation, guessing a riddle, psycho-gymnastics, productive activity, summing up.

Preliminary work: observing spruce in nature, looking at illustrations of spruce, reading poems about the New Year tree, drawing a Christmas tree with gouache, learning poems

Materials and equipment: artificial Christmas tree, green gouache, glue brushes, jars of water, napkins, album sheets with drawn outline of a Christmas tree.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to listen and guess what tree this is about. mystery:

You can always find her in the forest -

When will I go for a walk there? sew:

Stands prickly like a hedgehog

"In winter in a dress?"

- “Well, so what!”

And that dress fluffy,

Green, branchy!

Then he brings the tree into group. Children walk around, look at it, touch it.

Praise the Christmas tree. Tell me, what is she like? (Slender, resinous, green, good, fragrant, prickly, fluffy.) Well done, how many words you came up with.

Guys, you are so smart! Christmas tree I really enjoyed playing with you.

Please note what Christmas trees thin and prickly needles (you can let the children touch the needles again to make sure of this).

The spruce stands under the blue sky,

On which the stars sleep.

(We are in a standing position, arms outstretched below - we spread our arms and legs slightly to the sides, hold our palms parallel to the floor - we represent a spruce. We raise our heads up, stretch our neck - we try to see the stars "in heaven")

It's all painted with frost

From head to toe.

(We raise our outstretched arms up above our heads and, making smooth movements with our palms from side to side, we slowly bend over and lower our hands in front of us to the floor - this is how we "colored" "tassels-palms" frost all over the Christmas tree)

Sparkling with pure pearls

In a caustic, ringing silence,

(We depict pearls with the fingers of both hands - large and index fingers We connect each hand in small circles. We make jerky movements with our hands in different directions, bending and straightening our arms - we show how brightly our tree sparkles)

The spruce is so elegant -

Like a fairy tale in the moonlight.

(We return to the starting position, depicting e lock: feet slightly shoulder-width apart, arms outstretched slightly to the sides, open palms facing the floor. We do small squats and at the same time turn our body to the right and left, slightly raising and lowering our outstretched arms - this is how elegant our Christmas tree is)

Touching the clouds with your shoulder,

(Standing again herringbone. Raise your right and left shoulders in turn)

She catches the snow thick.

(We jump as high as possible and clap at the same time with outstretched arms above your head - "catching snow")

The hare even stood up on his paws

Before this beauty!

(We depict someone standing on his paws bunny: We squat down, holding our hands at chest level. Being in this position, we look up and tilt our heads alternately in one direction and the other - we show how the bunny admires the beautiful Christmas tree)

The teacher praises the children for their unusual transformation.

Then the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that one Christmas tree, she has no friends, but they can help her. Offers to children draw a beautiful Christmas tree for friends.

The teacher invites the children to take a brush, pick up paint and recite the poem draw a Christmas tree:

Let's take a brush here So:

Is it difficult? No, it's nothing.

The brush poked

Knocked "heel".

And then he walks in circles.

Like a girl in a round dance.

Are you tired? Let's rest

And we'll start knocking again.

We are drawing: one, one,

Everything will work out for us!

In progress drawing The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that paint must be within the contour.

When the children finish their work, the teacher offers to collect them Christmas trees in a big forest(works are posted on the board) and admire them. Once again he pronounces the words with the children - definitions:(green, prickly, forest, winter, fragrant, fluffy, etc. d.) and praises the children.

Publications on the topic:

Dear friends! Happy New Year to everyone! We wish you all creative success and health. happiness! My children and I love working with threads.

Objectives: To teach children to convey the image of a Christmas tree in a drawing. Practice drawing straight vertical and oblique lines. Develop creativity.

Nice, green, beautiful Christmas tree! Goal: To teach children to roll small balls from plasticine. Apply plasticine to the surface of the cardboard.

Abstract of GCD for application in the second junior group “Herringbone” Summary of a lesson on application in the second junior group “Yolochka” Prepared by teacher: Kashuba O. Purpose: To expand children’s knowledge about the holiday.

Summary of an open non-traditional lesson in art - creative activity children on the topic: Topic: “Green Christmas tree. Fluffy snowflake."

Program content: Introduce a new technique of drawing with “stuffing”.

Develop thinking, fine motor skills, develop aesthetic perception, create a joyful mood in children. Cultivate accuracy, a desire to help and complete the work started to the end.

Material : album sheet with a drawn silhouette of a Christmas tree, gouache (green, red, yellow). Brushes, napkins.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher asks a riddle

What kind of guest came to us,

So elegant and slim.

The star is burning above,

And all the way to the top of your head

Covered in toys and firecrackers? (Christmas tree)

Voss: That's right guys, it's a Christmas tree! On New Year's holiday The Christmas tree “comes” to visit the children, it is decorated with balls, pine cones, and beads. Santa Claus puts delicious gifts under the Christmas tree. Let us draw a Christmas tree and its decorations.

Let's first trace the outline of the entire Christmas tree with our finger. Well done! Now let’s remember how we hold the brush (correctly by the iron tip).

Let's put green gouache on the brush and start drawing along the green line, and then inside it. You need to draw carefully so that the brush does not extend beyond the outline of the drawing.

Well done guys! These are the beautiful Christmas trees we got. Now, to give our fingers a rest, let’s play!


1. Thumb to finger knock and knock

2. Our fingers are dancing merrily

3. Legs top, and top, and top. Our children are dancing merrily.

4. Hands clap, and clap, and clap. Our hands clap merrily.

The index fingers tap finger on finger.

They raise their hands up and make “Flashlights”.

Children stomp their feet (the rhythm speeds up).

Children clap their palms (the rhythm speeds up).

Well done!

Voss: Guys, we drew Christmas trees, but they turned out sad! We need to decorate them - let's draw with our fingers - multi-colored balls!

Now we have elegant, beautiful Christmas trees. Well done!

Let's sing the song "Little Christmas Tree" to our Christmas tree.

Abstract of GCD in the second junior group “Artistic and aesthetic development” (drawing).
Topic: “Christmas tree for the holiday”
Integration of educational areas:
Artistic creativity (drawing), cognition (FEMP), communication, socialization, physical education.
Program content:
- Clarify children’s knowledge about spruce, repeat the concepts of size: “high”, “low”;
- Continue to teach how to use paint and brush carefully;
- Continue to learn how to paint over an object completely, without leaving white spots and without going beyond the outline of the image;
- Continue to learn how to apply paint with pokes;
-Encourage to help others, to be responsive;
Preliminary work:
1. Conversation about winter, about the New Year holiday.
2. Learning poems and songs about the New Year, about Santa Claus;
3. Looking at pictures on New Year’s themes;
4. Observations on a walk behind a spruce tree;
Formation of the concept:
“High”, “low”, “prickly”, “fluffy”, “odorous”.
Methods and techniques: (visual, verbal, practical)

- surprise moment;
- questions;
- instructions;
- reminders;
- praise;
- acceptance of a planned error;
- looking at spruce;
- artistic word;
- display of the finished sample;
- pictures of the New Year tree;
- showing the progress of the work.
Artificial spruce; large finished sample; picture of a decorated New Year's tree; pre-prepared ate templates; green and white paints; hard brushes; napkins.
Lesson structure:
1.Introductory part:
- Creation of a problematic situation;
- A surprise moment;
2. Main part:
- Showing the progress of the work;
- Comparison of Christmas trees by height;
- Physical education session “Pinocchio”;
- Completing the task;
- Setting a task for the next lesson (decorating Christmas trees);
3. Final part:
- Summing up;
- Reflection;
Progress of the lesson:
Q: - Hello, guys! (children greet back)
D: - Hello!
Q: Guys, this morning, when I was going to kindergarten, I met Santa Claus! Can you imagine?! But for some reason he was sad, saddened. I asked him: “Grandfather Frost, why aren’t you cheerful? The holiday is coming, New Year, the guys are waiting for you to visit!” And he answered me: “How can I not be sad, the New Year is coming, I have to decorate the Christmas trees for the matinees, but I don’t have time at all! There are a lot of kids and kindergartens, but I can’t cope alone, I’m afraid the kids will be left without a Christmas tree...” And I answered him, guys: “Don’t be sad, Grandfather Frost, the guys and I will help you - we’ll draw a lot of Christmas trees, and you’ll have time to do everything!” Our kids are always happy to help!”
-Santa Claus was happy with my words, because I promised to help him. We'll help Santa Claus and draw beautiful Christmas trees, right?
D: - yes.
Q: - to make the Christmas trees beautiful, a Christmas tree came to visit us, look at it! We will look at it and draw the same beautiful Christmas trees! (the teacher opens a pre-prepared artificial Christmas tree, standing on the table, covered with a white cloth):
Christmas tree
On furry prickly paws
The Christmas tree brings the smell into the house:
The smell of heated pine needles,
The smell of freshness and wind,
And the snowy forest,
And a faint smell of summer.
Yu. Shcherbakov
Q: - Isn’t it true, guys, that the Christmas tree is very beautiful? What color is it? What does the Christmas tree have instead of leaves?
D: green. Needles.
B: - Well done!
-Look at what a beautiful Christmas tree I drew. Do you like it? (showing the finished work on a large sheet). Now I’ll show you how I drew it, and then you can draw it yourself, would you like? Then watch carefully and remember!
-I take a blank sheet of paper and arrange it correctly. Then I take it to right hand brush. How to take it correctly? Like this? (points incorrectly, children answer) Or maybe this is correct? (takes the brush incorrectly again, children answer) Is this correct? (takes correctly, children answer) Well done! I'll draw with a poke. I dip the brush into a palette of green paint, dipping only the bristles, like this. (shows). You need to put a little paint on the brush, only onto its edge.
- When applying a poke, the brush should be in a vertical position, then the pile is flattened and a large “fluffy” dot is obtained.
Guys, where should I start painting my Christmas tree? That's right, bottom-up, like this. Am I going beyond the contours? No! I draw carefully, I don’t go beyond the outline, I paint over everything, I press the brush from left to right in rows, I don’t leave any white spots. Now I wipe the brush and take white paint Let's dust our Christmas tree with fluffy snow.
- So I drew a Christmas tree, look, guys! Beautiful? Now look at the Christmas trees I got (places the newly painted template next to the previously drawn Christmas tree, they are different in size) Guys, are they the same or different? (children's answers) Why did you decide that? (children's answers) That's right, guys, they are different. One Christmas tree is high and the other is low. What is this Christmas tree? (shows high) That's right! And this one? (shows low) Good guys!
-Guys, let's rest a little and then get to work. Let's all get up and do a fun physical activity:
Physical education lesson based on the poem “Spruce”
The spruce tree stands under the blue sky, on which the stars sleep. (We are in a standing position, arms outstretched below - we spread our arms and legs slightly to the sides, we hold our palms parallel to the floor - we depict a spruce. We raise our heads up, stretch our neck - we try to see the stars “in the sky ")
It was painted all over with frost, from the top to the toes. (We raise our outstretched arms up above our heads and, making smooth movements with our palms from side to side, we slowly bend down and lower our hands in front of us to the floor - this is how we “painted” the entire Christmas tree with frost with “palm brushes” )
Sparkling with pure pearls In a sharp, ringing silence, (We depict pearls with the fingers of both hands - we connect the thumb and forefinger of each hand in small circles. We make jerky movements with our hands in different directions, bending and straightening our arms - we show how brightly our tree sparkles)
The spruce is so elegant - Like a fairy tale in the moonlight. (We return to the starting position, depicting a Christmas tree: legs slightly shoulder-width apart, outstretched arms slightly apart, open palms facing the floor. We do small squats and at the same time turn the body to the right and left, lifting it a little and lowering his outstretched arms - this is how elegant our Christmas tree is!)
Touching the clouds with your shoulder, (Again we stand in a “herringbone” position. Raise our right and left shoulders up in turn)
It catches the thick snow. (We jump up as high as possible and at the same time clap our outstretched arms above our heads - “catching snow”)
A hare even stood on its paws in front of this beauty! (We depict a bunny standing on its paws: we squat down, hold our hands at chest level. Being in this position, we look up and tilt our heads alternately in one direction and the other - we show how the bunny admires the beautiful Christmas tree)
(Author of the poem - M. Plyatskovsky)
Q: -Well, did you rest? Sit down! Then we sit down correctly, the back is straight, the legs sit quietly under the table. I’ll now hand out the pieces of paper to everyone, and you can get to work. Santa Claus will be happy! The children begin to paint the Christmas tree templates, while the teacher constantly reminds them how to hold a brush, how to use paint, constantly encourages and praises the children, makes comments and helps if necessary.
What a great fellow you all are, you are trying so hard for Grandfather Frost, you get nice Christmas trees!
- Guys, what did we do today? Who did they help? Did you like it? Well done! Admire your Christmas trees, how beautiful they turned out! Now Santa Claus will definitely have time to do everything thanks to you. And how carefully you worked, everyone had clean tables, hands, no one got their clothes dirty. Our lesson has come to an end.

Attached files

Drawing using unconventional methods “Christmas trees for bunnies”

Program content:

Teach children to draw a Christmas tree using the poking method with a hard brush. Continue to learn how to complement the drawing with elements using finger painting. Continue to teach how to hold a brush correctly and rinse it after using paint. Develop fine motor skills of fingers; children's creativity, imagination, aesthetic sense.

Expand children's knowledge about the life of wild animals.

Foster a love of nature and a desire to help animals.

Preliminary work: Conversation “How wild animals prepare for winter.” Tracing Christmas trees using a stencil. Drawing with colored pencils and felt-tip pens “New Year’s Beauty” using various materials"Who lives in the forest." Using the “Magic Brush” manual in your work.


Tinted rectangular sheets, with pre-drawn Christmas trees using a stencil. Each sheet has a silhouette of a bunny pasted on it. Gouache, hard brushes, napkins, jars of water, coasters.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, do you want to be in the winter forest?

Children are included in the group. A bunny sits on a stump.

What happened, where are all the trees?

Bunny: “There was a fire in the forest and all the spruce trees burned down. And now my friends and I have nowhere to hide from the wolf and the fox.”

Let's guys try to help the bunnies, but how can we do this? Guys, do you know how to help bunnies? That's right, let's try to draw Christmas trees using the poking method.

The children sit at the tables.

Guys, watch how I draw a Christmas tree using the poking method.

I take the brush near the skirt and hold it vertically. Then I pick up the paint with the tip of the brush, and remove the excess paint on the edge of the jar. Then, with the tip of the brush, I begin to draw a Christmas tree, while the brush easily jumps across the sheet. After painting, rinse the brushes and place them on a stand.

Children draw a Christmas tree.

Guys, let's play while the paint dries. Leave the tables.

Bunny, do you like to play in the snow?

Carrying out finger exercises.

One, two, three, four (bend fingers one by one)

You and I made snowballs (make imaginary snowballs)

Round, strong, very smooth (hands show a circle)

And not at all sweet (they threaten with their index finger)

One - let's throw (they throw an imaginary snowball)

Two – we’ll catch you (they squat and hug their knees with their hands)

Three - let's drop (lean forward)

And... we will break (trample).

Aren't you tired?

Children approach the tables.

Tell me, please, what is there on the streets in winter?

That's right, of course there is a lot of snow. Let's draw more snow that lies on the ground, and someone can draw snowflakes. We will only draw with our fingers.

Guys, don't forget to wipe your fingers on a napkin. Children draw.

The bunny offers to play another game: “Guys, if you want to play more, then go out into the clearing.”

Conducting physical education:

The little white bunny sits and wiggles his ears. (children squat)

The bunny is sitting cold and needs to warm his little paws. (children stand and rub their palms together)

It’s cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump. (children jump in place on two legs)

Jump - jump, jump - jump. The bunny needs to jump.

How good are you at jumping?

They come up to the tables and look at the drawings together with the bunny.

Bunny: “What beautiful Christmas trees you have turned out to be.” This is the most elegant one, and this one is very fluffy...”

Thank you guys for helping us grow a whole forest. Now we will have a place to play and hide from the wolf and the fox. And for the fact that you helped us, here are gifts for you (gives gifts to children).

Did you like the winter forest, and what did you like most?

And now we need to return from the Notes on visual activities in middle group(non-traditional drawing methods)

Lesson summary for visual arts in the middle group kindergarten"Journey to a fairy forest"

Educator Efremova I.Yu.

Software tasks:

To develop the ability to correctly convey the arrangement of parts when drawing complex objects, to create your own artistic image in visual arts;

Introduce an unconventional drawing method - drawing with your hands;

To consolidate and enrich children’s ideas about colors and shades, about how to obtain them (orange, brown);

Strengthen ideas about the shape of objects (circle, oval, triangle, size, arrangement of parts;

Enrich your musical experience;

Cultivate neatness, develop aesthetic perception, independence, creative imagination.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter a group room decorated with a winter forest. Music by P. I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons” is playing.

Guys, where are we? You and I have come to a winter fairy forest. Look how beautiful it is all around.

Everything is snow and snow, the whole forest is in snowdrifts

Gray pines sparkle

Snow sparkles on forest roads,

All the bushes sleep quietly under the snow.

Listen, how quiet it is, all you can hear is the trees crackling in the cold. Look around you, doesn’t it seem strange to you that there is no one in the forest? I’ll tell you riddles, and you answer who we could meet in the winter forest.


Cunning cheat

red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty

And her name is (fox).


Not a lamb or a cat

Wears a fur coat all year round

Gray fur coat for summer,

A different color for winter. (hare)


There is a hollow in the pine

It's warm in the hollow.

Who's in the hollow

Lives in a warm place? (squirrel)


The owner of the forest

Wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under a blizzard howl

He sleeps in a snow hut. (bear)

But where could the animals have gone? Look, there’s a letter on the tree. (remove the letter from the tree and read)

"The winter forest is enchanted

And there will be no miracles in it!

Not a fox will run by

Not a bear will growl!

The hare and the squirrel have disappeared,

The animals used different paints.

I came up with everything myself,

Your grandmother Yaga!

PS. To disenchant the animals, you will have to try very, very hard! »

Guys, there are only geometric shapes under the tree. What geometric figures did Baba Yaga leave us? (Children's answers). Do you think we could use them to make animal figures, maybe then we will find paints to cast a spell on the forest dwellers? (Children together with the teacher lay out on the floor from geometric shapes white animals. The head is round, the body is oval, the paws are oval, the ears are triangular.)

Vanya, who did you get? What shape is the head? (torso.)

Where did Baba Yaga hide the paints? Yes, here they are standing under the Christmas tree! (take paints, move to the table)

Look at what colors Yaga turned the animals into? (children call colors - white, red, green and yellow) Now close your eyes and remember what color the forest animals are.

That's right, the fox and squirrel are orange, the bear is brown, and the bunny in winter is white.

Do we have these colors? White is there, but orange and brown are not. But it doesn’t matter, let’s do them ourselves. What to get orange We will add red paint to yellow paint, and for brown, we need to add green paint to red paint. (Mix paints).

Now we have everything ready, but where are the brushes? Probably, the harmful Baba Yaga took them away so that we could not disenchant the animals. How can we now revive forest animals? (I listen to the children’s answers)

Let's draw with our hands. To draw a small circle on paper, we clench our fist, dip it in the paint and put a “stamp” on the sheet. To make it work big circle- we dip one palm into the paint (fingers raised up) and leave a mark on the paper. In order to draw paws for our animals, we dip our fingers in the paint, pads down, and transfer them to paper. We can mark the eyes and nose with a fingertip (I show you how to draw, then wash your hands and wipe with a napkin. Let’s roll up the sleeves, put on magic aprons and cast a spell.

One, two, three, four, five (clap hands)

We begin to transform. (spinning around in place)

The paints were not simple (they show the paints with their palms)

There will be forest dwellers. (point with palms towards the forest)

Quiet music is playing.

Independent drawing. Analysis of works. (Who drew who? Together with the children, we decide what can be added to the drawing to make it look even more like forest animals.)

These are great guys, and now let’s let the animals go into the forest. (We take the drawings to the “forest”)

Where does a bear live in winter? That's right, the bear is sleeping in a den, let's take him there. A bunny is under a bush, a fox is under a tree, a squirrel is on a tree in a hollow. All the animals are very grateful to you and the squirrel prepared hazelnuts for you as a gift (a basket with treats is under the tree).

Drawing lesson for the younger group.

“Let’s finish drawing Petya’s tail.”

Children's age: second junior group (II junior group)

Program content:

1. Continue to teach children to hold the brush correctly, rinse the brush thoroughly when changing colors, draw lines in one direction from given point, use several colors: red, yellow, green.

2. To promote the development of children's creativity by independently completing the plot (sun, grass).

3. Arouse in children sympathy for the game character and a desire to help him.

Preliminary work: Examining the cockerel, its tail, noting its color diversity. Reading poetry, singing songs about the cockerel.

Material: Cockerel - a toy, a model of a mansion, sheets of tinted paper with pasted silhouettes of a cockerel without a tail. Brushes, gouache (red, green, yellow), cups of water, foam rubber.


Creating gaming motivation:

Draw the children's attention to the model of the tower house. Bring the children, look at him, note how beautiful he is.


Over the fields, over the seas,

Behind the high mountains

There is a tower in the field,

And a cockerel lives in it.

Come out to us, little cockerel,

Show me your comb.

(a toy cockerel appears in the window of the mansion).


I'll show you the comb

I'll wait until I get out.

Educator: What happened, tell us?


All she is, the fox villain,

Sprinkled the grains

Plucked the feathers

All chickens are without a tail,

They will laugh in the street.

Educator: Calm down, cockerel.

Statement of the problem.

The teacher turns to the children and asks if they want to help the cockerel. Having received an affirmative answer, the teacher promises to show the children how to draw colored feathers on the tail of a rooster.

Showing the method.

The children sit down at the tables. The teacher distributes sheets of paper with pasted silhouettes of cockerels.

Educator: Let's draw feathers in the air.

(Shows the movement of the brush, children repeat)

Educator: Look, I will paint the tail of the cockerel with different colors, from one point.

(The teacher draws the tail of a cockerel on a small easel).

The teacher shows how, with continuous movements, continuously up and smoothly down (arc), he draws one feather on a cockerel. Then it changes color - a different color, etc. After the teacher draws several colored feathers for the cockerel, he recites the poem:

Cockerel, cockerel,

Show me your skin!

The casing is on fire,

How many feathers does it have?

One, two, three, four, five -

The teacher offers to listen to the poems again, and the children repeat after the teacher.

Managing children's activities.

The teacher reminds children of the rules for working with paints. Children draw on their own. Watch how the children dip the brush into the paint, how they squeeze out the excess on the edge of the jar and rinse it. Watching children work. Encourage the rooster to draw several colored feathers. Check the color of children's feathers.

The teacher places his display (a sheet with a cockerel and a drawn tail) on a large easel and addresses the children.

Educator: Guys, look, the cockerel was delighted with the appearance of a beautiful tail and sang cheerfully.

(The cockerel crows in the house. The teacher hangs the sun on a large easel)

Educator: What did the cockerel wake up?

Children: Sunny!

Educator: Look, children, the sun has woken up, how yellow it is! Has the sun woken up on your leaves?

Children: No.

Educator: Do you want your sun to wake up?

(children’s independent answers).

Children independently draw the sun on their sheets of paper and, if desired, grass.

Educator: Let's gather all the cockerels in the clearing.

Children bring their drawings, the teacher hangs them on a large easel. A cockerel comes out of the house, examines the children’s drawings, praises and thanks the children.


Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group: “Winter Forest”

Lesson notes

in drawing

in the II middle group

Educator: Efremova I.Yu. MKOUSOSH village Talitsa. 2012

Software tasks:


teach children to draw simple landscape in accordance with the content of the poem, depict a Christmas tree decorated with snow;

continue to develop the ability to correctly position a drawing on a sheet and draw with paints;

teach children to expressively read a poem by heart, conveying intonation an admiration of winter nature, teach them to feel and reproduce the figurative language of the poem;

clarify and activate children's vocabulary.


cultivate a love of nature; caring attitude towards her;

independence, observation, accuracy, initiative.


develop creativity, attention, imagination, speech, aesthetic and figurative perception.

Health saving:

monitor children’s posture and maintain a physical activity regime

throughout the entire lesson.

Material and equipment:

Gouache paints (brown, green, white); water glasses

palette, brushes, brush holders, napkins, oilcloths

tinted sheets of paper (1/2 landscape sheet)

artificial trees; painting " Winter evening»

soft toy (white bunny)

TSO: audio recording “December” (“Seasons” by P. I. Tchaikovsky)

Previous work:

memorizing poems about winter nature;

excursions to the forest park;

looking at illustrations of winter landscapes.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Introductory part

(children sit in a semicircle on chairs)

Educator. - Guys, what time of year is it now?

Why did you decide that?

Let's take a walk through the winter forest and remember O. Vysotskaya's poem “The Christmas Tree” (children read in chorus).

Not a leaf, not a blade of grass!

Our garden became quiet.

And birches and aspens

The boring ones stand.

Only one Christmas tree

Cheerful and green.

Apparently she's not afraid of the cold,

Apparently she is brave!

Why do we say “our garden has become quiet”?

Why do “birch and aspen trees stand boring”?

Why “the Christmas tree is only cheerful...”?

Look how beautiful the snow-covered Christmas tree is! Santa Claus took care of it and decorated it with white and fluffy snow, and you will find out who was hiding under it if you guess my riddle:

The panty changed the color,

And then he lost track. (A bunny appears)

What kind of fur coat does a bunny have in winter?


Bunny. - Hello, guys! Have you come to visit me to admire the winter forest? -Just don’t make noise...

Like on a hill - snow, snow,

And under the hill - snow, snow,

And a bear sleeps under the snow.

Quiet, quiet... Don't make noise.

My friend Mishka has never seen winter, snow...

Guys, why do you think?

Let's draw him a winter forest, and when he wakes up in the spring, I will give him your work, and he will see winter and be happy.

Educator. – Let’s go to the tables and draw a winter forest for Mishka. And you, bunny, sit down with us and see how the kids are trying.

II. Main part

(children are sitting at tables)

Educator. I grew up in the forest on the mountain beautiful Christmas tree. One day an artist saw a Christmas tree and drew it like this. (Showing the painting “Winter Evening”)

Then the writer saw this tree and composed this poem. Let's remember him. (One child reads)

A Christmas tree grew in the forest on the mountain,

She has silver needles in winter,

The icicles are knocking on her cones,

A snow coat lies on the shoulders...

Let's remember what parts the Christmas tree consists of?

What color will we paint the trunk?

What color will we paint the branches?

(I explain the technique of drawing spruce)

Where do we start drawing a Christmas tree?

What paint should we use?

Practical part

Independent work (with musical accompaniment)

Physical/minute (standing near the tables)

Oh, the bunnies are so cold, and everyone has a cold nose!

Oh, the bunnies are so cold, and they all have cold tails!

To keep the bunnies warm, we all need to jump,

To keep bunnies warm, you need to rub their paws.

Bunnies' paws keep them warm this way and that way!

Bunnies play with their paws this way and that, that way!

All the bunnies have sat down and are sitting quietly -

Is there a cunning fox here? They look in all directions.

But everything is very quiet in the forest, the bunnies are jumping again.

Our bunnies love to have fun and play!

Paw to the side, paw to the side.

Foot top, foot top.

Have fun spinning around your Christmas tree!

What color will we paint the “coat”?

III. Final part (summary of the lesson)

(I hang the work on the board)


Spruce on the edge - up to the top of the sky -

They listen, remain silent, and look at their grandchildren.

And the grandchildren are Christmas trees, thin needles -

There is a round dance at the forest gate.

Guys, look what a round dance it turned out to be! Bunny, did you like it? (work analysis)

Bunny. - I really liked it, your fabulous winter forest resembles the forest in which I live. I will definitely pass on your work to my friend Mishka; when he wakes up in the spring, he will find out what a winter forest is like.

(the bunny leaves and takes away the work)

Educator. - Children, you did great today. They answered well, you know a lot of poems. I think Mishka will be pleased.

Introspection complex lesson in drawing

in the II secondary group “Winter Forest”

The program content of the lesson corresponds to the age and level of development of children. When I set goals for myself, I tried to take into account the age of the children, as well as the fact that psychological processes are just beginning to form.

The program content formulates educational, educational, developmental and health-preserving objectives. The lesson consisted of three parts:

Introduction - “a walk through the winter forest” - guessing a riddle, reading a poem to children;

The main part is to consolidate the technique of drawing a Christmas tree in a snowy decoration;

The final part (result of the lesson) is an analysis of children's works using artistic expression.