Drawing autumn with children from the preparatory group. Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group on artistic and aesthetic education using non-traditional drawing techniques on the topic: “Late autumn. Material and equipment

Summary of a drawing lesson for children 5-6 years old " Late autumn"

Author: Olga Vladimirovna Firsova, teacher, Moscow State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium 1569 "Constellation" building 9 ( kindergarten No. 1267, Moscow.
Job description: I bring to your attention a lesson summary for senior group kindergarten "Drawing using non-traditional drawing techniques - blotography on the theme "Late Autumn". In this work the children will get acquainted with unconventional technology drawing with blots and learning to paint a landscape in gouache without the help of a brush. This methodological work can be used by kindergarten teachers (senior preschool age). Children really enjoy using different techniques when performing creative works. Children show imagination, their imagination develops, and technical skills improve.
Educational field: artistic creativity
Integration educational areas : cognition, communication
Target: introduce children to blotography, arouse interest in unconventional drawing techniques, develop creativity and imagination. Consolidate knowledge about the signs of late autumn, develop the respiratory system. Activation of speech. Enrichment of the dictionary: blot, blotography.
Materials: A4 sheets for each child, a simple pencil for each child, jars of water, drinking straws for each child, sponges for each child, gouache paints, ink or thinly diluted gouache (for blots), plastic spoons or pipettes, cotton swabs, hand wipes.

Work progress:

Children, please tell me what time of year is outside our window? (Autumn)
- The beginning of autumn or its end?? (End)
- Why do you think so? What signs of autumn can we see now? What has changed in nature? (children's answers)
- So, can we say that it’s late autumn outside?
-Do you like to draw? What is your favorite thing to draw?
- Now I will teach you how to paint autumn with colors without the help of a brush.
- First, let’s draw the background (there is an explanation-guide and a demonstration at the same time): arrange the sheet the way you like best, draw with a simple pencil barely visible horizon line. Think about what colors are present in the autumn sky? Take a sponge, wet it and alternately apply paint with the sponge in horizontal strokes above the horizon line. Now imagine what colors might be present on the ground below the horizontal line. We also apply paint using horizontal strokes.
- Check if there are any empty spaces left in your drawings.
- Now look carefully at how I will depict a tree (demonstration, children just watch). I scoop up liquid gouache with a spoon and drop it below the horizon, it turns out to be a blot. Now I take a tube and “blow” the trunk and branches of a tree out of the blot, directing the tube from bottom to top and to the sides against the trunk. Look what happened. This drawing technique is called "blotography", i.e. drawing with blots or from blots.
-Now try it yourself. (help children, suggest what is best).
- Look what different trees you did it!
- Does it snow in late autumn? What about the leaves on the trees?
- That's right, snow may fall, rare dried leaves remain on the trees.
- Let's take cotton swabs and draw falling snow or dried leaves on the branches. You can draw both, or you can draw just one.
Children draw. Then all the drawings are collected in one place (exhibition).
- Look, all the drawings are different from each other. Who remembered the name of the technique we used to draw?? (blotography) What did we draw trees from? (blot). Did you like drawing with blots?? These are the wonderful drawings we made without the help of a brush!

“The sky was already breathing in autumn...”

Goals: Expand children's understanding of characteristic features autumn; teach to find them in nature; clarifying ideas about the changes that occur in autumn in the life of plants; continue to learn to distinguish some trees; to cultivate cognitive interest, caring attitude towards nature, sensitivity to the perception of beauty autumn landscape. To cultivate imagination, attention and memory, a friendly attitude towards your peers, a desire to play together;Teach children to convey impressions of autumn in a drawing; independently and creatively reflect your ideas about beautiful natural phenomena using different visual arts expressive means. Develop a sense of color and the ability to successfully position an image on a sheet of paper. Practice painting with gouache (rinse the brush well, dry it, add paint to the brush as needed). Foster an aesthetic attitude towards nature. Arouse interest in artistic creativity. Continue to teach how to convey objects and phenomena of the surrounding world through drawing.

Integration of areas:Communication, Sensory development, Health, Socialization, Artistic creativity.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversations about autumn;
  • Reading works of art: “Leaf Fall” by I. Sokolov-Mikitov, “Forest in Autumn” by A. Tvardovsky, poems about autumn by A. S. Pushkin, A. Pleshcheev, A. I. Bunin;
  • Learning poems and sayings about autumn;
  • Singing songs about autumn and listening to music;
  • Examination of illustrations and photographs depicting autumn nature;
  • Drawing in art and independent classes artistic activity various trees;
  • Working with plasticine and applying it to the base (plasticineography);
  • Tree watching while walking;
  • Crafts made from natural materials;
  • Preparation of a birch trunk from white plasticine.

Materials and equipment:

  • Illustrations depicting a mixed forest.
  • Gouache, tinted sheets of paper, brushes, water glasses, napkins.
  • Hedgehog doll from the puppet theater.
  • Record piece of music P.I. Tchaikovsky’s cycle “The Seasons” (October).

Progress of the lesson

Educator: We have an unusual activity today. Come in and sit on the chairs. Listen to how beautiful the music sounds. What words can you choose to describe this music? (thoughtful, bright, wonderful) What time of year does it remind you of? (autumn)

Listening (music playing)

Educator : Guys, let's remember what time of year it is now? (autumn)

What autumn months do you know? (September, October, November)

What is autumn like? (early, late, golden)

What's autumn like now? (late)

Let's remember the signs of late autumn. Answer in complete sentences. Birds fly away to warmer regions. It often rains, cloudy and cold. People wear warm clothes (boots, jackets, hats). Leaves are falling from the trees - leaf fall has begun. What do the leaves become? (yellow, red, orange, brown). In autumn, gardens and orchards are harvested.

Educator: Well done guys, remember everything. Let's now close our eyes and imagine that we are in a fairy tale. autumn forest(music sounds)

Surprise moment

There is a knock: Knock-knock-knock!

(the teacher puts a puppet hedgehog on his hand)

Educator: Hello! Guys, who came to visit us?

Hedgehog: Hello guys! I'm a hedgehog. I live in the forest and protect it. I've been waiting for you for a long time, I'm bored in the forest, I want to play with you, come to this clearing.

Educator : With pleasure. You know, hedgehog, so that it’s not boring to go to the clearing, the guys know a lot of different movements. Yes, and you need to warm up.

Physical education minute.

Suddenly the sky was covered with clouds(Children stand on their toes and raise their crossed arms up.

The prickly rain began to fall.They jump on their toes, keeping their hands on their belts.

The rain will cry for a long time,

Will spread slush everywhere. Squat down, keeping your hands on your belt.

Dirt and puddles on the road,They walk in a circle, raising their knees high.).

Raise your legs higher.

Hedgehog: Sit down (children sit on the mat). There are many trees in my forest. Do you know what they are called?

Game "Name the Trees"

Hedgehog: How are trees similar to each other? (all trees have a trunk, roots, branches)

How are they different from each other? (Some trees have leaves, they are called deciduous, while others have needles - coniferous, and they also differ in the color of the bark (birch).

Hedgehog: Guys, do you like to solve riddles? I have some in stock here.


1. There was a pillow with needles lying between the trees.

She lay quietly, then suddenly ran away. (hedgehog)

2. Someone chewed a pine cone on a branch and threw the scraps down.
Who deftly jumps through the trees and flies up into the oak trees?
Who hides nuts in a hollow and dries mushrooms for the winter? (squirrel)

3. He sleeps in a den in winter under a huge pine tree.
And when spring comes, he wakes up from sleep. (bear)

4. Guess what kind of hat it is, there’s a whole armful of fur.
Does the cap run around in the forest, gnawing on the bark of the trunks? (hare)

Hedgehog: Well done guys! You know all the animals in the forest. I enjoyed playing with you.

Educator: hedgehog, it’s autumn in the forest now, let’s show the guys how artists depict autumn. Guys, let's look at reproductions of paintings about autumn

Examination of reproductions.

This work is called " Golden autumn" Look how the artist depicted the beauty of nature. What colors did he use? (Yellow, blue, etc.) Notice how the details of the image are arranged: in the foreground, the trees and river are depicted larger and more clearly than what we see in the background. We also understand that it is a sunny day, because... the shadows from the trees will fall, the sky will be clear. But in another picture we see a completely different autumn. The trees are almost bare, the rain is drizzling, the wind is blowing. The sky is gray. This is how the artist saw and showed us autumn. And today you and I will also be artists and we will also “paint pictures.” Yes, yes, just write, not draw. After all, it is correct to say “painting pictures.”

Org. Moment. Music is playing.

Guys, do you hear the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons". What mood does this music convey: cheerful, sad, thoughtful, etc.?

With the help of music, the composer conveyed to us his autumn mood. But Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin loved this time of year very much and wrote many poems about it. Listen here:

The sky was already breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less often.

The day was getting shorter.

Mysterious forest canopy

She stripped herself naked with a sad noise.

Noisy caravan of geese

Reached south. Approaching

Quite a boring time.

It was already November outside...

What is the nature of this poem? (children's answers)

Conversation after reading.

What time of year is this poem talking about? (About autumn)

What period of autumn are we talking about here (Late Autumn)

Find words that support your opinion.

(A rather boring time was approaching; November was already upon us).

Which month is late autumn? (November)

What other period of autumn is there? (Early)

Which months belong to early autumn? (September, October)

What signs of autumn does the poet mention?

How do you understand the words

“The mysterious canopy of the forests was revealed with a sad noise...”

(The leaves fly off the trees, and it becomes sad and sad).

What does the word caravan mean?

(Moving string - one after another)

Who moved the caravan? (Geese)

Where were they going? (Flying south)

What other birds fly south to winter? Why south?

Guys, not only composers and writers dedicated their works to autumn, but also famous artists painted pictures depicting the beauty of this time of year. Let's draw late autumn too.

Practical work.

We take our places. Before you start working, think a little about what exactly you want to depict on your sheet of paper, how you will arrange your plan. What paints will you need? If you need to mix paints to get other shades, you have a palette.

Children draw.

Review of works.

At the end of the work, the drawings are hung on the stand, the children examine them, evaluate them, and share their impressions.

Drawing with paints.

Classes in a compensatory group for children with mental retardation, preparatory group for school

Subject: autumn tree in the wind and rain.

Target: continue to develop the ability to create narrative images using paints.


1. Learn to draw a tree in windy and rainy weather.

2. Continue to develop the skills of drawing thin lines with the end of the brush.

3. Develop the ability to add your own additions to the drawing (clouds, birds, grass, etc.).

4. Develop auditory and visual attention, memory, speech, visual-figurative thinking.

5. Develop interest and observation in the surrounding nature, notice changes in it.

6. Foster a love of nature, independence, and activity.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development.

Vocabulary work: late autumn, cloudy, windy, rainy.

Preliminary work: working off lexical topic“Autumn”, looking at an autumn tree while walking. In the morning: looking at illustrations and photographs on the theme “Autumn.”

Materials: paints, brush stands, brushes, sippy jars, napkins, late autumn drawings (samples), work plans.

Progress of the lesson.

1.Introductory part

The teacher gathers the children on the carpet and invites them to listen to a poem.

Leaves are falling, falling,

It's leaf fall in our garden.

Yellow, red leaves are flying...

Birds flew south: geese, rooks, cranes.

This is the last flock

Flapping its wings in the distance.

2. Main part

Children, tell me, what time of year is it now? (autumn)

What's autumn like? (late)

What is the weather like in late autumn? (windy, cloudy, rainy)

Say, Kirill,…….. (repeated utterance vocabulary words, consolidate the pronunciation of words individually and in chorus).

Let's look at the drawings of late autumn and guess the riddle.

It is unknown where he lives

It swoops down and bends the trees,

And we won’t see him,

Who is this - can we guess? (wind).

That's right, the wind.

Examination of samples.

Tell me, if it’s windy outside, what’s the weather like? (- windy, word repetition).

What happens to the trees? (sway, bend towards the ground).

Goal setting. Review of diagrams and their discussion.

Today we will draw an autumn tree in the wind and rain.

These diagrams will help you in drawing. Let's see where we start, what's first...

Now, let's play a little, imagine that we are trees.

Coordination of speech with movement.

Hands raised and shook;

These are trees in the forest;

Hands bent and shaken,

It's the wind that knocks down the leaves,

Let's wave smoothly - these are birds flying,

As they sat down, their arms were bent back.

Before we get started, let’s stretch our fingers and play with them: finger gymnastics

1,2.3,4.5, we will collect leaves. We will collect birch leaves, rowan leaves, maple leaves, viburnum leaves, oak leaves and take an autumn bouquet to mom

(I propose to start working. While children are working, I use indirect guidance techniques, use physical assistance, instructions, pay attention to diagrams. I create a situation of success, stimulate children to activity.

I suggest supplementing your drawing with details: clouds, rain, birds flying away, last leaves fly around, etc..).

3. Final part. Bottom line.

Those who have finished are asked to put away their workplace, quietly, without disturbing others.

As I finish work, I gather the children and ask questions:

Tell me, what did we draw today (now)?

What kind of trees did we get?

You are all great fellows, wonderful drawings, let's take them to our exhibition and show them to our parents.

Summary of a drawing lesson in preparatory group compensating orientation

"Late Autumn".

Prepared and conducted by teacher: Svetlana Lvovna Nikolaeva.


Arouse children's interest in late autumn, develop the ability to be emotionally distracted by the mood of sadness, sadness, conveyed in poetry. Arouse the desire to express this state with the help of color in a landscape drawing.


1. Correctional and educational:

Practicing naming autumn signs will enrich children’s vocabulary;

Form ideas about neutral colors (black, white, dark gray, light gray, brown), use these colors when creating paintings of late autumn;

Develop the ability to independently convey in a drawing the landscape of late autumn, its color (the absence of bright colors in nature);

Practice the ability to draw trees of different structures and bushes without leaves;

Strengthen drawing techniques with the end of the brush;

Continue to develop the ability to depict natural phenomena in an unconventional way (poking with cotton swabs - snow).

Continue to develop the ability to work with a palette, create a color scheme, and obtain dull gray tones.

2. Correctional and developmental:

Continue to develop the ability to feel, understand and reproduce the imagery of the language of a poem;

Develop coordination of movements, accompanying speech;

Develop fine motor skills hands through finger play;

Develop imagination;

3. Correctional and educational:

Cultivate a love of poetry and native nature;

To cultivate an aesthetic perception of nature;

Cultivate in children an interest in drawings, a desire to look at and talk about them.


Sample made by the teacher. Landscape sheets of paper tinted. Gouache, watercolor, palette, brushes No. 2 or 3, sippy cups with water, coasters, napkins, cotton swabs.

Preliminary work:

Reading poems by Russian poets about autumn by A. N. Pleshcheev, A. S. Pushkin, and others.

Memorizing poems about autumn “Autumn” by M. Khodyakov and “The Swallows Are Missing” by A. Fet.

A conversation about late autumn and its signs.

Looking at reproductions of paintings famous artists in the presentation “Late Autumn through the Eyes of Artists”.

Examination of illustrations, pictures, reproductions.

Observing the sky, trees, rain, snow while walking.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, what time of year is it now?

What autumn months do you know? What month is it now? November is last month autumn.

Listen to A. Pleshcheev’s poem, what autumn is the poet talking about?

Autumn has come

The flowers have dried up,

And they look sad

Bare bushes.

Withers and turns yellow

Grass in the meadows

It's just turning green

Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky

The sun doesn't shine

The wind howls in the field,

The rain is drizzling.

The waters began to rustle

Fast Stream

The birds have flown away

To warm regions.

Are you happy from this picture painted by the poet?

What signs of late autumn does Pleshcheev talk about in the poem?

Indeed, the poem talks about a dull, gloomy, cold autumn.The leaves have fallen off the trees, the grasses wither and turn yellow, the bushes are dull and bare, the flowers have dried up, the birds have flown to warmer climes, and it often drizzles.

Autumn is like the evening of the year. And in the evening we get ready for bed. So the trees took off their clothes and washed themselves with the rain. Wildlife falls asleep.Late, gloomy autumn has arrived. In late autumn, there are often cold drizzling rains, sometimes snow, or sleet, trees shed their last leaves, the grass has dried up, and the flowers have withered. The last birds fly south. Animals are preparing for winter, people put on warm clothes.

Physical education minute

The rain is knocking on our windows and inviting us to play.

A drop once a drop two. (Children perform jumps on two legs)

Very slowly at first, (Holding hands, children walk in a circle)

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run. (Walking in a circle with acceleration)

We opened our umbrellas, (We make a dome over our heads with our hands)

Sheltered herself from the rain. (Squat down)

Today I invite you to draw late autumn. What colors will you need for this - warm, bright or cold, gray?

Look at the painting depicting late autumn. What color is the sky? - What trees?

Examination of the sample.

What signs of autumn are depicted? (light snow, gloomy sky, no leaves on the trees).

Drawing techniques.

Now I will tell you how to get these soft colors. You have palettes on your tables; artists use these palettes to compose paints. And you, like real artists, will do this.

What kind of gouache do we need to mix to get gray paint? (add a drop of black to white gouache).

Yes, to get gray paint you need to add a little black paint to the white. If you are painting clouds, then take blue paint and add a little black and white paint to it, mix them on the palette. The color of leaves and grass in late autumn also lost its brightness - it is brown. Take green paint and add a little yellow and brown to it - you get a brown color.

So, first you need to create the right paint on the palette, and then draw with it on the sheet.

Have you noticed how “magically” the snow is depicted? How do you think we will paint snow? (using the “poke” method)

How will we draw trees? (with the tip of the brush).

Finger gymnastics.

To draw beautifully, you need to stretch your fingers.

One, two, three, four, five (Clench and unclench your fingers)

The rain went out for a walk in the forest, (The fingers of the left hand “walk” along the palm of the right)

The rain came out for a walk in the forest, (Fingers right hand“walk” along the palm of the left)

Oak, birch, maple, aspen, (Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)

Willow, poplar and rowan,

Think about your painting and get to work.

While drawing, the teacher pays attention to composition, color rendering, and accuracy in work.

After finishing drawing, the children choose their favorite drawings, and the works are displayed for viewing. Preschoolers tell what they drew. The teacher analyzes the children's activities.

Completed by the teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 17 "Kolobok" g.-k. Anapa Gamretskaya Anna Sergeevna

Program content:

  1. Introduce children to the painting by Issak Ilyich Levitan "Golden Autumn" .
  2. Strengthen the ability to draw using various non-traditional techniques (raw drawing, blowing, sponging, placing the image across the entire sheet.
  3. Cultivate an interest in the visual arts and the ability to see the beauty of nature.
  4. Develop creativity, imagination, and the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Technologies used: COR, health-saving.

Material and equipment:

Painting by I. Levitan "Golden Autumn" , sheets of tinted paper, gouache, palette, blowing tubes, napkins, foam sponge.

Progress of the lesson:

Look out the window. What time of year is it now? (autumn). Why?

What signs of autumn do you know?

Yes, it's autumn now. Almost all the leaves have fallen off. Today I went to kindergarten, the leaves rustled pleasantly under my feet. I wanted to pick up a leaf and bring it here. This leaf turned out to be not ordinary, but mysterious.

Listen to the riddle:

The ever darker face of nature:
The vegetable gardens have turned black
The forests are becoming bare,
Bird voices are silent,

The bear fell into hibernation
What month did he come to us?


That's right, this is the third month of autumn. What other autumn months do you know?

I. Introductory part.

Look at the board, what do you see here? These are reproductions of paintings. Which of these paintings depicts autumn? This painting by Issak Ilyich Levitan, which is called "Golden Autumn" . What do you see on it? (nature). There are other paintings here too.

Issak Ilyich Levitan, who painted this picture, was very fond of painting nature. He was a famous artist.

Tired? Let's take a little rest.

Physical exercise.

Imagine that we are in the autumn forest and walking along the paths. So we stopped and:

Hands raised and shook
These are trees in the forest.
Hands bent
The brushes were shaken

The wind blows away the dew
To the side of the hand
Let's wave smoothly
These are birds flying south.

We'll also show you how they sit down.
The wings were folded back.

II. Main part

Guys, imagine that you are all artists. If we are artists, what do we do? (paint) How? How can we draw?

What will help us? (our assistant is a tube) What can you draw with it? (trees). How? (this is a blowing technique).

Let's start drawing.

Independent work of children. Individual help for those who are not quite succeeding.

Look at your paintings, what did you get? What was the mood of the painting? It's very sad, isn't it? Why? (the trees stand without their elegant golden dresses). What are the trees' dresses made of? (leaves) Our magic sponge will help us with this. How? (technique – sponge painting)

III. Final part

What did we draw today? How? (technicians) Let's make a huge forest out of all your paintings. Bring all your work here. What a beautiful, magical, elegant autumn forest it turned out to be. All the trees in this forest are very beautiful. Do you like the autumn forest? (Yes) And I really like it! That's what good artists you are!