Fatal eggs analysis briefly. Unified State Exam. Literature. All topics in one work. Bulgakov M. A. “Fatal eggs. The main characters and their characteristics

The book is the greatest invention of mankind. Our century, the Age of Technology, has a serious competitor - television, but most people still prefer the book.

With the appearance of the book came criticism. If at first it was expressed only in conversations, then with the development of technology it took on printed form. With the development of printing, criticism began to reach the majority of readers, thereby exerting a huge influence on the author. These articles could raise the writer to the pinnacle of fame, or they could kill him. The most dangerous thing is when criticism depends on the political structure of the country, as it was with us. At the same time, humanity may lose, perhaps, works of genius that will never be written if a barrage of critical articles falls on the young author, thereby discouraging him from writing.

We recently studied M. Bulgakov’s work “Fatal Eggs”, so I want to talk about it...

At first glance, this is an ordinary fantasy story with many comic episodes. It is written easily and interestingly. Some critics called this creation of Bulgakov “trifle.” They believed that he wrote it in order to stretch his hand. But they are deeply mistaken. It is enough to delve into the book a little to understand that much more is hidden in it. deep meaning than it might seem at first. The problems that the author raises in this story are relevant to this day.

What is this work about? There are two main characters in the story - Professor Persikov and Rokk. Persikov is a scientist. His fields are zoology, embryology, anatomy, botany and geography. Everything that is outside these sciences does not seem to exist for him. He could say about himself: I am a scientist, and everything else is alien to me. The professor has many oddities, but they are all within the limits of plausibility. But then wild fantasy bursts into the narrative. Persikov opens a completely extraordinary beam, similar to a “red naked sword.” Under the influence of this ray, embryos develop with lightning speed. Sensational discovery is not only of theoretical interest - it promises a lot for the economy and livestock farming. The press immediately spreads this news around the world, although the research has not yet been completed.

And then among the professor’s visitors is Alexander Semyonovich Rokk. This is also a wonderful person, but in a completely different sense. He is a flutist by profession. “But the great year of 1917, which turned the careers of many people around, sent Alexander Semyonovich along a new path.” What he did next, having replaced the flute with a Mauser, is not said in detail. He was tossed around the country for a long time, doing things that had nothing to do with the flute. Now, in 1928, he headed the state farm. Having learned about the massive death of chickens, Rokk decides to revive them with the help of Persikov's beam.

Back in 1924, when this story was written, Bulgakov discerned the type of person we often encountered in subsequent years and in our own years. Today he manages livestock farming, and tomorrow he, having destroyed all the livestock from small to large horned animals, is thrown into art, but he is not lost, enthusiastically takes on another task unfamiliar to him: he gives instructions, teaches those who really master their profession.

There is a proverb: measure seven times and cut once. Rokk and others like him prefer to do the opposite: first they will cut seven times, and then create a commission to re-measure.

Before us is an ignorant man, typical representative bosses born of the Stalinist regime. Everything is wrong for him, everything requires reworking, all development needs acceleration, guidance from the outside. There is, for example, wheat. So this is not enough. He will invent a new variety - branchy wheat, in order to shame nature itself. And nothing, of course, works out. But he does not lose heart - the Kremlin and Stalin are on his side, and he is provided with powerful support from above. Persikov receives an official order: Give the camera with the beam to Rokku for a while.

By mistake, due to some bungling, chicken eggs, which Rokk ordered, go to Persikov, and those that the professor ordered - snake, ostrich, go to Rokk. And this adventurer, the “chicken breeder,” suddenly breeds a breed of giant, deadly snakes. Their disastrous invasion of Russia begins.

It is in people like Rock, in my opinion, that the drama of the problem raised by Bulgakov lies. People came to power who were incapable of doing serious things that were necessary for the country. They are out of place and trying to do something they don't understand. Therefore, everyone pays for a mistake made by one of these people. The author, in my opinion, expresses his attitude towards the established government in the episode with the cockroaches. When Persikov needed scientific experiments cockroaches, they “failed somewhere, showing their malicious attitude towards war communism.”

The ending of this story is also noteworthy. People, with all their most advanced weapons, could not stop the invasion of reptiles. And only nature, creating an eighteen-degree frost in mid-August, destroyed this evil spirits. I completely agree with what the writer wanted to say with these words. Man is not the most powerful creature on the planet, as was commonly believed then. And he still depends on nature.

But it's obvious that main idea This work was a desire to show the danger of the experiments being carried out. And everything that was happening around, which was called the construction of socialism, was perceived by Bulgakov as a huge scale and more than dangerous experiment. He continues this idea in his other works.

What else can you say about this story? Without a doubt, the criticism embodied by the author in this work hit the mark. The Rappovites, excited by this book, did not let Bulgakov out of their sight in the future. And all their reviews of his work were negative. There are two storylines in the story. The author simultaneously describes the events taking place both on the state farm and in the city.

The work is written in a simple and in clear language. And therefore, if someone wants to read it, he will not regret it.

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Reflections of M. Bulgakov in the story "Fatal Eggs"

To be a person, to have such a high status, means to feel responsible for your actions and not let go of the thoughts of the consequences. Mikhail Bulgakov created the dystopia “Fatal Eggs” in order to warn people against mistakes. The writer deftly alternates between fantastic work satire, irony and philosophical conclusions.

From the lines of the story it becomes clear that M. Bulgakov main theme defines responsibility. Persikov, intellectual, educated person, opens a “red ray”, which promotes the active reproduction of organisms, and their sizes reach gigantic ones. At the same time, the country is suffering a chicken pestilence that has destroyed all chickens. The government finds a solution to the problem in a zoologist's experiment and asks him for help. Bulgakov draws our attention to the fact that Persikov’s drugs end up in the hands of ignorant and short-sighted people, which entails catastrophic consequences. From this we can draw the following conclusions: you cannot get down to business thoughtlessly, much less interfere with human nature. Human nature is a substance that cannot be interfered with. Bulgakov dystopia satire philosophical

Such an invasion leads to death. The inexplicable phenomena in the story, mainly the eighteen-degree frost in mid-August, clearly make us understand that nature is much stronger than us, and neither the Red Army nor other troops will save humanity from its snares. The composition of the work itself is imbued with a paradoxical phenomenon. The heroes, following good intentions, wanted to do the best thing - raise chickens and provide food for the whole country, but it turned out the other way around. Rokk, into whose hands the professor's drugs fell, is only a bold experimenter.

He does not have the necessary knowledge that would serve as an achievement positive results, however, this does not stop him. The haste of the experiment and negative reviews from foreign countries turn out to be stronger, and the hero goes against nature. Because of his ignorance, monsters emerge from the eggs and destroy everything around him. The inability to establish them leads to the murder of the scientist. There is another one in the story storyline. Bulgakov parodicly repeats the path of the Napoleonic invasion. The snakes represent the French, who once attacked Moscow. The author in “Fatal Eggs” managed to display the time, the tones, and the pictures that were imprinted on the pages of history after the Napoleonic battles.

Bulgakov wants to draw our attention to the impossibility of changing the course of evolution. He shows that when planning the future, we have to live only in the present. People are building a “new ideal life”, being confident that it will be much better, but, unfortunately, they forget that a bright future cannot exist in the absence of sound thinking and meaningfulness of all consequences. Nature will not allow anyone to decide the destinies of people without the right to do so.

I want to sum it up with words accurately said by Silovan Ramishvili: “The most big mistake people do things when they imagine what they want to be a reality.” This statement perfectly reflects the essence of the story “Fatal Eggs”, because a person is endowed with a mind that should warn against such tragedies.

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We invite you to get acquainted with Bulgakov's story "Fatal Eggs". Summary This work, first published in 1925, is presented in this article.

58-year-old Professor Persikov was a great scientist, completely devoted to science. He lived alone in his apartment and conducted research in zoology, with a particular interest in amphibians. Persikov worked at a Moscow institute. The first chapter of the story "Fatal Eggs" tells about the life of the professor before his fateful discovery. It talks about what changed in the professor’s life after the revolution. At first, three out of five rooms were taken away from him, the institute fell into disrepair and even stopped heating, but after a while Yablochkov regained his living space, and the institute was renovated.

The action takes place in 1928, that is, in the near future, since the story itself was written in 1924. In April, the professor made an important discovery. He discovered that a red ray isolated from the spectrum promotes incredibly rapid reproduction of amoebas and the emergence of organisms with new properties. They become larger, more agile and aggressive. Persikov established that this ray can only be isolated from electric light; it is not isolated from solar light.

The professor and his assistant Ivanov ordered special lenses from abroad. Ivanov designed a camera that significantly increased the diameter of the beam. Experiments were carried out with frog eggs and amazing results were obtained - large frogs the size of a cat, reproducing very quickly. The professor gained fame in Moscow, everyone was talking about him. Soon a new camera was designed, even more powerful than the previous one.

In the summer of that year, an unexplained chicken disease began in the country, as a result of which all the chickens died. Persikov had to take a break from his experiments for a while and take up the chicken issue. He was also constantly distracted by journalists and various visitors, interfering with his work. Bulgakov describes with humor how the journalist annoyed him, how the professor was angry that he was not allowed to work.

One day, Alexander Semenovich Rokk, the head of the Red Ray state farm, came to him. Previously, he worked in an orchestra and played the flute, but after 1917 he left this activity. The Kremlin instructed him to raise chicken breeding in the country with the help of Professor Persikov's beam. Persikov was indignant, because he understood that Rokk did not understand anything about science and could do God knows what, especially since the properties of the beam had not yet been fully studied, and experiments had not been carried out on chickens at all. But the professor had nowhere to go - an order from the Kremlin. I had to agree. Persikov's cameras were taken away, leaving only the smallest one.

The professor ordered eggs from tropical animals from abroad, and Rokka was supposed to be sent chicken eggs to the state farm. But by mistake they were mixed up. As a result, instead of chickens, the eggs hatched into giant and very aggressive snakes, crocodiles and ostriches. They ate Rokka and all the inhabitants of the state farm, destroyed the entire Smolensk province, and then moved towards Moscow. Martial law was introduced in the capital. The Red Army, armed with gas, set out to fight the reptiles. Meanwhile, an angry crowd broke into the institute and killed Professor Persikov.

It is unknown how this story would have ended if not for the 18-degree frost that unexpectedly came to the capital at the end of August and lasted for two days. These two days were enough for all the giant creatures to die before they could reach the capital. It took a long time to clear the land of their corpses and eggs and restore the economy. But by the spring of 1929, the capital had returned to its former life. The professor's former assistant, private assistant professor Ivanov, tried to construct a new camera and isolate the red beam from the spectrum, but for some reason the beam did not stand out. Others were unable to obtain it either. Apparently, this required not only knowledge technical side, but also something else that only Professor Persikov had. This ends the story “Fatal Eggs” (summary).

“Fatal Eggs,” written, according to M. Gorky, “witty and deft,” was not simply, as it might seem, a caustic satire on Soviet society of the NEP era. Bulgakov is making an attempt here to make an artistic diagnosis of the consequences of the gigantic experiment that was carried out on the “progressive part of humanity.” In particular, we are talking about the unpredictability of the invasion of reason and science into the endless world of nature and human nature itself. But wasn’t that what the wise Valery Bryusov spoke about a little earlier than Bulgakov, in the poem “The Riddle of the Sphinx” (1922)?

The World Wars under microscopes silently tell us about other universes.

But we are between them - elk calves in the forest,
And it’s easier for thoughts to sit under the windows...
There's a guinea pig in the same cage,
The same experience with chickens, with reptiles...
But before Oedipus is the solution to the Sphinx,
Prime numbers are not all solved.

It is the experience “with chickens, with reptiles,” when, under a miraculous red ray accidentally discovered by Professor Persikov, instead of elephant-like broilers, giant reptiles come to life, allows Bulgakov to show where the road paved with the best intentions leads. In fact, the result of Professor Persikov’s discovery is (in the words of Andrei Platonov) only “damage to nature.” However, what kind of discovery is this?

“The red stripe, and then the entire disk, became crowded, and an inevitable struggle began. The newly born furiously attacked each other and tore them to shreds and swallowed them. Among those born lay the corpses of those killed in the struggle for existence. The best and strongest won. And these best ones were terrible. Firstly, they were approximately twice the volume common amoebas, and secondly, they were distinguished by some special malice and agility.”

The red ray discovered by Persikov is a certain symbol that is repeated many times, say, in the names of Soviet magazines and newspapers (“Red Light”, “Red Pepper”, “Red Magazine”, “Red Searchlight”, “Red Evening Moscow” and even organ of the GPU “Red Raven”), whose employees are eager to glorify the professor’s feat, in the name of the state farm, where the decisive experiment is to be carried out. Bulgakov simultaneously parodies here the teachings of Marxism, which, barely touching something living, immediately evokes in it the boiling of class struggle, “anger and playfulness.” The experiment was doomed from the beginning and burst due to the will of predestination, fate, which in the story was personified in the person of the communist devotee and director of the Red Ray state farm, Rokka. The Red Army must enter into mortal combat with the reptiles creeping towards Moscow.

“- Mother... mother... - rolled through the rows. Packs of cigarettes jumped in the illuminated night air, and white teeth bared at the stunned people from their horses. A dull and heart-stirring chant flowed through the rows:

...Neither ace, nor queen, nor jack,
We will beat the bastards without a doubt,
Four on the side - yours are not there...

The buzzing peals of “hurray” floated over all this mess, because a rumor spread that in front of the ranks on a horse, wearing the same crimson cap as all the riders, was riding the old and gray-haired commander of the cavalry who had become legendary 10 years ago.”

There is so much salt and hidden rage in this description, which certainly returns Bulgakov to painful memories of the lost Civil War and its winners! In passing he is an audacity unheard of in those conditions! - venomously mocks the holy of holies - the anthem of the world proletariat “The International”, with its “No one will give us deliverance, not God, not the king and not the hero...”. This story-pamphlet ends with the blow of a sudden frost in the middle of summer, which kills the reptiles, and the death of Professor Persikov, with whom the red ray is lost and extinguished forever.