The role of finance. Assignments for practical classes and independent student work Finance in our lives essay


What role does money play in a person's life? How dependent is a person on them? And what do you need to do to have a lot of money in order to provide yourself with everything you need in this life? Let's figure it out. You and I all know that the importance of money in our lives is enormous, and at the same time, the ability to earn money and manage it wisely is not really taught anywhere. This topic is not discussed at all in school, and in many financial and economic institutions they mainly teach theories that are very far from practice. Therefore, even a good economic education does not give a person a complete understanding of what money is and how it works. And this is understandable, because any specialists are trained primarily for hired labor, and not for managing money. Therefore, much of what we need for life is for us, and not for someone else - we need to teach ourselves. That's what we will do on this site.

So, what do we need to know about money? And we need to know a lot. Let's start with the fact that money needs to be managed, not just earned and spent. And in fact, they are all controlled by both the poor and the rich. Just rich people, if they are not thieves or bandits who know how to take money from other people, but not manage it, but more or less honest businessmen, manage money better than the poor. They know how to make profitable deals, as they say, getting maximum benefits from cooperation with other people. We must understand that money is a means to achieve goals, but not the goal itself. Therefore, it comes down to our understanding of what we will use to manage them. You start managing money from the moment you first touch it. And you touch them at the moment when you receive them from someone for something. This someone is the money manager. You can, as a child, ask your parents for money for ice cream, and thus, by controlling your parents with your request, you control money. Then, when you buy ice cream, you manage all those people who are involved in creating, storing, delivering and selling ice cream. People do things for you for money, you control them through money. That is, money becomes alive, it gains power when people do something for it. This is how you manage money. Truly rich people do not so much own money as they redirect it, using it to motivate people to work and appropriating the results of their labor. And this result of people’s labor, like true value, and there is real wealth. Printing the money itself is not a problem - the problem is getting benefits from it.

Well, most of us, friends, being in our places, act based on our capabilities. You and I are forced to play the game of money offered to us, according to the rules imposed on us, being unable to play our own game, according to our own rules. But at the same time, understanding the essence of how money works cannot be useless, and the most important benefit of what I am writing to you about here lies in the value system that you will profess. What role does money play in your life, what does it mean to you, and what are you willing to do for it? These are very important questions that each of you should ask yourself. If you switch your attention from money to ways to get it, your life will change for the better, and if you also think about yourself as a means of managing money, you will achieve a lot. After all, while you think that you depend on money, you are controlled by money, whereas in reality it depends on you and it is you who must manage it, managing first of all yourself. It depends on you how you will earn money, whether you will carry sleepers and crush stones for it, or whether you will sit in a bright, comfortable, spacious, air-conditioned office and manage the flow of money, directing a certain part of it into your pocket. Do you agree with me that it is up to you? I hope you agree. So think about taking advantage of the opportunities available to you. Think about what else you can do for people so that they will pay you, and what you can do with yourself to be able to do many things.

The importance of money

Money is important. And we know it. But at the same time, we all have different attitudes towards them. Some people are ready to do anything for the sake of money, while for others, money is far from the first place in life. And yet such people do not live in poverty. Why is this so? It's very simple - the importance of money is determined by two things: the need for it and the ability to get it. If I know that thanks to my skills I will never be left without money, no matter what I have to do in life, I do not exalt money, I do not make it the center of my life, I do not worship it. Why should I do this if I know that I can always earn them, why should I be afraid? On the other hand, if a person is nothing of himself or thinks that he is nothing of himself and does not know how to make money, for him it will be of great importance, because it is not he who makes it, but they who make it. As a result, what we are seeing today is people’s struggle for their lives, both literally and figuratively. That is, people need money to survive and to develop as individuals.

And in the same way, if a person does not know how to manage money, he constantly feels the need for it, which means that it is a deficit for him, which in turn makes it a vital resource for him. And in order to manage money, as I said above, you need to be able to manage resources, including human resources, including yourself. And in order to manage resources, you need to have the appropriate knowledge, including more extensive knowledge about money, which I give you on this site. A person who does not have an understanding of what money is cannot find the right place for it in his life and the right use. Well, yes, money is a means by which you can get a lot of what you want, but how does this tool work and what does it take to ensure that money is not a problem for you? Few people understand this. How can we understand this? Look at those who already have a lot of money and analyze these people. Study them in detail. Find out more about them and then compare their qualities with your qualities and you will see the difference between you and them. This will allow you to improve yourself as needed. in the right places to become stronger. And in this world, as you know, it’s the strong people who get it.

In general, as you can see, I suggest you learn how to make fishing rods and catch fish with them, and not bother yourself with already caught fish, that is, with money. You need to be able to look beyond the boundaries where the power of money over a person ends and the power of a person over money begins. Don't think about the goal, think about the means to achieve it, then you will find huge amount these funds. You can make money by unloading a wagon of cement, but that's not what you need, is it? The importance of money to you is determined not only by having it, but also by how you earn it. Otherwise, you would not disdain any work. You need money, not the kind of money that makes your whole body ache. Therefore, studying the means to achieve goals, that is, ways to make money, is very important. But with all this, people care about money much more than how to earn it and how to manage it. Offer them knowledge about money and the money itself to choose from, and the majority will prefer the latter, being confident that the choice in favor of money is as reasonable as possible. Moreover, for some people the importance of money is so high that they are ready to ruin their health and risk their lives for it. You, I'm sure, are not like that. You will never value money above your health and especially your life. Therefore, I repeat - work on what leads to money, that is, on yourself first of all, and also learn to manage resources, including human resources. And you will have tons of money.

In my opinion, I write about things that are so obvious that it’s somehow embarrassing to write about them. But by God, people don’t understand a damn thing about them, because I see how easily and simply they are controlled with the help of money, turning them into obedient and weak-willed puppets who are ready to sell their own mother for money. But the money is often not worth it. Pay attention to the happiness that follows money - how long-lasting and real is it if money came to a person by chance? She is fleeting. Give most people a lot of money, a million or ten million, and after they spend it all, their lives will only become more miserable. The whole point is that this is a very narrow, very limited life. People don't notice much in their lives and don't know how to enjoy what they have if they constantly think only about money. At the same time, the most offensive thing about this is that they often don’t have enough money themselves. And now you know why. Because you don’t need to think about money, but about what leads to it.

Money and mind

I like it when I have money, especially when there is a lot of it. But what I like even more is improving the methods of their extraction. And I hate it when money comes to me too easily, because I know that it relaxes me. I am absolutely convinced that this is a real evil, the same as, say, the oil curse. When a person has money, a lot of money, he spends it, practically without thinking about how competently and effectively he does it. But when he doesn’t have them, he either works like a horse for them, if he doesn’t have a mind, or thinks about how to get them, if he does have a mind. That is, in the first case, the process is thoughtless, often instinctive, and does not involve your mind. Moreover, even when buying human power, you do not think about the possibility of doing it without money - you are not looking for an opportunity to get from people what you need without money. Which means you don't think. What do you think is in to a greater extent contributes to your mental development? Spending money or looking for ways to get it? Answer this question for yourself, because in the end, such obvious things should be understood more by people on their own than explained to them by someone else.

Money and reason, although not always, but often, are mutually exclusive. Try, for example, to create a business without initial capital, but only thanks to your qualities. A difficult task? But it’s doable, isn’t it? As they tell you and me - in order to make money you need money? No matter how it is. This attitude turns off your brain. But if you ask yourself the question - how to create a business without money, that is, from scratch, your brain will turn on and solve this problem. So in order to make money, you always needed brains, not money. And I can say with unlimited confidence that money plays exactly the same role in a person’s life as resources such as food, water, air. We need them, but you and I don’t constantly think about food, water, air - our views on life are much broader. Therefore, we do not get food in the forest or draw drinking water from the river, but we develop ourselves - we make ourselves specialists in order to earn money and use it to buy food and water for ourselves, so as not to think about it. It's the same with money - we use our minds to learn the most beneficial ways make money. And having earned money, we must learn to manage it wisely, so as not to just spend it, but to invest it in things that are beneficial to us, from our health to various assets. In general, this is an art, and it is mastered from the moment you start spending your first money.

A person can invest a hundred rubles profitably, or he can waste a million if he doesn’t know how to manage money competently. Money can be your strength, or it can take you away. vitality. After all, money is an idea, and an idea can be creative or destructive. Moreover, it doesn’t matter how you earn it, whether you work for your uncle or work for yourself, money always needs to be handled competently. Business can be called a smarter way of life if it doesn't take up all your time. True, there is an even smarter way of life - this is power, true power. But hired work is often a very difficult test for a person. But that's not the point - the point is where the money you earn goes. If you make the wrong decisions and invest money in dubious pleasures and entertainment, thus stimulating your weaknesses, you are a typical consumer who, as in the movie “The Matrix,” is just a battery for the system. But if you are directed to strengthen and develop yourself, you are, let’s say, more reasonable person, who is sure to achieve more impressive success than all other human consumers.

In this game of money, there will always be winners and losers, no matter how you look at it. But that’s not what’s important, what’s important is who you will be. And you will be what you make yourself. If you make yourself the master of money, with the help of proper self-development, which involves studying important things for life, such as managing people, managing money, and other resources, your life will be wonderful. And if you make yourself a slave of money, who is ready to do any work just to get money, you will carry out other people’s orders all your life and experience need. Well, as a rule. So money in a person’s life is what he makes it.

The role of finance in the economic life of modern society can hardly be overestimated. Finance:

Ensure the circulation of material resources, goods, services and thereby the continuity of the process of reproduction of production and life of society at both the macro and micro levels

Ensure the progressive development of the national economy of the state, in particular the creation. GDP, formation of centralized state funds

Ensure the redistribution of national income through the budget and through other centralized funds to ensure the livelihoods of low-income groups of the population, the state's purchase of public goods and services (indivisible goods) of defense, educational, environmental, scientific and research nature, etc.

Carry out the distribution and redistribution of primary and secondary income between industries, regions, social strata of the population, individual legal and individuals in favor of those that are economically more efficient.

Take an active part in support production process, providing it with the necessary components at each stage, monitoring effective use resources, labor

Provide the opportunity to implement various types effective economic activity through the mobilization of monetary resources as a result of the use of financial instruments (for example, the issue of securities) and ensure the optimal distribution of mobilized resources.

Allows you to provide an effective owner of production assets by crushing production assets and their “smooth” flow from one owner (owners) to another

They form a system of financial indicators that play the role of indicators of the state and development of economic and social spheres society and help determine the "health" of the economy

Provide the ability to verify compliance with legislation on financial matters, timeliness and completeness of fulfillment of financial obligations to the budget, tax authorities, banks, as well as ensuring regular mutual settlements for business structures.

Assignments for practical classes and independent student work

Subjects of scientific works:

1. Finance as a science, the objective necessity of finance

2. Public library

| name. Lesya Ukrainskaya, Kiev

2. Interrelation of concepts: finance and money, finance and prices, finance and wages, finance and credit

3. Human life as a social chain of financial relations

4. What indicator is a criterion of the living standard of the population?

5. The role of financial instruments in enhancing market transformations

. Test No. 1

Originally the term meant:

a) tax payments;

b) obligatory payment of a citizen to the ruler of the country;

c) economic relations;

d) financial funds

. Test No. 2

The formation of flows of material resources in the national economy must necessarily be carried out:

a) the emergence of social relations;

b) formation of labor resource flows;

c) opposite directional movement cash;

d) increase in expenses for social protection population

. Test No. 3

State centralized and decentralized funds are created in the form of:

a) budgets of different levels and trust funds;

b) trust funds and enterprise funds;

c) state and local budgets;

d) state budget, local budgets and enterprise funds . Test No. 4

The "distributive concept" of finance does not take into account:

a) rules of financial law;

b) cash flow factor over time;

c) economic relations between financial entities;

d) economic relations at the micro level

. Test No. 5

Households offer on the resource market:

a) financial resources;

b) goods and services;

c) manufactured products;

d) material, intellectual, labor resources

. Test No. 6

Financial intermediaries do not include:

a) insurance companies;

b) households;

c) commercial banks;

d) investment companies

. Test No. 7

The essence of the distribution function of finance is that finance is a tool:

a) distribution of economic risks between business entities;

b) distributions. GDP and national wealth;

c) distribution of limited material resources;

d) distribution of social benefits among vulnerable segments of the population

. Test No. 8

Checking compliance with legislation on financial issues, the feasibility of expenses and the economic efficiency of the entity economic activity belongs. software) control function of finance;

b) distribution function of finance;

c) organizational function of finance;

d) the regulatory function of finance

. Test No. 9

At the level of business entities the following is not created:

a) reserve fund;

b) sinking fund;

c) pension fund;

d) dividend payment fund

. Test No. 10

A subject of the financial sector is not:

b) population;

c) centralized funds of financial resources;

d) enterprises

IV. The following statements are true or false:

1. Lending is the provision of funds on the principles of payment, urgency, security and focus

2. Financing is the provision of funds on a non-repayable basis

3. Finance is a broader concept than wages

4. The difference between credit and finance is what is distributed with the help of finance. GDP, and the loan is valid only at the stage of redistribution of temporarily available funds

5. A company's finances are its cash.

6. A company can be financially stable and have little funds in its current account

7. The company that takes out the loan is financially unstable

8. There may be such a situation at an enterprise: there is no money in the bank account, but there is profit

9. In a crisis financial situation in the country's economy, the object of finance is. GDP

10. Competition between producers contributes to the increase in financial resources

People have always wondered what the role of money in human life? For some, money simply provides comfort in life and makes it possible to buy goods for life, others see it as an opportunity to fulfill their dream, and still others perceive it as...

Every person has everyday needs. Everyone wants to eat delicious food, buy fashionable things, and have functional and beautiful household items. In a word, all people strive for homeliness and comfort. And for comfort in everyday life you need money. To different people quite different amounts, but the value of money at this level is undeniable.

Often people have a certain dream. For example, a tour to an exotic country, a trip to places of interest abroad, a romantic cruise in the Mediterranean Sea, and so on. This can all be done through money. People usually start thinking about such things if they have already achieved comfort in life and are confident in the future.

It also happens that it is not enough for a person to fulfill his dreams, he wants to “make others happy”, strangers. Such people decide to open their own business, thus creating new jobs.

For the business organizer himself, money becomes not just a means to achieve a dream or home comfort, it is now a means of influencing people and their needs. And this is the right idea for business - responsibility to other people.

Money also has another meaning - taxes. All citizens of the country pay taxes, they can do this both directly and indirectly. Direct taxes are deducted from profits or income. As for indirect ones, to put it briefly, a small part of every ruble spent goes to the treasury.

Money collected tax services, are sent to budgets of different levels. These funds are spent on various needs: road construction, salaries for public sector employees, pension payments, benefits, etc.

In this case, money is the most important component of the existence of many institutions and institutions of the state. like this the role of money in human life can be called social.

Separately, we need to consider the state budget. This huge “piggy bank” collects taxes from every employed person living in this state. This money is used to finance an important component of the country - the army. That is, another role of money can be called the protection of the state and its citizens. Although, of course, this role is very connected with the politics of the people who are in power.

Thus, for ordinary people, money is just a means by which they can get the goods or services they need. But on the other hand, money at a higher level determines the security of people and their way of life. But this is exactly how they will work only in a strong state capable of protecting its own interests and the interests of business and citizens.

That is, money is not just paper, but a kind of idea that the state supports through its efforts. Just as blood circulates through the arteries and veins of a person, so money passes from one hand to another, and the “heart” in this system is the state.

Do you think money plays an important place in our lives, my dear reader?

Sincerely, Mikhail Arslanov's team

Many people think about the role of money in life. modern man and the question: is it possible to be happy with a small income? A modern person cannot deny himself the pleasures that life offers. Everyone wants to dress well, eat well, live in a nice apartment and drive a nice car.

Many guardians of morality, repeating the hackneyed truth that money does not buy happiness, are somewhat disingenuous.

It is surprising that this position is especially zealously defended by those who or from whom:

  • The salary is not lower than 70,000 rubles/month, and they do not agree to anything less.
  • Believes that they need an enormous amount of money for very important matters, the feasibility and usefulness of which is a big question mark.
  • We are sure that other people can get by with little or are worthy of much more modest means than them. An extremely idiotic attitude, which at one time greatly flourished in society, and now, fortunately, has weakened the grip of human brains - the opinion that someone is obliged to do something for free, while it is not even necessary to say “thank you”.
  • They have a bunch of movable and immovable property, they fatten, get high, having fun with money earned in dubious ways. Such people (if they can be called people) have gotten it into their heads that only they are the navel of the earth, worthy of living well, and the rest are people from a “lower” society. So they tell people from the “lower” society that happiness does not lie in material goods, although they themselves cannot imagine their happiness and their life without these goods.
  • Deeply religious people.

This article will not be about the above categories of citizens. Here are some discussions about the importance of money in modern society and for an individual in the context of vital necessity. It is told that there is money for the average person, what opportunities it gives and how you can manage it rationally. So.

Money. What is known about them?

The history of money begins before our era, during the heyday of great civilizations. Previously people they simply exchanged the necessary things according to the principle “you - for me, I - for you,” but then banknotes appeared, for a certain amount of which one could become the owner of the desired thing.

Money is a system of measures designed to establish the material, moral or intellectual (scientific) value of something or someone. Nowadays you can become the owner of anything for money: everything is sold and everything can be bought. Whether this is good or bad, we cannot say for sure. On the one hand, remembering the recent Soviet past, it is clear: people lived by communist principles and fought for the idea, believed that socialism would destroy evil on Earth, that everyone should have an equal share of everything, etc. Yes, under the Soviet economic system it was permissible and even necessary to think like this and propagate these dogmas in society.

But times have changed: communism has been replaced by market, and sometimes gangster capitalism (unfortunately). There is no money here, as they say, neither here nor there. It’s just that the problem with society now is that there is a huge gap (and even an abyss) between the rich and the poor. There is a middle class, but it is small. Either insanely rich or broke. Two extremes. It shouldn't be this way. When all people will be able to live with dignity, but without excesses, and officials will stop stealing - this is a philosophical and rhetorical question.

The meaning of money for a modern person

Some people find it very difficult to prove that money and moral qualities compatible. It all depends on upbringing and on the values ​​that were instilled in a person, as well as on hard work and perseverance. If a person has earned money through many years of hard work and was able to acquire some material goods, there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, it is wonderful that a citizen achieves everything on his own and does not expect help from anyone, including the state. But human envy is a bad and unprofitable thing.

Money is given to a person:

  1. Prosperity: you can buy everything you need and want.
  2. Independence: acquire and do what you want.
  3. Opportunities: live within your means, allowing yourself a little or a lot more.
  4. Status: certain money allows you to purchase and do certain things, enter certain circles.
  5. Confidence: there are all sorts of situations and difficulties in life, but 95% of them can be solved with money.
  6. Freedom: choice, desires, aspirations.

Moral values ​​have been and will remain so, but it is better when you have something to buy food, an apartment, clothes, medicine, than to be hungry, homeless, naked and without vital treatment. Worthy and smart person money can provide the opportunity for self-realization and self-improvement, opportunities for development and self-affirmation (in in a good way). You can engage in charity work, sports, or purchase equipment and consumables for your hobby. For example, according to the most conservative estimates, starting skiing for one person costs 10,000 Russian rubles: this includes the skis themselves, poles for them, bindings, ski boots, i.e. the most necessary equipment. If an employee has a salary of 20,000 rubles, then it is unlikely that he will give half of it to a sporting goods store for the sake of his desire to be a skier. So the poor guy only has to dream about skiing, sighing heavily at night and feeling inferior.

It is clear that the question of a salary of 20 thousand should rather be asked to politicians than ordinary people, but only with such a sad example about skiing does one understand the need for money (and, preferably, not very little) in life.

And how many marriages have broken up due to lack of money! For example, a family has nowhere to live. If it is not possible to buy a separate apartment and you have to live with your parents, many conflict situations can arise and be provoked: both between spouses and between parents and spouses. So, love is good, but you must have a financial basis before starting a family.

Spending money wisely

Rationality and prosperity are different concepts for everyone. For some, 500,000 a month is not enough, while others manage to live on 30,000 and save for something they want. However, there are general principles for the rational use of monetary benefits:

  • Clearly understand how much money you need for basic necessities. Such items include food, rent, travel expenses, medicines, tuition fees (if any);
  • How much money can you spend on your favorite activity?
  • How much is it possible to save per month for the thing you want (when you need to save and can’t buy something right away).

You can end the article with the phrase with which it began: “Money doesn’t buy happiness.” Only with the obligatory continuation: “but with them it’s somehow easier to realize that happiness is not in them.” Money will not bring 100% happiness, but it can make a person a little happier.

Svyazinskaya Daria. Chicherova Anastasia

I bring to your attention an ESSAY from 8th grade students. These works were submitted to the city competition for students "Basics of Financial Literacy", which was dedicated to "Financier's Day" and was held with the aim of increasing financial literacy among students. The works took prizes.




Municipal Educational Institution

"Average secondary school No. 12 Magnitogorsk"

Work for a city competition for students
"Basics of financial literacy"

ESSAY on the topic: “The importance of financial literacy for a modern person.”

Completed by: Anastasia Chicherova

8th grade student

Head: Guseva Anna Vladimirovna

History and Social Studies Teacher


2012-2013 academic year Year

Over the course of a person’s entire life, a huge flow of money passes through a person’s hands, which must be controlled in order to be prosperous in all respects. The most important factor for well-being and success in life is financial literacy.

Financial literacy can be defined as follows: the ability to make informed decisions and take effective actions in areas related to financial management to realize life goals and plans at the current moment and future periods.

Finance, in my opinion, is a complex area that includes the ability to make decisions about spending and saving, choosing appropriate financial instruments to increase one’s own funds, planning a budget, accumulating funds for future goals, for example, obtaining an education or ensuring life in old age .

Having studied data on the personal financial literacy of the Russian population on the Internet, conducted in 2011, I can conclude that only 48% of graduating class students in Russian schools can correctly answer questions assessing the level of financial literacy.

Survey results in 2010 showed that 57% of Russian adults have no general understanding of financial instruments, and 42% of Russian parents never discuss financial matters with your children.

Such indicators can be defined as low. To fully participate in the global economy, people must have access to financial services and understand how to use them.

The world of finance today is more complex than ever before. A person who does not understand these issues will not be able to understand what financial and economic opportunities are best choice for him personally. Therefore, I believe that financial literacy must be taught from childhood. But not all parents can help their children in this matter, since they themselves do not always have a sufficient level of knowledge and skills in the field of financial management.

Individual social studies lessons in the “Economics” section, of course, cannot reveal the features of the financial sector as deeply as is necessary for a modern person.

I think schools need to introduce more practical classes with the involvement of partners representing the state and business, banking and financial organizations who could tell from their own experience about the features of the financial system and their own financial success.

I would like such classes to be introduced in schools from grades 1-2. And they were aimed at developing useful skills in handling money in the following areas: income, expenses, savings and increase. As a result of the classes, I would really like to understand the connection between money and sources of income, which makes it possible to further form an idea of ​​​​the possibilities of professional choice, including entrepreneurial activity. It seems to me that the earlier children learn about the role of money in private, family and social life, the earlier healthy financial habits can be formed.

Mastering financial literacy takes time. Formation good habits, in the field of finance starting from an early age, will help you avoid many mistakes as you grow older and gain financial independence in adulthood.

Economic education is the key to prosperity. I am confident that knowledge in the financial sector acquired at the stage of personality formation opens up excellent prospects, helping young people become more purposeful and responsible adults who can make an important contribution to the organization where they work or open their own business and successfully run a business, contributing to the prosperity of their own state and the world economy as a whole.