The role of art in human life: what the world of beauty has in store for us. Essay on the topic: The role of art in my life Revelation on the topic of the art of my life

Level B. Art.

Art in my live

Everyone can do what he wants. We learn, work, walk the streets, go to the seaside. This routine will sooner or later get tired.

So you will need to find a way out. Someone finds a solution in alcohol, in drugs. Someone begins to make friends with the wrong people. And it's not that we're bad. Just a man can't live in constant motion. We need a rest, when our soul can be charged with new energy.

I think that this energy is the art. It is possible to find such a depth of knowledge that will change your whole world.

First I want to talk about what art is. There are many definitions of art. What are the main approaches to the understanding of this phenomenon. First, the art - it is a specific kind of spiritual reflection and understanding of reality. For many years, researchers art further added: "aiming at the formation and development of the human ability to creatively transform the world and itself under the laws of beauty."

I know that it is quite difficult words. Especially if you"ve never really thought about it. But it"s really important. So I will try to explain.

It should be noted that the mere existence of purpose in art is controversial, and the concept of beauty - a relative, as the standard of beauty can change in different cultural traditions, approved by the triumph of the ugly like in modernism and postmodernism or even completely denied like in the art of the absurd.

Secondly, art - this is an important part of culture. It carries a set of values. Studying art, we study how changing the value of man throughout history. I captures even the thought of how many passes the art.

Third, the art can act as a guide. I mean that man always needs ideally. In religion there is an ideal - God. Man must act and think like God. And art leads us along a certain path. The amazing thing is that everyone has their way. Looking at a painting, we see different things.

Fourth, in the art man can reach their full potential. Among us there are people whose hearts are imbued with special powers. They can transmit strong feelings using paint or camcorder.

If you try to succinctly define what art is, we can say that this "image" - the image of the world and man, recycled in the artist's mind and expressed them in the sounds, colors, forms. In artistic images reflected not only the reality, but also attitude, outlook cultural epochs.

There are many kinds of art. But I want to talk about those kinds that really touched my heart. This painting, sculpture, photo, architecture, theater, opera, ballet, literature and cinema. Each of them can powerfully influence people.

Painting - visual art associated with the transmission of visual images by applying paint to the surface of a solid or flexible. Painting for many years to surprise people. She passed not only the history and memory, but also feelings, emotions, grief and happiness.

I like to feel not only painting, but also to study it. I learned a lot of new and interesting facts. Did you know that scientists studying many paintings, written in different centuries, came to the conclusion that the portions of food for most of these paintings grow invariably. People have become more and more - a fact about which so much talk lately, decided to prove scientifically Vensin brothers. One of the brothers - Brion - Cornell University professor and director of the Institute of Nutrition. And the second - Greg - Professor University of Virginia religious teachings. The results of their study were placed in the May issue of "International Journal of completeness".

Vensin brothers decided to study one of the most famous paintings dedicated to the meal - the Last Supper. For this purpose, they took more than 50 paintings, written from 1000 to 1800. Among the studied paintings were masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, El Greco and others. As a result, scientists have come to the conclusion that the main dish for the period increased by 69%, the size of cookware - by 66% and the amount absorbed by the bread - by 23%.

Somebody could say that it is not important, but I think that even the little things help us to develop thinking.

Sculpture - is a certain kind of visual art, in this form of art works of the author obtained the usual form, and are made of different plastic or solid material.

When it comes to sculpture, we remember the Greek statue or a wonderful image of King David. But I would like to say about the Statue of Liberty. She is one of the most famous sculptures in the United States, is a gift of the French people to the centennial of the Declaration of Independence in 1876. It was conceived in 1865. It was assumed that the statue had to remind about the support of the American and the French nation to each other during the French Revolution and the War of Independence. Apparently guided by this noble idea, donors have decided that enough Americans just statues, and offered them to build their own pedestal for her.

Author of the sculpture became Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. However, the most remarkable in the Statue of Liberty is not its artistic value, and its constructive solution - a truly revolutionary for those days, authored by Gustave Eiffel (Eiffel Tower, the future creator). He first brought the 46-meter statue on the steel frame to which the gain trim of 300 copper sheets.

They do not have much money so the sculpture was brought to America only in 1885. Official opening of the Statue of Liberty took place October 28, 1886. So late for the anniversary gift as much as 10 years.

Photo - completely independent kind of figurative art of modern technical arts (photography, cinema, television). Note - the technical skill. Photo formed its own special language you want to learn to understand. This language is constantly improved since the inception of photography. He acquired imagery, and the photograph itself was not the image of something indifferent, and gained the position of art has the same functions that are inherent in any other of its kind.

Photo often scared me. If you look at the famous pictures, you will notice that there are very often removed terrible things. When we see a picture of a sick child, we experience it through.

I was particularly struck by the photograph - Famine in Sudan. Author - Kevin Carter - Pulittserskuyu received the award in 1994 for his work. The card shows a Sudanese girl, bent from hunger. Soon she will die, and a large condor in the background ready for it. Picture shocked the whole civilized world. On the origin of girls unknown to anyone, including the photographer. He made the shot, chased the predator and looked like a child leaves. Kevin Carter was a member of a group of photographers "Bang Bang Club" - four fearless photojournalists traveling to Africa in search of fotosensatsy. Two months after receiving the award, Carter committed suicide. Perhaps haunted by horrific memories of what he saw in Sudan.

Another photo that struck me - Omar torment. November 13, 1985. Volcanic eruption of Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia). Mountain snow melts, and the mass of mud, earth and water thickness of 50 meters literally razed everything in its path. The number of dead has exceeded 23,000 people. Catastrophe received a tremendous response worldwide, partly because of a little girl photographs, named Omaira Sanchaz. She was trapped - neck in the world, her legs were trapped in the concrete construction of the house. Rescuers were trying to pump mud and release the child, but in vain. Girl held for three days, and then infected by several viruses. Recalls journalist Christina Echandia, near all the time, Omaira sang and talked with others. She was scared and she was constantly thirsty, but kept very brave. On the third night she started hallucinating. The photo was taken a few hours before death. Photographer - Frank Fournier.

Next I want to talk about architecture. I am surprised at what people masterpieces built hundreds of years ago. Now our house like the same boxes. Previously, people did not have good technique, but they worked wonders.

Interesting fact of world architecture can be considered a case occurred in 1693 in Sicily. It was a natural disaster, an earthquake in the case, brought a new and unique sound of the Baroque style. Many Sicilian palaces, cities and temples were destroyed due to the eruption of Mount Etna. And before the problem appeared architectural masters make changes in their appearance.

Another striking example is the all-famous Eiffel Tower. The basis of this architectural structure, the structure was made of human bones. This architectural solution occurred to masters after Professor von Mayer discovered that the femoral head is covered with small stones related to the network and placed in strict geometrical order, it was in the mid-nineteenth century. That particular arrangement of small bones of the femur does not break under the weight of the human body. Twenty years later, this femur has grown into one of the masterpieces of world architecture. The first creation of the tower was destined for the World Exhibition in Paris, and it was to serve as an easy entrance arch, and then had to be completely dismantled. But someone suggested that the giant steel structure may well serve as a very powerful radio antenna and tower were not dismantled.

Guide Maupassant, the famous French writer, all his life hated this steel structure, although every day and had dinner in the restaurant of the tower. This habit as he explained, due to the fact that it was the only place where it was not visible most of the Eiffel Tower.
Another piece of architecture - it "s Leaning Tower, popularly known as the incident. In fact not drop tower, the tilt angle is four degrees, but is not as effective. The most efficient angle of the world record holder has ten-tower in the city Seychzhun in China. The tilt angle reaches twelve degrees. However, under such circumstances, no matter what the world cataclysms it continues to stay.

Also want to talk about theater. This place is often surprise me. In the theater, you can see a lot of amazing things. Actors show different images. While watching we can experience new sensations.

Play in the theater, I think, is much more complicated than in the movies. Because in all the movies you can always reshoot. In the theater, people play to the audience. This proximity helps to feel pain, suffering, joy and happiness. I get pleasure from watching theater acts.

I was surprised to learn that in the U.S. state of Virginia has a unique theater. To enter it, you must pay any food. But Croatia is the oldest public European theater.

But most of all I like the antique theater. I love to read about it. From books I learned a lot of interesting facts. For example, in the Greek theater was a special post - rabduh, whose job was to peel stick on the mainline especially the raging crowd. In one of the theaters of Ionia was a special series for the one-armed warriors. Before them planted a number of bald slaves, banging his bald head which first could applaud.

Imagine that the ancient Greek playwright Phryne once presented in the theater his play "The Capture of Miletus" - about the destruction of the Greek city of Persians. She was so upset viewers that the whole theater burst into tears; punishment awarded poet authorities fined a thousand drachmas and banned staging his plays.

In classical times Athens view of stage tragedy was compulsory for all residents of Athens, except for slaves. So, the representation of the whole city going. Poor pay compensation for unearned money at this time. When the person in charge of productions, began to charge an entrance fee, the government in Athens is also beginning to pay the money to citizens. But on staging comedies respectable women were not allowed, except that hetaera could be in the theater on the idea of ​​comic works.

All roles in the Greek theater performed by men. Female actress appeared later, they were all girls of easy virtue.

Greek playwrights present their tragedy on stage, competing with each other. The winning playwright received as a reward a wreath of ivy. The winning horeg (sponsor of the production) could put a monument that has never been done from life and stating the name and horeg, and the name of the playwright.

About the theater a lot to say. It "s an amazing world. The theater has passed the hard way. Each century left its mark on his life. I think that is a very special feeling - experience the fate of other people on stage.

Another kind of art is the opera. Here the focus is on an amazing voice. Many people say they do not like opera. But it is worth to come once and you will not be able to come off. I love when the heart beats very fast. It talks about the power of words and voices.
My favorite opera singer is Montserrat Caballe. This is just a very nice woman. She was born April 12, 1933 in Barcelona (Spain). For 12 years, she studied at the Conservatory - Lyceum of Barcelona, ​​??where she graduated with honors in 1954.

Real success and international fame came to the singer in 1965 after a speech in New York in the "Carnegie Hall." She sang the title role in Donizetti's opera "Lucrezia Borgia" when replacing the ailing singer Marilyn Horne. Rich and surprisingly beautiful voice Caballe opened her way to the stage the best opera houses in the world. Since then, she has toured extensively, including often in Russia.

Caballe life has always been filled with music, but there were creative difficulties. In 1992, the singer refused to vote because of heightened disease caused by the tumor. She temporarily stopped singing in opera and performed in concerts only. After a course of treatment, in January 2002 Caballe again triumphant success at home in the opera house "Liceu" in Barcelona in the Saint-Saens opera "Henry the Eighth."

Caballe, recognized as the best soprano in the world of our time, has received numerous international awards and decorations. Voice of Montserrat became a legend, it has beauty and extraordinary power, which no one has yet surpassed. She opened the world of opera to the younger generation, as well as Spanish songs tsartsuely and international audience. A lot of people Caballe called "singer with a heart of gold" because she gives a lot of time and effort to charity and community activities. It holds charity events and concerts, the proceeds of which go to the fight against AIDS, help gifted children with disabilities, etc. She is also a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador.

Literature also became my friend. Books open a new world. When you read a novel or a fairy tale story, you begin to experience all the sensations of the protagonist.

My favorite book is "Harry Potter". This is an amazing story of courage and friendship. I can read this book every day. Author - Joanne Rowling. This woman tells children stories every day. One day she came up with a new story about a boy who has to fight against evil. Her genre work - Fiction. The world that she created is a world of magic and witchcraft.

Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels. Each story tells of the adventures of Harry Potter and his best friends - Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. They are the students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The main objective of friends - Lord Voldemort's defeat. This is a terrible wizard who caused much suffering to the wizarding world. It was he who killed Harry's parents. At school, Harry learns a lot. He learns, plays kvidich, falls in love.

This book may seem like a fairy tale. But really - it "s a serious story about the importance of making the right choice. Harry could enjoy the glory. He could be friends with the richest people. But he looked at people"s hearts. Harry many times was on the verge of death.

As a result, friends defeated the evil. They proved that dedication and love - this is the strongest weapon. Each chapter of the book is breathtaking. I am sure that any adult can find this book helpful. Because the most important things of our lives are actually very simple.

Harry Potter - it's an example of what happiness is not about money or success. Only native people can make you happy.
Millions of people have got this book. It is considered one of the most popular in the world. I think that all these people are not wrong in choosing books for reading.

And in the end I want to tell you about the movie. This kind of art appeared not so long ago. But the movie captured the hearts of many people. Everyone has a favorite movie. I most respect the movie "Schindler's List".

It can safely be called a masterpiece of world cinema. Steven Spielberg, and it was he who was the director of the picture, was able to reproduce our eyes with one of the most tragic pages in the history of mankind - the Holocaust.

While watching the game I was struck unsurpassed by Liam Neeson, who served as Schindler. Also, do not leave unattended Ben Kingsley. The man was shot in the 195 films, all of which conveyed deep meaning. Film studio 20th Century Fox have not once surprised his work. Viewers first saw the tape in 1993.

"Schindler's List" tells us about World War II - namely, how it affected the lives of the Jewish people. The idea is to make people remember the hard times. After all, learn from the mistakes of past generations, it is ours duty. I believe that this film will be relevant in all times and in all circumstances.

I want to draw attention to the fact that this story is not fiction. Oskar Schindler actually existed. He was a member of the Nazi party and very good manufacturers. Against the background of the suffering of the Jews, the terrible massacres, murders, we see how the heart Oscars. Looking around, he began to sympathize with people who find themselves in a difficult position. In its factory Schindler gaining Jews who did not understand the weapons that should produce. He lost all his money by buying goods from other people.

At the end of the film we see a pretty intense picture. Jews were taken to concentration camps, where they will die. In the last money buys Oskar Schindler 1100, women and children. These people worked for him. The name of each person he recorded the list in which "gives life".

The film is much impressed me. The fact that he got seven Oscars is not surprising. First we see everything in black and white. Subsequently, etc. are added. However, the image continues to be gray, conveying the atmosphere of the event. Ant generates a musical accompaniment to the skin. With the title song was also nominated Oscar. Three hours I thought that I stay right there in the 1940s. The game was very true actors. All words, facial expressions, moves as if hypnotized. As soon as there is an outstanding work of the director.

Watching the film made ??me seriously think about the value of life. Holocaust is a black spot history, the recognition of which is the first step in the fight against hatred, malice, hatred. I hope that we will see more such films.

In the end, I want to say that the art - it"s not just pretty pictures and interesting music. Art helps to distract from our problems. I am grateful to everyone who gave their lives to art. These people have given us a new and amazing experience. I am very glad that the world is such an unusual art which enables us to see the world from the other side. Art is a little door for a new life.

Every person can do what he wants. We study, work, walk the streets or go on vacation. But this routine will sooner or later get boring. Therefore, you need to try to find a way out. Someone is trying to find a solution in alcohol and drugs. Someone starts hanging out with the wrong people. And the point is not that we ourselves are bad. A person simply cannot be constantly on the move. We need rest so that the soul can recharge with new energy.

I believe that this energy is art. After all, it is in it that you can find such a depth of knowledge that will change your whole life.

To begin with, I want to talk about what art is. There are many definitions of this concept. Since each person looks at the solution to the issue in his own way. It is generally accepted that art is a specific type of spiritual reflection and understanding of reality. After years of study, the researchers added that art aims to shape and develop a person's ability to creatively transform the world.

I know that these words are quite difficult to understand quickly. Especially if you have never thought about such questions. But this is actually very important. So I will try to explain everything to you.

I would like to note right away that the presence of a goal in art is a controversial point. And the concept of beauty is relative. After all, all nations are constantly changing. Everyone has their own standard of beauty. If we talk about modernism or postmodernism, then in general the triumph of the ugly is at the center. Well, there’s nothing to say about the art of the absurd. The concept of beauty is completely denied there.

The second point I want to draw your attention to is that art is an important part of culture. It is of great importance. By studying art, we study how humanity has changed throughout history. It amazes me to think about how much art has had to go through on its way.

Thirdly, art acts as a guide. I mean that a person always needs an ideal. In religion, the ideal is God. So man must act and think like God. And art leads us along a certain path. The amazing thing is that every person has their own personal path. Therefore, it is not surprising that looking at one picture, we can see completely different things.

Fourthly, art helps a person to realize his potential. There are people among us whose hearts are filled with a special gift. They can transmit strong emotions and feelings using paints or a video camera.

Also, art is the human soul. This is a world rich in beautiful images, this is a flight of fantasy, this is the desire to understand the meaning of life and the humanity of existence, this is a powerful concentration of human creative forces. Art is the greatest works of Dante and Michelangelo, Shakespeare and Pushkin, the brilliant music of Bach and Mozart, Beethoven and Chopin, the paintings of Leonardo and Rubens, Picasso and Matisse, the sculptures of Phidias and Polycletus, Rodin and Maillol, the performances of Stanislavski and Meyerhold, Becht and Brook, films of Tarkovsky, Bergman. Art is everything that surrounds us, comes into our home through television and radio, performances on stage or the sounds of music.

If we try to give a precise definition of art, we can say that it is an “image” - an image of the world and man. Sounds, colors and shapes convey to us not only reality, but also sensations.
There are many types of art. But I want to talk about the species that really touched my heart. Among them are painting, sculpture, photography, architecture, theater, opera, ballet, literature and cinema. Each of them has a huge influence on people.
Painting is a visual art associated with the transmission of visual images through the application of paints to the surface of a solid or flexible body. For many years, painting has surprised people. It conveys to us not only history and memory, but also feelings, emotions, grief and happiness.
I like not only to feel painting, but also to study it. So I learned a lot of new and interesting things. Did you know that when studying many paintings painted in different times, scientists concluded that food portions were constantly growing over time. The Wensin brothers decided to prove it. One of them is Brian, a professor at Cornell University and director of the Institute of Nutrition. The second is Greg, a professor at the University of Virginia. The results of their study were published in the May issue of the International Journal of Completeness.

The brothers decided to study one of the most famous paintings where food plays an important role - The Last Supper. For this purpose, they took more than 50 paintings painted from 1000 to 1800. Among the paintings studied were masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, El Greco and others. As a result, the scientists concluded that the main dish during the reporting period increased by 69%, the size of the dishes - by 66%, and the amount of bread consumed - by 23%.

Some may say that this is not important, but I think that even little things like this help us develop our thinking.

As for sculpture, this is a certain type of fine art, where the author conveys his vision using various materials, giving them special forms.

When it comes to sculpture, we think of a Greek statue or the amazing image of King David. But I would like to talk about the Statue of Liberty. It is one of the most famous sculptures in the United States, a gift from the French people on the centenary of the Declaration of Independence in 1876. It was conceived in 1865. It was assumed that the statue would be a reminder of the support of each other - America and France. Apparently, guided by this noble idea, the initiators decided that one statue was enough for the Americans, and invited them to build their own pedestal for it.
The author of the sculpture was Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. However, the most remarkable thing about the Statue of Liberty is not its artistic value, but its constructive solution - truly revolutionary for those times, the author of which was Gustave Eiffel (the future creator of the Eiffel Tower). He constructed a 46-meter statue on a steel frame, to which 300 copper sheets were attached.

Due to lack of finances, the sculpture was brought to America only in 1885. The official unveiling of the Statue of Liberty took place on October 28, 1886. In my opinion, this is a little late for an anniversary gift.

Photo is a completely independent type of fine art from among the modern technical arts (photography, cinema, television). Photos form their own special language that you need to learn to understand. This language has been constantly evolving since the creation of photography.
Photographs often frightened me. If you look at famous photographs, you will notice that very often they depict terrible things. When we see a photo of a sick child, we feel it to the end.
I was especially struck by the photograph - Famine in Sudan. The author, Kevin Carter, received a Pulitz Prize in 1994 for his work. The photo shows a Sudanese girl dying of hunger. We imagine that she will die soon, and the large condor in the background is already preparing for this. The photo shocked the entire civilized world. No one, including the photographer, knows about the girl’s origins. He took a photo, chased away the predator and watched as the girl got up and walked away. Kevin Carter was a member of the Bang Bang Club, four intrepid photojournalists traveling through Africa. Two months after receiving the award, Carter committed suicide. Perhaps he was haunted by terrible memories of what he saw in Sudan.
Another photo that shocked me was Omara's Torment. It was taken after November 13, 1989, when the Nevado del Ruiz volcano (Colombia) erupted. The mountain snow melted, and masses of mud, earth and water 50 meters thick literally leveled everything in its path. The death toll exceeded 23,000. The disaster received a huge response around the world, thanks in large part to the photograph of the little girl. She was trapped. Her legs were crushed under the concrete structure. Rescuers tried to pump out the mud and free the child, but in vain. The girl was in this state for three days, and then she caught several viruses at once. The journalist, who was nearby all the time, recalled that Omara sang and communicated with people. She was scared and kept asking for something to drink, but she was very brave. On the third night, hallucinations began. The photo was taken a few hours before his death. Photographer - Frank Fournier.
Next I want to talk about architecture. I'm amazed that people built such masterpieces hundreds of years ago. Now our houses look like the same type of boxes. Previously, people did not have good technology, but they worked miracles.

An interesting fact in world architecture occurred in 1693 in Sicily. It was a natural disaster in the form of an earthquake, which soon gave birth to a new style - Baroque. Many Sicilian palaces, cities and temples were destroyed due to the eruption of Mount Etna. So architects emerged to make changes in the appearance of the city.

Another striking example is the well-known Eiffel Tower. This architectural structure is based on an exact copy of the structure of the human skeleton. This architectural solution came to the master’s mind after Professor von Mayer discovered that the head of the femur was covered with small stones connected to the rest of the bones and placed in a strict geometric order. And this was in the middle of the nineteenth century! This arrangement of the small bones of the thigh is not disturbed by the weight of the human body. Twenty years later, this discovery became the basis for many masterpieces of world architecture. At first, the creation of the tower was intended for the World Exhibition in Paris. It should have been in the form of an entrance arch. But someone suggested that the giant steel structure could very well serve as a very powerful antenna or radio tower.
There was a man, the famous French writer Maupassant, who hated this steel structure all his life, although he ate lunch in the tower restaurant every day. This habit, he explained, was due to the fact that it was the only place where most of the Eiffel Tower was not visible.

Another example of architecture is the Leaning Tower of Pisa, popularly known as the Leaning Tower. In fact, the tower will not fall; the angle of inclination is only four degrees.
I also want to talk about theater. This place often surprises me. You can see many amazing things in the theater. The actors present us with different images. While watching, you can experience many new sensations.

Acting in the theater, I think, is much more difficult than acting in films. Because in a film you can always re-shoot everything. In the theater, people perform in front of an audience. This closeness helps us feel pain, suffering, joy and happiness. I enjoy watching theatrical performances.

I was surprised to learn that the American state of Virginia has a unique theater. To visit it, you must pay for the ticket and bring some food. But Croatia is famous for the oldest public European theater.

But most of all I like the ancient theater. I love reading about him. I learned a lot of interesting facts from books. For example, in the Greek theater there was a special position - rabdukh, whose duties included beating with a stick those who violated discipline. In one of the theaters of Ionia there was a special row for one-armed warriors. A row of bald slaves was seated in front of them. By hitting the bald head with their hand, they could thereby applaud.

Imagine that the ancient Greek playwright Phryne once presented in the theater his play “The Taking of Miletus” - about the destruction of the Greek city by the Persians. She upset the audience so much that the whole theater burst into tears. For this, the playwright was fined one thousand drachmas and received a strict ban on showing this production again.

In Athens, stage tragedy was required viewing for all residents except slaves. Thus, the whole city gathered for the performance. When tickets became paid, the state even allocated money so that everyone could come to the theater, regardless of their financial situation. But decent women did not attend comedy performances, as this was an example of bad manners.

All roles in Greek theater were played by men. Female actresses appeared later, and even then they were girls of easy virtue.

Greek playwrights presented their tragedies on stage, competing with each other. The winning playwright received an ivy wreath as a reward. They could even erect a monument to him.
There is a lot to be said about the theater. It's a wonderful world. The theater has come a hard way. Each century left its mark on his life. I think it's a very special feeling to experience other people's lives on stage.

Another art form is opera. The emphasis here is on the amazing voice. Many people say they don't like opera. But once you come, you won't be able to tear yourself away. I love it when the heart beats very fast. This speaks of the power of words and voice.

My favorite opera singer is Montserrat Caballe. This is a very good woman. She was born on April 12, 1933 in Barcelona (Spain). She studied for 12 years at the conservatory - the Lyceum of Barcelona, ​​from which she graduated with honors.

The singer gained real success and international fame in 1965 after performing in New York at Carnegie Hall. She sang the main role in Donizetti's opera Lucrezia Borgia. Caballe's rich and amazingly beautiful voice opened her path to the stage of the best opera houses in the world. Since then she has toured a lot, including in Russia.

Her life was always filled with music, but there were also creative difficulties. In 1992, the singer was unable to sing due to an illness caused by a tumor. She temporarily stopped performing in opera. After a course of treatment, in January 2002, Caballe again triumphantly sang at the Liceu Opera House in Barcelona in Saint-Saëns' opera Henry the Eighth.

Caballe is recognized as the best soprano in the world and has received many international awards and distinctions. Montserrat's voice has become legendary. He has beauty and extraordinary power that no one has ever possessed before. She opened the world of opera to the younger generation. Many people call her the "singer with a heart of gold" because she spends a lot of time and energy on charity and social activities. She holds charity events and concerts, the proceeds of which go to fight AIDS, help gifted children with disabilities, etc. She is also a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador.

Literature also became my friend. Books open up a new world for me. When you read a novel or a fairy tale, you begin to experience all the sensations of the main character.

My favorite book is "Harry Potter". This is an amazing story of courage and friendship. I can read this book every day. Author - JK Rowling. This woman told fairy tales to the children every day. One day she came up with a new story about a boy who must fight against evil. The genre of this book is fantasy. The world she created is a world of magic and witchcraft.

Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy books. Each story tells about the adventures of Harry Potter and his best friends - Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. They are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The main goal of the friends is to defeat Lord Voldemort. This is a terrible wizard who has caused a lot of suffering in the wizarding world. He was the one who killed Harry's parents. At school, a boy learns many interesting and exciting things. He studies, plays Quidditch, falls in love.

This book may seem like a children's fairy tale. But, in fact, this is a serious story about how important it is to make the right choice. Harry could enjoy the glory. He could be friends with the richest people. But he looked at hearts. Harry was on the verge of death many times, but it did not break him.

As a result, friends defeated evil. They proved that devotion and love are the most powerful weapons. Every chapter of the book is breathtaking. I'm sure any adult can find a lot of useful information in it. Because the most important things in our lives are actually very simple.

Harry Potter is an example that happiness does not come from money or success. Only family and friends can make you happy.

Millions of people have already bought this book. It is considered one of the most popular in the world. I think that all these people were not mistaken in choosing a book to read.

And in the end I want to tell you about cinema. This type of art appeared not so long ago. But the films won the hearts of many people. Everyone has a favorite movie. The movie I admire most is Schindler's List.

It can be confidently called a masterpiece of world cinema. Steven Spielberg, who directed the film, made millions of people pay attention to one of the black holes of history - the Holocaust.

Watching the game, I was amazed by the unsurpassed Liam Neeson, who played Schindler. In addition, Ben Kingsley cannot be ignored. This man was filmed in 195 films, each of which is filled with deep meaning. The film studio 20th Century Fox has repeatedly surprised us with its work. Viewers first saw the film in 1993.

"Schindler's List" tells the story of World War II and how it affected the lives of the Jewish people. The idea is to make people remember difficult times. After all, it is our responsibility to learn from the mistakes of past generations. I believe this film will be of great importance at any time and under any circumstances.

I would like to point out that this story is not fiction. Oskar Schindler really existed. He was a member of the Nazi Party and a very good entrepreneur. Against the backdrop of the suffering of the Jews, terrible pogroms, murders, we see how Oscar's heart changes. Looking around, he began to sympathize with the people who found themselves in a difficult situation. At his factory, Schindler recruited Jews who did not even know how to make weapons. He lost all his money buying goods from other people.

At the end of the film we see a rather touching picture. Jews were taken to concentration camps where they were expected to die. With his last money, Oskar Schindler was able to buy 1,100 people. These people worked for him. He wrote down the name of each person on the “life” list.
The film made an impression on me. The fact that it won seven Oscars didn't surprise me. At first we see everything in black and white. Next, colors are added. However, the image continues to be gray, conveying the atmosphere of the event. Even the musical accompaniment was brilliantly chosen. For three hours I thought I was in the 1940s. The game was very lively and dynamic. All words, facial expressions, movements were hypnotizing.

The film made me think seriously about the value of life. The Holocaust is truly a black spot of history, the recognition of which is the first step in the fight against hatred, anger and war. I hope we see more films like this.

In the end, I want to say that art is not only beautiful pictures and interesting music. Art helps us take our minds off our problems. I am grateful to everyone who gave their lives to art. These people gave us new and amazing experiences. I am very glad that art gives us the opportunity to look at the world from a different perspective. After all, it is a small door to a new life.

No matter how complex and unpredictable our life may be, there are always moments and events that decorate it and make it beautiful. We always try to strive for the best, for something good. Living, loving, doing something useful for yourself and society is wonderful. The role of art is as important as life itself. Everything that surrounds us is a kind of art.

Even in ancient times, our ancestors tried to depict some pictures, events of their lives, battles, and hunting on walls, pieces of leather, and stones. At that time, they had no idea that their attempts would bring a lot of new knowledge for humanity in the future. Their sculptures, utensils, weapons, clothes are of great importance, thanks to these finds we know the history of the development of our ancestors. Then they had no idea that everything they did was art, and that the role of art in human life would be very great.

Cultural development and morality are promoted by different areas of art (the essence of which is to show and teach the real and beautiful world). With the help of music, poetry of professionals and amateurs, we can understand the aesthetic perception of our world. Therefore, the role of art in human life is simply enormous!

Artists, sculptors, poets, musicians and every person who tries to convey through their creativity the perception and vision of something special that surrounds us, occupies an important place in the cultural development of humanity. Even a small child, having made his first drawing, applique or craft, has already to some extent touched the world of art. At an older age, as a teenager, his tastes in choosing a clothing style, preferences in music, books and his perception of life are formed. Worldview and aesthetic taste are arranged in a logical chain during direct communication with works of art, but only personal assessment influences the choice and formation of taste. Therefore, it is necessary to encounter the world of art and real masterpieces more often.

The role of art in human life is so great that, once you have mastered the habit of visiting museums and art galleries, reading interesting books, poetry, you will want to touch the spiritual and historical world, meet new and interesting people, get to know the artistic creations of other peoples, and get acquainted with their history and culture. All this brings variety and bright colors to our lives, contributes to the desire to live better, more interesting. There is a lot of spiritual wealth around us and the role of art in modern world is not in last place. Having touched the beautiful, a person tries to bring as many beautiful things into his life as possible, strives for the perfection of his body and speech, correct behavior and communication with other people. Studying and communicating with art, there is a desire to come up with something new and original, you want to create and invent.

Essay on the topic:

"Art in my life"

“Art lives when someone perceives it.”

(H. Kartunen.)

Art in my life. What is art to me anyway? For me, this is the reconciliation of dreams and reality. When you want, realize and do something spiritually beautiful, something that can please people and bring genuine joy and delight. We are accustomed to calling art magnificent paintings created by talented artists, books written, essays, poems with deep thought and beautiful style. But have we ever thought that art is not only what we can see on excursions in a museum, but also those things that we can observe in our everyday life.

“Art lies in finding the extraordinary in the ordinary and the ordinary in the extraordinary.”

(Denis Diderot)

Have you ever noticed the forged benches in parks, which are made using magnificent patterned techniques? Those craftsmen who worked on them made considerable efforts to create such beauty; you need to have excellent talent in order to do this work so skillfully and with restraint. Isn't this art?

Let us remember the luxurious and exquisite castles, with formidable towers that frighten and delight with their appearance, and fascinate with their massiveness and grandeur. The masters of that time did not have such wide opportunities to build such a “Giant”, but the architects designed, the builders built, because they saw art and beauty in it.

If we look at the halls of the royal palaces, we can stand in a stupor for a long time, examining every detail, every wall, forged patterned candlesticks, gilded columns, curved railings at the wide staircase covered with expensive carpets. All this is undeniable art and not just art, but projects into which the masters and creators have poured their souls.

“In this age, people think that a work of art should be a kind of autobiography. We have lost the ability to perceive beauty abstractly.”

O. Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

The person who can see something beautiful in the ordinary and everyday is infinitely happy, I am that person. My spirits always lift when I see something truly skillful. Beautiful and fascinating things always make me think about the greatness of human nature, about the circumstances under which or in honor of which this or that building was built, this or that music was written. After all, all this is history, an integral part of our lives. Art brings its own spots of color into our sometimes gray and ordinary life.

Art is one of the elements of culture that reflects artistic and aesthetic values. Art reveals the limitless creative abilities of humanity. Art is multifaceted, it is the human soul. Art is a rich world of beautiful images, it is a flight of fantasy, it is a desire to understand the meaning of life and human existence, it is a concentration of human creative powers.

There are 3 types of art: spatial, temporal and space-time. Spatial arts include such areas as: fine arts, architecture, decorative and applied arts, design and others. Temporary arts include such areas as literature, music. Space-time arts include such areas as cinema, theater, and circus. Of the areas listed above, literature is closest to me. I met her in my early years, when my mother read fairy tales to me at night. I soon started reading on my own and loved it. Reading different fairy tales and stories is very exciting. While reading different books, I felt the emotions of the main characters, imagined myself in their place, interesting plots did not let me tear myself away from the book, and I read them with pleasure.

In addition to being interesting to read, it is also useful. Because when reading books, you develop your vocabulary, learn many other words and become more developed than your peers. You also study better than your classmates. This is better than sitting and playing with gadgets, as reading will be useful in life. I advise you to read more!

Updated: 2016-09-24

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Art is an integral part of the life of every state, city and person. The word “art” has many definitions, characteristics and features, but each person represents it in his own way.

In my opinion, art is a figurative reflection of reality, the main goal of which is to introduce a person to the beautiful, sensual, interesting and beautiful, sometimes even to the inexplicable and contradictory. I think that cinema, painting, architecture and other forms of art should evoke various emotions, feelings and thoughts in the soul and mind of a person. Undoubtedly, the same work of art can evoke completely opposite feelings in the souls of people.

Art plays a huge role in our lives as long as it makes us think about important problems and things happening around us, as long as art excites human consciousness and does not leave us indifferent.

I love to read. Reading broadens my horizons and makes me more erudite. From books I learn a lot of new interesting things about the world around me, about human life, about his values, feelings. Classical literature develops character and instills moral traits. Reading the works of classics such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Dostoevsky enriches my inner world and gives me an understanding of such values ​​as honor and dignity. Also from books we learn about friendship, love, betrayal, hatred, sympathy and other things. But I believe that you need to read not only classical world literature, but also books by modern authors. Still, in their works all feelings, problems and values ​​are adapted to modern society. From the books of our contemporaries we can find a concrete solution to the problem in our society, in our century.

If we talk about the sense of beauty, the development of taste, then I like the art of photography. Through photography, the author expresses his inner world on objects of the surrounding world, in nature. In the works of photographers we see their style, their taste, their outlook on life, and thus we can reconsider our values, and sometimes use their worldview for self-improvement. Very often I look at the work of contemporary photographers, photographers of different styles and directions, and I can say that each of them sees the world in their own way. Photography for them is a way of self-expression. She means the same to me.

Besides literature and photography, I am also interested in cinema. Movies are like books. They perform the same function. For me, films are not only a way to have a good time, but also a reason to think about the relevance of the problem raised in it.

In conclusion, I would like to say that art has a huge impact on my life. Without art, my life would be boring, monotonous and meaningless. Art brings a touch of beauty into my life.