Ruslan Orthodox name or not. Love and family relationships. Career and profession

There are several theories about what the name Ruslan means. About these theories and much more in our article.

One of the most popular theories is the Scandinavian theory. According to this version, the name Ruslan comes from the Scandinavian name Kievan Rus- Rysaland. However, this theory is quite controversial, like the truth and other theories of the meaning and origin of the name Ruslan.

The second theory can be called the arrival of a name from ancient epics. For example, Firdousi's epic "Shahname", which was popular among the Turkic peoples, and then got into the Russian-speaking culture. The name Ruslan gained especially great popularity after the release of the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

The name Ruslan also has a female form of the name - Ruslana. You can find out its meaning for a girl and a woman, translation into other languages ​​​​and much more by clicking on the link.

The meaning of the name Ruslan for a child

Ruslan in childhood often grows up as a spoiled and easily excitable baby. It easily passes from a state of rest into nervous activity. Parents and others need to understand this feature of the child's psyche. If parents make enough efforts, then negative features can simply outgrow and Ruslan will be a wonderful baby. It will be especially harmful to him computer games, games on the phone and tablet, a large number of cartoons.

Ruslan studies hard enough, although the child certainly has a chance for a decent education. You should not give too much stress on the child's psyche, but Ruslan must also rest correctly. It is best if the boy will also be engaged in the sports section. This will allow his nervous system to switch properly. Ask teachers to watch Ruslan's involvement. If the child cannot withstand classes longer than 30 minutes, then at least stick to this schedule at home.

Ruslan's health in childhood is good. As we already wrote, you need to pay attention to his emotional stress. Here, if you yourself can not cope, it is better to turn to a specialist. Ruslan sometimes has vision problems, but the main thing here is to diagnose the problem in time. Prevention of any disease is always preferable to its cure.

Abbreviated name Ruslan

Rus, Rusya, Rusik, Rusych, Rusek, Ruska, Lana.

Diminutive names

Ruslanchik, Ruslanka (including in relation to men).

Patronymic of children

Ruslanovich and Ruslanovna. The male patronymic in the colloquial version is Ruslanych. The female colloquial form does not have much distribution.

Name Ruslan in English

Name on English language and its transliteration are exactly the same - Ruslan. So it will be easy for you to remember.

Name Ruslan for a passport- RUSLAN.

Translation of the name Ruslan into other languages

in Arabic - رسلان‎‎
in Bulgarian - Ruslan
in Belarusian - Ruslan
in Hungarian - Ruslan
in Greek - Ρουσλάν
in Georgian - რუსლან
in Hebrew - רוסלן‎
in Spanish - Ruslan
in Italian - Ruslan
in Chinese - 鲁斯兰
in Korean - 루슬란
in Lithuanian - Ruslanas
in Latvian - Ruslans
in German - Ruslan
in Polish - Ruslan
in Romanian - Ruslan
in Ukrainian - Ruslan
in French - Rouslan
in Finnish - Ruslan
in Czech - Ruslan
in Japanese - ルスラン

Church name Ruslan(in Orthodox faith) is not certain. The name Ruslan is not church name. This means that at baptism Ruslan will be given a name different from the worldly one.

Characteristics of the name Ruslan

Ruslan has several characteristics and not all of them are positive. He is quite narcissistic, but sometimes he goes too far in this. His craving for popularity often bears fruit, but on the way to it it is better not to cross paths with him. He is ready to cheat, deceive, keep silent, but still become significant in the eyes of others. At the same time, he is romantic, and you can even say that he is a dreamer. It is the dream invented in his head about "how good it will be when I become popular" that moves him through life.

It is preferable for Ruslan to work in the industry associated with physical labor. At the same time, it should be noted that the very monotonous work emotionally tires Ruslan. It is hard for him to do monotonous work for a long time, although to whom it is easy. Ruslan knows how to find mutual language with colleagues, but his desire to look "cooler" than it actually is, often goes sideways to him.

In love, Ruslan has serious requirements. As a person going to success, a woman next to him should be the embodiment of his claims. Look great, be sophisticated and be able to go out. At the same time, he is prone to jealousy, so Ruslan's future soulmate will have a hard time.

The secret of the name Ruslan

The main secret of Ruslan can be called his duplicity. He can be a great companion and a great friend. And behind all this, an ocean of inner passions can hide. For the sake of satisfying his own vanity and moving towards the goal, he is often "profitably" friends. At the same time, Ruslan often uses friends for his own purposes.

Planet- The sun.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

totem animal- A lion.

Name color- Golden.

Wood- Plantain.

Plant- Dandelion.

Stone- Aventurine.

Guardian angel named after Ruslan and his patron will depend on the baptismal name of Ruslan and the saint in whose honor his church name was chosen.

The male name Ruslan does not have a clear origin. Some researchers consider it to be derived from the Iranian name Rustam, which among the Turkic peoples turned into the name Arslan (or Aslan) and meant “lion”. Others say that the name Ruslan is a form of the old Russian name Yeruslan. Currently, it is not very popular in our country, meeting more among the adult population.

Characteristics of the name Ruslan

Ruslan's character is distinguished by increased emotionality, pride and selfishness. Outwardly, he is quite pleasant, peaceful and good person, however, acquaintances know that he starts up easily, provokes conflicts, and can painfully avenge an insult. In childhood, Ruslan is a romantic, light, smiling boy. He is able to study well, loves that all his affairs are clearly planned and organized. Growing up, the owner of this name becomes a daredevil - an explosive, thirsty for fame and attention young man. Ruslan is usually very fickle in his desires, does not have firmness of character, so often his life does not have a core - the meaning or goal that a person aspires to. In communication, he is quite complex, configured to show himself, and not listen to others. Nevertheless, he has friends and Ruslan treats them with great dedication.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Leo, that is, from July 23 to August 23. Leo will make Ruslan an energetic, creative, strong-willed, purposeful, proud, but at the same time conceited, often lazy and careless with money - that is, almost the same as he is by nature.

Pros and cons of the name Ruslan

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name Ruslan? The positive thing about it is that this name is familiar to our country, and therefore it easily and well combines with Russian surnames and patronymics. However, it is impossible to pick up beautiful abbreviations and diminutive options for the name Ruslan (the only acceptable form is Ruslanchik, since the options Rustik, Rusik and Rusya are not euphonious), moreover, the character of the proud Ruslan does not claim to be praised.


More pleasant things can be said about the health of the owner of this name. As a rule, his body is strong, despite the fact that Ruslan often tests it for strength, for example, he can abuse alcohol. And yet, many owners of this name give their appearance a lot of attention, which allows them to always be in good physical shape.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Ruslan takes a leadership position, so he does not tolerate when his wife imposes her lifestyle on him or cuts on trifles. Usually, he chooses a spectacular woman for his wife, which would emphasize his superiority over other men. However, he can be truly happy with a woman who is more simple, economic and warm, ready to wait for him and raise children almost independently.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, it is difficult for Ruslan to find his true calling. He is not ready to work “from call to call”, so it will be very difficult for him to work on a monotonous job. But the owner of this name can make a good musician, actor, screenwriter, music teacher, manager, fashion designer, hairdresser, sailor, journalist, driver.

name day

Ruslan does not celebrate his name day, since this name is not in church calendars.

You can see that this name comes from the Old Norse Rysaland, which means "Russian land" or "land of the Rus". That is, Ruslan is a person living on Russian soil.

The peak of popularity of this name came in the 1820s: it was then that the first publication of Alexander Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" took place. How else can you translate this name and does Ruslan celebrate name days by Orthodox calendar? Look for answers below!

Turkic roots of the name Ruslan

"Shahnameh" (also referred to as "The Book of Kings"), written by Ferdowsi, tells about the son of Zalazar named Rustam. The heroic work gained unprecedented popularity, it began to spread among the Turkic peoples. As a result, a transformation took place: the name Rustam turned into the name Arslan. And the name of his father began to sound like Zalzar. By the way, the translation of the name Arslan means "lion".

In the seventeenth century, heroic tales also appeared among the Slavs. It was then that Yeruslan Zalazarovich appeared in the heroic brethren, who later became Lazarevich. The plots of Yeruslan's heroic wanderings echo the plots of "Shahnameh". The hero enters into battle with monsters, defeats enemy hordes and rival heroes.

Alternative version

Some scientists claim that the roots of the name Ruslan are Old Slavonic. From this language they translate the name Ruslan as "fair-haired".

Ruslan's name day: when to celebrate?

Even before the revolution, the priests helped to choose the name of the newborn. Today, church name-books that are in the Russian Orthodox Church help to make this choice. These calendars contain information about which saints the church honors on certain days. Named after the saint, people celebrate Angel Day on certain dates. Ruslan, unfortunately, cannot be found on the pages of the church name book. And this means that there are no dates on which this holiday can be celebrated.

What to do if the name is not in the calendar? Option two. In the first case, you can celebrate Ruslan's name day at the same time as his birthday. And in the second - during baptism, choose the name of the saint, as close as possible in sound to the name of the child. In the case of Ruslan, this is the holy martyr Rustik. The Orthodox Church honors the memory of this saint on October 16 in a new style. So, Ruslan's name day can be celebrated on this day.

Hieromartyr Rustik

Presbyter Rusticus, together with Deacon Eleutherios, accompanied St. Dionysius. In many Western countries they have converted people to Christ. In Gaul, where the pagans were persecuting Christians, three confessors were seized and thrown into prison. Renunciation of Christ was impossible for them, and therefore the pagans subjected the confessors to the most severe tortures. For the spread of Christianity, all three were beheaded. This order was given by the ruler of Gaul Sisinia.

It is worth noting a common mistake - often the stress in the name Rustic is on the first syllable. However, the right emphasis is on the latter.

Energy named after Ruslan

The energy characteristics of this name came from the epic. However, the current Ruslan is distinguished by a special dreaminess, sensitivity and romance and is more like not epic hero, but on a fabulous image from Pushkin's poem. The name Ruslan is characterized by some detachment from earthly concerns. Often people bearing this name are proud and touchy.

Main character traits:

  • purposefulness;
  • desire to be the center of attention;
  • selfishness;
  • deceit;
  • jealousy.

Ruslan's character

Ruslan, although he bears a heroic name, is not a mundane and strong man. Usually he is very graceful and light. However, he strives to seem strong to those around him, and But his actions indicate the opposite - with all his actions, Ruslan convinces people of softness. The person who bears this name is usually very far from reality. That is why you should not give practical gifts on Ruslan's name day - it is better to choose something original, non-standard.

But what is better never to do is to offend Ruslan. Most often, the owners of this name are extremely touchy and vindictive. For years they can hide the inflicted insult! By the way, for revenge they choose the most insidious and cruel ways. In fairness, it should be noted that Ruslan is a rare participant in conflicts and quarrels. He just can't stand them. In addition, the name Ruslan obliges its owners to constantly strive for high goals; everyday problems do not bother them much. The brightest desire is to achieve first place in absolutely everything. Ruslan, caught in a difficult situation, shows amazing fighting qualities.

Number of entries: 115

Hello, father! Tell me, please, which of the saints is my patron and the patron of my son? I was born on August 3, and my son is on November 6, his name is Sergey. Thanks.


Hello, Vladimir, most likely, your heavenly patron is the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, and the son has St. Sergius of Radonezh. According to tradition, if there are two celebrations of the memory of a saint, then the name day is defined as the closest after the birthday. Look in church calendar or on the site, on which of the two days of your son's name day, your saint is remembered only once a year. Help the Lord.

Priest Sergiy Osipov

Hello, father. As a child, my grandmother took my husband to church and christened him (because his mother is a Christian and his father is a Muslim, they could not decide what faith to give to the children). But we do not know under what name he was baptized (his name is Rinad), how to pray for him? Tell me, please, what to do.


Natalya, there is the holy martyr Rin of Thrace (Comm. 20 August). If there is no way to contact the temple and try to restore from their archives what name the husband was baptized with, you can be called by this name. The Lord still knows your husband, even if he was baptized under a different name, God will accept your prayer. Help the Lord.

Priest Sergiy Osipov

Hello! I would like to know: where can I find the icon of the holy martyr Alim of Maccabees? Thank you in advance.


Hello Alim! Unfortunately, I have not seen a separate icon of St. mch. Alima. But you can purchase an icon of the seven martyrs of Maccabees, or order the painting of an icon of your heavenly patron in an icon-painting workshop.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, father. Please tell me, is it possible to name children by the names of deceased relatives? Not in their honor, but simply because they like the names. My husband and I are expecting a baby. We like two names. One was my great-grandmother, who lived a long but difficult life, and the other was my cousin, who tragically died a few years ago at a young age.


We give children names not in honor of relatives, living or dead, even if they bore the same name, but in honor of the saints who become their heavenly patrons. Don't associate it with death or difficult life of relatives, it doesn't matter. Usually the name is given at baptism, and it must be Orthodox. A person prays to his heavenly patron, in whose honor he bears his name. If the name is Orthodox - do not hesitate, you can calmly call.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

My daughter's name is Olesya and they baptized her as Olesya, and now, when I light a candle for health, they tell me that there is no such name in the church, but Belarusians have such a name, and they wrote "Olesya" in the baptismal certificate. How to be?


Olesya is a folk version of the name Olga, so you should submit notes and commemorate your daughter with this name. And in the family you can call her Olesya.

Deacon Elijah Kokin

Hello, father. I have already old man, go to church, pray at home, but doubt if I'm baptized? I know that I had a godmother, but they never told me anything about the very moment of baptism. It used to be such a time, and my father and grandfather were repressed, it was scary to speak. Here is also my name Henrietta, because according to the holy calendar it should have been different. My birthday is June 9th. Advise me how to be, I, praying, call myself Anna. Thank you.


Baptism is the entry of a person into the bosom Orthodox Church, an unbaptized person is not a member of the church. This is the descent of the grace of the Holy Spirit upon a person. When a person is baptized, all sins are forgiven, a new name is given (you can leave the name Anna). There is a special rite of baptism with the wording "if not yet baptized" ("if not baptized"), it is used in cases such as yours, when the person himself does not know whether he was baptized, and it is impossible to establish this fact. Therefore, you need to go to any Orthodox church and tell everything to the priest. He will tell you how to be. Ask God to resolve your issue, and do not delay.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Tell me, please, when is Polina's name day, if she was born on April 23? And does the day of the baptism of the child affect the date of the name day?


The day of baptism does not affect the date of the name day, it is customary to choose the date of the name day, the closest after the birth of the child. In such cases, the patron saint may be a saint with a consonant or similar name; in this case, Pelagia or Apollinaria. There are two saints with this name on the calendar. Appolinaria - January 5 and September 30, old style. I think that in your case, the name day is September 30, according to the old style, and according to the new one, October 13 (martyr Apollinaria), on the eve of the feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello father! Help me find out which icon is mine! I was born on July 14, 1991. Thank you very much in advance!


Daria, your question remained somewhat incomprehensible to me. If you mean which of the saints is your patroness, then obviously the martyr Daria, whose memory is celebrated on August 18. Read her life, and also do not forget to refer to her in the morning and evening prayers. It is impossible to say anything about some other icons, since they are common to everyone and it is useful for everyone to pray in front of them.

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Here's the thing - we baptized our daughter Polina. Recently I wanted to buy an icon of St. Polina - they said there is no such saint - how is it? They say it was necessary to baptize full name(Apollinaria or Pelageya), but how did we know? Now at communion we are sometimes called Polina, sometimes Apollinaria. Do we have to re-baptize our daughter, does she now have no patron saint? Help me figure it out please...


Irina, this, of course, is a somewhat unfortunate misunderstanding, but one should not worry so seriously about this, the way out of this situation is quite simple. You yourself should choose the name that your daughter will bear in baptism - either Apollinaria or Pelageya - and take communion with this name. And as a heavenly patroness, choose one of the holy wives with the appropriate name, whose memory is celebrated closer to the birthday of your daughter.

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello! Help me understand difficult situation. I was married to a Muslim, young, stupid, did not know what I was doing. Before the wedding (in Makhachkala) I was taken to a mosque, they said that this was the custom, but it turns out that I was initiated into Islam. I learned this when we returned home from the mosque, and they began to congratulate me. I cried. I still went to church, prayed as much as I could, asking for forgiveness. In 1974, a son was born, they named Ruslan. When he was 1 year old, I was with my parents in the Rostov region, and we christened Ruslan without the knowledge of Muslim relatives. Baptism took place in a church in Gukovo. The priest who performed the sacrament said that Ruslan was a good, Russian, long-forgotten name. And he baptized him, calling him Ruslan. And with this name, even notes on health are not accepted in churches. I don't know how we should be. My husband and I broke up when my son was 5 years old, and then he died. Tell me, please, how can we be? I have never been a Muslim in my soul, I have always been with God and God has been with me. And son Ruslan - how to consider his name in the temple? Sorry for such a chaotic letter. I hope very much for your help. Now we live in Sergiev Posad. Thanks.


Tatyana, the fact that a ritual was performed on you without explaining or asking your will did not make you a Muslim. You felt it as you continued to pray in an Orthodox church. It is good to talk about this at confession in the temple. The name Ruslan is not in the Russian calendar, but your son was baptized, and consider Hieromartyr Rustik, Presbyter of Paris, as his heavenly patron. With this name, let him come to the Sacraments, write this name in notes. May the Lord help you!

Priest Sergiy Osipov

Hello! Help me please. The husband wants to name his son Alexander, that was his father's name. His father died at the age of 38 - heart. I'm afraid that the child will similar fate, because the last name, first name, and patronymic - everything is the same. Is it stupidity or not? Thanks! I also wanted to clarify - my name is not Russian, when I was baptized, I was very small, my godparents do not remember what the father called me.


Hello Alina! Naming children after grandparents is a pious tradition. There is nothing wrong. Each person has his own life, his own way. And the concept of "fate" does not exist at all in Orthodoxy, because the Lord has given us all free will. Regarding your name, you can contact the temple so that the priest reads a prayer over you on the naming of the name.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

On December 12, our son was born, but my husband categorically does not want to call him Andrei, but wants Oleg. Is it possible?


Hello Lera! To name a child by the name of the saint on whose memory day he was born is pious Orthodox tradition. But there is also a tradition to name children after saints who are especially revered in the family, and even a tradition to name them after relatives, for example, grandparents. This does not apply to church canons, and there is nothing wrong with that. In this case, it is better for you, as a wife, to reconcile yourself and listen to your husband.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, father! Explain how to celebrate Angel Day? What should be done on this day?


Hello Olga! It is best to start this day with a visit to the temple in order to confess and, if possible, partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, having prepared appropriately for this in advance. There will be nothing wrong with inviting friends on the day of the Angel for a warm, joyful fellowship. Before eating, after the prayer "Our Father", it is good to sing a troparion to the saint, whose name the birthday man bears.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, father. There is great grief in our family - Eugene died of cancer, my husband, the father of two daughters and the grandfather of two grandchildren, had just been 40 days old. Will it be possible to name a child in his honor if he is born. Many say no, but I doubt it - maybe it's just prejudice. We really want to keep such a memory of him. Thanks.


Yes, Nina, you can call it. It will be very good, and all those who doubt are really subject to prejudice.

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello dear fathers. Please explain: 1) When is the day of the angel celebrated - on the day when the sacrament of Baptism was performed or on the day of memory of the saint whose name is named? If these days don't match? 2) Which Cyril is commemorated on September 19, and which Valentine is celebrated on May 7? 3) Is cutting and dyeing hair a sin? And when, when meeting with a person, we kiss on the cheek or on the lips, is this a sin? Thanks.


Elena, the day of the Angel is celebrated on the day of memory of the saint, whose name the person bears.
On September 19 (according to the new style) the holy martyr Cyril, Bishop of Gortynsky, is commemorated, and on May 7 - the martyr Valentine, who is celebrated together with the martyr Pasicrates.
When it comes to cutting and coloring your hair, it's up to you. Monks who have devoted themselves entirely to life in God and according to His commandments, of course, will not do this, but it is difficult to talk about the laity today. But it would be good if the laity as much as possible in their lives, except for marriage, of course, would be guided by the monks.
Kisses at a meeting, except with a spouse, are allowed only with close relatives (father or mother, grandmother or grandfather) of the same sex and, and only chaste ones.

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good afternoon. Tell me, my birthday is November 27, which saint should I pray to and which icon is mine? Thanks for the answer.

There are many wonderful names that have their own meaning and special characteristics. One of them is the name Ruslan. Each person should know the meaning of his name, because the names impose some features on the characters of people, form positive and negative sides.

Name characteristic

The name Ruslan has quite unusual origin. It is first mentioned in heroic epic Iranian culture, the poem "Shahname", written by one of the Persian poets. This is the name of the son of Zalazar Rustam. When the poem became popular, many Turkic peoples began to actively sing it. The name Rustam gradually transformed into Arslan, and the name of his father began to sound like Zalzar. Since the 17th century, the Slavs also begin to write various legends about heroes. An excellent representative of the heroic brotherhood is the hero Yeruslan Zalazarovich, who later became Yeruslan Lazarevich. IN literal translation the name Arslan means "lion", therefore, the names Yeruslan and modern name Ruslan. Sometimes the Slavs interpreted a similar name as "fair-haired". It is noteworthy that the name Ruslan is quite often used by the Kazakh people, where the name Rustam is especially common. Also popular today female form this name Ruslana.


Ruslan cannot be called a down to earth person, although all Russian heroes were considered strong and narrow-minded men, devoid of a flight of fancy. In addition, Ruslan usually does not have a voluminous body, characteristic of heroes, he is graceful and light. Ruslan is a dreamer and has a romantic nature.

This feature often creates a lot of problems for Ruslan, because outwardly he tries to seem very serious and strong, but by his actions he completely convinces people of the opposite. He is far from real life and lives in his own world, different from the gray and sometimes cruel reality. It is often difficult for Ruslan to establish the boundaries between reality and a fairy tale he has invented, so he often hears the ridicule of those around him, unusually hurting him, forcing him to withdraw into himself even more. Although Ruslan strives to appear bold, strong and influential to others, his character is softer, and his thinking is not aimed at forming a healthy and inflated body, but at making money, building new economic schemes.

As a child, Ruslan is a very capricious child, reacting unusually emotionally to all failures and remarks are close. His desires often change, and to get what he wants, he often uses cunning and various tricks. Incredibly loves praise and reacts sharply when his actions and good relationship to parents or other children do not appreciate and do not recognize his efforts.

Growing up, Ruslan tries to stay in his image fairy tale hero, but cannot defend his point of view before society. He does not like and does not know how to participate in conflicts, therefore he tries in every possible way to avoid them. People around usually do not understand Ruslan, considering him a rather strange person. He tries to hide his insides, but is in no hurry to open up to people, creating around himself an incomprehensible and rather contradictory image. Even if acquaintances consider Ruslan an open and sincere person, he is not one. This is a well-chosen mask that hides the mysterious inner world the owner of this name. He constantly suffers from his weakness of character and tries to find his place in this life. If a manifestation of the core and firmness of character is required, Ruslan begins to actively weave intrigues and act on the sly.

Ruslan experiences conflicts very emotionally and can remember the offense for years. If the opportunity arises, he will definitely take revenge on the offender, choosing the most cruel and insidious ways. If at the end of the discussion, quarrels for Ruslan show respect and ask for forgiveness, he can forget all grievances, he will behave friendly.

Due to his great inclination to intrigues, Ruslan runs the risk of becoming an unusually treacherous and vile person. Therefore, he needs to pacify his pride, try to respond more easily to ongoing events. But it is very difficult for Ruslan to adjust his character, because he is constantly driven by fabulous ambitions invented by him.

Ruslan constantly strives for high earnings, position in society and recognition of others. He is practically not interested in ordinary life and household chores. If Ruslan learns to be frank with himself and others, he will be able to find true love, friends, and create a strong family.

Ruslan's most striking desire is to achieve first place in everything. He tries to be a leader by defeating his rivals and life situations. He himself determines the desired result of the development of any situation, therefore he directs all his forces to the realization of his plan. Therefore, he can be a rather stubborn person who does not perceive the comments and tips of others, but blindly trusts his inner instinct.

Ruslan has a rather strong-willed character and is constantly looking for responsibility. He considers himself a winner in everything, so he tries to help everyone around him with his valuable advice and teachings. If his help is appreciated, self-confidence and desire for power, recognition will only be strengthened. Ruslan is no stranger to envy and greed. These feelings often make him achieve new successes and change something in his life. Most often, he feels like a skilled leader and boss, not recognized among his subordinates, but who knows exactly the necessary course of action to achieve the goal. If Ruslan does not moderate his ardor, he can even resort to crime, extortion and terror, considering any options for promotion financial situation and success. All fighting qualities of Ruslan wake up only in difficult and dangerous situations demanding immediate action from him.

However, Ruslan usually has an attractive appearance and is amorous. With the help of a burning and sparkling look, he manages to win the hearts of many women. They try in every possible way to get the location of this secretive and slightly strange handsome man, but more often than not, he does not make any plans for new novels and does not think about their consequences. If Ruslan is interested in an individual woman, he makes every effort to win her heart. Ruslan also retains his inherent selfishness, which helps him keep fit, follow his interests, and take care of his health.

The owner of this name tries in every possible way to avoid everyday life. He does not like monotony in the love sphere, so he constantly tries to change something in dating and bed games. He will be able to be happy with a woman who provides complete freedom in bed, and also not surprised by his rather unusual view of such a relationship. However, he tries to take care of the joint enjoyment of love games, often talking with his partner on erotic topics.

Being a windy person, prone to various and quite frequent intrigues on the side, Ruslan will never forgive the betrayal of his woman, therefore he immediately breaks off relations and, after a stormy conflict, considers himself the injured party.

Mystery of the name

"Winter" Ruslan is secretive, silent and unusually serious. If the owner of this name was born in the fall, he is distinguished by prudence and attentiveness, from childhood he studies this world with great interest. "Summer" Ruslans are very sociable and have a natural charm. They can charm almost any person if this is required to achieve their goal. Ruslans, born in the spring, are distinguished by narcissism, and also adore flattery. They are extremely concerned about appearance, so they always try to look perfect.