Russian Drama Theater in Sukhumi. Abkhaz State Drama Theater named after. S. Ya. Chanba Abkhaz State Drama Theater poster

One of the main symbols of culture and art of Abkhazia.

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Abkhaz Drama Theater

The first traveling troupe of the Abkhaz theater was organized in 1921 by the founder of Abkhaz literature.

The history of the formation of drama theater is inextricably linked with the graduates of the first Abkhaz theater studio. Aziz Agrba, Sharakh Pachalia, Levarsa Kaslandzia, Anna Argun-Konoshok, Razinbey Agrba, Ekaterina Shakirbay, Minadora Zukhba, Mikhail Kove, Muty Kove created acting school, which he is rightfully proud of theater stage Abkhazia.

© Sputnik Ilona Khvartskia

In 1912, a theater building with 670 seats was built at the Grand Hotel according to the design of the architect Sarkisov. The theater and hotel belonged to the Sukhumi merchant of the first guild Aloisi. The hotel also housed a restaurant, a garage with rental cars, an Olympia cinema, a casino and two shops. Opposite the hotel there was a roller skating area and a small park.

Since 1921, the Aloisi Theater was renamed the first State Theater of Abkhazia, and the Grand Hotel began to be called “Bzyb” from the 1930s. In 1945, there was a fire in both buildings. The opening of the reconstructed building took place on May 1, 1950. Since that time, the complex of theater and hotel buildings began to represent the current Abkhaz drama theater named after Samson Chanba.

© Sputnik / Thomas Thaitsuk

In 2014, an event occurred that had been awaited for five years. Afterwards it opened its doors again. Artistic director and the main director of the theater Valery Kove presented a performance called, which consists of the most striking fragments of nine plays. Among them are “The Last of the Departed” by Bagrat Shinkuba, “Mad Money” by Alexander Ostrovsky, “Makhaz”, “The Guarape Clerk” by Mikhail Bgazhba, “Life is a Dream” by Pedro Calderon.

The history of the building is interesting. In 1912, the merchant Joachim Aloisi built the Grand Hotel with 30 seats and a theater with 670 seats on this site. In 1921 the hotel was renamed “Bzyb”, and the theater was renamed State Theater Abkhazia. In 1942, both buildings burned down.

The theater building was erected in 1952 according to the design of the architect M. Chkhikvadze on the site of the old one. The facade of the theater is decorated sculptural portraits prominent figures of Georgian theatrical arts. On the pedestal at the main entrance there is a bust of the founder of Abkhaz drama, outstanding writer and public figure of Abkhazia Samson Chanba. Theater Square decorated with an unusual fountain with mythical griffins, from whose mouths sparkling streams of water flow. The Abkhaz theater was created with the advent of Soviet power. Before the revolution, Abkhazians did not have their own national theater. There were only a few amateur groups, which in those conditions could not develop into a professional theater.

The first Abkhaz traveling theater troupe was organized by D.I. Gulia in 1921. In 1929, a permanent Abkhazian national theater.

The auditorium, designed for 700 seats, is equipped with radio. Performances are performed with radio translation into Russian. Such works of both classical and modern drama are successfully staged on the theater stage.

The theater's chief director, Valery Kove, graduated from GITIS, like Rimas Tuminas, in 1979. Today Kove is known both at home and in the world. For many years he has continuously headed the Abkhaz Drama Theater named after S. Chanba, experiencing all the sorrows and joys with his country. Among his productions are “The Shore” by Bondarev, “Life is a Dream” by Calderon, “Julius Caesar” by Shakespeare, “The Chiogin Skirmishes” by Goldoni, “Makhaz” by Iskander, “The Guarape Clerk” by M. Bgazhba, “Suicide” by N. Erdman and many others.

Since its foundation, Abkhaz and Georgian troupes have been working in the theater. Among the best productions: the Abkhaz troupe - “Anzor” by Shanshiashvili (1930), “Ashkhadzhyr” by Chanba (1928), “The Inspector General” by Gogol (1932), “The Sheep Source” by Lope de Vega (1934), “The Death of the Squadron” by Korneychuk (1937) , "Othello" by Shakespeare (1941), "Cunning and Love" by Schiller (1947), "The Last" by Gorky (1954), "Gunda" by Pachalia (1957), "Song of the Rock" by Shinkuba, "Don Carlos" by Schiller (both in 1971), “Alou is angry” by Chkadua (1974), “The Case” by Sukhovo-Kobylin (1975); Georgian troupe - "The Suram Fortress" by Chonkadze (1930), "The Defeat" by Fadeev (1935), "Romeo and Juliet" by Shakespeare (1936), "Uriel Acosta" by Gutskov (1940), "High Mountains" by Pshavela, "The Dance Teacher" "Lope de Vega (both in 1971), "Kikvidze" by Darassli, "Casa mare" by Drutse (both in 1973), "Karaman is getting married" by Gstsadze (1974).
In the Georgian troupe (1962): people. art. Cargo. SSR M. Chubinidze, L. Chedia, honored.
art. T. Khorava, V. Ninidze, G. Pochkhua, G. Sanadze, N. Kipiani, V. Neparidze, T. Bolkvadze.
The activities of V.I. Domogarov, A. Khorava, A. Vasadze, A. Tavzarashvili were of great importance for the development of the skills of both troupes. Over the years, the following directors worked at the theater: V. Kushitashvili, S. Chelidze, A. Agrba, Sh. Pachalia, G. Sulikashvili, N. Eshba, H. Dzhopua, G. Zhuruli, G. Gabunia, Y. Kakulia, L. Paksashvili, S. Mrevlishvili and others. In 1967, the theater was named after the writer S.Ya. Chanba.
In troupes (1975): People's Artists of the Georgian SSR and Abkhazian ASSR A. Agrba, R. Agrba, A. Argun-Konoshok, M. Zukhba, T. Bolkvadze, L. Kaslandzia, N. Kipiani, I. Kokoskeria, M. Kove , Sh. Pachalia, M. Chubinidze, Honored Artists of the Georgian SSR and Abkhaz ASSR S. Agumaa, A. Bokuchava, S. Kalandadze, N. Kamkia, S. Pachkoria, G. Ratiani and others. Since 1973 chief director the Abkhaz troupe is Honored Artist of the Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic D. Kortava, the Georgian troupe is D. Kobakhidze.

First Abkhazian theater studio, which was organized by famous figure national culture, teacher and educator, expert on Abkhaz musical folklore K. Dzidzaria, was opened in 1929. Director and teacher V.I. Domogarov was officially appointed its leader and teacher. Together with K. Dzidzaria in Abkhaz villages, they selected talented young people who became the first professional actors, and subsequently by people's artists of Abkhazia and Georgia, outstanding masters of the Abkhaz stage - A. Agrba, R. Agrba, L. Kaslandzia, Sh. Pachalia, E. Shakirbay, A. Argun-Konoshok, M. Kove and others.

On November 27, 1931, the studio staff staged the premiere of the play “Kiaraz” based on the play of the same name by S. Chanba “Kiaraz” about the heroic exploits of the Abkhaz revolutionaries and fighters against the Georgian Mensheviks. And on January 20, 1932, the Abkhaz Theater Studio presented its second performance - Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General”. Both performances were enthusiastically received by the Abkhaz public and the young government headed by Council of People's Commissars N. Lakoba.

In March 1941, the creative team staged the production of Shakespeare's Othello, which became a serious test for many years. business card a young theater group at that time.

The consistent creative development of the professional Abkhaz theater suffered enormous damage during the Stalin-Beri era of repression, when a wave of mass arrests and executions of prominent public and government figures and representatives of the creative intelligentsia swept through Abkhazia in several stages.

From the beginning of the 60s of the last century, a noticeable rise in the professional level of the Abkhaz national theatrical art began, primarily thanks to the arrival of the young talented director Nelly Eshba to the theater. An entire period in the development of Abkhaz theater is associated with her work. The performances “Ghosts” by D. Gulia, “The Naked King” by E. Schwartz, “Don Carlos” by F. Schiller became landmarks in the history of the theater.

The arrival of the new director Valery Kove to the Abkhaz theater became desirable for the majority cast theater. New productions with a unique language of action, form, metaphors, expressive means radically different from everything previous and became a kind of turning point in history Abkhazian theater(“Woe from Wit” by A. Griboedov, “Life is a Dream” by C. Calderon, “Makhaz” by F. Iskander, etc.)

Today the theater is reviving many of the lost historical features of Abkhazia, reflecting them in its productions. Having gone through a difficult path of formation, the Abkhaz State Drama Theater named after S. Chanba has become a stable symbol of Abkhazia for all times. His honorable mission is to contribute to Abkhaz art, and distinctive feature– the history of Abkhazia on stage.

The story continues, the theater responds modern problems, the repertoire of the Abkhaz State Drama Theater delights its audience with innovative ideas and projects, which are being created by young Abkhaz directors M. Argun and A. Shamba.

The director of the Abkhaz State Drama Theater is Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria Adgur Chinchorovich Dzheniya.

Artistic director - People's Artist Republic of Abkhazia, Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria, holder of the Order “Akhӡ-Aҧsha” (“Honor and Glory”), II degree Valery Mikhailovich Kove

“Any performance, in addition to an extraordinary interpretation, a dynamic production, must answer one or another question about what theater is and bring its own grain into this general theatrical movement,” says V.M. Kove.

The Russian Drama Theater is located in Abkhazia, in the city of Sukhum. It opened in 1981 and was called the State Russian Theater for Young Spectators. And in 1990 it was renamed the Russian Theater. The theater’s repertoire includes classical and modern dramaturgy, also children's performances.

After the Georgian-Abkhaz war, the theater building was destroyed and the troupe was lost. But between 2000 and 2007 it was renovated and a cast of actors was assembled. The troupe is now small, but it consists of bright individuals. Now the Russian drama theater attracts a lot of spectators in Abkhazia, as well as tourists. The actors of the troupe go on tour; they have already traveled to many countries and cities. In 2009, the theater building was completely renovated and re-equipped. Now the hall can accommodate 500 spectators.

Abkhaz State Drama Theater named after S. Chanba

This is the main drama theater of the Republic of Abkhazia, named after the writer and statesman, the founder of Abkhaz drama Samson Chanba.

The theater was opened in 1912 at the small but prestigious Grand Hotel. Before the revolution, the owner of both the hotel and the theater was the Sukhumi merchant of the 1st guild Joachim Aloisi, but in 1921 the hotel became known as “Bzyb”, and in 1931 the Aloisi Theater was renamed the State Theater of Abkhazia. In 1967, the theater was named after Samson Chanba.

In 1943, as a result of an attack by German aircraft, the building completely burned down, but in 1952 it was reconstructed (architect M. Chkhikvadze), as a result of which the complex of ancient buildings built in the Art Nouveau style has changed greatly, turning into an impressive structure a la “Stalinist Empire” .

However, the theater is still quaintly beautiful. The auditorium has 700 seats, it is radio-equipped, and performances are translated into Russian. The theater staff has repeatedly taken part in international theater festivals and competitions. The theater's repertoire includes both classical and modern plays. This is also one of the few places where you can see productions based on the works of Abkhaz playwrights.

The State Russian Drama Theater named after Fazil Iskander has existed for almost 37 years. It was in 1981 that it became the third theater in Abkhazia after the Abkhaz State Drama Theater. S. Chanba and the Sukhumi State Georgian Theater named after. Konstantin Gamsakhurdia. It appeared under the name of the Sukhumi Theater for Young Spectators.

Also in 1981, the theater began to give performances - however, since it did not have its own building, the performances were on tour - in the cities and villages of Abkhazia. We can say that the troupe was like a poor relative compared to the other two theaters. Nevertheless, the Sukhumi Youth Theater was very popular among residents and guests of Abkhazia, giving them the opportunity to watch many interesting productions. in 1986, the theater finally received its own building on Lenin Street, built at the beginning of the 20th century by the Mutual Credit Society next to the San Remo Hotel (modern Ritsa). In 1991, the Youth Theater was renamed the Sukhumi Russian Drama Theater. And then the Abkhaz-Georgian war began and the theater building burned down. For obvious reasons, the Georgian theater in Sukhum no longer existed after the war and the fire victims from Rusdram moved to the building of the Georgian theater, where it remains to this day.

On May 22, 2014, Rusdram opened its doors after major repairs carried out using Russian financial assistance. The theater has a large auditorium with 485 seats, the necessary lighting, sound and other equipment. Since 1994, the State Russian Drama Theater has staged more than 40 performances. Along with works of Russian and foreign classics (A. Pushkin, A. Chekhov, V. Shakespeare, A. France), the repertoire includes many performances based on the works of modern Russian and Abkhaz writers and playwrights.

On May 24, 2016, organizational and personnel changes took place in the theater; General Director statesman, diplomat, candidate of political sciences Irakli Khintba was appointed.

On March 6, 2017, the theater was named after the outstanding Russian and Abkhaz writer Fazil Iskander.

In April 2017, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov visited Rusdram.

During the 36th season, the repertoire of the State Russian Drama Theater named after Fazil Iskander was replenished with the following performances: “Christmas in the House of Cupiello” by E. de Filippo (dir. A. Timoshenko), “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants” by A. Pogorelsky (dir. A. .Kichik), “The Tin Woodman” by V. Olshansky (dir. N. Balaeva), “RUSDRAM-SHOW” (dir. D. Zhordania), “Five Evenings” by A. Volodin (dir. A. Kiselyus), “Primadonnas” K. Ludwig (dir. S. Efremov), “Brer Rabbit & Brother Fox” by S. Astrakhantsev (dir. A. Kichik).

More information about the State Russian Drama Theater named after Fazil Iskander and its current repertoire can be found on the theater’s website