Russian-Uzbek dictionary of chestnuts. Free online translator from Russian to Uzbek

What to do when you go to another country but don’t know the language at all? Of course, you need to use a dictionary. This Russian-Uzbek and Uzbek-Russian phrasebook will be very useful when traveling, as it contains all the necessary information. With its help, you can easily communicate with native speakers without experiencing much difficulty in everyday situations.

There are common phrases that people say to each other every day, and those that you need to know to check into a hotel, go to a restaurant or go on an excursion. The book contains a list of phrases that you need to know when exchanging currency and performing other banking transactions, when traveling on public transport. It also includes health phrases to help you stay safe. The phrasebook is convenient and easy to understand, it contains information about the country, some historical information, data about geographical location. It tells about politicians, scientists, the economy and resources of the country, which allows you to learn more about the country and its characteristics.

On our website you can download the book "Russian-Uzbek and Uzbek-Russian phrasebook" for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

The Russian-Uzbek online translator will quickly and free of charge find the meanings of any words, phrases, sentences and even entire texts. The user has 104 languages ​​to choose from, including Russian and English. Versatility and practicality are the two main principles that guide our work. Uzbek translators can be used from anywhere, a minimal Internet connection is enough. All students of foreign languages, including Uzbek, will find it useful.

Translator functions

Among the main functionality of the site:

The arsenal of service capabilities not only “issues a pension certificate” classical dictionaries, but also makes the service a comprehensive tool for all the translations that a person might need. The need for paid professional translations is reduced to zero. The interface was created in such a way that anyone could use it: a child, an adult, old man. Everything is intuitive, simple and in its place.

How to use the translator

Hidden Features

  1. Built-in dictionary. To get the expanded meaning of a word, transcription, synonyms and usage examples, you need to ENTER ONE WORD in the search field. After processing, a link to the dictionary value will appear at the bottom of the results window.
  2. Automatic detection of the translated language. To call the auto mode, simply leave the direction “from” AUTO or select it manually. Useful when you don't know what language you are translating.
  3. Link to the finished translation. To send a friend what you translated, just copy the link in the browser window. It automatically appears after your actions.
  4. 104 languages ​​for the user to choose from. In fact, the number of languages ​​is not limited to just Uzbek, Russian and English. Among them are all the main languages ​​of planet Earth. The choice of languages ​​is carried out in me “from” / “to” - then a drop-down box with the names of the languages ​​​​and a quick search field for them.
  5. Page Rank. Each user can evaluate the quality of the Uzbek translation. If our service was useful to you, we would be grateful for 5 stars in the page rating column.

Predictive technology

When processing client requests, an Uzbek translator takes into account not only the direct meanings of words, but also the context in which these words are placed, the order of words in a sentence, grammatical and logical components. This technology called @RAX and brings Uzbek translation as close to professional as possible. Yes, the human brain works and translates language better, but every year we are approaching the moment when this border is completely erased. After all, next to the accuracy of translation there are such important parameters as speed and time spent. In terms of these qualities, our translator occupies one of the leading positions in this segment and we will not stop there. We intend to become the best for our users and close all their requests for complex translation of texts, posts, documents, individual words and speed up the learning process.

    • Uzbek language replaced Russian on the territory of its country
    • Most words in Uzbek are short, for example: the word “eat” is “eb”, “fight” is “jang”, “shoulder” is “elka”
    • many words are borrowed from Arabic and Persian languages
    • until 1928 the language used the Arabic alphabet
    • Uzbek combines writing of three directions at once: Cyrillic, Latin and Arabic alphabet, this makes words easy to read and pronounce
    • verbs of similar semantic orientation have the same ending: “bark” - “vovillamoq”, “growl” - “irillamoq”, “bite” - “achishtirmoq”
    • in the transliteration of Uzbek words, the letter “a” is represented by the letter “o”, for example “Andijan” - “Andijon”
    • the letters “ў” and “u” are also expressed with the sound “o” - Uzbekistan - Uzbekiston (Oʻzbekiston)
    • after the language reform of 1934, the number of vowels in the alphabet was reduced to 6, 4 letters ‹ə, ɵ, y, ь›, used to write ä, ö, ü, ı, were removed

“Russian-Uzbek thematic dictionary. 9000 words" will be useful to anyone who is studying the Uzbek language or planning to visit another country. This dictionary contains words that relate to the most frequently discussed topics. Conveniently, they contain Russian transliteration, which makes it easier to understand the pronunciation. Although at the beginning of the book basic phonetic rules are given so that you can understand how to read those words that are not in the dictionary.

The book includes more than two hundred topics covering different areas human life. There are verbs, basic prepositions, numbers, greetings, days of the week, months, colors. Separate sections will allow you to learn how to talk about a person, his appearance, character, lifestyle, nutrition and well-being, and his family. Topics related to housing and city institutions will help you better navigate in finding the right places. There are also words here that will ensure the understanding of your interlocutors when talking about a person’s activities, his profession, work, study, business. Words on the topic of art, tourism and entertainment are highlighted separately. The dictionary also contains words that describe the planet and its nature, animals. All this will allow you to communicate on almost any topic, so the dictionary can be used not only for learning, but also directly while traveling.

On our website you can download the book "Russian-Uzbek Thematic Dictionary. 9000 Words" for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

When creating a new product, an online Uzbek language translator, we pursued three goals: to be simpler, more convenient, and closer to our users. That is why the site design is made for modern touch devices. An online translator into Uzbek will be useful for both students and business people who every day feel the need to translate not only Uzbek, but also other foreign languages. Online hosting of the service will be convenient for everyone who saves their time and disk space.

Speed, convenience, free translator

Our translator from Russian to Uzbek received a 98/100 loading speed rating, is fully optimized for working online in 3G networks, and most importantly - free! Forget about installing applications, save space on your phone and tablet for something else. Russian-Uzbek translator from m-translate works in the cloud online from any device. All you need to translate Uzbek text or individual words is the Internet. Gone are the days when computers were bulky and stationary. Today, a computer, like online translation, is always at hand.

Not Yandex or Google translator - a new approach

Perhaps you were there before user of Yandex translator from Uzbek to Russian online or used the translator from Uzbek to Russian online from Google. We would like to say thank you very much for using our translator, it means a lot to us! The m-translate company is tirelessly developing its product to be more convenient, faster and more understandable than conservative translators from Google, Yandex and Bing. Today is a new day when small companies They are not inferior in quality to large conglomerates, and even moreover, they combine their advantages. Thanks to the new hybrid translator engine, we can confidently say that being with us is the right choice!

Not only Uzbek language

Translator users have access not only to online directions from Uzbek to Russian, but also to other 103 languages ​​and thousands of free directions. To be the most modern, the most native and the simplest - this is the success we are heading towards. A new approach to translation is our philosophy of creating an online translator from Russian into Uzbek and other languages.

Uzbekistan – ancient state, located in the very center of Central Asia. Uzbekistan has UNESCO heritage cities: Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva. These cities are the places most visited by tourists. Each of these cities is imbued with history and ancient architectural monuments. Anyone who has any interest in history knows that Uzbekistan is the cradle of Central Asia, and there is something to see in this republic.

Everything here is thought out for any type of tourism, from extreme recreation in the Chimgan and Nurata mountains to elite five-star hotels in Tashkent. It would seem that everything could go wrong. However, there is something that can have a detrimental effect on your holiday - not knowing the Uzbek language. In order for your stay in Uzbekistan to be remembered only by positive moments, we offer to download an excellent Russian-Uzbek translator on our website, you can do this completely free of charge. This translator consists of the most important and necessary words and phrases for tourists, and is divided into topics so that you can quickly find the appropriate words. Below is a list of these topics and their brief description.

Common phrases

WelcomeKhush Kelibsiz!
Come inKeering
Happy New YearYangi Yilingiz Bilan
It's good that you cameKelib judah yahshi kilibsiz
We are always glad to see youSizga hamma wakt eshigimiz ochik
I'm at your serviceMen sizning hizmatingizga tayerman
What is your name?Ismingiz nima?
Wait a minuteBir dakika
Your face seems familiar to meMenga tanish kurinyapsiz
How are you doing?Yahshimisiz?
How are you?Ishlaringiz kalei?
How's life?Yahshi yuribsizmi?
Everything is fine?Hammasi joyds?
I heard you got marriedYeshtishimcha uylanyabsiz
Please accept my best wishesMening eng yakhshi niyatlarimni kabul kilgaisiz
What's happened?Nima buldi?
I wish you a speedy recoveryMen sizga tezda sogaib ketishingizni tilayman!
I have to goYendi ketishim kerak
See you on SundayYakshanbagacha
Please come againYana Keling
Give my best wishes to your parentsOta-onalaringizga mendan salom aiting
Kiss the children from meBolalaryngizni upib queing
Don't forget to call meKungirok kilishni unitmang
Come visit usBiznikiga keling
What time is it?Soat necha?
Well, byeKhair endi
How are you doing?Calaisiz?
Good morningHairli tong
Good afternoonHairly kun
Bon voyageOk yul
Welcome fromKhush kelibsiz
You, youSen, siz
Can I help you?Sizga kandai yordam bera olmaman?
How to get there?U erga kandai boraman?
How far is it?Kancha uzoklikda zhoylashgan?
How long will it take?Kancha wakt pancake?
How much does it cost?Bu kancha turadi?
What is it?Bu nima?
What is your name?Sizning ismingiz nima?

Walking around the city

At the restaurant

BeefThey say gushti
I have noMenda yuk
Forgive meKechirasiz
Do you have...?Sizlarda...bormi?
MuttonKui gushti
PleaseMarkhamat / Iltimos
PorkChuchka gushti
Thank youRakhmat
WaitKutib touring


No I can't do thisMen kila olmayman
No wayHatch-da
Pump doesn't workIslamayapti pump
The mechanism is not workingYahshi Emas mechanism
Sorry I can't helpKechiring, yordam kilolmayman
Of course notYok, albatta
It's not even discussedBu tugrida gap ham bulishi mumkin emas
It is forbiddenMumkin emas
This is wrongBulmagan gap
Oh noYok, yoge
No wayIloji yok
Never!Heche cachón!
Stop making noise!Shokin Kilmasangiz!
I don't knowBilmadim
No promisesSuz berolmayman
Let's seeKuramiz
Sorry, I'm busyKechirasiz, bandman
I've got my hands fullMeni ishim boshimdan oshib yotibdi




Days of the week

Common phrases - words and phrases that are useful in everyday life. Here there is a translation of words that can be used to get to know citizens of Uzbekistan, words of greeting, farewell and many other phrases that will be very useful to you during your travel.

Refusal – phrases and words with which you can refuse something to representatives of the local population. Also, a very necessary and useful topic.

Consent is the exact opposite of the Refusal theme. By opening this topic, you will find suitable words of agreement to any proposal, in different forms.

Telephone is an incredibly important and useful topic that will allow you to communicate on the phone with someone in your local community. For example, you can call a taxi, order lunch in your room or call a maid, and much more.

Numbers – a list of numbers, their correct pronunciation and translation. Knowing what this or that number sounds like is very useful, because you will make purchases, pay for taxis, excursions and more.

Days of the week - a topic in which you will find how to correctly translate and sound each day of the week.

Restaurant – while walking around the city, you will probably want to stop by a restaurant to taste national dishes or just have a cup of tea or coffee. But in order to place an order, you need to know how to do it in Uzbek. This topic will help you cope in such a situation.

Orientation in the city - phrases and words that sooner or later you will need during your trip.

Thanks to this topic, you will never get lost, and even if you get lost, you can easily find the right path by asking local residents, where should you go.