Who is Marilyn Kerro with now? Psychic Marilyn Kerro found herself in a new profession. Success will soon knock on your door

In an interview with the ETV channel program “Krugozor” (Ringvaade), he spoke about why he broke up with and how to treat some generally accepted signs. This is not the first time Sheps has visited Estonia. He came to Tallinn to present the Estonian translation of his new book “The Medium: In Search of Life.” “I love being here. This is very beautiful country. Beautiful architecture, stunning Old town in Tallinn. I love Estonia very much,” Sheps said.

In 2013, on the set of the 14th season of “Battle of Psychics,” Sheps, who ultimately took first place, met Estonian Marilyn Carro. They were together for a long time, but this year they decided to separate.

“Each of us saw our own separate path. It is difficult for two psychics to get along together. If higher powers want, then maybe we will cross paths someday,” Sheps commented, adding that now he is absolutely happy. The psychic said that he can be seen on television again in February next year, when the next season of “Battle of the Strongest” starts on TNT.

Sheps said that you should not spit over your left shoulder when you see a black cat.

“When I see a black cat, I try to go exactly to the street where this cat is walking. And you need to cross the road exactly in the place where it is. You need to understand the signs correctly. A black cat is a change in life. And it won't necessarily be bad. It is you who makes it good or bad. When a person is afraid of change, then these changes will bring something negative to him. Now you know: if you see a black cat, feel free to cross the road in this place. The black cat is not to blame for anything,” Sheps explained.

There are only 4 finalists left in the most mystical and large-scale project on the TNT channel. The forecast for 2017 from the strongest Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro will help you correctly plan the events of the coming year and attract good luck, joy and financial well-being into your life.


The first month of summer will be the peak of energy activity of the Fire Rooster. You should be careful when staying in the sun for a long time and beware of open flames. The month will be favorable for financial investments, large purchases and long journeys. Try to spend more time on yourself and your personal needs.

July 2017: time to renew your energy

The second month of summer may help you get the first results of your work. The work completed since the beginning of the year will be noticed and appreciated if you are not afraid to show the results of your achievements. IN love relationships a transition to a new level is possible.


August 2017 promises to be calm. The results of your work will be clearly visible, it will be possible to sum up intermediate results and understand where to move next and what to pay attention to so that the results are even better. This month is favorable for charity, financial transactions, creativity and learning something new.

September 2017

According to Marilyn Kerro's forecast, in the first month of autumn it will be useful to take care of your own health and beauty. September is the month of harvest, both physical and energetic, and it is not for nothing that Mabon, the Celtic harvest festival, is celebrated in September. This time is favorable for self-care, updating your wardrobe and changing your hairstyle or haircut.


October 2017 is a good time for frequent visits to dear relatives and intellectual fulfillment. At this time, the energy of the year begins to slow down, the days become shorter, nature prepares for winter, and personal energy man is walking on the decline There are several effective ways to protect yourself from the autumn blues, but the most effective of them is to renew and strengthen your energy through meditation on a candle flame.

November 2017 of the Red Rooster

In November, the fiery, bright energy of the year of the Red, or Fiery, Rooster will be at its minimum. The influence of the next year will begin to be felt, and our personal energy field will gradually begin to rebuild. This time is favorable for self-contemplation, search psychological comfort and active communication with people dear to you.


IN last month In 2017, it is especially important to follow the forecast for the year, because it is December that determines what the next year of our lives will be like. This time is favorable for financial spending, changing the furnishings of the home, renovations, choosing gifts and communicating with old friends and distant relatives.

A detailed and accurate calculation of astrocompatibility will help you understand whether you are on the same path with the people you meet during 2017. We wish you have a good year and only good impressions. Smile more often and don’t forget to press the buttons and

The Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro, famous throughout the country, who twice took part in the mystical show of the TNT channel “Battle of Psychics,” decided to try her hand at a different incarnation.

In October, Marilyn Kerro appeared before the public as a clothing designer. In particular, here we are talking about creating underwear for women of all ages and sizes, a collection of which the newly minted designer has already presented at the Tallinn Fashion Week fashion show.

Commenting on such a radical change in her priorities, Marilyn told reporters that she was forced to reconsider her views on life by the fact that modern designers rely exclusively on women with model bodies. At the same time, they completely forget about the other representatives of the fair half of humanity, who also need good and high-quality underwear. It is for this reason that Marilyn invited models not only with ideal parameters, but also “in body” to show her collections.

With her performance at the Tallinn Fashion Week fashion show, Marilyn Kerro sought to convey to the public the message that beautiful lingerie is created and can be used by literally all women, regardless of their body type. AND large audience fans of the Estonian witch were very enthusiastic about the news of their favorite's new hobby. At the same time, it was noted that they were very pleased with the fact that Marilyn had finally placed an emphasis on more “normal” hobbies.

In narrow circles of the fashion industry, they recognized the fact that Kerro created a real sensation with her sexual revolution in lingerie fashion for women of different sizes. At the same time, the emphasis was placed on the fact that the sexual revolution of underwear from the famous witch is a great idea, since many women in their bodies are faced with the problem of choosing underwear.

“She was a co-author and helped the girls behind the scenes; she did not take part in the demonstration. A plus-size girl took part there. It was about these women that Mary said that there is beautiful lingerie for them too,” “Mary is a stylish thing!”, “She helped create and wanted to participate in the show. In principle, I don’t care, the main thing is that this is my beloved Marilyn and it doesn’t matter what she did there,” wrote the witch’s fans.

Kerro participated several times in the TV show “Battle of Psychics,” but the witch was unable to win. Mary occupied prizes, but never won main prize- blue crystal hand. She formed an army of fans, and she also became the sex symbol of the project. The witch said that the tests at the “Battle” greatly developed her abilities, she became much more experienced. Last year, Marilyn planned to move to Moscow and open a magic center. IN exclusive interview finalist himself mystical show shared ideas for the future.

“I will teach people to listen to themselves, so that they do not take money to psychics, but solve some problems on their own,” said the witch.

Marilyn reported that she never plans serious events in her life. Apparently, this is why the witch decided to hide information about her debut in the fashion world from Russian fans.

“I never plan, otherwise it will definitely not come true. And the past... Why do I need it? I've already been there. I don't blame myself for mistakes. I’m just gaining experience, so that’s how it was supposed to be. I don’t like to delve into the past of people who contact me,” noted Kerro.

The famous Russian medium Alexander Sheps, with whom Kerro had a whirlwind romance, came to Tallinn in the fall, where he presented his new book. And here's yours ex-lover I didn’t want to see it.

“It hurts too much. Moreover, if you want to meet a new love, you need to end the old one completely and move on with life,” Sheps explained that no one needs such meetings.

According to a Russian psychic, they no longer meet with Marilyn Kerro:

"We have absolutely different lives. She has hers, I have mine!” says Alexander.

Choose a number from the prediction table with your eyes closed and get your advice!

Choose a number from the prediction table with your eyes closed and get your advice!

So, just look into Marilyn's eyes, and then close your eyes and point at random at the table.

Prediction results:

1. Success will soon knock on your door.

2. good time to start something new.

3. Happy news is on its way to you.

4. Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.

5. Seek happiness and you will find it.

6. Never say never.

7. Not deciding anything is also a decision.

8. Someone is thinking about you.

9. Take a break and enjoy your life.

10. You will live a long, successful life.

11. Make your dreams come true.

12. Tell the truth. It is the easiest to remember.

13. You will meet someone special this week.

14. Luck is already on your way.

15. The word is not a sparrow - if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

16. Success awaits you in your career.

17. The past is gone... tomorrow there are many opportunities.

18. Your destiny is as sweet as a cookie.

19. A good time to make new friends.

20. This year will bring you good luck.

21. Luck is with you now.

22. Live for today - plan for tomorrow.

23. Do what your heart tells you.

24. Don't say everything you know, but know what you say.

25. Have patience.

26. Your wishes will come true tonight.

28. Take a break and enjoy your life.

29. Your destiny is as sweet as a cookie.

30. Success will come to you soon.

31. Your destiny is as sweet as a cookie.

32. A good time to finish old things.

33. Soon almost all your wishes will come true.

34. Don’t say everything you know, but know what you say.

35. Do everything with confidence.

36. Luck is with you now.

37. It's a good time to make new friends.

38. Respect yourself and others will respect you.

39. Important events are coming.

40. You will live a long, successful life.

41. Your destiny is as sweet as a cookie.

42. Don’t say everything you know, but know what you say.

43. Important events are coming.

44. Your destiny is as sweet as a cookie.

45. Success awaits you in your career.

46. ​​Respect yourself and others will respect you.

47. Soon almost all your wishes will come true.

48. Do what your heart tells you.

49. Don’t say everything you know, but know what you say.

50. Luck is with you now.

51. Your destiny is as sweet as a cookie.

52. You will live a long, successful life.

53. Do everything with confidence.

54. It's a good time to make new friends.

55. Happy news is on its way to you.

56. Your destiny is as sweet as a cookie.

57. A good time to finish old things.

58. Don’t say everything you know, but know what you say.

59. Have patience.

60. Respect yourself and others will respect you.

61. Your destiny is as sweet as a cookie.

62. Important events are coming.

63. Your destiny is as sweet as a cookie.

64. Soon almost all your wishes will come true.

65. Don’t say everything you know, but know what you say.

66. Do what your heart tells you.

67. Respect yourself and others will respect you.

69. Your destiny is as sweet as a cookie.

70. Luck is with you now.

71. Take a break and enjoy your life.

72. Do something unusual tomorrow.

73. You will live a long, successful life.

74. A good time to finish old things.

75. Someone is thinking about you.

76. Don’t say everything you know, but know what you say.

77. Your destiny is as sweet as a cookie.

78. It's a good time to make new friends.

79. Respect yourself and others will respect you.

80. Have patience.

81. Soon almost all your wishes will come true.

82. Happy news is on its way to you.

83. You will live a long, successful life.

84. Luck is with you now.

85. Success awaits you in your career.

86. Do everything with confidence.

87. Do what your heart tells you.

88. Don’t say everything you know, but know what you say.

89. Your destiny is as sweet as a cookie.

90. Do everything with confidence.

91. Do something different tomorrow.

92. Soon almost all your wishes will come true.

93. A good time to finish old things.

94. It's a good time to make new friends.

95. Luck is with you now.

96. Take a break and enjoy your life.

98. Someone is thinking about you.

99. Happy news is on its way to you.

100. Do what your heart tells you

Those who watch and love the program “Battle of Psychics” empathize with the fate of the participants not only on the project, but also outside of it in their personal lives.

The winner of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Alexander Sheps, has gathered a lot of fans who are interested in his personal life, so every news in the life of a psychic becomes a highlight and a discussed topic on the Internet. His fans very carefully and carefully follow all the events and news of Sasha, as well as the development of his relationship with Marilyn Kerro, who is also a participant in the show. Viewers worried about their relationship really hoped to hear news about their wedding soon, but, unfortunately, the couple announced their breakup, and Alexander began dating new girl.

Alexander Sheps and his new girlfriend: why they broke up with Marilyn

Sheps and Kerro dated for a long period, and television viewers had already gotten used to their couple. Since Sasha and Marilyn were not only participants in the same show and solved problems together mystical stories, but they also lived together and built relationships. Although everything was not always as smooth as they wanted, because they constantly broke up and got back together, but they still loved each other. The media say that they were even planning a wedding and discussing the number of children in their future family.

However, at the beginning of June 2017, Marilyn initiated the severance of their relationship with Alexander. The witch herself stated that they had not been in a relationship for a long time.

“Sasha and I broke up. I have already spoken about this on camera several times, but apparently an official statement is required. Here it is: Sasha and I are not a couple. Each of us has our own life, and I respect Sasha very much. If I take a photo with him, this once again proves that we are not enemies,” Kerro wrote on Instagram.

On at the moment Marilyn Kerro is expecting a child with Mark Alexander Hansen.

Marilyn and Sheps met in 2015, when together they became participants in the fourteenth season of the show “Battle of Psychics.” TV viewers recognized them as the brightest and most unusual couple in the entire history of the show. Fans of this relationship sincerely believed and hoped for their further development, namely, they were expecting a wedding and babies. But Marilyn decided to put an end to this relationship.

And if the Estonian witch does not show that she remembers ex-lover, then the magician still posts on his Instagram joint photos with a girl and dedicates contradictory poems to her:

You hit where it hurts the most

Without showing your insides to anyone.

Returning to a disgusting coma,

Now you close the window forever...

Just remember, the oxygen is already poisoned,

In the past are boomerangs and sadness,

I was left naively and stupidly

I still feel incredibly sorry for you.

Alexander Sheps and his new girlfriend: who is next to the psychic now

Sheps did not comment on the break with Kerro, but lately On his Instagram, photographs in the company of a blonde began to appear more and more often, which the psychic accompanied with poetry:

We don't listen to envious speech

And we don’t look at the lost mass.

Their stench cannot entice us,

All of them with an ugly grimace...

We are aiming for a strong wave,

Where with love only about the past,

For both always look into the depths

And we don’t notice dirty and vulgar thoughts...

Fans in the comments under the posts begin to open a topic of discussion about Sheps’ new girlfriend, and wonder: was he really able to find a replacement for Marilyn.

Fans are now in complete uncertainty, since Alexander did not comment on these photos, but followers have already decided for themselves that this is his new girlfriend.

Fans of the psychic are at a loss. Some think that Alexander is simply teaching the girl what he knows, helping her find her gift and her strength, but others are sure that the blonde is his new lover. Sheps, in turn, decided to remain silent and not answer annoying questions from fans in the comments.

During the filming of the 18th season of the “Battle of Psychics” program, Alexander appeared on the set with a mysterious girl, which became the reason for discussions on the Internet, as well as the most stupid gossip. As it turned out, this is his student, whom he brought to participate in the show. Alexander called her “his protégé,” but the real status of their relationship remains unknown.

Many recognized the blonde as a “familiar face.” It turns out this is Elena Sinilova. The girl is twenty-eight years old, and she is a theater and film actress. And many probably recognized her from her roles in the TV series “Interns” and “Univer”,

But there are already a lot of rumors circulating on the Internet that there is more than just a working relationship between Elena and Alexander. But these rumors did not arise out of nowhere, as they were seen holding hands.

Information about whether Sheps and Sinilova are dating is still unknown. Alexander himself only insists that Elena is just a student. But the girl, in turn, responded to comments that Sasha was used to seeing Marilyn Kerro, and replied: “Everything in life changes.”

By the way, although Alexander did not want his companion to participate in the casting, he simply could not refuse her support, and this indicates that he is far from indifferent to the girl. However, the blonde herself, judging by her, was not at all upset that she did not make it to the main stage of the show.

Time will tell how Alexander's relationship with his new girlfriend Elena will develop.