The simplest questions that everyone should know. What knowledge should a modern person have in the modern world?

1. Learn to formulate thoughts

The ability to speak smoothly will help you convey your point of view to your interlocutor and even convey emotional experiences. Knowing the meaning of terms that are often used in your environment will help you feel more comfortable.

2. Look at the world from a different perspective

The basic rules of etiquette and NLP should be your point of reference. NLP teaches you to look at the world through the eyes of your interlocutor in order to understand the motives of his behavior. to his respectful attitude You create a mirror reaction to people and even an unconscious desire to imitate you.

3. Be curious

Reluctance to read more than three sentences and fear of long texts distorts the perception of information. Understand that the world is multifaceted. We can talk about the problem only after we have read at least a couple of independent sources and drawn our own conclusions.

4. Don't judge others

Relationships cannot be squeezed into the framework of clichéd situations. Instead of labeling yourself as “fool” or “greedy”, it is better to try to work on your relationship in a cold-blooded manner. You will understand that for a well-done “job” in the role of a wife, you will definitely receive a long-awaited bonus in the form of a fur coat.

5. Be a role model

An English proverb says: “Don’t raise children, they will still be like you. Educate yourself!” In any case, the child will absorb the habits and behavior of his parents. Practice self-improvement and you will notice in your child best manifestations myself.

6. Be inspired by beauty

Any manifestation of art develops imaginative thinking and memory. And of course, teaches us beauty. An erudite person needs to understand the masterpieces of world literature, music, cinema and fine arts, whose ideas remain relevant in at the moment. Believe me, you will have a lot of fun!

7. Brush up on your knowledge

Meaning high school– lay the basis of knowledge and skills. Of course, not the entire program modern education can be considered practical. But you simply must know the multiplication table, the history of your own country, and understand geography and grammar.

8. Make a promise to Hippocrates

There are about ten accident situations. If you notice the victim, you will definitely call ambulance. But there are still 30 minutes left before the medical team arrives. Having mastered simple skills to provide first aid medical care, you can save the lives of not only others, but also yourself.

9. Learn to stand up for your rights

State laws and rights shape relationships in society. Therefore, you need to know them. Of course, there are specially trained people - lawyers - to solve specific situations and issues. But on a daily basis (for example, as a motorist) it’s every man for himself.

This list can be expanded endlessly, because every new day brings new “surprises” that you need to be prepared for. Don't stop there, study more useful literature, and you will understand that the world is beautiful the way it is. This is because you are the one who sees it this way – full of possibilities and miracles.

Text: Anna Kuznetsova

1. Flowers that can be given to a man:

chrysanthemums, roses, carnations, delphiniums, orchids, bamboo, callas, lilies, anthuriums, gladioli, tulips, irises, gerberas, plumerias, heliconias, daisies, sunflowers.

Don't forget about the color scheme when giving flowers to men. The following colors are welcome: purple, burgundy, white, blue, green.

Cases when it is customary to give flowers to a man:

1) Film premiere;
2) Concert premiere;
3) Book publication;
4) Publication of the article;
5) Serious discovery;
6) Birthday;
7) Award presentation;
8) Sports record.

It is believed that it is better to give calla lilies of green or emerald color to the boss. It is better to give the composition to professional florists.

2. Handshake

It is not customary to shake hands with women, but if she extends her hand first, you should shake it, but not as firmly as men. But your handshake should not be weaker than a woman's or she will think you are a weakling.

The eldest shakes his hand first, the teacher or mentor to the student, the boss to the subordinate. You shouldn’t change the rules of the game, even though there are no castes in our society, you can cause rejection and misunderstanding among others.

When shaking hands, you should look into the eyes and smile a little as a sign of friendship.

3. According to the rules of etiquette, the plate of soup should be tilted away from you while eating!

Some sources write that you can’t tilt it at all.

4. Men should ALWAYS stand up when a lady leaves the table!

5. There is nothing wrong when a husband calls his wife “bunny” and she calls him “bunny”.

However, these endearing nicknames are not intended for prying ears!
When not alone, it is better to call each other by name.

6. Sometimes it's very nice to drink a drink through a straw.

But in such cases, you should not suck it out to the last drop, since the piercing gurgle will introduce some dissonance into the general conversation.

7. Here are the main ones modern rules Restaurant etiquette:

A) Cut large pieces into smaller ones;
b) When eating a dish with your hands, there is no need to hunch over and invade your neighbor’s space with your elbows;
c) You can’t blow on hot food, you need to wait until it cools down;
d) When eating with your hands, it is better to bite off a little at a time;
e) Use a napkin and do not lick your fingers;
f) Always blot your mouth with a napkin;
g) Never wipe your mouth with your hand or speak with your mouth full;
h) Even if everyone around you eats with your hands, it is quite acceptable to eat yourself with a fork and knife;
i) You should never put your phone on the table.

8. Chewing gum in public and during a conversation is considered vulgar!

The habit of chewing chewing gum exposes us precisely to ignorance of the rules of decency!

9. It is considered the height of bad manners to be distracted by your watch during a conversation, mobile phone or notebook.

Even if you are tired and bored, don’t show it!

10. On the stairs:

If there is a man and a woman on the stairs, then when going up, the man must leave the woman behind him, and when going down, it is necessary, on the contrary, so that the woman is in front. But if the stairs are too narrow, steep or dark, then the man should go ahead of the woman.

A woman walking up the stairs must choose the side with the railings. She may not leave the railing if she meets a man on the way, even if this is against the rules of right-hand traffic.

A man, while on the stairs, must give way to women, elderly people and children.

If a man climbs the stairs, holding a woman by the arm, then he should move his body just enough to provide sufficient support for the woman, but at the same time not move impulsively and not pull her forward; a man should behave in the same way when going down the stairs with a woman.

1. Flowers that can be given to a man: chrysanthemums, roses, carnations, delphiniums, orchids, bamboo, callas, lilies, anthuriums, gladioli, tulips, irises, gerberas, plumerias, heliconias, daisies, sunflowers.

Don't forget about the color scheme when giving flowers to men.

The following colors are welcome: purple, burgundy, white, blue, green.
Cases when it is customary to give flowers to a man:

1) Film premiere;
2) Concert premiere;
3) Book publication;
4) Publication of the article;
5) Serious discovery;
6) Birthday;
7) Award presentation;
8) Sports record.

It is believed that it is better to give calla lilies of green or emerald color to the boss. It is better to give the composition to professional florists.

2. Handshake

It is not customary to shake hands with women, but if she extends her hand first, you should shake it, but not as firmly as men. Your handshake should not be weaker than a woman's or she will think you are a weakling.
The eldest shakes his hand first, the teacher or mentor to the student, the boss to the subordinate. You shouldn’t change the rules of the game, even though there are no castes in our society, you can cause rejection and misunderstanding among others.

When shaking hands, you should look into the eyes and smile a little as a sign of friendship. Averting your eyes or even looking away when shaking hands is disrespectful. Sometimes turning away your eyes is perceived as deceit and serves as a signal that such a person cannot be trusted.

3. According to the rules of etiquette, the plate of soup must be tilted away from you while eating! Some sources write that you can’t tilt it at all.

4. Men should always stand up when a lady leaves the table.

5. There is nothing wrong when a husband calls his wife “bunny” and she calls him “bunny”. However, these endearing nicknames are not intended for prying ears. In front of strangers, it is better to call each other by name.

6. Sometimes it is very pleasant to drink a drink through a straw, but in such cases you should not suck it out to the last drop, as a high-pitched gurgle will introduce dissonance into the general conversation.

7. Basic modern rules of restaurant etiquette:

a) Cut large pieces into smaller ones;
b) When eating a dish with your hands, there is no need to hunch over and invade your neighbor’s space with your elbows;
c) You can’t blow on hot food, you need to wait until it cools down;
d) When eating with your hands, it is better to bite off a little at a time;
e) Use a napkin and do not lick your fingers;
f) Always blot your mouth with a napkin;
g) Never wipe your mouth with your hand or speak with your mouth full;
h) Even if everyone around you eats with your hands, it is quite acceptable to eat yourself with a fork and knife;

i) You should never put your phone on the table.

8. Chewing gum in public and during a conversation is considered vulgar.

9. It is considered the height of bad manners to be distracted by your watch, mobile phone or notebook during a conversation. Even if you are tired and bored, don't show it!

10. On the stairs:

According to statistics, only 10% know these points. Stay tuned for future parts of the article. We will fight together against bad manners. from Revealed SECRET - smart magazine

Anna basis

Man is an exceptional creature. It’s not news that the human body is a complex and intricate system, right? Body parts and everyday functions are fraught with amazing facts. The human body has not been fully studied. Let's look at 15 interesting facts about a person, his body and organs.

What do we know about our body?

Human brain- the most complex and not fully explored part of anatomy. The brain uses the same energy as a 10 W light bulb. This internal organ never rests and works more actively at night than during the day. The human brain uses 20% of the oxygen present in the blood. At a speed of 170 miles per hour, nerve impulses travel from and to the brain. 80% of the human brain is made up of water, so when you feel dehydrated, drink water to keep your brain properly hydrated. Scientists have noted that there is a connection between the brain and body weight: in women, for every kg of body there is 22 g of brain, and in men - 20 g. In women, there is 10 times more white matter in the brain of the head than in men. Men have 6.5 times more gray matter than the fairer sex.

Why biological knowledge and terms, the basics of geography, historical facts, dates and events, including in Russia, are it useful for a modern literate person to know? - specifically for the development and maintenance of the brain in working condition for many years.
They are inanimate parts of the body, but people carefully and for a long time monitor them. Every day a person loses 60 to 100 strands of hair. It depends on various factors: time of year, pregnancy, age, illness. A woman's hair has a thickness equal to approximately half the diameter of a man's hair. This is necessary to know for general development: blondes, glorified by various stories and anecdotes, have more hair, and their hair is very thin and thick. Sparse and thick hair - among red-haired people, the “golden mean” is brown-haired and brunette. On average, the life span of human hair ranges from 3 to 7 years. Brown-haired men grow a beard more slowly than men with blond hair.

The fastest growing nail is the nail on the middle finger. Interesting, isn't it? Compared to fingernails, toenails grow four times slower. Everyone noticed that nails grow much faster in warm weather. Do not torture yourself with different diets - they will lead to nail growth stopping and them becoming brittle and thin.

The largest organ of the body is the skin. For an adult, its area is 2 m2. A person's health is judged by the condition of his skin. Thus, acne on the chin indicates a hormonal imbalance in the body, acne on the forehead indicates diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system. The skin performs respiratory, tactile, heat exchange, regenerating and cleansing functions. The thinnest skin layer (0.5 mm) is on the eardrums and eyelids, and the thickest is on the soles of the feet (0.5 cm). During the day, the skin secretes approximately 1 liter of sweat and 20 g of sebum, creating a protective film on the skin.

How fast do we sneeze? That's right, 100 mph. For this reason cannot be held when sneezing eyes open . But if you support your eyelids with your hands, then this can happen. This is a reason to cover your mouth when sneezing.
Having had a heavy snack, it is not recommended to go to music concert. Why? Yes, for one obvious reason. Heavy food affects your hearing, and it becomes less perfect.

Men smell worse than women. From birth, women have much better receptors than men. Therefore, representatives of the fairer sex remain the best smell tasters until the end of their lives. According to research, women are able to identify smell more correctly. Thus, they more clearly identify coffee, citrus, vanilla, and cinnamon odors. Newborns recognize their mother's scent. Humans are also able to detect the smell of familiar people. Part of the smell depends on the food, external environment, various hygiene products and genetics.

A person will go longer without food than without sleep. A person can live up to 60 days without food if water exists. It also depends on some factors, such as the amount of fat in the body. But if a person does not sleep, after sleepless nights there will be changes in his psychology. A person can go 11 days without sleep- this is the longest time that the experimenter experienced on himself. After this time, he could not speak normally, had hallucinations and forgot about his actions.

Amazing things about pregnancy and newborns

You know…? Listed below is almost everything that new mothers need to know - so, a mandatory list of facts about the baby in the womb and newly born babies:

Fingerprints in a newborn appear during pregnancy in the third month of life. They are imprinted for life.
Your long-awaited baby may cry while in the womb.
Talk to your baby during pregnancy. Research by UK scientists has shown that children with whom their mothers talked about adult topics had a high level of intelligence. Talk, consult with them, and ask questions in silence.
To ease childbirth you need to sing. Since singing releases the hormone of happiness - endorphin, hearing the mother sing, the child calms down. So, by singing, reduce pain during labor.
Does your baby need noise to fall asleep? Don't be surprised. In the mother's womb, the baby adapts to the noises of the body.
Scientists have refuted the hypothesis that in newborns things are mixed into one point and the world is perceived in a changed form. According to the studies, it was found that the child sees the mother's face clearly.
Until seven months, the baby breathes and swallows. It does all this at the same time. Adults can't do that. Newborns breathe only through their nose.
When a human being is born, at that moment there are 14 billion cells in the brain, which do not increase and after 25 years they decrease by 100,000 per day.
There are 300 bones in the body of a newborn, while an adult has 206.

Unusual Facts About Sleep

Sleep is an extraordinary human state. People spend 1/3 of their lives sleeping. This is the time when the brain processes and decides what to forget and what to remember from the learned information of the day.

Get a good night's sleep before any major task.

Once you have learned the tickets and before memorizing them, quickly go to bed. According to psychologists, a person's character can be judged by how he sleeps. People who sleep in a curl are isolated from the outside world. The longest dream was recorded by D. Powell in 1994 - its duration was 3 hours 8 minutes, the man was examined in the American city of Seattle.
The essence of prophetic dreams is also extremely interesting. Scientists have long found out that the cerebral cortex becomes less active when a person falls asleep. While he does not know about his illness, this news already exists in the affected blood cells. It is reproduced in the form of dreams and images. According to doctors, flu and colds can be predicted 1 or 2 days before symptoms appear, and ulcers 2 to 3 weeks before. During research on dreams, British professionals found that For a positive attitude, people should sleep 7 hours a day.

Table chemical elements, which Mendeleev dreamed about - one of the most famous dream phenomena in science

Professionals believe that this comes true when a person persistently solves a problem.

Psychological facts

You can maintain focused attention for ten minutes.. So, while attending a meeting, you will listen to a topic that the speaker talks about very well and informatively. You maintain attention for up to 10 minutes, after which it decreases. To further maintain retention, take a break.

We are unsuccessful predictors of the future. We overestimate our responses to future actions, whether they are positive or negative. Professionals have found an interesting thing: people think that positive events, such as getting married or getting a job, will make them better than what actually happened. By the same analogy, it seems to us that negative events will cause greater despondency and loss of spirit than is actually the case.
Many people believe that they can do several things at the same time. Scientists have proven that it is impossible. Why? The answer is simple. So, while walking with a friend and talking with her, the brain at this time focuses on one main function. It says that we are unable to think about two different things.

People feel much happier when busy

Imagine you are at the airport where you have to pick up your luggage. You need 10 minutes to get to this place. When the deadline expires, you get there and take your suitcase. Please tell me how uncontrolled you seem to yourself? Now imagine driving 3 minutes to this location and waiting 7 minutes to pick it up. In two cases we spent 10 minutes, but were, in all likelihood, impatient and unhappy the second time. Thus, if a person believes that he does not need to be active, he is inactive. Although energy is conserved, if we do nothing we feel unhappier. So work and get busy.

Interesting and amazing facts there is an unusual amount about a person, since the human body and mind are an unusually complex, truly unique biological machine in which everything is interconnected and, in a healthy body, works harmoniously, clearly, and in a balanced manner. Every minute, every hour, every day opens up the world to man, and to the world of man - we still have a lot to learn about ourselves.


Are you interested in interesting and surprising factors? Then have a positive outlook on life, take everything positive from it, take care and stay healthy. Study yourself and study this boundless world, develop constantly and daily- make, for example, your own list: meanings of unclear words, clever articles, classic and modern poems, interesting facts from history and basic things that everyone should know educated person. Choose an area that interests you and work on it - for example, formulate questions about politics that every erudite person should answer, and try to give detailed, well-founded answers to them. Or 100 questions about animals/birds/fish that anyone should answer intelligent person- anything to make life interesting, varied, attractive at 20, 50, and 80 years old.

Good luck, good mood and a positive attitude!

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Each person has a certain skill, a skill that he once developed. But much of what we can do is more likely to be useful to us for general development or career.

website collected skills that everyone should have. Although many of them may seem unnecessary, they will come in handy at least once in your life.

Knitting knots

Learning to knit various knots is by no means a useless activity. Such skills will be useful for facilitating transportation, hiking and even fishing, if, of course, you like active recreation.

Distinguish between poisonous and edible mushrooms

Many of the poisonous mushrooms can be harmful to your health, even if you do not eat them. For example, some of them contain mucus, which can cause an allergic reaction or cause a burn. Such knowledge should be shared with children in order to protect them on a family vacation in the countryside.

Know the Heimlich maneuver

Thanks to knowledge of the Heimlich maneuver, you will be able to quickly navigate an unpleasant and life-threatening situation when a person is choking. There is first aid in such situations, and perhaps you need to know them all.

Find your way around the forest

If you are going on a hike or on vacation outside the city, you need to know how to navigate wooded and simply unfamiliar areas. You shouldn’t rely on modern gadgets, because the connection may fail. To feel calm, you need to at least be able to use a regular compass.

Understand plumbing and electricity

This knowledge is useful in case of emergency and for saving purposes. For example, while washing dishes, the faucet handle comes off and the kitchen floods with water. What to do? Prepare the boat for yourself and your neighbors before emergency services arrive if you don’t know where to turn off the water. Afterwards you need to replace the faucet, and it’s good if you know how, because it will save your time and money. Well, after watering your kitchen appliances with water, your knowledge about electricity will definitely come in handy.

Use construction tools

Every self-respecting man has at home a minimum set of tools that are necessary in everyday life. And no matter how funny it may sound, you also need to be able to hammer a nail or screw a shelf to a wall. You don’t have to call workers every time you want to hang a new picture.

Save a drowning man

There can be only one obstacle on the way to saving a drowning person - the inability to swim. If you feel confident in the water, then you are capable. Remember that you need to swim up to a person strictly from behind so that he does not notice you, since in a state of panic, a drowning person can prevent you from swimming or, by grabbing you, pull you under water. After you have swam up, you need to take the person under the armpits or chin and, placing his head in the abdomen, begin to move towards the shore.

Know how to save money and save money

Be able to rig a fishing rod and row a boat

You don't have to be a fisherman to do this. But it is necessary to be able to do this. For example, if fishing doesn't interest you, it may be fun for your child. Every man has a primal instinct of a provider. And it’s worth knowing how to row, if only because as part of a romantic walk on the water it will be great pleasure for you and your partner.

Plan your vacation

A vacation or a weekend with friends is a well-thought-out and planned plan. To prevent any troubles from happening during your vacation or suddenly finding out that something is missing, approach your preparations with all responsibility. Don't rely on memory. Use the old and proven method: make a list of what you need. If you are going abroad, purchase tickets from low-cost airlines to save on your flight.

Escape unharmed from a stray dog

If you happen to meet an angry dog ​​on your way, you can resort to several protection options:

  • If the dog is not large, you can try to scare it by pretending that you are picking up a rock. But before that, you must let her notice you. Walk towards her with shuffling and slow steps, and when you are the center of her attention, perform this trick. This should frighten a small and cowardly dog.
  • If this method has no effect, most likely you should prepare for an attack. In this case, you can try to hit the dog in the nose when it rushes at you, but the likelihood of an accurate hit is low. A more effective way is to give her the opportunity to bite herself. Without turning your back to the animal, without sudden movements, take off your outer clothing and wrap it around your hand. Let the dog grab onto this hand, and then push the thing into its mouth and run.

Use a jack

It is very useful to have basic knowledge about the structure of a car. If there is a hole in the wheel on the highway, you need to replace it using a jack and a spanner. And don’t forget about wheel chocks to prevent your car from rolling away while being lifted.