The worst zodiac sign according to astrologers

Planets most directly influence not only a person’s fate, but also his character. Among the zodiac signs there are those who are more prone to revenge and cruelty than others. Knowing what the cruelest signs of the zodiac are is necessary in order to be extremely attentive and careful with them.

Cancer is the most cruel sign of the zodiac

Cancer will act for sure, hiding behind a mask of complacency and infallibility.

It is not for nothing that this sign ranks first on the list of the most dangerous and cruel. Cancers have a quick temper and often show others their changeable mood. Literally anything can cause outbursts of anger in him - from harmless jokes addressed to him to the slightest suspicion of infidelity of his half. Cancers do not forget their grievances, but collect them for a long time and carefully, so that later they can take revenge on their offenders in the most cruel way.

More often, their revenge resembles childish pranks, for example, Cancers may stop talking to you because you couldn’t go to a party with them or spoke badly about their new outfit. But if the cause of the offense is larger, any vileness can be expected from the offended Cancer. Cancer only pretends to be strong and confident, denigrating others and plotting.

Due to jealousy, this zodiac sign can cause pain even to the most beloved people. Having become attached to a person, Cancer can obsessively pursue him for years, intimidate him with threats and use physical and sexual violence.

Due to their emotional instability, self-doubt and envy of others, Cancers are even capable of committing murder. Moreover, they kill their victims with special passion. Despite the fact that Cancers are usually unlucky in life and love, they are first-class pretenders who have good intuition and are able to deceive others about their character.

Scorpio will hit where it hurts the most

Scorpios also have a pronounced cruelty towards the people around them.

They are distinguished by a strong, decisive character and natural charisma, thanks to which they always have many fans and admirers. People of this sign, according to astrologers, enjoy their attractiveness and are happy to have affairs, which does not prevent them from deceiving their partners, cheating and manipulating. At the same time, they themselves do not tolerate humiliation and lies addressed to them, they never forgive betrayals and can take harsh revenge on the offender, which both men and women of this zodiac symbol often do not disdain.

Scorpios are pathological sadists, so their revenge is never simple. They use all their imagination to inflict as much pain on the victim as possible. Although the main goal for them is not the suffering of the victim, but the implementation of retribution.

People of this sign are rude, suspicious and emotional. After the storm of feelings subsides, they can apologize and console for a long time, but usually history repeats itself. Most often, they accept criticism, but up to a certain point. If you cross the line, you can experience all the most sadistic manifestations of this sign.

Among Scorpios there are many psychopaths who are simply unable to understand the feelings of other people. Coupled with innate prudence and inhuman cruelty, this leads to the fact that representatives of the sign often become hired killers or professional spies.

Aries in a furious fuse will stop at nothing!

Third place is occupied by Aries - usually friendly, easy to communicate and cheerful companions. But only as long as everything is fine with them. If they encounter any difficulties, they should expect trouble. It's worse if the problem that stands in Aries's way is you.

Stubborn and impulsive, people of this sign love to create scandals and start fights in which they are truly uncontrollable. Aries does not tolerate objections and does not have good manners. It is better not to fall under his hot hand; in anger, this sign is terrible and extremely dangerous. People of this sign completely lose their heads and turn into cruel, aggressive, warlike animals, firmly convinced that they can only prove they are right with their fists.

The good news is that just as quickly as Aries gets turned on, they cool down. If in dangerous situations Stay away from them to avoid bloodshed. In addition, people of this sign are not vindictive and never pursue their old offenders.

First impressions do not always give an idea of ​​a person's character. Based on your date of birth, you can find out not only positive traits, but also dark side zodiac sign. Understanding what one or another may conceal within themselves and which of them are particularly cruel, you can, if not exclude your communication with such individuals, then at least limit it or change your own behavior.

All the zodiac signs are like bunnies and cats: everyone is so soft, fluffy and with sad eyes. But even cats from time to time try to eat their owner's hand and update his new shoes. In our horoscope - negative traits character of the zodiac signs.


Aries already at birth got a job as the navel of the Earth, albeit part-time. Their job responsibilities- walking around in beautiful dresses, manipulating the feelings of others, issuing decrees everywhere and being offended by lazy people who do not obey her - she does it conscientiously. “Why hide egocentrism if it sticks out?” thinks Aries, and again gives advice to everyone, and whoever doesn’t listen is impaled. Ay, what a great guy, he will definitely get promoted soon and become the center of the Universe.


He always breaks his diet, gets drunk to the point of flying elephants, promises himself every day to start running in the morning, but the bed is so soft - Taurus loses every battle to his weaknesses. Accepts defeat bravely: with undisguised joy and a smile. If someone tries to help Taurus in his unequal battle, he gets it himself - in general, no one asked to poke his nose in.


There is a whole theater inside Gemini, and if a couple of minutes ago Gemini was sweetly flirting with you, then in a second she can stick her tongue out at you without further ado, pick up a street pigeon and go for a walk. And at this time, in Gemini’s head, five, or even ten completely different guys are interrupting each other. Therefore, be glad that Miss Gemini left, because she could have done something terrible - turned on her standard manic informant mode.

Cancer's paranoia never sleeps, so the arthropod strengthens its chitinous shell year after year. Anyone can hurt the subtle feelings of an emotional young lady, and then tears, snot and the apocalypse are just around the corner. Therefore, in order to avoid psychological trauma, Cancer is always tuned to the betrayal of friends, intrigues of colleagues, quarrels with loved ones, the rise of the dead, the invasion of zombies, and alien invasion.

One day the Lioness started a rumor that she was the cutest, most rosy and whiter in the world. Everyone suddenly believed it at once, without even checking. And this is good for the Lioness: no one questions her authority, despite her disheveled fur and unsharpened claws, everyone admires her, showers her with compliments - they feed her inflated Ego from all sides, and for this she only needs to come up with stories about her virtue and heroism.


Virgo always criticizes everything with a smile from ear to ear, but not because she is an evil bitch, she just really has good mood. But if Virgo got off on the wrong foot, then it will be bad for absolutely everyone. From the very morning she will begin to prophesy environmental disasters, new incurable diseases and the coming end of the world. By lunchtime, everyone close to you will start running about their work affairs, even though it’s a day off, celebrating Saturday with something strong and slipping sleeping pills into Virgo’s coffee.


In the frantic pursuit of quick harmony and the desire to please everyone, Libra constantly forgets about themselves. And the tail of this very harmony has long since disappeared beyond the horizon, and in the reflection there is no best picture- both pie in the sky. And people in general are ungrateful brats. Just as Libra begins to preen itself, make plans for the future, and improve life, harmony again waves at them from around the corner. Libra's personal circle of hell is their life. It's sad, though.


Perhaps even El Mariachi, the guy with a guitar and a bunch of guns from the film “Desperadoes,” will envy the vindictiveness of Scorpios. And if the hero of Antonio Banderas in a mortal battle can for a moment forget the reason for his revenge, then Scorpio will remember even after amnesia. In addition, the Scorpio lady is jealous. Not only will she be jealous of her chosen one, but she will be jealous of her chosen one. Therefore, think ten times before crossing the path of Scorpios. Even on tiptoe, even by accident, there will be no mercy.


The adventuress Sagittarius will find adventures for her ass even in the most boring place, and if the week is not going well - the level of crazy events has decreased by at least ten percent - Sagittarius begins to walk around and whine to absolutely everyone about the frailty of existence. One day of complaints about life from Sagittarius can still be withstood, but on the second day even iron nerves will begin to melt.


If Sagittarius is obsessed with adventures, then Capricorn is obsessed with work. He is happy to work for himself, and for his colleague, and for that guy’s caller ID, and, of course, he also needs to do reports on the weekend. Sending Capricorn on vacation is simply unrealistic: she will grab the table with her filed nails, wrap her legs with a telephone wire, and take the first package of documents she comes across in her teeth. The end of the world will begin when Capricorn is forcibly pushed onto a plane and sent to Bali: tears flow in a stream, constant hysterics, the beds are not soft, the food is tasteless, the water is not liquid and long monologues about how life is pain.


Aquarius is the one and only expert in everything. She loves to give advice, without actually understanding what she is talking about. The main thing is to express your value judgment, recommend something, and then they’ll figure it out on their own.


From time to time, the peaceful Pisces become so quiet and calm that it is unclear whether they are depressed or just another zen. If in a normal state Pisces at least flaps their fins, then during this period they simply float with the flow. Let's give some advice: on such a day it is better to keep a stick with you and poke the Fish every five hours to make sure that it is just resting.

Zodiac signs can't be trusted. But read the description of your sign! Isn’t it true that almost all character traits are described correctly? You will be surprised, but the zodiac signs really confirm your character traits, describe your habits and your behavior. This means they divide people into groups belonging to a certain type of character.

In this case, it is interesting to know whether people born under which zodiac sign are the most disgusting, difficult to communicate, difficult to get along with, and less likely than others to be able to find language with people. Let's take a look at the ranking of the most quarrelsome and uncommunicative zodiac signs.

1. Scorpio

Probably the most difficult sign of the entire zodiac diversity. Scorpios. And this is no coincidence, because it belongs to Mars, the god of war, which means it is a militant, strong and hot-tempered sign. People born under the sign of Scorpio are true consumers who rarely give in return. They always take what they need and boldly go towards their goal, even over their heads.

The second planet that patronizes Scorpios is Pluto, which means it symbolizes the depth of the soul and the devilish image. Main feature character - determination, which is often envied by other signs. This is a sign of individualists who despise the opinions of the crowd.

They easily break off friendships that do not bring benefits, but are capable of constant feelings. They can be extremely jealous, as they are big owners.

2. Aries

Aries, also under the protection of Mars, are often immodest and unrestrained. They make decisions before thinking about the consequences. Because of this, they often find themselves in conflict situations with other zodiac signs.

Bright individualists. Egoists and excessively proud people, who unreasonably put themselves above others, are distinguished by excessive self-confidence and narcissism. It is easy to guess that it is not easy to get along in a team with such an attitude towards those around Aries.

3. Gemini

This is a rather difficult sign to communicate with others. They are often accused of indifference and heartlessness, although this is often their defensive reaction from the surrounding world. They are always looking for ease, but this often leads them to neurasthenia. Because of their inconstancy, they often lose loved ones.

They are neither economical nor homely; in general they very rarely become attached to a place, always looking for their own corner. Their irrepressible character always takes them somewhere, and under the influence of their character they leave their loved ones.

Geminis are disorganized and rarely finish what they start. Being bundles of energy themselves, they get irritated by someone’s slowness.

4. Aquarius

Their main characteristic it is independence and originality. It is thanks to this sign that the world owes the appearance of freaks and “white crows”.

It seems to them that people do not understand their ideas, they are often offended by people and often quarrel, and behave defiantly in a society that does not understand them. They reject everyone who, according to Aquarius, has not matured to their level. They are often radical, to the point of being scandalous and shocking, both in clothing and in communication. They often waste their abilities to achieve success in society, sometimes at the expense of family and friendship, but often their attempts are in vain.

The sexual sphere of Aquarius is small. More often than not, Aquarius is lethargic in bed, so he is not suitable for erotically temperamental signs.

5. Capricorn

A rather independent sign, capable of swimming against the opinion of the majority. They are workaholics, but they believe that the whole world owes them for their work, everyone should work just like them.

Ambitious. They love money, but among them there are many misers and stingy people. They are harmful and often overly stubborn, which quarrels with others.

Among people of this sign, melancholic people are more common than others. Excessive suspicion of others is also not the best thing best quality Capricorn.

Don’t immediately think that a “heavy” sign is bad or an outcast. Not at all! It’s just that people of this type of character are often bright individuals who simply do not need to interact with other people. They often communicate with them out of a need to benefit themselves rather than out of boredom, and this is often more consumer attitude, which, of course, does not make representatives of other signs very happy.

Useful tips

If you've encountered an unpleasant and aggressive person, you may not have thought about what he might be like.zodiac sign.

However, statistics indicate that some signs are more prone to aggression and conflict than others. This is primarily due tonuanceswhich are inherent in their character.

Which zodiac sign is the most evil?


Mars leaves its mark on Scorpio, so this zodiac sign can safely be called militant and aggressive. But unlike Aries, Scorpio's anger is usually more serious, has greater consequences and can last quite a long time.

Scorpios accumulate their anger, keeping it deep within themselves. Often you may not even suspect what is going on inside him, and one fine day you find yourself very close to anger and aggression, it would seem for a trifle reason. It is not enough for Scorpio to throw out his anger, he wants revenge, thirsts for revenge, so he enjoys the fact that he has taken revenge.

If Scorpio's anger has fallen on you, know that he has been saving it for a very long time. Rest assured that Scorpio's anger will not pass too quickly. For Scorpio to finally calm down, you should understand the reason his anger and eliminate her.

? It's not as easy as you think. Usually, for Scorpio to show his anger and aggression, you need to try very hard. He does not forgive betrayal and betrayal. But in everyday life he can be enraged by disrespect and unwillingness to take him into account. IN in rare cases Scorpio can become aggressive even if there is no danger, and he will suddenly decide that there is danger. But again, it will not change from scratch. Most likely, there are reasons in the past why he shows conflict towards you.


Aries is one of the three most evil and aggressive signs of the Zodiac, and it is not surprising, because it is Mars is the main planet of Aries and gives them aggressiveness and the desire to use force.

Often manifestations of Aries's aggressiveness and anger are associated with the fact that he is completely doesn't think about the consequences, does not think that he can hurt anyone or put himself in a bad light. He is not used to hiding his emotions, and if they are negative, he immediately wants to get rid of them by throwing out his anger on someone who happens to be at hand.

The manifestations of an evil Aries are quite predictable: he can destroy everything, break dishes and scream loudly. When he is angry he gets very it's hard to restrain yourself however, anger can pass very quickly, just as it can appear. Aries are quick-witted and do not like to return to old grievances.

What can piss him off? ? Aries can be annoyed by a variety of things, and he can especially get quite nervous if something doesn’t go exactly the way he wants. Aries are used to commanding, and if they stop obeying them, this person a lot of aggression can flow.

Aries also don't like to wait, so they get very angry when they are forced to do it. For example, they are ready walk kilometers, just not to hang around at the bus stop waiting for the bus. They hate lines, slow cashiers, or delayed transportation.


Despite the fact that Aquarians are very freedom-loving and independent, they can be classified as one of the top three aggressive and conflicting signs. First of all, Aquarius is used to defending his freedom and his rights, and if he feels that he is being infringed upon, he will honestly enter into conflicts with you.

The explosive planet Uranus, which rules Aquarius, gives unpredictability and a sharp manifestation of aggression. However, the manifestation of grievances can wait a long time of its hour, deep at the bottom of the Aquarius soul. You can never know what awaits you next to this person and when to expect problems. It is possible that you will never receive them.

What can piss him off? ? The only thing that really irritates him is the inability to be free. He does not tolerate jealousy and debt. This always causes conflicts, especially if they demand something from him and shout: you must! Overly conservative and boring people can cause not just disgust in Aquarius; representatives of this sign can sometimes treat them with a fair amount of anger.

The Evil Sides of Other Zodiac Signs


Capricorns are also often considered to be quite aggressive signs, although they are quite capable of restraining their feelings and hide emotions under an impenetrable wall of decency. Capricorns do not like to go beyond the rules. They know how to control themselves very well, but they still have outbursts of anger.

What can piss him off? ? Status and financial stability are very important to Capricorn, so any people or circumstances that can shake stability and ruin Capricorn’s reputation can cause his righteous anger. Capricorns are stubborn and are used to insisting on their own. If something does not go according to plan, this can lead to the emergence of negative emotions on the part of a representative of this zodiac sign.


Another cardinal sign, despite its closed character, is very hot-tempered and often nervous. It’s all because of the strong Moon in the chart of any Cancer, which rules this sign. Luna is not used to holding back emotions and hiding feelings; they are usually quite obvious.

Despite this, Cancers know how to control themselves with strangers, so that no one knows what is going on in their personal space. But if you are part of a circle of close associates, rest assured that the wrath of Cancer will fall upon you more than once.

What can piss him off? ? Cancers stand up for their family, their relatives, so if someone offends them, they are ready to stand up for the offended person, they can be very conflict-ridden and aggressive.


Leos are not very conflicting and aggressive people as long as their dignity is not hurt. Any Leo knows how to keep himself on top, and aggression is not too becoming " the best people" But if necessary, he can become aggressive, and conflicting, and angry.

What can piss him off? ? Leo can be enraged by people who try to become taller than him, to show that they are somehow better, smarter or more successful. Leos generally do not tolerate competitors around them, so if someone crosses their path and tries to outshine them in something, they can be very aggressive.


Virgos are very reserved and rarely become confrontational and aggressive; they can be prickly, sarcastic and cold when communicating with those they don’t like, and in the case unpleasant situations, behave as calmly as possible. But there are still a few things that can make them angry.

What can piss him off? ? Virgos do not like chaos, they are used to living in such a way that everything is clear, everything is in its place, everything is according to the rules. If someone tries to disrupt this established order, Virgos may come into conflict. Carelessness in any form is also not close to Virgos, so they can be enraged by unpunctual, unkempt or too changeable people.


Taurus are not known for their conflicting nature if nothing threatens their comfort and stability. He does not like open conflicts and prefers to solve problems calmly. However, if Taurus is faced with grievances and disappointments, he will remember them for a very long time. Taurus does not easily forget grievances.

What can piss him off? ? He can be unbalanced by those people or circumstances that prevent him from controlling anything. Taurus, like all earth signs, has their feet firmly on the ground and wants to feel like they can see things through. Uncertainty and the inability to take control of anything makes Taurus quite aggressive, but still his aggression will not be expressed too clearly.

The reputation of the most vile sign still needs to be earned, no matter how strange it may sound. Several representatives of the zodiac circle are competing for this “prestigious” title. Often the treacherous nature manifests itself in certain life circumstances. However, some guys negative qualities too visible to ignore. Let's take a closer look at those who masterfully know how to spoil the mood.


In order to be at the top of a dubious ranking, Geminis do not need to do much. It is enough to be yourself fully. The range of their two-faced qualities is amazing: cunning, deceit, cynicism of thoughts, inconstancy, lack of attention to others, etc. And if we add to this list the inability to admit one’s guilt, then laurel wreath secured. Another thing is that these cheerful guys are able to lead people by the nose all their lives and never give up their vile secrets. More precisely, issue them carefully, without allowing suspicion of stability bad character. Usually only the closest people know about this. The partner of the summer sign will have to endure a lot of sadness. Gemini always wants to sit in the royal seat. Therefore, it is quite difficult to knock down their arrogance.


Many have heard about the composure and prudence of Virgos. This sign is capable of committing an act of breathtaking cruelty in order to finally be noticed. The “merits” were appreciated. Because they also have a thirst for recognition. These are the gray cardinals of the zodiac circle, often becoming millionaires in life. With the help of money they gain the ability to punish those they dislike. In a bad mood, Virgos are scary and vicious, and can treat even the closest people badly. But, unlike the same Gemini, you can sometimes guess about the bad character of Virgo. Defilement will certainly be expressed in a lack of cleanliness. These fans of purity forget about it when their thoughts are overwhelmed by the thirst for revenge. They become rude, vulgar, downright angry. It is better to always treat Virgos well in order to stimulate the development of their virtues. Otherwise, you will have to pay a very high price: one way or another, but Virgo will force you to respect your strength.


Vengeful Scorpios are ready to compete with Gemini. Their ability to weave intrigues, play with the feelings of others, heartlessly refuse love and cruelly punish for the slightest mistakes is unlikely to be repeated by anyone. Scorpios' bad reputation is due to the extreme power of this passionate sign. A hypnotic gaze suppresses weak-willed people in no time. It is these guys who tend to exhibit energy vampirism. They feed on the pure thoughts of others, while deep down in their souls they experience exactly the opposite feelings. Fierce in love, Scorpios love to be sadistic. Their partner should be seriously careful not to incur the wrath of the representative water element. Scorpios recognize only extreme, highest feelings: either absolute love or honest hatred.


Not the most good sign The rude Capricorn is also considered to be of the zodiac. His ability to think meanly is not always known to others, since he carefully hides it. Years of dedicated work are not in vain - after mid-life, Capricorns become irritable, unprincipled (read mean), and downright cynical. Natural careerists want too much to be at the top of society, and therefore often go over their heads. They cheat on their marriage and business partners, and lie about their non-existent virtues. It is close people who suffer greatly from Capricorns. If among your relatives there is a representative of this sign, then it is better not to let his loved ones get close to you: he will certainly deceive you if the opportunity arises. Sometimes just to train your abilities, no matter how crazy it may sound. Capricorns are capable of any, even the most sophisticated, nasty thing. At the same time, earth signs are distinguished by their ingenuousness, which is expressed in the absence of behind-the-scenes games. At the decisive moment they act quite directly. They sweep away any obstacles and walls from the path. They ignore decency and moral standards. They do not disdain the darkest meanness for the same profit. That is why they should be on the pedestal with Gemini and Scorpio.

As for other signs of the Zodiac, here you can do without a ranking. It is enough to list their negative qualities to understand how much they are inferior in meanness to the above-mentioned guys.

  • Aries. Extremely hot-tempered and emotional. Aries' anger pours out extremely violently. They become terrible people after they get their hands on power. If Capricorns calm down after recognizing their merits, then Aries are just beginning to act. They behave selfishly and rudely.
  • Taurus. Tenacious guys are capable of much to achieve their goal. Their desire to cope with all problems on their own often leaves a negative imprint on their character. Taurus' rancor and jealousy appear at the most inopportune moments. It is important for them to find a timely way out for their aggression.
  • Cancer. They are rarely characterized by meanness of intentions. Cunning manifests itself in borderline situations when something threatens their life. Outright cowards easily hide behind the backs of others, forgetting about protecting their own dignity. But they jealously guard their loved ones, sometimes causing serious inconvenience.
  • Lion. If you forget at least for a moment about who is standing in front of you, Leos will instantly remind you of themselves. They do not tolerate neglect or indifference. Their feelings are strong and their powers are enormous. Therefore, it costs them nothing to execute the victim. Even if you have to use some meanness to do this.
  • Scales. The greed of an air sign is often expressed in the manipulation of other people. They enjoy the feeling of being in control of the situation. This balances them internally. Therefore, it should not be surprising that they use various methods to achieve their goals.
  • Sagittarius. Freedom-loving guys have one drawback. They are easy to use for black purposes. They are easily suggestible and quickly submit to a stronger partner. It is because of him that they become vile.
  • Aquarius. The mental acuity of Aquarius can lead them along a crooked path. They are ready to become a genius in any field if only people notice their creative power.
  • Fish. But sentimental Pisces have another characteristic that predominates: they are too sincere with others. When their strong feelings are rudely ignored, they withdraw into themselves and deny love to even the closest people. It is quite natural that the latter see this as exceptional meanness. Although they are often themselves to blame for such attitudes.