Scenario for a girl’s 20th birthday in a family circle. Scenario for the anniversary of a girl (young woman) “A star named ....”


20 years old is already quite a mature age. Especially for guys. Some have already completed their military service, others are on the way to obtaining a diploma higher education. But they have one thing in common: this is past youth and the beginning of a new, adult life.

Topic: “Goodbye youth, and hello adulthood...”

The holiday can be celebrated at home, as well as in a cafe or outdoors.


Today we celebrate two decades,
Today is (name)’s anniversary,
And for this we all congratulate him,
And we make it all more fun,
And so that we can all start feasting,
Everyone will have to call him!

(the Jubilee is called in chorus, at the command of the presenter)

(The hero of the day enters)


Here he is, our hero of the day,
Blinds us all like a lantern,
With its strength, beauty,
Courage and kindness!
He gets compliments today
And all our applause!

(The hero of the day takes his place at the festive table to applause)


Now a toast would be nice for us too,
We wish you enough money so as not to spend it,
We wish to always rule our lives,
And may you have as many friends as you can’t even imagine!
Congratulations! Hooray!

(musical break, meal)


And now I want to surprise you,
And reward with a souvenir!
I'll give you balloons,
You eat each one and read your little note!

(The presenter brings a large bunch balloons, in each of them, before inflating, you need to put a small note. In each you need to write one name, where there will be simply the inscription: “Happy Holidays!” that is, without a gift, but where - a calendar, pen, towel, keychain, photo frame, etc., that means with a gift. Guests choose a ball, pop it and read it. Some are left with a surprise, others are not.)


The lottery was held
The balloons all burst
And again we came to congratulations,
Now we drink to
So that you (name) find your soul mate!
For love, for the future family!



Now I want to hold a competition
So that you remember all the basics of childhood!


The competition is called: “When I was little!” Everyone is welcome to participate, but an even number of people is required. We divide into two teams. In front of each team, at a distance of 4-5 meters, there is a chair on which pacifiers are laid out (candy-pacifiers need to be purchased in the store, most of them are available), and next to it, on the floor, there is a children's construction set, and two bandages are also given for each knee. Task: in turn, each person from the team ties protective bandages to their knees and crawls on their knees (like a little one) to a chair. Then he unwraps the candy pacifier, puts it in his mouth, takes 1 piece from the construction set and places it at the base of the house. Then he returns to the team, hands over the bandages, and so on one by one. At the leader's sign, the game stops. And whoever built the tallest house will be the winner. Prize: with parting words for starting a family, the presenter gives real pacifiers as a souvenir, for future children, participants


That's how we had fun
As if we were frolicking in childhood,
And now back to the table, to the wine!
Now everyone who has gathered here
They say congratulations to us encore!

(all those present take turns congratulating the hero of the day and giving him gifts)

(musical break, meal)


Many were already here in the army,
And I hope we haven't forgotten anything,
Today you will all shoot,
And for this, receive a gift!


The competition is called: “Holiday Shooting Range!” Everyone is welcome to participate. Iron beer cans are placed on the table, each with a note attached: where is the gift, where is the riddle, where to sing a ditty, where to dance, and where to say the best compliment to the hero of the day. Whoever knocks down what gets it.

And again there will be a feast on the mountain,
Let's celebrate 20 years with interest,
We all drink to our parents,
Today we salute them!



Friends, I ask for your forgiveness,
But I'll leave this room
I set the mood for you all,
I told you all my words,
Now let's go without me,
Well, the last toast:
“For the hero of the day, everything to the bottom!”

Before the start of the holiday, all guests are given business cards with images of flowers. Music is playing. The presenter comes out.

Presenter: Today all nature has come to life,
It was as if I had just been waiting for this day.
Wherever you look - there is only fun,
Everyone is in a festive mood today.
I see that the valley is all in flowers
And now above these flowers
A swarm of colorful butterflies is circling,
Their every wing flap
It surrounds us like petals.
And bowing before one flower
Everyone is eagerly waiting for it to start
That holiday about which all the rumors
It will spread very quickly in the valley.

Presenter: For many years now the most beautiful flower has been blooming and fragrant..., which can only be compared with the royal flower whose name is Rose!
Rose you! It's clear to anyone
How desirable and beautiful
Queen of all flowers, -
Everyone is ready to love you!
And we are no exception
We wish you on your birthday
Kindness, love and light,
May you be warmed by fate!
I invite all guests to fill their glasses.

We raise a glass to Rose,
May you smell it every day!
We present the tiara to the queen on holiday,
We ask all of us to accept it from the bottom of our hearts!

A tiara of flowers is awarded.

And so that the eyes of the guests shine and sparkle,
We want you to have a little refreshment!

Musical break.

Host: What a wonderful inflorescence of guests is present at this table! Everyone is attracted by the sparkle of their eyes, a charming smile, special charm and uniqueness, like flowers in a beautiful meadow, to which no less beautiful creations of nature flock and living beings gather.
Here, for example, is an ant,
Could have been among the guests.
This nice worker
I'll tell you, I'm not a miser at all.
For such a celebration
He has tons of gifts.
But today he's not there
But next door is a neighbor -
Your boss is a fighter.
(Addresses the boss):
Over to you, dear...!


I suggest you drink to these wonderful wishes!

Host: Even the Snake, the mistress of this year, was captivated by the sophistication and aroma of grass and other many-sided flowers. That is why she is here today with numerous congratulations and wishes to the beautiful Oksana! I ask guests to read out the congratulations and wishes of the Snake.

Congratulations from the mistress of the year (for us it will be the Snake)
They bring out the Snake with cards on which wishes are written.
Inscriptions on cards:
1. Happy birthday to you,
Always bloom for our joy!
2. So that the rose petals are fresh,
You carry it in your arms..., guys!
3. So that the Rose does not fade,
She could use some currency!
4. So that Rose’s stem doesn’t bend,
Caress Oksana more often, hubby!
5. So that Rose does not have sharp thorns,
Don't spare yours for her kind words.
6. So that drops of dew decorate the Rose,
You would order diamonds for her.

The wishes of the Snake, In my opinion, are beautiful.
And for this you need to drink,
Do you agree with me?
Pour intoxicating wine into glasses,
For... drink while standing, to the bottom.

Presentation of a vase with fresh flowers

Host: Look at Rose, everyone.
She has a blush as if from the cold.
And how the eyes shine,
They intoxicate with their brilliance.
How did Rose survive?
I achieved my goal in life!
It's time to trace
How year after year went by.
When our Rose was born, they bought her a night vase and, in addition, a diaper bag. (They put out a pot with an artificial rose.)
When she went to school as a child, she found a vase in her briefcase. (They put out a pencil case with an artificial rose.)
And in her youth, her vase changed and turned into a perfume bottle. (They put out a bottle with an artificial rose.)
At the wedding, the wine glasses became her vase. And they filled it with sweet water. (2 wine glasses are displayed, one contains an artificial rose.)
And after her daughter was born, she got a bottle with a nipple. (They display a bottle with an artificial rose.)
So my husband calls... . And this pan becomes a precious vase in the house. (They put out a pan with an artificial rose.)
Today Rose has fully blossomed
And Rose needs a different vase.
Dear guests! Give an answer:
Which of the vases does the birthday girl not have?

Presenter: For a crystal vase
There is a bouquet of roses
It has a delicate pink color.

They bring out a crystal vase with a bouquet of fresh roses and present it to the birthday girl.

Presenter: Dear...!
Today we give you a pink bouquet in honor of the many good years you have lived.

They present a bouquet.

"Lucky Flower" Raffle

Presenter (paying attention to the artificial roses): Dear guests!
But there is a surprise in these roses,
Whoever guesses it will receive a prize.
And also the right to propose a toast to the hero of today’s occasion.

The assistant makes a bouquet of roses and invites guests to identify. Each rose has a ribbon attached to it, but only one of them has a word hidden in it. The lucky winner is awarded a prize and the right to make a toast.

Presenter: To make our rose fragrant, we invite everyone to drink wine.

The lucky one pours the wine and makes a toast.

Host: How many petals does the beautiful Rose have?
Each person is ready to express so many words of confession.
And first of all, we will not break traditions,
Her work colleagues will congratulate her.


Host: And now we are waiting for all the words
From dear, dear,
From someone who has been around for years
With whom adversity is not terrible.
Behind him, like behind a stone wall,
This is... my dear husband!


Presenter: Congratulations are flying towards the birthday girl like hail!

Congratulations to the guests.

To make it all come true
All we have to do is raise a glass.

Musical break.

"Lucky Apple" Raffle

Host: Dear guests!
As you know, many fruits will be born from flowers. Today, together with the birthday girl, we want to treat you to exotic fruits. We invite every third person to try this treat.

Guests are treated to fruits. Music.

Host: Pay attention to your fruits.
Our fruit is so unusual,
Which has a personal number.
I think it's time
Play all the numbers.
I invite the birthday girl to identify the lucky ones.

They bring out a bag with numbers. The birthday girl takes out 3 lucky numbers from the bag. Rewarding the lucky ones.

I ask you to raise your glasses so that small joys more often grow into big ones.

Apple sculptures

Host: Don’t despair, friends,
Who hasn't won a prize yet.
Take your own apple
And go out boldly.
(Participants leave.)
Let's play in pairs
And create a sculpture.
I’ll tell you without any confusion -
It will be... my daughter's son.
Try this task while biting an apple with different sides.

The game is underway.

Presenter: Let Yegor give his grandmother happiness higher than the mountains!

Presenter: Our meadow is of extraordinary beauty. They all shout loudly and want to congratulate Oksana Petrovna.
Well, let's shout, guests, together:

* Lily of the valley! We are contacting you, pour 100 grams into our glass. (Pours.)
* And Chamomile and Peony prepare a snack.
* Look, Daisy and Dahlia are conjuring something over the jug. We ask you not to be distracted and take care of your neighbors.
* Dear Chrysanthemum! You know the theme for the toast. Raise your glass and make a toast... (Drank.)
* So that Mimosa and Violet don’t be sad, we don’t feel sorry for good songs for them. But first, for... let's sing a song without a button accordion. (Mass performance of the song accompanied by a soundtrack.)

Song (to the melody of R. Pauls)

Holiday, holiday we celebrate with family.
Holiday, holiday - your birthday.
- they shout cheerfully
Thirty flowers with children's faces!

Lotuses with Lily next to each other.
Here everyone is on holiday together.
Lotuses with Lily next to each other
They sing this song together.

Name day is a golden holiday,
Name day - sing with us.
- they shout cheerfully
Thirty flowers with children's faces.

Dance tour. Music.

Congratulations to the chickens

Presenter: A squad of chickens has arrived to you,
Lined up right in a row.
Even though they are not ducklings,
But good guys.
They've been preparing all year
To congratulate... - here!
And each of them was not lazy,
Prepare a gift for her on this day.
Let's ask the chickens
What do they want to give?

Pretends to be talking to participants.

Host: They say: Let it be one, but it’s golden.
Look carefully, gentlemen,
For them to do this is two times two!

The chickens stand in pairs and try to get an egg from the nest.

Host: I see that they succeeded in the trick.
Why did the color of these two eggs change so much?
They must have been lying somewhere for a long time,
That's why they turned so purple.
Fine! We take them from you
And at the end of the dance we will act out.
And now our poultry yard,
Showing all your enthusiasm,
I will dance a bright dance with you,
Well, I’ll give you gifts.

Presenter: You all worked so hard in dance,
What eggs have turned into. And now we are very pleased to present these awards to you.


Competition "Delicious chocolate"

Host: It’s a strange thing, Friends!
Somehow the glass rises up on its own and presses itself to the lips. He brings us wine and asks for kisses. So, we need to have a drink together!
... - a flower and a riddle, this chocolate will help us congratulate her. I ask two teams to take part in this competition - those sitting on the right and those sitting on the left. You are given half a chocolate. Each person, having bitten a little, passes the chocolate hands-free to his neighbor, who then passes it to the next one, etc. When the last one has eaten, the whole team shouts in unison: . Who will complete this task faster?


Host: Your voices are consonant and pleasant that they can be compared to the sound of a bell. I invite guests to unite in groups, come up with and proclaim original slogans in honor of our birthday girl.
Bell, dear friend!
Come out to the meadow quickly.
Who should start first?
You will give your sign.

Guests proclaim slogans at the sign of the bell.

Presenter: And now, our flowers,
We ask you to fill the bowls.
Because Dahlia is against drinking vodka alone.
I love you, dear Dandelion,
I'll ask you to raise your glass.
Our glorious Daisies,
Down your glasses.
Gvozdika set an example -
I drank it in one gulp, so dashingly!
In general, bright flowers,
Everyone needs a drink... that's it!

Plums are blooming in the garden, ..., be healthy and happy!

Congratulations from the Bees

Presenter: Our bees as a gift to Rose
They went out to collect nectar.
They deftly use their proboscis
Sweet nectar is dragged into the house.
Without wasting time,
They conjure nectar there.
It is the basis for the drink.
Now the mead is ready.
It is presented to Rose
They ask to drink together with the guests.

Two guests dressed in Bee costumes, using a straw in their mouth, collect treats from the table. above, they present Rose with a drink.

Presenter: The dragonfly sat on a bunch of rowan trees, both hostess and guest!

Competition "Costume Dance"

Presenter: Women are flowers
On my lawn.
Everyone is as different as one,
But how beautiful!
Oh, people's experience does not dictate
Falling in love with long and thin ones:
You can't hug them or clap them,
If you fall for them - expect trouble!
But this ancient truth
Your brother doesn't attach any value.
The wasp camp will barely notice -
And forward, forward, forward!

A man who likes thin women recruits a team of them.

Host: This waist is easy
It will go through the eye of a needle!
I see your team is already assembled. We continue to form another team.
Popular rumor of fatties
It's so sandy, oh my God.
They hug you, they say, they will suffocate you.
And they will let you go around the world with your bag.
But this ancient truth
Your brother doesn't attach any value.
He barely sees his back stronger -
And forward, forward, forward!

A man who likes fat women recruits a team of them.

Host: Oh, those round sides!
Just like a glass of champagne!
Well, your team is ready. I will ask both teams to listen carefully to the conditions of the game: in front of you are two baskets with costumes. At my signal, you put them on and line up opposite each other.

Teams perform a task to the music - dress up in costumes of fairy tale characters. Task: As soon as the music starts, one of the commands, moving towards the other, performs synchronously dance moves and comes back. Another team enters the game. Those whose dance moves are more original will be considered the winners.

Dance break.

Competitions from Little Red Riding Hood "Gifts of Nature"

The soundtrack of a children's song plays. Little Red Riding Hood appears, holding a basket of pies in her hands.

Presenter: Little Red Riding Hood walked through our meadow,
I collected berries and flowers in a basket.
I walked around the hummocks, collected mushrooms,
She fluttered like a bird.
- Really, Strawberry?

Strawberry appears with the words:

Presenter: All our men will be mushrooms,
Let them frolic on these name days.
May this day be unforgettable for a long time,
We invite women to play the role of flowers.

Men are offered mushrooms, women - costumes of flowers and berries. Participants perform a dance.

Little Red Riding Hood: Dear men!
Somehow your cheeks have become pink.
You must be very tired?
I suggest you sit on a tree stump
And everyone will eat my delicious pie.


Strawberry: Dear women!
To quench your thirst,
I can offer you my drink.
Who will throw a ring at him,
He takes it with him.


Little Red Riding Hood: You have a lot of fun, see you soon!

Host: Good morning!
Dear people! The table has been waiting for guests for a long time!

The guests take their places at the table.

We are endlessly ready to congratulate Oksana Petrovna:
In poetry and songs, in the genre of women's prose,
But now I ask everyone to raise their glasses
In honor of our sweet, incomparable Rose!

Glasses are filled.

Presenter: The finest rose exudes aroma: its colors and shade are not simple. And, as a hostess, Rose is simply a treasure. Let's drink to that, dear guests!

Host: Year after year, our Rose, bloom as before. And the flower meadow more often gathers guests. Let them return to you the scent of flowers, Your hospitable meadow is the best of meadows! The holiday doesn't end there, the fun continues! And we say: to all of you: . May your best expectations come true!

Start by inviting guests. Try instead phone call Send an invitation card to each guest indicating the day and hour when they will be eagerly awaited for the anniversary celebration. Decorate your apartment in advance with flowers, balloons, and greeting posters. Design a photo newspaper with photographs depicting the hero of the day at different periods of his life. Let your guests, upon crossing the threshold of your home, immediately find themselves in a festive atmosphere. Entrust one of your friends who is more suitable for the role of host to host the festive evening.

Scenario for the 20th anniversary of “Chinese Party”

20th Anniversary Scenario young man

Scenario for 25th anniversary for a girl

The twenty-five year anniversary is a wonderful age, when youth is still in full swing and there is still so much energy, tone and strength in the body and soul. But at the same time, this is the age at which certain experience is already acquired, and life wisdom already helps to make better decisions, treat everything more calmly and not give in to one’s impulsiveness. When you are writing a script for a twenty-five-year-old girl for her anniversary, keep in mind that the program should be eventful, fun and energetic, and the atmosphere should be relaxed and even a little “family-like.” You, as the host and organizer of this wonderful celebration, will need to make a toast in honor of the hero of the day during the festive banquet. You can use the toast we suggested below for this purpose:

Toast: Our dear and beloved birthday girl, today is your great date, today you are turning 25 years old, so to speak, your “silver” anniversary. Let yours early years last forever, and you will always be a real super mega star, filled with inexhaustible energy and tone. Let you live in a world in which you want to constantly smile and laugh. Let all your dreams flutter around you like butterflies and become reality. Let you have a heroic spirit, and at any moment you will be able to perform any Olympic program perfectly. Also, let the aspects always become a pleasant bonus or a wonderful surprise for you. Even if your purchases have no limit, like the income you receive. Money will become your good and bosom friends. May success accompany you in everything, and may temporary obstacles make you even better, and may your will to win only become stronger, and may you reach even greater, even better heights than those you have ever had. And, of course, you would like to wish this bright and faithful love. Let your relationship with your loved one become guiding star. And you will always be together as one. And most importantly, smile more with your wonderful smile.

And this. So that forever,

To love you deeply,

Headstrong and carefree,

May he adore you!

It seems that I wished for everything,

You need to draw a point

Smack-smack, hugs,

I'm off to celebrate!

Scenario for a girl's 20th anniversary - youtube

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Any holiday is always a pleasant event. And if this holiday is a girl’s birthday, then this is a worldwide event! True, it will be like this if you organize everything correctly and correctly. For example, you need a new cool script birthday for a girl. You can hold many games and competitions at home, so in our scenario there will only be such game blocks. So that you can organize everything yourself in your home. See, choose and celebrate.

Dear friends! Today we have gathered here to celebrate the birthday of our beloved (name of the birthday girl). Many people don’t know, but today we are celebrating the eighteenth anniversary of (name of the birthday girl). Also, many do not know that this is already the fifth eighteen-year-old (name of the birthday girl). This is the fifth time, it’s already a small anniversary. Therefore, I ask her to congratulate her with loud applause!

And let's start our holiday with a small competition. Since you came to (name of the birthday girl), then you must know her. I will ask you to organize two teams of 5-7 people each.

Competition with numbers.
Each person on each team is given a sign with a certain number. If there are 7 people in a team, then they have seven signs with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
The essence of the competition is as follows: the presenter asks a question, and the teams must give the correct answer to it with numbers.
- what is the apartment (house) number of the birthday girl?
- What date is the birthday girl’s birthday?
- emergency phone number?
- year of birth of the birthday girl?
- What date was the birthday girl’s wedding with her husband?
- What date was the birthday girl’s child born?
- In what year will the birthday girl celebrate her fiftieth birthday?
- using your numbers, show the largest possible number? (here you need to stand so that the numbers are in descending order: 7654321)

Competition - what the birthday girl likes.
This competition is held several times, because the birthday girl has great tastes!
Two guests come out first. They take turns naming types of alcohol (vodka, beer, wine, and so on). Whoever didn't name lost. You can't repeat yourself.
Next two new guests come out, they name women's accessories. Also, whoever did not name lost.
Now the other two guests name car brands, because the birthday girl loves cars. Those who could not name are eliminated.
And so on, name what the birthday girl loves or is interested in.

Game - why did you come to your birthday.
The time has come to find out the truth and find out who came to the holiday and why. To play the game you need to prepare cards on which it will be written why you came to your birthday. Each guest takes turns taking out cards and reading.
Example answers:
- I thought they were pouring it here, and I was not mistaken!
- I’m hiding from the tax office!
- yes, actually, for the same thing, why do others - congratulate!
- I’ll just eat and sit quietly and watch.
- you know, I’m already old, I can’t walk for a long time, so I sat down here to catch my breath, and once they poured me a drink, in general, I stayed.
- some of the guests owe me money!
- So I bought a gift, how can I not come?
- they called - he refused, they paid - he could not refuse.
- They promised me something after the party...
- It doesn’t matter why, the main thing is that I came!
- think what you want, and I will eat.
- this is too provocative a question.
- I think you should clarify: I don’t reveal my secrets.
- How can you not come when it smells of vodka here?!
- So you dragged me here yourself?!

Competition - balloons.
Participating in this competition are pairs: a man and a girl. The men are blindfolded and given 5-7 uninflated balloons in their hands. And the girls are given tights. At the leader’s command, the girls put tights on the men’s legs. As soon as the tights are put on, the men inflate the first balloon and tie it in a knot. They give the inflated balloon to the girl, and she puts it in her tights. And the man inflates the next balloon and so on. The first team to put all their balls into their tights wins.

20 years is like dawn
20 years is just the beginning
At 20 years old, the light seems brighter,
20 years, this is life's fun!
And it’s not in vain that I say all this,
After all, there is a clear reason for these words,
I ask the hero of the day to come to the table,
To congratulate her with a bright word!

Applause (the hero of the day enters).


Dear (name), today, on this significant day, on the day of your first, adult Anniversary, I want to sincerely congratulate you and reward you with a crown (wearing a crown). Today you are the center of all attention, today you are the princess of this evening (you buy a beautiful crown with rhinestones). We are all at your disposal.

Applause. The hero of the day takes her place at the table.

Let the sweet wine pour,
And everyone will raise their glasses,
(name)'s twentieth anniversary has arrived,
Which means let the fanfare sound!
And of course you have to say a toast,
And even if I don’t list all my wishes,
Big love, I want to wish,
So that there is a place for a prince in your life!
Applause. Musical break. Meal.


Dear (name), your friends want to congratulate you in a special way. They have prepared a song for you, based on the melody “Let them run clumsily...”

Verse 1:
We are all together today
Gathered in this song
To sincerely congratulate you,
Wish you more happiness
And there is more passion in love,
I'm getting better day by day!
20th Anniversary, Birthday,
This is an important step in life,
Let there be more inspiration,
To work, to friends and just because!
Verse 2:
Let everything be as before
But maybe a little older
Because now you're older
And more responsibility
But we wish to live a simpler life,
And let it be more fun in the shower!

Applause and “Hurray!”
What kind of friends are they?
We weren’t too lazy to write this,
Looks like they put a lot of effort into it!
Now it's time to tell your family,
A kind and simple word!

All relatives and friends congratulate the hero of the day in turn.

For such congratulations,
Not drinking would only be a sin,
Let's pour it into painted glasses,
And together we will lift them up!

Musical break. Meal.

You're already drunk, you're full,
They probably even stayed too long,
I want to stir you up
I will hold a competition.
And for him I will need two volunteers (men).


This competition is called “Collecting Balloons”. Men are given a pair of wide pants (harem pants). Inflated balloons (preferably small) are scattered across the floor. At the command of the music, they begin to race to get these balls into their pants (they may burst in the process). As soon as there is not a single ball left, we begin to count who collected the most (they pull it out of their pants and count).
The winner is awarded a large helium-inflated balloon (it must be purchased separately).


We had a lot of fun
It's time to give everyone a salad,
Fill the glass to the top,
And drink to a wonderful ball!

Everyone drinks.

And so, dear guests, since our hero of the day is a princess today, then undoubtedly we are obliged to throw a ball. The ladies invite their gentlemen, the ladies' gentlemen and spin together in a beautiful dance.

Everyone is dancing.

Everyone danced great
And suddenly everyone became joyful,
After all, this is entertainment,
Always lifts your spirits!
And the hero of the day is good,
Spun gently, slowly,
Well, let's go for her,
We'll drink sweet wine!

Musical break. Meal.

The evening is coming to an end,
And I still want to laugh with you,
It's time for me to know the limit,
I danced and sang with you!
And on my own behalf, I will say the words,
For the main maiden of the celebration:
Still truly young
There is a beginning for breathing,
Beautiful, sincere, gentle,
I haven’t seen much yet!
And going on a good journey,
Which is called life,
I want to tell you the words
Let many people know them -
Be happy as ever
Love, without measuring anything,
Let the years go by slower
In each of them there is a simple truth,
May the sun shine brightest
And the sky will be blue
May success come to you
And only family will be nearby!