Scenarios for adults for rural clubs. New Year. Scenario for adults

New Year's party for adults. Scenario

“How evil spirits celebrated New Year 2018”

To the accompaniment of gloomy music, representatives of evil spirits appear in the hall: the goblin, the kikimora, the devil.

They move slowly in a circle, freezing from time to time in bizarre poses. Then Baba Yaga disperses this entire procession.

Baba Yaga. Ugh, evil spirits! They staged some kind of bacchanalia here. They told me: don’t get involved with Western agencies! No, in our Russian way: we would decorate a Christmas tree in the forest, and, according to tradition, we would steal the gifts from Santa Claus. I would dress up as the Snow Maiden, prove to everyone that she is not cold at all... (Notices the guests.)

Oh, and the guests are already here! Hello, vampires and kikimoras, ghosts and all evil spirits! Thank you for coming to my New Year's party!

Kikimora. FAQ? What kind of party?

Baba Yaga. Eh, village! Party is an American holiday. Now Western showmen will arrive, that is, for you dark ones, buffoon entertainers. They will amuse us, entertain us, and organize a New Year's performance in their own way. It’s just that they are delayed for some reason - but that’s okay, we’ll warm up for now. Do something nice for grandma, tell me how terrible and disgusting I am.

Baba Yaga is holding a competition.

Auction of terrible compliments

Participants take turns calling negative qualities grandmothers. The one who repeated himself, made a mistake or was delayed in answering for more than 3 seconds is eliminated. Baba Yaga gives her portrait to the winner.

From afar, sorrowful groans and sounds similar to singing are heard.

Oh, you're sweet

Hear me.

I'm standing under the window

Me with a guitar.

To whom should I

Have you left?

Is it really love?

Has ours disappeared?

Do you remember how with you

Have you had mercy?

Every bone

Have you been rubbing in?

Oh, you darling,

You are Yagushechka,

Come back to me

On the pillow!

Kashchei the Immortal appears with a stunted bouquet of flowers and a guitar.

Kashchei. Yaga! Why didn’t you invite me, your most devoted fan, to your Sabantuy? Maybe, last year See you!

Yaga. Are you crazy, Kashchei? Or your needle is completely rusty, hee hee hee!

Kashchei. It is you, Yagusya, who are behind the times. Or have you never heard anything about the end of the world? In 2012, we are all finished, so you and I only have a year left.

Yaga. I’d rather live this year as a free, self-sufficient woman than endure your endless tricks.

Kashchei. What are you talking about, old man? Have you completely lost your mind?

Yaga. That's it. “The old hag has lost her mind” - to Vasilisa the Beautiful, I suppose you’ll sing other songs! That's it, my feminine patience is over. I want to be respected and seen in me not only as a woman, but also as a person!

Kashchei. What are you talking about, Yagusenka. You are very good with us - both as a woman and as a representative of the forest fauna. There are even worse people here than you.

Kashchei is holding a competition called “The Scarecrow.”

The presenters call two teams of 3 people each (1 lady and 2 gentlemen).

The lady stands between the gentlemen, and they must dress her in a minute, but only in the clothes that they themselves are wearing (watches and rings also count). Accordingly, the team whose lady has the most clothes on wins. The game goes just great, especially when this picture appears: 4 representatives of the stronger sex are standing in their mother’s clothes, and two beauties resemble garden scarecrows.

Yaga. This doesn't justify you. You are very stubborn. So tell me, how did you and I have fun? Dinner with toadstools by candlelight and stupa rides. And the Americans offered me to dance a striptease.

Kashchei. What kind of outrage is this?

Yaga. I'll demonstrate it now!

To the appropriate music, Baba Yaga begins to slowly undress.

Kashchei. What a horror! Stop it, Yaga, otherwise I’ll be hit before the end of the world comes!

Yaga. Okay, then look at the soft version.

Conducts the “Soft Striptease” competition.

Several participants are called to the stage. They are given sheets with small slits. At a signal, they throw the sheets over themselves and begin to take off their clothes. A minute later, a second signal sounds, and the presenters count who took the photo. more items. At the end, you can announce that the participants' clothes will be sold at an auction that will take place in 15 minutes.

Sharp sounds are heard in the hall - metal on glass.

Kashchei. What is this? Who is this? (Hides behind Yaga)

Yaga. Do not be afraid, dear guests. Our foreign showman has finally arrived!

Freddy Krueger appears.

For the audience to recognize him, all he needs is a hat, a striped T-shirt and, of course, the proverbial hand (2-3 forks are attached to the fingers with adhesive tape).

Freddie(with American accent). Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Good evening, Woman Yaga! (Kisses Yaga's hand.) Sorry for being late - bottles.

Yaga. What other bottles?

Freddie. Well, I don’t know how to say this in Russian... Transport collapse...

Kashchei. Traffic jams, or what?

Freddie. Just about, traffic jams... (Notices Kashchei.) And this, as I understand it, is your national hero-superstar. (He extends his hand to Kashchei with forks.)

Kashchei. Firstly, I still have a long way to go before I get old, and secondly, I could organize a holiday for our forest evil spirits myself - it would save a lot of money.

Yaga. Yeah, you’ll save money with you... So we could watch “The Irony of Fate” all night...

Freddie. I will now demonstrate one trick to you, and you will understand what performance is.

Freddy's Focus

Freddy takes out the prepared flowers: 3 red and 3 blue. He moves away

There are two chairs at a distance of 10 steps from each other and a glass on each. Then he gives red flowers to one spectator, blue flowers to another and asks them to remember the color of the bouquets.

Blue flowers are placed in one glass, red flowers in another. Both glasses are covered with bright scarves and spectators are asked to closely monitor the bouquets. Within a few minutes, Freddy lavishes compliments on Yaga and quarrels with Kashchei. He then states that the flowers are magical and were able to change places without any help. The scarves are removed, and, to everyone's surprise, it turns out that blue flowers turned into red, and the red turned into blue.

The secret of focus. It is necessary to make flowers from white material. Then two strong infusions are prepared - red litmus and blue. Each trio is impregnated with its own solution.

Before the performance, a little vinegar essence is poured into one glass, and the same amount of ammonia into the other. Blue flowers are placed in a glass with essence, and red flowers are placed in a glass with ammonia. The action of vinegar vapor will cause the blue flowers to gradually turn red, and the vapor of ammonia will change the red color to blue.

Kashchei. Me too, trick! Now I’ll show you, I’ll show you!

Kashchei's Focus

Kashchei demands a hundred-ruble bill from the audience and, holding it horizontally, folds it in half lengthwise. Then he places a pencil under it. Viewers will see how a pencil, having pierced the paper, appears on the other side. Without pulling out the pencil, Kashchei turns the bill vertically and, holding it from above with one hand, sharply lowers the pencil down with the other. It easily passes through the paper, and the bill appears safe and sound.

The Secret of Focus. A 4 cm long cut is made in the middle part of the pencil. When demonstrating a trick, Kashchei moves the pencil on the side of the bill opposite from the audience so that half fits into the cut. The second half is folded back. When viewers see a tongue-like part of a pencil, they will mistake it for a whole pencil. After this, all that remains is to sharply lower the pencil down and release the bill from the cut.

Yaga. Tricks are too easy. I want to get excited about dancing!

Kashchei and Freddie compete in performing rock and roll, Yaga involves everyone present in the dance.

Yaga. Well, dear guests, what do you like better: the Western mentality or the Russian soul?

Leshy. Grandma, we would like Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. They will still be nicer than these monsters!

Yaga. Okay! Everyone join the New Year's round dance - we'll light the Christmas tree and receive gifts!

The guests form a round dance and sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”


Presenters (2 people), Snow Maiden, Father Frost


Two inflatable multi-colored phones;

2 hangers, 2 shirts, 2 orange ties, 2 pairs of yellow shoes, trousers, 2 hats;



Decorated gifts;

Music discs;

Autograph cards;


The progress of the holiday

The stage and hall are festively decorated with streamers, New Year's tinsel, and garlands; At the edges of the stage, near the Christmas trees twinkling with lights, there are two inflatable multi-colored phones on stands. There is a vocal group on stage. She performs the song “Good Evening”.

1. The day is over, it’s evening,

The burden of problems fell on our shoulders,

A time of sadness and worries.

But isn't it a lot of trouble?

Maybe after this meeting

It will be warm this evening.

You came here as guests -

We welcome you simply.


Good evening, good evening,

Good evening, gentlemen,

Let your faces light up with a smile.

There will be light, the candles will dim,

Music will be heard.

This evening we will just have fun.

2. You came, and we were waiting for you.

Drive away the sorrows.

There will be joy, loud laughter.

Together we are our success.

Maybe after this meeting

It will be warm this evening.

You came here as guests -

We welcome you simply.


There is applause. The presenters take the stage.

1st presenter. A snowy day woke up outside the window,

2nd presenter. A little frosty and a little blizzardy.

1st presenter. New Year moved into every house,

2nd presenter. To warm us with happiness and warmth,

1st presenter. Because it is very necessary.

2nd presenter.

May he be joyful to the fullest,

And the snow around shines like silver.

1st presenter.

Today both hearts and doors are wide open!


2nd presenter. Good?

Spectators. Good!

The song “Call me, call” from the film “Carnival” is played (music by M. Dunaevsky, lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky. A dance composition is performed).

1st presenter. On the occasion of the New Year celebration, we are opening a New Year's hotline for the fulfillment of wishes. Anyone can call 205-555-205.

2nd presenter. Today, telephone operators help Santa Claus to fulfill his wishes... and... (IF of the presenters).

The bell rings.

1st presenter. And here is the first call. Good evening! Happy New Year to you!

Semenov. We have one question: “Tell me, is it possible to have at least a little bit on New Year’s Eve?

1st presenter. Who's asking?

Semenov. Semenov from... (name of the city).

1st presenter. Well, I don't know. However, the best answer to this question is, perhaps, Vyacheslav Polunin, from the Litsedey theater studio. Just a minute...

A phonogram sounds, on which V. Polunin’s voice is recorded: “Niz-zya!”

1st presenter. However, if you really want to, then you can. I ask those who want to “think for three” to go on stage.

Music is playing. The participants come out.

1st presenter. Let's say hello to our adorable triplets!

There is applause.

Dear participants! What is New Year without a Christmas tree? You are invited to decorate the Christmas tree, in the role of which one of you will act.

Attention! The Christmas tree should be decorated only with available means: rings, beads, ribbons, hairpins, watches, etc.

Music is playing. After the “Dress up the Christmas Tree” competition, the presenters present prizes to the winners.

The phone rings again.

2nd presenter. Hello! We are listening to you!

Golovkov. Help me out, Golovkov is my last name! All the holidays I stand at the stove myself, I don’t let my wife get close, and what a misfortune this time: dinner got burnt. And the time - you see for yourself! We need a recipe for a simple, tasty, unusual, and most importantly, quick to prepare dish.

2nd presenter. Let's turn to Ilona Bronevitskaya for advice. Connecting!

Ilona Bronevitskaya. Dear Comrade Golovkov, I advise you to prepare...

Dancing for breakfast

Dancing for lunch

Dancing for dinner

That's the whole secret.

Golovkov. Thank you.

2nd presenter y. What cuisine do you prefer?

Golovkov. Russian.

2nd presenter. And you are a gourmet, Comrade Golovkov. Well, look!

The dance “Russian dance” is performed.

The phone rings.

Zeklova. Hello! Zeklova is on the phone! For me, New Year's Eve is even more dramatic than any other. You have to think about the table in your own home, about receiving guests, about entertainment, and then at work everything is on fire...

The only way out is ingenuity.

1st presenter. Well, ingenuity is the way out. Let's think about some questions too.

Competition “Everyone has their own motto”

Every animal, bird, insect has its own motto. For example, in moths. Mol - theater begins with a hanger.

So, name the motto...

(Houses and walls help);

- Crocodile.

(Tears will not help matters);

- Locust.

(There is safety in numbers);

- Parrot.

(Repetition is the mother of learning);

- Kangaroo.

(Keep your pocket wider);

- Dinosaur. (You can't collect bones);

(More cows - good and different).

The phone rings.

Shilov. Tell a story!

2nd presenter. Who's speaking?

Shilov. Misha Shilov. I already know all the fairy tales that they tell me by heart. And I'm tired of watching TV.

2nd presenter. My advice to you, Misha, is not to listen to fairy tales, but listen to songs, and not on TV, but live.

Two or three songs are played.

The phone rings again.

Vers libre. Hello! Türkiye is calling you!

1st presenter. Listen, Türkiye.

Vers libre. No, this is not all of Türkiye, but the city of Istanbul, Habiba Abdurokhman ibn Verlibre is calling. Through your service, I would like to convey New Year’s greetings to new friends whom we met last year when they were on a cruise.

1st presenter. Write down: ... (lists surnames, first names).

Girls who have been to Turkey take the stage.

Girls. Hello Türkiye! We also congratulate you on the holiday and give you this dance.

Girls perform belly dance.

2nd presenter. They invited, but not Cardin, but the fashion theater. Meet!

The fashion theater performs. The phone rings again.

1st presenter. Yes, who are you?

1st presenter. Then a competition is announced for connoisseurs of “pop music”.

Competition “Dress this comrade”

1st presenter. I invite 2 people to the stage. We have a nice hanger, so skinny, like a fashion model. And there are costume details. Each detail relates to musical fragments that will be played in order. Assignment: as soon as the first soundtrack starts playing, the audience needs to guess the item of clothing that is most related to the musical fragment. And you have to put this thing on a hanger, etc. Is the task clear? Then attention!

Phonograms of songs are played:

Ovsienko “Natasha” (Shirt); "Bravo" "Orange Tie"; "Bravo" "Yellow Shoes"; Novikov “Photo” (Pants); “Na-na” “Hat.”

2nd presenter. We thank everyone who participated in this competition.

Prizes are awarded.

2nd presenter. You can go into the hall.

1st presenter. What a wonderful scarecrow we have created. I think that leaving him without a name is simply unfair.

2nd presenter. Shall we call it? The name of this subject coincides with the name of the father of the famous pop singer who prefers a million beautiful flowers to a million rubles. (Alla Borisovna).

1st presenter. The name of a pop singer, who in childhood was called the same as the name of a famous character in the program “Good Night, Kids,” will help you find out your middle name. (Philip).

2nd presenter. The surname coincides with the surname of a pop singer who admires art, in particular an artist who paints natural phenomena. (Varum). So, meet Boris Filippovich Varum!

Another call rings.

- Hello! Vitya Erofeev is calling. Santa Claus, are you really Santa Claus or an employee of the House of Creativity in disguise?

1st presenter. Now we will find out! Santa Claus, to the studio!

Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost. Did you call me?

1st presenter. Yes, Santa Claus. We received this call...

Father Frost. I heard, I heard. Well, of course, I'm actually Santa Claus. I just temporarily dressed up as an employee of the House of Creativity. And remember! There are no real Santa Clauses.

2nd presenter. Santa Claus, where is your Snow Maiden?

Father Frost. And here she is! Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been? Tell me, honey, how are you?

The Snow Maiden is whining.

Snow Maiden. I ran after you, Santa Claus,

I shed a lot of bitter tears.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka perform a song from the film “Well, wait a minute!”

During the performance of the song, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden scatter confetti in the hall.

The phone rings.

Rozhkov. Father Frost!? Hello! Rozhkov Pavel Iosifovich is worried about... (name of the city). I am 10 years old. I'm a member New Year's tour caricatures that you, Santa Claus, conducted. I am sending you the cartoons that my friend Kolka liked. And please come up with a name for them. My prize is 100 g of Dunkina Joy candies.

2nd presenter. Thanks for the cartoons, Pavel Iosifovich. But we will find out in 3 minutes whether they will bring Dunka joy.

Cartoon competition

Exercise: come up with an original name for the cartoon.

Santa Claus chooses best titles, presents prizes. The phone is ringing.

Father Frost. Yes, what did you want?

Father Frost. Certainly. And with pleasure. Shall we help Anton Tikhomirov's mother?

Spectators. Yes!

2nd presenter. There are gifts, but they need to be wrapped. I invite 6 people to the stage.

Competition “Tie a Gift”

Exercise: couples holding hands, hands free arrange the parcel.

Music is playing. A competition is being held. The winners are awarded. Parcels are given to couples.

Father Frost. I sent exactly the same gifts to Anton.

Father Frost. One foot here, the other there. And this is Anton Tikhomirov, right?

Vote. That's right, I found out. Thank you for the gifts. Now we will thank you again in unison. Thank you! Do you hear? We want to receive a “musical autograph” of the “Russian Size” group or Pugacheva and Kirkorov as a souvenir.

Father Frost. Well, I'm sending these discs by mail. Dear guests, I also have something for you, but the one who guesses which one will get this “something” famous people autographs belong.

Autograph competition

2nd presenter. Assignment: Some of you have autograph cards that you received upon entry. So, those who have become the owners of cards, raise them up. You can show these relics to others. Who do they belong to?

Prizes are awarded to those who guess correctly.

Father Frost. Dear presenters, re-enter your service. And they are waiting for me with gifts at... (name of organization). Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden. Happy New Year, friends!

The phone rings.

Vote. Hello! Friends of the girls from the vocal group “Rainbow” are calling. We want to congratulate them on their anniversary, because “Rainbow” is 5 years old. Let our congratulations be conveyed to them... and... (names of the youth soloists of the vocal group).

Presenter 1. This wish can be fulfilled. Elegant and unique young men on stage. Meet!

A song is being performed.

After the next phone call there is music, laughter and, against this background, a voice.

Presenter 2. Yes, really hot.

We are free, we are uninhibited,

We are forever bewitched by music,

We want to hang out

Sing, play and laugh!

Presenter 2.

I understood what you want. Just a minute, I’m connecting you with our disc jockey.

To a cool party

I invite everyone

Great to have some fun

I wish you today.

Only now you can see and hear what no one has ever seen or heard before and will never see or hear again.

Presenter 2. Like this! Are you satisfied?

A dance group performs modern dance.

Presenter 1. Oh, so many calls and congratulations!

The phone rings again.

Presenter 1. What, another call?

Presenter 2. No. This is a signal that our hot phone has finished its work. I think that we have fulfilled all your wishes.

Presenter 1. Well, if not all, then certainly in New Year's Eve your most cherished dreams will come true.

The presenters, lighting sparklers, address the audience.

Presenter 2. Happy New Year!

Presenter 1.

Be beautiful and bright

On its day and hour.

New Year is a gift

To each of us.

Presenter 2. We invite everyone to a fun New Year's party.


The Snow Maiden enters after the presenter’s introduction:

We have opened the doors to our beautiful hall,
And everyone saw the forest guest!
Tall, beautiful, green, slender,
It glows with different lights!
Isn't she a beauty?
Do we all like the Christmas tree?

There are many wonderful holidays,
Each one comes in its own turn.
But the kindest holiday in the world,
The best holiday is New Year!
He comes along the snowy road,
Round dance of snowflakes.
Mysterious and strict beauty.
New Year fills the heart!

Gray-haired Santa Claus rushes with the wind, blizzard and snow.
Now he’s silent, now he’s calling, and now he’s coming towards us!

Santa Claus comes out to the music.

Ay, ay-y! I'm coming, I'm coming!
Good evening ladies, gentlemen.
Did you get here okay?
Happy New Year,
I wish you all good health!
Here's the New Year, once again,
Comes to us from the stars.
And as always he beckons us,
Hope, bright dreams,
Hope, believe and love,
All three cherished words,
Take it with you and go far away,
And be happy again.

TOAST 1: (Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

The old year is passing, its last page is rustling.
Let the best that happened not go away, and the worst cannot happen again!

(We have a drink and a snack.)

GAME 1: “Songs about the New Year”
Well, it's time for everyone to sing. But we will sing in turns. Let's everyone try to remember a verse or at least the name of songs about the New Year, about winter, snow, blizzard and frost.
(Whoever sang last is the winner. The winner is awarded No. 1)

GAME #: Piggy Bank
We also have a Piggy Bank of the Evening. Anyone who believes that he is generous in soul, loves to fantasize and wants to get rid of all debts (both monetary and other promises) on New Year’s Eve can throw as many as he doesn’t mind into the piggy bank.

TOAST 2: (Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

On your doorstep all gray Beard
Old year- old, very old,
He leaves us, he waves his hand at us
And wishes you good luck in everything!
But someone came, someone quietly called,
Three white horses at the door,
It was exactly midnight when the New Year arrived.
Pour champagne into glasses!
I raise my glass and congratulate you again,
My dears, Happy New Year!
Always do good and give love,
Despite the years and weather!

(We have a drink and a snack.)

GAME 2: "Riddles"
I have many riddles prepared for you:

It's snowing outside,
Coming soon... (New Year)

The needles glow softly,
The coniferous spirit comes from... (Christmas tree)

And the toys swing
Flags, stars,... (crackers)

Clubfoot and big
Who sleeps in a den in winter? (Bear)

How many times can you celebrate New Year in Russia?
Lying, lying,
Yes, he ran into the river. (snow)

Doesn't burn in fire
Doesn't sink in water. (ice)

There's a mountain in the yard,
And in the hut there is water. (snow)

When needed, they throw it away,
When not needed, they raise it.
What is it? (anchor)

The more you take from it, the bigger it becomes. (pit)

GAME #: Piggy Bank
In addition, I want to announce to everyone that whoever does not want to participate in any competitions, or will suggest the correct answers to other participants in competitions, or behaves too indecently during the evening, he will be immediately punished with a fine, which will immediately go to the general piggy bank Let's set together the amount of the fine,...what suggestions are there...

TOAST 3: (Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)
Many people know that in Italy there is a tradition before the New Year of throwing old and unnecessary things that have become boring during the year out of the window. We, of course, are not in Italy, but this custom is so good that I would like to invite you all to throw out of your memory, like unnecessary rubbish, insults, quarrels, bad deeds... If we do all this, it will turn out that they remain in our memory only warm and pleasant memories of the old year. Let's remember it this way, and then the new year will be no worse than the last!
(We have a drink and a snack.)

GAME 3: I suggest playing the “New Year Quiz”
On New Year's Day, it is customary to give not only gifts, but also cards. But few people know that for the first time new year card appeared in London. But in what year - you need to guess. A little hint - between 1800 and 1850. (1843) We reward the guesser
Like everywhere else, the New Year in Germany is celebrated in December, but it is celebrated not for one day, like here, but for much longer. Who can tell me what date the New Year holidays begin in this country? (December 6) We reward the guesser
No one will argue that the New Year's clock strikes 12 times, thereby proclaiming the onset of the New Year. But there is one country where there are much more blows - Japan. You have to guess how many times the Japanese walkers beat. Hint - from 100 to 150. (108 hits) We reward the guesser
Please tell me, in what year did Peter 1 issue a decree to celebrate the New Year on winter days? (In 1700) We reward the guesser
(4 people who win become participants in the game and go into the hall or the middle).

So, we know 4 participants in the next competition, they will now try to win the prize.

GAME 4: “The Enchanted Glass”
We pour full glasses for all the participants in the competition, and says:
-I’ll enchant these glasses now. I can hold one or even two glasses in my hands at the same time, as many as I want, and any of you will not cope with this task and will throw them or put them on the table before I count to three! Moreover, the condition is that you must stand in one place, hold a glass and not move from your place.
Next he “speaks up the glasses” and gives them to the competition participants. Then the countdown begins:
-One, two... And I’ll tell you three tomorrow.”
Naturally, no one will wait until tomorrow, and they will put out the glasses. The presenter continues:
-Well, since you couldn’t hold it, then I hope you can have a drink?
If there is a winner. Then he is rewarded.

TOAST 4: (Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

What does the glass consist of? From a support and a drink bowl. What does a person consist of? From the body - the material support and the soul - the spiritual cup. Let's drink so that in the new year our glasses will be filled more often with wonderful wine, and our souls with wonderful feelings!
(We have a drink and a snack.)

TOAST 5: (Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Dear friends! A few more hours - and midnight will tell us that another year has passed and a new one has begun. We know nothing about what the New Year will bring, however, we do not want to lift the veil of the future hidden from us. In the last hours of the old year, we think more about it than about the coming year, since all desires and hopes for the future are connected with what has already been lived and experienced. Let only good and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory, and this will allow us to boldly and joyfully look into the future.
(We have a drink and a snack.)

GAME 5: “Dance with Inflatable Santa Claus”
An inflatable D.M floats around the hall to the music. Whoever the music ends with is the loser. He is given the floor for congratulations.


The old year is passing. Leaves without return
The thread of worries that we don’t need is leaving.
And what we desired will sink into oblivion,
Who was in love and was loved.
Suddenly - unexpectedly, names go away,
Moments, looks, songs.
The times where it was so wonderful are passing away!
Farewell, Old Year, farewell, no goodbye!
The New Year is coming to us and making promises!

(We have a drink and a snack.)

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Twelve strikes and my glass is raised.
And at this moment, mysteriously ringing
My love is the spark of all my deeds.
My first toast is to your flying voice,
For the magic of your calling eyes,
For all the moments I spent with you,
For the joy of meetings that awaits us, -
For a thirst that knows no quenching!

(We have a drink and a snack.)

SN: (while guests drink and eat)

Smoothing out the wrinkles in our foreheads, let’s make a wish for the holiday.
Let’s forget any bad weather, maybe it’s really not in vain,
At the end of December, golden hope and happiness comes to us!

It all started in 2600 BC when Emperor Huang Ti introduced the first zodiac calendar.

What is the Dog in the Chinese Zodiac?
In general, the Dog is a symbol of a compassionate individuality. You can always expect from a Dog kind words, support, advice. The dog is a listener, always available to provide his sensitive ear or faithful shoulder to a friend at the right time. Sometimes the Dog can be annoying and may strive to take control of the situation, but this is only due to excessive impressionability and a desire to serve. Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson, and Jennifer Lopez were born under the sign of the Dog. Nice company, really, what cute and active dogs!
Fire Dogs (1946, 2006) - Natural leaders are popular, charismatic people, always surrounded by a group of admirers. These Dogs also have high sexual attractiveness. They are enterprising and lively, honest and sincere.
Thus, we should not expect anything unpleasant from the year of the Fire Dog. This year will be a year of mercy, compassion and support. Strong countries will help weak ones, authoritative politicians will forcibly impose their projects on citizens aimed at their own good.
In life ordinary people The Fire Dog will add love and more love. To some, this love may even seem excessive.


The MOUSE will be concerned about change and tend to be on the defensive. If she manages to maintain her position and not quarrel with her partners, then she will be able to celebrate the next New Year with full bins.

VOL will find himself in a situation of choice that he will not like at first, but will open up a world of new opportunities and will be appreciated at the end of the year. It is better for him not to refuse the opportunity to take control in a difficult situation; those around him will tend to place high hopes on him.

TIGER, against the backdrop of awakened ambitions, will be able to turn his life around - and achieve renewal, self-affirmation and recognition. The most unexpected turns in events, proposals and participation in interesting projects await him.

The RABBIT will more than once find himself in circumstances where he will have to rack his brains about how to get out of them. Situations will be ambiguous, where the benefit or hidden meaning is not immediately apparent. He needs to pay tribute to his intuition more often and not refuse help if it is offered sincerely.

The DRAGON must keep control financial matters and stay grounded in reality in your quest for impressive success. He will be visited more than once by inspiration and the excitement of capturing new positions. In the summer this can result in problems, but in the fall everything is possible...

The SNAKE should enlist the support of well-disposed partners and transfer to them a share of its responsibility. This year is more inclined towards spiritual search, travel, education and solving personal issues.

The HORSE is on the verge of significant changes. Some of them can take you by surprise - there is so much going on at once. But she will quickly be able to choose the most promising ones and will do it to her advantage. The most important thing is not to look back and overcome obstacles in one leap.

The GOAT will benefit if it takes a neutral position in all the twists and turns and situations of confrontation in which more militant and impatient signs will find themselves involved. This year, success can come to her without much effort - the one who knows how to wait always wins.

An eventful year awaits the MONKEY. She will have to use all her dexterity and intelligence to not only avoid losses, but also reach the finish line with noticeable achievements. In the professional sphere, unlimited opportunities open up for her, but in personal relationships it is better to adhere to the tactics of compromise.

The ROOSTER may be frustrated by the need to work hard without recognition of his merits, increased attention and noisy events where he could let his feathers fly. But he knows that a grain of pearl can be found by working well with his paws and beak - surprises can be expected in the fall.

The DOG understands the responsibility of the moment and is ready for a good fight. This year will bring success only to those who can stand up for themselves, know well what they want, and do not retreat in the face of a serious opponent. A sense of reality, together with well-developed intuition, guarantees her decent dividends, even more so. That she realizes all her advantages this year.

BOAR will be successful in the area of ​​life where he has good control over the situation and has the hidden support of interested parties. His wealth may increase significantly this year.

- Attention, says Armenian Radio: “The program for the deaf has ended!” I remind you of our piggy bank, into which we throw all the “debts” of the past year.

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy!
Everyone who is single should get married, everyone who is in a quarrel should face off,
Forget about grievances, everyone who is sick - become healthy,
Bloom, rejuvenate. Everyone who is skinny should become fatter
Too fat - lose weight. Too smart - become simpler
Narrow-minded people need to wise up. To all gray hairs - to darken,
So that the hair on the top of the head of bald people thickens like the Siberian forests!
So that the songs and dances never stop.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! May trouble pass us by!

(We have a drink and a snack.)

GAME 6: "Forfeits"
- And now, dear friends, let's warm up a little. I suggest playing an old game, “Fanta”, without leaving the table. Everyone will pull out a piece of paper on which it will be written what the participant needs to do.
(Sn. Carries a tray of forfeits around the hall, and D.M monitors the execution of each forfeit.)

Kiss your neighbor
Apologize to your neighbor (neighbor) and achieve his (her) forgiveness
Sing a very militant song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
Confess your love for inspection with gestures
Explain to your “blind” neighbor that you are very hungry using gestures
Depict Othello with your neighbor
Portray a Chapaevite (Petka or Anka)
Have a drink with your neighbor (neighbor)
Picture an eagle flying
Crow three times
Give (if you can) your neighbors a penny (cent)
Picture a child lost at a train station
Picture an RTI inspector stopping a car
Give a compliment to those present
Solemnly say the phrase “I have been sitting at the table for four days and drinking.”
Depict the dawn in the village, after the hayloft
Make a scary face
Impersonate the voice of King Kong or a pig
Picture yourself eating last year's cracker
Portray the President of Russia or at least the head of the Buro RTI
Express your love to your neighbor with your eyes or facial expressions

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

At this table all the women are beautiful, like Snow Maidens. But I would like to wish that, unlike them, the hearts of our women will be warmed with love for us men in the New Year. To the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!
(We have a drink and a snack.)

GAME 7: “Three Phrases”
Calls for those who want to participate.
-If you can repeat after me three phrases, any, word for word, you will receive a prize! Are you ready? Let's start.
1) “What a wonderful evening today!” The player must repeat word for word.
2) “You are simply beautiful!” At the same time, D.M does not behave confidently, and after the participant repeats the phrase, he happily spreads his hands and says:
3) “So you lost!” Usually players make a mistake and ask again “Why?”
Whoever repeats it wins and is awarded.

If there are winners, they are awarded.


On a snowy winter road
The old year is being swept away.
Let everything you want come true.
On New Year's moonlit night.

(We have a drink and a snack.)

GAME 8: “Divination by glass”
- I invite everyone to make a cherished wish for this year and choose a glass under which the answer will be. One condition, to read it, you need to drink a glass, under the cat. there is a piece of paper with a prophecy.
1- Act boldly and riskily today. To fulfill your desire you will need determination and assertiveness. It may come true, but for this you will have to fight.
2- The desire to come true. It will bring joy and a feeling of fullness of life. Nothing will interfere with this.
3- A definite NO. This is also advice to refuse decisive action and not try to overcome circumstances. Nothing good will come of this.
4- Now the time has not yet passed for our plan or aspiration. We need to wait, circumstances may change.
5- There is every chance of getting what you want. This color inspires hope, predicts success, and promises good conditions for what is planned.
6- A categorical NO without any reservations. The path to fulfillment of desire is completely closed. What you want won't come true.
7- Luck smiles on you. But don't interpret this as a definite YES to your question. He suggests that a wide range of extremely favorable opportunities will be provided to fulfill a desire. You will take full advantage of them if you show the will and moderate your conceit.
8- What you wish for may come true, but on condition: for this you need to choose a rational, balanced decision. When achieving what you want, do not act headlong or spontaneously. The exact answer will be given by the voice of reason. Gossip and intrigue can interfere with your plans.
9- This is YES, and the wish will be fulfilled without any effort. The whole situation has developed in such a way that there are no obstacles to your plan.
10- Luck is your middle name. Intuition will lead you on the right path to achieving your desire. Don't overthink it, don't use logic, just trust yourself and enjoy life.
11- All roads lead to Rome. And there are many paths to your desire, but which one you choose will affect the range of events related to your personal life. In order not to make a mistake and choose the right path, look back, haven’t you already followed it once?
12- Your wish will come true, but don’t forget that only cheese in a mousetrap is free. You have to pay for everything. But it’s up to you to choose which “coin” you pay with. But just remember that everything has its price.
13- A desire will only come true if it is your true desire. Well, don’t be upset if you don’t get it, but rather look into the innermost corners of your soul to understand what you really want.
14- Be fulfilled, but only if your desire is very important and significant for you. You will have to put in a little effort to achieve what you want, but the result will exceed all your expectations.
15- YES, YES, and YES again! Hasn't it already come true?
16- A wish can come true, but with the help of your loved ones and loved ones who will offer it to you sincerely. Do not reject help, because this is the path to fulfillment of your desire.
17- Your wish will come true, don’t worry so much. Calm down and prepare to wait patiently. You will really need composure and restraint now. Remember. That the one who knows how to wait wins.

GAME***: “Sirtaki”
Hear, the music started again:
This, friends, is the beginning of dancing!
Fun and joy sparkle everywhere
Let each of you spin in a waltz!

The floor is given to our “Disc Jockey”.
(dance SIRTAKI).

Hurry to the round dance, let everyone sing,
A wonderful Christmas tree awaits everyone.
How more people the more guests,
It will be even more fun.

Now let's play and dance to the Russian gypsy song.

GAME ***: “Gypsy”
5-6 players are called and the same number of chairs are placed. Music is played, participants walk around the chairs until the music stops. The music stops; the participants take off one thing at a time. Do this several times. Afterwards, different music sounds, and the participants begin to dress the same way. Where the participant stays is where he dresses.
Prize for the most extravagant (chosen with the help of invitees).

(Offers to raise glasses and makes a toast)

Health, joy and happiness
We wish you a Happy New Year.
So that there is no anxiety, no misfortune.
There was no guard at the gate.
So that the sun shines tenderly,
Everything that the heart expects came true,
And just to make it gratifying
All your life, like this year!

(We have a drink and a snack.)

GAME 9: "Poets"

I say a couplet, and you try to finish the last word.
(Read in turn with CH)

1) To do modern makeup,
Acquired by a beauty... (trellis)

2) Nudist club as an application
Accepts thrown... (swim trunks)

3) I made all the girls fall in love with me at some point
Rybnikov in the comedy... (“Girls”)

4) One can and many jars
The thrush is taking her to ... (market)

5) The milk carton burst
I flooded my trousers and... (jacket)

6) It was known even to children
Under the mask of Fantômas - Jean... (Heat)

7) Tell me, dear, frankly,
Was it on your part... (betrayal)

8) A blond guy wrote this for fun:
In the column, country of birth... (Angola)

9) Russians have a wide range of names.
Voroshilov, for example, was... (Clement)

10) In Lukomorye the cat decided
That he is local... (racketeer, rowdy, old-timer)

11) Grand stage and screen -
Italian... (Celentano)

12) The government spends billions
For shoulder straps, badges and... (cockades)

13) Scarier and more dangerous than a mine
For oranges, mountain... (peak)

14) For a puritan, erotica-
And sin, and temptation, and... (exotic)

15) Is this familiar? figure skating
To the people of the Kingdom...(Great Britain)

16) Publications are stored in the library.
And dominoes and cards... (toy library)

17) Maybe the convict would go on the run,
Yes, not passable around... (taiga)

18) I, like a karateka, will not calm down,
If they don’t give me a black one... (belt)

19) Both halves have already expired,
And on the scoreboard still... (zeros)

20) Sumo champion for cargo
It's good to have a big... (belly)

21) The sports elite is happy,
Another one is coming again... (Olympiad)

22) The wolf, after watching football, finally decided:
“Like me, they are also fed... (legs)

GAME #: Piggy Bank
-And now our piggy bank will be drawn. The contents of the piggy bank will go to the one who guesses how much money is in it.
The winner will be declared by the one who says the closest number to the amount in the piggy bank.
SN: (Farewell words)
Have fun, don't be bored,
And don't forget about us!
Let it remain in our hearts
Sounding laughter, sparkling lights!
Goodbye, goodbye!

D.M: (Farewell words)
Goodbye, gentlemen!
It's time with the Snow Maiden
Let us set off on the road again.
Don't be sad honest people
Wait exactly one year.

Scenario for New Year's Eve "One day on New Year's Eve."

Fanfare sounds. Exit of the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden. Good evening, invited and welcome guests!
Good evening, young, married and single guests!
Have fun and prosperity, we are glad to meet you!
On New Year's Eve, children expect holidays and gifts from Santa Claus, and adults, the fulfillment of wishes, great joys, and love. And I would like to wish you:
Let there be no depressing days,
Down with the bleak forecast!
I wish everyone that the coming year,
Brought love and joy to you!
Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden's song "New Year's".

Snow Maiden. Yes, but what would the New Year be without my much-needed pensioner?
global scale, Santa Claus! I know he's already here. Who hid it?
My favorite old grandfather, he left earlier,
I got into a snowy Mercedes, but I was skiing.
Has a revolution really happened somewhere?
The New Year will not come without Santa Claus.
Come on, let's all call grandpa together!

The name is Santa Claus. Exit of Santa Claus.

Father Frost. I hear, I hear the name! Here I am, and here I am.
The New Year is already coming, the president congratulates everyone, he wishes everyone happiness.
Businessmen - profits, their wives - sables,
For those who work - work, for those in power - for those who care,
He says to the whole country: Happy New Year, with new happiness!

Santa Claus's song "New Year".

And I brought you a gift - a bird of happiness with a blue wing. She will make everyone happy!
Come on, louder jokes, laughter, I take out the bird of happiness!
I didn't understand! This is misfortune. There is no bird of happiness, fact! I'm going to have a heart attack!

The exit of Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga. This is exactly as good as it gets. Birds of happiness are not to be seen!
Father Frost. Who are you, old hag?
Baba Yaga. Yes, I’m a grandmother - YAGA! Yes, she aged a little, became crooked, and got sick.
Age, damn it, is taking its toll!
Father Frost. What do you want, old lady?

Baba Yaga. I'll whisper in your ear.
Father Frost. Why in your ear, tell me!
Baba Yaga. One, two, three.
Snow Maiden. Is this another riddle?
Baba Yaga. Fulfill three wishes and receive the bird of happiness!
Father Frost. Here I go with my staff three times, give the old bird of happiness...
Snow Maiden. Grandpa, don't rush. Take your time, settle down.
Even old grandmother Yozhka wants a little happiness. And what are three wishes?
Baba Yaga. To begin with, to warm up, I wish the people to start a round dance!
Father Frost. Send everyone to the garden?.. I you..!
Snow Maiden. Grandpa! Not in the garden, the people should dance the achorovod.
True, nowadays round dances are no longer in fashion among the people; the locomotive dance is fashionable.
Father Frost. What, manure?
Snow Maiden. Yes, not manure, but a steam locomotive! We are all locomotives, and the guests are carriages.
The one with the longest squad is the younger one. Music plays louder, train
is leaving!
Baba Yaga. Have a celebratory dose and hitch a ride to the locomotive!
Father Frost. Come on, together with the steam locomotive, together with Grandfather Frost, we will overtake
everyone now!
Snow Maiden. Of course I’m the best, my waist is thinner!

Dance-game "STEAM LOGO".

Baba Yaga. I have more carriages. I rode from the heart!
Snow Maiden. Grandmother Yaga, what is your second wish?
Baba Yaga. And who said that this was my first wish?
Father Frost. Ah, so, again in your repertoire: have you decided to deceive us?
Baba Yaga. Well, okay, okay. Don't rush me, old man. I'll tell you my wish
a little later. In the meantime, dance, smile, have fun, don’t be shy.
Father Frost. Everyone is dancing and having fun with my granddaughter.
I'll go look for help, such a good fellow,
So that he would punish the old woman and rescue the bird of happiness.
Goodbye friends, have fun without me!
Snow Maiden. Let's start having fun. There will be music, we will be together
dance the snow shake, ice break, snowflake waltz, lezginka and ice tango!

Dance department with competitive dances.

Snow Maiden. Everyone is so young, mischievous and lively! Why are you sad, grandma?
Baba Yaga. I want to rejuvenate and fall in love with someone, and for him to love me
and followed me like a shadow. Here's another wish.

Snow Maiden. So this is not one thing, but three: getting younger - one, falling in love -
two, so that he loves you - three. Three wishes! Will you keep your promise?
Baba Yaga. If you fulfill your wish, I will give you the bird of happiness. I bet you!
Snow Maiden. Now we need a man with a capital M. Come on, grandma,
say: one, two, three.
Baba Yaga. Trot, two, three. Little man, show up!

Santa Claus leads Ivan the Fool to the recording “I am Moscow empty bamboo.”

Father Frost. In, good fellow, get it!
Ivan. Hello, old hag, well, do you recognize me? Hut, hut,
turn your front to the forest, and your back to me and bend over a little! Ha, Ha, Ha!
Baba Yaga. Oh, Vanyusha, you’re dressed somehow wonderfully.
Ivan. Well, he looked normal, he took the raspberry caftan from Kashchei, tsepura
I took the red one off the oak tree, tore off the leather for Gorynych’s boots, and the nut for the king’s finger.
Baba Yaga. Why are you hiding your eyes behind glasses?
Ivan. And the glasses were given by my namesake, Vanyushka Demidov, so, he says, Vanek, wear them,
I don’t need it anymore, I’ve grown wiser.
Baba Yaga. How is your little wife, Vasilisa the Wise?
Ivan. No, grandma, I have wives. Ivasik took me away with this TV.
So I'm free now.
Baba Yaga. You probably offended her. Didn't supply enough, didn't love enough, here you go
and it sucked.
Ivan. It was I who did not supply, it was I who offended. Yes I, yes I... everything for her, the best
I gave her the bone, but she still didn’t have enough, not enough, and she got me! That's what I want
get yourself a harem, well, like in Turkey...
Snow Maiden. It’s good that you are free, our Ivan is a people’s hero! We don't want
offend you, do you want to see your harem?
Ivan. Well, is it possible?
Baba Yaga. Not Mona, but Noona!

Ivan sings the song “Beauty”.

The Snow Maiden invites everyone to dance, a selection of wives takes place, who are invited to the stage.
Baba Yaga. Van, and Van, why do you need a whole harem, look at them, look how
overdressed. Well, you have to plow day and night just to dress them,
and they probably eat more than one black bread and water.
Ivan. Yes! I don't like to work.
Baba Yaga. In! You choose one, one that will feed you, and clothe you, and
loved it!

Ivan is blindfolded, the girls line up. Baba Yaga has inflatable balloons, Ivan chooses Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga. Oh, Van, look at the balls. And everyone is flying to the ceiling (throws up the balls, Ivan backs away). Vanyusha, if you love me, you will be happy until your death! Come on, come to me, you don’t want to.
Ivan. Love, of course, granny, is evil, I would love a goat, but an old hag!.. Alas, I cannot love.
Baba Yaga. It is, of course, what it is, that is, my years cannot be counted, I’m not young at all...
Snow Maiden. Let's all dance, gentlemen! Let's throw off the extra years! Grandma, get yourself together and
take up fitness. You'll pump up your abs and quickly lose weight,
you will become young again. Dance, dance gentlemen!
Baba Yaga. Oh, I want to have fun, fly on a broom!

Competition "Dance with a broom".
To the music, Baba Yaga passes the broom to those dancing in a circle, the selected participant must go out into the circle and dance with the broom, then passes it to the next one, and so on.

Dance department.

Baba Yaga. Oh, they had fun, they pleased grandma, they drove around the little broom.
Van, look, I’m cheerful and quite young, I’ve definitely become younger!
Ivan. Only she didn’t make a face. Whoever would rejuvenate you, then I would love you.
Throw off your skin like a frog and become a thousand years younger. (Leaves).
Snow Maiden. Grandma Yaga, you need to change your image.
Baba Yaga. FAQ?
Snow Maiden. Image! Change your appearance, and then your years won’t be so noticeable.
Baba Yaga. And where do they change it?
Snow Maiden. Sergei Zverev came to visit us in Zhlobin on tour. He is the most fashionable stylist, you need to see him. If you change your image, Ivan will definitely love you.
Baba Yaga. Then I flew to this beast of yours.

Baba Yaga flies away on a broom.

Father Frost. In the meantime, Yaga is looking for her image, we invite everyone to dance.

Dance department.
The game is being played.

The appearance of the glamorous Baba Yaga to the tune of “Dolce gabana”. Ivan was speechless.

Baba Yaga. Hello, chuvirly, hello, peppers! (to Ivan) Well, what are you staring at? Speech
lost from the beauty of a girl?
Snow Maiden. Oh, Grandma Yaga, you’re unrecognizable.
Father Frost. And where are you, my dear? Eh, you went too far with beauty,

Baba Yaga. Well, what, do you like it? I will always be like this now.

Baba Yaga sings the song “Let those who didn’t get us cry!”

Baba Yaga. So, Vanyatka, be healthy and don’t be bored! Now I’m a glamorous girl, but look around, so many men can’t take their eyes off me.
And my heart is free!
Father Frost. So what happens, we won’t see the bird of happiness this year?
Baba Yaga. Come on, dude, don't be upset, I'm kind today.
The apotheosis finale! Auction! The bird of happiness is for sale, whoever gets it will
will never part with luck, money, love.
Auction: the winner will receive a bottle of champagne decorated with bright ribbons.
The winner receives the “bird of happiness” and all the money he paid for it.

The song “Happy New Year” is performed by _________________.

Ivan. Happy New Year, with new happiness!
Let it find you!
Let the worries not go away
The sparkle of wonderful, clear eyes!
Baba Yaga. Let in business always and everywhere
Success follows you!
And today on this holiday
May you be the happiest!
Father Frost. May your health not fail you
Strict boss doesn't scold
And the bag will send gifts
Good Grandfather Frost!
Snow Maiden. Let a true friend be nearby
Both on holiday and in bad weather.
And let it come into your home like a snowball
Happiness always comes!
All. Happy New Year!!!

The final song is "New Year's Hymn".

Snow Maiden. The New Year's fairy tale is over, but New Year's Eve is not over!
A night full of surprises!
Baba Yaga. And we are waiting for you at the House of Culture on January 1 at 1 am!

New Year tree scenario for adults

The phonogram sounds songs "New Year is knocking" from the repertoire of the group “Disco Crash”. It turns out, the presenter.

HOST: Hours go by, days pass, this is the law of nature

And today we want to wish you a Happy New Year!

We wish you all the joys in the world for the New Year

Health for 100 years ahead to both you and your children.

Dear guests, hello! The time has come to say goodbye to the old year and hello to the New Year! Hello New Year! We say goodbye to the year of the monkey and welcome the year of the red fiery rooster.

(A rooster can be heard crowing, characterizing the coming year according to the Eastern calendar.)

Leading: Now I will spend in our big company short interview. Let each of you answer the question: “Why do I love the New Year holiday?” Now I'll pass the microphone around(the presenter takes out a microphone or its imitation)

Leading: The New Year's holiday is not complete without the main characters. Which ones? (Father Frost and Snow Maiden). Let's call them. Santa Claus….. Snow Maiden….. Wait a minute, there was a slight hitch.(The presenter leaves the stage)

The sound of a landing plane sounds. Baba Yaga runs into the hall with a broom.

BABA YAGA: FAQ, darlings, weren’t you waiting? And I myself, I appeared myself. Not dusty. Cuckoo, boogers! Are you smiling at me? All-all on clean water I'll get you out!Look, sit down! Look, relax! Only now, no one will give up space for the old lady! Nobody on New Year's holiday will not invite you to visit. For this good reason I am so angry. (Swings a broom at someone). I'm not to be trifled with.(Whistles).

Baba Yaga's daughter Akulka and her nephew Leshy run into the hall.

SHARK: Well, why are you, mama, whistling like a robber nightingale!

Goblin: Well, you, Aunt Yaga, look just like a policeman. I'm at a loss.

BABA YAGA: This is what the city does to children. Where are cultural workers looking? The daughter is “in kind”, the nephew is “in the dust”, but before, they seemed to express themselves in normal Russian.

SHARK: Get to the point, mom. Time is money! Otherwise, the New Year is just around the corner, and we are not yet in business...

Goblin: And not with money...

BABA YAGA: Today we will have both business and money! Do you know who they are waiting for here? Snow Maiden with Santa Claus.

SHARK: Who is the Snow Maiden?

Goblin: And what do you eat it with?

BABA YAGA: She is so slim, beautiful, smart, white. Wow, and darling! We will find her now, steal her and demand a ransom.

SHARK: Let them fork out!

Goblin: Look, the rich have gathered!

They walk around the hall, looking at the women. They approach one of them.

SHARK: Look, mommy, she’s smart! I can see it in her eyes, isn't it her?

BABA YAGA: No, this is not the Snow Maiden, she must be white.

KASHCHEY: But, auntie, look, she’s white – very white, isn’t she?

BABA YAGA: Not her, look better.

Goblin: Found it! Here she is! Slender, beautiful, smart, white! Aunt, grab the rope, we'll knit!

Baba Yaga walks around, looks, sniffs.

BABA YAGA: Good! But not her. They would have given a lot of money for this one, of course, but that one seemed to be smaller!

Sounds music, The Snow Maiden enters the hall.

SNOW MAIDEN: What's going on here? Why did they start the holiday without Father Frost and Snow Maiden?

SHARK: Yes, who are you?

Goblin: The commander has been found, the unfortunate little girl!

SNOW MAIDEN: I am the Snow Maiden. Who are you?

BABA YAGA: Here we have our money!

Goblin: She confessed herself.

BABA YAGA: Knit it, guys!

They take a rope, throw a lasso over the Snow Maiden and lead her out of the hall with cries of joy.

The presenter appears.

Leading: It seems something happened here while I was away? Yes?

A postman approaches the presenter, hands him a telegram and leaves. .

HOST: Dear friends! We received a telegram:“We won’t have a holiday, Snegurochka, period. Prepare the ransom, period. From you 1000 in Euros, or ditties, period. Baba Yaga and company." We need to bathe the Snow Maiden. I suggest singing a cheerful ditty.Guests perform ditties

Then Baba Yaga flies in.

Baba Yaga: Oh-oh, these little ditties of yours are already making my teeth ache from boredom. So let's rehearse what I wrote for you.

Gives out his ditties


I'll celebrate the New Year

I'm on my entire salary

And I'll meet at twelve

My face is in the salad!


Santa Claus is so handsome

I fell in love with him!

If I were an icicle

I would have crashed for him!


I will meet the Snow Maiden,

I'll bring you to the house,

Where can I find a fool?

Without payment.


I danced all night

I fell asleep under the Christmas tree.

I only found out this morning

I drank a lot...


Life in the New Year is like this:

Don't plow, don't toil.

Two weeks off:

Sleep and cuddle!


Santa Claus, that's the problem

Knee-deep beard.

Nowhere to go -

Leaps in to kiss!


How I brought the snow woman.

In the morning, look - only water!

So think and guess

Where did you go?


I'll dress up as the Snow Maiden

And I’ll sit in the tarantass.

I'll be driving around the village

Good people for show!


Walk boldly in the New Year,

Whichever path you want

And you in any home

They treat you to a shot glass.


Oh, like with Grandfather Frost

I want to meet you -

My beauty is not enough

I'll pay extra with moonshine.


The snow is swirling on the threshold

White snowstorm

It's time to continue the holiday

Stop messing around!

Baba Yaga : Well done! Another thing!

Baba Yaga leaves.

HOST: Well, while the postal order in ditties is transferred to the account of Baba Yaga and her company, you and I will dance.

The song plays and everyone dances .

Here Baba Yaga flies in again.

Baba Yaga: What kind of dance is this? (teases everyone) That's how it should be! Well, DJ -little music! (Baba Yaga begins to show her dance , after a short excerpt, everyone begins to repeat her movements).

Baba Yaga : ah, you are my killer whales! This is another matter! We still won’t give up the Snow Maiden. You haven't paid everything yet.

(leaves from the hall)

Presenter: Well then, in order to somehow dispel our evil spirits, let’sLet's sing a song. Let's all stand around the Christmas tree.

They sing a song around the Christmas tree.

Leading: Now let's try inviting Santa Claus again. Let's call everyone together. Remember how in childhood - three, four... Santa Claus!(all in chorus). Snow Maiden!…

At this time, a picturesquely dressed Baba Yaga runs into the room under the Snow Maiden. She jumps joyfully, examines the surroundings with interest, and sniffs everyone present.

Leading: Who else is this?

Baba Yaga: It's me - Snow Maiden!

Leading: Well, get out of here, forest evil spirits!

Baba Yaga: Well, well! No culture! They immediately start calling names!

I am no evil spirit, and I have had a first name and patronymic for a long time.

Madame Yadviga Kostyantinovna! (bows).

Leading: Okay, tell me why you came? What can you do?

Baba Yaga: Yes, my dear, I can do anything!

Baba Yaga : What did you think! Not a bunch of crap... Well, there are also different games, fun, riddles, jokes... In general, let's get started right now! I willriddlesmake a wish. Let them guess for prizes.(Takes 2 tangerines out of his pocket, carefully wipes them on the hem, smells them, wipes them again). So, listen: Who brought us gifts? Good grandfather...(all in chorus: Frost). The same grandfather froze the children's noses...(all in chorus: Frost). The guest was visiting, the bridge was being paved
No axe, no wedges. (Freezing.)
Transparent like glass
You can't put it in the window. (Ice.)

I lay there all winter,

In the spring he ran into the river. (Snow.)
Old man at the gate
The heat was taken away.
Doesn't run on his own
And he doesn’t tell me to stand. (Freezing.)

Which tree doesn't fall off its leaves? (From the Christmas tree.)
The girl Belyan passed by,

Whitewashed all the clearings. (Snow fell.)
Not a beast, but howling. (Wind.)
It flowed, flowed and lay under the glass (Ice on the river.)
Poor Tikhon was pushed out of the sky,
Wherever he runs, he covers it with carpet. (Snow.)

Baba Yaga: But you, my dear guests, stand in a circle, I’ll play a game with you, "Zoo"called. Now I will say in everyone’s ear the name of the animal or bird, and then you guys, hold hands, and hold them tightly. I will name the animals one by one, and whoever hears “his” animal must sit down, and the rest must not allow this to happen. Did everyone understand everything?(B.Ya. goes around everyone in a circle and says the same word in everyone’s ear, for example, “rooster”). Well, everyone joined hands, held each other tightly and listened carefully. Rooster!

Leading: Well, Yadviga Baba. Ugh, how are you?(raises his hand).

Baba Yaga: Next competition "Stars and Constellations". I will tell everyone: “The stars gather in constellations of 3,” and everyone should be divided into threes, holding hands and dancing, and that’s what I will call different numbers, and at my command, gather in constellations according to these numbers: 4 - four, 5 - five, etc. I will keep an eye on those who do not manage to connect into constellations in time and take them aside.

Everyone plays this game. At the end, Baba Yaga approaches those whom she “picked up.”

Baba Yaga: I will let you go if you sing a song about the Christmas tree in chorus.

(penal officers sing a song).

Baba Yaga: Let me test your strength - here are two ropes, come out two real men. Tie 5 knots on a string, let's see who can tie it faster and tighter!(men tie it). Well done! Who has it better? Yes! Oh, I forgot to say that the one who unties the knots faster will win, forgive the young lady. The prize for the winner is my kiss.

Baba Yaga: You see, as soon as Santa Claus went to get his bag,... Do you want me to hold a lottery with you? Will I give everyone gifts? Naturally, not the same as Santa Claus, but much better. But - not just for that. I am announcing a competition for the best compliment to me.

Everyone compliments me. Satisfied Baba Yaga drags a large bag. She chooses several people whose compliments she especially liked, asks each one in turn to tell her their number lottery ticket(does not take tickets), then checks his very wrinkled and tattered list and gives everyone small prizes or paper parcels with the following inscriptions, reading them out in a solemn, joyful voice.

Comic lottery Baba Yaga:

1. What a lucky guy, I’ll just die laughing, you have a pacifier, go cry in that corner over there!(-)

2. If you come across a paper clip, hold on to it very tightly!(clip)

3. And you quickly run here, bow, and quickly get away from here!(-)

4. Original vase – I’ve never seen a more beautiful one!(empty bottle).

5. Sew this button wherever you want, you will be happy without any fuss!(button )

6. And now the super win of the century, zero without a stick for this man!

Baba Yaga: Well, that's all, and don't let anyone cry - that's why it's a game, to fool people!

Baba Yaga (bows): Sorry, it was a little joke, but don’t tell Santa Claus(leaves).

HOST: I was told by gypsy mail that evil spirits had released the Snow Maiden. Santa Claus took her, and they were already at the entrance to the house of culture.

The phonogram of the New Year's melody sounds, Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden appear in front of the crowd, dancing along.

FATHER FROST: Good New Year's Eve to everyone, my dears!

SNOW MAIDEN: To all those present, sparkling New Year's greetings!(to the village of Moroz) . Grandpa, are you shaking so much with excitement? Maybe he got sick?

FATHER FROST: Look, Snow Maiden, is my temperature normal?

(The Snow Maiden uses a large fake thermometer to measure Santa Claus’s temperature).

SNOW MAIDEN: A little low, grandpa. Need to raise. (Addresses the audience). How can I raise my grandfather's temperature?(one of them offers Santa Claus a drink, Santa Claus accepts the offer).

FATHER FROST: ( makes a toast):

Here's a glass, thank you,

I will say a beautiful toast for everyone.

In the New Year I wish you,

Rewards for everyone,

I wish you, friends,

Everything you can and cannot do!

But first, strength in the body,

I really wish

After all healthy person,

Will be happy for a whole century!

Happy New Year,

I wish you more money

So that the steering wheels of every house,

It grew like a snowball!

And now, for my arrival,

Here's to a Happy New Year!(drinks a glass of wine)

Snow Maiden:

And to make your dreams come true in the New Year,

We need to have a big round dance!

(All guests dance around the tree)

Father Frost: Now let's play a little.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka conduct a New Year's attraction with guests:

“The Christmas tree is elegant...” - both girls and boys take part in the game. Girls are Christmas trees, which boys must dress up and embellish for the holiday within a certain time. In front of each of them is a box with various women's cosmetics, jewelry and accessories: beads, bows, clips, lipstick, blush, eye shadow, hairpins, Christmas decorations and tinsel. The winner is the pair of players who aroused the greatest sympathy among the audience.

"Playing Blind" - two players participate. In front of each of them is a large sheet of paper and a pencil.
Condition of the game: blindfolded, draw, for example, a snowman. The one with the most successful and reliable drawing wins. The winner receives a “sweet prize” in the form of a large candy with a surprise “filling”. Rewarding the winner, Santa Claus quietly pulls the string and the “candy” cracker suddenly explodes in the hands of an unsuspecting player, showering him with multi-colored confetti.
“Two silver horses will take me home in an instant...” - two opposing players, using roller skates as ordinary skates, must, simultaneously leaving the “same destination,” cover a certain distance and return safely. The winner is the one who completes the task more confidently and quickly.

Father Frost: The Year of the Rooster is just around the corner!

We wish you not to worry!

Let your health be stable,

And illnesses will forget their way to you!

May all your dreams come true,

New ideas will be born!

Prosperity, blessings for the whole year!

Open the door - the rooster is coming!

Snow Maiden:

To the ringing cry of “Ku-ka-re-ku!” New Year will come,

He will bring good luck, joy and enthusiasm to your home!

All troubles, all failures, our Rooster will spur

And in one moment it will smash them all to dust and to smithereens!


It was the turn of the cheerful Rooster Monkey.

There will be joy and gifts,

Hello, hello, New Year!

May the Rooster, as a symbol of the year, bring enthusiasm and laughter,

Will give energy, freedom and give everyone success,

It will take away sorrows and troubles and grind everything into flour.

Good luck and victory await you - in the New Year!

ALL: Ku-ka-re-ku!

FATHER FROST. It's a pity, but it's time for us to say goodbye...

SNOW MAIDEN. We are leaving to meet again.


Father Frost and Snow Maiden leave the guests, and the presenter continues to lead the dance and competition program.