Scenario of the New Year's event for elementary school "New Year's KVN". Scenario of the business card of the New Year's KVN at school KVN music competition theme New Year's school

I present to your attention the script New Year's holiday for high school students. This scenario is a New Year's KVN. But the calm flow of the game is hampered by a group of fabulous and funny characters. High school students are happy to temporarily transform into these characters.

This event took place at our school in the 2009/2010 school year. year and everyone was happy. Boys and girls enjoyed sewing costumes and preparing for the holiday.



  1. New Year's KVN for high school students

  2. with elements of theatrical performance

1 presenter: In one deep forest there lived evil spirits and the evil spirits lived until the New Year. They began to think about how to spend the New Year.

Koschey, Leshy, the Witch, and the Cat with sad faces appear on the stage. They sit down at the table. There is complete silence on stage, all you can hear is the sound of nails banging on the table. There is a small Christmas tree on the table, decorated with tinsel, balls in New Year's style.

Witch: Well, it’s boring, but it’s like New Year.
Koschey: Yes... we’ve been sitting too long in our forest, we should get out to people.
Goblin: What kind of people, you looked at yourself for a long time in the lake, and Baba Yaga scared away all the animals in the area with her beauty.
Witch: So what if I properly put on my makeup, comb my hair and beautiful girl like in my youth.

I will pull on my stockings with the fingers of a gentle hand,
I'll tint my lips, check the polish, perfume...
So how? –

Leshy and Koschei: Wow!

Koschey: And I generally have an athletic build, not an ounce of excess weight, just muscles.

I have a bad character

I swear and get on my nerves...

Goblin: Stop wagging your tongue, let's have fun

The song “Three White Horses” is performed

Cat: Not bad, but I want a real holiday.
Goblin: I know one trick, you can order a holiday home, the company gives a guarantee; I have a newspaper here with a phone number.
Cat: Well, then call, don’t drag your feet until the new year, there’s not much time left, otherwise they’re talking, everyone’s talking.

Witch: That's right, stop chatting, otherwise you need to put on makeup, rouge up, in general, you need to get ready.
Goblin: Hello. Company “New Year for your money”? We need a cool party to unwind. Yeah, I see, your agent will be here now?
Agent: Hi all. What problems? Who here wants to shake their bones cool? Otherwise everything here is moldy.
Koschey: You drew yourself quickly...
Agent: Time is money. So what are the problems?
Witch: : What modern things can you offer us? We haven't hung out here for a long time.

Cat: We need a cool party.
Agent: No problem. Let's decide on the cash, our company will provide everything you want for your money, the minimum cost will be two chests of gold and other material assets.
All: How much???
Witch: You grimy guy copied the price from the ceiling, or was it just something you saw in your eyes?
Agent: Let's order, but if you don't want to, pay a penalty.
Goblin: Where does the money come from? There is no money at all.
Agent: What about the property?
Witch (shows broom): Personal transport only.
Agent: Confiscated. He takes the broom and leaves. The evil spirits stand with their mouths open.
Koschey : Yes, it’s a cool party, now we’ll also walk.
Goblin : And the left company got caught(doesn't fall on his knees). Sorry brothers.
Koschey: Come on, what can you do now?

Witch: Maybe we can still get out among people?

Cat: What kind of people are you like? Maybe we should go to school 294, I heard, such entertainment is expected there, it’s called KVN.

Koschey (dreamy): Maybe we’ll ruin someone’s mood. We want a holiday too!!!

On short time the lights go out. Music. Presenters on stage.

2 presenter: Attention! Attention! It’s snowing outside, the frost is crackling, and we’re having New Year’s KVN. Three teams are participating - students 9A, 9B, and 10A classes.

1 presenter: Let's meet our wonderful Jury: …………..

2 presenter: On New Year's Evemiracles happen. So at our holiday a miracle will happen thanks to our competitors. The first competition is the performance of teams on the theme “Once upon a New Year’s Eve...”

Teams demonstrate homework. As soon as the last team performed, Evil Spirits appeared on the stage with a roar, groaning and rubbing their sides.

Witch: No, you saw, they have fun when others are in trouble.

Cat: They would have our problems.

Presenter 1: Good evening!

2 presenter: Allow me to find out who you are and what trouble happened to you?

Koschey: They are also rude.

Goblin: Apparently they are completely slackers and do not study well at school, since they don’t recognize real heroes by sight.

Cat: Why is there darkness among the people?

Leading together : So New Year's Competition We welcome the cheerful and resourceful.

Koschey: Do you conduct KVN? Why did they put such stupid people on stage?

Witch: I am the Snow Maiden, and this old one is my Grandfather.Points towards Leshy.

Goblin: Frost.

Cat (circling): And I am a white and fluffy snowflake.

Koschey: And I am the Snowman.

Witch: No, look how ignorant they are. KVN New Year's?

Presenters: Yes.

Cat: So who are the main characters at the New Year's party?

Presenter 2: Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Koschey: So we came to you to have fun.

Goblin: So stop messing around. Continue your KVN and entertain us.

Evil spirits sit on the stage. The presenters move away and talk to each other.

1 presenter: What a strange company. Who invited them?

1 presenter: Maybe the school administration invited them. We completely forgot about our competitors and their performance.

2 presenter: Let us continue our holiday

Leshy (interrupting): I have permission.

2 presenter: The floor is given to our jury, which will announce grades for homework.

Koschey: No, just think: it’s a holiday, and they’re talking about homework.

The jury announces the results of the homework.

1 presenter: The next competition is “Frosty Breath”. We invite one young man from each team to the stage to demonstrate their strength and agility. Let's support them with applause.

2 presenter : Each of you will try yourself in the role of Santa Claus. Your task is to blow away your snowflake so that it falls from the opposite edge of the table. The competition continues until everyone has blown off their snowflakes.

Each of the contestants puts on a D.M. hat. and sits down at the table.Before each Santa Claus, a fairly large paper snowflake is placed on the table..

2 presenter: Well done to everyone, but in this competition the winner was not the one who was the first to blow away his snowflake, but the one who was the last, because... His breath is so frosty that his snowflake “froze” to the table. Applause to our competitors.

1 presenter : In Vienna and Budapest, numerous balls are organized for the New Year. And in Warsaw, at exactly 12 o’clock at night, when the chimes strike, all residents begin to pop balloons. It turns out to be a very fun and unusual fireworks display.

2 presenter : So let’s do something similar for our contestants….

1 presenter: From each team we invite one boy and one girl to the stage.

The contestants take the stage.

1 presenter: Now music will sound for you, and at this time you will dance, holding the ball.

2 presenter : But when the music ends, all couples must stop, hug each other tightly - so that the balloons burst. The couple that bursts the balloon first will be the winner.

Music plays and a competition is held.

1 presenter : The floor is given to the jury to sum up the interim results.

2 presenter: It's time for another test for our competitors. We invite six representatives from each team to the stage.

The contestants take the stage.

1 presenter : Our competition is called “Mummy”. Your task is to show the “mummy” in 2 minutes, using available material, namely rolls of toilet paper.

Teams are given a roll of toilet paper and asked to show the mummy in 2 minutes.

2 presenter : Well done everyone! We send the guys off with applause.

1 presenter : The jury speaks to sum up the interim results.

The jury announces the results.

2 presenter: The next competition is quite extreme. For the faint of heart, please close your eyes.

1 presenter : We invite two representatives from the team to the stage.

The contestants take the stage.

2 presenter: Your task is to get as many candies from the bowl as possible in 1 minute and drink water. Whoever gets the most wins.

1 presenter: You can do this task one at a time, or in pairs at once. But the task is to get as many candies as possible and drink water.

2 presenter: Let's support the brave souls with applause.

A bowl of flour and sweets and a glass of water are placed in front of each pair.

1 presenter: It's time to warm up a little.

2 presenter: The next competition is “Dance”.

1 presenter: We invite one young man from the team to the stage.

The contestants take the stage.

2 presenter: While the contestants are preparing, let's listen to our esteemed jury.

1 boy from the team performs the “Snowflakes” dance to music in a snowflake costume.

2 presenter: We send the guys off with applause.

1 presenter: And now a small gift for everyone present in the hall from the students of grade 11 “B”.

Presenter 2: Let's support them with applause.

A song is being performed.

1 presenter: We've danced, now let's sing. Each team is invited to take an envelope with ditties and perform them.

2 presenter: Team 10 "A" class we ask you etc.

Each team is invited to take an envelope with ditties and perform them.

1 presenter: While the jury is deliberating, we will test your dexterity and how you can work as a team in the “Magic Thread” competition.

2 presenter: Six people per team are invited.

1 presenter: Each team is given a rope tied into a ring. Teams must stand along the line, holding hands. The first and last participant each have one free hand. Task: pass the rope through all participants along the chain. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

The guys are doing the task.

2 presenter: Well done! We send the guys off with applause. They demonstrated their dexterity and tenacity.

1 presenter: I have an idea on how to get rid of this bad company that is bothering us. We will invite the real Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

2 presenter: You just need to divert their attention.

1 presenter: To do this, we will hold the next competition - a riddle competition

2 presenter . We read the riddle once, the teams answer in unison. And the jury listens carefully to see which team answers loudly and unanimously.

1 presenter:

Who will answer the question:
What is the name of Santa Claus
In hot African countries?
Although it sounds a little strange...
It's time to give a little hint...
He's called Grandfather... (It's hot.)

2 presenter:

And which of you will tell me here,
What are we called in America?
Neither Winnie the Pooh, nor Mickey Mouse!
They call us Santa... (Klaus!)

1 presenter:

Well, in France, friends,
How clever do I call myself?
Be brave, be brave, mademoiselle!
They call us Per... (Noel!)

2 presenter:

And in Scandinavia the people
I connected the New Year with an animal.
I'll admit, I'm a little angry
That they have Santa Claus... (Goat!)

1 presenter:

She flies on a broom
And it scares all the kids
She has a hut on legs
Who is THIS? (Grandma Ezhka)

2 presenter:

He's bony and thin
And no longer young
By nature - a villain
This is scary (Koschei)

1 presenter:

Beauty and a sight for sore eyes
Everybody's letting something up
Only maybe grief
Chinese call (fireworks)

2 presenter:

He walks around with a big bag
Penetrates every home
Who brought us gifts?
In a red hat - (Santa Claus)

Presenters: And now let’s all repeat in unison: Santa Claus!

A knock is heard and Father Frost and the Snow Maiden appear on the stage.

Father Frost: Good afternoon and good hour!

I salute you all!

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, how many people there are in the hall,
A glorious holiday is here!
So they told us the truth
That our friends are all waiting for us here.

Father Frost:
I'm still the same gray haired one,
But just like young.
Welcomes you today,
And not jokingly, but seriously,
On this New Year's holiday,
Your friend Santa Claus!

The evil spirits, seeing Santa Claus, begin to slowly back away to the edge of the stage.

Father Frost: And who invited these?

Witch: Us? Yes, we ran past like that. Well done, guys! We see that you know how to have fun!

Goblin: We wish all 9th ​​and 11th graders to successfully pass exams in the Year of the Tiger! 10th graders support them!


Health, joy and happiness
We wish you a New Year,
So that no anxiety, no misfortune
There was no guard at the gate.


So that the sun shines tenderly,
Everything that the heart expects came true.
And just to make it gratifying
All your life, like on New Year's Day.

Snow Maiden:
Just don't forget us at all,
You wait for us, grandpa and I will come.
And welcome us again with songs and dances,
And we to you best gifts We'll bring it.

1 presenter:

The New Year is approaching again,
He will rise as a young star!
May it give you happiness and success,
Smiles, humor, good laughter!

2 presenter:

May your every day be bright,
Pleasant, joyful and generous!
Let it be bright, dynamic,
Successful and excellent in everything!

Snow Maiden: The time has come for us to say goodbye.

Father Frost:
We'll say goodbye to each other
And again we will be separated for a whole year.
And in a year the blizzard will howl again
And Santa Claus will come in winter.

Snow Maiden as Leopold the cat said: “Guys, let’s live together!” and to make all our New Year's dreams come true, we will all sing the final song together.

A song is being performed.

1 presenter: And now the exciting moment. The jury speaks to sum up the results.

2 presenter: Gifts for competitors.

Appendix 1.

Three white horses

Music: Krylatov E.
Words: Derbenev L.

The rivers have cooled and the earth has cooled,
And they got a little ruffled at home.
It's warm and damp in the city,
It's warm and damp in the city,
And outside the city it’s winter, winter, winter.

And they carry me away, and they carry me away
Into the ringing snowy distance
December, January and February.

And they carry me away, and they carry me away
Into the ringing snowy distance
Three white horses, oh, three white horses -
December, January and February.

Winter has opened its snowy arms,
And until spring everything sleeps here,
Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses,
Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses
Everyone is running towards me, running, running.

And they carry me away, and they carry me away
Into the ringing snowy distance
Three white horses, oh, three white horses -
December, January and February.

And they carry me away, and they carry me away
Into the ringing snowy distance
Three white horses, oh, three white horses -
December, January and February.

The rivers have cooled and the earth has cooled,
But I'm not afraid of frost,
It was in the city that I was sad,
And outside the city I laugh, laugh, laugh.

And they carry me away, and they carry me away
Into the ringing snowy distance
Three white horses, oh, three white horses -
December, January and February.

And they carry me away, and they carry me away
Into the ringing snowy distance
Three white horses, oh, three white horses -
December, January and February.

  1. Santa Claus slept in bed,
    He stood up, jingling his icicles:
    Where are you, blizzards and blizzards?
    Why don't you wake me up?
  1. I am a cheerful Snow Maiden,
    I'll play blind man's buff with you,
    But I'm afraid to get drunk on tea -
    The heat will melt me.
  1. Let any dreams be yours
    They will come true, they will come true.
    Let the lights on our Christmas tree
    Light up brightly.
  1. Everyone is making a snowman,
    Mom is looking for Igor.
    Where is my son? Where is he?
    Rolled into a snowball.
  1. Frost with a white beard,
    With a lush mustache,
    Like a young boy,
    Dancing with us.
  2. Look, Santa Claus,
    Festive dressed.
    He brought us gifts
    Gingerbread cookies, sweets.
  1. There is noise and laughter in our hall,
    The singing doesn't stop.
    Our Christmas tree is the best!
    There is no doubt about it.
  1. Children dance in circles
    They clap their hands.
    Hello, hello.
    New Year! You are so good!
  1. There's a flock of snowflakes outside the window,
    He also leads a round dance.
    Saying goodbye to the old year,
    Let's celebrate the New Year

(The song “New Year” plays, Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out)

Father Frost:

I am kind Grandfather Frost!

I bring everyone to tears.

I love cheeks and noses

Deprive of natural beauty!

Hello guys, I'm here.

I found a bag in the forest,

I don’t know what’s in that bag,

But we'll divide everything in half.

Snow Maiden:

What are you doing, Grandfather Frost,

Forgetful you are!

There's a whole cartload of gifts in the bag,

You yourself had a hard time getting it across!

But don't touch them now.

Prizes for the fair should

Get to your destination:

For best game- teams,

For fans - for entertainment.

Father Frost:

What are you talking about, granddaughter?

I don't understand something

What kind of fans are there, what kind of teams are here.

We walked with you through the snow and ice,

To congratulate everyone.

Play, musicians!

Snow Maiden:

No, wait!

Grandpa, come on!

KVN invited us to watch

These are the youth.

You're kind of strange today, I don't understand...

Come on, hit the ice with your staff

And finally remember everything.

Why are we both here today?

Father Frost:

I remembered everything! Ice freezes me!

It's an old rotten thing, not a cheerful Santa Claus!

I have to introduce the jury to you guys,

Give him a round of applause so he can

Some ratings are “five”.

(Represented by the jury)

Father Frost(bows):

Your humble servant and my granddaughter.

Snow Maiden:

We wish you a Happy New Year!

We wish you all victory!

We invite the first team to the stage

And let's start KVN!

(The song “We are starting KVN” plays)


1. Team greetings.

2. Warm-up:

a) what does this mean?

Plaster, pride, perch.

Cataclysm, comb, stuntman;

(Tasks are given for each team in turn)

Snow Maiden:

In the meantime, the teams are preparing, I announce

3. Fan competition. Auction of words on the theme: “New Year”.

Snow Maiden:

4. Competition: “Film, film, film” (homework).

Father Frost:

Well, now for homework. "Films" based on the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" in different styles: Italian comedy, Brazilian series, American action film.

5. Captains competition.

A) "Questionnaire".

Listen carefully to the sequence in which you need to describe your opponent from memory (the correctness of the answers is compared): height, plumpness, age, eye color, name, nose shape, hair color, gait, character, what he is wearing (read out by the presenter fairly quickly).

B) Comic quadathlon.

Who will move the matchbox with their nose to the finish line faster?

Steeplechase. (Blindfolded, run around the pins and return to their place. A knocked down pin is minus 1 point)

Depict: angry pig; person,

unsuccessfully kicked a stone; sad penguin.

B) Hairstyle.

(While the music is playing, the captains draw hairstyles on special Whatman paper, with a cutout for the head, which will then be “tried on” by the fan assistants)

6. Music competition (homework).

Snow Maiden:

While the jury sums up the results, we will play with you.

Game "Teapot with Lid"

To the melody of “The Heart of a Beauty...” we sing:

Teapot with lid,

There is a lump in the lid.

There is a hole in the cone,

Father Frost:

We congratulate the winning team!

And we start the disco with entertaining pop music.

Snow Maiden:

We'll say goodbye for a while -

Just until next winter.

Goodbye everyone!

Father Frost:

Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden:

Let's go, grandpa, by taxi.

New Year's KVN.(music: “We are starting KVN”).

1st presenter. Good evening, dear friends!

2nd presenter . Hello!

3rd presenter. We are pleased to welcome you to New Year's game club of cheerful and resourceful

4th presenter : On New Year's Eve I would like to wish you something unusual: the light of the moon, a round dance of snowflakes, pearls of stars, the scent of flowers.

5th presenter Believe in your star, and under no circumstances lose hope

6th presenter New Year is magic and fun. So let's have as much fun as we can, together with the KVN teams, who will “shoot” their jokes throughout the evening, causing a storm of applause and laughter in this hall.

1st presenter . And the light of your eyes, the warmth of your hearts and your good mood, dear fans, will make this holiday surprisingly warm and bright.

2nd presenter . So, friends, today we have

Merry New Year's holiday.

At our KVN school

Lots of jokes and no problems.

3rd presenter. Well, now the most exciting moment. Let's ask the teams to take the stage.4 presenter:There will be jokes and jokes today...

11th grade team

5th presenter : national team of grades 10-7; "Brother Rabbits"

"Felt boots"

6th presenter . Thank you! The teams set off to prepare for the first competition.

Musical beat

1st presenter . What can the jury do today?

2nd presenter . They will have to laugh and rest.

They rightfully deserved a day off.

1st presenter . Then let's introduce them to you.

The presenters introduce the jury members.

2nd presenter - The jury will decide who will be the winner of today's game.

They will highlight teams in different categories and the most successful jokes.

The winners of the New Year's KVN will be awarded our mascot - KIVIN. We'll see who gets it later.

1st presenter And we forgot to introduce another important participant in our game - the audience. Are there spectators in this hall?

2nd presenter

I have a competition for you -

Attention to winter snowy whites!

I will name a lot of things

And you will only recognize white!

I'll tell you about white and snow - clap,

As for anything else - stomp!

Winter... Snowball... Book... Icicle...

Bunny... Fox... Christmas tree... Snowdrift...

Ice cream... Sausage... Bus...

Seagull... Ice... Car... Apple...

Candy... Santa Claus's beard...

Musical beat

1st presenter: Communication with viewers will continue5b grade. New Year's riddles.

5th presenter . Dear jury, viewers and KVN participants. Please listen to the order of performance of the teams. First to take the stage:

national team of grades 10-7

national team of 9-8 grades

11th grade team

6th presenter : I would like to announce to your attention the tasks of today's KVN

1. Business card – greeting of the teams.time limit 5 - 8 min.

2. Photo caption competition

3. Final stage- homework: "Once upon a time New Year”, time limit 10 – 15 min.

5th presenter : So here we go! The teams are already ready to introduce themselves, to show, so to speak, theirbusiness cards - greetings.

6th presenter . This team is young

Cool and naughty.

In our club just recently,

But it looks pretty nice.

Meet team 7-10 grades Greetings

1st presenter . Our holiday is already in full swing,

The viewer has been in shock for a long time.

2nd presenter . And we won’t mind arranging for you

It's New Year's Eve on this stage.

1st presenter . We need to start KVN

Only “Valenok” was missing.

2nd presenter. And they are here! Meet!

The second team performs. 8-9 grades

3rd presenter . Viewer, how are you?

If the team started,

If I bewitched you a little,

That's probably how life went.

4th presenter . Along with this team

We will present to you from the stage

Not newbies either,

And comedians, wits.

3rd presenter . They've been around for a week

Probably haven't eaten yet

They are preparing a surprise for us.

4th presenter: Meet the team. 11 classes greetings

4th presenter: And now we suggest you looknumber 5 a class "Tricks with Rabbits"

3rd presenter: Second task -Photo caption competition . There are 3 participating teams on stage.

4 presenter: So, one team shows a photo on the slides, the other teams must give it a funny name.

3rd presenter: 6th grade prepared my New Year's issue. Meet!“I want to be the Snow Maiden”

5 presenter: And now the most important and important competition -homework. Theme "Once Upon a New Year" time limit 10 – 15 min.

6th presenter: Well, Brother Rabbits,

Show off your skills

And every one of us

You will surprise with your game.

The team is invited to the stage ... 10-7 grades

1st presenter . Spectator, spectator, old and small,

Haven't you dozed off yet?

Are you tired yet?

The finale is approaching!

2nd presenter . And in the final in KVN

Let's meet "Valenki" on stage!

9-8 grades

4th presenter: 11th grade showing their homework.

11th grade

3rd presenter . Our meeting is coming to an end,

And this is what happens:

Since we have New Year's KVN,

Gifts are due.

4th presenter. To give those gifts,

Teams must be invited.

So we meet the commands:

Team of 11th grade graduates;

Team of 10-7 grades;

Team of 9-8 grades

Musical beat

5th presenter. And to give gifts, whatever you say,

There will be our strict, cheerful jury.

6 presenter : The jury gives the floor

So the winner of today's KVN is the team...

KVN mascots - KIVINs - are presented to the teams by the jury

1st presenter - With this we complete our KVN. Until next year.

2nd presenter . All the best to you, Happy New Year!

Music is playing. The audience leaves the hall.


The music is playing New Year's theme

Ved: Good evening.

Ved: Finally, there is a holiday in our school,

Finally a carnival.

And, believe me, it’s not in vain.

Everyone was expecting it!

Ved: There will be competitions, jokes,

Awards, prizes.

Disco very soon

He will tell you: “Don’t slow down!”

Ved: You are tired of studying.

So go ahead! To the masquerade!

But first, Happy New Year

Congratulations to all the guys!

Ved: Today, on New Year's Eve, all our KVN players will compete in their ability to have fun and show their talents. Light up, get going, and amuse the audience so that this New Year's Eve meeting at our school will be remembered for a long time.

Ved: Today 2 wonderful teams will present their New Year’s miracles to us...

Ved: So, we welcome the team of grades 7 and 9 “(applause)

Ved: So, welcome to the team of grades 8, 10, 11 “(applause)

Ved: For the competition to take place, we first need to present our competent jury.

Ved: Our jury today...

Ved: The teams are in place, the jury is too.

Ved.: And without whom there is no New Year?

Presenters: And now let’s all repeat in unison: Santa Claus!

A knock is heard and Father Frost and the Snow Maiden appear on the stage.

Father Frost: Good afternoon and good hour!

I salute you all!

Grandfather, how many people there are in the hall,
A glorious holiday will be here!
So they told us the truth
That our friends are all waiting for us here.

Father Frost:
I'm still the same gray haired one,
But just like young.
Welcomes you today,
And not jokingly, but seriously,
On this New Year's holiday,
Your friend Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden:

Health, joy and happiness
We wish you a New Year,
So that no anxiety, no misfortune
There was no guard at the gate.

Father Frost:
So that the sun shines tenderly,
Everything that the heart expects came true.
And just to make it gratifying
All your life, like New Year's

(light the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden:

Now we have truly begun our evening with you. What if

there is a beginning, then there will definitely be a continuation.

Father Frost:
1. Our first competition “New Year's business card”.

So, we meet a team of students from the _____ class.

We greet the _____ class team with thunderous applause.

Jury scores

Snow Maiden:

Let's thank the teams

2. Next competition “Warm-up – Guessing Game”

Teams will take turns being given a question to which they must answer.

Jury scores

Father Frost:
3. The competition is called “Theatrical”.

And now the teams will show their theatrical skills and show skits on the theme of the New Year.

Jury scores

Snow Maiden:

4. The next competition is called “Sleight of Hand”

Jury scores

Father Frost:
5. Next competition "Frosty Breath" We invite one young man from each team to the stage to demonstrate their strength and agility. Let's support them with applause. The contestants take the stage.

Each of you will try yourself in the role of Santa Claus. Your task is to blow away your snowflake. The competition continues until everyone has blown off their snowflakes.

Each of the contestants puts on a D.M. hat. and blows on the snowflake until it reaches the finish line. Well done to everyone, but in this competition the winner was not the one who was the first to blow away his snowflake, but the one who was the last, because... His breath is so frosty that his snowflake “froze” to the table. Applause to our competitors.

Jury scores

Snow Maiden:

6. As we have seen, captains can easily come to an agreement with their teams; they understand each other perfectly. Now let's see how the captains will negotiate with each other. Our next competition is the team captains competition!

Imagine, Santa Claus - and his role will be played by one of the team captains - was half an hour late for the New Year's party at school, and for some reason he arrived without gifts. His task is to convincingly tell the school principal (this will be the second captain of the team) why he was late.

For example, “Santa Claus” puts forward the following reason: one of the deer sprained his leg, the engine was malfunctioning, there was a strong headwind, etc. That is, the reason for being late can be almost any. The “director” should take the explanations of “Santa Claus” with distrust, asking tricky questions like “Where are the gifts?” or “Where is the Snow Maiden?”

Jury scores

Father Frost

7. And now the Christmas tree competition. Each team presents its own Christmas trees: classic and modern.

Jury scores

8. The next competition is called “Black Box”.

Jury scores

Father Frost:

9. Tell me, is it possible to imagine our life today without a hit parade? Yes, without the “best twenty” the world will be twenty times duller and grayer! Mine hit parade were both our teams. And surprisingly, it turned out that this month different songs took first place in both lists, but with the same theme - winter.

Snow Maiden:

10. The next competition is “Letter to Santa Claus.” Teams must write 14 adjectives that come to mind, in any order.

(Insert them into the letter and read).

Father Frost:

11. The competition is called “A Gift to the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus.”

This is the last competition. New Year is coming soon. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden will give gifts to everyone, but they always forget about themselves. Let's give them our gifts.

Snow Maiden:

Well, now let’s probably move on to the most interesting thing - dear jury: please announce total quantity points for all competitions.

Santa Claus hands over immediately certificates of honor for prizes

1. Time flew by so quickly, minutes, half an hour, hours...

We managed to have some fun

We managed to give you prizes!

2: Ahead happy holiday,

Magical, bright New Year!

Perhaps there is no more beautiful moment,

When the New Year comes!

1: Happy New Year to you -

It’s so nice to congratulate you! -

And we wish you with all our hearts

Don't forget to learn!

2: Smile more often, easier

And live in peace with dad and mom.

It's fun to laugh,

For real be friends!

1.: Parting is coming,

But we mean

Parting - goodbye!

In the new, next year!

All together: Happy New Year! See you again!!!

New Year's scenario for high school

Goals: develop students’ horizons and creative abilities; promote team unity.

Progress of the event

I. Introductory part

Leading(wearing a snowflake costume and big white sneakers)I. Good evening! Today teams of cheerful and resourceful people are competing (represents the teams). A full hall of fans indicates that there is a general epidemic in the auditorium. Everyone will get sick! I invite fans of the teams to look at each other and greet each other. And you, teams, greet each other.

Presenter(wearing a snowman costume and white high heels). Not everyone still knows that our KVN is not an ordinary one, but a New Year’s, one might say KVN-masquerade! You will find not only fireworks of New Year's jokes, but also unusual, cool carnival costumes.

Buffoon 1.

Carnival is a wonderful holiday,

Cheerful songs are heard here.

This is joy, bursting laughter,

This holiday brings success to everyone!

Buffoon 2.

Wear a colorful outfit

Let the glitter sparkle.

Let the carnival go around!

We are celebrating the New Year, friends!

Leading. So here we go! But first of all, let me introduce the members of the jury... (introduces the jury). Information for fans: while the jury is deliberating, you can show your support for your favorite team: posters, chants, chants, songs... So you can help the team earn extra points (maximum 3 points). Stay healthy!

Presenter. Stop, stop! We can’t start the game because we don’t have a Christmas tree. How are we going to invite Santa Claus? I invite the teams to work hard - decorate the Christmas tree.

II. Game tasks for teams

Competition "Christmas tree decoration"

Four people from the team are called, one of them is a girl. Girls turn into Christmas trees. The boys dress up the girls with green scarves and Christmas decorations on clothespins. Fans are invited to evaluate the teams' performance with loud applause. The team whose “Christmas tree” has received the loudest approval wins.


The teams show a business card - New Year's greeting. Any sketch on a New Year's theme. The maximum score in this competition is 5 points.

Song of KVN players

We studied at school and didn’t know grief,

But they invited us to play in KVN.

Lessons are forgotten and books are thrown away,

Now we are not just girls, boys.

Our super team welcomes you!

Take a look at us - no further words needed!

Resourcefulness, humor, enthusiasm and luck.

We promise to bring you fun!

Leading. Before the “Warm-up” competition begins, the captains, along with two assistants, must leave their team to come to us in a Santa Claus costume. And we will appreciate the originality of this costume.

You can use paper “icicles”, plastic bottles and other materials to decorate the Santa Claus costume.


Maximum score - 5 points.

Leading. We are starting the second competition, alas, without captains. Your task: answer the questions as quickly as possible without preparation. The faster you get to the microphone and the more witty your answer, the higher the points.


The one on whose carpet it is better not to wipe your feet. (Director.)

The main keeper of time, chalk and secrets, who came and what time. (Watchman, security guard.)

Cafe "Blue Smoke". (Toilet.)

The most grated roll in school. (Graduate.)

What is instantly lost at the first request of the teacher to be put on the table. (Diary.)

It seems that the mobile phone is silent, but the teacher is running. (Ring.)

Something that is not born, but is asked at the entrance. (Change.)

The main irritant of teachers in class is not your hairstyle (pants, piercings, the name of the most hooligan in your class). (Mobile phone.)

Hanging on the wall, talking about the time and place of imprisonment. (Schedule.)

The science of who, when, why, why and what all this cost us. (Story.)

The person who is most important after the director. (Cleaning woman.)

A person, a little less important after the director and the cleaning lady, who just says, “Parents urgently go to school!” (Head teacher)

A coded exam, about which it can be said that the meeting place cannot be changed. (Unified State Exam.)

You can find anything in it, even leftovers from last year's breakfast, but not what you need. (Backpack, briefcase.)

Loved by everyone, including even adults, clothes with a very shabby look. (Jeans.)

A place where they eat something without knowing what, and wash it down with something they don’t know what. (Dining room.)

The red price of knowledge for most students in most subjects. (Two.)

A newfangled item codenamed “How to Become a Millionaire.” (Economy.)

A lesson where you can legitimately “catch glitches.” (Informatics.)

Documentary release document confirming the 11-year sentence. (Certificate.)

Relaxation. (Change.)

Something for which every decent student has a thousand and one reasons. (Absenteeism, lateness.)

- “Soulpatch” with tests. (Psychologist.)

All adults urge her to quit, although they often get it themselves when the opportunity arises. (Cigarette.)

Presenter. I want Santa Claus! And better than two: there will be more jokes! Let's write an ad: “Young, handsome, Gillette-shaved Santa Clauses are needed.”

Leading. Young? Grandfather? Amazing! What about the hair?

Presenter. With a ponytail!

Leading. Hmmm! With a ponytail, a fur coat and felt boots! Get hurt!

Presenter. Then - young, handsome, in Levi's jeans, a Versace T-shirt, and Camelot boots! And what?

Leading. And with a bag on your back! Some kind of scavenger!

Presenter. With a backpack, on a skateboard and in a baseball cap!

Leading(stunned). Who?

Presenter. Father Frost! (To the audience.) Let's call them! Grandpas!

Santa Clauses come out - team captains, dressed according to the description.

Santa Clauses(in unison).

We are two young brothers,

Two Frosts are daring.

One(points to himself).

I am Frost Red Nose!

Another. I am Frost Blue Nose.

Captains competition. New Year's greetings and wishes to the teams and fans

Santa Claus 1.

Happy New Year guys


Bright, sunny days

I wish you well in the cold!

May good luck and joy

He will bring with him

On this holiday of winter

The coming year.

I also wish you

So that everything works out,

So that twos and threes

Didn't happen to you

So that parents

Putting signatures in the diary,

They cried out in delight:

"You're a genius, old man!"

So that your victories

They sounded everywhere

And the disadvantages would be

They didn't notice.

So that mom, when she comes home from work, right away

I would immediately put you in front of the computer.

So that at McDonald's you

We ate daily

Well, just with chips

We didn't break up.

Weekday so

It looked a lot like a holiday

Well, it's a holiday -

Even more good.

So that the holidays are yours

It lasted six months.

The remaining six

You wouldn't study at all.

So that these words

They sounded victorious for a long time.

Happy New Year, guys!

There's no harm in dreaming!