Silver star. Ministry of Culture and National Policy of Kuzbass: Ministry of Culture and National Policy of Kuzbass Procedure for holding the festival" width="314" height="262">


The international festival-competition of children's and youth creativity "Silver Star" (hereinafter referred to as the Festival-competition) is designed to contribute to the preservation of the common cultural and information space, the development of the children's and youth festival movement, and the attraction of participants to this movement not only from various regions of Russia, but also from foreign countries .

The most important goal of the competition: the formation of a new attitude towards the International festival movement as a mechanism for interregional and interethnic cultural dialogue.

Goals and objectives of the festival:

§ Promote the development of children's and youth creativity;

§ Organize meaningful leisure time for wide range teenagers and youth;

§ To introduce leaders and children to new trends and directions in art;

§ Enrich the repertoire of groups and individual performers;

§ Support talented teams and individual performers;

§ Increase the level of qualifications of teachers, managers, accompanists, directors, etc.;

§ Create conditions for organizing the exchange of experience artistic directors children's and youth groups and their organizers;

§ Attract attention public structures and organizations to children's problems;

§ Strengthen international ties through art and culture;

§ Through art and culture, maintain and develop connections with compatriots abroad;

§ Support and preserve the Russian language in all its richness.

§ To introduce children to the culture and art of other countries and cities.

General provisions:

Festival - mass celebration, display (review) of the achievements of musical, theatrical, visual, pop, circus or photographic art.

Festival-competition – display of achievements not only for the audience, but also for the authoritative jury, with the subsequent awarding of places in accordance with the regulations of the festival.

Children's and youth creative groups, performers from Russia and foreign countries aged from 5 to 25 years.

The competition can be attended by individual performers and creative teams studying at the Children's Art School, Children's Art School, Children's Music School, Cultural Center, Children's and Youth Theater; in secondary specialized educational institutions of art.

The competition is held in the following categories: choreography(folk dance, pop dance, modern dance, classical dance), vocals(pop, folk, classical (academic) vocals, choirs), musical instrument performers, theatrical and plastic arts, fine arts, photography.

Groups and soloists are distributed to the following age groups: 5-8 years old, 9-11 years old, 12-14 years old, 15-17, 18-25 years old, except for the nomination "photo".

Nomination “photography”: division as follows: 5-9 years, 10 – 14 years, 15-18 years.

During the competition, the program is not organized by age groups, nominations, etc., but when evaluating performances, all indicators are taken into account; Each participant is evaluated in his age group, in his nomination.

Procedure for the festival:

For the competition in the categories: “Choreography”, “Performers on musical instruments” and “Vocal”, each group or individual performer submits 2 (two) competitive works. For the competition in the nomination " Theater arts» 1 (one) work in each genre is presented. In the categories " Artistic creativity" and "Photography" no more than 5 (five) works are submitted in accordance with the requirements for the nomination. Competitions are held in one round.

The order of performances is determined by the festival organizing committee in advance (10 days before the competition) based on a draw; performances are carried out both in blocks and in separate numbers.

You can take part in ongoing festivals an unlimited number of times. Participants who showed the most vibrant, colorful, original performances (as chosen by the jury and the organizing committee) are invited to the competition at the International Children and Youth Center “Zanka” (Hungary, Lake Balaton).

Score of performances:

For each nomination, a separate jury is created, which includes qualified specialists. They provide methodological assistance to team leaders, conduct master classes for them, etc.

The performance of competitive groups and individual performers is assessed taking into account creative indicators: selection of repertoire; vocal abilities; performance technique (professionalism); aesthetics of costumes and props; acting skills; stage culture; originality of performing skills; musical accompaniment(correspondence musical material dance performance); choreographer's work (originality or originality); preservation of traditions folk art; originality and the use of new technical techniques when creating works of audiovisual art.

When evaluating groups and individual performers, the jury takes into account the age category of the performers.

The jury's decision is final and cannot be revised.

The groups and soloists who took part in the competition may be awarded the following titles:

Grand Prix Winner; Laureate (I, II, III degrees); Diploma holder (I, II, III degrees)

Only one Grand Prix can be awarded in each category.

In each nomination, several laureates and several diploma holders are possible, depending on the level of participants.

Groups and performers are awarded diplomas, cups (Grand Prix Laureate), additional prizes from partners and sponsors of the Silver Star ANO, souvenirs and gifts, and the right to free participation in the following events.

Festival funding:

Financial relations related to the festival are carried out on the principles of self-sufficiency and financial participation of each of the festival participants in compensating the costs of its organization by paying a targeted voluntary contribution. Sponsorships are accepted, as well targeted voluntary contributions from legal entities and individuals.

It is possible to participate in a separate nomination, without participating in full program festival Such participation implies that participants come only for the performance, and, if desired, leaders can stay for master classes. In this case, the contribution amount is recalculated and announced additionally." width="108" height="176 src=">

Nomination "Vocal":


The competition is open to choirs, ensembles, duets, trios, quartets, quintets and individual soloists aged 5 to 25 years.

The performer bears all responsibility for the performance of the work (permission of the authors).

Conditions of the competition:

Groups and soloists are distributed and evaluated according to the following age groups: 5-8 years old, 9-11 years old, 12-14 years old, 15-17 years old, 18-25 years old.

§ Participants present 2 (two) competition works, duration everyone of which cannot exceed 4 minutes; for participants performing in the “Choirs” category, the total time of two competitive works cannot exceed 15 minutes.

§ The phonogram must be presented on both mini-discs and 6d CDs.

§ Competition works are performed to a “minus” soundtrack (prescribed “backing vocals” are allowed only in the chorus).

§ The jury consists of qualified specialists, singers, composers. They provide methodological assistance to team leaders, conduct master classes for them, etc.

Evaluation criteria:

§ Vocal abilities, level of training and performance technique (professionalism), stage image, selection of repertoire, originality.

Nomination “Artistic Creativity”:


Teams/studios and individual artists aged 5 to 25 years can take part in the competition.

Conditions of the competition:

Teams/studios and masters are distributed and evaluated according to the following age groups: 5-8 years old, 9-11 years old, 12-14 years old, 15-17 years old, 18-25 years old.

§ Masters bring their own products/works to the competition in quantities of up to 4 (four) pieces;

§ The subject of the work is free in any technique of execution.

§ Works no smaller than 20x30cm in size can be submitted to the artist competition; works are accepted in a passe-partout from whatman paper, on back side it is necessary to indicate full name. author, age, teacher's name.

§ Works in the following types of decorative and applied arts can be submitted to the competition: embroidery, artistic beads, wickerwork, wood painting, wood carving, clay toy.

§ The jury consists of qualified specialists, art critics, teachers art schools, college They provide methodological assistance to team leaders, conduct master classes for them, etc.

§ To conclude an agreement to participate in the competition, you must fill out an application and send it by fax or e-mail to the organizing committee of the competition.

Evaluation criteria:

Balalaika" href="/text/category/balalajka/" rel="bookmark">balalaika, domra, gusli, guitar and the like), bowed strings (violin, viola, cello, double bass), wind instruments ( harmonica, accordion, button accordion, accordion, flute, clarinet, saxophone, etc.), percussion (drum, tambourines, etc.), keyboard percussion instruments (grand piano, harpsichord), as well as orchestras: folk and wind instruments, ensembles, small symphony orchestra.

Conditions of the competition:

Groups and soloists are distributed and evaluated according to the following age groups: 5-8 years old, 9-11 years old, 12-14 years old, 15-1 7 years old, 18-25 years old.

§ The order of performances is determined by the organizing committee in advance (10 days before the competition) based on a draw and performances are carried out both in blocks and in separate numbers.

§ Participants present 2 competitive works (the teacher chooses them independently), the duration of each of which cannot exceed 4 minutes. 00 sec.

§ Participation in the ensemble of adults is allowed (the composition of adult musicians should not exceed 20% of the total number of performers on stage, and total quantity there must be at least 9 speakers).

§ The competition is held in one round.

§ The jury consists of qualified specialists. They provide methodological assistance to team leaders, conduct master classes for them, etc.

§ To conclude an agreement to participate in the competition, you must fill out an application and send it by fax or e-mail to the organizing committee of the competition.

Evaluation criteria:

selection of repertoire; performance technique (professionalism); stage culture; originality of performing skills.

Nomination "Theatrical Art":

The Theatrical Arts nomination includes: « Drama theaters » , “Musical theatre/Musicals » , « Plastic performances and compositions (pantomime, clowning) », « Puppet theaters, Folklore theaters .


The festival can be attended by children's and youth amateur theater groups, musicals (theater departments of the Children's Art School, additional education institutions, secondary schools, boarding schools, orphanages, neighborhood clubs and other children's associations) aged 5 to 25 years.

The age group is determined based on the largest number of participants of the same age (at least 70%).

Conditions of the competition:

§ Teams are distributed and evaluated according to the following age groups: 5-8 years old, 9-11 years old, 12-14 years old, 15-17 years old, 18-25 years old.

§ The order of performances is determined by the organizing committee in advance (10 days before the competition) based on a draw and performances are carried out both in blocks and in separate numbers.

§ Nomination " Drama theaters": showing one-act plays. The play is chosen by each group independently. Dramatic action develops according to a certain plan, in which the beginning, culmination, and denouement are clearly expressed. The duration of the performance is no more than 40 minutes.

§ Nomination " Musical theatre/Musicals": a musical is a musical stage work that uses various means of pop and everyday music, dramatic, choreographic and opera art. The duration of the performance is no more than 60 minutes.

§ Nomination " Plastic performances and compositions"(pantomime, clowning): a wordless theatrical performance in which the content of the action is revealed and the artistic image is created with the help of facial expressions, gestures, and plastic movements. The duration of the performance is no more than 20 minutes.

§ Nomination " Folklore theaters": Display of rituals, fun, games, epics, folk tales etc. The duration of the performance is no more than 15 minutes.

§ Nomination " Puppet theater": showing one-act plays. The duration of the performance is no more than 20 minutes.

§ At the festival, the participating team presents no more than one performance in each direction.

§ The phonogram must be presented on both mini-discs and 6d CDs. Performances with a recorded plus soundtrack do not participate in the Festival.

Evaluation criteria:

The artistic value of dramatic material; integrity (unity of design, form and content); level of acting skills; a harmonious combination of the idea, style of the work with the means of design (scenery, music, costumes) and execution; development of the concept, images of characters; sense of proportion; general culture showing the performance; pedagogical feasibility of the performance; suitability of the production to age and creativity

team capabilities; artistic and directorial level of the performance; relevance of the topic, originality, content, idea of ​​the performance." alt="Starooochki.jpg" width="747" height="117 src=">!}

Festival organizer:

Legal/actual address: Russian Federation, Moscow, pl. Tverskaya Zastava, building 3, office 152/5

tel/fax +7

General Director: .

www. festivalsz. ru

In June of this year, at Balaton in the International children's center ZANKA (Hungarian Republic, Budapest) hosted the International children's festival"Silver Star". The festival is relatively young. He has been on the list of well-known and proven events for children's and youth creativity for no more than 2 years, but they are already talking about him, they are looking for him on the Internet to apply for participation, newspapers write about him, he has many friends and well-wishers. The boundless universe of festival life has been replenished with a new star to the delight of young talents different countries. We hope that the festival will live up to its name “Silver Star” and will be a bright star, and for some, a guiding star. THANK YOU, THANK YOU! - keywords the basic principle of work of the Silver Star festival team. These words are supported by deeds - successfully held festivals in the Moscow region and the Hungarian Republic.

This November, the seventh festival will take place in the Ershovo estate near Moscow. The gala concert of the festival will take place in the large cinema and concert hall of the International University in Moscow on November 3rd. The organizers deliberately divided the concert and competition venues geographically, based on the interests of the participants. The Estate has all the conditions for a favorable competition and organization have a good rest on fresh air. Moscow contrasts with festivity and participation in concert program in the heart of our Motherland, goes perfectly with a touch of the history of the capital of the Russian state. Well-known politicians, people whose deeds and destinies shaped the history of our country, honored cultural and artistic figures come to the gala concert of the Silver Star festival to congratulate the winners and participants.
The festival in Hungary is held by the Autonomous non-profit organization“SILVER STAR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN THE FIELD OF CULTURE AND SPORTS” (Moscow) together with the PILLANGO Youth Creativity Foundation (Budapest). This year it took place from June 28 to July 6 at the ZANKA International Center. If in Russia the city of childhood of health and happiness is associated with Artek, then in Hungary the territory of childhood, protected from indifference, spiritual emptiness, national strife and political disagreements, is ZANKA. This is a European health resort with its own infrastructure. Here, on the training grounds, the achievements and skills of present and future sports victories are practiced. Therefore, creative groups, both large and small, of different genres and directions, are accepted here at the level of famous artists. Excellent stage, professional sound and light, what more could you ask for to realize your creative ambitions young talents? Communication, friendship, the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture and customs of other peoples are the main goal of all cultural and educational programs ZANKA. Here they will teach you to be healthy and happy, you won’t have to regret your trip to ZANKA, you won’t get bored here, you will miss your wonderful holiday at home in Hungary, on the shores of Balaton, in the children’s city whose name is HOLIDAY. In such wonderful conditions, the organizers of the SILVER STAR festival held their festival on the territory of the Hungarian Republic and are already in a hurry to invite everyone to take part in the next one.

Anyone can become a participant in the International Children's Festival-Competition SILVER STAR. For the competition, a group or individual performer submits 2 works in accordance with the nomination requirements. The competition is held in one round. You can take part in the festival an unlimited number of times. The groups and soloists who took part in the competition may be awarded the following titles: Grand Prix Laureate; Laureate of I, II, III degrees, Diploma holder of I, II, III degrees.
Groups and performers are awarded diplomas, cups - Grand Prix Laureate, additional prizes from partners and sponsors of the Silver Star ANO, souvenirs and gifts, cash prizes, the right to free participation in the following events, in addition, each participant, regardless of occupied space receives a gift.
“This time, groups and solo performers of various genres from Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan came to us, Hungarian groups took an active part,” says festival director Victoria Potrogosh. “In the near future, the festival “I’m proud of you, my country!” is being prepared for holding. The purpose of this competition is to once again show love for the Motherland, for home country, to your city, the Republic. Our festival welcomes both young and already famous groups. The jury will professionally evaluate both beginners and experienced artists. All members of our jury are professionals in their field - folk artists Russia, professors from leading creative Moscow universities, specialists in various genres. They are always attentive to the contestants and are ready, in word and deed, to help them in their creative development and development. The composition of the jury changes from festival to festival, but there are also those who work with us constantly, for example, Golub Viktor Aleksandrovich - associate professor at RATI-GITIS, teacher at the Studio School at GAANT named after. I. Moiseeva, Oleg Viktorovich Gubin - Honored Artist of Russia, Associate Professor of RATI-GITIS. I would like to note that representatives of the Russian jury evaluate the contestants more strictly than the Hungarian professionals; they are kinder, in my opinion, more loyal to children's creativity.
Our festival is young, but we already accept groups from Ukraine, Belarus, Hungary, and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The festival is held on the principle of self-sufficiency, which means that participants pay the costs of holding the festival, taking into account the target contribution. We, as the organizers of the festival, are doing a lot of work to attract sponsorship funds, which, of course, cannot but affect the total cost of the trip for each participant individually. If a talented team wants to come to us, but there are children from low-income families, we do our best to ensure their arrival, we find an opportunity to accept such children for free. For now these are one-time promotions, but they already exist. We are sure that doing something feasible and kind for specific people is much more important than just dreaming that everything will be fine someday. We want to make our festival the most interesting, the most beautiful, the most memorable. This year, at the closing of the festival, we staged a cold fireworks show, it was truly festive, beautiful and memorable for all participants.”
I would like to note that already on the path of development and establishment of the festival, its organizers strive to attract the attention to their work of those who are ready to help children, those who are not indifferent to the fate of the future generation of Russia. They are confident that their mission, to give people holiday, joy and goodness, is feasible. We wish the Silver Star festival to continue its star trek, quickly and successfully.

You can give blessings with words, but it’s even better to give thanks with deeds. That's why we continue our festival!

Greetings from Russia
Video message to participants and guests VI International festival children's and youth creativity "Silver Star" was sent by the Deputy Chairman State Duma Russian Federation Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky. It was not long, but bright and emotional to such an extent that even the foreign delegations present in the hall, not understanding a word of Russian speech, looked at the screen with great interest and reacted to the text as if it were spoken in their native language. Vladimir Volfovich congratulated everyone on the opening of the festival and wished creative success and desired victories, advised the children to appreciate teachers and educators, and urged them to never forget them. He expressed gratitude to the ZANKA International Center for the warm welcome of young talents.

Special prizes
Managers International Center ZANKA awarded active participants with special prizes and gifts creative life children's town. The title of “Miss Charm of the ZANKA Center” was awarded to Dana Nurgazinova (Almaty, head Alla Chudinova), the title “Mr. ZANKA” was awarded to Vasilyev Vladislav (Moscow, head of Rille Victoria), the title of “Miss Charm of the ZANKA Center” was awarded to Alena Dushkova (Shchelkovo, leader Kizim Svetlana), the status “Good Girls” was awarded to the trio “Good Girls” (Shchelkovo, leader Kizim Svetlana).

Immediate plans
Senior assistant of the Russian Cultural Center Natalya Agoch, invited representatives of the Silver Star ANO to hold a joint event, dedicated to the Day family, love and fidelity. And the first step towards the planned event was taken as part of the past SILVER STAR festival on the territory of ZANKA. Festival participants aged from 5 to 15 years old drew pictures on the theme “My Family.” The best of the works will be presented at the exhibition of children's drawings in the Russian cultural center at the Russian Embassy in Budapest.

Photo from the archives of the ANO "Silver Star"

Promoting the formation of a multifaceted creative personality, having the opportunity for self-realization in science and art with the help of the wide opportunities and prospects of the educational, scientific and cultural potential of our country, based on pride in historical achievements, achievements of domestic science and industry.

2.1. The following events are held as part of the Festival-Competition: Performances in competitive program by nomination; round tables; interactive programs; theoretical and practical master classes for managers in categories; advanced training program at Moscow State Pedagogical University, with the issuance of a standard certificate; Gala concert; Award ceremony of the Festival-competition.

2.2. Nominations:

VOCAL: " Pop singing», « Folk singing", "Academic singing", "Choral singing", "Vocal-instrumental ensemble", "Author's song" (authors - songwriters, songwriters);

CHOREOGRAPHY: " Folk dance", "Variety dance", " Modern dance", "Classical dance";

THEATER ARTS: « Artistic word», « Drama theater», « Musical theater", "Musical", "Plastic performance", "Folklore theatre", "Puppet theatre";

INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: “Keyboards musical instruments", "Wind musical instruments", "String musical instruments", "Folk musical instruments", "Orchestra";


ARTISTIC CREATIVITY: « fine arts", "Decorative and applied arts", "Artistic crafts".

"Children's group" (up to 8 years old inclusive),

« Junior group"(from 9 to 11 years inclusive),

“Middle group” (from 12 to 14 years inclusive),

« Senior group"(from 15 to 17 years inclusive),

“Adult group” (from 18 to 25 years old inclusive),

“Mixed group”: for the “Folk Dance” nominations - ensembles (from 30 people); "Choral Singing"

“Vocal and instrumental ensemble”, “Orchestra”, “Theater art” - all types of theaters.

2.4. Technical equipment.

For the nominations “Folk Singing” and “Academic Singing”, at your discretion: accompanied by an accompanist or using “minus” phonograms. For the “Pop Singing” nomination, negative soundtracks are allowed. It is prohibited to use phonograms in which the main part of the soloist is duplicated in the backing vocal parts; performances by vocalists to the soundtrack "plus".

For the nominations “Pop Singing”, “Choral Singing”, “Folk Dance”, “Variety Dance”, “Modern Dance”, “Classical Dance”: phonograms must be recorded on USB flash drives (standard digital audio formats), CD is allowed With high quality sound.

Be sure to have duplicate copies of the phonograms with you.

The soundtrack is provided to the sound engineer 15 minutes before the start of the rehearsal.

The time to familiarize yourself with the stage before the competition is limited; only a technical rehearsal is carried out (no more than 2 minutes). For the nominations “Theater Art”, “Choral Singing”, “Orchestra” (with more than 30 participants), the rehearsal time is no more than 10 minutes. Separate rooms for preparing for the performance are not provided to participants.

3.1. Participants submit to the Organizing Committee following documents by fax (+7 499 250-42-74) or e-mail ( [email protected])): Questionnaire - application form (A4 format); audio files or images, if necessary - other materials.

Please note: after sending the application form by fax or email You must contact the Organizing Committee by phone to receive confirmation.

“Children’s group”, “Younger group” - no more than 8 minutes,

“Middle group” “Senior group”, “Adult group” - no more than 10 minutes,

"Performers on folk instruments", "Orchestra" - no more than 12 minutes.


“Artistic word” - no more than 8 minutes,

“Dramatic Theatre” - no more than 40 minutes,

“Musical theater”, “Musical” - no more than 30 minutes,

“Plastic performance” - no more than 20 minutes,

“Folklore theater” - no more than 15 minutes,

“Puppet theater” - no more than 20 minutes.

Direction "VOCAL"

Nominations: “Pop Vocals”, “Folk Vocals”, “ Academic vocals", "Choral singing", "Vocal-instrumental ensemble", "Author's song" (authors - songwriters, songwriters).

Mandatory requirement: one of the two competitive works must be of a patriotic nature (songs of the war years or new songs about the Victory in the Great Patriotic War) Patriotic War, in costumes or uniforms of that time), the second work is chosen randomly. Two competition pieces can be performed consecutively or with an interval as desired. The duration of each piece should not exceed 3 minutes 30 seconds.

It is proposed to submit the third competitive work for free on the topic: “The art of scientific and technical creativity” (songs about achievements in the fields of scientific and technical creativity: nuclear industry, automotive industry, construction, energy, aircraft and rocket engineering, astronautics; about the professions of engineer, builder, scientist , teachers, etc.).

The duration of the work should not exceed 4 minutes 00 seconds.

Evaluation criteria: Vocal abilities - range, consistency with style, level of complexity, originality; Artistry - presentation, contact with the audience, ability to present and understanding of the work being performed, suitability of the chosen work to the age of the participant, originality of performing skills; Performance technique - compliance with repertoire age category and the capabilities of the performer, sense of rhythm, ability to use a microphone.


Nominations: “Folk dance”, “Variety dance”, “Modern dance”, “Classical dance”.

Mandatory requirement: one of the two competitive works must be of a patriotic nature (dances of the war years or new dance performances on the theme of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, in costumes or uniforms of that time), the second work is chosen arbitrarily. Two competition pieces can be performed in a row or with an interval as desired. The duration of each piece should not exceed 4 minutes 00 seconds.

It is proposed to present for free the third competitive work on the topic: “The art of scientific and technical creativity” (dance performances about achievements in the fields of scientific and technical creativity: the nuclear industry, the automotive industry, construction, energy, aircraft and rocket engineering, astronautics; about the professions of engineer, builder, scientist, teacher, etc.). The duration of the work should not exceed 4 minutes 30 seconds.

Evaluation criteria: repertoire search of the teacher and choreographer (originality and originality), performance skills, composition and dance performance, musical accompaniment, costume, originality and entertainment. Age appropriate and creative possibilities team; artistic and directorial level of production.


Nominations: “Keyboard musical instruments”, “Wind musical instruments”, “String musical instruments”, “Folk musical instruments”, “Orchestra”.

Mandatory requirement: one of the two competitive works must be of a patriotic nature (music of the war years or new musical works dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, in costumes or uniforms of that time), the second work is chosen randomly. Two competition pieces can be performed in a row or with an interval as desired. The total duration (2 competition works) should not exceed 8 minutes 00 seconds.

It is proposed to submit the third competitive work for free on the topic: “The art of scientific and technical creativity” (musical works about achievements in the fields of scientific and technical creativity: nuclear industry, automotive industry, construction, energy, aircraft and rocket engineering, astronautics; about the professions of engineer, builder, scientist, teacher, etc.). The duration of the work should not exceed 3 minutes 30 seconds.

Evaluation criteria: quality of performance and mastery of the instrument, selection and complexity of the repertoire, artistic interpretation piece of music, artistry, costume.

Direction "THEATRAL ART"

Nominations: “Artistic Word”, “Dramatic Theatre”, “Musical Theatre”, “Musical”, “Plastic Performance”, “Folk Theatre”, “Puppet Theatre”.

Mandatory requirement: the competition work must be of a patriotic nature (related to the theme of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, using costumes or uniforms of that time). The participating team presents no more than one competitive work in each nomination. The duration of the work, depending on the nomination, should not exceed:

“Artistic word” - no more than 8 minutes 00 seconds, “Dramatic theater” - no more than 40 minutes 00 seconds, “Musical theatre”, “Musical” - no more than 60 minutes 00 seconds, “Plastic performance” - no more than 20 minutes 00 seconds, “Folklore Theatre” - no more than 15 minutes 00 seconds, “Puppet Theatre”: - no more than 20 minutes 00 seconds.

It is proposed to submit for free an additional competitive work on the topic: “The art of scientific and technical creativity” (production related to the theme of achievements in the fields of scientific and technical creativity: nuclear industry, automotive industry, construction, energy, astronautics; about the professions of engineer, builder, scientist, teachers, etc.).

The duration of the work, depending on the nomination, should not exceed: “Artistic Word” - no more than 10 minutes 00 seconds, “Dramatic Theatre” - no more than 45 minutes 00 seconds, “Musical Theatre”, “Musical” - no more than 65 minutes 00 seconds, “Plastic performance” - no more than 25 minutes 00 seconds, “Folklore theater” - no more than 20 minutes 00 seconds, “Puppet Theatre”: - no more than 25 minutes 00 seconds.

Evaluation criteria: artistic value of dramatic material; integrity of the production (unity of concept, form and content); level of acting skills; a harmonious combination of the idea, style of the work with the means of design (scenery, music, costumes) and execution; development of the concept, images of characters; sense of proportion; general culture of the performance; pedagogical feasibility of the performance; compliance of the production with the age and creative capabilities of the team; artistic and directorial level of the performance.

Nomination "PHOTOGRAPHY"

Mandatory requirement: no more than 6 (six) competition works are submitted, no less than 3 (three) in accordance with the patriotic focus (“Mastery and creativity in science and technology”, “Masters of their craft”). The image format is no less than 150x210 mm.

During the Festival, participants create new works on the proposed topic.

Evaluation Criteria: Evaluated general level work, its visual literacy, novelty and originality of the idea, originality of the compositional solution, light, dynamics, color and tonal unity, semantic component and compliance with the given theme.


Nominations: “Fine Arts”, “Decorative and Applied Arts”,

"Artistic crafts."

As part of the Plein Air Festival, practical master classes are held.

Evaluation criteria in the nomination “Fine Arts”: creative individuality and skill of the author; knowledge of the basics of composition; possession of the equipment in which the work was performed; originality of the topic; artistic taste and vision of perspective; color scheme; semantic component and compliance with a given topic.

Evaluation criteria in the nomination “Decorative and applied creativity and artistic crafts”:

creative individuality and skill of the author; knowledge and display national characteristics trades; mastery of selected equipment; color relationships of products; correct use of ornamental motifs in compositions; aesthetic value of products; artistic taste and originality in the use of material for making products; semantic component and compliance with a given topic.

5.1. The festival-competition has a single jury, which includes leading highly qualified and experienced specialists, teachers of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions who have a good knowledge of the theory, methodology and practice of working with amateur and professional groups and performers, members of the Union of Artists, public organizations and creative unions, artists.

20 points - "Grand Prix"

19 points - “Laureate of the 1st degree”,

18 points - “Laureate of the 2nd degree”,

17 points - “Laureate of the III degree”,

16-15 points - “Diploma of the 1st degree”,

14-13 points - “Diploma holder of the 2nd degree”,

12-11 points - “Diploma of the III degree”,

Less than 10 points - Participant's diploma.

5.3. The jury has the right to assign additional titles provided by the Organizing Committee: “Hope of the Festival”, “Best Production of a Number”, “For the Striving for Victory”, “Best artistic image", "Best Stage Costume", "For Artistry", "Audience Award", "Friends of the Festival", "The Most friendly team"," "The smallest participant", "For the preservation of national cultural traditions", "For Best Actress/Male Role", "For best role second plan" and others.