Sergei Adoevtsev is trying to get his ex-wife back. The wedding of Sergei Palych and Maria Kruglykhina Maria Adoevtseva now

Sergey and Maria Adoevtsev // Photo: Instagram

More than a year has passed since one of the strongest couples on television, Maria and Sergei Adoevtsev, broke up. In the marriage, the young people had a girl, Lisa, who now lives with her mother, her new lover and his daughter. For a long time, fans of this union could not believe the breakup and hoped for a reconciliation between their idols.

But, despite the fact that rapprochement did not occur, Sergei, apparently, still has tender feelings for Maria. The man posted several photographs on Instagram showing his ex-wife, as well as a photo of them together.

“What about women? How can we understand you when you say one thing, think another, and do something else - something unimaginable. Are we men? Yes, perhaps, this very female inconsistency makes women for us the most beautiful and amazing creatures on earth. Take care of your loved ones. And learn to love. It's worth it. It’s definitely worth it,” reflects Adoevtsev.

For many, such revelations from the photographer came as a complete surprise. Users of the social network admitted that they did not even suspect Sergei’s feelings. Some subscribers asked the man not to hurt himself or Masha with such images and statements. They noted that the woman is already happy in her new relationship and does not plan to return to him. Others, on the contrary, supported Adoevtsev, emphasizing that it is never too late to realize mistakes and take a step towards a loved one.

“I sympathize with you. So this is what had to happen. Love and understanding to you”, “Friend, you are really driving. She’s been hanging out with another guy for a long time, and you post all the photos with her,” “Sergey, Masha, of course, still loves. She simply persuaded herself, convinced herself of her feelings for another. And you have the power to bring her back,” “Leave Maria alone. I wish you to find another woman and not make any more previous mistakes,” followers leave dozens of comments.

Note that many fans did not understand the real reason separation of the Adoevtsevs. Maria herself exclusive interview She told StarHit that at some point Sergei Palych moved away from her and left spiritually. After the breakup, the young mother admitted that she wanted ex-husband only good. Ex-participant of “House-2”: “My husband left me spiritually”

“I am an open person, I enjoy life, full of strength and energy. Despite the fact that Sergei and I are not together today, I believe that each of us will be happy in our own way and will take the right path. We are not strangers and must ultimately live in peace, love and harmony, even if different sides one bridge,” Maria shared with StarHit.

The path of Sergei Palych and Maria Kruglykhina to the wedding was thorny and long. They knew each other even before the project. After Palych left the project in 2007, they lived together for some time. But one day Sergei Palych silently packed his things and returned to the show. Masha was not at a loss and followed him to House 2. Her arrival took place on July 6, 2008. Sergei Palych ignored this impulse of Masha and stubbornly did not reciprocate her feelings, but she sought him no less stubbornly. Other participants in the project, and especially the guys, could not understand such persistence on the part of a very smart, interesting and charming girl. Many tried to achieve her favor, and it was to her that Nikita Kuznetsov came to her at one time. Nikita's courtship aroused jealousy in Sergei Palych and he hastened to bring the girl back to him. Maria forgave Palych all the insults. Since then Maria Kruglykhina and Sergei Palych lived together as a couple.

In March of this year, Palych and Masha vacationed in Egypt. At the end of the romantic trip, Sergei Palych proposed his hand and heart to Maria Kruglykhina. The couple officially announced their engagement. At the wedding of Sergei Pynzar and Daria Chernykh, the bride’s bouquet flew into Masha’s hands, and Sergei Palych caught the garter from the bride’s leg. Everyone immediately decided that this was fate. Date of your weddings Sergey Palych and Maria Kruglykhina determined as 07/07/2010.

The marriage of Maria Kruglykhina and Sergei Aleksandrovich Adoevtsev was registered on July 7, 2010 at the Griboyedovsky registry office in Moscow. This wedding became the tenth anniversary on the Dom2 television project. The witnesses at the wedding were former member show Andrey Cherkasov and current participant Nelly Ermolaeva. Among the guests were the bride and groom's closest friends and family. Of the participants in the television project House 2, the Pynzari family, Vlad Kadoni, Nelly Ermolaeva, Ventseslav Vengrzhanovsky and Gleb Klubnichka were present at the wedding.

Photos from the wedding of Sergei Palych and Maria Kruglykhina

Masha really wanted to be irresistible on her wedding day and chose her dress with all seriousness. For this purpose, she specially went to St. Petersburg. It would be more accurate to say that there were two dresses. One for the ceremony with a full skirt and a long train. Another one to continue the celebration with a narrower skirt, but also white.

Biography of the participant of house 2.

Sergey Adoevtsev (Palych) was born in the closed city of Tekhnogorsk. He graduated from school in the Bashkir town of Oktyabrsky. Grew up in full family, has brothers Mikhail and Dmitry, as well as a sister Maria.

Before the project, Sergei’s life was quite atypical. He never worked. At least that's what he always says himself. Palych's nature is extremely philosophical, and he is inclined to constantly complicate things that are simple in meaning with his ornate phrases.

The girl was extremely persistent in her intentions to stay on the show and build love with Sergei. At first, Adoevtsev refused ex-girlfriend, and said that he specifically ran away from a past relationship for a TV project. He could not resist for long. The guys created a very strong couple, and now they spend all their free time together.

Their union is also quite strongly supported by the presence of a common hobby among the guys, who are seriously interested in photography and even organize joint exhibitions. Basically, all their works relate to the theme of the well-known television project, and, first of all, to those moments that remained behind the scenes in the reality show House 2.

True, not everything is smooth in the relationship between Masha and Seryozha. In particular, the girl constantly reproaches her young man the fact that he doesn’t want to work, and spends almost all his free time at the computer. Also, serious conflicts in their couple arose due to negative attitude mother Maria Kruglykhina to her chosen one. The claims of the daughter and mother were almost identical, but despite all the persuasion, Masha did not leave her boyfriend.

Fortunately, all the problems with my mother were resolved, and nothing interfered with the wedding of Maria Kruglykhina and Sergei Palych, which took place on July 7, 2010 and became the tenth in a row on the television project House 2.

On November 27, 2010, Adoevtsev and his wife fled from the project. The guys in the team were not liked very much.

After the show, Sergey finally established relations with the project management, where he was hired as a staff photographer.

The star of the popular reality show Maria Adoevtseva is rightfully considered one of the most discussed heroines in the entire history of the project. On the television set, the girl was able to meet love in the person of Sergei Palych and set up her family home outside the perimeter. True, a few years later their relationship came to an end. She spoke in an exclusive interview with StarHit about how Maria survived the separation from her daughter’s father, how her life was shaping up after “House-2,” as well as about raising a child.

Mash, almost 6 years have passed since you left the project. Do you at all regret being on the main television set in the country?

My mother is a devoted fan of “House-2” and still watches it. Every day I fight with her so that she spends less time at the “zombie box”. After all, Moscow is a place where negative information can envelop you even when leaving the entrance of your house. After a “portion of troubles” you walk around all day not being yourself. And your home is a quiet haven where peace and comfort reign. Therefore, I ask you not to turn on the TV, so as not to remind you of the troubles of the city. But when my mother watches “Dom-2”, I immediately remember how I lived on the set. I went through a storm of emotions during the show: I cried a lot, I laughed a lot. Of course, I cannot disown “House-2”, it is part of my life. If it weren’t for him, I would not have moved on to the new stage that is now in my life - spirituality. Probably, during my stay on the project, the only thing I regret is the quarrels with friends.

Are you communicating with someone from the TV project?

Yes, with Nelly Ermolaeva, for example. Our rooms in city apartments were nearby, and that’s how we became friends. Nellie was even a witness at my wedding. True, after I left the show, we fell out of touch for a while. Everyone has eternal things to do. But when we met again by chance, we realized that we were still drawn to each other. And Nellie loves my daughter Lisa very much. She treats her like a mother. God bless Nellie with her children! I also have a warm and trusting relationship with Dasha Pynzar. It just so happens that I only communicate with the TV mommies of the project, because the girls saved human qualities even after leaving the show. I am grateful to fate that they met on my life’s path!

You make no secret to your readers on social networks that you have become a very religious person. How did this happen? What influenced you?

In general, people come to God through sorrow. For example, life circumstances caused you unexpected damage. Some people immediately feel bad and painful from this. Apart from their friends, they immediately turn to God. There was also a loss in my life, I lost my husband. Of course, Sergei is alive in body, but for me he is spiritually lost... My husband and I do not live together now, Sergei left me spiritually... For me, marriage is a unity of souls. But when such a connection stops, the family collapses. Some people can live together for years without love and “relatedness”, I cannot do that. When Sergei left me on a spiritual level and ceased to be responsible for our family, the Lord revealed himself to me.

People say that “God is always there.” Is this an empty statement for you?

Two years ago, Sergei, Lisa, and I went on vacation to Abkhazia. Due to my inexperience, I somehow violated the immigration law. At customs I was informed that I would only be able to enter Russia in a year and a half. They offered, as an alternative, to go to my native Odessa, but without the right to travel to the Russian Federation. Of course, I refused this option, because at that time military operations were underway in Ukraine. So our whole family stayed to live in Abkhazia. At some point, Sergei left for Moscow for work, and I was left alone with my daughter, the sea and the mountains. And one fine morning I was drawn to the temple, where I myself asked to be given the Gospel to read. After reading the New Testament, more than one miracle happened, in addition to the fact that the border to Russia opened for me, my mind seemed to see the light and became incredibly clear. A special view of oneself, of the world, of the Lord opened up... How can one not believe in the power of the Almighty?! I returned to Moscow as a completely different person, it was as if I had been reborn during these months and since then I began to live completely differently.

Sudden changes in life always alarm people. How have your new interests affected those around you?

I get trolled all the time on social media. They write that she joined a sect. People, out of ignorance, do not understand that repentance can strike at any moment. And repentance is not when inside we reproach ourselves for our spiritual fall, or even our tears in confession, after which we move on and lead our sinful lives. You need to change your mind, improve yourself and improve in practice. So, my social circle has changed. People who treated me superficially immediately dropped out. And the one who is honest with me remains in my life further. I don't have many real friends, but I do have them. Some former friends reminded me of today's Dom-2 TV viewers. It seems like there was an ordinary girl on the project, but she became Orthodox. Fans immediately look for double-mindedness, they don’t understand what’s going on in a person’s soul and they hang labels.

Have you developed new family traditions?

I have now changed radically internally, I began to perceive the world around me and people in a completely different way. Now I prefer to devote more time to spiritual growth. For example, reading patristic literature, the lives of saints... On Sundays I started going to services. I see incredible beauty in all this and feel filled with pure energy. Friends sometimes even joke and say: “Masha, you’ll soon become a nun.” But I'm not offended. I answer them that I could have surrendered to the monastery if I had not had a child. Now I strive for solitude and peace of mind.

On your Instagram, Lisa can often be seen wearing a scarf or even holding church candles...

I instill Orthodoxy in Lisa, because without it life will become incomplete. My daughter really likes going to temples with me. Lizonka even defends her services to the end, without any complaints. Of course, sometimes he gets capricious and asks for water, but these are minor things. Because of her childish curiosity, she constantly examines the icons and asks who the saints are. And the other day my daughter learned a prayer to the Mother of God. When a child lives in such an environment, he is filled spiritually. Lisa even began to behave like an adult, calmly.

Lisa just recently started kindergarten. Does she like it there?

I recognize myself in her as a child. My mother always told me: “Masha, you are like the leader of the Redskins.” She has a lot of friends, she is the life of the party. When they turn on the music for my daughter, she starts singing along and dancing. By the way, I noticed that Lisa good memory and hearing. Therefore, I’m already thinking about sending it to an Orthodox choir. At services, she often sings along with the local singers on the choir and says, “Mom, I also want to sing like the angels!”

Many mothers say that with the birth of a child there is no time left for themselves at all... How are things going with this for you?

I often joke that my free time begins at night. Cleaning, washing, cooking. There is no escape from this. I can sleep three to four hours a day and feel great in the morning. I try to devote most of my time to my daughter. Yes, it may not always be easy for me, but I can cope. I never thought about a nanny. Better than mom no one will raise a child. And so, I still do photography. My work not only brings me a good income, but also interesting people.

Many of your fans notice that even after leaving the project, you haven’t changed at all in appearance. What's the secret?

My recipe is constant movement. I don't sit still. Plus I eat right and fast.

Is Lisa an obedient child? What parenting methods do you follow?

I believe that it is necessary to raise a child with reasonable severity. If Lisa goes beyond what is permitted, then I am strict. I tell her: “Lisa, I’ll have to punish you because you don’t listen to me.” And she understands it. But if my daughter behaves well, then I am kind. I always say that if you don’t explain to a child what is good and bad, then he won’t understand it himself.

The reality show "Dom-2", broadcast daily for more than 10 years, was created to connect lonely hearts and help young people find their soul mate and start a family. But, unfortunately, as a rule, the love of the participants lasts only as long as they are on the television set. Much less common are couples who continue to live together outside the project, get married and raise children together. Such a family for a long time the Adoevtsev couple was considered.

Sergey and Maria posted photos together, shared the successes of their little daughter Lisa, congratulated fans on the holidays and often went to the “clearing” to chat with friends and film Dom-2 events.

But unexpectedly, both for the show participants and for fans, recently Sergei Palych took all the photos with his wife from his social networks deleted. Maria herself also does not talk about the situation in the family, but thanks her subscribers for their interest and concern, noting that now, more than ever, their support is important to her.

“In every new publication I receive a question about my family life. Sensitive and caring people have long noticed that the “frame” of our everyday life lacks completeness. Everything has its own reason and, of course, an effect... I don’t like, and it’s probably not right, to turn personal things inside out, but since it so happens that I share a lot with the reader and open my keyhole into my little world, then about I’ll tell you about my changes one day too... I don’t ignore them, but I don’t know how to understand it all yet. But it’s not easy, I’ll soon gather myself into a whole person, mend myself, come to life and, of course, open up! Thank you for your understanding, I know and feel how many of you are “with me”, without further ado, I really feel and appreciate…” Maria wrote on the microblog.

Interestingly, in a conversation with StarHit, Sergei Adoevtsev mentioned his wife in the past tense, thereby hinting that they are not together now. “Her head always worked very well. And Seryozha was nearby, who gave her the opportunity to use it even better,” Adoevtsev shared. “It’s not enough to have a Ferrari; you also need to drive it on a good road, and not on a broken one in the village.”

For now, those around the couple also prefer to remain silent and try not to discuss the Adoevtsevs’ personal drama. Sergei’s close friend Stepan Menshchikov commented briefly on the situation in the Adoevtsev family: “I know that now they really have a pause in their relationship, but I won’t interfere. Let them figure it out themselves..."
Let us note that the couple’s fans are very worried about the discord in the family of the Dom-2 stars and hope that the family will be reunited very soon.