Fairy tales for theatrical production. Scenarios for puppet shows. A real encyclopedia for teachers-“script writers”

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Showing publications 1-10 of 361.
All sections | Scenarios puppet shows

Puppet show “The Tale of a Friendly Rabbit Family” Characters Hare family: Dad Mom Grandfather Grandmother Bunny - Fox Wolf Storyteller Act one The action takes place in a forest clearing. In the center there is a hare hut with an open window, in which the mother hare is visible. Storyteller: In a sunny meadow...

Script for the production of a Russian folk tale at the Kurochka Ryaba puppet theater Active faces: Grandfather Grandmother Chicken Ryaba Mouse In the foreground is a stove, a table and part of a log wall. In the background is a village hut. Grandfather and Grandmother are sitting at the table. Grandma (with a sigh) How should we deal with you, Grandfather? What to cook lunch from? I scraped along the bottom of the barrel, only a mouse was there and...

Scenarios for puppet shows - Script for the production of a Russian folk tale in the puppet theater “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”

Publication “Script for staging a Russian folk tale in a puppet theater...” Characters: Cat Cockerel Fox Stuffed Animal Tema On the left is the hut of the Cat and Cockerel, on the right is the hut of the Fox. There is a forest between them. In the background on the left is a meadow, on the right is a forest. The Cat comes out of the hut on the left. The Cockerel looks out the window. Cat I'm going to the forest for firewood, We have nothing to heat the stove with. You're in the house now...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Script for a theatrical production for a puppet theater in kindergarten “Geese and Swans” MADOU Kindergarten "Compass" Perm Scenario theatrical production for puppet theater in kindergarten“Geese-Swans” Compiled by: Gogoleva Polina Evgenievna Characters, heroes and dolls: Grandmother, Grandfather, Masha, Vanya, Geese (2 pcs. White and Gray, Baba Yaga, Storyteller. Background...

Script for the production of a Russian folk tale in the puppet theater “The Cat and the Fox” Characters: Man Cat Fox Wolf Bear Hare Forest. There are several trees in the left foreground. In the middle in the foreground there is a large tree with bushes under it. On the right is the Fox's hut. A man comes out from behind the trees on the left. He hardly pulls the bag behind him, in which he moves and complains...

Script for staging a Russian folk tale in a puppet theater Characters: Kolobok Grandfather Grandmother Hare Wolf Bear Fox Act one In the foreground on the left is a village house. There are trees on the right. There is a forest in the background. Grandfather comes out from behind the trees on the right with a bundle of brushwood and walks towards the house. In the middle of the stage he stops and puts the bundle on...

Scenarios for puppet shows - Script for the production of a Belarusian folk tale in a puppet theater “How the hen saved the cockerel”

Duration of the performance: 15 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 6. Characters: Chicken Cockerel Cow Mower Baker Lumberjack In the foreground is a fence on the left, a forest on the right. In the background is a meadow. The Cockerel flies up onto the fence. Cockerel Ku-ka-re! Ku-ka-re-ku! Drive away...

Puppet show “Serpent Eremey” This bright sketch about the heroes of the children's TV show" Good night, kids" is designed to protect the child from the creation of false authorities. It will help kids understand that friendship cannot be bought or earned, and they should not be friends with those who think only about themselves, brag loudly, offend...

(New Year's story that happened in the New Year's forest)



AURORA, princess
KING, her dad
QUEEN, her mother
MATHILDA, princess
BRUNHILD, princess

(Fairy tale play in two acts)


BEAD, dog.

(Fairy tale play in two acts)



(Fairy tale play in 2 acts. Motive by D. Rodari)


DAD is her son
MOM - her daughter-in-law

(The play is a fairy tale in 2 acts.)


BUTTERFLY (no words)

Fairy tale play in 2 acts
(Based on English fairy tales)

JACK - country boy
JENNY - the guard's daughter
Dwarf Queen



(Children's play-fairy tale, possibly for a puppet theater)



(A play in two acts based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm)



they are:
ANAHAY - evil spirit

(Fairy tale play in two acts)


IVAN, prince
VASILY, Tsarevich
KOSCHEY, Emperor of the 25th kingdom, 25th state

(Fantasy on the theme of Georgian fairy tales)

KAJI - water spirit
GVELESHAPI - serpentine dragon
MOTHER PASHKUNZHI - half-beast, half-bird with the head of a lion and the wings of an eagle
BABY PASHKUNJI - just like his mother

(delusional fantasy)

DRAGON, (no words)

(Tale for puppet theater)


(Based on English fairy tales.)


KLOOTI - old witch

(A fairy tale play in one act, possibly for a puppet theater)
Based on the fairy tales of Beatrix Potter.


JOHNNY is a city mouse.
TIMMY WILLY - country mouse
LIZZIE - Johnny's older sister
KITTY is Johnny's middle sister.
BEATRIX – younger sister Johnny
ROBIN - Johnny's middle brother
RICK - Johnny's younger brother

(Fairy tale play in 2 acts)


THE OLD WOMAN is a good sorceress.
LISA - maid

(Fairy tale play based on Mordovian fairy tales in 2 acts)

YURTAI – tailor
GUY NAY-NAY is an unkind creature
VIR-AVA - mistress of the forest
VED-AVA – mistress of water

(fairy tale play in 2 acts)


(Fairy tale play in 2 acts)


ESHKIN CAT - (simply Cat)

(Play in 2 acts)



A fairy tale play in 2 acts, in prose and verse, for children aged 5 years and older.

The prince and princess saw each other in a dream and fell in love. And they would be happy in reality, but the evil magician Dragon also loves the princess. Using evil witchcraft, he separates the lovers and lures the princess into his house. The princess wants to run away from him, but the all-seeing magic diamond of the magician finds her everywhere. And only the skin of a white monkey can hide the princess from the evil sorcerer. Putting on the skin of a white monkey, the princess runs away from him into the forest. In the forest she is met by a prince who mourns the loss of his bride and takes the monkey to his palace. A lot more happens to our heroes, but in the end, as it should be in a fairy tale, the evil spell is dispelled and good defeats evil.

A fairy tale play in 2 acts, in prose and verse. For children over 5 years old and adults.

ROLES: female - 2; men's - 4.

It’s sad in the kingdom-state because the king’s most perfect daughter, Nesmeyana. And the king issues a decree: whoever makes the princess laugh will marry her! Who will make her laugh? A merry fellow, a passer-by, Ivan or an overseas prince?

A fairy tale play in 2 acts. In verse. For younger children.

ROLES: female - 7; men's - 1; and also - Girlfriend cars, geese-swans, baby frogs, little mice and a hut on chicken legs.

The play in verse is written based on the plot of a Russian fairy tale. The girl Masha runs after the swan geese, trying to save her brother Ivanushka. On her way she comes across a stove, an apple tree, and a milk river. Everyone is trying to help Masha. Baba Yaga's mother mouse and her little mice help her, as does the hut on chicken legs. In the end, even the swan geese, whom the evil Yaga keeps at her beck and call and does not feed at all, help her...

A fairy tale play in 2 acts, in prose and verse, written for the songs of the fairy tale heroes. For children from 6 years old and adults.

The merchant Martiros comes to the city of Alep to profitably sell his goods there. But he meets scammers who deceive him of this product. And in Aleppo, Martiros meets a girl named Narine, who helps him return the goods and find love...

A fairy tale play in 2 acts. Half in prose, half in verse, for children from 8 years old and adults.

Roles: female - 5, male - 4.

A funny play in prose and verse about how Baba Yaga’s three daughters, after spending too much time as girls, got ready to get married.

A fairy tale play in 2 acts.

Roles: female – 3, male – 2.

A traditional fairy tale in all aspects: naughty Nastenka is taken into the forest by Baba Yaga. Elder sister Alyonushka comes to her rescue.

The play is simple to stage and, subject to the laws of the genre, is ready to withstand more than one year of distribution. In the children's poster of Vologda drama theater played for more than ten seasons.

The lyrics of song numbers inspired some groups musical theaters turn a play into a musical.

The wonderful music of the songs for the play was written by the head of the Vologda drama school, Dina Fedorovna Bortnik.

A fairy tale play in 2 acts, in prose with verses for songs. Children from 6 years old.

ROLES: female - 5; men's 4.

The play is composed of two one-act acts “The Wolf, the Fox and the Summer Wonders” and “The Wolf, the Fox and the Autumn Miracles” (A Summer Tale and Autumn Tale). If in the first act the Wolf helps the Fox in her machinations, for which he is punished, then in the second act he comes to his senses and refuses to help the red-haired cheat. Moreover, he helps the Squirrel, the Bear, the Hare, the Goblin and the Mermaids to bring the deceiving Fox to clean water...

or "Ivan Tsarevich, Gray wolf and others"

A fairy tale play in 2 acts in prose with lyrics, for children from 7 years old and adults.

ROLES: female - 4; men's - 4.

The gray wolf accidentally eats Ivan Tsarevich's horse, and therefore decides to help him get rejuvenating apples for the Tsar Father. However, Koschey demands a high price for the apples - a golden-maned horse, which is owned by Elena the Beautiful and also the Wise. And a mess begins in which Baba Yaga, the learned cat and the mermaid who sits on the branches participate. And Elena, although beautiful, is quite wise. Koschey was defeated by common efforts, everyone is happy and hopes to be happy...

A fairy tale play in 2 acts in prose.

For children from 5 years old and parents.

ROLES: female – 2, male – 4.

Although the author uses the theme of the Russian fairy tale “Rejuvenating Apples,” the play is quite original, both in plot and characters. The action is played out by “buffoons”, who, as the narrative progresses, turn into one or another character in the fairy tale.

A fairy tale play in 2 acts. In prose and with verses for songs of heroes. For children from 6 years old and adults.


women's - 5; men's -5.

The fairies raising our never-sleeping beauty are unhappy with their student. Instead of sleeping peacefully and waiting for the prince to appear and wake her up with his kiss, the princess runs through the forest, does housework, dreams of the sea that rustles outside the windows of her castle, so beautiful and alluring. It never occurs to anyone that the sea can promise trouble: pirates penetrate the princess’s castle and kidnap her. And the prince, who appeared to wake her up with a kiss, has no choice but to make his way onto the pirate ship and engage in battle with the pirates...

A fairy tale play in 6 scenes in prose and with poems for songs.

For children over 6 years old.

ROLES: female – 2, male – 6.

The play is a journey from beginning to ending. Together with the main character, the viewer walks through the fairy tale from one character to another, doing good deeds, making mistakes and accomplishing feats. At the end of the play, the hero awaits victory over Koshchei and the love of the beautiful Vasilisa.

A fairy tale play in 2 acts. In prose. For children from 8 years old and adults.

ROLES: female - 2; men's -2.

Everyone knows the fairy tale about the Frog Princess, in which the immortal Koschey turned Elena the Wise into a frog, and how Ivan Tsarevich saved her. But that was a long, long time ago in ancient times. What if Koschey and Yaga live today? Such inconspicuous grandparents walk through the forest, picking mushrooms, and no one would even think that they are Baba Yaga and Koschey. And if Koschey, having met the girl Lena in the forest, suddenly, accidentally turns her into a frog, then who will free her from the hated frog skin? After all, we don’t have princes anymore. The Ivans still meet, but they are not princes at all...

A fairy tale play in 2 acts, in prose. For children from 6 years old and adults.

Based on the Italian fairy tale "Evil Fate".

ROLES: female - 8; men's - 3.

Princess Santina has an evil fate. Because of this, all the misfortunes befall her and her family. So it would fall on their heads poor princess all her life, but her kindness and hard work force even her Evil Fate to take pity on the unfortunate woman, and help achieve the love of the prince and happiness for her sister, mother and herself...

A play-fairy tale, a culinary recipe in 2 acts, in prose and with verses for the characters' songs. For children over 5 years old and their parents. Based on English fairy tales.

ROLES: female - 2; men's - 2.

Every Englishman knows well that naughty children are put into his sack by the terrible Mr. Myakki and carried away to his scary house in the forest, where his sweet wife Mrs. Myakki cooks soup from them for her beloved hubby. Tom does not believe it until he himself finds himself in the house of a terrible cannibal. But is this cannibal really that scary? And is he really a cannibal? The kindest Mrs. Sally, Mr. Myakki’s wife, cannot treat children so cruelly, even if they are very spoiled. One way or another, Tom saves himself, saves his sister Mary, and moreover, they become good friends with Mrs. and Mr. Myakki.

A fairy tale play in 1 act about friendship. In prose and poetry. For children from three to one hundred years old.

Little Fox and Little Hare are friends. But they only want to be friends together, with each other, so that there are no extraneous people. So they drive away both the Hedgehog and the Little Bear. But the Wolf intrudes into their friendship. He doesn't consider himself a third wheel at all. Moreover, he considers the Bunny the third wheel, and wants to make soup from him. So the Little Hare and the Little Fox would have disappeared in the Wolf’s big pot if the Hedgehog and the Little Bear had not come to their aid and proved to the whole world that in friendship there are no superfluous people.

The play is a fairy tale in 1 act. In prose.

For children over 6 years old and adults.

ROLES: female - 3; men's - 3.

One of the plays about the Fox and the Wolf. "Spring Tale".

Squirrel and Hare found a sleigh with a scarecrow of Maslenitsa in the forest, on the skiing hill. And in the sleigh there is a tub of pancakes and a pot of butter. The fox wants to take the find from them. Calls the Wolf for help. And Belka and Bunny wake up the Bear. The red spring brings peace to the forest dwellers.

An edifying tale in 2 acts based on the tale of Toelius.

For younger and older children.

ROLES: female – 6, male – 2.

The play is based on Topelius' fairy tale "The Magic Pearl of Adelmina". But at the same time the play is absolutely an independent work. Rather, the author was influenced by the enduring love for the dramaturgy of Evgeniy Schwartz. True, this made the play somewhat edifying and, as it seems to the author, overly prim and verbose. However, when reading the play, the listeners perceive it with interest. Staged and running at the Voronezh Youth Theater.

A fairy tale play based on Kazakh fairy tales.

A play in prose and with verses for the characters' songs.

For children 6 years and older.

Some detective story makes it interesting for adult viewers as well.

ROLES: female -2; men's - 3. + Karakhan's nukers and khan's judge's nukers.

Ilyas is in love with Malik. But Malik’s stepmother wants to marry her to the rich man Karakhan. One thing holds her back - the word given to Ilyas’s father. And then someone in the night steppe kills Father Ilyas. The Khan's judge, the biy, promises to find the killer. And he finds it. Biy punishes the culprit, and Ilyas marries Malik.

The play is a fairy tale in 2 acts. based on the fairy tale by V. Gauf.

ROLES: female - 3; men's - 4.

I think I should introduce the plot of this work there is no need - who from childhood does not know this wonderful story told by Wilhelm Hauff?

Author's development of a script for children of senior preschool age


Nastya comes out

Nastya: Hello guys! Today I came to you to tell you an extraordinary story that happened to me. This is how it all began...

The curtain opens. Nastya goes up on stage and sits down to watch TV. Mom comes in.

Mother: Nastenka, daughter, look what interesting book I bought it for you.

Nastya: Ugh! These fairy tales again! I told you a hundred times that I don’t like them. It would be better if you bought me a computer.

Mother: Nastya, all children love fairy tales.

Nastya: But I don’t like it. Mommy, I’m not a little girl who gets read bedtime stories. Go to the store and change these please stupid fairy tales for something else.

Mom leaves.

Nastya: How can you love some fairy tales!

Fairy: Oh, Nastya, Nastya!

Nastya: Who is this?

Comes down from the stage. The curtain closes.

Fairy: I am a fairy from the land of fairy tales. I heard that there is a girl who doesn't like fairy tales at all.

Nastya: Why do we love them? After all, in fairy tales everything is not real. There you are, you're probably not real. There is a voice, but no person.

Music is playing. The Fairy appears.

Fairy: Here I am - the most real Fairy. Hello, Nastya.

Nastya: It can’t be...I’m probably sleeping and dreaming...I’ll wake up now. You haven't disappeared?!

Fairy: Of course not. After all, many people all over the world love fairy tales, so neither I nor my country of fairy tales can disappear.

Nastya: Noah I will never believe that such a country exists.

Fairy: Do you want to go to a fairyland and meet its inhabitants?

Nastya: Yes, it would be interesting to see this.

Fairy: Then you will have to believe in miracles first. Here's the feather of the Firebird. You must wave it and say the magic words:

There is a fairy-tale country

She is full of all miracles

So that I can find myself in it

Help the feather of the Firebird!

Then, when you want to change the fairy tale, just wave your pen, but remember, you must take care of the pen. After all, without him you will not be able to return home. And if the pen falls into the hands of an evil person, disaster can happen - in fairy tales, evil will always win. Have a safe journey, Nastya, and I will be waiting for you in our country.

The fairy leaves. Nastya waves her pen and says the words. The curtain opens. There is a forest on stage.

Nastya: What a fairyland... the most ordinary forest.

Kolobok runs out

Kolobok: OH! (saw Nastya)

Nastya: Ko-lo-bok?!

Kolobok: And you are probably the granddaughter of my grandparents?

Nastya(uncertain) Probably...Listen, are you a real Kolobok? From dough?

Kolobok: Of course, I just came out of the oven. Here, touch it, I'm still hot.

Nastya: Wow! Really hot.

Nastya: I’ll tell you... (scared) No, no, wait, Kolobok. Have you seen the Hare?

Kolobok: Saw

Nastya: Did he want to eat you?

Kolobok: I wanted to, but I ran away from him. How do you know?

Nastya: More on this later. So you met both the Wolf and the Bear? That's it, you're gone.

Kolobok: How did you disappear? Where did you go?

Nastya: Now you will meet the Fox and she will eat you!

Kolobok: Here's another! She will eat...I ran away from everyone and I’ll run away from her

Nastya: What a braggart you are! She's the Fox...And the Fox is very cunning. Haven't you read fairy tales? Oh, well, yes, I didn’t read it. In general, she will deceive you anyway

Kolobok: (crying): What should I do?

Nastya: Don't cry, we'll figure something out now. Eh, I wish I had an invisibility hat here... I remember my mother reading such a fairy tale to me. Where can I get it?

The Fairy appears.

Fairy: It seems, Nastya, do you need my help?

Nastya: Dear Fairy, I really want to help Kolobok. Now, if only I had an invisibility hat...

Fairy: And I happened to have it with me. Take it and try to help Kolobok. Good luck.

The fairy leaves.

Nastya(looks at the hat): Yes, I thought the hat would be more beautiful... Yes, okay, as long as it works.

Lisa comes out. Kolobok is hiding behind Nastya.

Nastya: Hello, Lisa

Fox: Where did you come from? You weren't in our fairy tale!

Nastya: And now there is,

Fox: Who is that hiding behind your back?

Kolobok puts on his hat and pinches the Fox. The fox runs away from him screaming.

Fox: I don’t want to be in this fairy tale anymore, it’s somehow wrong. I'd rather go to another one. (leaves)

Kolobok(takes off his hat): Thank you, Nastya, for your help. I'd probably rather go home. Can I keep the hat?

Nastya: Take it. I don't feel sorry.

Kolobok runs away. Nastya comes down from the stage. The curtain closes.

Nastya: And you know, I’m starting to like this fabulous country. I'll try to get into another fairy tale. Nastya waves her pen and says the words. The Wolf comes out.

Wolf: Oh, how angry I am! I waited all day for that nasty Little Red Riding Hood, but she didn’t go to grandma. What will I eat? Ah, I remembered... The Magpie in the forest was chattering that the Goat had gone to town, and the stupid kids were left alone at home. This means I will have a hearty dinner.

The wolf leaves.

Nastya: Oh, what should I do? After all, the Wolf will eat the little kids. How can I help them?..If only I had a tape recorder...

The Fairy appears.

Fairy: I want to help you, girl. Here's this magic box for you - a tape recorder. I hope he helps you save your goats.

Nastya: Thank you. I will try.

They leave. The little goats take the stage.

1 kid: Brothers, let's go home. After all, mom didn’t tell us to leave the house.

2 kids: That's right, otherwise Magpie was cracking that an angry, hungry Wolf was wandering through the forest.

3 kids: I'm scared…

4 kids: Yes, if the Wolf comes, I will… (a wolf howl is heard) Oh!

5 kids: Let's run home quickly.

The kids go up to the stage. The curtain opens. The Wolf comes out.

Wolf: Well, all the kids are in place. Now I will pretend to be their mother, they will open the door for me and I will eat them. (knocks)

Showing publications 1-10 of 665.
All sections | Performance scripts. Theatrical performances, dramatizations

Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old

Play"The Snow Queen" Slide 2 – DAY, WINTER IN THE CITY music “Once upon a time in Old Denmark... 1. The storyteller comes out to the music “Once upon a time in Old Denmark... (2 verses of the song circle, and on the chair) 2. Snowflakes fly out from behind the screen, Dance “Silver Snowflakes…. (blizzard noise) 3. S.K.k comes out...

Scenario of theatrical leisure with the participation of parents of the “Kindness” preparatory group Target: Create a joyful mood. Involve parents in active joint activities with children. To increase the pedagogical literacy of parents in issues speech development. Vyskrettsev family Roles: Papa Ant - Vitaly Anatolyevich Mom Ant - Veronica Vladimirovna...

Performance scripts. Theatrical performances, dramatizations - Musical performance “The Secret of the Third Planet” for preparatory groups

Publication “Musical performance “The Secret of the Third Planet” for preparatory students...” Presenter's voice: I would like to fly to the moon, Plunge into an unsolved world. And similar have a beautiful dream Touch the brightest star. Fly to distant orbits, dimensions unknown to all of us, where the mysterious cosmos keeps many secrets of the vast universe. On other planets...

Scenario of the matinee for March 8 based on the fairy tale “Geese-Swans” for preparatory group 10 MBDOU N29 Characters: Adults: Presenter (teacher of this group Anna Viktorovna) Baba Yaga (teacher Yulia Vladimirovna) Children: Presenters - 2, Masha -1, Vanya – 1, Father – 1, Mother...

Sketch “Dad is not your mother” for March 8th for children in the preparatory group Goal and objectives: -Creating a positive emotional mood on the eve of the celebration of International Women's Day; strengthening parent-child relationships - to cultivate the need for artistic expression, to cultivate a positive, friendly attitude towards each other;...

Project “Theater and Children” in the preparatory group Teacher Kovalevskaya L.N. Project type: Cognitive and creative. Duration: month Age of children: preparatory group. Project participants: children, teachers, parents. Relevance. Theater is one of the options...

Performance scripts. Theatrical performances, staging - Photo report on the staging of S. Topelius' tale “Three Ears of Rye” in the preparatory group

On January 30, 2020, in the music hall of the kindergarten, the children of our group showed a dramatization of the Christmas tale “The Three Ears of Rye” by Sakarias Topelius. Since ancient times, the night before Christmas has been considered a time of miracles. And they actually come true if in your heart...

Script of the play “Aibolit in a new way” for children of the preparatory group Characters Aibolit (adult) Hares Bears Mice Butterflies Nightingale and Nightingale Hedgehog Materials and equipment: models of trees, costumes of heroes, attributes for showing a fairy tale, audio recordings for the appearance of heroes. Ved: The wind sang and rushed into the distance Into the autumn forest, the forest is empty... Here through...

Children's theater is a powerful means of influencing the formation of a child's personality. Children love to play, it develops them and prepares them for adult life. And when they see a talented performance on stage, their soul absorbs the entire performance to the smallest detail. Children also enjoy participating in the action. For little actors, this is a transition into a fairy tale, and makeup and costumes will complete the transformation. For the performance to be successful, you need good script children's performance, adapted to the age of the children.

What are the scenarios?

The skits that are staged in kindergarten are usually one-act acts. All events unfold in real time. There is no curtain, so scripts should be chosen with that in mind.

IN elementary school the performance can take place either in a classroom with the furniture moved or in an assembly hall. During school events cast The performance can be for different ages. This only brings the guys closer together.

The script for a children's play often has an educational direction:

  • rules for crossing the street;
  • the importance of cleaning the house;
  • responsibility for pets;
  • condemnation of greed;
  • the importance of honesty.

In kindergarten

The performances are simple and short. Children's attention is still unstable, and it is difficult for them to work like schoolchildren. You can suggest the production of “Little Red Riding Hood”.

1 scene. House, forest in the distance. The path goes in two directions.

The storyteller tells about a beautiful village where Mom and her daughter, Little Red Riding Hood, live. He explains why they call her that and points to the forest in the distance - Grandmother lives there. Grandfather is a lumberjack, so he and Grandmother live in the forest.

Mom comes out of the door, calls her daughter and asks her to bring some gifts to Grandma. She says she already called her and she is waiting. Mom asks her daughter to call her grandmother on her mobile phone when she comes to her. He and his grandfather installed a new second door, and no calls or knocks were heard.

The girl takes the basket and looks into it. Mom goes into the house. The daughter walks along the path, collects a bouquet and sings a song.

The Wolf comes out. He finds out where the girl is going, what she is carrying in the basket - and also decides to visit Grandma. He points out the long way, and the girl leaves the stage. The wolf runs in place, saying that he will first eat Grandma, and then the girl.

The storyteller explains that the Wolf is running along a short road and will now be with Grandmother. Music is playing. Curtain.

Scene 2. The house after the curtain opens is already on the other side of the stage. The Wolf runs out and knocks on the door. An old woman in a headscarf and glasses looks out the window and sees the Wolf. He doesn't notice her. She takes off her scarf and glasses and hides in the house. The wolf climbs out the window.

The storyteller explains that Grandma turned off mobile phone so that it doesn’t accidentally ring and hide in the closet. And she left the scarf and glasses on purpose on the window so that the Wolf would think that she had left. Because everyone knew that Grandma only left the house wearing contact lenses.

The wolf put on a scarf and glasses and settled down by the window, periodically falling asleep and snoring.

Little Red Riding Hood approaches. In hands there is a basket and a bouquet. She tries to call the phone, but no one answers. She says: “Where is Grandma?”

The wolf wakes up and in a creaky voice finds out who came. Then he gives instructions to pull the string. The girl says: “Grandma, you changed the door, open it yourself.” The wolf disappears into the house and his voice is heard: “Climb through the window, the door won’t open.”

The storyteller explains that the door can only be opened with a key, and Grandmother took it with her to the closet. The girl calls her Mom and tells her about the door and that her grandmother suggests climbing through the window.

The storyteller reports that Mom did not tell her daughter anything, but she called Grandfather, and he is about to rush in in a new jeep with his team of lumberjacks.

There is a dialogue between the Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood about the hands, ears, eyes and teeth of Grandmother. Eventually the Wolf climbs out of the window and lunges at the girl. The music of lumberjacks sounds. The Woodcutters come out and surround the Wolf. Curtain. The music stops.

Before the curtain, Little Red Riding Hood cries. The woodcutters, the Wolf and the Grandmother come out. They hug. The woodcutters say that they took the Wolf into the brigade. Now he won't have to starve. Grandma tells how she sat in the closet. The wolf asks to give him tea. Everyone goes to drink tea with the pies that Little Red Riding Hood brought. She goes to the audience and offers them candy. Everyone bows.

The musical intros are included by the storyteller, who also gives cues for the performance of the actors and sound design group.

In the school club

The script for a children's play for a school production may include dance numbers, monologues in poetry, performance by children musical works from the stage. It is proposed to stage the musical “Tsokotukha Fly”.

1 scene. Field, music. Mukha is walking, wearing a large gold buckle on his belt. She collects flowers and sings “I see a wonderful freedom.” He bends down and picks up a fake coin.

The fly reads the beginning of Chukovsky's fairy tale: she walked across the field and found some money. She decides to go to the market to buy a samovar. Leaves the stage.

The music of the “Paint Fair” is playing. Merchants come running and set up their stalls. Mukha walks along the rows, looking for a samovar.

The peddlers come running, sing the song “The Box is Full” and offer to buy an electric kettle, she agrees.

The fly dances with the square dance traders, at the end she is lifted in her arms and invites her friends to tea. Curtain.

Scene 2. Mucha's apartment. Large table, chairs around. There are sofas in the corners. In the background is a window with curtains. There is a door on the left. The music “At the samovar, me and my Masha” plays. The doorbell rings, Mukha goes to answer it. Cockroaches enter.

The fly invites: “Come in,” and offers tea. They sit down at the table and drink tea. The fly comments on the events of the fairy tale.

The Bugs come in and bring milk and pastries. The fly accompanies their actions with the words of a fairy tale.

Fleas come in and give boots. Mucha accompanies everything with the words of Chukovsky.

The Bee is limping and walking heavily. Carrying a barrel of honey. The cockroaches quickly uncork it and place it on the table. Everyone eats honey, scooping it out of the barrel with spoons. The music stops.

Butterfly comes running, she takes care of the figure. He refuses tea. Everyone persuades her in unison: “Eat the jam.”

Spider enters unnoticed. He grabs Mukha and drags him to the door. The Cockroaches notice this and comment in horror.

The fly asks the guests for help. They, pronouncing Chukovsky’s words, hide somewhere. The grasshopper jumps towards the door, reciting poems about himself.

Mukha sums it up: “No one will move.”

The Spider ties the Fly to a chair with ropes, rubbing his hands and licking his lips. Bukashka comments on these actions from under his chair. The fly screams. The bug commented on this too.

Music “Time is forward” by G. Sviridov. Everyone froze. The curtain swings open and Komar enters in a musketeer costume and with a flashlight.

The bug comments on his arrival in the words of Chukovsky.

The mosquito says his words: “Where is the villain?” - and attacks the Spider. There is a fight and they run out the door. Komar comes back alone. The Grasshopper follows him and tells him what he saw.

The mosquito continues himself: “He takes a fly by the hand...”. She and Mukha decide to get married.

Music "The wedding sang and danced." Everyone comes out of hiding and comments on the events in the fairy tale.

Mosquito and Fly dance the Waltz of the Flowers.

Everyone comes to the edge of the stage and throws flowers to the audience. They bow.

Children of different ages can play the roles of both children and adults. This determines the choice of scenario. Along with such works that pass through school curriculum, there are classic things that are unforgettable and loved by everyone. These are “Cinderella”, “Swineherd”, “Morozko”, “Aibolit”. The script is not written very closely to the text; popular songs and music are added. Don't forget about the author's stage directions - these are instructions to the actors about the place, time, situation and other features.

The magic is replaced by a special effect. The author prescribes in the script how to make a miracle. This is called the author's remark. For example, in the fairy tale “Moidodyr” a candle runs away from a boy. This can be done this way: tie a fishing line to a candle and pull it behind the curtain. There is an actor standing there who will gradually pull out the fishing line, and the candle will “run away”.

Along with the usual fairy tale characters, you can introduce new ones into action: a boy with an iPhone, a caring grandmother who follows her grandson with a bag of useful things, a modern scientist (he, like Paganel, will help the heroes get out of difficult situations not with the help of magic, but with the help of science).

In the theater studio

Teachers who lead classes with children in the theater have goals and objectives that differ from school productions. A child who has been trained in a theater group must be able to transform. He is taught to collect gestures and facial expressions of different people into a kind of “piggy bank.” Then he will sculpt an image based on this luggage.

Acting ethics are fostered and the ability to improvise is revealed. This is necessary to beat any hitch or mistake of your partner. An important role is given to the acting teacher's charisma. Stage movement, plastic arts, etudes, working with invisible objects are disciplines theater studio.

Scenarios for children's performances for a theater studio are complex: they include actions before the curtain, changing clothes during the performance, and may contain interactive elements and monologues. More than a hundred Shakespeare festivals in America have shown that children can play complex roles. But it’s better to turn to fairy tales.

Scenarios for children's fairy tales

It’s better to write the script yourself, as Svetlana Valentinovna Kurmanaeva, a resident of Yoshkar-Ola, does. This is the teacher primary classes and for thirty years the head of the school. All fairy tales are musical, with dancing. “Oseniny” even looks like a musical, all the characters sing there. Svetlana Valentinovna finds material for the script herself, but sometimes children bring it. Performances based on such works are also staged. The guys also take part in discussing the script. For a more complex production - with a change of scenery - the script for the children's play "The Snow Queen" is suitable.

The teacher staged many performances, mostly fairy tales. “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik” introduced the children to the culture different countries. The tale of the journey to the aquarium taught me to be responsible for those I tamed. “Laughter and Tears” based on the works of S. Ya. Marshak teaches mutual assistance and determination.

Fairy tales are originally written for children, so it’s possible to build on their foundation. good performances: in kindergarten, at school, in the House of Culture - wherever there is a stage and spectators. Good will definitely defeat evil, and the main characters are handsome. And a miracle will happen, because kindness works miracles.