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Date: 26-05-2019, 20:45

Two seasons flew by so quickly. We urgently need another one. Or better yet, two! An epic is planned, but how long will you have to wait now =(It looks good, I liked it! Not without its drawbacks, of course, but the most important thing for me is the short episodes. Well, how can I not write about graphonium. After the first episode of the first season, I can’t imagine this work with another drawing. This one is just 10 out of 10.

Date: 25-05-2019, 17:50

A magnificent fairy tale with a simple plot. It clearly has its origins in the old Japanese fairy tales or legends. Interesting development and depiction of the characters' characters. Excellent depiction of the area. It looks good easy piece like a breath of wind. And the aftertaste of what you have watched and understood is simply enchanting. It's fascinating because it can't be described, but it clearly makes you feel good.

Date: 24-05-2019, 23:41

TV version of films, divided into 6 episodes. I expressed my opinion about these series in the comments under the films. I can only say that the anime is easy to watch. Nothing much is revealed, just drama and action. But even without the lack of explanation, everything is extremely clear. The seventh episode is also present here - more like a teaser for the first season, because I doubt that this is the first episode of the first season (I haven’t watched the season yet). It's very condensed and shows too much at the same time...

Date: 24-05-2019, 22:56

To be honest, I didn't expect much from this anime. Well, in this case, from the prequel. From the very first minutes of the battles I compared it with the Magical Girl Illya from Fate - very similar style of battles, costumes, abilities, and, in general, the characters are somewhat similar. However, I'm surprised how mature these three films are for their genre. I especially want to mention the second and third. More than once I watched anime with a mixture of “loli” and “cruelty, blood, etc.,” but here I liked this mixture very much. I definitely don't regret the time I spent on these short films. Many people, I'm sure, won't like it. However, at the very least, I recommend checking it out. Oh, and yes.. ahem.. BANKAI!

Date: 23-05-2019, 00:02

Oh... it's been a long time since I've come across such stupid nonsense! It's not just bullshit, it's bullshit! Take the plot, for example. What is he even talking about? There is some noble klutz, the head of a clan (Yakuza?), and he inherited superpower. And against him is some clan of kunoichi. What's next? It is impossible to understand anything in the layout at all. Who, why, why and for what is fighting - hell knows! The logic is brilliant: the hero falls in love (don’t understand how) with a random woman, and then takes a long time to save her. Some characters appear who behave more than strangely. Now it’s some disguised man in the style of Attack on Titan, now it’s a woman, now it’s a rich guy... Enemies suddenly become true friends, the hero runs for a long time, instead of beating everyone with super strength. In general, all the time we just sit stupidly, like a lunatic with eyes, and we can’t catch up with anything at all! Probably, this is somehow explained in the manga, but here...Perhaps, only the graphics here are still pleasing. Nice drawing, good style - sexy women and athletic men. You're smart...

Date: 22-05-2019, 00:06

Finally, the brilliant Chinese have written something serious, and not just an action movie in the wuxia style, a stupid ecchi, a simple shonen in the style of one unkempt blond asshole, or who knows what. No, here we have an exemplary mini-series from the times of developed socialism! It’s very curious for a country where in every even more or less noticeable city one of the main streets always bears the name of the local main character... At least, this is perceived quite freshly and originally. The plot here tells about the life and work of the classics, and that says it all . In general, there is a lot of talk here about politics, economics and other complex things. Partially, all these things are a little outdated, but they still evoke an emotional response! Moreover, what’s interesting is that for our world of wild-type criminal capitalism this looks eerily recognizable. That's why it's interesting to watch. However, certain disadvantages should be noted. The first thing is that the heroes here are shown to be very good and sleek (just like in the Soviet...

Year of manufacture: 2008
Genre: comedy
Category: OVA (Russian voice), OVA (Russian sub.)
Subtitle translation: Witwood, Hollow & Willie
Voiced by: Nooki
Series: 1-2 of 2 episodes, 30 min.
Age limit: 12+

Original author: JUN

Description: Gensokyo - “The Land of Fantasy” - has been lying next to our world since time immemorial, separated from it by a mysterious barrier. Since ancient times, people and magical creatures, including fairies, demons and gods, have coexisted peacefully here. The barrier between the worlds is guarded by the powerful priestess Reimu Hakurei. Another of her responsibilities is organizing a summer festival at the Hakurei Shrine, which attracts guests from all over the area. And now summer comes to Gensokyo again...

Amateur animation.
The name of this OVA in Japanese is written as 夢想夏郷 “Land (Land) of Summer Dreams”, and in English the authors themselves called it A Summer Day "s Dream, that is, "A Dream on a Summer Day", an obvious allusion to Shakespeare's " A Midsummer Night's Dream." It's hard to say who is wrong here. Maybe the authors deliberately changed the English version. Another possible solution is this: the first is the name of the entire OVA series, and the second is the name of the first episode.

A dream in which events occur during the daytime has positive value, if it is clear and sunny. A gloomy, cloudy day is negative.

Watching hail on a sunny day foreshadows new worries and unforeseen circumstances. Seeing your friend on a frosty day means love triangle, in which you will prevail over your opponent. Your concern caused by the apparent cooling of your chosen one is completely in vain.

To be at the funeral of a relative on a clear, cloudless day is a sign of good health for your relatives; for the newlyweds, it is an opportunity for a quick and happy wedding.

A dreamed birthday is a very special occasion; it is a harbinger of future financial difficulties and the treachery of friends if you are being honored. If another person has a birthday in a dream, this promises you even greater grief.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Day

A bright sunny day and good weather: they say that your affairs and mood will soon promise to improve noticeably.

Cloudy day: a sign that you are on the verge of some kind of misfortune or trouble. Often such dreams say that the reason for possible troubles is that you look at the world too gloomily or try not to notice some pressing problems.

Interpretation of dreams from

The space battleship Yamato sets off on a dangerous space expedition. His goal is the planet Iskander, which is the last hope of the devastated and radiation-poisoned planet Earth. The war with distant aliens did not pass without a trace: endless deserts and destroyed cities, widespread mutations, high radiation levels in the atmosphere. Planet Iskander stores the neutralizer and only it can help our Motherland...

  • (8242)

    Bonus for exclusive limited editions of the 26th, 27th, 31st, 35th, 38th and 39th volumes of the manga.

  • (7358)

    Bonus for the exclusive limited edition of the tenth volume of the manga.

  • (6939)

    Bonus for the exclusive limited edition of the seventh volume of the manga.

  • (6862)

    Bonus for the exclusive limited edition of the game Yahari Game demo Ore no Seishun Lovecome wa Machigatteiru.

  • (6591)

    Bonus for exclusive limited editions of the tenth and eleventh volumes of the manga.

  • (5739)

    The OVA takes place after the final events of the series, and can be seen as alternative ending.

  • (5663)

    Sato Kazuma - OYAH (regular Japanese hikikomori). He constantly sits at home and just plays his favorite MMORPGs. But one day, having decided to go outside for a new version of the game, he gets into an accident and... dies. But will this be the end of his story? Or will someone on the other side offer him a different path?

  • (5525)

    Bonus for exclusive limited editions of the fifteenth and sixteenth volumes of the manga.

  • (5424)

    A year has passed on Earth since the beginning of the unofficial friendly visit of Princess Lala Satalin Deviluk. The daughter of the ruler of the entire Galaxy left her home to avoid annoying suitors, and on the very first day on the new planet she met true love in the person of Rito Yuki, of course, a simple Japanese schoolboy. True, some sources claim that a misunderstanding is to blame for everything, but a woman’s intuition is not mistaken in such matters, class and cultural barriers are not afraid of it! And let Rito himself honestly admit that his heart has already been given to his classmate and longtime friend Haruna Sairenji. Whatever you say, Lala has a much better and more extensive education, one of the tenets of which is: princesses always get what they want!

    Time passed, problems arose and were solved, the Earth became a popular holiday destination in the Galaxy, and a whole alien colony arose in the house of Yuki’s family: Lala, her sisters Nana and Momo, the robot Peke and the intelligent flower Selina. Here you can add the pretty hunter Yami, who arrived for the head of the main character, and remained for... uh... scientific purposes. Seeing such attention, the students of the Sainan school, where almost all the “distinguished guests” transferred, also drew conclusions. Gradually, Rito realized that when reaching the interplanetary level, he had to expand his worldview, that is, try himself in the difficult role of a harem master. The Masaki family has long proven that the galactic prince cannot do otherwise!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (5280)

    Bonus for the exclusive limited edition of the fourth volume of the manga.

  • (5277)

    The plot tells the story of Ichijo Raku, a scion of the Yakuza clan family, who dreams of a normal life. school life. However, we don’t always get what we want on the first day. high school Raku takes a knee to the face from energetic exchange student, Kirisaki Chitoge. And as if this were not enough, it eventually turns out that this is his newly-made bride, who is being matched to the boy in order to reconcile his family with the local gangster gang. And what will Raku do now?! After all, his heart is already occupied with dreams of a sweet classmate, and his neck is weighed down by a medallion, symbolizing a mystical promise.

  • (4902)

    Bonus for exclusive limited editions of 15-16 manga volumes.

  • (4828)

    Bonus for the exclusive limited edition of the sixteenth volume of the manga.

  • (4615)

    Adaptation of volume 10.5 of the original novel, which came as a bonus to the limited edition of the second visual novel for PS Vita.
    Main character- Isshiki Iroha.

  • (4565)

    Get off Negishi came to Tokyo to compose and play music. He loves gentle “pop”, soft guitar strums, lyrics about first love and the raspberry taste of a kiss. But luck found Negishi-kun in a completely different field - he became the lead singer of the metal group “Detroit - City of Metal”, the creepy Krauser, the author of hits glorifying violence. According to the official legend, Krauser killed his parents as a child, and then escaped from the colony to found DGM. What is it like for the chaste Negisa-kun, a loving son and a convinced pacifist, to embody the idol of aggressive anarchists?.. but success is success. And while the modest Negisa wants fame, Johann Krauser will gnaw the strings with his teeth, call for pogroms and promise to fuck all the fans.

  • (4475)

    Somewhere, deep in the bowels of the earth, there is hell, divided into many sectors. Demons and all other creatures known to man live there. In a huge ghost town, there are diabolical gangs operating and the head of one of them, Staz, is a vampire who, as a matter of principle, does not feed on human blood, but is obsessed with modern Japanese culture (games, anime, manga, Japanese technology, etc.). Suddenly, a human girl from Japan, Fuyumi Yanagi, appears in the city. Staz, filled with happiness that he would see with his own eyes a person and a representative of Japan, takes the girl to him, but as soon as he was distracted for a moment, Fuyumi was devoured by a monster plant. All that remains of the girl is one skull, which Staz places on the game console, and Fuyumi herself suddenly appears naked, but like a ghost. Now the main goal of the vampire and the newly made ghost girl is to resurrect Fuyumi by any means, having gone through a difficult path for this.

  • (4567)

    2017 The EU is suffering disasters and destruction due to the British Empire. There is no hope of deliverance and independence for a long time. But the countries that are members of the European Union (including, by the way, Russia, so in the third season we may meet our compatriots) are not going to give up so easily. A small group of Japanese were selected to carry out a secret mission. What is the essence of their task, who these people are, is unknown. It only says that among them there is a guy named Hugo Akito - main character spin-off. It is obvious that he will become the new Lelouch, but will he have the courage to challenge Britain and the whole world by replacing Zero?

  • (4305)

    The Earth is in danger - aliens from another dimension, by the very fact of their appearance in our world, are causing terrible disasters. As expected, they frequented the Country rising sun, and people quickly got used to the fact that in addition to tsunamis and tremors, they also have to be afraid of “disturbances in space.” Yes, the ostrich method cannot solve the problem, but is it worth fighting to the death with uninvited guests? Of course, there are mobile groups equipped with modern weapons, but the solution still does not lie there. The key to it, if anyone hasn’t guessed it, is an ordinary Japanese schoolboy!

    16 year old Shido Itsuka early childhood left without parents and now together with younger sister Kotori lives in the suburbs of Tokyo. One day, out of concern for his sister, Itsuka found himself right in the epicenter of a cataclysm and learned that unknown Spirits were coming to Earth... exclusively in the form of cute girls! The breaking of the pattern was completed by the “sister”, who turned out to be the commander of a secret battle group. She told poor Sido that only he could seal the destructive powers of the Spirits, but on one condition - the girl must sincerely love him! This is a state matter, so the young fighter’s course will be a serious one – and then there is a chance to outshine Keima Katsuragi himself!

  • (4251)

    "Hey, you wished you had a sister, right?" I suddenly heard from my father Tojo Basara. And he added to this that he decided to get married again.
    Moreover, after just a couple of days, his father goes abroad and leaves him alone with his two cute little sisters. But for better or for worse, these two cute girls turn out to be not quite ordinary... just like Basara himself and his father.