Essay on the topic “Feat”: does it have a place in our lives? Essay-Reflection on the topic: “Feat.” What is a feat? Is an ordinary person capable of heroic deeds? Creative direction - what is a feat?

Option 1

A feat, as I understand it, is a heroic act performed in difficult conditions. The feat requires great dedication, willpower, and fearlessness.

Beethoven, famous composer, found himself in unbearable conditions when he began to lose his hearing. The disease depressed him, but he did not give up, tried to get rid of the buzzing in his ears on his own, turned to various doctors: he could not give up! Music saved him, but it’s not just that. The composer worked hard, and the illness did not manage to break him (sentences 46, 47). Beethoven, like a “courageous fighter,” continued to write (sentence 50). The result of his work was his famous Second Symphony - a symbol of real feat, victory over the disease and oneself.

Indeed, a feat is the act of a hero, the destiny of selfless people!

Option 2

A feat is an amazing, selfless act of a person. The result of a feat can be a saved life, an important discovery, an outstanding achievement.

In B. Kremnev’s story, Beethoven’s creation of his Second Symphony is called a feat. The composer had to endure many difficult moments due to his increasing deafness; he avoided people (sentence 26) and suffered painfully (sentence 27). However, this did not break his spirit (sentence 46), and Beethoven was able to win his difficult battle with illness and create one of his brightest works.

I also consider the work of Michelangelo Buonarroti, the Italian sculptor and artist, who, lying on his back, painted the ceiling, to be a feat Sistine Chapel area of ​​six hundred square meters. It was titanic work for four years!

Option 3

I believe that a feat is an important deed accomplished in the most difficult conditions. It sometimes requires enormous effort from a person, mental and physical.

It’s hard to disagree with the author of the text. Despite the fear of losing his hearing and his profession, the composer seized the opportunity to write music (sentence 43). He overcame despair, retained confidence in his abilities (sentence 49), showing himself to be a fighter working in the name of people (sentence 50), and created a beautiful work.

Also an example of such a feat can be the fate of the pilot Alexei Maresyev. Having lost both legs, he subsequently managed to sit at the controls of the plane again. Willpower and self-education helped him live a full life.

I am sure that courageous people perform feats.

Option 4

A feat is a heroic act when a person, overcoming himself, accomplishes the almost impossible. When they talk about a feat, the heroes of the Great Patriotic War are immediately remembered. It was they, showing heroism, who won peace on earth. But selfless acts are performed not only on the battlefield.

Evidence of this idea can be found in the text of B. Kremnev. When Beethoven realized that his illness was incurable, he “came into conflict with fate.” The music for which the composer lived became his salvation.

Beethoven conquered such heights from illness that it is impossible to even imagine: he created greatest creation- Second Symphony (sentence 51). And there is “not a single gloomy note, not a single hint of pain and suffering.” This is it real feat(sentences 53, 54)!

People like Beethoven, who are able to challenge difficulties and overcome them with courage, deserve respect and admiration.

Option 5

A feat is an act when a person, overcoming his capabilities, accomplishes the impossible. Of course, there may be moments of doubt along the way, but only the result is important.

Beethoven, having experienced hearing loss, initially hoped that “everything would go away by itself,” but when he learned that “the disease was incurable,” he did not give up. His life turned into a fight against illness, and music in this fight became his ally (sentences 24-30).

And the composer emerged victorious in his battle with the disease (sentences 48-50). Moreover, during this period he wrote “one of the most joyful and bright creations” - the Second Symphony. Immersed in the abyss of misfortune, Beethoven accomplished the almost impossible: he created a hymn of joy and happiness.

I think that courageously overcoming your illnesses and weaknesses is a real feat.

Option 6

A feat is an act performed to the limit of human capabilities. A feat, I think, is unthinkable without courage, without overcoming oneself.

It is not difficult to imagine the despair Beethoven felt when he realized that he was going deaf, because music for him was the meaning of his whole life. Thoughts of suicide crossed his mind more than once, but the composer entered into a “battle with fate.” These were the most difficult months of his life (sentences 32-35).

And in this terrible time for him, the composer creates music in which he, Beethoven, appears, not broken and depressed, but a calm and courageous fighter (sentences 48-50). The pinnacle of his life's feat becomes the Second Symphony - a hymn to happiness. Yes, it took a lot of courage for the composer to tell people through music about happiness and joy in such a tragic time.

A musician is unthinkable without hearing. Therefore, I believe that Beethoven’s work was the greatest feat of his talent, feeling and will.

Text for work

(I) When Beethoven realized that he was going deaf, he was overcome by despair, dull and hopeless. (2) He saw no one except the old servant, who served food three times a day and hastily cleaned the rooms, and he tried not to see him.

(3) He lived in complete solitude, locked up, face to face with his misfortune. And only late in the evening, when a bright scattering of stars illuminated the heavenly darkness, he stealthily left the house to go into the fields, where he would not run into people.

(4) But no matter how hard it was for him now, he still felt better than he had a few years ago. (5) Then he did not yet fully understand what the whistle and hum in his left ear promised him. (6) But he was already tormented by anxiety, acute and persistent. (7) She woke me up in the middle of the night and forced me to listen with fear. (8) And if there was silence all around, he fell asleep, calmly and peacefully. (9) At that time, he still believed that everything would go away by itself, as unexpectedly as it came.

(Y) If, upon waking up, he heard a rumble - and the further he went, the stronger the rumble became - he was seized with horror. (11) He jumped out of bed, ran out into the street, hurried out of the city, naively hoping that, away from the city noise, he would get rid of the ominous whistle and roar in his ears.

(12) But the silence of the fields and meadows did not bring peace. (13) He heard not her, but a noise that did not stop for a minute, now growing and then falling, like the menacing voice of the sea surf.

(14) When it finally became clear to him what awaited him, he hesitated for a long time to go to the doctor. (15) I was afraid to hear from the doctor what I already knew - the disease is incurable and threatens complete loss of hearing.

(16) The doctors completely threw him into confusion. (17) They smiled reassuringly and cowardly averted their eyes to the side. (18) They cheerfully promised improvement, and when deterioration occurred in return, they just as cheerfully declared that this was quite normal, that everything was going according to the rules of science. (19) They each treated in their own way and contradicted one another. (20) If one prescribed cold baths, the other prescribed warm ones; if one ordered almond oil to be dropped into the ears, the other canceled it and advised drinking a special infusion. (21) And yet he continued to visit doctors. (22) To the torment of the doomed man, who considered death inevitable - and he then thought that deafness was the same as death for a musician - was added the unbearably painful fear that people would find out about the misfortune that had befallen him.

(23) Therefore, not hearing the interlocutor, he pretended to be absent-minded, pretending that he was completely lost in his thoughts. (24) And then, as if waking up from oblivion, he asked to repeat everything that had been said before. (25) From constant tension, from the incessant fear of giving himself away, he developed headaches. (26) Being in public has become unbearable. (27) And the further, the more the suffering increased, both physical and moral.

(28) He greedily caught every rumor about the miraculous healing of a deaf man. (29) The more absurd the fable was, the more naively he believed in it. (ZO) I believed and hoped. (31) And all the more bitter was the collapse of hopes.

(32) My hearing grew weaker and weaker. (33) The town of Heiligenstadt, where an intelligent and experienced doctor sent him, brought some relief. (34) Although the six months spent here, in voluntary exile and imprisonment, were perhaps the most difficult in his life. (35) Without friends, completely alone, completely at the mercy of illness and gloomy thoughts, he at times drove himself to complete frenzy. (3b) Then suicide seemed to him the only outcome.

(37) Deliverance came unexpectedly. (38) He found it in what he lived for and what he did not want to live without - in music.

(39) She did not leave him even in trouble. (40) Deafening, he continued to hear her. (41) And no worse than when I was healthy.

(42) Music sounded in him as before, and perhaps with greater force. (43) His phenomenal “inner hearing” helped him hear music as clearly and as distinctly as if it were performed by an orchestra or a piano. (44) With amazing clarity, he distinguished the subtlest twists of the melody, embraced powerful harmonic layers, heard each voice individually and all together.

(45) Heartless nature, by some devilish whim of fate, managed to break his body. (46) But she failed to break his proud spirit.

(47) Beethoven entered into a battle with fate. (48) From the music he composed in this cruel time, a different Beethoven emerges, not the one who rushed around the low rooms of the Heiligenstadt prison like a hunted beast. (49) Not depressed, driven to despair, but cheerful and calm, confident in his abilities. (50) Not a pitiful sufferer, trampled by misfortune and overwhelmed by a bitter wave of hopelessness, but a courageous fighter, an invincible humanist, generously giving people joy.

(51) It was here, in Heiligenstadt, in the midst of a terrifying spiritual drama, that the Second Symphony was born - one of the most joyful and luminous creations of Beethoven's genius. (52) There is not a single gloomy note in it, not a single hint of pain and suffering. (53) A man, immersed in the abyss of misfortune, created an inspired song about happiness.

(54) This was a feat of unparalleled strength and courage.

(According to B. Kremnev)

Feat is heroism for the benefit of other people, the Motherland. This is when a person does something that is beyond the power of an ordinary person, overcoming his capabilities. Feats have been performed by people throughout history. Many heroes performed feats and became legends. For example, one can recall the famous ancient Greek hero Hercules, who committed twelve heroic deeds that were beyond the control of ordinary people.

I believe that with great desire and the same willpower, any person can accomplish the feat. IN wartime many Russian soldiers stood up to defend their Motherland; they were ready to sacrifice their lives if necessary. The soldiers performed feats because their work was a matter of honor and duty, because they had to protect people and their lives.

A feat always involves overcoming enormous difficulties, as well as the problem of choice. Someone can take risks while performing a feat own life for the sake of saving other people's lives, and the other person, who is faced with such a choice, will become cowardly. Therefore, I believe that each person decides for himself whether to perform a feat or not. A person who makes a choice in favor of doing a good deed is worthy of admiration. After all, nowadays there are not many people who are concerned about anything other than their own well-being.

In the book by Boris Polevoy we see a description of the feat of Alexei Meresyev. This is a Russian pilot who participated in the Great Patriotic War. One day his plane was shot down by the Germans, and Alexey himself found himself in a winter forest, near which there were no towns or villages. This brave and courageous man traveled on foot to human settlements for several weeks, although his legs were almost paralyzed. He still, overcoming himself, managed to reach people. Alexei was admitted to the hospital, then his legs were amputated. But this did not become an obstacle for Alexei, he trained every day for many hours in order to again go into battle on an airplane against the Germans. In the end, long, grueling training yielded results, Alexey was able to make his dream come true. Later he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

This man accomplished a real feat. Such people always inspire to do good deeds and deeds. Thanks to exploits, the best are born in people human qualities, without them, life would be completely different, and people would seem very weak and incapable of courageous actions.

Along with the article “Essay on the topic “What is a feat?”, 9th grade” read:

A feat is a heroic act of a person that is not related to his professional activity. The feat is a manifestation of humanism, humanity, a way of overcoming oneself and one’s fears.

This topic is developed in the text by Valentin Petrovich Kataev. The boy Vanya is a hero; at such a young age he understood the responsibility he had. The boy's task was to lead the scouts through the forest. Not everyone would be able to gain strength and courage. Despite the fear and horror that gripped him, Vanya succeeded. Not only was he on the alert all the way, but he was also able to meet the enemy face to face, heroically keeping the secrecy of the operation within himself. The young man accomplished a huge feat not only for himself, but also for the Fatherland.

In Russian literature there are many examples of works in which a heroic deed is performed. This is the story of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man”. Main character- Andrei Sokolov - fought for the salvation of his homeland. He did not give up and tried to help the people around him. Sokolov met the boy Vanya and tried to replace him with his family and friends, whom the boy had lost. This suggests that Andrey has a rich, kind soul that serves society. Despite the cruelty of the war years, he did not forget about such concepts as nobility, generosity and understanding, and such a person is capable of a noble act, a feat.

Thus, we can say that a feat is a noble act that not every person can do.

Updated: 2018-03-01

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An essay on the topic “The Feat of Man” is an opportunity to find answers to questions such as: “is this concept important in a person’s life and is it relevant today.” Is there always a place for heroism? We will try to answer these and many other questions using an essay on the topic “Feat”.

What is this?

An essay on the topic “Feat” should begin with the definition of this word. A feat is an act performed by a person who has exceeded his capabilities. This is a valiant deed that I would not have done ordinary person or a person with weak willpower.

They performed feats in different eras, starting from ancient times. courage of soldiers during the Great Patriotic War- all these are examples that the essay on the topic “Feat” reveals. Women performed slightly fewer heroic deeds than men.

Many examples of feats can be given not only from real life, but also from legends, stories or fairy tales. Human feats are always praised, and people who have committed a valiant act are extolled.

Why are feats important?

Why is such actions so admired at all times?

We all live in a world where both good and evil exist. And the guises of these concepts can be very diverse. In any century or era, it was considered valor to fight evil. After all, this is something that can not only ruin a person’s life, but also make it unbearable.

About exploits today

What about valiant deeds today? Do they exist, or should feats be left only in fairy tales? An essay on the topic “Feat” will help answer these questions.

Our days can hardly be called a time of valiant deeds and exploits. Today, every person is forced to fight for his life and solve his problems. But this does not mean that in the 21st century there are no people ready to perform feats.

Let's think for a moment how many feats are performed in the world every day. People whose professions involve people do more than one admirable thing every day. Rescuers, doctors, firefighters and other people who often risk their lives to save others - this is real example feats today.

Despite the fact that the 21st century is considered the century of cynicism and selfishness, this conclusion can be safely refuted. Feats in any era were infrequent deeds, and this is absolutely normal.

Even today, we can give a lot of examples in which the most ordinary people show valor and courage. They rescue children and animals from burning houses or deep rivers, protect women and the elderly from attacks by bandits, and save people during accidents. All these are feats, especially at times when there is a risk to one’s own life.

Is there always room for achievement?

Let's think about whether it is always possible to accomplish a feat. It would seem, of course, always. After all, what could be better and more noble than when a person is ready to risk his life to save another?

On the one hand, this is true. But we must remember that any bold action must be worthwhile. You shouldn’t just have everyone admire your courage. Think about it: every person has his own family, or at least a person who depends on him. Unjustified risk, which can lead to serious and sometimes fatal consequences, can destroy the lives of people who love and are waiting for you.

Therefore, before deciding on a heroic act, think for just a few seconds - is it necessary in this situation? You should not climb into a burning house if a fire brigade is already working there, and rush to help rescuers if they are coping with their task themselves. Remember, a feat is a sincere act of a person who is not looking for benefits, but sensibly assesses the current situation.

We hope that an essay on the topic “Feat” will make many people think about how important such actions are in our lives. There is no need to think that a feat is some kind of exclusively heroic act. Helping the sick and poor, caring for other people's children, caring for the people around - these days this is, at least a small feat.

A mini-essay on the topic “Feat” is perfect not only for discussions about life, but also for school written works and speeches.

Materials for essay 15.3

What is a feat?


    Feat– this is the act of a hero, the destiny of selfless people.

    Feat is a selfless act that a person performs for the sake of other people.

    Feat- this is a heroic act when a person, overcoming his capabilities, does something that another cannot.

    Feat- a valiant action, important for many people, performed in difficult conditions that sometimes cost lives.

    Feat is a selfless heroic act.

    Feat- This is an important deed, accomplished in difficult conditions.

    Feat is a heroic act when a person, overcoming himself, accomplishes the almost impossible.

    Feat- these are actions performed at the limit of human capabilities.

    Feat- this is a valiant action, important for many people, a heroic act committed in difficult conditions.

    Feat- this is the act when, in a great unselfish impulse of the soul, a person gives himself completely without reserve, sacrifices everything, even his own life.

    Feat is the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the sake of loved one(neighbor), homeland.

    Feat is a heroic act of a person.

    Feat- this is not only an external act. There are also spiritual feats.

Spiritual feat- This is, first of all, a tireless struggle for the purity of one’s soul. This is a manifestation of endless mercy and philanthropy, humility and compassion.

    Feat in Christianity- This is a voluntary sacrifice.


    The word “feat” is cognate with the word “to move”, “movement”. This is a movement from one’s own selfishness, greed, profit, and not towards them.

    The word “feat” is related to the verb “to move”. Derived from it are the words “ascetic”, “ascetic”, “asceticism”.

    Gorky in “The Old Woman Izergil” said: “There is always a place for heroic deeds in life.” In fact, any of us may find ourselves in a situation where we need to show lightning speed in order to save another person.

    At any moment, each of us may find ourselves in a situation where we need to take a risk, sacrifice ourselves for the sake of our neighbor.

    The feat requires enormous dedication, willpower, and fearlessness. The result of a feat can be a saved life, an important discovery, or outstanding achievements.

    The greatest feat is to always follow your convictions, your dream, and fight for this dream.

    There can be a feat of one person, and sometimes it can be a feat of an entire people.

    The feat is based on the action when a person drowns out the feeling of fear, pain, thoughts of death and pushes himself to brave act. At the same time, he does not think about the consequences that may happen to him.

    The hard times of war are the times when heroic deeds become widespread.

    The hard times of war are the time when courage and heroism are most often manifested in a person, without which feat is impossible.

    Not only in the hard times of war, but also in peacetime there is a place for heroic deeds.

Argument No. 2 An example from life.

Daria Lavrentievna Mikhailova, Dasha Sevastopolskaya. First Sister of Mercy. Having been orphaned, she earned her own living. I bought it with the money I collected. When the Crimean War began, she used her own money to buy a cart, a horse, vinegar, wine, dressings, and set off from Kazan to Sevastopol herself. She cut her braid, put on a man's uniform, went to the front line, and went on reconnaissance missions. Her carriage of grief became the first medical mobile combat unit in history. She showed mercy to her compatriots, the British, and the Turks. She was awarded the gold medal “For Diligence.” This was an exceptional case. This medal was awarded to those who already had three silver medals “For Success”. Imperial family took part in the fate of the heroine: Dasha Sevastopolskoe was allocated money for a dowry.

Michelagelo Buanorroti. Feat of the artist

    The Italian sculptor and artist painted the ceiling of the Sinctina Chapel with an area of ​​600 square meters. It was titanic work for 4 years, work tantamount to a feat.

Feat of mercy

    Alexandra Derevenskaya.

    Raised 42 orphans different nationalities after the Great Patriotic War

    Tashkent blacksmith Shaakhid Shamakhmudov and his wife Bakhrikhon took in 16 children of different nationalities

    Chairman of the Engels collective farm, Samarkand region Fatima Kasimova adopted 14 children of different nationalities

Nikolay Sirotin

Border guard Yevgeny Rodionov was captured in February 1996. He died near Bamut after 3 months of captivity on the day he turned 19 years old. Zhenya had a chance to survive. To do this, you had to remove your cross and call yourself a Muslim. He did not do this and was beheaded. On the grave of Yevgeny Rodionov it is written: “Here lies a Russian soldier, a defender of the Fatherland and who did not renounce the cross, executed near Bamut on May 23, 1996.”

Life seemed to test Shavarsha Karapetyan for strength. During his life, three times he found himself in a situation where he saved people from death. The first time was at a young age, when he and his team were returning from training along mountain serpentine roads. The bus started to malfunction, and when the driver got out, the bus rolled down to the gorge. Shavarsh kicked out the glass of the bus cabin, taxied to the left and thus saved everyone. The second time was on September 16, 1974. During his daily jog, he saw how a trolleybus, having broken the parapet of the bridge, fell from a great height into the abyss of the waters of the Yerevan reservoir. Without hesitation, the hero rushed to save people. In 20 minutes he saved twenty human lives. Shavarsh himself was barely saved by doctors. !On February 9, 1985, several people were saved from a burning concert and sports complex that was on fire.

Nikolay OstrovskySoviet writer prototype of Pavka Korchagin from the favorite book of the people of the Soviet generation, “How the Steel Was Tempered.” He was a member of the Bolshevik underground, a participant Civil War, a member of Chon. He was seriously wounded and suffered from typhus. I have been everywhere where it is more difficult. Poor health began to make itself felt when he was very young. When illness confined him to bed, he decided to write a book about his generation. When he was blind, but could move his hands, he wrote through a stencil. When his hands began to be idle, he dictated the text of the book to his wife. Nikolai Ostrovsky is a living symbol of the heroic generation of the 20-30s of the 20th century. His entire valiant life is a feat.