Compatibility of a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man, the advantages and disadvantages of such a union. Sexual compatibility between Scorpio women and Aquarius men. Work and career - how compatible are Scorpio and Aquarius?

The relationship between an Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman is very difficult, since both are too different and think completely differently. There is an unearthly attraction, illogical development and much that is incomprehensible to others, but acceptable to both.

Aquarius Man and Scorpio Woman

Compatibility of a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man in love and marriage is 40%. Most likely, they will become close by chance, due to circumstances, and not because of their own choice. There are many inconsistencies between these zodiac signs. She lives by emotions and intuition, he mainly relies on logic and intellect. Scorpios prefer loneliness, having only a few close friends, while Aquarians interact with many people without really getting close to anyone. He is freedom-loving and independent, loves to spend time with friends, which will create tension in the couple due to her jealousy and suspicion. She will try to control her partner, but with Aquarius it is not so easy. They may be attracted to each other and intrigued, but neither of them will be in a hurry to start love relationship. The Scorpio woman needs time to study a potential partner, and the Aquarius man does not like to commit himself, so the decision to enter into a relationship may be delayed.

They are also incompatible on an emotional level, since Scorpios are distinguished by the intensity of their feelings, and Aquarians are rather cold. In addition to this, there is another disadvantage in their relationship. They are both representatives of fixed zodiac signs and are stubborn by nature, neither of them will want to give in to the other. They will have to go through difficult moments so that the relationship can develop in a positive direction. Communication can strengthen the bond, as they both love to talk. Overall there are more contradictions than common features, so it will take a lot of effort and dedication from partners to make love and relationships bring joy.

This couple begins a love relationship on the initiative of the Scorpio girl, but she will be able to arrange everything so cleverly that the Aquarius guy will sincerely believe that it was he who was pursuing her. Lovers are in for a difficult relationship, full of misunderstandings, quarrels and mutual claims. Scorpio girl - strong personality, she knows how to achieve her own goals, without always taking into account other people. The Aquarius guy will accuse her of being calculating and cold, despite the fact that both partners enjoy the fruits of her success in this couple. For a practical Scorpio, Aquarius' dreaminess and long-term plans for nowhere simply cannot fit into his head; during quarrels, Aquarius may well hear from his beloved that he is inadequate.

Oddly enough, these relationships often lead to the creation of a family, although this was not part of Aquarius’s plans. The longer these people are together, the stronger their connection, but this does not mean that they will begin to understand each other better. It’s just that it will be difficult for Aquarius to change their lifestyle to another; he will prefer to leave everything as it is.

These people meet on each other's path in order to grow spiritually. Well, or break up after the first meeting. The happy couple of these signs does not fit any standards: she has her own path, often incomprehensible to others.

Scorpio-Aquarius Compatibility: How to Seduce an Aquarius Man

It is not easy for a Scorpio woman to interest an Aquarius man at first sight. There can be exceptions only if this woman accidentally falls under his type of “ideal chosen one.” But this doesn't happen often. Let's think about how we can attract an Aquarius who has no personal prerequisites for interest? Firstly, the diversity of knowledge and non-standard conclusions. Aquarius loves everything that is out of the usual circle. And the Scorpio woman is very observant and analyzes any phenomenon deeply, getting to the essence. Of course, thanks to this, she has thoughts and reasoning on the issue that few people have, simply because most people “grab at the top” without going deeper. Such views and thoughts will seem very original to Aquarius (precisely because few people can hear them from). So Scorpio’s first weapon is to communicate with Aquarius and share your views with him. Secondly, the Aquarius man values ​​friendship. And a friend is best known in trouble. And if not in trouble, then in some common cause. In the process of working together, Aquarius will not only develop friendly feelings towards Scorpio, but will also discover many common traits with him, for example, rare persistence and perseverance. Look for opportunities for friendship, not romance - this is the second pillar on which the conquest of Aquarius stands. And finally, do not openly encroach on his freedom. You shouldn’t immediately tell him that you are extremely faithful in marriage and dream of strong family. The Aquarius man likes to think about the future in matters of technology and politics, but not about his own future.

What does an ideal couple look like: a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man?

This is a couple in which mutual respect reigns. From the outside, the Scorpio woman and the Aquarius man do not look very harmonious. People around you may wonder what connects them. Most often, each of them has their own friends who do not like their other half. Aquarius' friends feel that Scorpio is "taking" Aquarius away from their friends and ruining their friendship. And indeed, if anyone can restrain Aquarius’ impulses to be friends at any time of the day or night, it is the Scorpio woman. Friends of Aquarius quickly understand that the principle of “friendship is a 24-hour concept” is a thing of the past, and they learn not to make friendly visits at odd hours without warning. Scorpio's friends are unhappy with her Aquarius partner, because from now on the friend's attention entirely belongs to her beloved. If you look at the relationship “from the inside” with the help of synastry, you will see that such a couple was formed more for the spiritual growth of both partners than for ordinary everyday happiness. The Scorpio woman becomes an exemplary housewife and wife. But not because Aquarius “will be lost without her,” but because she realizes the high purpose of Aquarius to live in the future and bring something new into the world. By serving him, she herself becomes involved in his mission. Thanks to the Scorpio woman, a man learns not to spread himself thin. She gives him external control, and if Aquarius does not rear up, but understands that his indignation is dictated internal problems fear of control, he quickly learns self-discipline and is capable of truly great things. Among Aquarius associated with a partnership with Scorpio, you will not find Aquarius-projectors who are busy inventing a perpetual motion machine.

What are the difficulties in a union between Scorpio women and Aquarius men?

A couple of a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man have two main difficulties. They appear only in good ones, loving couples, because couples in which there is no love break up very quickly, before they even reach the stage of encountering difficulties: they are very different. But it’s not a sin to fight for your loved one. Let's see what exactly interferes with the happiness of this couple. First, there is the issue of compromise. Both Aquarius and Scorpio are very stubborn. A woman is more inclined to doubt that she is right, but if she has thought everything through and made a final decision, she will stick to it. The Aquarius man rarely doubts his decisions. As a result, the couple can seriously quarrel. Most often, disputes concern money and the distribution of the overall budget. They have different views on who should lend and in what cases. As a result, Scorpio, having forbidden her partner to give his friend “a tenner before payday” for beer, risks that Aquarius, in spite of her, will give all the pay to his friends, and on the condition “they will give it back someday.” In this way, Aquarius can recall his resentment, for example, because Scorpio recently used her last money to buy cold medicine for her three-year-old godson, but forbade him to “help out a friend.” He will not see the difference in her actions and his own.

Secondly, and this problem is much more serious, Scorpio is very partial towards Aquarius, she is ready to do anything for him, he is her most beloved and important person, and this automatically sets him apart from all other people for her. Aquarius treats her the same way as other friends and evaluates her from a position of objectivity. This confuses Scorpio - after all, it seems to her that she, too, has the right to count on special treatment.

In order to prevent quarrels in a couple due to the fact that neither wants to give in, it is better to divide the “spheres of influence” in advance. Scorpio and Aquarius must agree in what cases and which of them has the right of final decision. The best distribution would be one where the woman becomes “responsible” for all subjective and personal moments, where sensitivity and feelings are important, for example, for the atmosphere in the family (and, therefore, for which guests to invite and which ones not to be allowed into the family “fortress” "). And Aquarius should be entrusted with objective relationships with society (for example, which of their friends and when the couple will visit). As for the fact that Scorpio wants (and quite rightly) to be “special” for her partner, and not take an equal place among his other friends and not be subject to the same evaluation as friends, then she should raise her partner. She is able to gradually explain to him that if he does not forgive her what he does not forgive others, then she will do exactly as much for him as others. In particular, she will begin to wash and cook no earlier than his friends begin to do the same for Aquarius. In general, astrologers have noticed that Aquarius men often have problematic parental families. Therefore, Aquarius needs to be taught how they differ family relationships from friends, and not expect that he already knows this.

Compatibility of Scorpio woman and Aquarius man at work

Such cooperation can be either very problematic or very productive. Most often, these people simply refuse to work together - they are too different and do not understand each other well. If forced, then everyone pulls the cart in their own direction. But if suddenly Scorpio appreciates the golden grain that is in the ideas of Aquarius and begins to bring his ideas to life, then both can become very rich.

Compatibility of a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man - colleagues or partners

Working in the same team, they rarely intersect and try not to work together because they do not understand each other’s working style well. In the case of a partnership, it will be successful when Aquarius generates innovative ideas, and Scorpio implements them. They can make a fortune by introducing new technologies.

When a Scorpio woman is a boss and an Aquarius man is a subordinate

Bad combination. Aquarius does not tolerate control over himself, and Scorpio loves to control everything.

When a Scorpio woman is a subordinate and an Aquarius man is a boss

A rare combination: Scorpio women are in the role of subordinates just as rarely as Aquarians are in a leadership role. And to be next to each other at the same time is a real game of fate, and a meaningless one at that: they have such different attitudes to work that there will be little productivity from this union. However, Scorpio can manipulate Aquarius using his democratic nature.

Compatibility of Scorpio woman and Aquarius man in friendship

Scorpio is impressed by the friendly, easy-to-communicate Aquarius. And Aquarius himself is capable of being friends with anyone. Apart from friendly jealousy on the part of the woman, such friendship can be strong. In addition, both signs belong to the fixed (permanent) cross in astrology and tend to build long-term relationships. Cheating on partners on the part of this couple is hardly possible. They are not so attractive to each other that it would be worth forgetting about obligations for the sake of an affair. In addition, Aquarius highly values ​​​​pure friendships and will not interfere with sex in them, and for Scorpio to cheat, they need to feel the attraction and sexual spark in a man. She will not cheat out of sport or boredom. An intellectual Aquarius is not her type of man.

The airy Aquarius man will more than once descend into the deep expanses of the Scorpio woman in order to unravel the secrets kept in the vastness of her ocean. The Aquarius man is interested in every mystery that has not been solved before. The Scorpio woman is a representative water element will every time lure you into its open spaces, where, perhaps, in the opinion of the Aquarius man, treasures could be hidden. He will study its flora and fauna with interest and constantly try to get out of the water onto land, because water is not his element.

The Aquarius man and the Scorpio woman have so much energy that they could build skyscrapers faster than the customer's specified deadlines. A joint business would be financially profitable for them.

Regarding relationships and love, things go a little differently. Even if they accepted each other and began to share a passionate attraction, the Aquarius man will soon find himself thinking that his patience has run out. Spiritual world Aquarius men and Scorpio women are different. She believes that he should be her property in all manifestations, both in love and in relationships, but the Aquarius man is not at all happy with such restrictions.

The Aquarius man loves and breathes freedom - this is oxygen in his lungs. Attempts to close it in a matchbox will sooner or later provoke a big explosion. He will offend her with his love of freedom, and her anger will develop into a desire to forget him once and for all, now he simply does not exist, he is a shadow. Trying to remind yourself or call a Scorpio woman will end in failure; she no longer communicates with ghosts. Even the Aquarius man himself could not imagine that he could hurt her so much, because all he wanted was to get what he considered vitally necessary - free flight above her sea level. And she is completely wounded, she is affected deep feelings and the constant coldness in his direction already conveys a sharp drop in the temperature of their relationship throughout the entire month.

Northern cold with precipitation is just defensive reaction Scorpio women from harm and insults caused to her. Sometimes she herself would like to make peace, but the fact is that her behavior does not allow her to step back and only he can melt the cold. The patience and tolerance that the Aquarius man is endowed with will be able to save them and keep them afloat.

He will have to put on his warm jacket with a fur fleece and three pairs of socks and go on a journey to her ice castle. Then take her in his arms and take her back to warmer lands, to where his voyage began. After this, everyone must learn a lesson for themselves. The Scorpio woman needs to understand that self-discipline and strong emotions- this is not what you can expect from an Aquarius man, but he needs to take note that her absolute calm is not always a sign that everything is happening stable.

The Aquarius man does not need masks to reveal his true self, he simply does not use them, he is a fan of naturalness. By his facial expression you can understand whether he is sad or happy, it is clear even without words. To surprise a person, the planet Uranus helps him, which always sends him impulses. In his head, opinions and thoughts are so fleeting that he simply does not say most of them, because over time some thoughts will replace others. At a more mature age, the Aquarius man becomes wiser, beginning to control his thoughts and words. He can endure a long pause and suddenly surprise a person with his eloquence. An Aquarius man will enjoy doing something unusual and sudden and seeing her surprised reaction.

The Scorpio woman will still miss the open self-expression of her true “I”, unlike her Aquarius man companion. Her patron, the mysterious Pluto, does not give her the opportunity to talk about her true feelings and intentions, at the same time, she lives the way only her inner voice wants it, she does not need hints from the outside, and especially the opinions of other people. She will admire her beloved Aquarius man for his openness of action and ability to express himself, because she lacks this so much.

The Aquarius man is also an opponent of other people’s opinions, he has his own morality that is not written down in more than one current laws. The only difference in the independence between the two of them is that the independence of the Aquarius man is clear to everyone, but the independence of the Scorpio woman is a mystery that lies in the very chest that lies at the bottom of her ocean.

The Aquarius man should also know the fact that all the insults that were caused to the Scorpio woman can be stored for years. It's just that she can wait a very long time to find the right moment to strike back with a successful blow. The Aquarius man has already forgotten about their quarrel and broken pots, but not the Scorpio woman.

The unpredictability of the relationship between an Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman reaches unprecedented peaks and valleys. The turn of events can be curious, and therefore bring a completely different interest or introduce new amendments to their feelings and intentions. They may meet and be attracted to one thing, but they will meet for a completely different reason. This couple will have a lot of quarrels, but if they find ways around it together, then in a couple of months they will discover that their interests have changed again.

The Aquarius man began to dream of new grandiose plans, and the Scorpio woman began to encourage him to dream about her more often. Passion is just around the corner, which means a new meaning in their relationship opens new pages, but of a different book.

She will surrender completely, both soul and body, when she sees the authenticity of his feelings for her person. For a Scorpio woman, as a rule, the degree of sincerity is important, and then only sex. For her, intimacy is the highest degree of devotion. In the event that an Aquarius man deviates from the path of devotion, this may cause reverse effect. The Scorpio woman may resort to dalliance. She does not tolerate betrayal and most often will not forgive it.

For an Aquarius man, complete dedication comes at the moment of absolute trust. If an Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman can overcome the pitfalls in their path and he builds a strong boat that will sail perfectly on its waves and not get stuck on the rocks sticking out of its ocean floor, then they will find themselves thinking that over time they need more in each other, and their passionate love bonds grow stronger like ropes on which he and she together will raise the flag of the winners.

The Aquarius man will still give the Scorpio woman more freedom of action. This does not mean that he doesn't care, he is jealous, but not as much as the Scorpio woman. He can be jealous, leaning toward some precise facts or compelling reasons, but sometimes a slight hint is enough for her. The constant jealousy of a Scorpio woman destroys the strong walls of trusting relationships. Then the Aquarius man can act out a scene and come up with a fictional story about him and his new passion. This will only be a lesson that one should not neglect the word of honor.

The Aquarius man and the Scorpio woman are so different and at the same time have one common quality - a strong will, which will invariably help them in solving their common affairs and will help pave the path of wisdom to each other’s hearts.

Scorpio man and Aquarius woman - this compatibility is very unusual. At first, it may seem that this love union is likely to experience big problems; it is very difficult to achieve harmony here. But if you look at most pairs of Scorions and Aquarius, then to your surprise they will live quite happily and have feelings for each other positive emotions throughout many years. The rule here is that despite the dissimilarity, and even possible confrontations, this couple grows together in such a relationship, and eventually falls in love with each other more and more.

Partners in these relationships have very different characters, temperaments, and look at life completely differently. The Scorpio man is very meticulous - he likes to see in everything deep meaning, does not want to do something for nothing, and is very attentive to detail. If he has already decided to propose to an Aquarius woman, then he definitely believes that this marriage will last until the end of his days, and does not see himself with anyone other than his beloved. The Aquarius woman looks at this completely differently, and is usually not able to fully devote herself to family and marriage.

Yes, there is no need to say that the Aquarius woman will “walk”; most often she is quite decent, and will not commit completely rash acts that could destroy a marriage. But at the same time, she does not want to sit within four walls, doing only housework, living her life only at the stove, and takes care of the children from morning to evening. And this is exactly how the Scorpio man sees his wife - economical, homely, peaceful and creating comfort and coziness at home. The Aquarius woman clearly does not meet the ideal of a wife.

It is quite possible that because of this, both will begin to present endless claims to each other, and will eventually slide into eternal disputes, scandals and showdowns. But if both in this couple experience such moments, and have patience and learn wisdom, then real harmony and happiness can come in this union, and on an almost daily basis.

Positive compatibility - Scorpio man and Aquarius woman

The ideal union of a Scorpio man and an Aquarius woman is this - their relationship is based fundamentally on love and utmost respect for the personality of the other person. But this does not come immediately, and you should not expect such mutual understanding and dissolution in your loved one immediately after the first dates. This couple will have to build such a relationship, day after day, and year after year. Having overcome obstacles and obstacles, they can get along well with each other, but for this they need to go through this rather difficult path.

When Scorpio and Aquarius are in the company of other people, they usually quickly attract everyone's attention. Both are very extraordinary, bright and even extravagant characters, and can surprise and amaze when communicating.

Scorpio-Aquarius together find great support in each other, and are mutually ready to protect each other. Scorpio in society can often be sarcastic and skeptical, and perhaps only his Aquarius woman can cope with his difficult character. She is not afraid of him, and takes his barbs with humor. Sometimes even she suddenly begins to laugh, reacting to another not very appropriate joke from the Scorpio man, and thereby also supports him to a certain extent - and he really appreciates this.

Negative compatibility - Scorpio man and Aquarius woman

The difficulties in the compatibility of the Zodiac signs of Scorpio and Aquarius are that they have very different characters, and their temperaments are completely different. The Scorpio man is more of an introvert, he is focused more on inner world, and is in no hurry to run into society to get communication or any emotion. The Aquarius woman is different - she is always looking for communication, always needs new friends, impressions, and events in a new society.

Freedom means a lot to the Aquarius woman, and even strong love to her man - will not give her the inner determination to sacrifice her. Therefore, in essence, a Scorpio man, when he tries to keep his beloved within, will achieve nothing, but will only push her away from him even more. He won’t change his character either, and he can only try to endure and make concessions for his woman so that she stays with him for a long time, even if not in the ideal role in which he sees her.

Horoscope Scorpio-Aquarius - well-being of the union

The compatibility horoscope between Scorpio and Aquarius says that in order to achieve peace and prosperity in this love union, they need to open their souls to each other. This does not mean that the Scorpio man needs to dump all his work problems on the Aquarius woman every day, but sometimes a heart-to-heart talk, talk about your mood, what you think about your partner - this is very necessary for a couple.

The Scorpio man in this relationship must learn wisdom, calmness, and acceptance of the interlocutor’s point of view. It’s difficult for him, but he can do it. When he makes constant attempts in this direction, the Aquarius woman will definitely notice this, and in return will give Scorpio more love, tenderness and affection. He will be even more inspired by this, and this can turn into a real ever-growing cycle that will lead to the development of the relationship of this unusual couple.

The Aquarius woman must also show restraint and patience. If she uses feminine cunning and does not enter into open conflicts with Scorpio, then she will be able to achieve much more than from constant “sawing” and attempts to persistently remake the character of her chosen one. Both need to understand that Scorpio’s possessiveness and Aquarius’ love of freedom are normal, and these qualities just need to be accepted and come to terms with them.

How an Aquarius woman will interest a Scorpio man and attract him

A Scorpio guy can get carried away by an Aquarius girl when he needs something from her, and he acts for selfish reasons (these are sad cases, since of course they do not lead to a long and happy relationship), or if he falls very much in love with her - and sometimes this happens from the first meetings.

When the first situation occurs, the Aquarius woman can remain in the dark about Scorpio’s true plans for a very long time, and after everything is revealed, it will be a real shock for her. Since they will very cynically use her to their advantage as long as she allows it. After all, the Aquarius woman is often very trusting, and sincerely cannot imagine bad thoughts regarding her loved one. But the truth will definitely come out.

But if Scorpio falls in love - and this happens when the Aquarius woman is very sexy, beautiful, and has attractive qualities for Scorpio - then Aquarius needs to “hold the line.” , to rudely and persistently woo a woman, and in order not to slip into outright vulgarity, the woman will have to make some efforts. If she maintains her character and fights back at the first stage, then Scorpio may well turn into a real romantic, and will look after his chosen one in every possible way and very beautifully in order to achieve her favor.

Friendly compatibility between Scorpio man and Aquarius woman

Friendship between a Scorpio man and an Aquarius woman is possible, but does not always happen. Sometimes this happens when they are related by family ties, or their families converge on some basis. They don’t have many common interests, and that’s why they rush to meet every day. Rather, they accidentally cross paths, and in this case they communicate quite nicely with each other, and build pleasant, but not burdensome relationships.

A Scorpio man, if he wants, can prove himself to be an excellent interlocutor, but at the same time he will remain closed in terms of state of mind. He will not let such a friend inside his emotions, so the communication between Scorpio and Aquarius is more superficial than touching on some deep topics that are truly interesting to both. Philosophy, intellectual growth, smart books, and other abstruse things are not about this relationship.

An Aquarius woman usually maintains a benevolent mood and is in a good state of mind, and a Scorpio man enjoys communicating with her, and sometimes he can even ask her for advice in different situations. A romance between them during friendship most likely will not happen - these people are too different.

Work and career - how compatible are Scorpio and Aquarius?

It will most likely not be possible to ensure that the pair of Scorpio man and Aquarius woman work well together. They are too different in temperament and character, their work styles are very different, and it will be very difficult for them to adapt to each other. At the same time, both are rather “hard-headed” and stubborn, so they are unlikely to accept their colleague’s point of view or take his side. Rather, they will fight to the last for their principles, ideas and beliefs, and thereby destroy the work process.

The Scorpio man is usually very irritated by the behavior of the Aquarius woman nearby at work, but at the same time he is not able to accept her and forgive her. Too proud and also self-willed. The Aquarius woman will not want to work with a person with whom she does not have a good relationship. She will simply reject him as an “undesirable” element and stop communicating on any topics. It is clear that in such an atmosphere to go to some big goals will be problematic.

There are only a few secret words, upon hearing which the Scorpio man will begin to fall in love.

Discover a secret that only a few women know. Click the button and watch the video to the end.

Compatibility between the Scorpio woman and Aquarius man is based on sexual attractiveness. The Scorpio woman is a known owner, so Aquarius cannot escape her jealousy. At the same time, absolutely unpredictable and unexpected actions await her on the part of this man.


It is not surprising that the Scorpio woman will be the main one in the union, but her actions will not be expressed directly; she is an eminence grise. Available to her different ways management of the partner and everything will be quite confusing if the partners do not decide to change something. This union is an amazing combination of unpredictability and stubbornness. Aquarius and Scorpio, although they live together, are each on their own.

The Aquarius man is a little cold and distant, while the Scorpio woman, in contrast, is full of passion raging inside. The compatibility of this couple is reminiscent of playing with fire - Scorpio has such intensity of feelings that it hurts even the cold Aquarius. She will try to impose her worldview on Aquarius, which will limit his unpredictable antics. He will force her to do household chores, since he is completely unsuited to conducting everyday life.


The sex life of this couple will be stormy and varied and will absorb them whole for some time. But after the first period of the relationship, when the partners enjoy each other, they will have difficulties in distributing roles. Aquarius will become the obvious leader, and Scorpio will be the implicit one.

The union of an Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman can be considered successful for building family life. Here a sense of duty regarding family, children and work will be cultivated. You should know that since Aquarius does not like frameworks and restrictions, he will sometimes throw out some trick to relieve himself of psychological stress. If partners accept each other with all their strengths and weaknesses, then their marriage will be very strong and long.

Business relations

A business partnership will work out well if people of these signs establish personal contact. It is worth considering that a Scorpio woman who is dissatisfied with her task will create nervousness and tension, which Aquarius cannot stand. Therefore, the Aquarius boss is forced to choose a task to Scorpio’s taste, and preferably one that she can do at home. Scorpio, in the role of boss, must know that for Aquarius to work fruitfully, he needs a friendly atmosphere and environment.

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