List of Korean surnames for girls: beautiful female names and their meaning. Korean girl names: list of the most beautiful female names and their meanings

Korean names have a number of features, in particular, they are all very short in pronunciation and pronounced clearly and quickly. If you translate names into Russian, then any name will mean something special. Names in Korea often describe some quality human character or its special features. In Asian countries, the name for a child is great value, much more than in other countries. Both last name and first name usually mean something.

For Koreans, it is very important whether their child gets the right name. The situation is the same with surnames. Neither one nor the other is given just like that. If you look at the statistics, you can find 300 various options origin of Korean names. This is very little. After all, even in comparison with Russian names, there are hundreds of times fewer Korean names.

It is often possible to different regions countries to meet namesakes. Such interesting fact no coincidence. After all, each surname is traditional for one of the regions. If people with the same last name live in different parts of the country, this does not mean at all that they are related. These people will belong to different family dynasties.

In Korea, it is customary to write the surname before the given name. So when a Korean name and surname appear before your eyes, you need to remember that the first syllable is always the person’s surname, and the rest are his name. This way, when you first meet, you can avoid unpleasant situations.

In America or Europe, children are often given a double name at birth, so you might want to consider the same when traveling to Korea. But the second syllable in a Korean name is not his middle name.

Among Koreans, the most common surname is Kim. According to sociological research, Kim is the last name of nearly 9 million Koreans.. Names in Korea are not all two-syllable. So, only 12 variants of names have two syllables, the rest have only one syllable. In Korea, rare surnames are found only among a small number of people. Most of the population has common surnames.

Regardless of gender, both men and women can have the same surnames, which are not declined.

Meaning and history of surnames

The name for a child in eastern countries is of great importance. In many ways life path person depends on the name. Koreans often envy foreigners because their country doesn't have a wide variety of surnames, and there are variations that are particularly common. And among foreigners such repetition is very rare.

For example, about 25% of the population of all Korea bears the surname Kim. Also to popular names refers to Lee. It can be found in 15% of the population. And Pak is the third most popular surname, found in 9% of the population. She is popular with boys. Here is another list of common Korean surnames:

  • Hwang;
  • Kwon;

Just like in many countries, names in Korea have changed along with their long and eventful history. The names could also depend on the region and its location. In the Middle Ages, there were three kingdoms with an early feudal system on the territory of Korea. Each of these kingdoms had their own traditional names.

Over time, under the influence of fashion and other factors, names began to change. Old names were forgotten or adapted to modern conditions. Nowadays in Korea you can hardly find rare Hebrew names, but new names for girls and boys have begun to appear.

Some of them came from China and adjusted to the Korean pronunciation.

Somewhat later, names began to be borrowed from the Mongolian language and from Manchu. This is explained by historical aspects. At that time, Korea was under attack from these countries. The top government, in order to please the invaders, began to name their children after the names of those countries under whose rule at the moment was Korea. Therefore, a lot of new male names have appeared, and female names began to be interpreted differently.

In the last century, Korea was assimilated by Japan. During this, an order was issued according to which the invaders demanded that all names and surnames be replaced from Korean to Japanese. So they tried to subjugate the conquered population as much as possible. Therefore, names borrowed from Japan also appeared.

Due to China's frequent conquests of Korean territory, many characters and words were adopted from this country by the Koreans. And here’s what’s interesting: in North Korea you almost never see such words, but in South Korea many write the names of girls and boys using Chinese characters. But still there are very few hieroglyphs in the language. Their total quantity does not exceed 5000 pieces. In the last century, the popularity of purely Korean names has increased several times. Often in historical archives on family tree try to write names and Korean, and Chinese characters.

Almost all Korean names have two syllables. But there are also options with three syllables or one. In Korea, at the subconscious level, it is customary to write the last name first, and only then the first name. And this is done even in official documents. And even when translated into other languages, such as English, Italian or French, the word order is still preserved. Koreans also consider calling someone by name a flagrant violation of etiquette. This is only allowed with friends and family.

Popular names for girls

Parents in Korea are very responsible when choosing a name. Many factors are taken into account: date of birth, time of birth, zodiac sign and year. In the East, it is customary to pay great attention to the name. Parents believe that the future fate of the child depends on the name. A number of characters are used for Korean names for girls. Also, for female Korean names, and are often used. national words or parts thereof. So, for example, Haneul is translated as sky, and Iseul is purity. Korean female names and their meanings can be very diverse.

Korean names and their meanings:

Exists huge amount both male and female Korean names. And each of them is special, has its own interpretation and meaning. Very difficult to compose full list Korean names, we can only give examples. For example, the name Mi means beauty and femininity, Hwa means flower, and Jeong means sincerity and honesty.

Korean girl names and their meanings are usually very beautiful. Koreans love to choose beautiful and cute name meanings.

List of beautiful Korean names in alphabetical order:

Korean names are often associated with nature, history, mythology. They are very beautiful, and their beauty takes on special features for those who know their meanings.

Attention, TODAY only!

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on a person’s character, aura and destiny. Actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and condition, strengthens health, removes various negative programs of the unconscious. But how to choose the perfect name?

Despite the fact that there are cultural interpretations of what male names mean, in reality the influence of the name on each boy is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, preventing the child from developing. Astrology and numerology for choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate over the centuries.

Christmastide calendars of holy people, without the consultation of a seeing, insightful specialist, do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

And lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodious male names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents in fashion, selfishness and ignorance.

Beautiful and modern Korean names should primarily suit the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who don't care about your child's life.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive traits name, negative traits name, choice of profession by name, the influence of a name on business, the influence of a name on health, the psychology of a name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, life goals and the type of a particular child.

The topic of name compatibility (and not people’s characters) is an absurdity that turns interactions inside out different people internal mechanisms of influence of a name on the state of its bearer. And it cancels the entire psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

The meaning of the name has no literal impact. For example, Dung (brave) does not mean that the young man will be strong, and the bearers of other names will be weak. The name can weaken his health, block his heart center and he will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, another boy will be helped to solve problems of love or power, which will make life and achieving goals much easier. The third boy may not have any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Korean names for boys are also misleading. 95% of boys are called names that do not make their fate easier. You can only rely on the child’s innate character, spiritual vision and wisdom of an experienced specialist.

The secret of a man's name, as a program of the unconscious, sound wave, vibration is revealed in a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name destroys a child, then no matter how beautiful, melodious with the patronymic, astrologically accurate, blissful it is, it will still be harmful, destroy character, complicate life and burden fate.

Below is a list of Korean names. Try to choose several that you think are most suitable for your child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the name’s influence on fate, .

List of male Korean names in alphabetical order:

Bao - protection
Beach - jade
Binh - peace

Vien - completion
Van - cloud
Vinh Bay

Dinh - peak
Duk - desire
Jung - love
Jin-Ho - leader, golden hero
Jung - chaste, love
Dung - brave
Duong - courageous

Isyul - dew

Yong - brave
Yung - eternal, prosperous

Quan - soldier
Kim is golden
Kui - precious
Kui - precious
Kuang - clear, pure
Kuen - bird

Lien - lotus
Lin - spring
Lan - peaceful

Monkut - crown
Mei - flower
Min - bright

Nung - velvet
Nguyen - the beginning
Ngai - grass
Nung - velvet
Ngoc - gem
Nguyet - moon

Pakpao - paper kite
Puong - phoenix

Sunan is a good word

Tien - spirit
Tray is an oyster
Tu is a star
Tuan - bright
Tuen - ray
Tuet - white snow
Thai - friendly
Than - bright, clear
Thi - poem
Thu - autumn
Thuan - tamed

Hanyul - heavenly
Hyun - wise
Hung - brave
Hoa - flower
Huong - pink
Huang - spring
Hong - rose
Huang - spring

Chi - tree branch
Chow - pearls

Shin - trust, faith

Yuong - courage

Remember! Choosing a name for a child is a huge responsibility. A name can greatly make a person’s life easier, but it can also cause harm.

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Neurosemiotics of the name
Yours, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life

Korean male names have a deep history. Their use has varied throughout history. In ancient times, before the Three Kingdoms period, native Korean names were used. They were then replaced by modern Chinese characters. Over time, they were supplemented by the names of the Manchus and Mongols, since their interpretation was very close to the Koreans.

Since the Second World War, they have been added Japanese characters. This is due to the fact that at that time various campaigns were carried out to combine the cultures of Japan and Korea. Now the country is divided into two warring parts, but despite this, male names in South and North Korea are the same.

How to choose for a boy?

Unlike the same Chinese or Japanese, The list of Korean names is sadly short. When choosing a name for a boy, parents are guided by three parameters:

  • sound - the name should be harmonious and go well with the surname;
  • spelling - the hieroglyphs in the name must be harmoniously combined;
  • name meaning.

For Koreans, a son is a continuator of the family and a guardian for parents in old age. Therefore, a name is chosen that will endow the boy with the qualities that his parents want to see in him. In military families, boys are given names associated with soldiers. Also, very often babies are given names after the names of animals. The most popular of them is “tiger”.

Reference. Very often, Koreans combine two unambiguous names. In this way they receive new unusual names, which they give to their sons.

List of all the beautiful ones in Russian and their meaning

Despite the fact that the list of Korean names is very meager, among them there are a number of beautiful male names.

  • Bao- means “protection”. Often makes sacrifices for other people. He tends to idealize people and has a strong character.
  • Beach– translated into Russian means “jade”.
  • Binh- "world". Capable of decisive action. He has a strong, strong-willed character. He is particularly resourceful.
  • Vien- “completion”. Sociable, well-developed logical thinking. Achieves set goals.
  • Wang- "cloud". He is distinguished by courage and independence. Shows leadership qualities. Decisive, responsible, resourceful. Has a quick response.
  • Vinh– translation “bay”. Characterized by courage and independence from others, self-willed. As a child, he shows extreme curiosity.
  • Dinh- “top”. Prone to adventure. He is not afraid of difficulties. Likes to be in first place in everything.
  • Gin- “golden”. A sociable, sociable, curious child. He makes new acquaintances easily, which is why he has many friends.
  • Jung– means “love” or “chaste.” Not afraid of difficulties. He always strives to be ahead in everything. Strives to earn public authority.
  • Duk- "wish". They easily find contact with people, are sociable and cheerful, and value friendship. Always makes decisions independently.
  • Dung- “brave”. Attachment and amorous, inclined to idealize people. IN in rare cases has excessive demands on others.
  • Duong- “courageous.” He is characterized by insight, well-developed intuition, activity, ambition, justice and determination.
  • Yong– translated from Korean as “peace”.
  • Isyul- “dew”. Easily makes contact with other people. Sociable, active, sociable, kind boy.
  • Yong- means “brave”. Sociability, determination, courage, and curiosity are evident in a child with this name.
  • Jung- “eternal” or “prosperous”. Able to make a sacrifice for the benefit of others. It is difficult for him to make an independent decision; he is dependent on other people’s opinions.
  • Quan- "soldier". It is reliable and inspires trust in others. He has enjoyed authority since childhood.
  • Kim– the meaning of the name “golden”. Has idealistic inclinations, affectionate, amorous. Strives to achieve set goals.
  • Kui– This name means “precious”.
  • Kuen- "bird". He is demanding of himself and those around him, achieves his goals with all his might, is purposeful and decisive.
  • Lan– translation “peaceful”. Sociable, cheerful, sociable boy. Easily makes new acquaintances and has many friends.
  • Lien- “lotus”. He strives to achieve his goals with all his might. Characterized by perseverance, purposefulness, stubbornness.
  • Lin- "beautiful". It is not a problem for a child to make new acquaintances. Since childhood, he has been an active, cheerful, sociable and open child.
  • Monkut- "crown". Persistence, pride, determination, and touchiness accompany a boy with that name throughout life. Reacts sharply to comments addressed to him.
  • Min– translated as “mole”. The boy is endowed with creative abilities and talents. Loves to express himself, active, never sits still.
  • May– means “bright” or “flower”. Sociable, friendly, peaceful, open, sociable. Easily makes new acquaintances.
  • Ngai– translated “grass”. Since childhood, he shows signs of giftedness. Strives to gain new knowledge. He has creative abilities that he always seeks to use.
  • Ngoc- “precious stone”. They are distinguished by sociability, openness to everything new, cheerfulness, activity, kindness and ambition. He will always come to the aid of those in need.
  • Nguyen- “beginning”. Endowed with deep inner world, peace-loving, always strives to gain new knowledge, kind and honest.
  • Nung- means “velvet”. He is characterized by courage and determination, resourcefulness, impulsiveness, and leadership qualities.
  • Pakpao- "paper kite". Has a quick reaction, well-developed intuition and high intelligence. Kind, fair, honest and open.
  • Puong- “Phoenix”. Independent, proud, stubborn, fair, determined. Does not accept help from others.
  • Sunan- “a good word.” He has a strong, strong-willed and disruptive character, which helps him achieve any goals he sets.
  • Tien– means “spirit”. Kind, secretive, calm, vulnerable, can make sacrifices for the good loved one.
  • Trey– translation of the name “oyster”. He has been distinguished by curiosity since childhood. He often becomes a team leader due to his determination and responsibility.
  • That- “star”. Active, mobile, sociable and optimistic boy. Needs constant movement, does not like to sit still.
  • Tuan- "bright". The child is endowed with creative abilities, which he seeks to use. Loves to be the center of attention. Strive to win public love and authority.
  • Tuen- "ray". Wants to always be in first place. Considers himself better than others. Self-confidence, selfishness, and stubbornness prevail.
  • Thai- “friendly”. He is characterized by decisiveness, speed of reaction, responsibility, reliability, and determination.
  • Thu- "autumn". The boy is characterized by courage and determination, bravery and masculinity. Since childhood, he has been extremely curious.
  • Thuan- “tamed.” He has a need to dominate others. Likes to be the center of attention, considers himself better than others. Stubborn, selfish and mercantile.
  • Hanyul- “heavenly”. Capable of making any sacrifice for the sake of a loved one. Hidden, complex, closed. It's difficult to make new acquaintances.
  • Hyun- means “wise”. Independent, courageous, honest, responsible, resourceful, reliable.
  • Hung- “brave”. The baby is characterized by a strong, punchy character and increased demands on those around him. At the same time, he is very amorous and quickly becomes attached to people.
  • Hoa- "flower". Reliable, responsible, honest, enjoys public authority. Always gets things done.
  • Huong- "pink". Secretive, uncommunicative, withdrawn, complex child. It is difficult for him to make new acquaintances. Loves home gatherings.
  • Juan- “given by God.” Capable of sacrificing a lot for the benefit of others. A kind, open, cheerful child. Loves nature.
  • Hong- "rose". Distinctive feature character – reliability. You can always rely on him. Fair, honest, kind.
  • Chow– interpreted as “pearl”. The owner of the name is cheerful, optimistic, sociable and sociable. Always on the move.
  • Chi- “energetic.” Considers himself better than others, always wants to be in first place. Often takes part in conflicts. But it solves them just as easily.
  • Shin– translated as “trust” or “faith.” May make a sacrifice to achieve some goal. He puts other people's happiness above his own.
  • Yuong- “bravery”. Reliability is the most important feature of such boys. They enjoy authority among others, which they strive to maintain at any cost.

Many peoples believe that a name can say a lot about a person. This is a kind of information code that is the key to personality and destiny. To name a boy beautifully and unusually, you can refer to the list of Korean male names.

History of the origin of Korean male names

Old, native Korean names for boys were popular many centuries ago. With the passage of time, in the process of mixing of races and cultural influence other peoples, they were constantly changing. Currently, in Korea, children are called with names that have Manchu, Mongolian, Chinese and even Japanese origin. They are designated by hieroglyphs, which not only must have suitable friend friend meaning, but also look beautiful when written.

Thanks to this, many original and beautiful Korean names have appeared. Surnames in this country are not very diverse; there are no more than three hundred of them. The most common are Kim, Pak and Tsoi. Therefore, it is not surprising for a Korean to meet a namesake, which cannot be said about namesakes.

Just a note. There are hieroglyphs that are used both to create a name and to write a surname.

For example, "shin" means "faith, trust" and is often found in boys' and girls' names. But many people of Asian descent also have the same surname.

List of beautiful names for a boy

If Korean surnames contain one syllable, then names are often made up of two. Moreover, the components are written separately, each with a capital letter.

Among representatives of this nationality you can find the following unusual names for boys:

  • Bao Binh (protector, peacemaker);
  • Jin Ho (leader, heroic personality);
  • Duong (noble and courageous);
  • Dung Kuan (brave warrior);
  • Yung (always prosperous);
  • Kim (gold);
  • Lan (peaceful);
  • Meng Huo (brave tiger);
  • Ngoc (gemstone);
  • Thang (bright, radiant, clear);
  • Jong Il (true sun).

In naming a baby, a unique message is encoded, in a sense predicting his character traits and future life. Since ancient times, it was believed that a child who was called brave or courageous would become so in the future. Therefore, choosing beautiful and unusual name for a boy you need to study its meaning.

Rare male names of Korean origin

Among Koreans, names written in one word are less common than two-syllable ones. Often they are formed from two words, slightly modified for ease of pronunciation.

Koreans who live far from their homeland, but want to preserve folk traditions, name their children in a similar way.

Among these adapted names you can find the following:

  • Amen;
  • Bojing;
  • Bokin;
  • Wenyan;
  • Gengis;
  • Guren;
  • Deming;
  • Janji;
  • Zian;
  • Zengzhong;
  • Yongnian;
  • Yongliang;
  • Kiang;
  • Longway;
  • Mingli;
  • Tengfei;
  • Changming;
  • Chenglei;
  • Chuanli;
  • Shanyuan;
  • Yusheng;
  • Yaoting.

As a rule, the word reflecting the meaning of such names is encrypted in its first part. The second is added for euphony; it can simply be a set of combined sounds that do not carry meaning.

List of Korean male names with meanings

When naming a child, Koreans most often use two hieroglyphs that match the semantic content and are in harmony with each other.

For the names of sons choose:

  • Bao (defender);
  • Scourge (jade);
  • Van (clouds);
  • Vien (completion);
  • Jung (love);
  • Jin (leader);
  • Dinh (peak);
  • Duong (masculinity);
  • Yong (fearlessness);
  • Yung (well-being);
  • Kim (gold);
  • Kuang (purity);
  • Lan (world);
  • Monkut (crown, crown);
  • Min (radiance, brightness);
  • Nguyen (source, beginning);
  • Ngoc (jewel);
  • Sek (rock);
  • Tien (spirituality);
  • Tu (star);
  • Tuan (radiant);
  • Tuen (rays of the sun);
  • Thai (friendly);
  • Hanyul (heaven);
  • Hyun (insight, wisdom);
  • Hung (courage);
  • Shin (loyalty and devotion);
  • Yuong (bravery).

Just a note. Koreans do not have a clear division of names into male and female; only the meanings of the hieroglyphs are important.

For example, a boy will not be named Hoa Lien (lotus flower) or Huong Nguyet (pink moon), but a name that includes Jung (love) or Yong (dew) can be given to a child of any gender.

The most popular names and their meanings

Koreans try to reflect the best masculine qualities in a boy's name, such as strength, courage and nobility. Therefore, when naming their sons, they choose the appropriate words.

Popular Korean names include:

  • Vien. Literally translated, this means “completion,” and it is implied that such a child will bring all undertakings to a victorious end.
  • Dinh. This word translates as “peak,” and when a boy is given such a name, his parents “program” him to achieve heights in life.
  • Gin. This name is similar in meaning to the previous one and reflects the leadership qualities of the individual.
  • Yong. The word is translated as "courage" and is often combined with "Kuan" (soldier). Most often this is the name given to boys born into warrior families.
  • Heh. The name means “respectful”; it is expected that such a child will treat his parents and others with respect.

In addition, Asian peoples quite often give boys names containing the names of animals. For example, in Korea, the name Yuong Ho, meaning “brave tiger,” is very common.

How to choose a Korean name for a boy

When choosing what to name a child, Koreans are guided by several rules that are strictly observed:

  1. The first name goes well with the last name.
  2. Hieroglyphs look beautiful when written.
  3. The words that make up the adjective match each other in meaning.

In addition, the child’s name often reflects his time of birth, zodiac sign and other personal information. For example, a boy born in the spring months may be named using the word “Lin” (spring). And if a son is born in the year of the tiger, the name of this animal will be present in the name.

By adhering to the main rules for naming a child, you can come up with an original and very beautiful name for a boy. But at the same time, you should not get too carried away with difficult-to-pronounce words, which will be difficult to remember the first time. No person can like it when others constantly forget or distort his name.

Korea. Surnames and names

Perhaps one of the very first questions that any person dealing with Korea and Koreans faces concerns Korean names and surnames. Sometimes ignorance of certain nuances can lead to misunderstandings and awkward situations, and we hope that this article will help shed light on the features of Korean names and, accordingly, avoid such situations in the future.
Korean surnames (성) are overwhelmingly monosyllabic and, unlike Western tradition, are always written before the personal name.
Thus, a typical Korean name consists of three syllables: the first syllable is the surname, and the second and third are the given name. An example is the name of the famous Korean actor Bae Yong-joon (배용준), in which “Bae” is his surname and “Yong-joon” is his given name. In English, his name is written as Yong Joon Bae, that is, the first name comes first, and then the family name. Europeans and Americans, looking at this name, may think that "Joon" is the middle name of the actor. However, in Korea It is not customary to give a child two names, and the established tradition of writing two-syllable names in two separate words does not reflect the true structure of the name and can mislead people. Related article:
According to Korean government statistics, 9,925,949 people in Korea have the surname 金, which is written as 김 in Hangul and usually Russified as Kim.
Although South Korea has a population of 48 million, there are Korea only 300.
According to government data as of 2000, 54% of the population has one of five surnames: Kim (김), Lee (이), Park (박), Choi (최), or Chung (정). Rounding out the top ten most common surnames are Kang (강), Cho (조), Yun (윤), Cheng (장), and Lim (임). Some of the rarest names Only a handful of people have it. There are also about twelve double surnames, consisting of two syllables and two Chinese characters. The most common of them are Hwangbo (황보), Jegal (제갈), Sakong (사공), Namgoong (남궁), Sunwoo (선우) and others. These surnames may confuse foreigners visiting for the first time. Korea, because they generally expect Koreans to have a first name of two syllables and a last name of one, which is not always the case.
For some surnames, there are many pronunciation options, since the romanization system may not always be applicable, because some sounds simply cannot be conveyed in Latin writing.

Romanization and Russification of surnames ">Romanization and Russification of surnames:

김 (Kim, Gim) - Kim
이 (Lee, Yi, I) - Lee, Ni, I, Ligai, Nigai
박 (Park, Pak, Bak) - Pak
최 (Choi, Choe) - Tsoi, Tskhai, Tskhoi
정 (Jung, Chung, Jeong) - Ten
강 (Gang, Kang) - Kan
조 (Cho, Jo) - Cho, De
윤 (Yoon, Yun) - Yun
장 (Jang, Chang) - Tian
임 (Lim, Im) - Im, Lim
한 (Han) - Han
신 (Shin, Sin) - Shin, Sin
서 (Suh, Seo) - She, Shegai
권 (Kwon, Gwon) - Kwon
손 (Son) - Dream
황 (Whang, Hwang) - Hwang
송 (Song) - Dream
안 (Ahn, An) - An
유 (Yoo, Yu) - Yu, Yugai
홍 (Hong) - Hong
선우 (Sunwoo, Seonwoo) - Sunwoo, Sunwoo
사공 (Sagong) - Sagong, Sakong

But remember that not all Kims are the same. Surnames are divided into regional clans (bons) depending on the territorial center of the clan or origin. Therefore, there are Kims from Gimhae, Kims from Gyeongju, Kims from Gwangsan and Kims from Gimnaeong. Similarly with the surname Li et al. For a long time on the territory Korea There was a law banning the marriage of people from the same clan, but at this time it is no longer in force.
Chinese characters are used to write all Korean surnames, since despite the fact that in Korea historically had its own naming system, in the 5th century the Korean aristocracy adopted the Confucian naming system from neighboring China. Since then, Chinese surnames have spread throughout the nation and become completely Korean.
Surnames in Northern and Southern Korea are the same, although there are some differences in pronunciation. Unlike European countries, a woman does not receive her husband's surname upon marriage, only children inherit the surname.

Bons of Korean surnames

The number of Korean surnames is limited; according to various researchers, it ranges from 180 to 300.
The vast majority of Korean surnames developed during the era of the birth of three states: Baekje, Silla and Koguryo, i.e. over 2 thousand years ago. A comparative retrospective analysis of chronicles, encyclopedias, and dictionaries allowed scientists to conclude that there is a tendency for the Korean family fund to narrow. Among modern Koreans, total number of which there are 75 million people, about 50 surnames are common.
The uniqueness of Korean anthroponymy is the presence of a toponymic name - bona ("root", "base", "origin"). Bon is the name of the area where our ancestors trace their origins this person.Each surname has a certain number of bonds. For example, the surname Kim had about several hundred bons, of which 72 are currently the most common; for the surname Li - the most common are about 90. Some surnames, such as Han, have only one bon. Although the toponymic name is not included in official documents, almost all adult Koreans know their bon, since people who have the same bon are considered close relatives, and marriages between them were prohibited until the 90s.
Koreans on the territory of the Russian Far East at the turn of the past and of this century new surnames arose, created by adding to the surname ending in a vowel the suffix - guy, the origin of which has not been definitively clarified.
The most common version: since Korean surnames are much shorter than Russian ones, Russian officials Far East began to add a suffix to monosyllabic surnames when filling out documents.
In Kazakhstan, for example, the following surnames of this type are found: Degai, Digai, Dyugai, Egai, Kigai, Lagai, Ligai, Lyugai, Migai, Nigai, Nogai, Ogai, Pegai, Pyagai, Tigai, Tyugai, Tyagai, Ugai, Khegai, Chagai , Shegai, Shigai, Yugai, etc. Neither on the Korean Peninsula, nor among overseas Koreans in China, Japan, the USA and other countries, such a phenomenon is not observed.

The meaning that each name carries

As is known, in Korea Today, the use of the native alphabet "Hangul" is widespread. However, almost all Korean names are of hieroglyphic origin and Chinese characters are used to write them. In fact, there are no established names in Korea, and each name is a combination of two characters with a suitable meaning. Thus, looking at this or that Korean name, you can find out what meaning and what hopes the parents invested in giving their child this name. Of course, the most suitable for a name are the hieroglyphs that mean one or another positive qualities and properties - sincerity ("chon" - 정), beauty ("mi" - 미), reverence for parents ("hyo" - 효), etc. Also, hieroglyphs, which are the names of animals or any objects, can be used to compose a name material world. For example, names often contain syllables such as "ho" (호, meaning "tiger"), "sap" (석, meaning "stone"), or "hwa" (화, meaning "flower"). The number of such hieroglyphs is measured in hundreds, or even thousands, and therefore it is not surprising that in Korea It is very difficult to meet namesakes, that is, people who have the same name.
Let's turn again to the name of the already mentioned Korean actor Bae Yong Joon and try to unravel its meaning. The syllable "yong" (용/勇) implies "bravery" or "courage", and the second syllable "zhong" (준/俊) means something "outstanding", "exceptional" and "worthy of great attention." Thus, the name Young Joon, the meaning of which can be deciphered as “an outstanding and courageous person,” is the best suited for this actor, who has gained great fame and recognition for his talent, as in Korea, and beyond.
Koreans sincerely believe that the name given to the child at birth, can influence his fate. For this reason, parents take very seriously the issue of choosing a name suitable for their child, which would protect him from all kinds of misfortunes and bring good luck throughout his entire life’s journey.

Can a name change fate? Then it should be selected by a professional fortuneteller!

Of course, all parents, without exception, want their child to be healthy, happy and successful. In this regard, they take a very responsible approach to the issue of choosing for him a suitable name, which in itself is a very difficult task. Indeed, in order to choose the right name, it is necessary to take into account such important concepts of Eastern philosophy as the teaching of “sazhu” (year, month, day and hour of birth, which determines future fate man) and the theory of “yin-yang” (the continuous interaction of two opposite principles - the female “yin” and the male “yang”) and the five primary elements “wu-xing” (wood, fire, earth, metal, water). Therefore, there are very frequent cases when parents turn to specialized centers “Jakmyeonseo” (작명소), where a professional fortuneteller selects a name for the child that best matches all important factors.
Fortune tellers involved in choosing names say: " It is impossible to change fate, but a correctly chosen name can attract additional luck and happiness to a person". IN lately the number of people who consider the choice of a name to be in accordance with the foundations of Eastern natural philosophy, relics of the past, has increased. However, the number of couples turning to Jakmyeonseo centers for help is not decreasing, and the fortune tellers working there are not sitting idle. It is noteworthy that in bookstores today you can see many printed publications, revealing the “secrets” of choosing a suitable name for a child, and parents often resort to their help to independently solve this pressing problem.
Married couples who contact Jakmyeonseo “name” centers often offer several options for the names they like, from which a professional fortuneteller selects the most suitable name for the child. Everything can happen the other way around: the fortuneteller himself will offer a list of names that will meet all the necessary criteria, and the parents, in turn, will make their choice in favor of one option or another.
Typically, the cost of such a service ranges from 100 thousand to 1 million won. Far advanced technical progress has allowed numerous "name" centers to provide their name matching services online, further increasing the popularity of the practice.
Below are the meanings of Chinese characters (hanchi) in Korean names. Most can be used in both women's and men's male names, and some - only in women's or only men's.

First, the syllable is written in Korean, in parentheses the hieroglyph from which it is taken, then the Russian transliteration and the meaning of the hieroglyph. Please note that the same Korean syllable can have different meaning depending on which hieroglyph was used in the name given by the parents to the child.
빈 (斌) – Bin – refined, refined
병 (炳) – Byong – bright, light, glorious
도 (道) – Do – road, path
동 (東) – Dong – east
대 (大) – De – big, great
자 (子) – Ja - child
지 (智) - Ji – wisdom
지 (地) – Ji – earth
지 (枝) – Ji – branch
지 (知) – Ji - knowledge
지 (志) – Ji – will, goal, ambition
지 (芝) – Ji - sesame
진 (珍) – Jin – noble, treasure
진(震) – Jin – shaking, trembling
진(鎭) – Jin – market, city
진(眞) – Jin – real, authentic
정 (廷) – Jong – judge
정 (婷) – Jong – beautiful, graceful
정 (貞) – Jong – chaste, faithful, virtuous
정 (靜) – Jong – silent, quiet, gentle
정(正) – Jong – positive, correct
종 (敏) – Jong – pedigree, family
주 (珠) – Ju - pearls
주 (周) – Ju - rounded
준 (准) – Jun – approval, permission
준 (君) – Jun – king
준 (俊) – Jun – talented, outstanding, exceptional
준 (军) – June – army
중 (中) – Jung - middle
영 (英) – Yong – flower, petal, hero
영(榮) – Yong – glory, prosperity
영 (永) – Yong – eternity
영 (映) – Yong – reflected light
영(泳) – Yong - floating
용 (勇) - Yong – courage, courage
일 (日) – Il - day
예 (藝) – Ye - art
경 (京) – Gyeong – capital
경 (景) – Kyong – landscape
경 (敬) – Kyong – respect, honor
경 (慶) – Gyeong - holiday
기(起) – Ki – beginning, basis
김 (金) - Kim - gold
근 (根) – Kyn – root, base
명 (明) - Myong – light, clear
미 (美) - Mi – beauty
민 (旼) – Min – gentle, friendly
민 (敏) – Min – diligent, smart
민 (珉) – Min – jade
민 (民) – Ming – person, city dweller
민 (旻) – Min – fast, diligent
상 (常) – Sang – frequent
상 (尚) - Sang – still, still
서 (舒) – So – open, comfortable, light
서(瑞) – So – successful, favorable
서 (徐) – So – slow, calm
서 (序) – So - sequential
석 (石) - Juice - stone
석 (錫) – Juice - tin
성 (成) – Song – completed
성(盛) – Song – abundant, blooming
성 (星) – Song – star
성 (性) – Song – nature, character
성(聖) – Song – holy, sacred
수 (秀) – Su – beautiful, outstanding
수 (洙) – Su – the character for the Zhu River (in China)
수 (收) – Su – harvest
수 (壽) – Su – long life
숙 (淑) – Suk – pure, virtuous, chaste
시 (始) – Si - beginning
승 (昇) – Seung – rise, take-off
승 (勝) – Seung – victory
승(承) – Seung - heir
하 (夏) – Ha – summer
하 (昰) – Ha - name
환 (煥) - Hwang – bright, brilliant
혜 (慧) – Hye – bright
혜 (惠) – Hye – benefit, advantage
현 (賢) – Hyung - virtuous
현 (顯) – Hyun – clear, precise
현 (炫) – Hyun – shining, sparkling
현(鉉) – Hyun – a character denoting a device for raising a boiler
희 (姬) – Hee – beauty
희 (熙) – Hee – bright, magnificent, glorious
희(嬉) – Hee - pleasure
후 (厚) – Hu - thick
훈 (勛) – Hong – feat, valor
호 (虎) - Ho – tiger
호 (浩) – Ho - great, overwhelming, significant
호 (昊) – Ho - summer, sky, paradise
호 (好) – Ho - excellent
호 (鎬) - Ho – bright
호 (晧) – Ho – dawn
호 (皓) – Ho – bright, luminous, clear
철 (哲) – Chol - wisdom
채 (采) – Che – to collect
우 (祐) – Wu – divine intervention, protection
우 (雨) – Wu – rain
우 (宇) - Wu – house, universe
우 (佑) – Wu – help, protection, blessing
원 (原) – Won – beginning, source
원(元) - Won – beginning
원(媛) - Won – beauty
은 (恩) – Eun – kindness, mercy
은 (銀) – Eun – silver, money
은 (慇) – Eun – caution, attentiveness
유 (裕) – Yu - abundance
윤 (允) – Yun - agreement
윤(昀) – Yun – sunlight
윤 (潤) – Yun - soft

Fashion for names

Fashion trends can be relevant not only when choosing clothes or shoes, but also when choosing a name. Over the years in Korea certain names were popular. For example, in the 1940s and 1950s, many boys were named Yongsu (영수), Yongho (영호) and Yeoncheol (영철), and girls were named Sunja (순자), Yeongja (영자), Yonghee (영희) and others . In particular, the female names "Sunja" and "Yongzha" have Japanese roots, and today it is almost impossible to meet a young girl with that name.
Currently, the tradition of giving a child a name based on native Korean words is becoming increasingly popular. For example, today you can often hear such “Korean” names as “Haneul” (하늘, that is, “sky”), “Areum” (아름, that is, “beauty”), “Iseul” (이슬, that is, “purity”, literally means “dew”), “Ojin” (어진, that is, “kind and wise man"). That is, euphonious Korean words that carry a positive and deep meaning are used as a name.
At the same time, in modern Korea The number of “Americanized” names is growing, which is associated with the process of globalization of Korean society and the growing popularity of foreign, especially American, culture. Many Koreans have started using names that are not difficult to pronounce in English and can also be written in Chinese characters with good meaning. Examples of such “two-in-one” names are “Suji” (수지, or Susie), “Jein” (제인, or Jane), Yujin (유진, or Eugene) and other “English” names, which are preferred by more and more families today steam.