Easel, monumental, decorative painting. The meaning of a painting (work of painting) in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE A work of painting that has independent meaning

CARICATURE(Italian caricatura, from caricare - to load, exaggerate) - a genre of fine art that uses the means of satire and humor, grotesque, caricature for a critical assessment of any social, political and everyday phenomena or specific persons and events. The comic effect of a caricature is created by exaggeration and sharpening of characteristic features, unexpected comparisons, likenings, metaphors, and a combination of the real and the fantastic. Caricature is used mainly in newspaper and magazine graphics, but it also finds a place in satirical painting and small plastic, in posters and even in monumental painting. The cartoon can be seen in folk art, especially in popular print. Outstanding cartoonists were J. Effel (France), H. Bidstrup (Denmark), Kukryniksy (M. Kupriyanov, P. Krylov, N. Sokolov - Russia).

PAINTING- an easel work of painting that has independent meaning. Unlike an etude and a sketch, a painting is a completed work, the result of the artist’s long work, a generalization of observations and the depth of design and figurative content. When creating a picture, the artist relies on nature, but in this process the creative imagination plays an important role. The concept of a painting is applied, first of all, to works of a plot-thematic nature, the basis of which is the image of important historical, mythological or social events, human actions, thoughts and emotions in multi-figured complex compositions. Therefore, painting plays a leading role in the development of painting. The painting consists of a base (canvas, wooden or metal board, plywood, cardboard, pressed board, plastic, paper, silk, etc.), onto which a primer and paint layer are applied. The aesthetic perception of a painting benefits greatly when it is enclosed in an appropriate frame (baguette), separating the painting from the surrounding world. The eastern type of painting retains the traditional form of a free-hanging unfolded scroll (horizontal or vertical). The painting, unlike monumental painting, is not strictly connected with a specific interior. It can be removed from the wall and hung differently. The pinnacles of art have been achieved in the paintings of outstanding painters. In the diverse movements of modernism, there is a loss of plot and a rejection of figurativeness, thereby significantly reconsidering the concept of a picture. More and more wide circle paintings of the 20th century. called paintings.

PICTURE GALLERY- an art museum in which exclusively or predominantly works of painting are exhibited. An art gallery is also called a section of painting in major museums and palace halls intended for collections of paintings. IN Ancient Greece the repository of paintings was called the Pinakothek; later this became the name for large collections of paintings, that is, art galleries. Many of the largest art museums the world are art galleries and are named after galleries, including National Gallery in London, National Gallery of Art in Washington, State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, etc.

BRUSH- an artist's tool, mainly a painter's, which is a handle with bristles at the end. Brushes for painting are usually made from hair: bristle brushes (from white pig bristles), kolinsky brushes (from red marten hair - kolinka), squirrel brushes, ferret brushes, etc. For watercolor painting, to work on small details brushes made of thin and soft hair, such as squirrel hair, are suitable. For painting with gouache, tempera, oil paints choose hard bristle brushes. In the old days, artists used a badger brush, called a flute, with which they smoothed the surface of the paint, eliminating the scratches left on the paint by the bristle brush. Brushes can be round and flat, with short and long bristles, hard and soft. Each hand has pihra (1, 2, 3, etc.). The higher the number, the larger the brush. The ends of the hair in the brush must be pointed and not cut off. Hair should be chosen so that it lies parallel and does not puff up to the sides. A good brush retains its shape even after washing with water, but a bad one bristles even if it is dipped in paint. This brush is not suitable for painting at all. IN lately artists prefer flat brushes that give a more defined stroke shape. Currently, a wide and flat brush is called a flute. It is used for painting large surfaces and priming canvases. Brushes are also used in graphics and calligraphy.

KITSCH(German: Kitsch - lit. hack, bad taste) - pseudo-artistic products that meet low artistic taste and undeveloped aesthetic needs. Kitsch is characterized by garish colors, eclecticism, excessive decor, and imitations of precious materials. Manifestations of kitsch are possible in all types of plastic arts, but most often they are found in mass art production, the souvenir industry, mass printed graphics, and some types of artistic crafts.

CLASSIC(from Latin classicus - exemplary) - in the history of art, the era of the highest rise of ancient art in the V-IV centuries. BC e. Classical art - the art of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome the time of their heyday, as well as the art of the European Renaissance and classicism, which was directly based on ancient traditions. In the classical era, the main architectural orders were formalized, the regular planning of cities developed, monumental sculpture, inextricably linked with architecture, flourished, and decorative arts. Images of harmonious people, endowed with equal physical and spiritual beauty, created greatest sculptors Myron, Polykleitos, Phidias, Praxiteles, Scopas. Painting (Polygnotus) was highly developed in classical art. In the 5th century BC e. The most perfect architectural works of Ancient Greece were created - the temples of the Parthenon (architects Iktinus and Kallikrates) and the Erechtheion, located on the Acropolis in Athens, marked by the artistic unity of the whole and all architectural and sculptural details. Classical art is associated with the heyday of Athens and other city-states, which had a slave-owning democracy.

CLASSICISM(from Latin classicus - exemplary) - artistic style European art XVII-XIX centuries, one of the most important features of which was the appeal to ancient art as the highest model and reliance on traditions high Renaissance. The art of classicism reflected the ideas of the harmonious structure of society, but in many ways lost them in comparison with the culture of the Renaissance. Conflicts between personality and society, ideal and reality, feelings and reason testify to the complexity of the art of classicism. Art forms Classicism is characterized by strict organization, balance, clarity and harmony of images. The architecture of classicism is characterized by an order system inspired by ancient examples, clarity and geometric correctness of volumes and layouts, porticoes, columns, statues, and reliefs that stand out on the surface of the walls. An outstanding masterpiece of architecture, combining classicism and baroque into a single solemn style, was the palace and park ensemble at Versailles - the residence of the French kings (second half of the 17th century). In painting, the logical development of the plot, a clear, balanced composition, a clear transfer of volume, the subordinate role of color with the help of chiaroscuro, and the use of local colors acquired the main importance (N. Poussin, C. Lorrain). A clear delineation of plans in landscapes was also revealed with the help of color: the foreground had to be brown, the middle one must be green, and the distant one must be blue.


An easel work of painting that has independent meaning. Unlike an etude or a sketch, a painting is a completed work, the result of the artist’s long work, a generalization of observations and reflections on life. The painting embodies the depth of concept and figurative content.

When creating a picture, the artist relies on nature, but in this process the creative imagination plays an important role.

The concept of a painting is applied primarily to works of a plot-thematic nature, the basis of which is the depiction of important historical, mythological or social events, human actions, thoughts and emotions in multi-figured complex compositions. Therefore, painting plays a leading role in the development of painting.

The painting consists of a base (canvas, wooden or metal board, plywood, cardboard, pressed board, plastic, paper, silk, etc.), onto which a primer and paint layer are applied. The aesthetic perception of a painting benefits greatly when it is enclosed in an appropriate frame (baguette), separating the painting from the surrounding world. The eastern type of painting retains the traditional form of a free-hanging unfolded scroll (horizontal or vertical). The painting, unlike monumental painting, is not strictly connected with a specific interior. It can be removed from the wall and hung differently.

The pinnacles of art have been achieved in the paintings of outstanding painters. In the diverse movements of modernism, there is a loss of plot and a rejection of figurativeness, thereby significantly reconsidering the concept of a picture. An increasingly wide range of paintings of the 20th century. called paintings.

§№5. Spatial arts. Painting.

Review questions?

  1. What is graphics?
  2. What means of graphic expression do you know?
  3. What is the meaning of the terms:
  • lithography,
  • woodcut,
  • print,
  • engraving,
  • splint?

Painting- one of the oldest types of fine art, associated with the transmission of visual images through the application of paints to a solid or flexible base; creating an image using digital technology; as well as works of art made in such ways.

The origins of painting.

Images of animals and people made back in the era have survived to this day. primitive society on the walls of caves. Many millennia have passed since then, but painting has always remained an invariable companion to a person’s spiritual life. In recent centuries, it is undoubtedly the most popular of all types of fine art.

Painting functions:

  • Cognitive
  • Aesthetic
  • Religious
  • Ideological
  • Social and educational
  • Emotive

Adrian van Ostade. Artist's workshop. 1663. Dresden.

Types of painting:

Classification of paintings according to the material used:

Classification of painting by technique:

  • A la Prima (alla prima)
  • Grisaille
  • Glaze
  • Pointillism
  • Dry brush
  • Sgraffito

Painting techniques are practically inexhaustible. Everything that leaves any trace on something, strictly speaking, is painting: “painting is created by nature, time and man.” Leonardo da Vinci.

Easel painting.

Easel painting - a type of painting whose works have independent meaning and are perceived regardless of the environment. Literally - painting created on a machine (easel).

A work of easel painting - a painting - is created on a non-stationary (as opposed to monumental) and non-utilitarian (as opposed to decorative) basis (canvas, cardboard, board, paper, silk), and presupposes an independent perception not conditioned by the environment.

Monumental and decorative painting.

Monumental painting - painting on architectural structures and other stationary bases.

Monumental painting - oldest species painting, known from the Paleolithic (paintings in the caves of Altamira, Lascaux, etc.). Thanks to the stationarity and durability of works of monumental painting, numerous examples of it remain from almost all cultures that created developed architecture, and sometimes serve as the only type of surviving paintings of the era.

Basic techniques of monumental painting:

  • mural painting
  • Fresco on wet plaster
  • Fresco a secco
  • Wax painting
  • Mosaic
  • Stained glass

A. B. IN.

A. Savior Almighty. Painting of the dome of the Church of the Transfiguration on Ilyin Street in Novgorod the Great. Theophanes the Greek. 1378 B. Marc Chagall. Murals of the Jewish Theater in Moscow. V. Marc Chagall. Painting the ceiling of the Paris Opera.

Miniature painting.

Miniature(from Latin minium - red paints used in the design of handwritten books) - in the fine arts, painting, sculpture and graphic works of small forms, as well as the art of creating them.

Miniature painting also common in the east. In India, during the Mughal Empire, Rajasthani miniatures became widespread. It was a synthesis of the joint creativity of Indian and Persian masters.

Genres of painting:

  • Animalistic – images of animals, birds, insects and other fauna.
  • Abstract – depiction of non-objective compositions.
  • Battle - images of military actions and battles.
  • Everyday – depiction of everyday scenes.
  • Historical – depiction of historically famous persons and events.
  • Marina - seascape.
  • Mystical-fantastic - compositions with surreal content.
  • Still life (dead nature) – depiction of everyday objects.
  • Portrait – images of people.
  • Landscape - an image of living nature.
  • Religious – compositions with religious content.

Practical task:

  1. In the literature, find paintings that correspond to each of the listed genres.
  2. Make a description of these works in the form of a table:


The name of the painting, mosaic, stained glass...

Belonging to the type of painting

Belonging to a style or historical era.








Still life




“Art is the same need for a person as eating and drinking. The need for beauty and creativity, which embodies it, is inseparable from man,” wrote F. M. Dostoevsky.

Indeed, history shows that man has always been inseparable from art. In the mountains, in caves different countries ancient rock paintings have been preserved around the world. These expressive drawings of animals and hunters were made back in the days when people did not know how to write.

Monuments of art tell us what enormous significance it had in the life of man and human society. The ancient Greeks created a wonderful myth about the muses - eternally young sisters who personified the arts and sciences. Melpomene is the muse of tragedy, Thalia - comedy, Terpsichore - dancing, Clio - the muse of history... The myth tells that when the god Apollo - the patron of art, poetry and music - appeared accompanied by the muses, then all nature listened to their singing... Music, museum - these the words come from the word Muse.

The poetic myth about the sister muses has not lost its meaning. Each type of art has its own means of expression: in music it is sound, in fine arts it is color, line, etc., in literature it is a word. But the related essence of all types is that art is one of the forms of social consciousness, which is based on a figurative reflection of the phenomena of reality.

TO fine arts associated with visual perception include: painting, graphics and sculpture. These arts create an image on a plane (painting and graphics) and in space (sculpture).

We call a painting, drawing, print, sculpture that has independent meaning, that is, not associated with any artistic ensemble or with a purely practical purpose easel works. This definition comes from the word “machine” (in this case, an easel), on which the canvas is placed when a picture is painted. And even the fact that the painting must be inserted into a frame emphasizes the independence, that is, the isolation of easel painting from environment. The frame separates the painting and creates the opportunity to perceive it as an independent artistic whole. Some easel paintings are reproduced in the book.

Unlike easel monumental painting by its purpose and nature it is related to architectural ensemble. Frescoes, mosaics, panels, stained glass windows are organically included in the architecture, complementing and enriching the artistic design of the interior or the entire building. Excellent examples of monumental painting are the frescoes of Raphael in the Vatican Palace, the paintings of Michelangelo in Sistine Chapel. Monumental painting reached its highest level in Byzantine and Old Russian art.

Nowadays, monumental painting is widely used in palaces of culture, clubs, theaters, metro stations, train stations, etc. Many of you have seen mosaics in the metro, created according to sketches by P. Korin, A. Deineka and others Soviet masters. Interior paintings of the Bus Station and the Museum of the Armed Forces in Moscow (artist Yu. Korolev), paintings of the Tsiolkovsky Museum in Kaluga (a group of artists led by A. Vasnetsov), stained glass windows by Lithuanian masters, and embossed panels by Georgian artists decorated many new buildings in our cities.

The monumental art of modern Mexico has gained international fame. Mosaics of Siqueiros and others major artists reflect the heroic struggle of the Mexican people for their independence.

It is not always possible to draw a sharp line between an easel and a monumental work of art. This is explained by the fact that easel painting often has a monumental quality. And monumental works sometimes have independent significance, being perceived as finished easel paintings.

There is also a very large area of ​​decorative and applied arts. These are artistically made furniture, dishes, clothing, fabrics, carpets, embroideries, jewelry, etc. However, some types of decorative and applied arts (tapestry, embossing, decorative sculpture) can also be considered as independent works. Painting that is intended to decorate or reveal the design and purpose of an object and does not clearly have independent meaning is called decorative.

Thus, painting is divided into easel, monumental and decorative.


a work of painting that has a complete character (as opposed to a sketch or sketch) and independent artistic significance. Unlike a fresco or a book miniature, painting is not necessarily associated with a specific interior or a specific decoration system. It consists of a base (canvas, wooden or metal board, cardboard, paper), primer and a paint layer. K. is one of the most typical types of easel art.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what a PICTURE (WORK OF PAINTING) is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • PAINTING in Miller's Dream Book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    If a picture appears in front of you in a dream, it means that trouble will happen to you at the same time and you will be deceived. If in a dream you...
  • WORK in the Dictionary of Modern Physics from the books of Green and Hawking:
    B. Green The result of multiplying two ...
  • PAINTING in the Dictionary of Fine Arts Terms:
    - a work of painting that has an independent artistic value and having the property of completeness (in contrast to a sketch and a sketch). Consists of a base...
  • WORK
  • WORK in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • PAINTING in Statements of famous people:
  • PAINTING in the Dictionary One sentence, definitions:
    - an intermediary between an object or phenomenon and a thought. Samuel...
  • PAINTING in Aphorisms and clever thoughts:
    an intermediary between an object or phenomenon and a thought. Samuel...
  • WORK
    in mathematics, the result of multiplication. Often, for brevity, the product of n factors a1a2...an is denoted (here - the Greek letter "pi" - the symbol ...
  • PAINTINGS in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • WORK in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    in mathematics, the result of multiplication...
  • PAINTING V Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    any work of a painter that is complete in content, regardless of the type of content, ranging from historical or religious to the depiction of inanimate nature (nature...
  • PAINTING in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -y, w. 1. A work of painting. Paintings by Russian artists. Hang pictures. 2. The same as the film (in 2 characters) (colloquial). 3. ...
  • WORK in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    . -I, Wed 1. see produce. 2. Creation, a product of labor, in general, what is done is fulfilled. Perfect, exemplary item (masterpiece). P....
  • WORK
    PRODUCT (math.), the result of multiplication. Often, for brevity, P. n factors a 1 a 2 ... a n are denoted (here P ...
  • PAINTINGS in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    PAINTING, SCULPTURE AND ARCHITECTURE INSTITUTE, see St. Petersburg Academy of Arts ...
  • PAINTING in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? any work of a painter that is complete in content, regardless of the type of content, ranging from historical or religious to the depiction of inanimate nature...
  • WORK
    work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, ...
  • PAINTING in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    karti"on, karti"us, karti"ny, karti"n, karti"not, karti"us, karti"well, karti"us, karti"noy, karti"noyu, karti"us, karti"not, ...
  • PAINTING in the Anagram Dictionary:
    rubbing - ...
  • PAINTING in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -y, w. 1) A work of art painted with paints on canvas, board, paper. Exhibition of paintings. Often these loved ones live in such distant...
  • PAINTING in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    Part of the act in...
  • WORK
    1. Syn: composition, link, node 2. Syn: creation (raised), creation (high), labor, work 3. Syn: thing, opus, composition, work, ...
  • PAINTING in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    1. Syn: image, drawing, diagram, pattern 2. Syn: film, film, motion picture (off.), cinema (informal), film strip (off.), tape...
  • WORK in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    1. Syn: composition, link, knot 2. Syn: creation (raised), creation (high), labor, work 3. Syn: thing, ...
  • PAINTING in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    1. Syn: image, drawing, diagram, pattern 2. Syn: film, film, motion picture (off.), cinema (informal), film strip (...
  • WORK
    creation, creation, work, business, product, craft, action, brainchild, fruit, preparation, manufactured product. Best Work- a masterpiece, a pearl of creation; prot.: . Wed. ...
  • PAINTING in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    image, watercolor, panel, pastel, landscape, canvas, sketch, sketch, head, nature-morte; mosaic. Wed. . See the view...
  • WORK
    Syn: composition, link, node Syn: creation (high), creation (high), labor, work Syn: thing, opus, composition, work, ...
  • PAINTING in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    Syn: image, drawing, diagram, pattern Syn: film, film, motion picture (of.), cinema (informal), film (of.), tape ...
  • WORK
    1. Wed. 1) Process of action according to meaning. verb: produce (1,2), produce. 2) a) That which is produced, developed, manufactured. b) Product...
  • PAINTING in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    and. 1) A work of painting in paints. 2) Cinematic or television film. 3) transfer Something that is a series of images that differ...
  • WORK
    product, ...
  • PAINTING in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • WORK
    work, …
  • PAINTING in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    painting, …
  • WORK in the Spelling Dictionary:
    product, ...
  • PAINTING in the Spelling Dictionary:
  • WORK
    creation, product of labor, creativity of P. art. Literary work result, result...
  • PAINTING in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    something that can be seen, observed, or imagined in concrete images of nature. Pictures of childhood. picture Colloq == movie N2...
  • PICTURE in Dahl's Dictionary:
    wives the picture - the night will detract. picture, contemptuous picture, stolen. pictorial image, esp. in paints; | oral or written live and bright...
  • WORK
    in mathematics, the result of multiplication. Often, for brevity, the product of n factors a1a2…an is denoted (here the Greek letter “pi” is the symbol ...
  • PAINTINGS in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    INSTITUTE OF SCULPTURE AND ARCHITECTURE. I. E. Repin, St. Petersburg, founded in 1757 as the Educational School at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Prepares painters...
  • WORK
    works, cf. 1. Action according to verb. produce in 4 digits (rare in 1, 2 and 3) - produce (book rare). ...
  • PAINTING V Explanatory dictionary Russian language Ushakov:
    paintings, w. 1. A work of painting in paints. Conversation piece. Watercolor painting. 2. Cinematic film. 3. A number of images that are distinguished by clarity and...
  • WORK
    work 1. cf. 1) Process of action according to meaning. verb: produce (1,2), produce. 2) a) That which is produced, developed, manufactured. b) ...
  • PAINTING in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    picture g. 1) A work of painting in paints. 2) Cinematic or television film. 3) transfer What is a series of images...
  • WORK in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    I Wed. 1. process of action according to Ch. produce 1., 2., produce 2. That which is produced, produced, manufactured. Ott. Product of creativity. ...